tv Weekend News Al Jazeera July 4, 2015 6:00am-7:01am EDT
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a u.s. judge rules there is announcer: this is al jazeera. hello, welcome to the newshour, in doha here is what is coming up over the next 60 minutes. greece divided. the prime minister battles for support ahead of a crucial referendum on the future of the country. >> the u.n. atomic watchdog says it can finish its investigation into iran's nuclear work by the end of the year if iran cooperates. russian vacation, we look at the tourism campaign attracting a
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fresh wave of holiday makers. powered by the sun. solo flares in hawaii after a record-breaking flight across the pacific we begin the newshour in greece where campaigning for the bailout referendum ended. a day before voting begins, the greek finance minister accuses them of terrorism. >> prime minister alexis tsipras wants greece to vote know and rejected what he calls blackmail. tens of thousands took part in rival rallies in athens and this is the scene in athens on saturday. long cues outside atms. finance minister says the banks will reopen by tuesday. they have been closed all weeks to stop mass money withdrawals. jonah hull has more from athens.
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>> the word okki means no. the no campaign gathered in front of parliament backed by the government wants a future in europe, but with a better deal for greece, less austerity, less money lost to debt repayments. >> a no vote for me means there's a possibility that this country will have a future. >> not far away, the yes crowd met in greek. they are for a bailout, and quickly, one that will allow the banks to reopen. >> we are all here to show that we want to be european citizens, and if possible, return to drachma would be a total disaster. >> sunday's referendum called unconstitutional by some, and a dangerous gamble is the next act in a drama already five years old. the conclusion has never been less certain. >> the no vote will write history. our people will move on. within a europe of democracy and
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solidarity. >> the left wing prime minister believes a no vote will strengthen greece's hand in future negotiations, a national mandate to demand more for less. a yes vote then would in effect be a no to him and his party. >> actually, many people are voting yes, are voting against current government. definitely a yes vote continues with the membership of euro. >> what strikes me about the two sides, the yes and no camps, is not just the strength with which they are willing to defend their position, but the way they illustrate a real division in greek's society, one driven deeper this week, between the largely middle class voters of
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the yes camp willing to sign the country up to more austerity measures to defend what they have got, and many of those here, workers, with no jobs, little or nothing left to lose. >> a no vote for the workers and the young people in greece says that we have to stop the negotiations with the european union, take our lives back and fight for our money, jobs and democracy. >> we are not enemies with the other party, of the yes. i have friends belonging to yes. tomorrow they will still be my friends. >> on this square, where greeks so often demonstrated anger in the past, the no crowd stand with the government of the day. if they win on sunday, there is not one person here who truly knows what will happen next. let's look at the main problems. pensions - across the bored cuts in ex-expenditure and in
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military spending. creditors want to double the $it 220 million cutbacks. and the sales tax. it's another key demand. greece as agreed to raise rates, but can't agree with lenders about how much to raise them by. crossing to john psaropoulos. a day before the referendum the greek finance minister making comments, saying what they are doing, saying what they are doing is terrorism. how are the comments going down there. >> it's no surprise this is the language he's usingful he expects to be able to talk to the interlocuteurs. the important thing about what he said, apart from the red flags that he raised such as
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terrorism is that the government here has been receiving renewed variations of the offer that it received on 25 june. that is the offer that is on the table. to be decided on on sunday's vote. that is a dead letter. because greece's oversight programme ended on tuesday at midnight. many people said if that's the case the offer made four days earlier is no longer valid. they say it is because the government continued to receive variations upon it. therefore, he says it's a living document. and it is still a valid subject for this referendum. a no vote he says will allow us to go to brussels after the referendum on monday and complete the negotiation. a yes vote will bring a change of government a tougher government which will be legitimized by the yes vote and is referring to the political opposition at home waiting to
