tv News Al Jazeera July 2, 2015 11:00pm-11:31pm EDT
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away from their american dream. that is on target tomorrow, 10. :30 pm. that's the show today. i'm david shuster, on behalf of ali velshi and the entire team on "on target", thanks for watching. threat assessment. >> we take every event in washington serious on high alert through the holiday weekend. a false alarm prove oaks a massive -- provokes a massive response amid heightened fees of an attack on america. >> spiralling crisis greece locked in a stand off with
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citizens. >> i've had enough. they are all dirty and a warning, the country will need more cash to stay afloat. >> historic agreement. bp signs off on a record-breaking settlement. nearly $19 billion. five years after the worse oil still. >> dangerous derailment. >> we were asleep the police knocked on the door saying we needed to evacuate. >> toxic chemical leaves the tracks sparking a fire that burns for hours. i'm antonio mora this is al jazeera america. a report of shots fired led to a lockdown at the washington navy yard the same place where a gunman killed 12 people in 2013. the report turned out to be a false alarm, but the huge response was an example of heightened security surrounding the 4 july holiday.
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jamie mcintyre is in woshes with more on the -- washington with more on the rehabilitation to perceived threats. >> the incident and overwhelming response shows agencies charged with protecting the u.s. feels they have to take any threat credibly. there was a time when a 911 call might have brought a few patrol cars those days are gone. when the 7:30 call came in reporting shot fired, the first thought was oh no not again. the call came from building 197, the same building where in 2013 a lop gunman -- lone gunman shot and killed 12 wounding three other. as quickly as the small army of law enforcement descended, it was apparent that the call was a false alarm. no gun, gunman victims or evidence of anything wrong was
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found. washington's police chief said the woman that reported what she thought was gunshots did the right thing. >> we tell people over and over see something, say something, you don't know what is going on don't take it for granted. make the call the fbi and homeland security issued an alert warning of possible domestic attacks over the long 4th of july weekend. and in the wake of several overseas attacks and threats by i.s.i.l. to strike during the month of ramadi. the chief insisted the massive response to the navy yard was standard operating procedure. >> our posture is high for special events and will continue for the fourth. >> hundreds of navy yard employees were were on lock down. a building to building search was conducted. twice, for any threat. the police chief called it a great exercise. and the 3-star admiral said it provided a test of the
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military's active shooter drills. >> we train with employees on how to respond. the first thing is to get out. if you can't, you barricade yourself. if you have to you fight. we go through that exercise that. and do it on a routine basis. >> washington d.c.'s mayor urged resident and visitors to enjoy the national celebration of america's birthday confident if the worst happiness, the city is ready. >> it should be clear that the law enforce. apparatus of the city not only our 4,000 officers but a significant number of partners will respond accordingly. >> law enforce. agencies say that they are already on high alert, and the latest warnings have not prompted them to take significant additional steps. >> the most worry some threat is the so-called lone wolf an individual under the law enforce. radar and is inspired to carry
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out violence without warning initials urge vigilance and say a false alarm is better than a miss the opportunity to protect a deadly attack. >> in a few minutes, the u.s.'s response to threats overseas, and why critics say the obama administration is not doing enough. >> you to greece where the prime minister says he can close a deal next week to stop the crisis. alexis tsipras said cash shortages and bank closures are embarrassing, but will not last long and asked greeks to vote no in the referendum on saturday. john psaropoulos reports the outcome of the vote is anyone's guess. >> reporter: the yes vote has grown, relative to the know vote which appears to hold the majority. the trend may be change. it's difficult who will have the upper hand come sunday.
