tv News Al Jazeera July 8, 2015 9:00am-10:01am EDT
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>> welcome to the news hour from doha. one year on from the war in gaza, tens of thousands of palestinians are still in desperate need. >> a show of support at the european parliament as the greek prime minister calls for a fair bailout deal. china's soft market plunges after a surge of panic selling. the fear is spreading to other markets. >> we'll find why these oblivion
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miners are hoping pope francis will help improve their working conditions. >> we begin in gaza, where an estimated hundred thousand people remain internally displaced a year after the 50 day war with israeli. more than 2,000 palestinians were killed during seven weeks of israeli bombardment. more than 10,000 were wounded. the u.n. says 75% of the victims were civilians. among the israeli victims, 66 soldiers and five civilians were killed. the u.s. saying 89,000 homes in gaza were damaged. it will cost nearly a billion dollars to rebuild. people who lost their homes are either living among the ruins of what's left or in shelters. we met one homeless man who can barely make ends meet.
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>> he hasn't climbed these steps in nearly a year. they have used to lead into a large home he shared with his extended family. now all that's left is rubble after israeli tanks she willed it. he lost much more than his house during last year's 50 day war. he also lost most of his family. these photos are all he has left of his wife, three sons, daughter-in-law and grans son, who were all killed in an israeli strike. he says for the past year, he and the surviving members of his family have barely been able to make ends meet, and that hamas kitchen controls gaza and fatah haven't done enough to improve things. >> they are too busy fighting each other to fight us. they only give money to their supporters, but not the needy people. only god can help us. >> international donors have
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pledged billions of dollars to rebuild gaza, but israel's siege which has lasted for years means badly needed construction materials like cement haven't been allowed in, despite obvious by the united nations to oversee the process. israel's continuing blockade of gaza means just 1% of reconstruction materials needed for gaza has been delivered. according to the united nations the influx of goods is so slow that it could take up a 30 years to rebuild. around 20,000 palestinians now live in temporary shelters like these. most don't have electricity or running water. extended families often share just one room. at living conditions worsen, many here are becoming increasingly angry. senior hamas spokesman understands the frustration. >> people are suffering, that's right. we have to do everything to help people. we have to do everything to give
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a chance for the reconstruction. this is now the mission of hamas to walk together and put all the differences behind. >> that small comfort to this man. at 80 years old he's now the main guardian of his four young grandsons after their parents were killed. he says he finds it difficult to worry for their futures when their lives now are so hard. >> we're crossing over to the village where human rights watch have accused the israeli army of committing war crimes. looking behind you the figures that were giving off the internally additional placed people in gaza, looks like a lot of them are living there. >> indeed, doreen. there are thousands if not tens of thousand us internally displaced gasses. here as you rightly mentioned an area where many are concerned that war crimes were committed.
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in fact, on one night, it was believed well over 100 people were killed, but let's look at the community that has sprouted up. this is where many now live. they live in these very basic shelters which are tin roofing and some plastic sheeting. there is very little electricity, and there is no running water here. what you also see is that the majority of people living here are small children. children have been disproportionately affected by this war affected by this conflict, and many of them find themselves living in these very basic shelters. so again as we've been saying, all throughout the day a very desperate situation but this is how many people here are now living 12 months since the start of that war. >> you've been around gaza, at least over the 24 hours or so,
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the past 24 hours. what else have you seen? >> it really needs to be underscored how small gaza is, only 360 square kilometers. we started in the north of gaza this morning in an area that saw terrible fighting. it's close to the border with israel saw verge ground troop presence and many neighborhoods reduced to roll. we spoke to one woman there who told us every time she steps outside of her door, it feels as if the war had ended only a day ago. that's how little the situation has changed a year since the start of this conflict. we then moved on to an area most well known for what can only be described as a massacre, when well over 100 people were killed
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in the period of a few hours in the middle of the night. we spoke to people who survived that massacre who described shelling constantly. they fled their homes with nothing but the shirts on their backs and when they returned to their neighborhoods, there was nothing left. 12 months later and many find themselves living in places like this. >> thank you very much for that update from gaza. >> greece could implement tax and pension reforms as early as next week, according to a leaked proposal from the greek government. the details are port of a formal application for a new aid program from the euro zone bailout fund. , alexis tsipras received applause and cheers introsburg. he gave a speech to the european parliament calling for a fair deal from greece's creditors.
