tv News Al Jazeera June 29, 2015 7:00pm-8:01pm EDT
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mble an egg... >> techknow's team of experts show you how the miracles of science... >> i'm standing in a tropcal wind storm... >> ...can effect and surprise us... >> wow, these are amazing... >> techknow, where technology meets humanity! only on al jazeera america this is al jazeera america live from new york city. i'm paul beban, tony harris is on assignment. greece on the verge of economic collapse. banks are closed. world markets are down and default is looming. and then the other fiscal red flag much closer to home puerto rico's problem in repaying its debt. and lethal injections the
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supreme court narrow decision on whether one drug, one that could cause excruciating pain can still be used. ♪ the eyes of the world are on greece tonight. the country is supposed to make a nearly $2 billion debt payment tomorrow. uncertainty sent financial markets tumbling. greeks will vote next sunday on whether to accept more cutbacks in exchange for more loans to keep the country afloat. barnaby phillips reports. >> reporter: this petro station is closed until a tanker turns up with new supplies. as we drove around the city we
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saw about a third of stations were closed. the result of panicked buying over the weekend. but without the free flow of cash, the greek economy could grind to a halt. >> translator: there's no shortage of petrol there's plenty in the country, but they need to pay for it up front in cash, now that the banks are closed. >> reporter: and for now the banks are firmly shut. with confusion on the streets outside, some people could take the daily limit of 60 euros from the machines. others weren't so lucky. most vulnerable the pensioners. antoine, 82 waits to collect his pension. he heard a report the bank would open at midday. it didn't. he waited an hour then gave up. there are a lot of questions for the greek finance minister
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although he wasn't answering them on his way into work. instead we heard accusations of betrayal from the european commission in brussels. >> translator: egotism, populous games took place over other aspects, and i feel a little betrade because due consideration is not being given to myself or others who made a sustained effort. >> reporter: in germany, angela merkel doesn't want to go down in history as the leader who presided over the breakup of the e.u. >> translator: if we euro fails, europe fails. we have to fight for our principals otherwise we will suffer because we will not be a relevant partner in the world anymore. >> reporter: but in greece alexis tsipras told national
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television that he is upholding european values and international creditors have no right to interfere with his countries democracy. >> translator: i am under the impression that the creditors are quite confused. obviously their power is in danger. they do not want a referendum in greece. >> reporter: the prime minister's supporters those urging a no vote in the referendum were out in force in central athens. in greek no is [ inaudible ]. a simple word, but it resinates with defiance. these protesters say if anyone has been betrayed it's the greek people who have endured five years of austerity and seen no economic recovery in site. the consequenceings of defying europe could be catastrophic,
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but they are prepared to take that risk. there is still time in theory but there's such bad feelings between the two of them that the chances of compromise is slipping away. >> as we mentioned the finance markets were rocked today because of the possibility of a defeelt. the dow jones was down 250 points. yet many investors are still trading as if a last-minute deal is possible. the impact is mild compared to what could happen if greece actually leaves the euro zone. in puerto rico the government revealed they are in a death spiral of debt. puerto rico's governor spoke to the people about how the government intends to deal with
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the $73 billion it owes. andy gal der is in san juan puerto rico for us. what did the governor say? >> reporter: the governor spoke at length i'm at the university of puerto rico with students watching very closely. theest seans of its speak was that puerto rico can simply not continue in the same vein. so all of that means major restructuring and major pain for this island. one of the things he did say was he wants the u.s. to allow puerto rico to declare chapter 9 bankruptcy. under the current rules that is not allowed to happen. it doesn't come under the same rules as the mainland but all of that in essence for people here, mean there is no really good scenario here. it means cuts to education. this university will go through about 50% cuts over the next few
