tv News Al Jazeera July 6, 2015 6:00pm-6:31pm EDT
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is. >> calming for help to lift restrictions on cash. alexis tsipras calls for help from the european central bank. hello there i'm felicity barr and this is al jazeera live from london. also coming up a double bomb attack in central nigeria kills more than 40 people, boko haram are suspected. with just hours after a self imposed deadline, can iran and the six world powers agree on a final nuclear deal? and a mass for up to a million. the first big event of the
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pope's south american tour. hello be. there are fears greek banks could be just days away from collapse if package for emergency funding seasoned agreed on. banks will remain shut until at least thursday, and limits on withdrawals will continue. mario drage says he needs help to lift restrictions. euclid tsakalotos has been appointed finance minister after yanis varoufakis resigned. jonah hull has the story of how
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greece is reacting. >> on this day there is one sentiment above others on the streets. >> i'm proud of my people. >> yes, i feel proud for my people but also confused because we say no to the proposal of europe. we want a better proposal. >> but pride in greece's defiance isn't enough to avoid the fall. the banks are shut, their official closure extended to thursday at the earliest but there's no guarantee they will be able to open or the 60 euro per day per person limit can be sustained as dwindling be
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reserves. oxford educated euclid be be tsakalotos replaces yanis varoufakis. not widely liked by the european creditors. >> they will be negotiating with wolfgang schaeuble poafer boy poster boy as the architecture of pain of the greeks sucking their blood for the past five years. that's hardly the basis for getting along now something i put to a greek minister. >> i won't predict whether it will be tomorrow or day after tomorrow there's no reason why today or tomorrow we can't exit not only for greece but for europe. what will that take? it will take mutual compromises
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and putting at the heart of the negotiations the good of the people of europe and of the european union the stability of the european union above other kinds of priorities and interests that prevail now. >> reporter: meanwhile the drip drip drip of cash from the banks, making the recovery harder by the minute. >> that can only be achieved as part of europe. >> i wouldn't say i'm really positive. i hope they find the solution because i'm really terrified and i don't know what's going to happen tomorrow. >> greeks are proud and by saying no more, many will feel they've won their dignity back. but they may not be allowed to enjoy the moment for long. jonah hull, al jazeera athens. >> and bamps barnaby phillips is also
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in athens. >> domestically, alexis tsipras in a very strong position. the margin of victory was much bigger even if syriza thereto was possible. that's why the major be political parties mainstream have signed a declaration endorsing his position. they felt they had no choice but to do that after the referendum. and so it's clear that he represents the vast majority of greeks as he goes into these vital negotiation is. negotiations. well that's important but it's only going to take him so far because don't underestimate the extent to which countries like germany but also u.s.a. tra austria and finland and the baltic countries feel. yanis varoufakis was proving to
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be such an aggravation euclid tsakalotos will probably be a more calming figure. but there are more substantial issues than a clash of personalities here. such is the scale of greece's economic problems and such is still the remaining difference in ideology between the greek government and say that of the german government. >> huge concern now in europe about what happens next, jacky rowland has the report on the meeting between germany and france in paris. >> the views of the german chancellor and the be french french president. angela merkel has taken a firm line on greece's need to live up to its commitment while french officials have hinted at greater flexibility. the time had come for france and
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germany to speak with one voice. >> translator: it is now to the government of mr. tsipras to submit proposals so they can remain in the euro with a ram which is sustainable. because greece needs stability and sustainability within the euro. >> it is not only the greek population and the greek people who have a say here. it is also the other 18 countries. we have one common currency. we want to keep this common currency and therefore all sides need to be responsible and show solidarity. >> the euro zone is moving into uncharted waters. no mechanism exists for a country to leave the euro so greece's european partners are worried about setting a dangerous precedent. other countries in the euro zone such as spain will be watching the next developments closely. like greece spain has lived through difficult economic times. the spanish government has been
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forced to impose unpopular austerity measures so will be wary of greece getting special treement. >> translator: i believe that from the point of view of the greek public something errors have been made by the calls institutions but i also say it's inevitable that greece makes reforms because there are examples of other countries who have already put them in place and have already emerged from recession. >> reporter: it looks like a bad owe men. workmen staying apart the euro symbol outside the former headquarters of the european central bank. in fact they're just repairing the sign and it will be back in place on thursday. the process of reviving the currency this sign represents will doubtless take much longer. jacky rowland, al al jazeera paris.
