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tv   Weekend News  Al Jazeera  July 5, 2015 5:00pm-6:01pm EDT

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announcer: this is al jazeera. hello, this is the newshour live from london. coming up in the next 60 minutes - greece decides. most results are in showing a rejection of the bailout deal from international lenders. the greek prime minister says it's a glorious day in european history. also coming up we are not where we need to be on several difficult issues.
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>> the u.s. secretary of state says they've never been closer to sealing a deal on iran's nuclear programme. the first latin american pope makes a return to south america, arriving in ecuador and to sports news the women's world cup is less than two hours to kick-off. japan versus the united states - more tuning in than before hello. results show greece voted against the bailout deal offered by international lenders, voters were asked if they were before or against a bailout - yes or no. over 62% voted no over 38% chose yes. in the last hour the greek prime
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minister alexis tsipras had this to say. >> translation: there are no winners and losers. it is a great victory on its own. today all of us have created a stage in european history, proving that under the most difficult situation democracy cannot be black mailed it's a dominant value and way out. we proved that when people with faith and can overcome the biggest difficulties i want to thank from my heart every one of you, irrespective of what you chose to vote. from now on we are all together. it is our duty to do the best we can to overcome this crisis and make greece great again
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well our correspondent jonah hull spent the day in athens and reports on the day greece decided. >> reporter: they cheered the result. greece said no to international creditors in a sensational act of defiance. >> we are greek, we feel proud. >> it's making us feel hopeful. we've been very scared for the past week. >> reporter: as they celebrated the result all will wonder are what happens next. >> translation: with this brave no vote that the greek people bestowed upon us, despite the bank and the negative media coverage with this no vote we have been given, we'll use it as a tool to extend our hand to our partners, inviting them to extend our ground.
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>> reporter: the government decided to conclude a deal on favourable terms that keep the country afloat. that's something that can't be guaranteed. >> we are not sure about anything. we had a plan about yes. no, we don't have anything. it may be better or worse. we'll find out. >> reporter: in greece these continue to be worrying times. amid the jubilation here it's reported that negotiators bags are packed for an immediate return to brussels. greece need a deal, and one quick, to allow the banks to re-open before they go bust. the trick will be keeping the promise of the everyonedreferendum, not to accept a deal they don't like. >> who knows what the mood will be among the creditors. the vote was framed as an in-out
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referendum on the euro. will greece be shut out? the majority refused to give in to that fear. >> i'm very happy and proud. >> reporter: what do you think greece has achieved? >> independence. we shall not be slaves we'll be free people. and we deserve that. >> reporter: a part of europe? >> no. >> reporter: a part of the eurozone? >> no. why? >> reporter: after five years of spending cuts - tax hikes, job losses, pain and humiliation, those that voted no roared back "enough." most do want to remain at the heart of europe and the euro but don't want to feel as if they are being punished any more well in the wake of the referendum greece's conservative opposition samar as resigned. the leader of the new democracy
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party and prime minister made the announcement in a televised address. his party campaigned for a yes in this vote. >> reporter: i want to talk to barnaby phillips following rehabilitation on the streets of athens and joins us live. we heard from a defiant alexis tsipras, wasting no time claiming victory in the election. we have seen scenes of celebration, but doubt about were there lease greece's future in the -- leaves greece's future in the euro. >> yes, there's euphoria on the streets, in the syriza camp and alexis tsipras's immediate circle. i think that euphoria will wear off quickly, greece is in a dangerous position make no mistake about that. the banks are close to collapse. all the uncertainty of the last
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week or so damaged the economy further. tax collection has collapsed. there's an urgency for the government to reach an agreement with you were een partners. as -- european partners. as we know there's a lot of bad faith - lack of trust, i'm sorry - between the european government and this government. the finance minister is a charismatic man, a clever man, make no mistake about it. he's a divisive figure. yesterday he accused european partners of terrorism against the country. somehow, within 24 hours, he has to hammer out a difficult deal with him. there's enormous uncertainty. as i hear the crowd behind me cheering and celebrating what they say is a victory for democracy. >> what is the number one priority for greece's
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government? >> well it has to be to hammer out a deal. but looking at what mr alexis tsipras was saying he clearly feels that he is on the front foot. his mandate from january has been renewed. strengthened under the most extraordinary circumstances. and he is talking now about the necessity for debt relief to be on the table. this has been a major sticking point. if you remember when syriza was elected. they were saying greece's debt is unsustainable. that as a proportion of g.d.p. after five years of austerity, that goes up and up. he believes he's bolstered by an i.m.f. report showing that greece cannot pay back this debt for decade to come. he'll cite that report and use splits between the i.m.f. and the european central bank to his