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the yes vote is feeding off the insecurity of grease feeding off the us open tied to warnings and -- eurozone tide to warnings and threats, saying if greeks vote no they'll no longer have a place in the us open. the no vote -- in the eurozone, the know vote has strength people believing they have no choice but to tell creditors they are no longer willing to talk about austerity, believing they will not bring a decent package, and seem to be strengthened by a debt sustainability by the international monetary fund, one of greece's biggest creditor and that says unless greece receives an additional loan of about 52 billion euro for the next three years, it will have an unsustainable debt in the years to come. the i.m.f. recommends to europe
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extend the repayment period for all loans from 16 years to 40. it says unless europe does that even with this additional 50 million loan greece's debt will stand at about 150% of gdp five years from now, which is deemed an unsustainable level. that would, therefore, appear to play into the government's hands. unless we discuss the fundamental sustainability of the programme and debt there's no point in tinkering with numbers to do with the execution of this year's budget or next year's austerity cuts. john psaropoulos in athens. it may take time before there'll be a u.s. ambassador to havana. the senate majority is unlikely to confirm an ambassador. mitch mcconnell added that the senate will resist lifting the trade embargo against cuba.
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the worse off sure oil spill has b.p. agreeing to a $18 billion settle mment. jacob ward has more. five years after the worst oil spill. b.p. hopes to end a fight over environmental damage over the deep water horizon. it agreed to a massive $18.7 billion settlement. they are wanting to move on and put this behind them. it's probably their goals. under the arrangement. losing it gets what we need which is coastal restoration and commensurate compensation. >> louisiana's attorney-general called the move amazing and historic. five golf states mississippi, alabama, florida, texas and
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louisiana receive pay outs mainly towards gulf restoration. >> the eco system and environment that bore the brunt of it. >> reporter: the settlement which has to be aprouffed by a judge includes: the spill spending 3 million barrels of oil into the golf ruining beaches, and wildlife. bp argued it should not pay the maximum because it spend billions on response clean-up and settlement. eric smith, of the energy institute says it's in bp's interest to settle and pay for the fines over an 18 year period, instead of waiting for a judge to impose the fine. >> bp's stand point it's easier to take out a billion or so a year than to take out 18 billion in one year, or 42 billion, if you take the maximum it has
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been. >> bp's chairman released a statement saying in part:. >> i think that bp got a good deal. >> matt with the nonprofit gulf restoration network says bp could pay more. for now it's best for the region, so states can begin the restoration work. >> if the money comes out to we store the coast. that's less damage we have to repair in the future. money now is words more than money in 10 years after a big long legal battle in tennessee, 5,000 people have been evacuated from their homes after a train carrying a toxic chemical derailed and court fire around midnight on
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wednesday. a tank car containing a highly flammable liquid used to create plastics burnt for 10 hours. people were taken to hospital with respiratory and skin issues anonymous donors are providing 3 million to establish a scholarship fund in the name of reverend clementa pinckney. he was a victim of the church shooting. he was the pastor of a church and a south carolina senators. in a statement he said. the reverend embodied values binding us together as americans. jim webb is running for president. he launched his bid for the 2016 democratic nomination on the website. webb joins four other democrats who are officially running, including hillary clinton and
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senator bernie sanders. the u.s. labour department released a monthly job report. at first demrans the numbers look -- glance the numbers look good. digging deeper reveals cracks. >> reporter: the headline numbers are positive when you dig beneath the surface there's data not a cause for celebration. the economy added 223,000 jobs. around what most economists were looking for. the unemployment rate dropped to 5.3%. it seems fantastic on the surface, it's not great when you look at what was driving that. the number of people in work or actively looking for a job, something called the labour force participation rate. the reason we see the unemployment rate drop is because the number of people participating in the labour force is dropping. as for the mix of jobs what we want to see is solid middle
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class jobs. we find them in the construction and manufacturing sectors, and they were unchanged last night. and the mining sector. containing oil. they said 4,000 jobs. since december that lost 71,000 in total, largely down to the depressed price of oil. a gloomy spot in the report average hourly wages. they were unchanged. year over year they grew 2%. fed chair janet yelland and the rest of the folks wanted to see wages grow 3.5%, signalling that a lot of slack worked its way out of the labour force. we are seeing a healthy job creation. the fact that we are not seeing wages pick up and accelerate. that signals there's a lot of slack to be worked out. >> the pentagon has made several high-profile strikes at i.s.i.l. tart in recent months.
