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tv   Weekend News  Al Jazeera  July 11, 2015 11:00pm-12:01am EDT

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important sites in the century. >> with time running out... >> they're losing everything. >> can archeologists stop the clock? >> this is rescue archaeologic - we are trying to excavate as fast as possible. >> this is al jazeera america. i'm del walters in new york with a look at tonight's top stories. it is sunday morning and decision-day for greece. its financial future now in the hands of european leaders. on the 20th anniversary of the srebrenica massacre, calls for president clinton to apologize. and donald trump taking his
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immigration show on the road. making more controversial comments on the campaign trail. in just a few hours talks are set to resume in brussels to save greece from defaulting on its debt. but european union finance ministers are skeptical tonight they are worried that the government will not be able to make good on its promises to get another financial bailout. simon mcgregor wood has the story from athens. >> after nine hours the finance ministers said they had had enough. they would have another go on sunday morning. there wasn't a particular cause for optimism. >> we've had an in depth discussion of the greek proposals. the issues of credibility and trust was discussed and also of course financial issues involved. but we haven't concluded our discussion he so we will continue at 11:00. it is still very difficult but
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work is still in progress. >> reporter: it was clear the greek proposals had not convinced everyone. some finance ministers want more up front reforms. the germans even suggested some sort of temporary grexit. the finns won't support bailout. in athens there hasn't been rallies or demonstrations just optimism. in the shipyards they've been looking forward to optimism. thousands have been laid off. they have everything here but no ships to work on. >> the european union is trying to strangle us. pain they're right because we owe them money but greece is not a place to experiment on. >> they have a few submarines to
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work on then the work runs out. this business is working at just 20% capacity. at a small private yard a damaged cruise ship has provided last-minute work for 100 skilled workers replacing this bough section acknowledge taking just seven days of frantic work. >> every day is struggle because you hear a lot of bad things. it is not sure, not all for my business, also for the people who are working here because every people prayed what happened next. this makes you a little bit sad. >> reporter: in athens prime minister alexis tsipras can only wait and ponder the prospect of even harsher measures, being proposed by his european creditors and how he might get them through his parliament. if the european creditors will go through this deal, that's a
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big if, he will have to discipline his party or widen his coalition so he can pass some really tough legislation and do this all in a few days. simon mcgregor wood, al jazeera, athens. >> nicholas economedes joins us from mountain view, california this morning. thank you for being with us. >> thank you. >> is it possible for an agreement that is good for greece the country and yet bad for greece the people? >> i don't think so. the people are the country. if it's good for greece it's good for the people too. >> but the people indicating they have already been squeezed enough. the phrase we hear, the sponge no longer has water. an agreement reached that says you have to give more is that just a waste of time? >> i don't think so. i think that the average person doesn't quite understand the
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prospects of the economy in the future. people have seen just what happened in the last five years. they lost about 25% of their income in the last five years so they feel really bad about it. but going forward they have the opportunity to sign this agreement, and as a consequence maybe they will lose 5% of their income more this year but the alternative which is leave the euro would mean losing 50% of their income. and their savings. and live in poverty. so people have to weigh carefully the two alternatives. either go on with the agreement lose a bit more money, or go to a new currency and face disaster. >> you teach economics. right now greeks are accepting the situation peacefully. based on what you have studied in the past and other nations do you expect things to stay that way? >> i think if there is a zeal
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and the banks reopen pretty soon i expect things to be calm. on the other hand, if there is no deal and the banks remained closed and they don't give moan outmoneyout because they don't have money and we have a rocky transition to a new currency i don't know if things are going to remain calm. things can get really rough there as well. >> nicholas economedes, thanks for being with us. thank you. >> negotiations to curb iran's nuclear program continuing today. also iran's supreme leader calling the united states quote an excellent example of arrogance, end quote. his remarks posted on his website coming after negotiators in vienna are struggling to reach agreement. if the talks fail it won't be his country's fault he says.