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years, that means people who work for the government who get 30 days a year paid vacation will go down to 15 days, he said the minimum wage he would not mess with at the moment. they owe $73 billion, the governor said they are heading towards a death spiral. for the past eight years the porta rican economy has been stagnant and you have got about 50,000 people leaving the island every year to go to the mainland in the united states to get better jobs a better education, and all of that reduces the tax base. so whatever happens, whatever negotiations with done over the next few hours and days with the creditors, puerto rico is in for hard times in the years ahead. >> andy how is it being received? how are people taking it? >> reporter: we're here on campus, and i have been speaking to a fair amount of the
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students, and they are extremely angry, they say the people who run the university are boosting their own wages while they are expecting the students to pay more fees. there is no reason for students like this to stay in puerto rico. they are highly educated people bound for the mainland for the most part and they will be following tens of thousands who went before them. but there will be new taxes for everyone on the island they will be far less secure than they are now and unemployment is 15%, and the medium income is 50% less than the pour estate in the united states. so people are reacting angrily. people have been making sacrifices here over the past few years, the cost of living is lie, unemployment is high crime is high but this is a situation
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they can't just keep borrowing money, getting into more debt they now need to work out whether the debt can be delayed by five years and restructure, but that means more pain for the 3.5 million people that still live here. >> andy gallagher, thank you. max is a business reporter for the "washington post," he has been covering report pico's crisis. puerto rico has been called america's greece because of the debt and credit rating; is that a fair comparison. >> it is accurate in some respects. mainland and puerto rico's case and europe and greece's case but there are some important differences. no one is talking about puerto rico leaving the u.s. dollar in the way that people are talking about greece leaving the euro. so that's once difference. >> all right.
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what are their options. puerto rico is a commonwealth. it can't declare bankruptcy so what are they going to do? >> they are going to try to work out a deal with their creditors that allows them to delay some of their debt until they have time to restructure their economy and give them a chance to recover. >> but what kind of pain frankly, are the people of puerto rico going to have to endure? >> that is a good question. but they will have to make their case to wall street. they will have to say that if taxes are raised too high if tuition is raised too high that will only depress the economy further, and the likelihood that investors on the mainland are repaid, simply decreases. >> got it. the governor made news with his announcement -- or i guess in the past couple of days, but there have been signs of this
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crisis for years. so it shouldn't become b that big of a surprise, why becausen't the u.s. government done more to help puerto rico out, and why hasn't the government done more? >> we learned today that for a long time the seriousness of the situation there, the amount that puerto rico was in the red, had been understated by the government's own reports, so it's clear the situation is much worse than anyone expected and i think the governor has realized he can't continue to play this game. and as far as people in the united states, we have had our own problems here for a long time there has been economic turmoil here and abroad so i don't think it's really all that surprising that policy makers here in washington haven't been paying much attention to puerto rico's problems perhaps until now. >> briefly, max, if the situation gets worst in puerto rico, and it sounds slight going to how are we going to feel
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that here on the mainland? >> well, there are a lot of businesses along the atlantic and gulf coast that do trade with puerto rico so they will feel the effects of any kind of economic downturn there. certainly there are cities municipal governments, that rely on the government for loans, and at the same sense, some of those people losing some of that money after today's announcement there will be less money to go around, and that will have an impact on those kinds of projects. >> max thank you for your incites. >> thank you. another major global deadline tomorrow concerns the iran nuclear talks. negotiations have continued over the weekend, and officials say they may extend past tomorrow but there are signs that a deal
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may be close. ali velshi is following developments from tehran. >> reporter: we are now within 24 hours of this deadline that the world is watching. this was supposed to be the day by which iran and the western powers agreed on the specific terms of a deal that would cause the sanctions that have been put on iran to be lifted in exchange for curtailing iran's nuclear program. we're now within that 24-hour zone and the iranian foreign minister has left vienna and returned to iran. he may return to vienna at some point overnight. he may return in the morning. we don't know for sure that he will return but those i have spoken to have suggested that this may be a good sign so some away from vienna at this point, without any statement to the effect that the negotiations are over or hit an impasse is