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advantage. but it's not going to be easy at all. remember in 2012 greece did get debt relief. a lot of debt relief coming from private creditors, banks, commercial banks prepared to write that debt off. this time you are talking about other european countries, germany, italy, spain, all those countries which have given tens of billions of euro to greece and they are democracies as well and somehow their leaders have to go back through their parliament, their people and explain why this money given to greece will never come back. there are compelling reasons why it would never come back from the greek point of view. it's unsustainable, and this country needs to recover, and it has serviced enormously. it will be a hard sell for european leaders to take back to their electorates at a time and i have to say it again, when there's bad blood between the
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greek government and other european governments. >> there's a great deal of mistrust, there was a mistrust between them. perhaps the referendum will make it worse. barnaby phillips thank you for bringing us all of that from the greek capital athens barnaby was speaking about the wider reaction from the eurozone, that has been coming in. the leaders from france and germany called for a summit on tuesday to discuss the crisis after greek prime minister alexis tsipras held talks over the phone with french president francis hollande to discuss the no vote. elsewhere the leader of spain has praised the no campaign's victory saying today in greece, democracy has won the german economy minister said that alexis tsipras tore down bridges between greece and europe, and reaction from italy with the treasury saying a new plan must include investment and
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reform. live to frankfurt and dominik kane. a bit of a mixed rehabilitation in europe but it's -- reaction in europe but germany is the most powerful country, so much resting on german chancellor angela merkel, the final decision-maker in all of this. she did not want to find herself sitting across the table from alexis tsipras in the aftermath of the vote. it looks like that is what is going to happen now. >> well on the face of it that would appear what is going to happen now. first of all she has to consider that any more money given to grease in any form dealing with insolvency of grease will have to deal with the german parliament. at this minute there's little chance of her getting the majority. we heard the vice-chancellor,
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leader of the social dem crates something the bridges have been torn down and it's scarcely imaginable that there could be a negotiation. that would rule out a possibility of a coming together. while a no campaign celebrates victory, it may be impeeric. let's be clear about this the greek government must re pay the european central bank 3.5 million euro, and given the fact that there's not enough cash in the cash machines and banks to withdraw 60 euros at a time, it suggests that they are not going to make the payment. there seems to be worse noose. the european -- news. the european central bank could decide rather than shoring up the banks, that it could need more collateral insofar as loans taken down so far.
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haircuts on collateral. what that would mean is would the banks reopen they may go to the wall. clearly, given the sense of dislocation, and eurozone leaders said this is a vote for the euro or the drachma, there doesn't appear to be that much willingness on the european leader's side of thing to go into a fresh round of negotiations with mr alexis tsipras. as we hear that's what they'll have to do we are getting more reaction from the president of the european parliament saying the no vote is creating a difficult situation, but says that the will of the greek people must be respected, and a humanitarian programme for greece must be discussed within days. >> ordinary people pensioners, sick people children in the kindergarten should not pay the price for the situation that the
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country and the government brought the country, no. therefore a humanitarian programme is needed and the hope the greek government will make in the next coming hours. meaningful and constructive proposals allowing meaningful and possible to renegotiate. if not, we are entering a very difficult even dramatic time dominik, to what extent can germany and others in the us open help greece in terms of the impact that all of this is having on ordinary people. we heard martin schultz talking about a humanitarian programme. to what extent can they help people without e.c.b. help and a bailout deal? >> well these are the
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fundamental questions that the politicians at the heart of it in germany, will try to tlsh out answers to. certainly you expect francis hollande and others will be logging at how do they take heed of this clear message from the majority of the greek population. and at the same time to bolster, as it were the imaging of this building. the european central bank guaranteeing the loans and deposits. they face a real dilemma in the sense that clearly democracy has spoken to greece. by the same token, if the eurozone is robust withstanding problems such as these, it has to withstand problems such as these. that means that one would think count rigs that face bailouts would receive bailouts. this is something german chancellor angela merkel alluded
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to singling out the countries that received bailouts and praised them for propose they had tape with an exception - greece. she said that it was time when she spoke within the last 10 days for the the greek government to honour the prejudices it made. that does not, in one sense, seem to indicate any degree of progress. we know that the greek government will say it's not going to meet its repayment schedules. in that case where do they go next? perhaps the german and french government and other leaders of the us open can find a deal. can they get that deal through their own parliament. clearly in germany there's a growing sense, the opinion polls on questions such as do people want to see more german taxpayers money going to the greeks, and it's the answer that comes back.