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>> >> we need an agreement that will bring about the necessary and credible reforms i also clearly necessary. we have to recognize that over the past five and a half years the funds have been put in place which have been a but should on what pensioners can take, what employers can put up with, what they can stand as well as ordinary citizens. >> that was tsipras speaking earlier on. tell us whether anything new john is being put forward by the greeks in this leaked proposal. >> there's nothing new either in what the prime minister said at the european parliament, his criticisms of the bailout loans of the last five years are well documented. there is nothing new in the
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application made public a short while ago by the government that the government has filed with the european stability mechanism, an intergovernmental distress fund set up within the euro zone at the beginning of the crisis for a new funding program, a new financial aid program. what we're seeing in the second, however, this application for funding is a confirmation of what we've been saying, that whatever new set of proposals the greeks put forward tomorrow, they will be based on what the greeks have already accepted in a june 30 letter to the creditors, which was a plan that would include tax reforms tax hikes, and pension cuts. that is all promised in this letter to the european stability mechanism. it says that the government proposes to moo immediately
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implement a set of measures as early as the beginning of next week including tax reform related m and pension related measures. it also promises by july 9 at the latest, thursday, to set out in detail it's proposals for a comprehensive and specific reform agenda. it's going to submit that to its creditors for an assessment. the full package will be given in tomorrow. >> john, thank you for that. as time runs out for greece's government to get more money to prop up its economy greeks themselves struggling to make ends meet. we traveled to the port city to see how people there are coping. >> for 20 years his coffee shop was the pulse of the neighborhood. barely anyone here during these days of austerity.
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>> how do you keep it open? >> i don't pay anyone, nothing. all of this here, you see not paid. not paid. >> he is not worried his landlord will throw him out. most of the shops on his street have shut down. no one is investing in new businesses. wherever you look, there is the same scene of abandonment the blinds are down, the doors are shut the windows look scruffy. sometimes there's a phone number in case someone is interested, but by the looks of it, no one is. >> those who survived down sides. he has recently let go
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of two employees. >> this is not just a story of businesses going bust. it's about people's family history. his parents opened this shop 50 years ago. the place is filled with childhood memories. i have to keep it open to get my pension. i am stuck. i can't see the light at the end of the tunnel. >> he cease few customers. barely anyone comes through here now that his neighbors are gone. that is one of the biggest tragedies hitting the country.
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he fears his son will never know the greece that used to be where small businesses were the heart of community life. >> the chinese government has failed to stop stock markets plunging for another day. it closed down 5.9% on wednesday, a staggering one day loss but it's just the tip of the iceberg. all in all, $3.2 trillion has been wiped off the stock markets in three weeks. that's almost a third of the market's value. the past 12 months, stocks did rise a staggering 150% despite the struggling economy. it's made many people rich, but the problem is that many investors have literally mortgaged the house to pour money into the market. chinese brokers have loaned an estimated $339 billion to traders. we have been following that story from beijing. >> continuing its four week slide, the market in china
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closed down again wednesday closing down nearly 6%, this after the nearly 30% the markets have seen a sell off in the last several weeks. nearly $3.2 trillion. something else we see continuing on wednesday and that is more companies are taking their stocks off the market. they're not allowing them to be traded. a few more hundred were taken off the markets today. they say that state controlled enterprises that are traded openly on the market will continue to be traded. the government has encouraged senior managers and large stockholders to continue to trade on these market. the central government has called what's happening a panic and irrational selloff. as we see certain mechanisms put in place these statements today, the market sell off is still continuing. >> still to come on the al jazeera news hour, first the earthquake, now it's monsoon rains and landslides forcing
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villagers from their homes. >> a new place to call home, immigrants in australia are thriving in jobs that can't be filled by locals. >> i'll be finding out why people are turning their backs on contradict in their traditional homeland. >> u.n. security council imposed sanctions on generals loyal to bat men in south suzanne accusing them of undermining the peace process. we spoke to commander near the border with ethiopia. >> in this strategy meeting south sudan's rebel commanders weigh opposites in their ongoing battle between fighters and
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government troops in parts of the country. generals and other influential individuals from both sides of the conflict have been accused of being hardliners and hampering negotiations brokered by the intergovernmental authority. >> you don't consider yourself hardliner, the spoilers of the peace process as the generals on the ground? >> yeah, because i don't know the reason -- tens of thousands of people are displaced in the latest government offensive. rebels are also on offensive in a neighboring state but only