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>> local media reports say a large bomb blast has hit nigeria's second largest city cano in the last hour. double bomb attack in central nigeria. the bombs exploded in a crowded muslim restaurant and mosque in the city of jos. witnesses suggest attack on the mosque may be against a cleric critical of boko haram. at least six were killed in a suicide bomb attack in yobe state. bringing the be number of deaths to more than 200. yvonne ndege reports from abuja. >> one of the targets of the attacks in jos was a popular cleric who had denounced activities of boko haram and advocated peaceful relations
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between muslims and christians. the other blasts which happened at a restaurant wear told it was frequented by local politicians and well to do businessmen. now it is unclear what this all means for the authorities and how they will handle this latest violence. it comes at the end of days of violence in the region which has seen more than 200 people killed by boko haram. when the new president muhammadu buhari was sworn in at the end of may remember he came into power promising to defeat the group. he moved the command and control center fighting boko haram to the northern capital supporting soldiers fighting the group there has also been diplomatic evident he traveled to the g-7 summit in germany and to south africa for african summit and
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to the united states to meet u.s. president barack obama where insurgency from boko haram will be the main topic. even with the effort the government seems to be taking it is not filtering down to communities of. communities are not being protected and these attacks for many is just evidence that boko haram is still a force to be reckoned with. >> the man behind a you coup attempt in burundi in may has threatened to remove the president by force if he does not step down. accusing the president are nkurunziza isn't attending, is he staying home to continue campaigning for upcoming presidential elections. there have been months of unrest since nkurunziza announced he would be running for a third term which protesters insist is
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the prime minister alexis tsipras has had a phone conversation with the head of the ecb cr. and euclid tsakalotos replaces yanis varoufakis who resigned earlier. >> angela merkel meeting the french president in paris. u.s. secretary of defense john kerry says hard decisions feed to be made, they say there's still work to do ahead of tuesday's self imposed deadline for a deal. diplomatic editor james bays has been following those negotiations in vienna. >> for days and days, intense negotiations have been taking place at all times of day. now those meetings have been
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carried out by foreign ministers themselves. all of the foreign ministers are here in vienna and for the fir first time in the final stages of the negotiations they have all been meeting together. the chinese foreign minister says they are pretty close. >> translator: new progress has been made in the negotiations. there are still several issues outstanding on the table. we believe that acceptable solutions can be found to these outstanding issues. hence, comprehensive agreement is within reach. >> reporter: we're told there are only a few items on which they now have to try and get agreement but in this process the last details were always going to be the most difficult ones. they'll continue meeting knowing that time is running out. the deadline is tuesday. there's only a matter of hours left. >> in iraq there is increasing concern about civilian casualties caused by government counters offensives in anbar
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province. iraqi forces are trying to push the islamic state of iraq and the levant out of ramadi and fallujah. they are launching air strikes on populated areas putting civilians in danger. jane arraf has the report. >> fallujah was one of the first statistician to fall to i.s.i.l. and it will be one of the most difficult to recapture. i.s.i.l. is believed to have launched dozens of suicide attacks across anbar province. iraqi security forces are using air strikes and artillery. the intense operations on the edge of cities are killing civilians as well as fighters. the government says it is only targeting i.s.i.l. but some of the victims are clearly women and children. the details are difficult to confirm. hospitals in fallujah and ramadi are controlled by i.s.i.l. iraqi government doctors here have been pulled out. this i.s.i.l. video appears to
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show young men said to have been killed when government air strikes hit a gathering on a football pitch on saturday. the defense ministry denies they were civilians playing football saying i.s.i.l. bans the game. medical sources and political leaders say some civilians are being killed by barrel bombs dropped by iraqi security forces. they are band under international law. military leaders here deny that. >> translator: we are using air force jets and army jets and artillery and other precise methods. these are our people. they are iraqis. i hear about the use of barrel bombs in the media but there is no such thing i assure you. >> iraqi commanders say among i.s.i.l.'s main tactics are hiding in civilian areas. even if they want to leave there isn't much place they can go because i.s.i.l. controls so
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much area in be anbar. they can only leave through baghdad, where the route is tightly controlled. jane arraf, al jazeera baghdad. >> syrian forces have launched strikes against rebel forces, one of several battles raging across the country against rebel groups and i.s.i.l. fighters. mohammed jamjun reports. >> reporter: in syria the conflict continues. an unending barrage as fierce as this fire, as suffocating as this smoke. as the violence escalates a regional threat of fillover spillover has never been so real. i.s.i.l, fighting to keep control of raqqa its main
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stronghold and to take over hasaka on the border with turkey. the government is fighting to repel rebels and regain the upper hand in zabadani. with hezbollah having entered the fray once more, syrian planes drop barrel bombs from the air. they're not the only group using makeshift munitions. running low on munitions rebels in aleppo use what they can. here transforming a gas canister to a bomb. complicating the situation further, the kurdish fighters, up till now the most effective fighting force against i.s.i.l. scushed ypgkurdish ypg forces are attempting to stop the islamic state of iraq and the levant. more battle lines are drawn more
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fighting frofnts are open as the war in syria gets more complicated every day. mohammed many jamjun, al jazeera. a bottom has hit yemen port city of aden. u.s. president barack obama has spoken about the latest efforts against i.s.i.l he said the battle against cite will be i.s.i.l. will be a long one. >> i.s.i.l.'s strategic weaknesses are real. i.s.i.l.'s surrounded by countries and communities committed to its destruction. it has no air force our coalition owns the skies i.s.i.l.'s backed by no nation. it relies on fear.
