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tv   Weekend News  Al Jazeera  July 5, 2015 2:00pm-3:01pm EDT

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this is al jazeera. this is the al jazeera news hour with david foster and this is a little bit of what we've got coming up in the next 60 minutes. continuing to count the vote increase. the early indications suggest voters may have rejected the terms of the massive financial bailout. we are not yet where we need to be on several of the most difficult issues. >> the u.s. secretary of state says the deal on iran's nuclear program has never been closer but john kerry says it could still go either way.
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living in the shadows of fear. we hear from activists in burundi threatened. in the sports news we're in vancouver for the women's world cup final, and formula one world champion lewis hamilton wins again this time in front of his home fans. greece's prime minister's staked his reputation on it perhaps his country's future on it. the early results in the bailout referendum are showing the no vote leading strongly. here we see him casting his ballot in athens. the prime minister is saying that greece is determined to take its destiny into its own hands. let's go to our correspondent barnaby phillips in at athens.
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there's barnaby first. let's go to him first. this is pretty seismic, isn't it? we had alexa sip ra saying i stake my future on this and if you vote no it's financial suicide. where do we stand now? >> reporter: it's moving slower but 27% of official results coming in over 60% have roted no. they have a 20% lead over the yes count. it looks conclusive including heavy no votes in areas that didn't even vote in the general election. i've just been down in the square in the center of athens and there are large numbers of
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government supporters congregating. they think that they have won. and mr. stip ttsipras took an enormous gamble and it paid off. the people that voted no today weren't voting no to the euro. they were voting no to the terms on offer and to austerity. what follows from that is mr. mr. tsipras will feel emboldened and return to the european government who made no secret of their distate for him and he will carry on trying to negotiate with them in a situation of extreme financial urgency with greek banks close to collapse. i'll bring in my guest at this point from the university of athens. a triumph for the greek prime minister, alexis tsipras.
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>> it's unexpected. every poll including the exit polls were a lot more negative for it. however, this is a very strong mandate for tsipras to bargain harder. >> reporter: and a huge set back for european leaders and an indictment of their policies over the past five years here in greece. >> it is certainly an indictment. the reason for this vote is that the greek people apparently have had enough. however, i don't know how strong a bargaining chip this will be with alexis tsipras tomorrow. however, he has closed banks and atms without money. so i suppose we're going to hear a new game now, and more dangerous and risky than before. >> reporter: more risky because
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alexis tsipras will push harder with the greek people behind it? >> yes, because he will feel more certain and risky maybe and at the same time more responsible to satisfy the great majority of the greek people. >> reporter: surely institutions like the european union and the commission, the leaders, will have to now listen to him when he says for example, i want debt relief. this something you gave me no uncouragement on over the past five months. now mrs. merkel and so on have to give way. is that realistic, do you think? >> if it is the political will with the european leadership to do whatever is necessary to remain part of the euro zone then i'm sure that the new proposal by institutions will hear some better terms and some not only mentioning but those are some particular and complete
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terms on debt relief. it's on debt relief. i think that this is enough for alexis tsipras. it's easier for him now to pass it through the greek parliament. >> reporter: so there is a glimmer of hope? you see a potential deal? >> in alexis tsipras told the truth to the greek people when he promised that the no vote doesn't mean an exit it only means we're going to negotiate hard. however, trying our best to remain in the euro zone then there is a hope for a better proposal and for a better compromise for the greek people. >> reporter: one legacy of this extraordinary referendum campaign organized at the last minute around proposals that no longer existed is deeper divisions within greek society, which could be dangerous in the months ahead.
