tv News Al Jazeera July 10, 2015 4:00am-4:31am EDT
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♪ greece smits a new plan to creditors in a last-bitch at this time byrd to secure a bailout but it look very much like the old one. ♪ ♪ also ahead. optimism but also disagreement. another deadline is missed in vienna, talks over iran's nuclear program. all sides in yemen's conflict agree to a truce now. so desperately-needed aid can get in. and healing rifts of a colonial pass pope francis asks for
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forgiveness in bolivia. ♪ ♪ first to greece where the government has met a midnight deadline and submitted a new plan to creditors. it's designed to save the country from financial collapse. the 13-page document will be studied by e.u. ministers and on sunday they'll decide if greece has done enough. the greek government is promising to raise taxes and clamp down on tax evasion. it's going to discourage people from retiring early. and it's also going to seek higher health contributions from pensioners. now, greece is set to sell off its remaining station in telecoms giants o.t. e. and privatize the ports. it's also offering to cut more than $300 million from its military budget by next year. there have been scuffles outside
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one bank in athens as once again people cue queued to try to take money out. later today the greek parliament will be asked to authorize prime minister tsipras' plan but you could come under secure any from mechanics of his own party who reject any austerity. john, what's the likelihood that it doesn't get passed? >> reporter: well, i think there is a good chance that it will. not because the agreement itself has changed but because it's now accompanied in theory, by a three-year funding program rather than two years. that gives a longer period of stability and predictability for the private sector and the greek voter. secondly, because it would be accompanied by a 35 billion euro development plan. that's the so-called plan, the money the european commission promised to greece if it signed on to the package. and thirdly because the company
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says it will be accompanied by a rescheduling of the greek debt which is the holy grail of this entire thing. they want 30 years wrath they were 16 to pay off the dead. it will spread out of payments each year and make it sustainable. right now greece isn't producing enough wealth to hand out as much money as it's being asked to for the repayment of creditors. if all of that package does transpire the way the greek government says it should, them i think it's a much easier sale in the greek parliament. >> let's just say john, that it does get passed. still so much emphasis on germany, angela merkel is still saying no haircuts. >> reporter: well, she's saying no haircut but that can mean two different things a haircut she means nominally. i will take the 312 billion euro greek debt and take off
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$100 billion. we the european tax payers will absorb it. that sort of haircut out of the question. even the greeks are not asking for it. tax payers are not willing to do that. and angela merkel has promised the german public that she will not ask them ever to pay for the greek bailout. have you ever if you extends payment over 40 years inflation comes in to play and it reduces the value of the debt that is being paid back and that's how effectively it becomes reduced. >> okay, john, thank you very much for that. the u.s. secretary of state has threatened to walk away from the nuclear stocks with iran if decisions aren't made soon. john kerry's comments follow that tough tough negotiations that have taken place in vienna. our diplomatic editor james bays is there for us, accusations are flying left, right, and center at the moment, james what's going on?
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>> reporter: certainly there has been a great deal of tension behind the scenes and perhaps that was always going to be the case when you got to the very final sticking points in this very long running process. certainly the iranians are saying in private briefings that the u.s. changed its positions it offered one sticking point and then changed that proposal overnight on the last day the day of the latest deadline, which is now past. and what's interesting about that after their talks on that last day the u.s. delegation had had a conference call with washington, d.c. and with president obama. so the question is, was the change in the u.s. position, if that really was the case and we only have it from the iranian side, was it because of input coming in from the president himself and his national security team in washington d.c.? that particular row is a row about iran's arms and
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conventional arms and the whole idea of an arms embargo that was put in on iran as part of one of the nuclear sanctions but iran, actually on this particular issue, russia and china do not see it directly link today the nuclear program. they would like to see that arms embargo lifted. >> people have been coming and going at these talks is that anything to worry about? mr. kerr saying that we are going to stick at it, but obviously not forever. >> reporter: well, i think the important thing in some ways is that john kerry is here negotiating for the 14th day in a row in the building behind me. and iranian foreign minister only disappeared for one very short period to go to consultations in iran. they are staying with this. quite remarkably, given house busy a u.s. secretary of state is given the state of the world, and given the state of the region, the fact that these two men are able to put everything else aside and negotiate on this shows i think, what they think is at