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these are serious dilemmas that leaders have to try to come to terms with and what they - what that emerges from monday's meeting in paris, and the eurozone summit in brussels will tell us a deal of what will come next. >> dominik kane live from frankfurt. let's lipsten to some of the no supporters. >> it's a great joy for the no campaign to win, we want them to prevail. when 3 million are below the poverty line 1.5 million fed by charities, how can yes win. >> i want no to win. i hope there's no scuffles after the result so we can continue and have a view of where the greek people want to go. >> no must win so the greek people can breathe again.
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i have a job as a dentist, i want all greeks to live well and be happy like i am. >> i'm joined in the study by a guest from the london school of economics. if we take stock of where we are in the last few days and years, negotiating the tussle between greece and its creditors. two bailouts since 2010, the aim was to prevent the situation we have seen which was capital controls, developed country, missing a payment to the international monetary fund. banks paralysed, not able to service people properly and food and medicine shortages, how significant is it to she this play out, is this a turn out. >> it's an historic moment for greece obviously. early or later the economy will collapse. we have a bigger story about what will happen to spain, how
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the institutional system is structured to withstand the shocks. and i think, you know what is happening in spain, and other bailout countries will dictate the options that are available on tuesday, which means not many. so the bailout deal that will come on the table, the greek government will rejected and then the banking system will probably freeze or eventually collapse. >> is there not a possibility that there's room for flexibility op german chancellor angela merkel's side, that she will not offer the same deal but something with a few more concessions. >> it's europe and there's wriggle room but we probably ran out of time now. it's prol too late to come -- probably too late to come for a meaningful deal. if we come to a deal we'll have to go through parliament, and probably what will come is something much bigger is
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probably what the u.k. government wants is a renegotiation of the european treaty, and a definition of how the system is working. >> so you are fairly certain - you are not optimistic at all that this will change the situation for the greeks but basically we are back to square one, we come back to the tables. people may have said no to the deal, but the same deal is on the table. it's a big risk for germany, they are taking a risk and you talk about the knock on effect from spain and italy, if we see a contagion, and this is a dangerous game that germany is playing. >> it's a dangerous game for both parties, for the greek and greek people. dangerous for europe. we have never been in this situation, we don't know what will happen and the market will open tomorrow and we'll have a big surprise one way or
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another. having said that i think the market reacts well and the greek government is not acting perfectly rational . i'm hopeful the react won't be too bad tomorrow, but i think we come to the end of the line in terms of what is possible. what will happen i think, the greek government will collapse we'll have new elections or the economy will collapse. >> i want to discuss some scenarios in a bit more detail. for now, thank you very much. there's more to come on the al jazeera newshour. a crucial and controversial contest. we are speaking to people in burundi ahead of the election. also we look at some of the latest sites awarded world heritage status and has the
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pournt tournament brought economy to women's football. we'll be live in vancouver. the other big story we are following in europe negotiators trying to iron out a nuclear deal with iran. days before a self-imposed tuesday deadline. secretary of state john kerry says they are close to an agreement. diplomatic editor james bays report from vienna. >> time is running message from the u.s. secretary of state john kerry, who spoke to reporters after two sessions of negotiations with his iranian opposite number. >> we are not yet where we need to be on self of the most difficult issues and the truth is while i completely agree with foreign minister mohammad javad zarif, that we have never been
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closer at this point this negotiation could go either way. if hard choices get med in the next couple of days and made quickly, we could get an agreement this week. if they are not made we will not. >> reporter: foreign ministers have been arriving in vienna and are expected to stay until 7 july, the new deadline. what happens if they don't reach a deal by then. >> reporter: do you have a plan b? >> no. the rule is i guess i said it on other occasions if you work on plan a, you stick to plan a. that deadline stays, the 7th. >> reporter: i'm told we got to the stage where the sticking points can be laid out on one sheet of paper for the foreign minister are technical, all requiring political decisions,
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and without the decisions there can be no dole dozens of civilians have been killed in ramadi they hit a football field where young were playing. ramadi is a province that i.s.i.l. took control in at the end of may. >> jane arraf has hor. >> reporter: fighting has continued, appearing a pattern of iraqi air strikes, including banned barrel bombs, killing civilians. now, as iraq tries to dislodge i.s.i.l. from cities it is controlling, they are launching air strikes, but the problem is they appear to be in populated areas. one was in fallujah ramadi near a football pitch where young men gathered after