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>> yes there is not balanced because with just however there is a schism. it will take a while for this wound to be healed and i hope that the greek prime minister today will try to be as con sill to her as possible. i really hope that he is going to build his negotiating strategy on an internal consensus. so i'm waiting for his statement and his moves especially for next week. >> wlaefr happens has to happen quickly, doesn't it because of the banks? >> yes, because there's no cash in these banks. there's danger even the atms will close. the clock is ticking for the greek government but also for the european institutions. if the greek government realizes there's no cuts and there's no possibility of a compromise
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then the only option would be to exit. >> reporter: thank you very much. it's all very up in the air, david, on an extraordinary night in athens. will bring you the latest in the comes hours. >> thanks barnaby. this is the greek ministry of the interior's website about this referendum. forget the fact that it all appears orange which is all a no vote. we think the colors are slightly mixed up on that because we can't find any green at all. the important point is 39.09% so only just under 40% of those voters in greece who took part in the referendum have said yes to the terms offed -- off the bailout deal. the no vote sides with alexis tsipras is 61%. that's a third of the votes only counted so far. we've been concentrated so far this news hour down in athens. let's go up to the northeast
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corner of greece now to another massive se and my colleague joins me from there. we talked to an awful lot of athensians, but what about people in different parts of greece. i know you're in greece and it's a big metropolis itself. what is the sense in this different part of greece? is it a country that is split and that is now up to the prepare to bring back them back down again, or do they think they scored a victory over the auto autocrats of europe? >> reporter: earlier in the day i was speaking to someone that voted no. what they both agreed on is that greece should stay within the euro zone but they both said that their votes are probably better for the future of the
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country and the future of their children. in the islands i've heard different opinions. maybe i've heard that people would vote yes, and i think that's simply because tourism is the only industry doing well in the country at the moment. it presents nearly 15% of the annual gdp, and people in the islands are extremely worried if you did -- if you vote no wins if the country gets out of the euro zone then they will be left with really pennies and their income will dramatically come down. here in this town, we've been asking over and over that same question, and the opinions have been really quite divided. even though i also asked what do you think in the end this city would be yes or no? people always tell you that this town is more conservative than athens and the financial crisis here started earlier than in the rest of the country. they point to the fact if you go to the industrial area you'll see tens of factories that have
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shut down and moved to nearby bulgaria or turkey. they say, we know about all of this well before the rest of the country. the opinions are still divided. >> thank you very much indeed from northeast greece. we go to germany, to frankfurt to dominick cain there. this is the worst possible result for angela merkel as leader of the european union's push on greece. it's the worst possible result for all of the different vendors. what will they do and say when they get the final confirmation when the greeks say, sorry, don't like your deal at all. come back with another one? >> well that is the question that's going to dominate the talks held tomorrow afternoon in paris between president fran choice hollande and the german chancellor angela merkel david. a few days ago angela merkel
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said if the greeks voted no it would be the equivalent of your eyes wide open driving into a brick wall which is a very clear sentiment from the german point of view. the point about this is the element of uncertainty. we'll also recall there were two differing thoughts in the days leading up. the german government said there can be only negotiations after the referendum. the french government was going to have a negotiate with alexis tsipras about the proposals and that sort of thing. that is now history. what they come up tomorrow afternoon and what rt so of position they put forward we wait to see. the other element of uncertainty, david, is what will happen in the market? we expect a teleconference in the building behind me to discuss the results in greece. there's a certainty we all have is on the face of it the greek
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government must repay something in the order of 3.5 billion euros to the ecb two weeks from tomorrow, or they will be in arears again as the imf said the greeks were on june 30th when they failed to make their payment of 1.6 billion euros. those are the certainties. the uncertainties are legion because there's so many. this is unchartered waters for all the euro zone government leaders, particularly for merkel and hollande. >> what about all the people that heard nothing but this is the end of the greece as a member of the euro zone? this will the reintroduction of the tract where greece can't use it if they vote no? that looks like it will happen. no one is saying bye-bye greece and bye-bye euro at the moment. >> reporter: i think because they were hoping against hope there would be a yes vote. that they wouldn't come to the situation where the money given
