tv News Al Jazeera June 30, 2015 5:00am-5:31am EDT
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♪ cueing for cash in greece $1.6 million euro payment is due and the government says it won't pay. ♪ i'm laura in doha and the world news on al jazeera and south africa is closing a shelter of xenophobic violence and what is next for the refugees. ♪ protests in puerto rico and faces a multi million debt
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crisis of its own plus. in seoul, i'll be telling you how comic magazines have changed from this to this with a whole new industry creating thousands of jobs and earning south korea millions of dollars. ♪ so beginning in greece where uncertainty looms over the future of its role in the euro zone and 1.6 million owed to the imf is due today, tuesday and that are set to miss the payment and the economy is grinding to a halt for the second day and people have been lining up outside cash machines and daily withdraws have been capped at 60 euros and we are live for us in athens and barnabie it looks like greece will miss this major payment and what happens now?
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>> well, it's maybe not a decide to slide away from the euro zone but it's another step in that direction, laura, the government is saying they don't have st. money, the payment won't be made. it's unprecedented in the sense the only countries that have gone into arrears with the imf in the past are cuba, zimbabwe and somalia and different economies than what ought to be a sophisticated, successful one within the euro zone so it's an extraordinary situation. as you were saying banks firmly shut capitol controls firmly in place. perhaps necessary to keep greek banks viable in the short term but it does exact an economic cost here in greece as i have been finding out. >> this petrol station on the edge of athens is closed until a
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tanker turns up with supplies and as we drove around the city we saw about a third of stations were closed as a result of panic buying over the weekend and without the free flow of cash the greek economy could grind to a halt. >> translator: there is no shortage of petrol there is plenty in the country but they need to pay for it in cash now that the banks are closed. >> reporter: and for now the banks are firmly shut with confusion on the streets outside some people could take the daily limit of 60 euros from the machines others weren't so lucky. most honorable the pensioners, many of whom don't have bank cards. and he is 82 and weights outside the bank to collect his pension with friends. >> translator: he heard a report it would open at midday. it didn't. he waited an hour then gave up.
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>> reporter: so there are a lot of questions for the greek finance minister although he wasn't answering them on his way into work. instead we heard accusations of betrayal from the european commission in brussels. >> translator: e gotism and tackle games over other aspects and my efforts and made by the commission and other institutions involved in the process i feel a little betrayed because dual consideration is not given to me and others who are very numerous and made a sustained effort. >> reporter: in germany angela merkel doesn't want to go down in history as the leader who presided over the break up of the euro zone. >> translator: if the euro fails europe fails. we have to fight for our principals and we can forget them for a second maybe but i say in the mid or long-term we
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would suffer damage. we will suffer because we will not be a key player in the world any more that is why we have to call for compromises and principles in europe again and again. >> reporter: at dusk thousands of government supporters came to central athens and they say greek for no a simple word but it evoked the word of fashionism in the 1940s and resonates with deny deny -- defiance. the greek people have endured five years of austerity and seen no economic recovery in sight. the consequences of defying europe could be catastrophic but these people are prepared to take that risk and there is still time for a last-minute deal with creditors and in practice there is such a bad feeling between them that the chances of compromise is far
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slipping away. >> there is big questions being asked on sunday any indication which way the greeks are going to vote? >> it's really difficult to tell, laura. all i can tell you is that emotions are running very high in athens wherever you go in the city you see huddles of people on pavements and in cafes and debating this question. a series of extraordinary interventions and you saw the man in my report and the italian prime minister who you might have thought was naturally sympathetic to the leftest government here in greece also intervening with a clear message from their point of view that a vote on sunday is a choice for the greek people between the euro and the drakma and it will flight ensome greek people and make others more upset and more determined to go their own way, that was the sentiment in the
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large crowd that you saw in my report who gathered on the square last night. tonight the yes crowd as they like to call themselves the pro-european crowd will be out i suspect in force as well. a lot of emotions a lot of fear defiance swirling around politicians, the media bombarding a confused greek public with messages. little opinion polls have been trickling out and they are contradictory but they do suggest at this stage a tight vote and i think that indicates another of the real dangers, how polarized greece is between left and right. >> thank you for joining us from athens. military cargo plane has crashed on the island of sanatra killing at least 15 people and came down in a residential area in the