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midnight during rama tan. they were playing football and other games. >> the iraqi government says they were aiming at i.s.i.l. fighters. local forces that there were members of i.s.i.l. in the area but most of the young men were in fact, civilians. the u.s.-led coalition said it hit i.s.i.l. strong holds in syria, in what is described as a large deliberate engagement. casualties caused by attacks targeted rafa. 15 fighters and six civilians were killed. 38 strikes on saturday blocked key supply roots to restrict the movement of i.s.i.l. fighters. syrian forces and their ally hezbollah say they stormed the city taking control of the west of the city. the government has been dropping barrel bombs, 45km north-west of damascus. the offensive beginning on
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saturday in a bid to cut the supply route the palestinian movement hamas dismissed claims that it supported them on friday. a spokesperson said the claims from propaganda. 70 people most soldiers were killed in the assault and clashes that followed. more still ahead on the programme. celebrations in athens this has been the scene in the greek capital as the country says no to a bailout. what next for their future in the euro. mission accomplished. a rocket takes supplies to the international space station. in sport, chile end a long wait for glory, and on home soil. all the reaction from santiago.
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>> wildfires lit by arsonists. >> this sounds like it happened in a flash. >> millions in damages. and the tragic human cost. >> he's not here anymore. >> find out how experts are fighting back.
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welcome back you are watching the al jazeera newshour. a recap of the top stories. with almost all ballots counted in the greek bail out. the no vote is on track for a victory, prime minister alexis tsipras hailed the victory. >> today all of us have created a knlory statement in european history. the impact of the result is felt in the yes camp as conservative leader and prime minister samar as sustains down. jacky rowland is in brussels and looks at the next stages following the no vote. >> the big question now is what a no vote means. the greek prime minister said that a no vote would strengthen his hands in negotiations with the europe eens. e.u. officials said that a no vote would mean no more
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negotiations and possibly the end of grease as a member of a eurozone and even foreseeably as a member of the european union itself. there are various scenarios for what could happen. the worse scenarios for banks and lenders to suspend all support for greece. we would see the greek banks coming insolvent, a return to the drachma, which is devalued several times over. hyperinflation, and the poorest members of society are the ones that suffered the most. another scenario which is hinted at at some european officials, including members of parliament is, in fact that there could be more e.u. money for greece in the the event of a no vote in the shape of loans and keeping
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public services, hospitals and transport going. ultimately, lenders, including the i.m.f. may have to look at the question of how sustainable the greek debt is. is it realistic to imagine that greece can pay off the debt and the interest accruing on it. there are those that argue there may have to be a form of debt relief. obviously the words debt forgiveness or writing off debt is something that many in europe in nowhere europe are not happy about i'm joined by john kerchmayer a fellow at the london school of economics. are we looking at the beginning of the end of greece's eurozone and european union membership? >> good question. i have a different opinion. i believe it doesn't make sense for greece to exit the europe. it will be the fault of the
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greek government and, in a way, we already see a cash economy. i don't think that actually greek people would give up the euro. they'll keep exchanging money, a bit like the next-door neighbour, macedonia, they have their own currency, but it is the euro some are tried in euro, i would think the euro will continue to exist. there's no reason why they should exit. and the only reason why it should have happened is the banking center freezes. but it's frozen already. the underlying clauses for a grexit are gone. >> the e.c.b. is involved with emergency support, and that will not change soon. >> not until two weeks time... >> when they miss a payment. >> when they miss a payment. then things will change. until then it will continue. the cole ator am is less and
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less there's less and -- collateral is less and less there's less money in the system. >> instead of withdrawing 60 yourors, it may be 20 or 30. >> zero. eventually the money will run out. tuesday, wednesday is today, when there's no more money in the cash machine. then it's a cash economy. this is when emergency loans are questionable much banks are froze, even if europe lends them more money, how does it arrive at the people if there's no bank the transition mechanism is gone. >> debt relief has to be a crucial part of a bailout going forward. >> we had a debt relief and i agree there must be another deal. the economy changed to a cash economy, the state stops taking taxes in.