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as a lifeline in the elas emergency liquidity assistance request that greece made to the ecb for many months. the suggestion that 90 million euros have been drawn boun by the greek central bank as part of that. these are questions that need to be answered in the days that come, david. there's a great deal of uncertainty. the question will be what price is keeping greece in the euro zone? is that a price the germans are prepared to pay? there's a number of different opinion polls taken in germany in recent months asking people are they prepared to pay more money perhaps to keep greece in the euro zone? whereas say four five months ago there was a suggestion that the germans felt a degree of solidarity. that has eroded quite a great deal i would suggest. and we know that the german finance minimum sfer in an aside at the recent euro zone finance ministers meeting suggested he wasn't confident that a vote in
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the german parliament for more money with greece would pass. that demonstrates a great deal of uncertainty at the lowest and highest level of european governments. >> no wonder there's a lot of uncertainty if the days are interesting. there will be more interest. dominic kane there. this is the main square in fwrees greece's capital in athens. the greek flag is being waved we understand there by the hundreds, possibly thousands of those who have supported the no vote which appears to have been cast pretty overwhelmingly in the bailout referendum. these are those on the side of the greek prime minister and his anti-austerity government. those that have said we can't live with the deal you've given us at the moment. we need to renegotiate, and it does appear at the moment that
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the no vote and alexis tsipras have come out on top. not a final result but that is the way it appears at the moment. we'll have more on that throughout the course of the next few hours here on al jazeera. also coming up hitting isil's stronghold in syria. the u.s.-led coalition targeting key supply routes in the battle against the armed route. where our travels take you. a look at some of the latest sites to be given world heritage status by the united nations. in sport is the women's world cup brings the final tournament. we're live in vancouver. this is a couple of days before a self-imposed deadline on
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tuesday. u.s. second of state john kerry came through those doors and talked to journalists a little bit earlier on. he said that the sides are close to an agreement. perhaps they have to made hard choices in the days ahead. those choices being one that iran has to make. he does believe a deal could be locked in i about the end of the week. the negotiators want to lift sanctions and say what kind of nuclear research iran can pursue. james has been following this all the twists and turns for years. certainly last few days in vienna kerry was pretty forthright, wasn't he? he was saying iran you have to change your stance. you can't take it or leave it. we want you to take it. you have to change your position. >> reporter: absolutely. i think the u.s. side decided to come up and speak because we heard from the iranians and had a long detailed interview from the iranians foreign minister.
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secretary of state john kerry wanted to make clear his side of things. for days we're told things are going well. secretary kerry says yes, they're going well, but not well enough. we need a deal and tlir final sticking points and the only way to resolve those is if iran makes some touch decisions. he was making it very clear that this is not yet a done deal. >> it's now time to see whether or not we are able to close an agreement. in many ways this negotiation has been going on for literally a number of years. over the past few days we have, in fact, made genuine progress. i want to be absolutely clear with everybody. we are not yet where we need to be on several of the most difficult issues. the truth is that while i completely agree with foreign minister zarif that we have
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never been closer at this point this negotiation could go either way. if hard choices get made in the next couple of days and made quickly, we could get an agreement this week. but if they are not made we will not. >> reporter: i asked secretary of state kerry for his clarification on the deadline various different dates in the next few days have been mentioned at the deadline. he made it clear he believes the deadline is the 7th tuesday, david. after he spoke to reporters, we saw others coming here. foreign ministers gathered here in vienna. we have seen the french foreign minister and we've seen the eu foreign policy chief afsh here. i asked her about that date and she said yes, the 7th of july we have no plan b. that's our plan a, and we're sticking to it.