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oust syriza after a yes vote, and that will bring back creditors with vipped ictive intentions -- vindictive measures. >> both of scenarios put board by the greek finance minister. tell us how divided the country remains over this referendum. well, as you have seen from the polls, they are roughly split down the middle. we have spoken to people on both sides of the divide. the yes camp. the private sector educated. they want an integrated economy. >> also in the yes vote the pensioners and the elderly, people about to take a pension, because they are afraid of cuts and worst cuts if greece leads
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the eurozone than the austerity cuts that the eurozone is proposing. in the no camp we have seen a larger number of people altogether the dispossessed reckoned to be 40% of the population the people living below the 2008 poverty line of 7,500 euros. so that number of people was not poor before the crisis but by that standard they have roughly doubled in number. and they are - they are the no votes. they are the people who have little to lose now if the worst comes to the worse. >> thank you very much for reporting for us from athens. >> hamas is calling for the immediate release of dozens of members and supporters detained on thursday. it is saying more than 100 people were picked up in raids by the west bank. a spokesman said the hamas
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member planned to sow chaos, but gave no charges. the raids are politically motivated. >> it was a large campaign of arrests carried out by the palestinian authority in the west bank. they arrested more than 100, major city academics and university student, part of the security coordination between israel. >> crossing to gaza and speaking to imtiaz tyab, telling us more of hamas's reaction from the gaza strip. how much pressure can hamas put on the palestinian authority to release those detained and arrested. >> there's a lot of anger from hamas over the arrest of those activists in the west bank well over 100 the largest crackdown on hamas supporters in the west
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bank since 2006. 2006 of course is a significant year and hamas seized control of the gaza strip, in that year. sparking a bitter subdivision between the leadership in the west bank and hamas in the gaza strip. many thought things would improve with the national reconciliation government formed between hamas and the factions in the west bank. since then they have lurched from crisis to crisis. and culminating with the arrests of these activists in the west bank. but to answer your question about what hamas can do at this stage little. all they can do is issue statements and under score how angry they are at the move. they put into question the political union, at this stage
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all we had from hamas is the angry statement. >> what are the palestinian authority or the israelis saying about the reported security coordination between them when it comes to these arrests as the hamas spokesperson is claiming? >> the israelis have not said anything about whether or not they were involved in the arrests of the activists over the last 24-48 hours or so. however, a few days ago israel announced it was involved in the arrest of 40 activists, which it described as a terrorist cell. as for the palestine leadership we heard a statement from the palestinian authority, and he said we can expect more rests of hamas activists for what he described as trying to destabilize the west bank. so this crisis between hamas and the leadership in the west bank
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deepening with more expected rests. >> all right. thank you very much for that from gaza. >> the u.n. nuclear watchdog said a report on the past nuclear weapons programme could be ready by the end of the year. u.s. officials say talks may go behind the deadline. the ia ex a chief held meetings. with the cooperation from iran i think we can issue a report by the end of the year. on the assessment of the issues related to possible military dimension. once an agreement is reached on the joint comprehensive plan of action the i.a.e.a. is ready to
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implement the nuclear-related elements when requested. >> a group linked to i.s.i.l. says it fired three grad rockets from egypt's sinai peninsula on friday. egypt's president abdul fatah al-sisi has been visiting sinai days after 100 people were killed in fighting between allies and security forces. one person has been killed while protesting in egypt. security forces opened fire in a rally in cairo fighting in eastern libya killed more than 25 people. the army of the u.n. recognised government battled fighters from the surer council. the rebel group said that firefighters were killed. three civilians were reported to have been killed. >> here with the newshour on al jazeera.