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the situation is worse by the second. you have no tax receipts, therefore... >> everything has ground to a halt. an economy in paralysis. >> yes. >> if they sit and talk to the europeans, the i.m.f. made an announcement that greeks can't service their debt. and prime minister alexis tsipras was quick to seize on this, is this not something they have to address in a serious way. >> i agree, and probably we have to lift it a level up and say what is a european deal other countries are in trouble. there's enormous youth unemployment in the southern belt of europe spain, italy, greece. this has to be addressed. and probably will be part of a wider deal. it will not happen overnight, i would have thought. >> if this situation at the moment conditions with banks unable to service the population
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properly limits on how much people can withdraw from bank accounts pensioners unhappy young people frustrated, what could it - could we see a backlash from the greek people. they supported the government now, the majority. could it change in the coming weeks or months? >> i wouldn't be surprised that the greek people don't accept it. remember the greek government kind of went into the election or referendum saying give us a strong hand to negotiate. they never said we want to exit the euro. if you listen to some of my - some of greek people and the people i know that they say, actually, that this was one step in a further negotiation. i think the greek people very much like europe and want to stay in it. >> tom, thank you very much for sharing your thoughts.
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>> thank you. >> well now, pope francis arrived in ecuador on the first stop of a 9-day tour of south america. the first visit of a latin american pontiff returning home. political tensions are running high in ecuador, where thousands take part in protests calling for their president to stop down. after ecuador, the pope travels to bolivia and paraguay. we cross to lucia newman. tell us about the significance of the papal trip? a great deal of excitement and anticipation around it. >> absolutely. i'm standing now on one of the main thorough fares of ketowhere the pope is expected to come by in the poem mobile. there are thousands of people lining the streets, excited, and hoping to get a glimpse of the pope. this is an important visit.
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he's coming to three of the fore most poorest nations. in is in keeping with a determination to give priority to those that he says is on the periphery of power. very have a high indigenous cop u population and they want to handling that. when the church is facing massive defections ecuador and paraguay are countries where there's a lot of loyal towards the catholic church. they are members of the church. ecuador has 79% of the people profess to be catholics, higher than in brazil which was once latin america's catholic country, but is no longer. it's exciting for him and his people who have not seen people for 30 years. >> the papal trip has a theme.
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reconciliation is the one he's chosen for this tour. particularly relevant in ecuador at the moment. >> absolutely as mentioned, there has been mass protests against the government. the church has tried three times to appeal to government and opponents to call a truce during the days that the pope will be here, three or four days, almost four days and to try to not protest on the streets. the president could not resist the temptation in his welcoming address, when the pope arrived to give the impression that the pope is on his side. calling the pope over again, particularly with the phrases of wealth. the pope was looking series. thanking the president, quoteing him too much. clearly he wants to keep politics out of this, and wants both side to come together.
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>> on a personal note is the pope taking a risk on this trip by going to cities and countries with a high altitude? >> many are concerned, including his doctors. it is a risk. the pope has only one lung. we are at 2,800 meters above sea level right now. the pope will be going to an area on monday at sea level. he's coming back and spend time in bolivia, and the capital is 4,000 meters above sea level. it shows a determine nation to go wherever he needs to go no matter how uncomfortable it may be thank you, lucia newman live in quito, ecuador, where the poem arrives for his first stop -- pope arrives for his first stop on a 9-day tour. a female bomber targets a
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service in a large city in erb ark y state, blamed on the armed group book east african leaders meet in tanzania discussing the crisis in burundi. the meeting is being boy koited by pierre nkurunziza and will campaign for elections on july 15th. opponents of the president fears for their lives. >> these men say their friend called out to them "please help me, they are killing me." from a distance they watched him stabbed, shot set on fire by attackers they don't know. the witnesses are terrified of being recognised and killed if seep telling journalists what happened. their 28-year-old friend was an opposition activist. >> a lot of people are scared. after my friend was killed many have to be careful.