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stake. and shows that both sides here really want a deal. and that's why for now, they are staying around the table. yes, john kerry says he's prepared to walk away. but he's not doing so. he's staying here for now. >> okay, james bays we'll leave it there for now, thank you very much. security official says from india and pakistan will meet in new delhi to discuss how the two countries can combat terrorism. it's a major diplomatic development and follows the first meeting between indian and pakistan-y leaders since talks breakdown last year. they met on the sidelines of the summit taking place in russia on thursday mr. modi has agreed to attends a regional sum knit pakistan next year. yemen's government in exile and huge you rebels have agreed to a ceasefire until the end of muslim ramadan. the week-long truce was brokered by the united nations and will allow aid agency to his deliver
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surprise. >> reporter: some you man terrien aid has struggled in to the capital sanaa. these trucks will provide desperately needed assistance to hundreds of families forced to leave their homes. a temporary ceasefire means there is hope more aid will reach other areas. in contested parts most of the road access is under the control of houthi fighters. >> during the humanitarian pause, agencies and their partners aim to reach people in need with the central medicine, vaccination, food and water and if they have adequate access, aid agencies plan to stockpile surprise throughout yemen including surprise for nutritional assistance for acutely mall nor i should children, emergency shelters, water and san station and medical surprise surprise thatsupplies. and food for 1.2 million people for one month. >> reporter: it took the u.n. envoy much convince to go reach
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the proximate cause in fighting. has till at thises are far from over they make it clear. >> translator: i would like to say this is the last opportunity for the houthis and saleh forces. two and a half months ago they were offered a six-day truce that allowed the opportunity no geneva. here they have one more chance facilitated bite u.n. and international community, we all reacted positively to this truce in order to send the humanitarian aid to the yemeni people. >> reporter: ships like this laden with food, fuel and essential surprise can finally make it to places like aden and then further inland. some has made it through but the bulk remains. u.n. agencies attempts to sends ships have failed due to threats orin security. >> one would hope that this particular ceasefire lasting maybe a little longer. if indeed it's honored by all sides.
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>> reporter: the u.n. can only hope that they op or this and also find a way taupe the conflict. the united states has asked the u.n. security council to identify who is behind chemical weapons attacks in syria. it's part of a u.s. proposal to set up an investigative unit to try to bring the perpetrators before an international court. syria agreed to destroy its chemical weapons in 2013, but reports started emerging last year of chlorine, which isn't a banned agent being used as a women in toxic gaza tacks. the three west africa nations who have been devastated by ebola are pushing for financial help so that they can recover. the leaders of liberia guinea and sierra leone are attending a u.n. donor meeting in new york to raise billions of dollars but events there could be overshadowed by a certainly in new infections. our science editor tariq bassly basically explains. >> reporter: for the last 18
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months ebola has ravaged west africa killing more than 11,000 people. some areas have been killed of ebola but here this village is still under quarantine. >> translator: there is a health control on every road where thermal scanners mop tour all the people. if they are a suggestion specced case they are sends sent to a medical center 78 the red cross oversees the burial of victims. bets are down but still a threat of infarction from those that have died. >> for >> translator: for the most we can't determine the exact number of bodies. we imagined bury 24 of 27. >> reporter: this part of given-y has beenguineahas been a hotspot to ebola with every new case there is a continuing risk the virus could make a comeback. poorly resourced before the
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outbreak ebola devastated health systems? the region. health workers were found to be 30 times more likely to catch the virus and more than 500 died leaving hospitals short of qualified and committed staff. earlier this month health workers in liberia protested against the government they say the president promised bonus money for those who agreed to treat ebola sufferers. but this has never been paid. >> translator: she made a promise that we were going to get hazard benefit risk benefits, that's why we are here if i will get my risk benefit i am willing to work the second time. i am praying that ebola will not come. but if ebola comes i am willing to work. >> reporter: keeping health work ores board is a critical part of the effort to rebuild health systems in the region, money is also needed. guinea liberia and sierra leone have asked don ors for just over $2 billion for the job. the pledges remain $700 million
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short. without that money they fear bola could return to the region and again become a threat to global health. tariq bassly, al jazerra. stay with us here on al jazerra, there is plenty more coming you feel including a community in conflict. we meet the men in south sudan who switched from the farm to the frontline. and a climate of change in canada. two provinces team up to reduce carbon emissions.