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>> we'll see. thank you very much. dozens of civilians had said to be killed in an iraqi government air strike on the isil-held city ramadi. they hit a football field where a group of young people were playing, ramadi being the capital of anbar province that isil took full control of at the end of the may. here's our correspondent in baghdad. >> reporter: there's fighting near fallujah and ramadi. it continues a pattern of iraqi air strikes including according to local sources banned barrel bombs increasingly killing civilians. as iraq tries to dislodge isil from the cities it's controlling, it's launching artillery and air strikes against those cities. the problem is they appear to be in populated civilian areas. one of them was in fallujah -- in ramadi rather near a football
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field. a football pitch where young men had gathered after midnight during ramadan. they were playing football and other games when air strikes hit. they were aiming at isil fighters. local sources on the ground say there were some members of isil in the area but they said most that died were civilians. that's iraq and the air strikes there. how about syria? the u.s. coalition hit isil's stronghold in that country. it's stronghold in what's being described as one of the largest deliberate engagements so far. pictures here sent out by isil show the casualties caused by the attack. they're saying at least 15 isil fighters and 6 civilians were killed. according to the coalition 38 strikes on saturday blocked key supply routes to restrict the movement of isil fighters. syrian forces and their lebanese ally hezbollah say they
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have stormed the rebel-held city of zabadidi taking control of the city in the west of the city. the activists say the government has been dropping barrel bombs on the city banned barrel bombs. 45 kilometers northwest of damascus on saturday to cut off a main supply route for the al qaeda-linked fighters. now, with over 700,000 refugees in jordan they're struggling to pay for it all of it. halfway through the holy month ramadan refugees aren't getting enough food. we have the report. >> reporter: most families have feasts during the muslim holy month of ramadan. this man from homs worries every day about what they will feed the family whether they break the fast at sunset. when they arrived in jordan a year ago, they were taken a
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camp, but they couldn't stand living in the unforgiving desert and escaped. they now live in a poor neighborhood in east amman and doesn't receive any assistance from u.n. agencies. >> reporter: i ran away from the camp because there's no electricity, and we had to walk for ages to get water and carry it back to the shelter. the shop is also far away. i'm an old man. i couldn't walk to the shop without breaking down on the way. >> reporter: no u.n. assistance means no education for his daughters nor health care. he's diabetic and goes for days without his pills. his wife who has speech and hearing impairments, has been forced to find work as a housemaid. >> translator: i work so we can afford drinking water and buy our girls their needs. if we daughters get sick how can i buy them medicine? i have to work. i wished we stayed in syria and died there, because this life is too difficult. >> reporter: life in exile forced many families such as his
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his to forget their dreams and ace piergss and worry about essential things like getting food to eat. during ramadan generous neighbors sometimes drop off a meal. on the days they don't, the family has to manage on its own, and that means eating whatever is available. this is all they have in their kitchen. they never eat meat unless it's from the neighbors. however, the family says its moments like these that make them feel there's still some good in the world. the neighbors have just sent them a meal and their relatives have come to share. with every passing year the demands of syrian refugees in exile seem to become more basic. >> translator: all we ask the world is to look at syrian refugees and help them a little. there are so many like us. we need money to eat and drink. that's all. >> reporter: they never expected syria to become so ruined and says he doesn't expect it to go back to the way it was.
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for now he says they're just living a temporary life here not knowing how much worse it's going to get. al jazeera amman. nigeria and at least five people have been killed by a suicide female bomber targeting a church service. all of this is the latest in the string of attacks blamed on the armed group boko haram. east african leaders are meeting in tanzania on monday to discuss the crisis in burundi brought out by the plans to run for a third term. he's boycotting the meeting and will campaign instead for the elections which he believes will be held on july 15th. we have the report from the capital of the country where opponents of the president say they fear for their lives. >> reporter: these men say their friend called to them before he
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died. please help me. they're killing me. from a distance they watched him being stabbed, shot and set on fire by attackers they don't know. the witnesses are terrified to be recognized and also of being killed if seen telling journallingists what happened. the 28-year-old friend was an opposition activist. >> translator: a lot of people are scared. after my friend was scared many people were. how can they stay here when people are being killed? >> reporter: the international community wants the president to delay the presidential election on july 15th. he continues to campaign. his party denies targeting opposition members. the president's spokesman says the election has to go ahead. >> we cannot go beyond what is provided by the constitution because we might have president-elect come the 26th of the august.