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sometimes executing its own disillusioned fighters. its unrestrained brutality often alienates those under its rule. in fact, i.s.i.l. will be defeated. >> patty cultra hawaiian culhane has more. >> president barack obama came out and spoke to the media and said the same things he has been saying for months. he said he believed the strategy will work, it's just going to take time. heng iraq and syria so they can take on i.s.i.l. on the ground. when it comes to issues like the fall of ramadi the president simply characterized that as set backs basically saying those will happen. >> the south carolina senate has voted to remove the confederate flag from flying on state
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grounds. senators voted 37-3 to take down the flag and the bill must now gain a two-thirds majority in a second vote which will be held on tuesday morning. demonstrators have been calling for the flag to be removed after an online photo of the man accused of killing 9 in a south carolina church was holding the flag. melissa chan reports from california. >> our team has been covering the drought ever since the dlaition of a state of emergency by california governor jerry brown. the drought this summer is a lot worse than drought from last year. in fact the university of california davis put out a report that ves economic losses in 2015 are expected to be
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$twops 8 billion and half a million fields like this one will lie fallow, 20,000 jobs almost 20,000 jobs will be lost. we spoke to mike wood, one farmer and his family, they own 1900 acres and this is what they had to say. >> there is a little over 700 acres that is fallowed and what is planted other than the permanent crops there is a lot of research that went into things that wouldn't take a lot of water. we've grown garlic for a number of years. on this ranch we would normally at this time of year if we were in full production we would be employing 25 to 30 people. presently we have seven people under employment. >> the government of colombia says the rebels would have to prove they genuinely want peace to enter into a ceasefire. government also wants the armed group to agree to legal cases
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against those voched in those involved in the conflict. >> we are open to a serious bilateral and definitive ceasefire even before the peace accords. and when we have the peace guarantees the national verification masses so that this doesn't become something of a joke. >> pope francis has delivered mass to up to a million people in the ecuadorian city of quakil. lucia newman reports. >> the heat in quakil was often unbearable but hundreds of thousands of ecuadoriansians were undeterred. his first address to the fannie mae 20 catholic church considers
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the pillar of society but which in pope francis's view suffering from the ills of modern times. miracles are always performed every day inside a family out of love he said but sometimes that love and patience runs out. the pope has taken a more liberal stance on divorce and homosexuality but remains opposed to same sex marriage which is being legalized in many north and south american countries. pope francis says he hopes the bishops meeting scheduled for october will provide concrete solutions to the many families facing challenges in our times. this was only the first of 22 speeches the pope is expected to make in his visit to south america. another of his themes which is climate change and the need for mankind to protect mother either. less than a month ago pope francis issued an encyclical
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wherein he spoke about climate change a subject he is expected to speak of with president correia. lucia newman, al jazeera quito. >> inventions, vibrating pen to help those with parkinson's disease and oglove that allows you to carve products as they were made of clay. simon mcgregor wood found out more. >> these are the displays that might launch careers. this is science for the real world that may change our lives. for example there is morton groenig's power glove it could revolutionize the world of
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sculpture. >> for them it's about being as close as they can really being intimate with the stone or with the work and really understand understanding. >> then there's a brand-new way of harvesting wind power. imagine thousands of these stuck to a sky scrape are. and this vibrating pen is designed to help sufferers of parkinsons disease be whose hands city ofen as the disease takes control. >> enables you to write clearer and smoother. it makes the pen traverse across the paper easier and it also reduces the stiffness of the muscles. >> the innovations on display here if you like are a combination of art and science. this stuff has the work and it has to look good at the same time. the students are taught to understand the commercial applications of what they come
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up with because it is these innovations that will drive the some economies of the future. all of them are fundamentally interested in taking their ideas forward and realizing them. some have formed their ideas already and some are working with innovation hubs and investors in order to try and realize their ideas in commercial reality. >> reporter: the work here is about changing lives and the impact we have on the world around us. bionet for example uses different densities of the same product to make other products the concept shoe, the perfect mix of the commercial and the environmental. simon mcgregor wood, al jazeera, london. >> lions have been introduced to rwanda 15 years after the final animal was killed there.
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they have been kept into a quarantined area. the new pride has satellite collars to track their movements. much more on our website as ever the address to click onto is this is a show about science by scientists. tonight: trash. it's everywhere. >> what's the out put of this facility? >> landfills overflowing. >> it just smells so bad. >> but some of our trash ... ... could be recycled.
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