tv News Al Jazeera June 29, 2015 5:00pm-6:01pm EDT
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ive al jazeera tremendous credit, because it's not traditionally what broadcast journalism does... >> the new home for original documentaries al jazeera america presents only on al jazeera america >> this is al jazeera. >> hello there i'm felicity barr and this is the news hour live from london. coming up: egypt's state prosecutor killed in an attack on his convoy. thousands rally outside the greek parliament as prime minister tsipras says he won't cling to his job if he loses a referendum over austerity. european union ministers pay tribute to victims of the
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tunisia beach attack. plus. >> i'm charlie angel. a. >> and day 1 of wimbledon. normal service defending champion novak djokovic at the famous center court. >> hello egypt's prosecutor general has died after a car bomb targeted his convoy as it passed near a military academy. hisham barakat was the first official to be safned assassinated since the overthrow of mohammed
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morsi. bmsabdullah al-shami has more details. >> targeted after he left his cairo home monday morning. believed to be a remote controlled bomb hisham barakat wascondemned many members of the muslim brotherhood to trial. highly politicized. against antigovernment dissent terse of alldissenters of all stripes. be abdullah al-shami al jazeera.
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stripes. abdullah al-shami al jazeera. >> authorities be responsible for the ousting of mohammed morsi. fest promising democratic country to one of pass killings and violence. killing is unacceptable, there is no way to end the bloodshed unless the military coup and the empowerment of revolution is broken. we ask speak now to al jazeera's former cairo bureau chief abdel fatahfatah fayed. why do you think they needed to issue this statement? >> actually this is reflecting a political crisis not a security or police crisis. although the government is only dependent on the police or security solutions other can see the opposition is saying this is a political crisis, not
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just a terrorism crisis not just a violence crisis. it is reflecting the political division we could say. the muslim brotherhood is also saying that the explosion is some kind of government responsibility, and blaming the government and the regime, the total regime, saying the regime is the responsible for the huge explosions even against is opposition or against the official people. on the other hand, of course, the government egyptian government is saying that the muslim brotherhood and the opposition of the current authority is responsible for that kind of violence and explosion. there is a third party who we
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can say in the egyptian control right now and that is third parties is growing saying that we cannot blame muslim brotherhood for everything. now two years after isolating president mohammed morsi and violence increasing one of the main reasons for ousted -- we can say you know isolating mohammed morsi to return the security to the country after two, three years of unstable situation. so now we can say also, the hundreds of people who already sentenced by even to death or by prison for, you know longer time one of the reasons they
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are opposition blaming the state prosecutor be hisham barakat that he is responsible for sending hundreds of people to the military trial sending another to the criminal trials, and even ignoring the human rights violation and many, not only against the islamist but against the political activists from other parties like 6 april movement like for example the social activists like even the 25th revolution, the activists who are right now behind the bars in many case he.
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so this reflected we can say the ending of the political process in egypt this the last two years preventing the opposition, even preventing the demonstration. we can say the peaceful tools of protesting such as demonstration such as strike, civil strike, all of this is forbidden now in egypt. we are facing the same division, social division and political division same day before two years in 2013 when millions of people demonstrating in june 30, 2013 calling for we can say
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national dialogue, we can say preliminary participating thought for only one side of the political process not just for mubd they aremuslim brotherhood they are calling for not only muslim brotherhood who get out of the political process but everyone else even the civil movement such as liberal and social movement, which they are now even behind the bars or even practice any kind of rule. mainly people right now they are warning with the government statement, the cabinet statement toward other side or the
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opposition, they are facing them the interior ministry already announcing such kind of emergency, we can say emergency situation intensive protection, especially for judges and this is -- means that security solution, the government is still depending on the security solutions. and no thinking for a political dialogue. although president abdel fatah al-sisi last speech talked that there is a way for muslim brotherhood people to live with the authority under the same country, if they wanted to live in peace. and some people see in such a message that there is opportunity for we can say for
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political dialogue. but the announcement is under the courts from the cabinet members, even engineer ibrahim maleb the head of the cabinet and the other ministers today they are attending the -- >> abdel fatah farah we are out of time, we do appreciate your time. thank you. >> thank you. >> an egyptian court says it will reveal the verdicts on july the 30th, on three al jazeera journalists. peter greste is being tried in absentia after he was released an deported in february following nearly 400 days behind bars. mohamed fahmy and baher mohamed were released and cannot leave egypt and must check in daily. al jazeera and the journalists reject the charges. the greek prime minister has said he won't cling onto his job
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if he loses this sunday's referendum on whether the country should accept the terms of a bailout. the government has also confirmed that it will miss its deadline to repay the $1.6 billion repayment of a loan. u.s. and european stocks suffering heavy losses. and banks in athens remain shut in order to avert financial collapse. from athens, barnaby phillips reports. >> this petrol station on the edge of athens is closed until a tanker shows up with new supplies. after we drove around the city we found about a third of stations were closed, the result of panic buying around the weekend. without the free flow of cash the government of greece could grind togrind to a halt.