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hundreds of families forced to leave burundi, following instability and election-related violence. >> border disputes. kurdish forces accused of pushing forces out. >> dutch trying to turn their love of cycling into success on the biggest stage. well now, the political tension and uncertainty in afghanistan - the vital post of defence minister has been vacant since the election and remaybes that way. parliament rejected one of ashraf ghani's key nomination the agreement between the president and his challenger the chief yourself officer means other key possessions remain vacant. jennifer glasse joining us to tell us what the defence
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minister posts and what it means for the government. it's a big below for president ashraf ghani and his chief executive. this is the second defence minister to be rejected by parliament and it was not close. he only got 84 of 104 votes. it is a key post and it's at a critical time. heavy fighting around the country. 18 afghan security forces have been killed, there has been fighting in the north in kunduz and helle monday. without a defense miles per hour, program oweses are frozen key decisions are on hold. he had been the acting defence minister. a failure to be confirmed throws a failure into the roots here. it's hoped they gind a new candidate that the parliament will improve. what other posts are we looking
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at that need to be filled? >> that's right. parliament has to confirm the head of the central bank and two supreme court posts, including african women. we are expecting that to happen in parliament tomorrow. that also is - that confirmation process is contentious because conservative parliament objected to the nomination as the first woman nominated as a judge in afghanistan. >> thank you for that ub date from kabul. the lebanese group says the battle has begun. 2,500 soldiers and allies went into the city near the lebanese border on friday. dozens of barrel bombs have been dropped by the aircraft. if they are successful a main
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supply route will be cut off. the syrian army carried out air strikes, following an assault by rebel groups and a capture of a military base. syrian sources say the rebel attack has been propelled. government forces controlled most of the city and different rebel factions hoed the eat. >> in northern syria, kurdish fighters have been advancing on raqqa. it's a main base of the kurdish fighters and seen as a threat to i.s.i.l. the kurds are the us-led collision's only partner. sunni arabs are questions that alliance. they have been expelled from their homes, syrian kurds are no longer welcome in i.s.i.l.'s capital city. families moved north to a border down under i.s.i.l.'s control two weeks ago. living under i.s.i.l. they were
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forced to pledge allegiance to the group. after the y.p.g. advanced, i.s.i.l. accused the kurds of cooperating with the crusader coalition. . >> they gave us 24 hours to leave, else they'd behead us. they are afraid of the kurd and worried about losing raqqa city. i.s.i.l. had been digging trenches around the city's perimeter. >> the y.p.g. closed the main route i.s.i.l. used. the main stronghold far from under siege. they have no plan to advance towards the arab city. any future battle would be by arab forces. those in contact with activists operating secretly believe that i.s.i.l. can be easily defeated if the coalition cooperates with
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syrian rebels. >> y.p.g. is not cd in taking the stay. there are units in the air ready to fight i.s.i.l. they need air support. the coalition is not aring to support them. they only support the kurds. >> many question the cooperation between the coalition and the wpy, accusing the forces of fake taking control, and fighting areas called western kurdistan. for now the kurds are treated as the only viable partner on the ground in syria, which is angering arabs, who think there's only so much the y.p.g. can or is willing to do. there has been a series of attacks on the outskirts of maiduguri in in north-eastern nigeria. many are believed to have been killed in suicide bombings and
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gun battles lasting several hours. it's not the first time boko haram tried to overwhelm the nigeria army and the area surrounding that city. >> well so far what we here from borno state is that the nigerian army repelled the attacks on the villages of maiduguri and one other village. boko haram attacked the villages around the time muslims are breaking the fast and sustained a gun butle for hours -- battle for hours. right now they have the insurgents trying to launch attacks. in the last 24 hours or 48 hours, we have seen several attempts by boko haram, to attack or suicide missions inside maiduguri and the environs. >> one opposition member has been shot dead overnight in
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burundi's capital. after raids on the homes of suspected opposition members. there has been violence during and after elections on monday. >> reporter: it's been a difficult week. at night we hear gun fire. in the morning they start to count the number of dead we are not seeing protests because opposition members say they are scared. police are wondering what could be going on why are people quiet. they allege that some militants are going door to door looking for weapons. opposition members deny this. people are waiting for results at the parliamentary election to be realised on wednesday. that has not happened. opposition members boycotted the polls. the they are concerned the