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>> reporter: the number of people killed on both sides keeping rising. sometimes opposition activists are targeted. other time it's pro-government supporters. african leaders meet against in tanzania to find a way out of this crisis. some opposition leaders want a transitional government formed until conditions on the ground are ripe for a free and fair election. they don't want the president to be part of it. that's something the ruling party says it will never accept. others say one man is to blame. >> the president must not come again. they have another candidate. >> reporter: people are watching their back voting in the presidential election may go relatively smoothly. it's what happened afterwards that's terrifying many.
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you're watching the al jazeera news now. we have this coming up so stay with us if you can. a world wildlife warning. how half of all the planet's species are at risk of extinction in the next few hundred years. in sports how chile ended its long wait for glory on home soil. we have the action from santiago santiago.
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time to bring you up to speed with all the major headlines on the al jazeera news hour. about a third of the votes counted in the greek referendum and the no campaign is rejected from the austerity plans pushed upon them by the lenders with millions of dollars and no campaign appears to be ahead by a clear margin. the results so far are 61% no slightly over 61%. slightly less than 39% yes. that's with 40% of the votes. not one-third, but 40% for votes
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counted so far. in other news u.s. secretary of state says the time is now. on that point we go to watertown in massachusetts to talk to jim walsh, dr. walsh being an expert in international security and research associate on m.i.t. security studies program. you have recently been talking to the senate about the nuclear program. a lot of people there appear to be rather worried about what might or might not transpire. how did you try to reassure him? i know you think this is a good idea, this deal. >> well one thing i try to do is get them to focus. you know in the abstract you can have all sorts of worries and list all the things that could go wrong. i try to put it into some sort of context. this is not the first time we've done this. we did this throughout the nuclear age and have been very successful with it. agreements have prevented
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nuclear catastrophe, catastrophe that many predicted in decades past. there's a strong record here and the agreement itself is strong and compare it to past agreements and compare it to the alternatives. if you don't get at this problem with diplomacy, what will solve of problem? when you step back and put it into context, one can appreciate what a good agreement might be. >> it looks like it may well happen and that's when president rouhani in power. what's the real change here? >> yeah i think there are several things going on but you put your finger on an important one. there's a misconception in the united states that this negotiation is solely a function of sanctions. i think economic sanctions contributed to that but what also matters is the politics in iran and rouhani is a different sort of person who won a strong mandate from the iranian population in his election victory.
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he's also someone who is trusted by the supreme leader and hmd was a divisive figure both in the establishment and obviously on the ground for iranians. so a different person with gifrnt goals and skill set. his rise to power is fundamental along with other contributing factors but fundamental to the fact we're close to an agreement right now. >> close, yes, but not exactly there as they a sai. we have to way for the agreement agreed by both sides in vienna but it has to be ratified by the american congress. now, a lot of people are suggesting that might not be as easy as some people would like it to be. do you think the president will overrule that if that's the case? >> first of all, it will be a tough battle. this is an ongoing battle for the past year and a half in the
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u.s. congress. first over the interim agreement, that so-called joint plan of action and certainly there will be a context, a political contest now especially in the era of a presidential campaign. but i think the president will reveil. remember even if this republican-controlled congress were to pass legislation rejecting the agreement, he could veto that legislation, and my guess is they would not have enough senators to override a veto. i doubt it will ever get to that point, but that is the ultimate point at which it might come. in any case the president wins if that's what happens. >> thank you. thank you very much indeed. just about 48 hours away from when we might know whether we have an iranian nuclear deal. we're looking at events in athens. the bailout referendum and it does appear that those opposed to the terms of the deal have had their say. 61% at the moment rejecting the
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idea of what's being imposed upon them by the lenders in europe. let's bring in a greek independent journalist in athens. good to have you with us on the program. i know you happen to be in favorite for what syria and the government has done over the last couple of months, perhaps not everything. what do you make of a no vote which the prime minister had proposed? >> reporter: well it's a very clear-cut decision that the greek people have made. i think that it's indisputable that they are rejecting this very bad deal that the creditors of the country had put on the table. it's not about having a very specific deal. it was all about the approach and how every time they seemed willing to back down and accept a few things. they came back asking for more.