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>> there's no shortage of petrol, but stations have to pay for it in cash because the banks are closed. >> reporter: with confusion on the streets outside some people could take the daily limit of 60 euros from the machines. others weren't so lucky. most vulnerable the pensioners, many of whom don't have bank cards. antonius age 82, waitsouts the bank with his friends. he heard a report it would open up at noon, it didn't, then waited an hour, then gave up. lots of questions for the finance minister, he wasn't answering them when he went to work. we heard accusations of betrayal from the european commission in brussels.
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>> translator: egotism, after all my efforts and the efforts made by the commission and other institutions involved in the process i feel a little betrayed. because due consideration is not given omy efforts and the efforts of others which are numerous and made a sustained effort. >> in germany, angela merkel doesn't want to go down in history as the minister who presided over the end of the euro. >> if the euro fails europe fails, we will suffer because we will not be a relevant partner in the world anymore. >> but in greece, alexis tsipras told national television that he's upholding european values and that international creditors have no right to interfere with his country's democracy. >> translator: i'm under the impression that the creditors are quite confused. obviously their power is in
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danger. they did not want a referendum in grease. they don't want -- in greece. they don't want any noes. >> supporters were out in force in central athens. in greek no is oxi a simple word, but it evokes memories of the fight against fascism in the 1940s. it resonates with defiance. these protestors say if anyone has been betrayed, it's the greek people who have endured five years of austerity and see no economic recovery in sight. the consequences of defying europe could be catastrophic. bus these people but these people are prepared to take this risk in theory, there is still teem for a deal between the greek government and its creditors but the chances of compromise are far slipping away. barnaby phillips, al jazeera
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athens. >> and al jazeera's john siropolous joins us from the greek capital. what else did tsipras have to say? >> well, the headline i think from that interview felicity, is he confirmed greece will not be honoring its imf bond tomorrow. it owes the international monetary fund 1.6 billion euros? but mr. tsipras is as dephi ant as ever on tone. he said that the europeans are trying to intervene in this upcoming referendum, they are blackmailing the greek people by refusing to extend liquidity and by refusing to pay off the imf loan by using international monetary fund fest profits. and he asked to return those profits this this fashion by paying off the imf bond but the
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ecb hasn't signaled that it has any intention of doing so. as of tomorrow we expect greece will be in arrears. on message mr. tsipras was a little befuddling. he said we never left the negotiation table. which of course greece did on saturday. he puts it in his own terms. he says after a no vote on the austerity measures, we expect that only then we will be able to sit down and come to a sustainable solution with them. it's interesting that he's leaving the door open as though there has been no cleavage or walk out and door-slamming on saturday. which given the strength of the statements on saturday, on both sides there certainly seems to have been.