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>> we have talked with the six world powers in a way that even if the nuclear talks fail our diplomacy shows the world we are logical. always provided the best answer. >> on thursday secretary of state john kerry saying these talks will not being be open-ended. up next, the talks the treaty the npt has major flaws it's coming up in about 15 minutes. a u.n. backed ceasefire in yemen ending before it began. saudis never got any confirmation of any truce. saw heavy shelling of both sides across the country. the u.n. secretary-general has been calling the situation a relative humidity catastrophe. warring factions in libya agreeing to a ceasefire there. after a week of negotiations in
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morocco. after the militia backed government in tripoli refused to attend the talks. >> i want to emphasize and enhance this message. the door is open for those who are not present. they have also played a critical role in this text. as i have said many times there is no text that is intiecial satisfactory toentirelyresponsive to all parties. a key decision will be made and address all sides and issues. >> libya has been torn apart by war the last year, it is hoped the talks will lead to a unity government. international backlash appears to halt the expelling
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ever haitian immigrants. >> we're in haiti most were living on the other side until recent working raising families. many feel they're in a foreign land one they know little about where life is hard. for two months this has been home for juanis bonis and his wife. the government says they are not deporting people. juanisis says that was not true. >> i was coming home from work and the immigration authorities grabbed me. it's been two months since i last saw my family. >> the family lived in barona, a two hour drive from here. >> every day they are deporting people from barona and send them to the border. >> people are staking out whatever land they can. a pastor who has lived in this
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area for years showed me around the camp pointing out all the new arrivals. >> in the first few days i paid a list of 160 deportees who had arrived and every day the number has grown so finally i stopped counting. >> a human contradiction to the dominican government's stance. when told what we found a dominican official insisted not a single person has been deported. this man says he lived for 15 years in the dominican republic working on farms one of thousands of migrant workers who helped feed a boom. >> suddenly they want all of us to leave. >> many also feel abandoned by haiti's government. the people coming here say it's a struggle just to meet their basic needs. no food and water here, the closest river is half hour walk
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away and the haitian government has been here only once in the past two months to deliver food. before we left, we lent him our phone to try ocall his kids. he tells us, caring for his children, i'm alive i'm alive the signal dropped connection lost two knows when he'll have a chance to speak to them again. adam rainey, al jazeera haiti. the pope celebrating mass in paraguay today where he brought the country to the tears. praising the women as the most glorious women on earth unquote. the pope from argentina, is on the last leg of his tour that takes him to bolivia and ecuador. lucia neux has the newman has the
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story. >> descending on the capital with one purpose in mind, we have come to see our pope, says adam, he's from my neighborhood, sis christina also from buenos aires, pope's native country citizens have been arriving since wednesday. not since 1864 war of the triple alliance in which argentina paraguay and brazil, went to war, has there been such a mixing of neighboring countries. inside this church a group that is very dear to the pope's heart, ready to send him a giant flag signed by members of the parish. they come from a slum called via 21 where the former pope of
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buenos aires worked with the poor. >> we want to see the pope he gave us hope. >> father toto lives in the slum and was the pope's right hand man there. the kind of priest that smells like his flock as the pope likes to say. oscar is also here, a recovering drug addict who spent ten years in prison who said he was rescued by father bergoglio. >> he taught us to have faith so i have come to see my brother and my friend, not a pope. >> reporter: so close but yet so far. the argentine pope has not returned to buenos ayers since he went to the vatican two and a half years ago. he won't even be making a pit
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stop in argentina. in this highly polarized election year in his home country he preferred to stay away so no one could gain political capital from the visit. the pope will at least have the consolation of nok knowing that he has not been forgotten. lucia newman, al jazeera acuncion. >> they were there to remember this day july 11th, 1995. on that day thousands of muslim men and boys were slaughtered by the bosnian serb army. those victims laid to rest alongside the thousands of others. nadim baba has more. >> praise at potocari for the victims of srebrenica. 136 more people were being laid to rest, 20 years after they were killed in many cases just
