tv News Al Jazeera July 8, 2015 8:00pm-9:01pm EDT
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>> hello everybody and welcome to al jazeera america. i'm david schuster in new york. just ahead this hour. off line. the struptions that grounded an entire be airline and brought the new york stock exchange to a halt. >> at this point, there is no indication that malicious actors are involved in these computer issues. >> what it all says about our digital dependency. firesfired. >> this is not an easy decision.
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but it is one that is in the best interest of the people of baltimore. >> baltimore's top cop is dismiss. fm and mr. popularity, bernie sanders. is he more than just a wakeup call for hillary clinton? plus he's got rhythm. grammy winner terrence blanchard opens up about the life in jazz and what lies ahead. we begin this hour with a technical glitches and sudden malfunctions that caused a lot of havoc for traders and airline passengers. long lines lots of headaches and planned of unanswered
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questions. united airlines and then the snawctsnewyork stock exchange shut down because of computer problems. lisa stark is in washington with more. least lisa. >> david imagine one major computer system goes down then another. was something suspicious going on? all the computer systems back up and running thousand but it was a scramble for united airlines and the stock exchange as the operations ground to a halt. >> it pushed back another hour traveling with two small kids. >> the company scrambled to ground its flights nationwide. around 8:45 eastern time. then around 11:30 a.m., the new new
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york stock exchange was shut down. around the same time the wall street journal website's went offline complying displaik this error message. displaying this error message. the president was briefed by his homeland security officer and the chief of staff. the good news, these outages appeared to be coincidental. >> at this point, there is no indication it is based on malicious intent or these situation he are related. >> during the forum on, wait for it cyber-security. >> it appears what we know at there stage that the malfunctions at united and the stock exchange were not the result of any nefarious actor. >> no cyberastack but it turns out the wall street journal
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break down really was connected to the so stock exchange outage. even as cyber security experts were breathing a little bit of sigh of relief, united airlines passengers were dealing with a nightmare. it took only around an hour to get the system back and running you but that led to delays. >> they said they couldn't help the computer thing sending us back and forth and we couldn't get helped. >> the united problem was a computer router that was fiched fixed by 10:00 a.m. which created more than awnd 800 delays.
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and new york stock exchange problem didn't get remedied until 3:00 p.m. closely watched by the sec ec securities and exchange commission and the computer systems. easily our lives you are disrupted when they are. and apparently this was the longest computer related outage at the new york stock exchange ever. david. >> lisa stark, reporting from washington, thank you. defense 1 reports on u.s. defense and national security. patrick, when you heard that the wall street journal the new
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york stock exchange and united airlines, had all went down were you nerves? >> inerves -- nervous? >> i was. united something to a router connected to the reservations seam i noticed that shortly later trading had halted on the new york stock exchange, linked to an article a tweet actually to an article that the wall street journal put out. everyone in the world responded to that at the same time, what you saw was a coincidence and a chain reaction of different people running around, very nervous away went on, creating an air of urgency. it was just a coincidence that both of these things happened at the same time. >> a flash crash is what was being described happening at the new york stock exchange . what is a flash crash? i wonder if you could explain it for all of purchase. >> in 2010 in the month of may
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the new york stock exchange experienced a sudden event that we're only now still beginning to understand what really happened. at the time it was this. a whole bunch of different highly 76thed trading algorithms acting on information moving far faster than what human brains could keep up, trading against one another one begins to sell, another one begins to sell, as one sells more, you see a chain reaction happening. it speaks on what reliance new york money companies be expect for the little bit of profit they can. it's little they can do to create a profit and they rely on tricks like this, high velocity
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trading, normal to squeeze profit out of the system you rely on algorithms. the flash crash in 2010 was as a result of that. there was information coming into the market, the had was greece major dip in values in china overnight, and what that did was trigger highly selected value moving. and we have to have time to understand it. >> it gets mag if i magnified. patrick tucker, thanks for coming on. in china despite a rash of new moves by the government to prop up stocks, the market there continues to tumble. hundreds of companies halted trading after last week's emergency measures failed to be resolve the problems.