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>> john exactly how do the greek people intend to vote on saturday? >> well, i think that if greece finds itself outside of the fiscal assistance, financial assistance program which it seems it will by the end of this week and next sunday's referendum, if it's a no, will affirm that that is the way the greeks want to go, then i think we're in unchartered waters. the head of the euro group made it very clear that the greeks have been the sole responsible party for paying their debts. the other players in the european financial machinery have been assisting the greeks. but no one can assume their ultimate responsibility. so i think that that is the position europeans will hold on monday. they will say it is up to the greeks to pay their loans from now on and that will be a very difficult task. because come july the greeks owe
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the peurch central back another 4.5 billion euro zone and another 4 billion in august. that is the amount the greeks don't have in the coffers and that the government says is the priority. >> john in athens thank you. all right want to bring you some breaking news from yemen now because we're hearing reports that at least 10 people have been killed in a car bomb attack that happened near a military hospital in sanaa capital of yemen. reports that at least ten people killed in a car bomb attack which took place near a yemeni hospital in the capital of sanaa. also coming up. i.s.i.l. may be gone from their town but residents from northern syria say they fear a influence conflict. we'll explain why. counting gets under way in
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burundi's capital a boycott from the opposition. and serena williams takes stage for possible victory in wimbledon. strikes carried out in three neighborhoods in the city a number of children are among the dead and injured. the iraqi army chief of staff has been forced to resign by the prime minister. general babaki was the most senior kurdish. military sources says a kurdish general with the iraqi air force anwar hamad rapin is expected to
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replace the general. >> he has asked himself to be able to retire. that request has been refused. he is someone who was due actually leave the job. one of the important things is, his replacement is said to be also a kurdish general. this is essentially a policy position, the chief of staff position, that has been given traditionally to the kurds, in the current military structure. vgd saidhaving said that, prime minister abadi still has a lot to answer, and people are looking for some generals and military officials to take responsibility and be held responsible for the fame your of iraqi security force he in mosul and ramadi where they have retreated. this particular scene hasn't
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had, it seems a whole lot of bearing on the iraqi forces on the ground. >> he has been heavily criticized. >> he has been heavily criticized when i.s.i.l. came into mosul last year and hasn't really recovered despite attempts oget it back at he speed and reinforcing with all sorts of other fighters. basically what we are dealing with and what is being acknowledged even at the level of the prime minister is that there have been very very serious failures. most recently over the past few days, prime minister abadi has said that the iraqi army basically illegally retreated from ramadi allowing i.s.i.l. to go in. that is something certainly members of parliament, the iraqi citizens on the ground want to know more about how that happened and who exactly is going to be held responsible. this particular move replacing
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the chief of staff who has been in the position quite a very long time isn't seen as directly related to that nor will it be outside the critics of the army and the prime minister. >> the syrian army says it has captured territory from the islamic state of iraq and the levant in the north city of hasaka. government held areas on sun but regime troops have pushed them back in the south of the city. kurdish say they are making gains in the east. the u.n. say emotional 60,000 people have fled the fighting so far. is growing tensions between kurd and ethic arabs main kurdish military force is being accused of ethnic cleansing in the northeast. from the turkish syria border, zeina khodr reports. >> syrian arabs from the tal
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abyad area are be choosing to live here rather than go home. they are scared to reveal their location i.s.i.l. has since been forced out of tal abyad and surrounding towns but these people are afraid of the new authority on the ground. >> we don't trust the kurds. we are afraid of them. we heard reports that the kurds are arresting arabs and burning their homes. they will kill us because we are sunni arabs and they want to carry out their own state. >> it is a feeling shared by many arabs who are intimidated by the ypg. many of them don't want to speak on camera but tell you athat the kurds burned and looted arab homes to prevent them from returning. and the ypg now has listed many of them as suspected i.s.i.l. collaborators.
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more than 20,000 people fled tal abyad during the fighting. only 2,000 have returned since kurdish forces captured the town earlier this month. the syrian national coalition the main political opposition in exile is dooufg accusing the ypg of violations. dr. abdel fatah is hoping that will not happen. ypg against arabs says the kurdish force has depopulated and reyesed razed settlements. >> the kurds look at arabs as i.s.i.l. supporters. they are allies and they are being supported by the u.s.