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probably a good sign. because like america we'll need congressional approval. he is the foreign minister, not the president or the supreme leader of iran so he needs to consult, one assumes a consultation has been ongoing throughout the entire process, but they may need some last-minute consultedation and decision. iran is struggling economically and there is a wide-spread belief on the ground that if some sort of deal is made sanctions is lifted iran opens up to the world, the world does business with iran the lot of regular people will improve, and prosperity will prevail. >> ali velshi thank you. you are catch ali velshi "on target" at 10:30 pm eastern, 7:30 pacific. mike viqueira is with us live from washington. mike what is the administration
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saying about where things stand with the talks? >> reporter: first of all they are conceding the june 30th deadline, tomorrow that's not going to happen. it is going to be extended for at least a few days although paul, the administration says it will not continue indefinitely. the original deadline on march 31st, that was missed but two days later they did come up with a deal so they publicly are maintaining a very confident face on this. john kerry has been there, the foreign minister his counterpart of iran flying back to tehran for consultations. many of the u.s. side do view that as perhaps a positive development, that he is going to be coming back they do expect him back on tuesday in vienna. meanwhile the white house is talking about how they want to see out of this deal these are
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familiar themes that josh earnest hit today at the daily white house briefing. >> after more than a year and a half of negotiations we have got the final agreement within our sights but it's going to iraq some serious negotiations with the iranians so cooperate on the most exclusive discussions ever. >> reporter: paul the disagreements coming just after, if you recall back in the spring when they struck the first agreement, almost immediately after, different indefrp terp -- interpretations. the irans say that sanctions should be lifted on day 1 after
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an agreement is reached. the united states and its partners say there will be a gradual easing for those sanctions. paul. >> mike congress is of course also watching what is going on there. what have we heard from lawmakers about the possible extension. >> anything that can be per received as a stumble brings on criticism by many who think the united states should not be sitting down at all with the iranians. ed royce said today: of course another frequent krit sick comes from overseas prime
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minister benjamin netenyahu of israel he has always seized upon this latest delay, says the united states should not be sitting down with iran; that iran does not have good intentions, not true intentions of carrying through with any deal that they make with the west. paul? >> mike viqueira in washington thank you. new developments into the investigation into the deadly shooting at a resort in tunisia. seven people have reportedly been arrested in connection to friday's attack 38 people most british, were killed. officials are trying to determine whether the gunman trained in libya. the supreme court rules it is not crew and unusual punish punishment. plus what authorities are learning about the prison break in new york. the captured inmate is now talking.
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new york are learning more about the prison break that lead to a 23-day manhunt. the suspect had broken out of a maximum security prison three years ago with his fellow inmate. sweat told authorities the pair had been trying to make it to mexico. we're joined by sylvester jones he has taken part in manhunts and has several years of law enforcement experience. we're glad to have him with us. >> glad to be here. >> silvester, thank you. david sweat was captured after 23 days on the run, richard matt, was killed a few days ago. why did it take so long to find and capture these guys? >> i actually think that the area that the -- you know most prisons put in remote areas, and i think that that area you have
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a small town there, and a lot of -- a wooded area. it made it difficult for law enforcement to track him down but it was always obviously difficult for -- for them to continue to avoid capture. i think the wooded areas, and then i'm sure they move during cover of night, and that's the way i would have done it. >> right. right. so it cuts both ways. remote rugged easy to hide but also hard to track them. a can of pepper was found with sweat's dna on it. does that make it harder for the dogs to track somebody? >> actually there's some evidence thatess specially red pepper -- you can use black pepper as well but red pepper is just like -- it's spicy for us, it is spicy for them.