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the stop towers now in al jazerra. scuffles have broken out in queues outside banks in greece. the greek government met a a midnight deadline to submit a new plan to try to stop a financial collapse, the new plan includes tax rises and pension reforms. the u.s. secretary of state has threatened on walk away from nuclear talks with iran if decisions are not made soon. john kerry's comments followed tough negotiations taking place in vienna. the u.n. has brokered a week-long ceasefire in yemen it's aimed atta how long aid agency to his deliver desperately-needed surprise to more than 21 million yemenis. >> one of the top aids to president obama spoke of the hor horrors in sudan she said that
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massive and widespread violence has returned and human rights abuses are rampant. she went onto say that the president there and his former deputy are both to blame to the cycle of violence and she issued a warning saying the u.s. and international community would punish those determined to drive south sudan in to the abyss. now, patch work of different tribes and militia have been involved in south sudan's civil war. one of those is the white army. it's a largely civilian force that has been fighting government troops alongside the rebels. catherine soi met some of them in the rebel-held upper nile state and she sent this exclusive report. >> reporter: in times of trouble, it's young men who are called to the frontline to help fight tribal tribes and the government since conflict started one and a half years ago. they call themselves the white army. he was injured in may while fighting near oil fields farther
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north. he says once he gets better, he will return. >> translator: i am not afraid to go back. when children, well, and people like me are being killed, how can i be afraid. >> reporter: he told his wife he and many address were not officially join the resistence army. >> what i like about the white army is that when we are ready we just run to war. we are not like the regular soldiers who are to stand in military formations and wait for orders. >> reporter: they are mobilized from different villages by community leaders like these elders in this village. >> translator: when we are going to war no one helps us. we go with one gun. when we kill the en any we take their gun. and we go on taking their guns until we defeat them or they defeat us. >> reporter: what started out as a political quarrel in the capital juba turned in a war mainly between the two largest
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tribes. many people you talk to here will tell you that they are fighting those whom they claim are killing them. they say they are trying to protect their lives and their property and won't stop until everyone is safe. the militia has also been accused of human rights abuses, rebel commanders here say they are trying to integrate the civilian fighters they call the local defense forces in to their army. >> when the incident happened in june, a the local people organized themselves to defend themselves. because you never know they might follow. people in the villages and come and kill people. >> reporter: these men are clear on their mission. they say they are fighting their enemies and won't stop until there is a clear winner on the battlefield. catherine soi, al jazerra in rebel held upper nile state. the u.s. government says the social security numbers of 21 1/2 million people have been stolen and that's millions more
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than was previously estimated. the information was stolen when hackers breached government systems in 2014. and again earlier this year. it had already been considered one of the most damaging cyber attacks on record. more than a thousand leaders from one of america's poorest communities have gathered in washington, d.c. attending the indigenous indian tribes conference trying to promote education, health, and culturally initiatives by the next generation of native americans. tom ackerman has the report. [cheering and applause] >> reporter: the native american teenagers came from 275 tribes across the united states. priedproud of their heritage and convinced it remains relevant. >> i gave a speech telling native youth and native people no matter where they came from their past back ground, environment they can be whatever they want to be in life. >> to teach young children leadership skills that they can bring back to their communities.
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>> it's interesting to see what a people are doing in their communities and take some of those things back to mine. >> reporter: at its first ever tribal youth gathering the obama administration announced more money would be devoted to education. and health services. the government is required by treaty to provide those services but in the view of most it falls short of meeting its obligations. >> so we are working on turning control of schools and many other things back to tribes. and providing the resources needed to get the job done. >> reporter: on too many reservations a sense of hopelessness is trying a spate of youth suicides. a rate twice the national average for the same age group. this year alone on the pineridge sioux ref indication in south dakota. litsch young people have killed themselves another 176 have attempted suicide. at a recent suicide hearing experts reported that anti-suicide campaigns are increasingly turn to go
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traditional cultural approaches beginning at an early age. >> they had less impulsal behavior less substance beus, drug addiction and lower rates of suicide al tempts. that's quite a nice long-term effect. >> look at all of you! >> reporter: on this occasioner the president's wife michelle obama delivered the most stirring worst of encouragement. >> i believe in you. and i can't wait to see everything that you all will achieve. >> reporter: for more than two centuries the tribes have heard many promises from the government. and many broken. this generation expect the recognition they are getting here to be followed up with the pulls are tools they need to justify their hopes for the future. tom ackerman, al jazerra washington. thousands of tourists are stranded in indonesia after a volcanic eruption in east java forced five airports to close it spewed ash and debris almost