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functioning oil fields are there. both sides blame each other for starting the fight. >> we are not the ones rejects peace. let me ask you if i killed two of your children, how do you start peace? the only thing that con stop the war in south sudan is to want remove the helm. >> the commanders insist there was no coup attempt made but what followed after was an effort to ethnically cleanse the second largest tribe in the country. >> there will be a new proposal on the formation of a transitional government. commanders say they will not accept anything less than separate armed forces for at least two years. >> these generals say 18 months is not enough to heal wounds and build trust between the rival
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forces. >> to otherwise come together again as a national army of south sudan that will not be enough and it will force people to fight again. >> these men are all important advisors to their leader. they say they'll follow his lead but will not accept a deal that doesn't properly address the root cause of the conflict. al jazeera in rebel held upper nile state. >> president regional director for africa joins us via skype from nairobi. what happens after wednesday when he does not step down as asked of him? >> to be quite honest with you i don't think anything dramatic actually happens. i believe you reported on this earlier in march of this year, parliament voted to extend both their mandate and the president's mandate. the response i expect from the
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government will be that we've actually addressed this issue already and that the president will continue in his mandate for the coming three years. the argument on the opposition side is that that decision by parliament itself was i will legitimate, therefore as of midnight tonight the president is no longer constitutionally legitimate in their view. >> all of this leading to the situation that south sudan is in right now. what needs to be done differently in terms of mediation efforts and dialogue. why did the mediation efforts fail to bring about a ceasefire and even in the past when ceasefires have been imposed they've been broken right away. >> i think first of all, they have need to be credited for acting as quickly as they did coming together and establishing the mediation process in response to the crise. the difficulty is that in a mediation process you get success when the parties themselves see that their only option is bargaining at a
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dialogue table and not gaining advantage on the battlefield. i think that most analysts would agree there isn't a military solution but blot sides see that continued military action will be to shear advantage when they do reach a deal. >> what needs to be done differently? >> i think pressure, different sorts of pressure probably need to be applied on both of the parties. there's been controversy around the sanctions. the purpose has has to be to have enough leverage and pressure on the parties to really make a difference. i think most feel that these sanctions don't necessarily do that and need to be closely coordinated with the peace process. the discussions that happen now and will continue to happen in the leadup to potentially a summit the next week or so may see the parties getting closer to a deal. other actors need to place pressure on the parties. >> you must be dismayed when you
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hear the united nations describes south sudan lower in steps of human development than just about every other place on earth. that's quite a statement. >> it's absolutely tragic. i have lived here for many years around it's tragic for all involved. one of the things that the u.n. reports and statements have pointed to is that we need to refocus the discussions on the situation of the people of south so dan and that the ultimate peace agreement needs to focus on what would be best in terms of governing this incredibly difficult young country with its massive political divisions ethnic divisions identity issues, challenges for reconciliation, economic challenges, and a traumatic militarized history that they need to find a way of getting through. >> ok, thank you very much for joining us from nairobi. >> thank you. >> in egypt, five civilians including a child have been killed by a mortar round local
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media saying the bomb hit a house in north sinai. it's not clear who fired that mortar, which wounded four people. the military is fighting a number of groups in the area, including fighters who pledged allegiance to isil. >> iraq's criminal court sentenced 24 people to death in connection with the killings of hundreds of military recruits last year. mass graves containing the bodies are murdered soldiers were discovered after iraqi forces reached tikrit in april. over 1,000 young recruits are believed to have been killed by isil. 600 other iraqis have been accused in that case. >> iraq has recovered hundred was looted ancient artifacts seized by customs officials in the united states and other countries. they were believed to have been stolen from sites left unguarded after the 2003 u.s. led
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invasion. we have more from baghdad. >> these aren't exactly antiquities, but are valuable. these were believed to have all been taken from a museum, the baghdad museum with artifacts that believed to have been looted by some of the american forces in baghdad at the time, now recovered. this really is the prize piece. this would have been part of a statue of a winged bull, a protective spirit outside the palaces. we've seen it before in videos of isil destroying statues like that in palaces. officials around sure where it came from or where it was looted. it disappeared after 2003. that's really part of the problem here, because these pieceles are looted from the excavations and not the museums it's often not known what's missing until they turn up at