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coalition. >> reporter: concerns are growing over the territorial gains made by syria's kurds. the ypg has categorically denied accusations but perceptions are just as dangerous. the ethnic divisions could lead to yet another conflict in syria's war. zeina khodr, al jazeera turkish border. >> blasts and gun fire were heard just hours before the polls opened in burundi. violence against president pierre nkurunziza. haru mutasa is in the capital of bujumbura and filed this report. >> brund's president, pierre nkurunziza makes an entrance,
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accompanied by his wife and children. he looks a little shaky on two wheels, but on the subject of presidential polls he is defiance. he votes in his rural home where he is popular. >> translator: i'm really satisfied with today. the people of burundi exercising their democratic right to vote. burundi has come a lightning way since fighting the civil war. >> there was some big turnout but the capital bujumbura things were tense. police have begun checking everyone in to polling stations. but the numbers aren't that big. many say they are scared, even if they support the ruling party. >> using other ways, we need to wait, and make sure it's safe to leave your house. >> reporter: most opposition parties boy boycotted the polls
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saying polling has made it difficult to campaign. >> unfortunately destiny time that he is challenged it's cause to violence, killing people. people are demonstrating for the right, and he says these ones are rebels, kill them, shoot on them, and people have been killed. >> reporter: rule party officials deny the allegations saying they can't understand why some people even want to postpone the vote. the african union has done something it normally doesn't do. it says it won't recognize these elections. it didn't evenly send election observers. it may mean that african officials are trying to distance themselves from president pierre nkurunziza. despite a constitutional limit of two presidential terms and weeks of violent protest over
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interviews, and more. xfinity is the destination for all things taylor swift. >> we're here to fully get into the nuances of everything that's going on not just in this country but around the world. getting the news from the people who are affected. >> people need to demand reform... >> ali velshi on target
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hisham barakat. , violence on the street and opposition boycott hours before polls opened in burundi. and greek prime minister says he won't cling onto his job if he loses the referendum on whether the country should accept the terms of the bailout. for more on the greek crisis we are joined by mark wise bro co-director of center for economic and policy research. thank you for being on the program. >> thank you. >> what's likely to happen on tuesday when greece fails omake the payment to the international monetary fund? >> well, normally, the imf rules provide for a grace period which adds up to about a month. and, you know, there's been remarks from the head of the imf, christine lagarde that this would not apply. but i don't really believe that. i think it would be very hard for them to make up different rules for greece, and say that
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now greece is immediately in default. e-oniston it's loan to the imf and the implications that that carries. they do break the rules sometimes but i wouldn't expect that. >> that is going to be more crucial than the failure of the loan on tuesday. if greeks vote no how certain is it that that would actually lead to an exit of greece from the euro zone? >> yes, that's a very important question because the european authorities and some of the media are trying to create the impression that if greeks vote no then they're out of the euro zone. and that's not necessarily true at all. in fact it could -- i think it's more probable they vote no that the european authorities would find a way to reach agreement
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with the greek government because they including and especially angela merkel don't want to force greece out of the euro zone. so i don't think that would do that at all. and you know the greek people don't have much of a choice here. i mean the european authorities are not offering them any future, no light at the end of the tunnel, especially for the 60% of youth that are unemployed. they're insisting on indefinite recession. and mass unemployment. for you know, as long as we can see. >> but it's a bit of a gamble isn't it tsipras is taking, the euro zone will decide we still need greece within our group and come up with some other compromise. that is somewhat of a gamble for the prime minister to be taking isn't it?
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>> i don't see what choice he had. the european economy was already pushing greece into recession it was supposed to grow 2.5% after six years of depression and now it's not. and then they also attach conditions like the pension cuts and the regressive tax increases which really, you know as i've said before, they have no business doing. because they should only be concerned if they have a legitimate concern it would be as creditors are the budget balance and the primary budget surplus, how much greece can pay off debt. which is already unsustainable anyway and the imf has acknowledged that. even if you give them there's a chance that greece could pay this debt by tightening their fiscal policy enough, cutting spending and raising taxes they shouldn't be telling them
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exactly what they have to cut and what taxes they have to raise. that's really not their business. >> good to talk to you mark wisebury, from washington, thank you. (f) >> tunisia has said they have arrested rm parties involved in the shooting last week. hashem ahelbarra has the latest from the capital tunis much tunis. >> a show of solidarity with tunis, many french german and british ministers pay their respect to tourists who were gunned down in the city of sousse. the governments say they will help tunisia in its fight against armed groups.