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partial remains were found. nura sul rvetionc came to bury her brother who was 33. it's a painful day for her. >> i feel better because i know where to come. i wish this would never have happened though or at least that i would have the entire body. i only have three bones. but at least now i can come and visit my brother. >> reporter: among the political figures invited on friday former president bill clinton in power at the time of the killings. >> i am begging you not to let this monument to innocent boys and men become only a memory of a tragedy. >> reporter: and the current serving prime minister aleksandar vucic. he was later turned on by a small section of the crowd here. they're angry that he's
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consistently denied a genocide took place. >> translator: a factual misrepresentation and disregards the highest decisions of two international courts. it is also an insult to the victims. >> reporter: beyond the anger of course there's renewed grief as this cemetery fills up. the 20th anniversary has brought with it visits and speeches from leaders from around the world but year in and year out what the events here at potocari really means for the families of the victims is a chance to remember their victims. still there are an estimated 1200 srebrenica victims whose remains still have not been identified. they are likely to be digging fresh graves here for years to come. nadim baba, al jazeera potocari. and earlier we spoke to the former bosnian ambassador to the
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u.n. he said bosnia and the united states, made a secret deal, if this hadn't happened can the fall of srebrenica couldn't have happened. >> don't hide hint the u.n don't bez tray nato, don't betray a dutch ally, don't betray truth. most importantly in rwanda, how that term is used as a way to promote and in fact exploited 50 haters. and we have haters everywhere. so i would have hoped that president bill clinton would have started a new page, by offering his apology. >> he also says that while the serbian prime minister never should have been attacked today he and others make reconciliation harder by refusing to acknowledge the srebrenica massacre was a
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genocide. a new poll, showing donald trump in dead heat with jeb bush. today the republican presidential candidate taking his message to arizona. john hendren was there. >> reporter: for americans angry over immigration and there are a lot of them one candidate speaks clearer louder than the rest. >> mr. donald trump! >> we have to stop illegal immigration. we have to. we have to. they are killing us at the border and they are killing us in trade. they're killing us. >> reporter: for many the clarity of that message for a candidate known for his bluntness resonates. >> we have all these illegals coming and no documentation. >> reporter: donald trump handy backed down from these comments. >> they're bringing drugs they're bringing crime they're rapists. >> that might limit his candidacy and his party's
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efforts to gain hispanics. some of whom made their voices heard in phoenix. >> i wouldn't if the mexican government sent them over here. i think so. >> i think he's hurting them in the long run because the republican party needs to do the opposite. they need to get more hispanic vote. i would not disregard his candidacy as something not serious. >> reporter: trump has drawn so much interest, he brought the drawing to the phoenix convention center. >> he can get this owl of the hell hole that we are in. >> i would like to see what he does for our economy. >> trump is not shy about confronting his rivals.
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>> hillary clinton was the worst secretary of state we ever had. and i just got cut by macy's. thousands and thousands of people are cutting up their macy's cdc. i love it. >> the former reality tv star will have to tone down the rhetoric, some say, in order to get to be a serious contendedder. >> the slipups that he had when he first announced have got to stop, he won't win. >> this immigration weary state on the mexican border. john hendren, al jazeera phoenix. the first labor union union's president calling clinton the champion that
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working families need in the white house. also supported clinton's primary campaign in 2008. coming up, the ongoing iranian nuclear negotiations, particularly 1968's nonproliferation treaty. and disturbing details coming out about boko haram in nigeria. there are fears the group may be using girls it kidnapped last year as suicide bombers.
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>> it's saturday night. that means it's time to take a deeper look at the iranian nuclear negotiations. ronald reagan once saying, trust but verify. that seems to be part of the problem with iran, trust. in 1968, the npt nuclear
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nonproliferation treaty. it had its roots in the darkest days of world war ii. erica pitzi has more. >> a short time ago an american airplane dropped one bomb on hiroshima. and destroyed its usefulness on the enemy. >> the first time the world saw the devastation and power of nuclear weapons. >> the japanese began the war at pearl harbor. they have been repaid many-fold. with this bomb we have added a new and revolutionary increase in destruction. >> two bombs dropped by the u.s. killed more than 200,000 people. reduced two major japanese cities to ruins and left no question, world war ii was over. >> tens of thousands of american flags dotted the square. >> reporter: and a nuclear arms race was born.