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some folks use it to destroy their scent. dogs don't like that smell. some folks will put a can of pepper in their yard when they don't want other dogs handling their business in their yard so yes, that will throw off their scent. >> what other tricks might these guys have used when they were on the run? >> well again, you know, trying to, you know, stay under the cover of darkness, just -- you don't want to be moving a lot, especially in daytime. i mean i had some training also in the military about escape and evasions. these guys knew what they were doing. they studied. they had a plan to met to mexico, as you mentioned, paul that didn't work out when i think miss mitchell decided she didn't want to go through with
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that. they really didn't have a good b plan, or back upplan so that put them in a loss in my opinion, out there in the woods, and i think they had a change of focus when you look at it's a long way to mexico but a lot closer from up state new york to canada. >> they never made it much further than the manhole they were in. but canada wasn't that far away. in your experience do guys like this often have a plan b? >> i don't think they really have a plan b. i mean i guess the main plan was to break out -- you know was to befriend miss mitchell and others that they have known for years being incarcerated so i think the main plan was to get out. they accomplished that obviously, and then the major part of that plan was the transportation to, you know, get to mexico which i believe
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richard matt had some experience, he spent some time in a prison in mexico so when that plan fell apart, when she got cold feet and they had to improvise. they had to, you know shift on the run, and you know -- the woods were there, i understood from the evidence and dna that they broke in cabins and was able to get some supplies to sustain them. and again, you have to use the environment you have to avoid capture, and like i mentioned -- what i was trying to say earlier, is -- you know it can be difficult to track someone in the woods, especially if they are not moving in daytime, and they are staying under the cloak of darkness. >> sylvester jones thank you. america's longest-serving death row inmate who was just exonerated last year has died. glenn ford spent nearly 30 years
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in solitary confinement for a murder he did not commit. he was released 15 months ago after prosecutors said he was wrongfully convicted. he was diagnosed with lung cancer after leaving prison. he was 65. another victim of the shooting at the emanual ame church in charleston because laid to rest today. she was remembered at the church where she and eight others were gunned down. meanwhile, the fbi is look going a string of fire at predominantly black churches throughout the south. influiding a fire at the briar creek baptist church in char charlotte, north carolina. and a fire in tennessee is also being investigated adz arson. california's legislature
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today says almost all school children in the state must be immunized against diseases like whooping cough and mee sells. lawmakers acted after a break out of measles in that state. how is that going to work. >> reporter: well, to answer the question how does the bill work? it's pretty simple. the legislation calls for nearly all children in california attending public schools to be vaccinated. that means that children who are not vaccinated and are attending public school will be banned from attending school if they have not received the full schedule of vaccinations. if it is ultimately signed by the governor in to law, it means that parents will no longer be able to claim a personal belief or religious exemption, meaning they cannot say my pre-- religious
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beliefs prevent me from getting my child vaccinated. ending vaccinations except for certain medical conditions, and those would need to be approved by a doctor. paul it now moves to the governor's desk. >> right. and we'll wait and see if he signs it. we have heard a lot about the anti-vaccination movement. is that who has been fighting this feature? >> reporter: oh indeed. they are parents and a number of organize aces they vehemently oppose this legislation. the question of whether to vaccinate or not, should not be decided by the state, they say. immediately following today's vote in sacramento there has been a strong reaction from those opponents, reprehensible, draconian, and a voice for choice has promised to sue the state if the bill is signed into law, and on the steps of the
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capitol in sacramento protesters insist they aren't giving up. >> it's disappointing, but it's not going to stop us from trying to turn it and inform people and hope that things change. the battle is not over and even if the governor passes this it's not going to end. >> reporter: i spoke with one southern california parent this afternoon, and he said he doesn't think this legislation has anything to do with health. it has everything to do with the pharmaceutical companies, and if the bill is signed he says he and his wife will consider moving out of state. jerry brown does believe vaccinations are important, and any bill that crosses his desk will be carefully considered >> thank you. politicians who insist that
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in a close ruling any supreme court said that states can use a controversial sedative during executions. lisa stark joins us live from washington with more. lisa, tell us more about this drug. >> reporter: paul the drug at the center of this case has been used in 15 executions. it is a secondtive and states say they have had to turn to this drug because drug companies will no longer sell them the more accepted drug.