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government is trying to cook the results. there's another attempt at negotiations. african leaders will sit and try to find a decision to burundi's crisis. opposition members say dialogue is not the way to go. they say they are the ones killed and the president is still determined to run for a third term despite it violating the constitution. now the weather with rob, and the typhoon in the pacific. >> yes, it's the western pacific where we tend to grow the concerns. it's a bit further east than normal. the satellite pictures show you might think clearly a string of potential storms here. they do form. there's one in the south, south of the equator, spinning the opposite direction. turns out there are three in the
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north, and they are all named. the ones in the solomon islands are falling apart. these two out in the ocean have the potential to become typhoons and may head to japan in the next 4-5 days. one that is it of immediate interest is one we've been following for a couple of days. this has a name. that is locally different to the one used internationally. however, here it is. this spinning disc it's not going to be a dive on it will calls a lot of trouble less so gusting. it will turn out through lawson to taiwan and may give rain. for the next two days it's a rain feature, and over lausanne. much of the area is wet and malaysia too, but the breeding ground is interesting at the moment
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thank you all. russia is not at the top of tourist's favoured destinations. there's fighting in ukraine, the plunging value of the ruble, and this means travellers are not going elsewhere. the russian government is looking to welcome the neighbours in china. charles stratford has that story from moscow. 25-year-old connie lieu is on holidays, she's here with a group of students and she's loving it. >> the construction - i feel the different cultures it's different from china. >> it's the height of the tourist season. but there's no longer the mix of foreigners there used to be. the russian tourism industry said the deterioration with the west means fewer are coming to
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russia these days. for the first time last year the chinese was the largest group of foreigners to visit. more than a million visit russia last year and half were tourists on holiday. this group are spending their last day in moscow. this is the soviet. they have the monument depicting the former states. about fewer westerners coming the russian tourism industry is focussing on attracting industry from asia and china in particular. chinese tourists coming in groups don't need a visa. it's one of around 15 hotels credited for chinese tour companies, and they cater for what is described as specialists
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for chinese tourists. >> all are demanding free and have destruction, which is about the hotel. there are trainees and they have two trainee tv channels from english and china. the chinese guests are offered discounted accommodation. tourism experts say the government realises the potential of the chinese market. this attempt to adjust the tourist market requires a lot of work. the government hopes it will not take too much time. before the government didn't consider tourism. it was ignored. for colleen and her fellow travellers, this trip is one they'll never forget. still to come on the al jazeera newshour. morality before politics. a message from one of the women used as a sex slave by japanese
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u.s. officials say talks may go beyond the july 9th deadline. one opposition member was shot daud days after the elections. it happened after police raids targeted the homes. the greek finance minister is accusing the e.u. of terrorism. banks will reopen on tuesday as greece teaters on the edge of bankruptcy. unemployment soars to record levels. young people are leaving university without jobs including london as nadim baba reports. >> reporter: he has a steady job he enjoys in public relations. but he had to leave his home country to make it happen.
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he's 30 years old and the person that might create business in greece. >> if you spend so much time studying and you need to have a good job. you have to doing for yourself. and the solution is to go to another country, since the 2010 crisis. it's been driving the greek brain drain. an estimated 200,000 greeks left to live abroad representing it 2% of the population. half have gone to germany or the u.k. and with youth unemployment in greece hovering around 60%, the trend is unlikely to change. sophia is a journalist studying in the u.k. before trying to forge a career in greece with so many publications closing,
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she decided her future lies in london. >> we heard of young going back and launching their own start-ups, they are the minorities a majority is finding it hard. the most talented are the most educated. they end juggling three jobs at the same time just to make ends meet. this europe expert says the expert is compounding problems. >> the asset of the economy is not justifies illegal infrastructure, but intrelentual. if it -- intellectual. if most leave the country, it's a break for future economic development, and that makes it a damaging process. >> for dmitri nostalgia is outweighed. he said whatever happens in the referendum, more young greeks
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will seek that future abroad. let's talk about this. and speak to dmitri u the founder and director of bridging europe, an athens-based think tank. thank you for joining us. i am sure you have seen a lot of polls, you have conducted your own polls. what are the polls telling you? we can't be certain on the outcome of the referendum. there's a gap between the yes and no camp there's polls with a wide gap in favour of no. we made the poll in brimming europe. that suggests that almost 66% of people mr vote no. the rate goes up to around 81%.