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auction. these weren't stolen, but are important. they're tiny little things that speak volumes. their parts of dab lets that would have been marriage contracts, contracts for trade and they tell us what life is like thousands of years ago. they were donate decades ago to an american museum and just now returned. these, as well, they're still investigating whether they're actually real or not. they would have spoken volumes about life in some of the earliest civilizations and they're flooding the markets across the world. this is just a small part of what the runningis have been able to retrieve. >> pack stan said peace attacks between taliban and afghan officials have ended until after ramadan. >> although it is not clear who
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was representing the taliban a statement is issued saying that the meeting between representatives of the afghan government and taliban and representatives from the united states china with full backing of the leadership met 45 minutes drive from islamabad. talks were held in a cordial atmosphere. they were thanked for participating in the talks. although the afghan tall been are on the offensive in the province and gained fresh territory, there is also the emergent head of isil trying to make in roads into afghanistan. on that ground, the taliban have fought several skirmishes with isil in afghanistan. the avalon government itself is concerned, so there may be a
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convergence of interests but it is early days and the important thing will be touses what kind of progress is made, in the next round of talks that is going to be held after ramadan. >> heavy rain caused flash floods across the u.s., trapping people inside their cars and houses. in texas firefighters had to rescue a woman from her car after it got stuck on a flooded road. traffic ground to a halt in states from nevada to kentucky. everton will give us an update. >> taking a look at satellite picture, you'll be able to find the weather front on this particular storm. look at that long barrel of cloud spilling out of new mexico across texas pushing up through texas, arkansas, kentucky and getting into eastern canada. it's rolling away here.
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what we've got is colder air to the south just behind this cold front, and to the north of that, there's that cold air just digging in beneath the hotter air coming in from the gulf of mexico. much much cooler air look at the temperature differences denver, 20 degrees celsius, 30 for dallas. you are going to see the warmer air making its way further north. as we go thursday into friday, pushing further north and even across the canadian prayer recent, we may see a fair amount of hot weather making its way back in here. it has been absolutely tipping down across the central and southern plains. there's that heavy rain right up into the appalachian mountains becoming spotty through the next days. heavy rain thursday, around the northern sections of the appalachian mountains. still pretty hot by friday.
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>> thank you. a lot more to come, including thousands killed and billions of dollars of damage in gaza. what it achieved for israel. >> 40 years after the fall of eye gone, looking beyond the difficult history to strengthen ties. >> in sport the women's world cup winners broke records on and off the pitch.
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>> one year after the war in gaza began, there is very little sign of recovery. 100,000 people remain internally displaced. it's estimated it will cost up to a billion dollars to rebuild the gaza strip. >> greece could implement tax and pension reforms next week, according to a leaked proposal from the greek government. details are part of a formal application for a new aid from the euro zone. >> chinese stock markets plunged despite a government effort to stop the slide closing down 5.9% wednesday, $3.2 trillion has been wiped off the stock market in three weeks. >> more now on one of our top stories. the first anniversary of the 50 day war in gaza, despite the huge loss of life and property, the israeli government is animate the war was justified. paul brennan reports from jerusalem. >> the war which lasted 50 days
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last year was costly both in terms of human life and in economic impact. more than 70 israelis died and more than 2,300 residents of gaza were killed. the structural damage in gaza is estimated at nearly $8 billion. israeli says the operation cost it $2.5 billion. a year on, and the israeli government insists the war was justified and successful. >> hamas has suffered the hardest blow since the day it was established. we closely follow events in the south of israel and prepare to respond with full force when we are required to do so. >> others are not convinced as all of the ambitions for the war were successfully achieved. >> in a scathing editorial comment this week, the newspaper described gaza as the forgetten
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war. lessons had not been learned victims forgotten. >> israel says it had two money goals for what it calls operation protective edge. first, was to stop the rockets fired into israel by armed groups in gaza. the second was to decide to gaza's network of tunnels. a retired israeli colonel now military analyst he believes the aims were largely achieved, but at the expense of damaging headlines and international criticism. >> it did cause damage. we don't like this. it's trying to keep civilians innocent civilians many civilians, tens of thousands of civilians lost their homes had to find some solution. until now only a few houses were rebuilt. it is a major problem.