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dropped more than 30% since last june when the chinese stock market was the best performing investor market in the world. other countries are projecting impact it could have on the world economy mary snow has the story. >> china's stock market has lost more than 30% since the middle of june and markets around the world are rattled. the questions asked what's next? >> we do live in an age where our global financial markets are interconnectand interrelated. activity we see in one market could have an impact in other markets. that's something we carefully monitor. >> put simply, could markets in china slow their spending the ping will be felt far outside its borders but just how bad can it get for the u.s? >> can china if they have a really sharp low down can that
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exert some slow downs on the u.s. economy yes. but is a slow down in china going to create another recession in the united states, probably not. >> then there's the dollar, rising against the backdrop of worry not only from china but from the seemingly imminent default of greece. if investors continue to seek safety and park money in traditions and even carb the dollar could strengthen, that has the potential of exporters exporters hoping to sell their goods abroad. mary snow, al jazeera. >> the author of what the united states can learn from china. professor lee how concerned are you that american investors american stockholders can be impacted severely by this market crash in china? >> i'm not that worried about the impact, because very few are
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invested in the chinese stock market. the ones who are large hedge funds and institutional investors from the big banks because the chinese government had issued quotas in terms of how many foreign investors can be trading in those stock markets. and so the impact for you know the spillover's rather limited. >> and yet would you agree that this is a speculative bubble in this market that has now popped? >> yes, i would agree with that be characterization. it is clear it is a very sharp runoff and now it is a very quick fall from the top. >> what's the danger to the overall china economy which might have a much larger impact in the u.s. than just this particular chinese market? >> sure, i think that's what people are worried about. and i would say that although this may impact the economy in the short term, i don't see this as more than a hiccup in terms of china's overall economic growth prospects because china
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certainly has a lot of legs that they are relying on, including all the infrastructure initiatives that they have announced with multilateral companies and they also are throwing a lot of liquidity at this market. the chinese government is adamant that they want to make sure the financial markets don't fall apart. and so if i had to make an analogy, they're behaving in the same way that the federal reserve was behaving during the 2008 financial crisis where the financial reserve -- i mean the federal reserve instituted a lot of conventional measures to try stabilize the market and the chinese government certainly has that same willpower and the ability to do that. >> the united states has a lot of debt that is owned by china. is that a potential problem as the chinese economy gets shakier or is the chinese government committed to not affecting that? >> well, so a lot that is said is in trillions of foreign
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reserves held in china. and certainly china will draw upon those reserves if they need to support the market. or any other economic initiatives that they have there. and so with that, that's actually good news for stabilizing the situation in china. because it's sort of like extra savings to buttress you know any weakness that they might have. >> so it's their own insurance policy to have essentially a stimulus to keep the market propped up. >> absolutely. >> thanks for coming in, we appreciate it. >> thanks for having me. >> in greece today authorities say that banks will stay closed until monday and the officials say trick trick limits on strict limits on atm withdrawals will stay in place. jonah hull reports. >> after the brinksmanship of
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refusal ever the referendum in greece alexis tsipras comes to brussels. >> we are determined not to clash with europe but to tackle head on the establishment in our country and to change the mindset which has taken us and the euro zone down. >> the grand standing is unlikely the have impressed eu leaders who had gathered the night before in brussels only to discover that the greeks would not present new reforms until thursday. although greece had asked for a new three year financial bailout. >> until now i have avoided talking about deadlines but i have to say it loud and clear that the final deadline ends this week. >> so the view from brussels is that we are in the final count down, a matter of days to determine the future of greece and its people but a long way from brussels at places like this a charity clinic in central
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athens serving people who have really nothing left, that means that life may get marginally better or much much worse. >> doctors of the world cares for swelling armies of migrants, asylum seekers and greece's own sick and poor. he hasn't had a job for two years, no pension or medical insurance but he does have a medical condition. >> translator: if i did not have this place would i fight for as long as i could stand on my feet and then would i drop off the acropolis. >> but how does a charity survive whether the -- when the givers no longer can afford to give? >> we are very afraid because next week if the government doesn't continue, they don't have access to their money they won't have any money no food items to bring so it will collapse.
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>> german doctor. >> i'm feeling very greek after 25 years living here in greece. >> whether a deal is struck to save greece and its place in the euro zone will depend on german leadership and german money. >> i'm sure mrs. merkel and all the german people know the greeks are very bad they have visited the place here and the progress of this country and i'm quite sure they're going to try best. >> but in brussels and berlin as in life there are few guarantees. jonah hull, al jazeera athens. >> back in the united states, the mayor of baltimore today fired his city's embattled police commissioner. the termination follows a deadly increase in crime and riots after the death of an unknown
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blackman in custody. paul beban has the story. paul. >> until today he had reliable support from baltimore city hall. but mayor stephanie rawlings-blake said it was time for a new top cop. she thanked anthony batts for his service but said they needed a change. >> it is one that is in the best interest of the people of baltimore. the people of baltimore deserved better. >> reporter: the mayor said an ongoing spike in murders demanded a change in leadership. batts firing came two and a half months after the city plunged into violence after the death of freddy gray. in may there were a reported 42 homicides a 25-year high.