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4,000 meters in the air. the volcano is on its second highest level of alert after increased activity over the last couple of days. two of canada's biggest provinces have come together to address climate change. frustrated with the lack of action by the national government ontario and quebec are teaming up with the u.s. state of california, daniel lak has the details. >> reporter: a warm welcome for the man who helped start climate change activist. former u.s. vice president al gore. since the release of his document an inconvenient truth nearly 10 years ago he's been warning about the impact of greenhouse gas emissions on the clam at and calling for change. >> the answer to that second question, can we change is not only yes, it is yes and as we change we can lift the global economy. and the economy in the states and provinces and cities and regions that are represented in
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this meeting. >> reporter: the culmination i pledge signed by officialed from north and south america to cut their own emissions dozens are attending, however canada, the country where they are meeting is not. its federal government sent no ministers, no participants at all. >> we will be forming the largest cap and trademark. >> reporter: instead other levels of government are taking action. here the governor of california and the premiers of ontario and quebec canada's two biggest provinces are coming together on a carbon trading market. pooling their resources and they mentionstheir their emissions cuts. it's a played for authorities to get involved. >> we are not doing enough. we are taking baby steps and many countries aren't even doing that. >> reporter: canada help the negotiate the first major climate change treaty. but shocked the world when it withdrew in 2012. the country's petroleum industry, especially here in the tar sands of northern alberta
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uh-huhs both driven economic growth and been a major source of he mentions. many say canada is not playing the global role it could to halt climate change. >> my hope that the government of canada will recover very soon again this kind leadership because need the countries, big and beautiful country like canada, going ahead of all of us trying to fix again one of the most demanding and compelling challenging problems that we have as human being in this century. >> reporter: just before the summit thousands protested against what is seen as an inadequate response to climate change in on the watch the hope is that momentum from the streets, action from other governments, and the economic opportunities are renewable energy could lead to more vigorous steps by canada's government. daniel lak, al jazerra toronto. ahead of the athlete church has -- the head of the catholic church has asked for forgiveness
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from bolivia's indigenous people. he was addressing the abuse of native communities by the church during what he called the so-called conquest of america. lucia newman reports. >> reporter: pope francis chose bolivia latin america's most indigenous nation to issue an apology that many have been waiting for. >> i humbling ask for forgiveness not only for the offenses of the church itself but also crimes committed against the native people during the so-called conquest of america. >> reporter: the pope is seeking to heal rifts between the country's indigenous people and descendants of its spanish colonial conquerors, but also years the strained ties between the church and the left wing government. it was no so long ago that president able morales labeled catholicism as an instrument of domination. but the argentine popes defense of the poor and repeated calls
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for social justice have brought church and state closer together. roman catholics from all over the nation traveled to santa cruz do hear to hear and see pope francis. >> translator: the pope's blessing is for all of us so we are united and able to work according to all of the pope's messages. >> reporter: santa cruz is also a strong hold for opposition to the government. >> translator: the expectation that we have as tris cans is to have a better world a country with more justice social justice and justice for the poor most of all. for the meek so this that there is no political persecution so it's a fair government. >> reporter: in bow live i can't rememberbolivia.the pope urged the wall not to view prosperity as material wealth warning it only breeds conflict it's a message he has repeated throughout his south american tour in meetings with grassroots organizations representing the poor whose causes he is championing. lucia newman, al jazerra.
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tributes are being paid to the world's longest serving diplomat who has passed away. he was the veteran foreign minister of saudi arabia. sonya gallegos looks back at the 75 year old's globetrotting career. >> reporter: he was the world's longest serving foreign minister. his career spanned almost 40 years. he has seen the world change global leaders come and go, including his own. he served under four saudi kings. advancing the kingdom's foreign policy especially after the attacks of 9/11. when 15 out of the 19 highjackers were known to be saudi nationals. he was also part of saudi arabia's effort to his lessen iran's influence in the region including the conflict in syria where saudi arabia has been supporting several rebel groups while a ran has been backing the government of bashar al-assad. as a foreign minister of an
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important political and economic u.s. ally in the region he was reported to have been well liked and respected in diplomatic circles. he was often described as as a carries make the liter willing to talk to reports and with a sense of humor. but he faced health problems, despite suffering from chronic back pain and surgeries being he maintained his challenge is role role. he has expressed regret that a palestinian state never took place. his position is always as subordinate to the king who has final say. after the death of the prince. a new prince saudi led a coalition to support the exiled government in yemen but within weeks he was replaced with the former saudi ambassador to the united states bringing an end to an extraordinary career.
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