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in a 5-4 ruling they decided that states can continue to use this drug. the deep idealogical divisions of the supreme court were front and center in this case. four justices read their opinions from the bench. at issue a sedative used as part of a three-drug cocktail in lethal injections. it is administered first used to render the convicts unconscious. but in a botched execution in oklahoma this convicted murderer regained consciousness and began writhing in pain. and in ohio and arizona the drug also failed to work completely with inmates gasping and chokes. one for two hours before dying. so the question before the court, does the use violate the
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8th amendment ban against cruel and unusual punishment. samuel alito, writing for the majority said no he wrote, quote: he alsoing found that, quote: that's choired he said to find a violation of the 8th amend. . but sonia soda major, said it leads to absurd consequences writing the dissent she said, quote:
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in a separate dissent steven breyer brought up any elephant in the room the death penalty itself, writing, quote: he argued it is highly likely it is unconstitutional, not carried out reliably or quickly, and handed down arbitrarily, that brought a retort from scalia who call it quote, gobbledy gook. >> we shouldn't be killing people. it doesn't matter how. >> reporter: but there is clearly no majority on the court for revisiting the death penalty
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itself. and some states have started looking at alternatives to lethal injection. oklahoma has looked at the gas chamber. tennessee has looked at the electric chair again, and utah has approved a return to the firing squad. opponents of the death penalty are heartened by the fact that nebraska recently decided to abolish the death penalty, the 19th state to do so. back to you. another major decision today from the supreme court death a blow to the obama administration clean-air policy. it was a 5-4 vote and they overruled limits on toxic gas emissions for powerpoints. they found the epa has not taken costs into account. the rule are expected to cost power plants $9.6 billion every
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year. the epa argued that emission limits would save 10s of billions of dollars in the long term. today the supreme court put a controversial texas abortion law on hold temporarily. they would have forced several clinics to close. heidi zhou castro is live in fort worth, how does this decision effect the clinic behind you? >> workers here at this clinic have been working all weekend, seeing 40 women alone just today, this rush coming in in anticipation of what they would be the closure date this wednesday. that is no longer the case with the supreme court stay. it allows this cling and 18 others across the state to remain open. it was surprising news that came in as our cameras were rolling. >> i'm very excited. i'm trying to hold my tears in.
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but i'm super, super, excited. i'm very happy we can keep going, because a -- couple hours ago we just didn't know. >> reporter: this clinic had been hopeful all along, the workers here said so they continued making appointments past this wednesday, and they are all very excited that they will not have to call those women to cancel their abortion. >> heidi how difficult is it right now for women to get an abortion in texas? >> reporter: over the last year and a half it has gotten more and more difficult. we started out with 45 clinics across the state, and now we're down to those 19. and had this law gone through, and it potentially still may, we'll be down to nine clinics across the state. already there are women, a long waiting list who have to drive
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hundreds of miles to arrive at the closest clinic and that means some are being denied their right to an abortion according to the activists here. >> is this the last we have heard of this legal battle? >> reporter: certainly not, paul. both sides the state, and the activists said they will petition the supreme court to give this case a full hearing, and only at that time will it be decided. the governor issued a statement saying he will continue to fight for higher quality healthcare standards for women. and he says he is confident the supreme court will uphold the state law. paul? >> heidi zhou castro thank you. tonight "faultlines" travels to texas to find out what is behind the legislation and how it is affecting women's lives. that's not 10:00 eastern, 7:00 pacific. friday's supreme court decision took the issue of
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same-sex marriage out of state hands, but some states remain defiant, officials have announced efforts to go around the ruling saying it is there responsibility to guard state's rights and religious freedoms. robert ray reports. >> reporter: a raucous pride celebration more special this year after a supreme court ruling made same-sex marriage legal across the country, but some state officials are saying not so fast. even as same-sex couples in texas rush to tie the knot over the weekend, gregg abbott issued a scathing review of the supreme court decision and said that civil servants like county clerks and justices of the peace cannot be forced to conduct same-sex marriages if it's
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against their beliefs. numerous lawyers stand ready to assist he said in many cases on a pro bono basis: >> the three at rick -- this ruling could not be more clear, and public servants including clerks should serve the entire public. it's that simple. [ cheers and applause ] >> reporter: alabama is also fighting back. in a legal battle lead by state supreme court chief justice roy moore. >> is there such a thing as morality anymore? >> reporter: some counties in alabama began performing same-sex marriages back in february, but monday the state high court issued an injunction which moore said stalls the implementation of the u.s. supreme court decision, until his court hears its own
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arguments within 25 days. robert ray, al jazeera. garrett is a law professor at the university of baltimore, and the supreme court correspond correspondent. in terms of the cases of this term, which one struck you as surprising or particularly remarkable. >> reporter: well, i think the result of king versus burrwell was not a shock, but what was surprising is how strong the affirmation of the obamacare decision was. the chief justice said look this is how this statute is supposed to work. it's an idea that came out of massachusetts. if you take away the subsidies it doesn't work and one solicitor general said he did a better job explaining obamacare than president obama did.