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we don't like it, we don't want it but we had another choice. >> there are signs of optimism, using outside intermediate-years, negotiating for a lasting ceasefire. there is deep mistrust on both sides. it's perhaps still too soon for objective assessment of the long term impact of the war. >> thousands of survivors of nepal's april earthquake face landslides in mountainous areas forcing more people from their homes. we have this report. >> in the district headquarters, colorful tents dot the hills. every built of flat land has been occupied here. every few days, another tent camp pops up nearby. he walked three days with his six children from the village. >> there have been massive land
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slides in neighboring villages. in our village rocks have started to fall. now it's no longer possible to go back. >> some iron sheets are being distributed. it's not enough to go around. most survive beneath these tarps. this man is not worried about that. >> 13 houses are still up in our village. they are looking at their animals and harvesting crops. fifty villagers are still up there. we'll survive but those in the village, how will they survive the rains and landslides? >> more than 500 people have moved to the camp, living off handouts and more are on their way. just in this district alone more than 2500 people need to be resettled. >> according to the government, 66,000 people from 18 districts have to be resettled. the district government has been told that they need to start the
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resettlement process by the 15th of july. >> our main challenge is lack of resources. six months expenses for each family will be $3,240. we need around half a million dollars for the resettlement of the total proposed population. >> the district government hopes that the budget needed will be swiftly handed over from the central emergency fund. it is still not clear whether these people will ever be able to return home or whether they ever will. al jazeera. >> workers in japan have started loading uranium fuel rods into a local reactor. regulators will make final checks before bringing it back on line.
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japan's nuclear plants were shut down after the 2011 fukushima disaster. >> president obama said he will visit vietnam in the near future. the white house isn't saying if it will happen while he's in office, but they are leaving the possibility open. the policemen came as obama welcomed one of vietnam's top leaders to the oval office. our white house correspondent reports. >> this picture general secretary smiling in the oval office is meant to send a message. it's been four decades since u.s. troops left vietnam, two decades since normalized relations. now their leaders say it's time to take the relationship to the next level. >> i certainly do look forward to visiting your beautiful country sometime in the future. >> the reason for this meeting for vietnam is mostly about defense and the running conflict with china over disputed islands in the south china sea. >> they were shocked by china's
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moving of the oil rig into what they called territorial waters last year and are fundamentally revisiting all of the their international relationships with the u.s., japan, with india. they want partners they can count on in terms of what they see as the gravest threat.. >> for the u.s., it's about the transpacific partnership, now negotiating that would be a massive free trade pact, representing 36% of the world's g.d.p. >> in the context of a t.p.p. agreement, what we can do is compel vietnam to better respect the basic rights of workers in that country. >> the u.s. agreed to sell vietnam military equipment for its navy, but so far, nothing else.