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the soviet union and china soon followed. u.n. talks began and by 1968 the nuclear nonproliferation treaty was drawn up. >> mr. president i hand you the proclamation of the treaty for your signature. >> reporter: the treaty encourages the pursuit of peaceful nuclear energy, requires exposure of nuclear programs with the goal of global disarmament. >> this is indeed an historic occasion and as i sit here today i only hope that those of us who are fortunate enough to be present will look back one day and see that this was the first milestone on a road which led to reducing the danger of nuclear war. >> reporter: the treaty recognizes the five permanent members of the u.n. security
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council as nuclear powers. 185 other countries are also party to the treaty agreeing not to seek nuclear weapons. vaughn one of them. but since signing -- iran is one of them. since signing it, it has launched a program that says is peaceful and does not violate the treaty. >> iran has approached nuclear power differently. we are working under the framework of the nonproliferation treaty. >> a few countries have not signed the treaty and cannot be held to its rules. both india and pakistan are open about their weapons. and it is believed that other countries also have it. north korea has faced sanctions because of its nuclear weapons program. iran remains party to the treaty and in the spotlight. the u.s. and its allies are
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determined to know if the country is complying with the treaty or whether it is close to becoming a nuclear weapons state. >> there is talk from the iranian negotiators about whether or not they can abide by some of the terms that came up in lau lausanne. i will walk away from the negotiations if in fact it is a bad zeal. >> reporter: erica pitzi, al jazeera. >> lacey healy is a policy director, joining us from washington d.c. and president of the iranian american council joining us via skype. ms. healey i'll begin with you. does a treaty work provided all
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of the signatories bide by it? >> if a country is not abiding by the owners terms iran was one of the signers in 1968 and since has had some issues where it's -- say secret facilities, in particular, have been discovered by the iaea, the international watchdog that watches over the signatories to the npt. things that have sparked particular interest that iran has been doing suspicious activity that has led the international community that led them to believe iran was not beingfollowing the treaty, react to iran's potentially negative movements and ultimately really,
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that led to the sanctions that brought around the table and the negotiations we are in today. >> mr. miramadi do you take iran at its words when i says it is only pursuing the peaceful use of technology and why? >> i think iran does not have the intention to build nuclear power. and -- >> what makes you think that? >> will first iran is ready and has been ready to open up, everything that it has. so we know quite a bit about what's going on in the country. i think the u.s. administration has, back in 19 -- you know some years ago i think 2007 the u.s. national security agency, and its affiliates, decided that they wrote and reported
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that back in 2003, iran gave up onists intention to build -- to develop that nuclear device that supposedly they were after. so it's not me, i think the u.s. government also says that they are not as they speak in the mindset of developing a nuclear weapon but they are concerned and everybody else is, is the future. will iran stay with that mindset? will iran really remain loyal to the decision it was made back in 2003, let's say in i don't know 2020, the answer to that question is very complicated. it will depend on the security environment. >> which is why i want to introduce another piece of sound. and i'll let you talk on the back side of this. richard butler was the former
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ambassador and nuclear weapons inspector in iraq. the nonproliferation treaty were the only means for countries not obuild a bomb. listen. >> can anybody be prevented from acquiring them if they know how to build them? the answer is no. and that's a fact. can circumstances be established, agreement amongst nations that make it on balance far more sensible not to do this than to do it? the answer is yes. that's what we have in the nuclear nonproliferation treaty. that's why some 30 countries including my own australia who could readily make a nuclear explosive device don't do so. >> then there are the countries who have been trying. others said to be pursuing the bomb is libya and south africa during the apartheid years was said to be pursuing the bomb.
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are we talking about a selective treaty? >> this is true but really looking at the history of the treaty nearly 50 years when the treaty was brought open for signature there was an estimate that there would be many many many more nuclear weapons powers by this time so ultimately if you look at is. >> -- at the time nuclear glass half empty or half full? >> ultimately, we see only a few, north korea india pakistan israel, not very many in 50 years. south africa gave up its nuclear weapons, india did not build ukraine was one that chose to give away its nuclear weapons in order to gain not only the security assurances from other countries like the united states but gain nuclear weapons or nuclear energy technology which is part of the npt as well, in giving these countries access to
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nuclear energy technology they are able to have a more prosperous society. many countries are not going to build nuclear weapons purely based on the sheer cost of a nuclear weapons program. it's very, very expensive to build nuclear weapons it's expensive to do the research. >> which brings me to my next point. under the terms of the npt it louse a country to withdraw in three months notice. north korea in 2003 the country's blatant pursuit of nuclear weapons and ballistic weapons, courtney kealy has more. >> reporter: north korean state television shows pictures of massive rallies in pyongyang in support of north korea's withdrawal from the nuclear arms treaty which became effective january 11th, 2003. this news conference says the united states as our enemy and