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>> with that move did they dodge the partisan bullet or acknowledge it and say we're going to move past partisan politics. >> i think this term saw the court let the air a little bit out of the partisan bubble. this group is still quite conservative, it is split on idealogical lines, but the kind of democratic republican split that was so evident last term seems to be a lot less and there was a good deal more crossing of the isle so that the alliances are much more scrambled, it's much more like nine jurises trying to come to a decision. >> right. and some of the analysis has said this is now the most liberal court actually since the 60s, if you look at the numbers. with these big wins for the
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obama is this conservative court actually leaning more liberal? >> you know, i don't think so. i think what has happened is that the perception of this court has very hard right has attracted a number of cases from activist groups so that the line has kind of -- the line of decision has kind of moved to the right. if you look at a case like the obamacare case what the chief justice and justice kennedy did was join the four democratic appointments to affirm what is basically a republican program. the obamacare model was pioneered by mitt romney and so the partisan vote would have to be to sabotage it but the republican vote would be to say this is a market oriented approach to healthcare, it works this way, deal with it. >> how important is the upcoming
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presidential election important? >> actuaryily speaking in the next four years it seems inevitable that there will be as many as one, and possibly up to three vacancies on the court. justice ginsberg is not going to retire if she can help it until the next president is sworn in. she is not a generation older than the court's other seniors, like justice kennedy, and justice steven breyer that the older wing of the court is getting on and some way choose to retire or have to retire. >> garrett epsom in washington thank you. >> yeah. thank you. there was one other supreme court decision today that could have a huge impact on national politics. the justices upheld the power of independent commissions used in
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arizona and several other states to draw congressional districts. michael shure joins us live from washington now. michael, just how big of deal is this? >> it's a very a big deal obviously in a state of arizona, and to some of the congress people in arizona. will there be a reconsideration now that there's an independent pan ale that will draw the districts. california was watching it very carefully. they have democratic control in both the house and state assembly there and liberals they thought would be very happy about this in california maybe not so paul. >> got it. and what about other states? are we likely to see other states creating these kinds of commissions? >> reporter: it's quite possible. right now you have six states
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that have these commissions or something like them. and when you see that you say, six states do this and they were watching that ruling today, but there are 27 states that are completely controlled by the legislature. we don't know of course until 2021 what the effect will be because this happens every ten years according to the census. but in those 27 states it could help the other party should they go to these independent in additions. and the world legislator has read in the constitution, does not apply to a state legislator only it applies to a legislature in terms of the people taking the legislation, so the process of legislation. >> is there momentum one way or another on this issue? you mentioned it's not going to be until 2021 until we see it
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again, but the future political landscape. >> the future political landscape you are going to look at a state like washington maybe pennsylvania where there could be democratic control. again, that would work against democrats, because democrats would want to control the districting. so it's hard to say exactly, paul, where that is going to happen. the move though is to go away from the gerrymandering, which is the creation of these districts. it's named for james madison's vice president and they said that he drew a district like a salamander so it's trying to get rid of those salamander districts that are created by a legislator to favor one party. but it is too early to tell but certainly this helps people who want to fight that. >> michael shure thanks for your incite. >> thanks, paul. coming up next a record-breaking heat wave for the pacific northwest, it is helping fuel a fast-moving
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♪ firefighters in central and eastern washington state are battling a wildfire that has raced across 3,000 acres in just 24 hours. dozens of homes have been engulfed in flames and hundreds have had to evacuate. officials are trying to figure out what to do next and what started the fire a severe drought and triple-digit temperatures are helping to fan those flames. there has been record-breaking forecasts for other states as