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it's not about the specific deal but about the way greece has been treated and how what was presented to us what was presented to the greek people was always something that would make the situation worse, nothing that would improve what is happening in the country. i think this indisputable acceptance of cities taking the negotiation further and reaching a deal but an honest deal which is different from what the creditors have been offering up until now, i think. >> isn't this just another case of the greek people feeling like they are victims, victims of the terms imposed upon them by people who lent them money to get out of a jam, which was of the greek peek greek authorities own making? and what they're actually doing now is we don't lie how you're treating us. we can fix it and this is the way to fix it.
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>> reporter: it is absolutely what you're saying. think about it this way. the people campaigning for yes were the same people that brought greece to this position. it was the same politicians and prime ministers that brought greece to this state. having those people coming up and saying this is our choice and this is how you're going to get out of this by basically being taxed to death facing more cuts and hardship and this is good for you, i can't imagine why anyone would take them seriously and why anyone would believe in what they're saying. the creditors back this position. the creditors look like their backing corruption cronyism clientelism and the same situation that created mess in greece in the first place. why would greeks take this position? it's an absurd proposition.
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>> they're chatting and the negotiations are going on and on. it's not over yet, but i'm afraid between you and me and our viewers for the time being it is. good to have you with us. let me tell you about in japan a fortress island is near nagasaki was given world heritage status after japan and south korea resolved a dispute about whether the wartime history of forced labor there should be acknowledged. this was what somebody had to say earlier in germany. >> japan has to take measures to allow an understanding that there were a large number of koreans and others who were brought against their will and forced to work in harsh conditions in the 1940s at some of the sites. and that during world war ii the
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government of japan implemented it's policy of recognition. >> that is one side. others include singapore's botanical gardens and france's champagne region was recognized. >> reporter: the sites in southwest china, green mountains dotted with out fortresses and palaces. more than 5 lunn hundred years old, they've been recognized as culturally and historical significant. the region of south korea has been given unecessary co-status. old city walls and administrative buildings from one of the earliest kingdoms. >> translator: they established ties with china, japan and even with the countries in east asia across the sea. they enjoyed the most glamorous and superior culture and now it can be shared with the world and be recognized internationally.
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>> singapore's botanical gardens were given unesco status. >> you should come and visit. >> reporter: in europe the vineyards of champagne and burgundy were recognized as important cultural sites producing some of the most famous and drinkable exports from france. achieving unesco world heritage status isn't just for recognition, but to give better protection to world landmarks. recently their ability to do that has been questioned. isil fighters recently seized pa myra in syria and starreded a crude campaign of destruction, blowing up monuments more than 2,000 years old. around 50 other unesco sites are designated as endangered and one is in yemen including the old city in the capital, which is being bombed by a sawedudisaudi-led coalition.
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the home of the rare mountain gorilla burunga national park is listed as endangered because of poaching and other environmental pressures. getting recognized by the u.n. body brings with it more tourism, which is criticized as being detrimental to some sites' survival. they argue by monorring the greatest monuments on the planet helps to encourage peace and cultural understanding. erica woods, al jazeera. >> looking at those beautiful creatures, it's hard to believe they have lost all of the wild animals in the last 50 years. all the species could be wiped out in 400 years. australia has a bigger responsibility than many other countries to stop the decline because species unique to that country are already fast disappearing.