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city and exploded into flames and army says there were 12 crew on board. the u.n. accused the south sudan army of human rights abuses in fighting in unity state and abduction and sexual abuse of women and girls, some of whom were reportedly burned alive and collected evidence from 115 victims and witnesses and report alleges some of the atrocities were committed by groups associated with the army. south africa the only remaining camp housing people who fled xenophobic violence in april is to close and in durbin do not have refugee status and miller is there live for us so how many authorities are convinced it's actually safe now for these refugees to return to their local communities? >> reporter: well, laura, we
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have been asked to step outside this boundary that surrounds this shelter as government officials began addressing people at the shelter earlier and so far what they have been saying is that through dialog and visits to various communities they have determined that it's safe for the people here to return to and there are about 200 people who remained at the shelter just behind us and say otherwise. so far donors also supported the shelter and have also withdrawn their support because they believe that it's safe for the remaining refugees to return to and the shelter of course is said to close during the course of the day and authorities now have to deal with getting the people in the shelter to get them out of the shelter to communities and surrounding areas where many of them came from. >> what are the refugees saying are they going to go willingly? >> well many of the refugees yeah, if not all say they don't
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want to return to communities. they face two options, either return to the communities where they settled with xenophobic violence or return to countries or origin and many of them are for countries of drc as well as burundi and as we know there is instability in those counties and say they have no options and cannot return to those countries and also don't want to go back to communities where they say they don't feel safe. many of the people said they heard reports from refugees who have already left that it is not necessarily safe for them and issues around xenophobia and cannot be determined right now but they are concerned about their safety as well as their status in the country. >> and what concerns are there surrounding that refugee status? >> reporter: well, that is an on going issue in south africa with the refugees in that some of them have not been able to get the status they need to remain in the country illegally and you
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have asylum seekers or refugees registered and refugees have not been able to renew the status in the country and those who are still asylum seekers are not actually if the country legally once asylum status is taken away and forced to return to the countries and having problems with department of home affairs and having to travel hundreds of kilometers to the capitol to see officials and have not had any luck in terms of staying in the country legally and can be arrested once they return to shelters. >> thank you very much on the situation in durbin. still to come here on the program, kurdish forces make gains against i.s.i.l. because it's not all win-win and why turkey is worried. turning a new page on cartoons and now it's all about the swipe and it's big business. ♪
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hello and top stories on al jazeera, 1.6 billion euro payment that greece owes the imf is due today on tuesday but it looks like they will miss it. backing the rejection of a tough bailout. military cargo plane has crashed in an indonesia city killing at least 15 people and exploded shortly after takeoff. south africa the only remaining camp housing and fled xenophobix violence and many do not have
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refugee status and can either go back to their communities or to their home countries both of which they fled. breaking news coming into us reports here of a huge blast in the afghan capitol kabul. our correspondence jennifer glasse is with us and just arrived on the scene and jennifer what are you seeing? >> reporter: we see police and ambulances racing to the scene and happened 15 minutes ago in kabul. this is on the airport road the road that runs from the american embassy to the airport. this is a very very busy residential area and many people snarl traffic through the town and many people and bystanders are watching and cutting off the road and we will go down and look at the scene and eyewitnesses say the target may have been a convoy international convoy which is
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often the case because many convoys travel here. >> jennifer i'm not sure how close you are to the actual scene but what kind of damage are you able to see? >> reporter: i'm as close as we can get to the vehicle. there are lots of police and army already on the scene keeping people away and i cannot see the actual blast but it's a kilometer and a half away and this is a very big explosion. >> we will check back in to you as you many to gather more information in kabul, reports of a huge blast in kabul near a busy shopping area and tightly guarded area, another huge blast there in the afghan capitol about a week after the last blast outside the parliament. now it's not just greece that is having a financial crisis and puerto rico is $72 billion in debt and the government says it