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well. >> this is going to continue all the way through 4th of july weekend. take a look at the radar, you can see up towards the west we have the circulation. we are going to get into that in just a moment because that's is the culprit of why we have the heat in the area. we do have some showers pushing through, not really bringing any rain relief to the area and some of these could bring lightning, which is very dangerous across that particular area. temperatures in spokane, 92 degrees. that's actually cooler than what we saw yesterday. they had a record temperature of 112 degrees for them. but it is going to go back up over the next couple of days. let me explain what is happening and why it is happening. there is an area of high-pressure. that also means downward vertical motion that compresses
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the atmosphere and that causes the temperatures to heat up that has been the pattern we have seen for over a week now. and that heat is going to continue across the region. for seattle 85 degrees. for portland your normal high is 77 degrees. by the time we get to thursday 20 degrees above average. for seattle we're talking about 17, 16 degrees above average for you, but for spokane, by the time we get to thursday we're talking 24 degrees above average. that's why we're talking about very, very difficult and dangerous situations in terms of the fire in this area. >> thank you, kevin. hi paul coming up tonight at 8:00 answers to this key questions about the greek debt crisis, why the bailout doesn't
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work or hasn't worked and the impact this crisis could have on europe and the world. also -- >> there's a lot of kids in crisis because of the struggles that they are feeling with being gay and reconciling with either their families or their religion. >> they have been called momma dragons, mothers of lbgt children leading the fight to change mormon views on homosexuality. and why there aren't the votes or the will to crack down on for profit colleges. senator dick durban talks about the problem. all of those stories and lot more coming up in about six minutes, paul. >> john thank you. spacex says it is likely grounded for months after one of the company's rockets exploded just moments after launch.
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it was carrying supplies and foods to the international space station. our science and technology correspondent jake ward is in san francisco. jake, what happened? >> reporter: this was bad news after a very lucky, very -- sort of amazing run of good launches. they finally lost one here. the official cause has not been announced here but elon musk said he thought it was an overpressure event in the liquid oxygen tank. at the altitude this was flying at you need to carry your own oxygen with you, and think it was too much pressure in the liquid oxygen tank and that somehow caused the explosion. just a tremendously violent and surprising act, especially for those of us who have come to think of spacex as such a
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reliable partner. they reminded everybody that there's no reason to think of this but the hardest kind of work. >> it's not easy living in the frontier of space. i think sometimes folks think it seems routine, and that's when we get in trouble. >> reporter: it's the kind of thing, paul, where we have gotten used to this in a certain sense and to see something blow up as violently and spectacularly as this was a shock to everybody. >> does this mean the astronauts are going to be short of critical supplies? >> reporter: no they have enough supplies to do what they need to do until october. there was a replacement space
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suit on board, there were a bunch of high school student experiment experiments, so there were some things lost but not irreplaceable, and the astronauts are not in any danger there will be several more flights scheduled. >> spacex is grounded now. what does this due to the company's prospects? >> spacex has had an incredible run so far. 18 of 18 have gone up without a hitch. at this point the only thing they were complaining about was the ability to bring the rocket back down to reuse it on a pad in the middle of the ocean, and that's a pretty high-quality problem, as my mother would say, so this is the kind of thing that happens all the time but they will continue to be a partner for nasa until the
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hi everyone this is al jazeera america. i'm john siegenthaler. on edge markets plunge lines grow, and fears spread. why the greece crisis matters. and what happens if the country defaults. broken vows using fate to fight a fundamental right. >> one man, one woman! >> tonight we take you to the front lines in the battle against same-sex marriage. failing grade
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