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>> and why is that specifically? >> well mainly for the younger population. we can say that the mainly - such a high rate is caused by the sky rocketing unemployment. the high unemployment rates. the fact that many of young people have decided to go back and live with the family and there's a big disappointment in greece and they put all their homes to a more stable and balanced agreement in favour of the greek government. >> when you hear the comments by the greek finance minister accusing them of terrorism. is he right? >> can you please represent. >> i'm asking about your
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outlook, your take on the comments made by the greek finance minister a day before the referendum is meant to take plus, he accused the creditors of terrorism. what do you make of that? >> well actually i want say, but we can definitely say that it's a big propaganda. there's a big involvement of european leaders in domestic politics and it's not good. mainly what i would like to say... >> speaking of domestic politics, what will the outcome mean for the government if it's a yes, and then if it's a no? >> well if it's a big yes, the government has to step back accept the proposal of the creditors, but call for
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elections. if there's a no the government believes it may be more restricting to push forward and more for an agreement that will be close to each. if you have a big no doesn't seen alexis tsipras will get more from the creditors. there'll be many teaches, but mainly we are waiting what the european bang will do if we have any possibility and cuts on deposits. >> thank you dmitri. >> people on iraq's front line they go to work to school to the payingry fighters from the islamic state of iraq and levant, it's an a few kilometres
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away. >> reporter: just going to work here is risky. city council members survived this attack by a suicide bomber. the attacker from nearby fallujah killed a guard. the bullet holes are from another attack. this man has been in office for six years, and learnt to stay away from the windows. >> fallujah has an important strategic location. it's connected with three provinces. if the terrorists take fallujah and the provinces. >> reporter: the daily round are different. tribal fighters have been the last line of defense. >> this bunker on the outed skirts is the last point. not controlled by i.s.i.l.
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withinside there's a position. 20 minutes down to hold is a stronghold of fall usual e, after that it's thousands of kilometres until the border was controlled by the group. there's no heavy weapons and vehicles. before i.s.i.l. three sons died. one killed himself, rather than be captured or beheaded. >> he called me on the radio and ran back for held and came back and killed 14 of them. >> this is a traditional way of life and unforgiving code. every evening i.s.i.l. launches mortars from a nearby field. one hit the grocery store. seven people from killed. even the hospital was targeted.
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there are few places that places in fallujah can go. the shot is destroyed by a mortar. as long as bakeries are intact workers are saying it's part of routine. >> in the philippines, the captain and owner of a ferry capsized is murder. 59 have died. anunknown are feared drown. 146 managed to escape. overloading is blamed south korea recorded another case of mercedes the total number -- of m.e.r.s. m.e.r.s. the numbers have climbed. the new patient is a doctor.