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>> as we have had a meeting this morning with my interior ministry colleagues which has shown the determination that we all have to fight against this perverted ideology that is causing this death and destruction. we are very clear that the terrorists will not win. we will be united in working together to defeat them but united also in working to defend our values. >> more than half of the vims arevictimsare british. prime minister be david cameron had this to say after attending an emergency meeting in london. >> these were holiday makers, suddenly became the victims of the most brutal terrorist attack against bresh british people for many years. >> santa national security
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council meeting president baiji sipsi promised to crack down. the interior minister says the authorities have arrested a number of suspects. >> we will not identify but we will say they are not tunisian. everything is all open and all questions are still valid. we are still in the beginning of our research. that's why we can't give journalists all the information yet as our information is still incomplete. >> reporter: a ministry campaign is still underway against fighters in the shambi mountains, taking on these groups won't be an easy task. in march 22 tourists were killed in an attack targeting a museum here in the capital tunis. i.s.i.l. said it was behind that attack. the armed group has also said on social media that it's
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responsible for the attack in sousse but that hasn't been confirmed. tunisian investigators are under mounting pressure to find out whether the gunman who killed 38 tourists at a beech resort in sousse was acting alone. they want to know if he had links to local or international armed groups. hashem ahelbarra, al jazeera tunis. >> a swedish boat carrying international activists have been intercept50 australian navy in international waters. pictures just emerged of the boat being towed into the port of ashtad. hoping to reach gaza. in vienna there has been a lull after days of closed door negotiations over iran's nuclear program. u.s. secretary of state john kerry says it is too soon to tell about a nuclear deal is possible. he's awaiting the return of the iranian foreign minister who went back to tehran on sunday
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for crucial conversations with the country's leaders. he's expected to return on tuesday, the deadline for an agreement to be entered into by iran and 6 companion countries. >> cutting the number of teachers and raising property taxes in puerto rico, several bond payments are due and it could face default. the governor expected to make a televised report to the country shortly. andy gallagher allow bad is the situation? -- how bad is the situation? >> there is really no scenario where puerto rico comes out of this in any good shape. this is something that could be
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going on for years. right now we are on the campus of the university of puerto rico, you can see students gathered behind me, to hear the speech by groan padilla. island owes $73 billion and as an example the power twean owes company owes $9 billion. when the city of detroit went bruvment thatbrument, thisbankrupt that was to the tune of $7 billion. but kicking the can down road, problem down the road so to speak, now the best puerto rico can hope for is the people who it owes money to will give them more time to pay it off. perhaps a five-year term to
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reform that debt. losses of jobs, who knows what will happen to pensions here,around 50,000 people a year leave puerto rico, they're born as u.s. citizens and leaving for jobs better education and a better way of life and of course that is all reducing the tax base and making the problem even worse. >> terrible situation for the country but how did it get into such a bad situation? >> well, it's an island so it depends a lot on outside help to get things in here. that makes it expensive. but when you look at the -- who people work for here i think about 50% of the population works for government. that in itself is never a good thing for a country like this. and it's continued just to keep borrowing and borrowing. this is not something that's happened overnight remember.
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puerto rico's economy has been stagnant for the past eight years. on top of that thousands tens of thousands of people simply leaving, if you stay in puerto rico the chances of being poor or even being killed, because the crime rate is high, is extremely unacceptable. the government leant -- hasn't tackled this issue head on. you have heard governor padilla saying, we simply can't repay this debt we have to restructure. he's asking the creditors to share the responsibility, asking them to be able to pay the debts off over a longer period of time. there is no good scenario for puerto rico. whatever happens they're going to have to deal with this for years to come. >> okay, andy in puerto rico, thank you. french police are cracking down on the private unlicensed
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taxi service uber and filed a legal complaint against it on friday. last week large demonstrations were held in central paris where other taxi drivers burned cars thought to be used by uber drivers. now london's first underground farm will start supplying produce to local restaurants next month. located in a dizzy a disused underground warehouse. al jazeera's charlie angela went to take a look. >> deep below the streets of london lies a dark damp network of tunnels. built to shelter up to 8,000 londoners, from the bombs of world war ii they have lain empty until now. this is a highly productive farm that will soon produce fest
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vegetables for the restaurants above. >> here good old must tart cress and radish, as a chef i get excited about favors and tastes and want to use them in all my dishes. >> almost makes the produce chain almost palate annal. considering the light is all artificial. these tanks recycle an recirculate all water used by the crops 70% less than traditional open field farming methods. >> we are growing on a substrate here which is recycled carpet and that is completely biocompostable. so when we have harvested any waste that we have go can be
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sent to a composting facility and turned into useful product. >> reporter: these tunnels run for just over half a kilometer and the idea that they will be filled with crops like these but also baby care roth, carrots tomatoes and even cucumbers and harvested within hours. feeding them with sustainable and locally grown produce could be key. though a little eerie, this is the future of farming. charlie angela, al jazeera. >> in sport the two greatest nations in the history of women's football are ready to go head to head. lee will have more in a couple of minutes.