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won't be able to pay it and he wants to defer so he can renegotiate with creditors and we go to the capitol san-juan. >> reporter: in rescission for a decades and the economy cannot pay $70 billion in debt. the publically run power company alone owes $9 million and puerto rico stands on the edge of an economic death spiral brought things to a head. in a televised address the governor told the nation hard decisions will need to be made. >> translator: the only way we will get out of this hole is if he join as a country and all willing including bond holders to assume shared sacrifices today to share the benefits of a grown economy. >> reporter: the campus of the united states of puerto rico
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students acted angry to the speech and budget cuts will unfairly target them for years to come. >> the students that will follow us in the next couple of years which is the generation that we will have to pay for the past consequences. >> reporter: but attempts to cut spending and restructure debts have so far failed and now few options remain. the sign behind me says people before the debt and there is no golden ticket, whatever happens in negotiations in the next few hours, days or months this island faces years of hard times. puerto rico is part of the united states and much of the debt is held with u.s. investors but doesn't have the same status as other states and it's clear they will get no financial help from the mainland. >> not contemplating a federal
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bailout of puerto rico but will work with them and leaders as they address the serious financial challenges that are currently plaguing the common wealth of puerto rico. >> reporter: they will attempt to defer the island's debts and drastically cut spending and it's looming and time is running out, andy gallagher al jazeera. burundi cast ballots in parliamentary elections after a night of violence and weeks of political protests and monday's poll was boycotted by opposition and we report now. >> reporter: the burundi president makes an entrance before voting in parliamentary elections and companied by wife and children and looks shaky on two wheels but parliamentary and presidential polls he is defiant and votes in his hometown where she popular. >> translator: i'm satisfied
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with today the people of burundi after facing the democratic ly democratically alleged vote and this is the end of the war and we will keep going for democracy in our country. >> reporter: there was a big turnout in some areas and they were tense and a grenade was thrown in a polling station on monday and they are checking everyone entering polling stations. but the numbers are not that big. many say they are scared even if they support the ruling party. >> using other ways that you need to wait and make sure it's safe for you to leave your house. >> reporter: most opposition parties boycotted the parliamentary polls saying violence and intimidation by members of the ruling party have made it difficult for them to campaign campaign. >> unfortunately any time that he is challenged he has violence and killing people and people
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are going for the right course and these ones are rebels kill them and shoot on them and people have been killed. >> reporter: ruling party officials deny the allegations saying they can't understand why some people either want to postpone the vote. the african union has done something it normally doesn't do and says it won't recognize the elections and did not with election observers and african leaders are trying to distance themselves from the president and he says the presidential elections will happen on july 15, that is despite a limit of two presidential terms and weeks of violent protest over his decision to run for a third term in office and arriving in the distance people are bracing themselves for another contentious battle, al jazeera. amnesty international accusing egypt of crushing an entire generation's hope for a brighter future n a new report
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human rights watchdog says thousands of young protesters have been arrested or jailed in the past two years after unfair trials and egypt foreign minister denies the government is targeting activists and amnesty denounced the killing of the public prosecutor who died in a car bomb attack in cairo and urged the government not to respond with repression and the convoy passed a military academy at the capitol and we report. >> reporter: authorities believe the bomb was set off by a remote control. people familiar with the area say the location of the attack is significant. >> nobody and i mean suspected person can get in or out of this area. it's almost a military barricks and there is a serious breach in security which is totally or most likely to be discarded or
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there is something suspicious about the crime itself. >> reporter: he was a controversial figure with some seeing him as the architect and clamp down on political decent and sent supporters for trial and over saw the acquittal of the former president mobarck and says the people responsible for ousting mohamed morsi are responsible for the prosecutor general's death and it was established on violence turned egypt from a promising democratic country to one of mass killings and violence. prodemocracy activists say they are worried about what this latest attack means to egypt's future. >> what we are seeing is an increase in the violence and seeing french groups emerge as we have seen in the 90s and seeing in syria and iraq and it has been blocked and resort to violence is justified with