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90 out of 185 faces have been traced to this hospital. the mayor's outbreak has been the largest outside the middle east. >> filipino workers send billions home, they make a vital contribution. now the government says the number of people is declining. >> after several years as a housekeeper and nanny, this woman is hope to work in the philippines. they returned home because they were passed away. now she stays because it's no longer a way to earn a living and support families. >> translation: there are a lot more jobs a lot of call centers here now and in construction. there arons, you have to work hard. the philippinos are more than
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10% working abroad. >> reporter: in 2005 the numbers of filipinos leaving for work hit the 1 million mark and grew higher. last year for the first time the government said there was a decline in filipinos, leaving for overseas work. the economy is growing. investment is up and it's greater job opportunities. it means better climate for investment, more market reform and government. >> reporter: while many workers are returning, the government oversees the processing center it's still full. it used to work for the government. she has got a job as a seamstress in saudi arabia. there is a big difference between the philippines and
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other countries. it's easier to save money over there. people here are looking outward for opportunities, and returning migrant workers say the new recruits will change their views once they go abroad. any chance to earn a better age is better than being away from her family. asian women kept as sex slaves during the world war ii are demanding an apology for the role his forces played. tens of thousands of so-called comfort women were kidnapped and forced to work in broth else. one of the surviving whim when has travelled to the u.s. to ply pressure. >> reporter: this is the 1,184th wednesday that protestors gathered outside the japanese embassy to demand an apology
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tore the enslavement of 200,000 women in brothels during the world war ii. it was unprecedented. >> why don't we give them a bug round of applause. >> 89 kim was in attendance one of 49 women kidnapped by the japanese s and to boost the spirit of their shoulders, they drafted young girls and conned us. they will work in a factory. they were taken into battlefield. i was 14 and taken as a sexual slave and lived an agonising life for eight years. >> protesters want a sincere and unconditional apology and compensation to cone side with the end of the world war ii a prospect unlikely as shinzo abe
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it said administration did ass is is. the following day. the butter fully symbolized the women. kim refuses to be an anonymous victim. she was clear that the u.s. should but morality ahead of strategic interest, as it counters on focussing on china. >> i think president obama is wrong. he should deny shinzo abe's request. korea is a small country, but is a nation. president obama should tell the administration to resolve unsettled issues before giving them the power to avoid japanese military. >> it's an angry resolve.
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session ahead of the british grand prix defending formula 1 world champion going quickest on saturday morning. friday lewis hamilton said he was in trouble, recording the fourth fastest time. his team-mates and closest rival was second quickest. qualifying gets under way in an hour's time. hosts chile takes on argentina in the final. copa america. argentina have not won the title in 20 years. chile never won south america's top competition. friday saw peru beat paraguay and beaten by chile in the semifinals. the second straight third-place finish the women's world cup reaches a conclusion on sunday. organizers saying the absence of sepp blatter will not make an impact. two criminal investigations into
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f.i.f.a. corruption are ongoing, with blatter opting not to attend the final in canada for personal reasons. and japan vet to play the u.s.a. in that title. >> i'm happy that from the perspective that the focus is on the two teams playing in the final, and in the third place and two teams in a final. whoever wins the women's world cup, whether it's me you or anyone else i'm not sure that they are too bothered by it. >> tiger woods continuing to show signs of life at his latest tournament. shooting a season-low on thursday at the green briar hassics. woods carving a 69 to go with the 66 on thursday. rank saideded -- ranked 220 in the world. he is four shots behind the coe
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leaders. >> defending wimbledon champion petra kvitova continues her campaign for back to back titles saying on jelena jankovic. friday saw serena williams having a tough time of it against unseeded heather watson. the 20-time grand slam winner took the opening set. heather watson recovered to get within two points of victory, seeing a 6-2, 4-6, 7-5 win, setting up a fourth round tie with her sister venus. >>st unfortunate that it is so soon. we'll do the best that we can. she's my sister today, next week, next year. i think that's a little more important nan a match. we'll leave everything out on the court and when it's done we'll go back to regular life. the highlanders claim the superrugby title, defeating the
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hurricanes. despite having home advantage. elliott dixon sending the highlanders into the break with a 37 lead. then setting up this in the second half. winning the southern hemisphere's top title for the first time, 21-14. full time score. >> 102nd edition oft tour de france is getting under way. cycling is a way of life in the nth, with the majority of the 6 million people using a bike every day. paul rees reports. >> the dutch are never far away from the bikes, it's a relationship lasting a lifetime. rides of a few hundred kilometres are not usual. here leading the club on a 40km from amsterdam, celebrating the tour de france.