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batts called it a crisis and called for help from the federal government. >> this is all hands on deck. all hands every single resource, every single body, every single personnel. on the streets of baltimore. >> reporter: tuesday night gunmen jumped out of two vans and opened fire near the university of maryland baltimore. three people were killed and a fourth was injured. but even amid soaring crime the mayor stood by her commissioner until now. even defending him in the face of criticism from his own force. on tuesday baltimore's police commission released its own report poiting pointing the finger squarely at police leadership. police ordered not to engage. it reads in part, these riots in part were preventible however baltimore police commanders failed to meet standards on all levels.
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as a result, chaos and lawlessness ensued. tensions between the force and the commissioner had been high ever since the protest. the charges brought by baltimore's state's attorney marilyn j. mosby at her news conference mayor said that had nothing to do with giving batts the boot but nonetheless it was time for him to go. former commissioner be anthony batts released a statement saying i've been honored to serve the citizens of baltimore been proud to be a police commissioner for this city. kevin davis was be appointed interim police commissioner immediately. whereby david. >> can a new system to restore
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jamie mcintire has more from the pentagon. is. >> reporter: david, this is the case of two competing and compelling interests, how much of one americans are willing to give up to get more of the other. debate was kicked up a notch in a series of senate hearings today in which the fbi's top man said i.s.i.l. is disploiting the exploiting the technology in devious and ways. through highly encrypted messages sent directly to mobile devices of potential recruits. >> it buzzes in their pocket so there is a device almost a devil in their pocket that says all day long, kill kill kill.
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we will give them directions to a mobile messaging app that is enincremented saying contact me here and they disappear. >> comey and a fellow official be describe the dangers of going dark. >> we're creating site zones where dangerous criminals and operatives can operate and avoid detection. >> realtime communication and data at rest, locked in devices such as mobile phones, laptops and hard drives. >> these encrypted devices are becoming the equivalent of closets and safes that can never be opened even when a judge has expressly authorized a search for evidence inside them. >> if we intercept data in motion between two encrypted
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devices or across encrypted mobile messaging app and it's strongly encrypted we can't break it. sometimes people watch tv and think fbi has some way to break this strong encryption. that is not. that is why this is so important. >> insist encryption is an important tool for individuals to protect their personal private data and they say the government should never have a master key. >> if there is a legal requirement from a law enforcement agency to access any of the individual user's data it is not something that is granted by definition. it goes through a very thorough legal process review before we would grant access. >> but the obama administration insists it is not seeking a back door into encryption software. that's a highly controversial idea adamantly opposed by many prominent experts in the tech community. who say undermining encryption
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would only make the situation worse and provide a bonanza for hackers. >> that the companies themselves will retain an ability to be able to access the information and to provide that information to us with lawful court orders. >> there was some frustration by members of congress that the administration was not offering any clear answers. james grassley said that back in january president obama you white house has proposed no changes in the law. at one point the fbi director comby simply said the problem was really, really hard adding i don't come with a solution. i don't know what the answer is. david. >> jamie mcintire at the pentagon thank you. big changes are coming to new york city for thousands of people accused of low level crimes. the goal of a new plan is to keep low risk suspects out of the city's troubled rykers ielt
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jailrykersisland prison complex. roxana saberi is here with the story. >> david, judges could release them and have then monitored until they go to trial. the announcements comes after growing criticism that bail unfairly targets poor people. >> when kalif was 16 he was arrested for allegedly stealing a backpack. his bail was set at $3,000, an amount his family couldn't afford. he ended up spending three years at rykers island, in solitary confinement. he went free all charges dropped. >> that's what killed him. >> alast month he handing
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himself. >> if you don't have that bail right away, you could be off to a bus to rykers island. >> reform of new york city's bail system. >> we shouldn't be housing people while they await trial and resolution of their criminal charges in that facility just because they can't come up with 500 or $1,000 bail. >> mayor bill glais vowed deblasio vowed to make a change. in a statement deblasio stated money bail is a problem because people are detained because of the size of their bank account. not the risk they pose. this is unacceptable. the plan will give alternatives to bail. other option he include treatment for drug adecision and mental health. >> our modern criminal justice system goes way beyond that and is a system of mass creation
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incarceration. >> plan to help more poor minorities. >> the secondary effects are he keeping people at home, families stable and lowering the rate of access to rykers, that's very exciting. >> his attorney says it could help other cities avoid what his client endured. >> that was his message and now it becomes legacy and that means a lot to his family you know because they'll never have their son their nephew their brother their uncle. they'll never have him back but at least they'll know he made a difference. >> reporter: today the program is said to happen early next year. activists say washington, d.c.