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the u.s. sending the message that if they want more help, they'll need to take another look at how many rights first. >> leaders from across the americas are gathering in canada for a two day climate summit, seeking a pan american strategy on tackling climate change ahead of december's global climate summit in paris. from toronto daniel lack reports. >> this two day meeting has been called by the government. they're bringing together other sub national governments calling it big city mayors, al gore is here and others. they're discussing how those levels of government can impact climate change mitigation. notable by its absence canada's federal government. they've chosen not to send anyone. climate campaigners say that is indicative of a government not taking climate change seriously. >> it's important to have these discussions. you have people from governments
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across the americas and it's really embarrassing that canada's only knoll government isn't here to talk with others about how we can work together to stop dangerous climate change. we actually need on the ground action. that means putting a price on pollution so the polluters pay investing in public transit renewable energy and actually taking the science seriously rather than gagging our national scientists. >> what we're going to hear is how canada's largest provinces are dealing with climate change, ontario and quebec, british columbia have carbon pricing alberta, the tar sands are located. canada announced greenhouse gas targets for 2030. they are going to be 30% below 2005 levels. that's dismissed by most people who follow the file. that's what canada is going to bring in to the paris meeting on climate change coming up later
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this year. >> pope francis has called on catholics to unit wherever they face persecution. he was speaking on the last day of his visit to ecuador where he held malls for more than a million people in the capital. his next stop is beolivia, visiting a place where a jesuit priest was murdered in the 1980s. many miners wish the catholic church was just as supportive today, just warning that her package does contain photographic images. >> beolivia's a predominantly catholic country yet rituals to pagan figures are widely practiced inside the silver mines. here we pray inside. he protects us in the mines and helps us find the veins in the
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walls. >> working under deplorable conditions, catholic support outside the mines is not as strong as before. >> it would be good if the priests would support us. most of what we extract goes to the government. >> during the 1960's and 1970's, socially and i have priests redefined the church's role in bolivia. on a strip to bolivia, he will visit the site where the priest was murdered. the mountains which once produced enough silver to make the city the wealthiest in the word is now at risk of collapsing from five centuries of indiscriminate mining.
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>> the mines are dying out leaving thousands without a job. miners here feel that a church that was once very involved in helping them fight for their rights has become increasingly distant. many hope that the pope's visit will somehow brick back the same type of involvement that they have in the past. >> and yesterday for many here, the biggest concern they have say is the large scale of environmental damage caused by mining. for them, it's as much a social and environmental crisis. >> as long as economic interests determine what happens here in the mining industry, we'll never take measures or seek responsibility for the death of federico. >> pope francis has warned to the earth has become to look like an immense pile of if it. as pressures mount the church seems to be poised to play a crucial role, honoring the legacy of priests like the
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>> australia combined its immigration department with customs to form a new border protection force. it will focus on stopping unwanted asylum seekers coming into the country especially by boat. despite the countries tough stance, it needs more legal migrants to help its workforce. from the town in new south wales, we have this report. >> griffith, a rural down, eight our drive in land from sydney might not sound multi-cultural.
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20% of people here were born outside australia. they're easy enough to find. working at a garage on the outskirts of town, he is one of three filipinos. >> i like griff i got. i like my job here, and for the cost of living so cheaper than the city. >> the company couldn't find people with his skills in australia. his boss is also from the philippines. these rules required him to work in rural australia for at least two years before he could move to one of the country's big cities. >> regional areas in australia are not like in the philippines where you have nothing, but here you have everything you need. >> like the garage, the local hospital relies on immigrants to staff it. just one of its 16 doctors is australian born. >> at present i think most of the regional towns are manned,
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most of them. >> immigration adds 1.1% to australia's population every year, more than the birth rate and rising life expectancy combined. as a percentage as a whole only switzerland and norway take more immigrants through the program. the stories are about those the country stops from coming in, asylum seekers but immigration here is actually pretty high. >> a recent government report projected australia's population would nearly double to about 40 million in 40 years. many argue that that figure is still to low for a country of australia's size. running the food production businesses near griffith. he went to turkey to find a beekeeper for his honey business to india for fruit growing managers. foresters do most of the picking, too but he needs more. >> anybody good workers any
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state, any country i like my work done. >> even with one of the world's highest immigration rates australia is still one of the least densely populated countries. for that to change, immigration would needle to get a lot higher still. >> we have an update on all the sport stories. >> the latest episode in cricket's oldist rivalry is underway england versus australia. australia won the last series. they haven't won in england since 2001. fighting back, 139-3 the latest score. an unbeaten 50 was scored.