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the obama is claiming a significant blow against i.s.i.l., the pentagon confirming a coalition air strike killed a key leader and recruiter of fighters. the death of the so-called amir of suicide bombers comes about two weeks off the c.i.a. announced a drone trike in syria killed al qaeda's second in command. a number of former administration officials say the president's bombing campaign in iraq and syria is not going far enough. david setni who resigned as a point man in pakistan and afghanistan told the press that drone strikes are creating enemies, and air strikes in
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syria and iraq are too limited. the former secretary of defense said the u.s. should use special forces on the ground in both countries, former defense intelligence agency chief michael flinn is criticizing talks with iran to curb the nuclear programme, saying any deal should be scrutinized base iran is a state sponsor of terror. the deputy director of the joint chiefs of staff joins us from d.c. >> good to have you with us. the argument put forth is the light footprint strategy to train local forces and bomb from the air is not just failing, but is making matters worse. do you agree? >> yes. in basic outlines i do agree with that assessment. now, to put it in perspective, the basic idea of drone strikes in air campaigns can be used
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effectively. if you don't follow it up with other elements of power, be it military or ground forces of various types or special operations forces or diplomatic power or economic power, you have a problem. because there's no follow up in these other areas, we have significant issues that is why you are seeing a lack of effectiveness that the others are talking about. >> that is the question, what has to be done. what is the alternative. there's no appetite for ground troops. >> right. if you don't have an appetite for ground troops from an analytical perspective you have to find ways to do this. one way of doing this is to put more ground troops in special operations forces not standard ground troops and what you are looking at is the pentagon trying to move in that direction with a strategy that general dem si, the joint chief of staff
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articulated. it has to be coupled with a commitment to get things done in terms of i.s.i.s. fighting against them in a way that makes it clear they are doing that and we are not making that message clear. >> some argue that drone strikes can't defeat the terrorist groups, despite taking out the big leaders. you really do think that those are making a real dent against i.s.i.l. and al qaeda. >> here is what i think. i think that when you look at the drone strikes, it's good to decapitate organizations like al qaeda or i.s.i.l. that is not sufficient in and of itself to take care of underlying causes of terrorism. when you look at it in that bay, and take a wholistic approach when you look at the social logical implications and economic implications that is where you can draw a better
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strategy, and we are not doing that at this point. >> as you see, the atrocities from boko haram, i.s.i.l. ooupizia and kuwait -- tunisia and kuwait. and we are not talking about al qaeda, no wonder the head joint chiefs of staff general dempsey says the pentagon need to be prepared for never ending war, is that the case. >> i do. one thing very to be careful of when we dell with trat anies, we have a tendency to fight the last war and be careful to take a futuristic approach and find out using analytical tools of what it will look like if that is what they cab do. >> the department of homeland enforcement put the nation on alert. some ait's as bad as it's been
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since 9/11. is that the case? >> i think it's up there. i.s.i.l. made it clear that they are going to try to use the period of ramadan and 4 july to attack american institutions. they have not specified 4 july it's a logical conclusion that they could use the holiday. if that's the case it's prudent for people to take extra personal security precaution and do their best to be vigilant understand the environment around them as best they can, look for unusual activities and report them. colonel cedric leighton, good to have you with us. boko haram is stepping up its deadly campaign killing fellow muslims, at least 97 of them praying inside mosques. boko haram attacks mosques it believes are too moderate coming a day after boko haram killed 50 in a village 20 miles
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away. in tuesday's attack. rebels separated the women and killed 48 men and boys. >> the national security agencies spying on germany may have been more wide er wikileaks showed that german chancellor angela merkel was not the only german official spied on. libby casey reports on how the u.s. and german government was handling the latest spy scandal. >> the latest leaks is a list of n.s.a. targets in germany, and a list of phone numbers of german officials, people in the government. it includes the contents of a 2011 phone call about angela merkel and a member of her staff. about the eurozone crisis. in response, the chief of staff invited the u.s. ambassador to a meeting, falling short of a summoning, but is taken seriously in germany, and is making headlines there. the german government is saying that it will prosecute anyone