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>> hello everybody and welcome to al jazeera america. i'm david schuster in new york. just ahead. spoiler alert drawing huge crowds and rising in the polls bernie sanders's campaign is it built to last? the confederate flag. a decisive vote is ahead in south carolina. >> life is not always roses but it's our state history. >> the vote to remove a state
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symbol from the capital grounds. why utilities in hawaii says it is a big problem. >> 20 times the national average, over 12% of the customers we serve. >> and what they are trying to do to cool things down. plus terrence blanchard the five time grammy winner talks about his new album. >> the new am bum came out of album came out of a desire to be heard. >> and social commentary. supporters of hillary clinton are now openly fretting that she's heading for an unexpectedly competitive battle for the democratic presidential nomination. bernie sanders with a thick brooklyn accent.
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rising more than the clinton campaign had handy anticipated. >> by all surprise. >> in case you didn't notice, this is a big turnout. >> and vermont senator bernie sanders is now generating huge crowds at nearly every event. last week at a rally in madison wisconsin, sanders attracted 10,000. >> the american people understand that establishment politics and establishment economics is not working for the middle class. >> the populace message is not only producing intrigue, it seems to be producing a sanders surge against hillary clinton. in early may poms suggested polls
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suggested 60% backed clinton and sanders was supported by 15.%. now he's up to 33. clinton's biggest wounds have been self-inflicted. >> as i said, i saw it as a matter of convenience. >> she faces continued questions about her reliance on a personal e-mail account as she served as secretary of state. and she has been dogged by revelations that groups and individuals who gave huge speaking fees to her husband received timely favors from hillary clinton's state department. cue bernie sanders. >> the greed of wall street and the greed of corporate america is destroying the great middle class of this country. is. >> reporter: sanders was >> reporter:
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sandz worked as a carpenter to support his cause of social activism. as more than a decade as a no hope perennial candidate in 1988 he unexpectedly won the office of mayor of burlington. bolstered childcare and added programs for education and the arts. sanders then won a seat in the u.s. house and served there for 16 years. nine years ago he won election to the u.s. senate. he advocates replacing obamacare with a government-run single payor universal system and he wants to raise taxes a lot. he would take the top marginal income of 39% and boost it to 50% rate. >> change that's what this campaign is about. >> sanders campaign would also
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include a tax for every transaction in wall street. give the u.s. treasury more than $1 trillion. sanders says woe spend most of that money rebuilding america's infrastructure and creating more than 12 million american jobs. >> we will transform america and with your help, that is what we're going to do. thank you very much. >> it all adds up to a dramatic and passionate campaign, bigger crowds putting the political establishment on notice. john hoxi efertion is aoxie is a former aid to sanders. are you surprised by his rise so quickly? >> i don't think people should be surprised. if they followed his campaign closely. senator sanders has been talking about this for his entire career. the more they hear about it the more that they like and the more
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they are coming out to support him. >> i've heard a number of democratic strategists saying that bernie sanders could make a bit of noise. raising that income tax rate from 39% to 50% would kill him in a general election. do you agree with that? >> i don't disagree with that. i think that if you look at poll numbers people overwhelmingly think that millionaires and billionaires should be paying more in texts. if you ask them about current levels of inequality, not only do they think inequality is less than it actually is, they want the wealthy to pay their fair share of taxes so senator sanders -- >> those polls are true but it also asks, would you like to have raising up of spending, americans say absolutely not we don't want bigger government.
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>> well, i think that speaks to people's thoughts about how the government works for them. and the government that i think senator sanders envisions is one that works really well for the middle class which think he acknowledges and most people would acknowledge that now millions of americans are struggling and thought seeing their government help them, so they're responding in that way that speaks to the lextion we levels of employment underemployment the economy doing well with gdp rising. >> bernie sanders and hillary clinton were in the senate at the same time. they both get along what's the level of respect they have for one another? >> i think senator sanders says he likes hillary clinton as a person and she feels similarly. i think if you look at their stances on issues, they're quite different.