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repression from these very groups. >> reporter: the most senior official to have been killed since egypt military ousted the former president mohamed morsi two years ago. states in transition face tremendous challenges but many rights activists say the egyptian government increasingly tight grip on all sections of society may only feed more violent attacks, victoria with al jazeera. the government is claiming gains against i.s.i.l. and state television says soldiers have taken a residential area north of the city days after it was captured by i.s.i.l. forces and taking the city would allow the government to push on to raqqa which it says it's the capitol and 60,000 have fled the city. security council meant to discuss what it calls a growing kurdish threat on the border with syria and promised to take quote all necessary measures to
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ensure security and turkey is concerned after continued gains by gains in syria against i.s.i.l. the kurdish ypg force a terrorist organization and we have more now from the syrian/turkish border. >> reporter: turkey is concerned about the growing strength of its neighbor and made territorial gains in northeast syria controlling 400 kilometers from iraq to the town of kobani to the west and help the only partner in syria capture territory from islamic state of iraq and the levante and believe the ypg which it considers a terrorist organization with the workers party or pkk has another agenda. >> translator: the u.s. led coalition is doing the ypg little help and 80% of the coalition bombings help the kurds and ypg is a thought to
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all people and the kurds are trying to create a state and ethnically cleansing areas. >> reporter: syrian and kurds pushed deep in the mainly province and the stronghold in syria and capture of the province border crossing was praised by u.s. officials who said it was a main supply line from where i.s.i.l. brought in foreign fighters and supplies and by capturing them ypg did not just close a supply route it opened a land corridor between two districts and this has raised concerns in turkey and the president erdiwan said turkey would not accept a move by the kurds to create their own state. believed to be the kurd's next target and it's the last i.s.i.l. controlled crossing on the border with turkey and its fighters are seen there planting explosives. coalition is likely to provide
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air cover in a battle that would weaken i.s.i.l. but syrian activists are questioning the motives of the u.s. and the kurds. >> translator: the ypg is at the doorsteps and if they capture that crossing they will then push south and link it to western ports. >> reporter: the turkish government wants some sort of military intervention to stop the kurd's expansion but the military is reluctant to make such a controversial move and pkk which has been involved in an armed conflict for decades said any intervention would mean war, al jazeera on the syria/turkey border. many of us comic books are a large part of growing up and in south korea cartoons have a long and creative history. now artists are taking it to another level by transforming traditional paper comics into
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internet web tunes and we have the story from seoul. his hobby is his main income and he was having a bit of fun being a music journalist and now his cartoon sketches are not just in print but by the internet in a commercially growing market. >> translator: intervention of daily life has interesting episodes in daily life and it's about things that happen around us. sometimes they could be interesting, other times not, depending on your prospective and which angle you view it. >> reporter: comic sales have been falling for a while, the arrival of new technology invigorated the industry. there was a time before the internet when this was the only way you could get your weekly cartoon fix and while flicking through these pages has not lost appeal a different type of page is being turned now at the touch of a button. visitors to a museum in seoul can see how cartoons in print developed over the decades.
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basic web tunes began as scans of comic books and put on the net and spoke original stories for the laptop tablet and smartphone are the rage and all around the world at a quarter billion dollars. >> translator: world adopting to digital environments and governments have a tune to support through web tunes and making in roads into new international markets and takes time to transcript many it the cartoons in languages and we are funding that. >> reporter: web tunes are transitioning and developed into t.v. dramas like this one. >> translator: i will continue for as long as there are readers who like my work but cartoons require lots of effort so i might not be able to keep up with demand. long-term if things change i have thought about becoming a writer or a novelist.
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>> reporter: he hopes some of his new characters will remain global favorites for many years to come. al jazeera, seoul. and of course you can always keep up to date with all the very latest news on our website, there it is on your screen, al nuclear programme by tuesday, so the deadline has been moved, and no one is saying how far. will the u.n. security council's permanent members and germany be so willing to make a deal that iran can come up with last-minute demands. iran on the brink.
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