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breaking the law and spying on german citizens. in response to the allegations state department spokesman john kirby wouldn't comment directly on the wikileaks content, only saying that the u.s. is focussed on keeping strong ties with germany, and in no way intends to jeopardise or strain the relationship. . >> it's certain our hope that nothing, regardless of whether it's these leaked documents or anything else - that nothing gets in the way of the strong cooperation partnership and friendship that we enjoy with the german people. >> spokesman kirby says the u.s. doesn't conduct foreign intelligence surveillance on citizens or world leaders unless it's for, what he called a specific and validated national security purpose. this is not the first time the u.s. is on the defensive over allegations of spying on
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chancellor german chancellor angela merkel. two years ago wikileaks published documents causing an uproar showing the n.s.a. was monitoring german chancellor angela merkel's calls. it caused president obama to come out saying the u.s. was not spying on its friends, but there were questions about how behaviour was in the past. this is a sensitive topic because of the history of the secret police keeping records on citizens. wikileaks has been making a splash releasing allegations that the n.s.a. spied on the french president francis hollande libby casey in washington. the united states recorded its first measles death in more than 12 years, recent outbreaks of the disease - what they tell us over childhood vaccinations. and the commissions of a food company overcharging
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in washington state health officials confirmed the first u.s. death from measles in 13 years. the victim died after staying at a health care facility where another was treated for measles. science and technology correspondent jacob ward has more. >> reporter: the washington state department of health confirms that this woman who
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passed away this spring died from pneumonia, a complication of measles, it took place in a rel tifl rural part of the state, and resulted when the woman visited a local small health clinic there. she was there at the same time as another patient who was discovered to be infected with measles. it's the first death from measles since 2003 on american gaol. the thing to understand is that vaccinations likely would have presented this situation. according to the department of health the deceased had several other health conditions and were on med indication. >> a person in that situation cannot be vaccinated and is intensely vulnerable to highly infectious diseases like measles, it's for the benefit of people like her that the rest of us need to be vaccinated. that is why healthy children
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should be vaccinated before attending schools in the state. here is how the head of infectious diseases explained it to me. >> decisions by a relative few can have a grave disservice and harmful effect on others. with vaccines we have to rely on a majority of the people accepting a vaccine and undertaking its use, not only for its own protection but for the protection of others who are too sick to take the vaccine for medical reasons. this is a case where the common good must rein. >> the concept here is herd immunity the idea that for every one person that is not or cannot be vaccinated. the person surrounding them must be and shield them from that disease. without enough people vaccinated around each unfact veinated
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person, the ratio falls apart and the disease wan leap from one to another. this is a reminder that measles, something we assume we don't have to worry about is a dangerous and deadly disease. it was considered eradicated in 2000. think about that. we thought we were down with it on a national level because of protections afforded by vaccines. in the case of this death, it's a reminder that it is back and measles is as dangerous as we allow it to become. >> the whole foods supermarket chain is opening up to overcharging customers. executives went online to apologise for mislabelling prepackaged food with the wrong weights. the new york city department of consumer affairs said the practice resulted in overcharges from $0.80 to more. all types of food had the wrong weight on their labels. i'm antonio mora thank you for
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joining us for the latest news head to ray suarez is next with "inside story". have a great night. pass have a great night. pass ^ have a great night. pass [ ♪♪ ] as you have heard, there was once briefly a country called the confederate states of america. the ideas enshrined in its constitution and celebrated by its founding fathers were defeated on the battlefield. for many americans, that was that. for others the end of the civil war began a century and a half of mourning, nostal guy
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