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the stadium will be full. the same enthusiasm isn't always on show in england. numbers are declining. we went to find out why and what the future of english cricket might look like. >> on this village green little has changed since cricket was first played here more than 280 years ago. nothing could be more quintessentially english. >> only three teams on an saturday when there was four. for many clubs you need that number for the future of the club. >> last year, the cricket board released results of a survey showing the number of people playing the sport was on the decline. 5% of matches had to be canceled because one team couldn't field 11 players. the recurring theme seems to be
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the traditional match is playing over 100 overs like this one just take too much time. >> the smithment is full day we leave 9:00 in the morning get home 10:00 11:00 at night every saturday. that may be part of the problem. >> recent performances by the england team have also done little to ignite interest in the game. they failed to advance at the cricket world cup. trying to highlight the social side of the became, the cricket board is looking further afield for a solution uncommunities where cricket is traditionally king. just six kilometers away is another cricket club that has seen membership sport. it is a charity run sport club targeting inner city
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communities. they are adapting amateur cricket engaging local people and drawing people in. >> we've become innovative in response to our communities shortening the game, making it more fun. we try to adopt to encourage south asians particularly. >> membership numbers increased tenfold in the last five years and now england officials see clubs like this as key to keeping grassroots cricket alive. >> it is an immense challenge. sometimes i get embarrassed when i look at these kids and i think -- >> a talented generation of players that have encouraged and supported in the right way and may produce a generation of england's finest. >> men's quarter finals day at wimbledon, on central court is
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murray. murray is a big favorite to win against the unseeded canadian, he has taken the first set 6-4. >> defending champions the u.s.a. off to a winning start in football's gold cup in north and central american countries. the u.s. are cohost, canada this timeout, got their campaign up and winning here. dempsey scoring two goals in the win. >> david beckham played an important role in convincing an addition to the l.a. galaxy. jared is joining the club where beckham played and is set to make his debut on saturday in a friendly. >> davids a hero of mine,
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somebody i was lucky to play with. he's a wonderful footballer. he's someone i leaned on for advice and asks a few questions before i decided to come here. >> the women's u.s. soccer team have broken t.v. viewing records. while tens of thousands came i am out for the team's victory parade in los angeles 25 million fans tuned in to watch the final in the u.s. that is the highest ever figure for any soccer game, men's or women's in the country. >> i think it's amazing that we're put in the same conversation category as the men. i think that for us, we know that we inspire a nation and we inspire globally people around the world to dream big. for me to bring home this world cup, the coveted world cup, we have had olympic gold medals, but this is one thing i have not been able to bring home to my country. >> that is all your sport for now. >> thank you very much.
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the might sound like a rather strange question coming up, but do your what when you actually listen to a painting? there's a new exhibition opening at london's national gallery promising to let viewers hear paintings and see music. we explain. ♪ >> the ambassadors at the court of king henry viii, painted in 1533. listen to the music made by a violin with only three strings. it's tense, reflecting the broken string in the lute and the historic tensions as the powerful king of england south to break with the catholic church. >> i wanted to use the tension within the space. i think it's palpable and defined, the constant shifting.
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>> six musicians or sound artists were given their choice of any picture in the national gallery, and commissioned to compose. electronic music by the d.j. changes as one nears the picture. just as the unified form of the painting dissolves into tiny points. >> the challenge for museums in this fast-paced world is to slow people down. visitors have a tendency to rush, taking pictures of themselves looking at paintings left and right. the music makes people slow down. they look at the paintings, and see details they wouldn't have noticed before. the natural sounds of the lake are recreated. >> the sound of the music force you to feel something.
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they force you to experience something, whether you like it or not. it's a very visceral experience. >> an american composer, a piece made in the 14th century. >> the music encourages you to look deeper, look through and down. for me, a bell should remind you to look somewhere else. >> listening and looking, all designed to slow the visitor down and provide a new way of seeing art and appreciating it even more. jessica baldwin, al jazeera, london. >> thanks for watching the news hour on al jazeera. back in just a moment or two with a full bulletin of news, that's coming your way. do stay with us.
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one year on from the war in gaza tens of thousands of palestinians are still in december desperate need. you are watching al jazeera lye from our headquarters in doha. also coming up china's stock market plunges after a surge of panic selling. the fear spreading to other markets. a show of support at the european parliament as the greek prime minister calls for a fair bailout deal.
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