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whereas senator sanders has decided to take on the billionaire class and really go after pop last issues populace issues, senator sanders has supported overwhelmingly by small dollar donation. his most recent filing from the sec was i think 250,000 contributors all of which giving or 99% giving less than $250. so it really is the difference between a grass roots movement that senator sanders is building and more driven by wall street on hillary clinton's campaign. >> john hoxie is a former aid for bernie sanders we appreciate you joining us. joins us from atlanta jason what do you make of this
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revolution that bernie sanders and his supporters are trying to build? >> there is no revolution here. this is what happens when we have a year before the first primary, when we have two or three months before the first debate and we're desperately hoping that there will be some sort of story on the democratic side of this primary. bernie sanders has no chance of beating hillary clinton. any surge he has will be short-lived. >> you say he has no chance. how come? >> first off he doesn't have the money. he doesn't have the name recognition. he doesn't have from his own state the connections to the coalition necessary for him to be successful. i'll give you one example david this is a clear one. you can't turn out and galvanize the african american vote. the black population in bernie sanders home state is 1%. that is an increase over the
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last census. he doesn't have a chance. if he doesn't have a local population he won't do it nationally. >> there is a strong anti anti-hillary clinton move. this seems to be self inflicted. she was asked about her private e-mails and her use of a private e-mail server and she referred to previous secretary of states ofsecretary of statesdoing the same thing. >> facing a subpoena deletemails fromdeletede-mails from them? >> i have never received a subpoena come on let's take a breath here. >> she said she never received a subpoena from the benghazi commission, yet here it is. why would hillary clinton get this wrong? >> because it's hard to keep all
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those lice together, david. hillary clinton has lied a lot throughout her career. she has so many different kinds of stories to explain her behavior. first she was the grandma in chief who was a luddite "i'm still on aol. identity and",aol." that's always going to be a problem for her. i don't think bernie sanders can take advantage. >> tin oemmartin o'malley who has some of the same issues as bernie sanders has. >> i think it's two things. number 1 hillary clinton remains untrustworthy.
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people don't necessarily respect that she's connecting to them. she's still getting all the republicans. do you like them more than the other person. if she stumbles in these debates. if some scandal happens worse than ever before, i think jim webb once he officially comes into the race would probably be the person who could take the most advantage because he could present himself as a man who is of unassailable integrity. >> jason, thanks as always, we reesht it. >> thanks david. >> in south carolina, the confederate flag is still flying on the grounds of the state capital. that could change as the house has opened a bill to permanently remove it. the bill flew through state senate but in the house the fight to keep the rebel flag waving continued. diane eastabrook has more.
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diane. is. >> david, this is very divisive and civil war history is very engrained in many communities. any kind of imol that is related to the war and that's part of the reason the debate going on in the south carolina house is so heated.ed. abbyville south carolina. at the burt stark mansion jefferson davis dismantled his government on may 2nd 1865. trace of the civil war everywhere. and many here say the confederate flag is part of abbyville's rich history. >> we were a confederate state that's all it means is our flag, i don't think people look at it as a sign for racism and i don't
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think it should be taken down. >> reporter: but others say it represents slavery and an ugly past. >> i always felt it was racist personally but i try deal with it as it comes. >> this rock encloses a grave of an unknown confederate soldier. >> robert hayes is a passionate enthusiast of confederate history. when the 75-year-old isn't taking care of abbyville's confederate landmarks he is selling merchandise bearing the stars and bars on the confederate fair. this week hayes was in column protesting removing it from the state house ground. as important of state history than those of the revolutionary war. >> if anybody questions why we want to preserve a monument and places we consider sacred, then you must also ask why would the
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people in massachusetts want to preserve, you know bunker hill? >> reporter: 93-year-old may hutchenson is proud of her roots. this is a picture of her grand father when he commanded a confederate regiment. hutchenson says the confederate flag has become a divisive symbol that needs to be taken down but she says other civil war monuments should be preserved. >> winston church hill said, if we forget the past we will lose the future. we're all a part of what we've been through. >> reporter: now the house is still debating these many amendments this have been tacked on to the flag bill. they hope to be voting on this tonight so they could be here