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poured onto the canvas. pollack was a pioneer of action painting apainting throwing paint. but it ended with beautiful compositions. they are worth millions and fragile now. 60 years on the lat lattice of paint is fragile. tiger is ensured for $60 million. >> it's at a centrifugal point where a collection can develop and grow. because a lot of the roads in modern art lead back to jackson pollack. >> pollack abrupt li gave up on the drip paintings and moved on. the is the later less known works that this show highlights. there are only 37 black
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paintings and this organizer was able to assemble 30 of them. the style is still had the unique unrepeatable gesture. as pollack's alcoholism increased, his works slowed. color is reintroduced and the artist whose name is synonymous with abstract expressionism brings back a figure. because he died so young just 44 and with so few works they are highly valued. organizers say it is unlikely so many of them will ever be gathered in one place again. jessica baldwin, al jazeera
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liverpool. >> great to get art but now time for sport. lee. >> defending champion novak djokovic showed how difficult it would be to take his men's singles title. the man he had beaten in the french open final also made an impressive start. stewart silver has the story. >> world's biggest sporting and social events. star studded lineup on day 1 at wimbledon. novak djokovic opened proceedings on center court. against world number 33 philip kolschreiber. winning in 3 sets. >> it was great to be back in wimbledon and to play on the
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untouched grass and open wimbledon 2015 campaign. it is completely different from any other. >> women's top seed serena williams led the court on day 1. she was made to work in the first set by 20-year-old russian mamargarita gaspaian. she won the last three open events. >> it's been amazing year, australia, france, i couldn't have dreamt of a better 12 months. >> 2004 women's champion maria sharapova, the russian has a poor record at wimbledon but easily beat home player johanna
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conter. day 1 unlike the other three had no pretensions of winning the championship. layton hewett announced this would be his last wimbledon. went down to defeat 11-9 in the 5th set. >> i don't get the same feeling walking into any other grounds in the world. no other tennis court no other complex, than i do here. and i really do get goose bumps coming into this facility. >> portugal's jao sueaoao sousa in
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four sets. >> illness expecting to be fine for her opening match against kitty bergen of the netherlands. >> it's nice to be back. i sat out for nearly a year, i'm getting better, fortunately i get sick and every day is better so i hope on tuesday will be good form. and of course the preparation because i got sick wasn't perfect. but i'm trying to find a good form. >> in charge of the football team is over. netherlands struggling in the european championship qualifying campaign. he took from louis val aul. behind iceland and the czech
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republic. turkey australia russia. his other clups clubs included real madrid and chelsea. financial fair play resumes if clubs can present an affordable business model. spending beyond their means executive meeting in prague uefa president. whoms world cup gets back underway on tuesday with the two most prepared teams be germany and u.s.a. germany has scored 20 goals in their tournament so far. the u.s.a. may have scored fewer goals the keeper hope solo.
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>> germany is a great team they're tactically great organized but i feel we're peaking at the right time. so we're right where we need to be and hopefully we'll beat germany and head into the final. >> furtherrest english have ever gone in the tournament and did so by knocking out host canada in the quarter finals. australia and new new zealand sri lanka many completed victory. threat of rain meant quick scoring with the tactic and they made their runs before lunch the deciding match begins in pelakella on friday. selling the european board
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trust being rights to just one company, eurosport. first time a single media company has held all the rights across the continent. u.s. sport will broadcast -- euro sport could still strike deals with national broadcasters who would pay them to sublet the rights. the deal covers both the summer and winter games from 2018 to 2024 on all media platforms from tv to mobiles. and that is all the sport but there will be plenty more wimbledon over the coming days. >> i'm also very interested in the fact they're going to have a pink cricket ball. i don't know why it has to be pink it could be some other color. all right lee thank you very much for that. that is about it for myself from lee and the rest of the news team. but we'll be back in a couple of
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