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33% of travel here is done by bike. the netherlands love affair with the bicycle has not translated to success in the biggest race. >> we have good ridders. sometimes they win a big race. no yellow jerseys, and why is that. i think the touch maybe do not have the winning mentality, you know. >> 198 riders are here. but the city has to find space for commuter bikes. >> finding a space can be difficult done. the dutch have had two tour de france winners, and have not worn the jersey since 1989. the dutchman could be the next winner.
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20 stages to come are not tailored for his skills as a time-triallist. >> dutch journalists are asking about it. it will be special if that happens, as a dutchie. the wishes are bigger than the reality. the reality of tour de france was 1980. jan jansen was the previous winner. >> the riders come from everywhere. nairobi, kenya, south africa the u.s.a. more international and more difficult to win now. the dutch cyclist's wait for a new champion could be a long one. >> we'll have the latest from the opening stage. that is all your sport for now. >> an international animal charity rescued two lion cubs
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from a refugee camp in the gaza strip. the 10-month-old cubs will be relocated to a wildlife sanctuary. the family bought them from a zoo, hit during the war with gaza and israel. months were spent trying to convince the family to give up the two cubs. >> we talk to a veterinarian. amir, you finally managed to convince the family to give up the two cubs. can you update us on where the transfer is where the cubs are? >> thank you for contacting us. me and the team currently are in gaza. we succeeded to convince the owner to give us a lions cub. they are not bigger, they come to be rescued from family
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members, and young children in the refugee camp. it is a time now where we have to move them for the safety of his family and the refugee camp. we succeeded to get the lions cub from the owner. it was an emotional moment. it was considered as two members of family members, it was emotional for him. he was happy that the lion will go to a better place, an appropriate place in jordan. into where are the cubs now, we understand that they were stuck for a couple of hours between the border. >> correct. yesterday we reached the israel border, but were not allowed to enter israel. the border is closed and were not able to go to israel or come back to gaza. it was an unfortunate situation.
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the cubs do not have enough food, and it's an uncomfortable situation. we have to wait. >> they are telling you you and the lion cubs will go to israel. why are you choosing jordan as the appropriate place. >> there we guilt a sank suary, so jordan has the appropriate place and knowledge in jordan to deep this animal. it's one of the best sanctuaries. it's the nearest and best of place to keep the wild animal
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there and give them an appropriate place. >> we'll have to leave it there. thank you for speaking from gaza. >> a record-breaking flight across the potion. the solar impulse two took off from abu dhabiment the flight around the globe included amman. it's soured on to mandoley in myanmar, and clocked 216 k/hr per hour and flue across china with shots in nanchi thrk g. the plane had to land and took off again on sunday on a 7,200 yurny across the pacific. the pilot was at the controls for five days and that means
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this man broke the world record for the longest solo flight. gerald tan has more. >> reporter: a graceful flied flight collided into hawaii. it's now the longest solo flight on record. this wasn't just the feat of time. but one of science. the plane was flown without a drop of fuel. it was powered by the sun and had 17,000 sells, charming batteries to keep it going through the night, testing the endurance of the vessel and that of the pilot. he did not have much room to move from the cockpit. >> i was privileged it was an
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extraordinary experience. >> fellow swift pilot had been taking turps flying the solar impulse. it's the culmination of a 12-year projected aiming to highlight the potential of solar energy. >> this is why history first for renewable nrments. nobody can say that that is renewable energies. >> the sol an impulse two hits from honolulu to phoenix you can read more about the record-breaking flight across the pacific ocean on the website. there you find the top stories, hamas members arrested this the crackdown. that's one of the other top stories we are covering on al jazeera. thank you for watching the newshour with me. back in a moment with a full
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greece divided. the prime minister battles for support ahead of a referendum on the future of country. welcome to al jazeera from doha. also coming up u.n. atomic watchdog says it can finish iran's nuclear work. opposition members shot dead days after disputed parliamentary elections. and russia looks to
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