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how can they stay when people are killed. >> the international community wants the president to delay the presidential election on july the 15th. he continues to campaign his party denies targetting opposition members. the president's spokesman says the election has to go ahead. >> we don't go beyond what is provided by the constitution because we might have the president elect come 26 august on 26 august. >> reporter: the number of people killed on both sides is rising. sometimes opposition activists are targeted. other times it's pro government supporters. african leaders are meeting again in tanzania, to find a way out of the crisis. >> some opposition leaders want a transitional government formed, until conditions are right on the ground for a free and fair election. they don't want the president to
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be part of it something the ruling party will never accept. >> others say one man is to blame. >> the president must not come again. it's not on one man to take country. >> reporter: people are watching their back. voting in the presidential election may go smoothly. it's what's afterwards that is terrifying many. >> supporters of houthi fighters in yemen rally in protest at the united nations pressure on the shia group. thousands turned out on the streets of sanaa on a day the special envoy arrived in the capital. the u.n. is talking to one side and putting pressure op another side -- on another side the
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houthis. well the u.s. presidential hopeful hillary clinton accused china of hacking and stealing u.s. government information. the former secretary of state said she'd like to see china rise peacefully warning that washington needs to be village leapt. >> they are trying to hack into everything that doesn't move in america. stealing commercial secrets, blue prints from defense contractors, stealing huge amounts of government information, all looking for an advantage. make no mistake they know they are in a competition, they are going to do everything they can to win it still ahead. from gardens to grape fines. -- grape vines, the latest world heritage site recognised by u.n.e.s.c.o. in sport, a world record
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beating in a qualifier for the olympics.
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welcome back in japan, fortress island has been awarded world heritage status after they acknowledged a dispute of forced labour. the announcement was made earlier. >> japan is prepared to take measures that allow an understanding that there were a large number of koreans and others who are brought against their will and forced to work
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under harsh conditions in the 1940s. at some of the sights. and during world war ii. the government of japan also implemented its policy of recognition well other sites around the world, including singapore's botanical gardens and france adds champagne region has been recognised by u.n.e.s.c.o. the site from south-west china, korean mountains dotted with fortresses and palaces. they have been recognised as culturally and historically significant by the u.n. world heritage body. the region of south korea has been given u.n.e.s.c.o. status. walls and buildings from one of its earliest kingdoms. >> translation: established ties with china, japan and east
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asia\cross the see. it enjoys a glamorous culture and be now shared with the world. >> reporter: singapore's botanical gardens was given special status. >> it's a special place. >> reporter: and in europe the vineyards of champagne and burgundy were recognised as important sites, producing drinkable exports as france. achieving world heritage statements is not just global recognition, it's supposed to give protection to landmarks. recently the world's body to do that has been quiched. i.s.i.l. -- questioned. i.s.i.l. fighters seized palmyra, blowing up monuments more than 2,000 years old. around 50 ordinary u.n.e.s.c.o. sites are shape as endangered.