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very, very late. david. >> diane eastabrook, thank you . solar energy accessibility. the federal government wants to triple the availability in federally funded housing by 2020. making it easier for low and middle income families to borrow money to make solar energy improvements to their homes. when it comes to green energy, the state leading the way is hawaii. but some residents in the state says the local utilities are standing in the way. jacob ward reports. >> when the be owner of this mansion told his builder john hughes he wanted to get off the electrical grid it was a shock. >> it was a shock to me. what they said was here goes our jobs. >> reporter: cutting ties to the electric company was not the
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original plan. with plentiful sun and highest electricity rates in the nation, hawaii is a complicated place. hawaii is one of the most isolated centers of population in the world and as a result, it's incredibly complicated to provide power here. you can't borrow power from the next state over. you can't even borrow power from the next island over. they're separated by water that's too deep. things get very complicated. >> in 2015 we're roughly 20 times the national average. .over 12% of the customers we serve have chosen to install a rooftop solar system on their home or business. these are some of our screens that shows how the grid is operating. >> colton chingon ching says that
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his company has to closely monitor the grid. >> it's okay if you are talking about one or two systems or just a handful but here on oahu for example we have almost 300 megawatts of rooftop solar collectively and that collective impact or volume of solar that we have is twice the size, almost twice the size of the largest power plant that we have on the island. >> rooftop solar that feed directly into the grid is the problem. the dereflection is batteries. >> this house is powered by these bank of batteries. each one of them weighs 2,000 pounds and cost about $2,000. the whole cost is $40,000 all told. these were forklift batteries is what they were designed for and
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now they are used as a solar power retention system. john says the batteries solve the unsolvable electric problem. >> at the end when we got it all finished and bought everything they said we can't do it and i said why and they said because they're not ready for it. they haven't researched it enough. >> reporter: it's that sort of cautious bureaucratic attitude that drives his customers to defect from the grid. >> like this house has oseptic system so they're completely defected from the municipal sewer system. and i don't think that's news right? so if you were to catch your own water and not use the water meter or if you were to manage your own waste that's no big deal. but everybody's been so used to having power and they've never been able to have power any other way. but i don't see the difference. >> reporter: it may not be for everyone but a handful of ultrarich homeowners here seem to be demonstrating the future
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muchof household energy. jake ward,jacob ward, al jazeera plawie. maui. antonio mora is here. >> muhammadu buhari has campaigned in reigning in reining in boko haram. today in a rally at abuja to bring back the missing chibok school girls. >> we want him to end boko haram and let the people of nigeria go back to their normal ways of life. >> also today boko haram offered to free 200 of the missing school girls but only this exchange of the release of boko
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>> clifford brown piqued my curiosity. and to me man miles has remained the model by which i kind of live my life by. the interesting thing about growing up in new orleans is that you are constantly surrounded by music and you're constantly surrounded by brass music in particular. there was branford marsalis and winton marsalis. and harry connick. second film in my career, it was probably one of the more important ones obviously because of the subject matter. and because the very thing that was going on surrounding the make of the movie. ♪ ♪ ♪ interesting thing about
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the new cd bretless is when i first put this band together the first idea was to put together a band that had a groove based philosophy that was more electric. that was going to be fun to play with. aasas we were doing it life was happening around us and there was just one incident after the other in terms of our youth in this country. and their involvement with law enforcement. and it just became apparent at a we needed to make our statement about that. ♪ ♪ ♪ the title track itself you know, it came out of anxiety to be heard, you know, an anxiousness for all of this to stop.
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i'm a child of the '70s man and i never thought this country would revert to this. we were moving forward and we would be well beyond a lot of this craziness. the whole notion open dialogue is a must. it can be frustrating. it's probably going to be hurtful add some points but as long as peep can trust one another that they're being open and honest it's something that we have to have. it's something that we need to do. when the '80s hit the thing we kept hearing back then was jazz was dead. and all of a sudden here we come and they called us the new young lions. you know the word was that we were reviving this music. we didn't look at it like that, you know, we looked at it like we were really trying to learn how to play. looking back on it i feel blessed. i learned a lot from those guys and it helped propel me on what
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>> stock market swoon. >> it's the white house calling he are we monitoring the situation, certainly. it is the second largest economy in the world, i don't think we should ignore what's happening in china. >> chinese stocks plummet and it's felt around the world. prime minister, alexis tsipras gets an earful of
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