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australia has one of the most diverse selections of animals on earth. 7% of the world's species live here and most of those live only in australia. that gives the nation a special responsibility to stop the wipeout currently under way. 20% of the surviving mammals had threatened with extinction 12% of birds and australia is typical. at present rates there's one expert that says half the world's species will be extinct in 400 years time. >> for those beasts to reevolve and that diversity to come back will take roughly 2 million years. in 2 million years, 10,000 times as many people as have ever lived will live. so they're going to miss out. they're going to miss out on half of the planet because our generation and the generations around us chose to wipe out half the species on the planet. >> reporter: at a nature reserve a charity called bush heritage awes trail is restoreing former
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farmland to its original state. just a few decades ago it was forested and full of animals like koalas that australia is famous for but are rare. not only did the colonialists chop down trees, they brought plants and aggressive animals. cats were brought over to capture rats on ships and later as pets. there were more than 15 million fair cal farel cats running wild. the striped lizard is extinct. 99% of it's habitat is gone. >> it has ears and a long tail but it's more related to geckos.
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it may look like a snake, but it's an dapgsat dapt takingses. it lost its legs through time. >> reporter: they des nature a shortfall of habitat in australia equivalent to an area bigger than france. andrew thomas, al jazeera. we go from australia and its massive diversity to tiny micronesia in just a moment. given the world record beating in a qualifier for the olympics who managed to put so many goals past them. stay with us if you can.
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thank you very much. the women's world cup reaches its conclusion in a few hours time with japan playing the u.s. in the final. even before that game in vancouver, the tournament has proved itself a record breaker. the host canada has a crowd of more than 54,000 saw the national team lose to england in the quarterfinal was a roddick nor any national team sport. it's going to top 1.3 million. it's the most attended fifa game in history. the united states tv ratings there averaging a million plus a game. that's more than 40% up from the last women's world cup. the women's game is still facing a huge challenge in its efforts to bridge the popularity gap with men's football. we have the report from vancouver. >> reporter: not a cloud in the sky. it's another typical summer's
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day in vancouver, venue of the women's world cup final. what a tournament it's been. with more than 8 million tv viewsers. the semifinal match between the united states and germany was the third most watched women's football game of all time. despite the growth of the female game gap between men and women professional football remains as large as ever. >> the women's game is viewed as a totally separate game. it's not viewed as football but women's football. >> reporter: just look at the money. the world's best male footballers make about 20 million a year each excluding endorsement deals. the best women's player alex morgan is 1 million a year including endorsements. germany took home 35 million after winning the men's world cup last year and this year's champions expected to take home 2 million. there's the issue of sexism and accept blatter is credited with
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wearing the cup but also remarked they should wear more feminine clothes like tighter shorts. for carrie attitudes like that hurt the development of the sport. >> it's sending a message that only women fit into certain stereotypes. it's going to be a positive image for a girl playing soccer. >> reporter: looking at history helps to explain the struggles in the women's game. men's football can be traced back to the mid-18th century whether it game but women's football started a century later. that's why ints as popular or successful as the men's game or as well-known as we found out on the streets of vancouver when we asked if anyone could play players from the women's u.s. or japan teams. >> i don't know. >> not at all. >> could not make an attempt at it. >> reporter: it's reactions like that even have fifa officials admitting they need to do more.
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>> i think the other side of women's football the commercial and marketing side and xhuks side and promotion side has not been maybe developed as much as the football. >> reporter: despite the challenges, all these football fans want to do is enjoy the women's beautiful game. >> he joins us live from vancouver ahead of the final. some people may need convincing but for me this tournament has felt like the break-through for women's football. >> reporter: it really has. re orr that every fourz year during the world cup. this has been the breakthrough year. both fifa officials and commander officials are excited about how the tournament has gone. we see record attendance numbers at the matches as well as television numbers very high as well. in all of the matches, over 50 have seen more than 1.2 million spectators turn out to watch
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these women world cup games. here in the last month or so, that's a record. in that sense it has arrived, but there's that dark cloud hanging over football right now in general, and that's the alleged corruption scandal that fee fae fifa is going through. sepp blatter is not here. his lawyers say it's for personal reasons, but obviously swiss and american officials are continuing their investigation into alleged corruption of fifa and have not ruled out potential charges against blatter or his deputy who is not here. when that trophy presentation is happening later today here it will not be with the two top fifa officials being here. so that's sort of a little bit of a dark cloud hanging over this tournament for sure. >> sepp blatter is watching this on television of course but he'll be watching an interesting final because it's a repeat of four years ago. japan won, didn't they?