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among them three in yemen, including the city in the capital, bombed by a saudi-led coalition, and the home of the mountain mountain gorilla in central african park is listed as endangered. getting recognised by the body brings tourism, criticized as debt remental to survival. u.n.e.s.c.o. argues honouring the planet promotes peace and understanding. >> time for sport with lee. and the women's world cup. >> yes, it's close now. that world cup final is just over an hour's time with japan playing the united states in the final. before the game in vancouver, the tournament proved a record-breaker. the hosts canada the crowd of more than 54,000 that saw the
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national team move to england was a record for any national team sport. total attendance is expected to top 1.3 million a record for the tournament making it the most attended tournament outside the men's. football is desperate to crack the united states. tv ratings average a million plus a game more than 40% up on the last series of the world cup. the game is facing a huge challenge in its efforts to bridge the popularity. let's have this report from vancouver. >> reporter: not a cloud in the sky, it's a typical summer's day in vancouver, venue of the world cup final. what a tournament it's been. with more than 8 million tv viewers, the semifinal match between the united states and germany was the third most watched the women's football. despite the growth the gap between men's and women's
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football is as large as ever. >> the women's game is viewed as a separate game, not viewed as football, but women's football. look at the money. the world's best mail footballers make 20 million a year excluding endorse. the best women $1 million. germany took home $35 million. this year's women's world cup taking home $2 million. there's an issue of sexism. outgoing f.i.f.a. boss sepp blatter is credited with making the women's world cup, but remarked that women's footballers should wear "more feminine clothes like tighter shorts", for kerry, the first woman conducted in the canadian football hall of fame says it sends a wrong message. >> it sends a message that women in a certain stereotype is an
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image for girls playing soccer. >> looking at the history explains the struggles in the women's game. men's tracing back to the 18th century, women's starting a century lair part of the -- later, part of the reason why it's not as popular or well-known as we found out on the streets of vancouver, when we asked if anyone could name players from the women's u.s. or japan teams. >> i don't know. >> not at all. >> i couldn't make an attempt at it. >> reactions like that have f.i.f.a. officials admitting they need to do more. >> on the side of women's football. the communication side, the promotion side has not been developed as much as the football. >> despite the challenges, all these football fans want to do is enjoy the women's beautiful game. live from vancouver, excitement is building over an
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hour to go. this really has felt like the breakthrough for the women's tournament. >> it has, and you feel it in vancouver on the western part of canada. b.c. place stadium that you see behind me, in a little over an hour the u.s. taking on japan in the final, as you mentioned. we hear every four years about a breakthrough of women's football. you see it now, record crowds have been attending the game here, and also record tv audience as well. this is also the first women's world cup expanded to 2014. you see that there as well. there's a bit of extra cloud hanging over the tournament. that's a corruption scandal continuing. and the ongoing investigation. we are seeing that. f.i.f.a. boss sepp blatter, as well as his deputy neither will be here in vancouver to present
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trophies to the winning team both staying back to taped business. -- attend business. f.i.f.a. has not ruled out charges against blatter, he's coping a low profile. it's continuing by him not being here in vancouver, and many people have been talking about that. >> interesting. a repeat of four years ago, which japan won. it's difficult to predict who will win this one isn't it? >> it is. i'll tell you the u.s. has two things going for it. it's essentially a home game. huge american turn out here. canada borders the u.s. it's a 3 hour drive from seattle. it's a huge american turn out. the u.s. probably has a little advantage, but they have been playing better. japan, do not count them out. they play good and beat the united states when they were the underdogs. it will be one heck of a football match
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chile celebrates its first ever major men's football title. the copa america hosts beet argentina after a penalty shoot-out, argentina's defeat coming a year after losing in the world cup final. celebrations in santiago after the host country world formula 1 champion lewis hamilton won the british formula 1. his team-mate nico rosberg was second. sounds familiar. both the williams cars on the second row made a move on the mercedes. a williams passed lewis hamilton after misjudgment. with the help of a 2.4 second pit stop lewis hamilton found a way to get back in front. the biggest threat then came from the english rain. he held on. to take the checkered flag with
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the ferrari of sebastien vettel third and williams fifth and sixth. lewis hamilton extends his lead in the drivers' championship over nico rosberg to 17 points. >> firstly, thank you for coming out and making my weekend. i was gunning the whole way and wanted to do it for you guys. so we did it. i'm so thankful for the support. i couldn't have done it without you guys i could see every lap, in the corner of my eye and i felt you spurring me along. thank you so much german andre greipel is on the second stage. tour de france the 166th stage taking place on the dutch coastline in the pouring rain. he won over top riders. sri lanka on top after a third day of a test.
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sri lankan wickets taken in the hopes of bowling the hosts out. an innings of 77 out. steering sri lanka to 228 to 5, a lead of 291 with two days to go. the world record is being broken for an international football score. the fed rated states of micronesia lost a qualifier against fiji 38-0. you are watching goals 37 and 38. the loss for micronesia comes days after they were beaten 30-0 by tahiti breaking a record by australia. you have to feel sorry for them. that's all the sport for now. >> thank you so much. >> after several failed attempts supplies arrived at the international space station. a russian rocket delivered a capsule laden with 2.7 tonnes of supplies. it lifted off two days ago. i'll be back in a few moments
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with a full bulletin. stay with us.
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tonight in our debate are u.s. elections a threat to american democracy. later in the panel, did the supreme court ruling open the door to legal acing ... given university students too much power. i'm imran garda, this is third rail.


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