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difficult to predict who will come out on top this time. >> reporter: that's right. the game will happen four hours from new in bc place stadium in vancouver. they're expecting 51,000 fans. most impartial observers think the united states has the advantage. they have a lot of stars and they've also -- this is essentially a home game for them. we see huge contingents of u.s. fans crowing the border from the united states to turn out for this, but don't count japan out. four years ago in the final japan was an underdog and shocked the united states to win that world cup. so they're playing -- they haven't played quite as well after the u.s. they play a team style of football and they have the confidence because they know they can beat the united states because they did it four years ago. it should be an exciting exciting match with good football here. >> thanks very much for now. we'll speak to you again just before kickoff. thank you. sticking with the women's world
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cup for one more thing, england took third place with the first ever win over germany. they came and timed it. thank you very much. it was williams who scored this spot kick so seal a victory. chile is celebrating the first ever major men's football title, the cup america hosts argentina in the final after a penalty shoot-out. argentina's defeat comes a year after it lost the world cup final. we have the report from the chilean capital santiago. >> reporter: it was a final that most football fans wanted a potentially great argentina team boasting star powers 14 times copy pa america winners and the host chile with passionate focus. some star players of their own, but they have never won the copa
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america and beaten argentina in the tournament. the national stadium was sold out. bars and restaurants across chile packed with nail-biting expectant fans. a goalless first half and they played well. no goals in the second half either. extra time. then penalties. who can stand the pressure of penalties? the chile's star player sanchez is who. of course, chileans are celebrating the first copa america victory, after 99 years and 44 tournaments. they'll be delighted with the way in which they won, with plenty of spirit and teamwork and this current crop of argentine players the best to not win a tournament. >> translator: chile was
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excellent. congratulations congratulations. they played a great game. >> the inquest will be where was messi, but this is chile's night. >> translator: fantastic. brilliantment i'm so happy. >> translator: this is historic. we're all so happy as a country. we needed this and we believed in our team. i'm so happy. >> this will help chile forget their recent national disasters, earthquakes and flooding and puts in the background the corruption scandal blighting with the seven-day outlook -- south american game. well formula one champion lewis hamilton won the british grand prix for the third time. his teammate was second. sounds like a familiar story this season but this was an eventful race with dramtic start.
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both the williams cars in in the second row made a move. lewis hamilton was on pole yet again. when he tried to regain the lead, the other williams passed him. with the help of a 2.4-second pit stop both found a way to get back in a sense. the biggest threat came from the english rain and the williams and mesa were fifth and sixth. hamilton extends his lead over rosburg to 17 points. grapala won the second stage of the tour de france. it took place on the dutch coastline in pouring rain. he won it in a sprint finish from quality riders. swiss cycling canserella takes
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lead. this is a deciding test against pakistan. pakistan took two more to raise his team's host of the game. they lead with 291 with two days to go. pakistan has set a different target to win a match and series. finally, the world record has been broken for an international football score. the federated states of micronesia have lost an olympic qualifier against fiji. 38-0. this loss for micronesia in the pacific game is just days after they were beaten 30-0. fiji broke the record from 32-0 in 2001. that's sports. big numbers all around greece. mother on that in just a moment. thanks very much.
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second second.
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greece decides. referendum results so far show a decisive rejection of the bailout deal from european lenders. hello. this is al jazeera live from london with an hour of in-depth coverage of the greek referendum as the results continue to come in. the other stories that we're covering. >> we are not yet where we need to be on several of the most difficult issues. >> the u.s. secretary of state says genuine progress has been made in the iran


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