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vowed to bring north america into a see sea of fire and hell. then secretary of state colin powell called that a sad statement of what north korean leaders think of their own people. >> their failure to comply with their own obligations and their failure to do what they were supposed to do under not only international agreements but the framework with the united states. we hope the north korean leadership will realize the folly of its action he will realize that the international community and the united states will not be intimidated. >> reporter: north korea had threatened for years to drop out of the nuclear nonproliferation treaty when they finally did it took less than a month to announce the reactivation of its nuclear power facilities. just two months later it had nuclear weapons. by 2006 the u.n. security council approved a resolution to
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impose sanctions on north korea and bring an end to its ballistic tests. north korea is still dliemg have extraordinary nuclear capabilities and the ability to miniaturize them. courtney kealy, al jazeera. >> what about regulations that are not enforced by the international community? does that mean the npt is worth no more than the paper it is printed on? >> first of all, the npt is voluntary. any time with three months notice they can walk out. and the reason they are in that treaty is because supposedly that treaty will bring give them the right without any problem to develop peaceful nuclear technology for energy and other purposes. and that in the international
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community will also participate in that peaceful nuclear movement. that's the only reason they are there a member because otherwise there is no reason for them to be a member and be under any obligation. the member npt has a safety agreement with the members that is quite limiting. it imposes all kinds of inspections and now they have added additional protocol that makes that inspection almost any time anywhere, kind of a situation. so if let's say a country like iran who is a member, and if that country is not going to have to receive any cooperation help on developing peaceful nuclear technology, it will have no reason to stay there. because then it would be all liability. there is no asset there. >> ms. healey north korea decides simply in 2003 that it
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no longer wants to be a party to the npt and decides it wants to build a bomb so ms. healey what is there to stop countries from simply walking away if that's what they want to do and what good then is the nuclear nonproliferation treaty? >> north korea's decision comes with serious consequences. not many countries are willing to deal with the extreme international isolation that north korea has chosen to deal with. this is a situation -- >> kim jong-un and his his father have been doing that for two generations. >> and the world is allowing them to do that, north korea is a special situation not so much iran where the u.s. and the rest of the international community have made the calculations that they'll be able to contain a north korean nuclear program. so they are able to contain a north korean nuclear weapon, they can allow that weapon to
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exist on the continent as long as there is not a major development in delivery systems that allow them to get that nuclear weapon elsewhere they'll deal with that and not launch an attack. now in the case of another country such as iran the u.s. has been very clear that they would launch an attack in response to any iranian attempt to build a nuclear weapon because the country is so much closer and so much more able to launch a nuclear weapon across the border to another u.s. ally for example. and it would pose a much greater threat for that reason. so north korea is sort of a special case. they're very isolated and able to continue to be isolated in that way in a way that it's able to with. >> ms. healey i was doing some checking, bashar al-assad born in 1965, the birth of kim
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jong-un, younger does the world discuss the real world ramifications as much as they used to and should we be talking about what would happen if one of these countries get a bomb? >> yes i think unfortunately maybe fortunately as well the issue has fallen off the major debate. people are much more worried about gas prices, much more worried about the things that affect them day-to-day. but things about nuclear weapons they don't see them necessarily affecting them, terrorism on the news and taken e-terrible things are happening they know terrible things are happening but not right next door. maybe it's a good thing that nuclear weapons are not in the we don't want them in the news every day but it is also important that we understand that they are a real threat and also particularly with rising threats between the u.s. and russia, two of the -- the two largest nuclear arsenals in the world that there is still
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a real threat there and still a possibility that could happen and we still have to be aware of it. butter there's not much we as regular people can do. >> mr. amir ahmadi i'll give you the last word. spends all of this time debating about making sure somebody doesn't get a bomb? >> first off the world has so much, so many nuclear weapons that if anybody starts using any of that, it's going to have to be so destructive because the others are going to have to immediately respond and the responses like minute. >> do you think kim jong-un even cares about what you said? >> i hope so. the countries have become extremely calculated, become very cautious and i think the good news is after world war ii no country has ever you know used a nuclear weapon.
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and i don't believe that anybody has, you know, a reason to do so again. we never know, countries come to a point of, you know, a point where they for the dpifnls existential point, the nuclear weapon will use it. for example israel like over 300 nuclear war heads would ever use that against the arabs or iranians or anybody. then again if it comes to a point where the jewish state's survival is at stake obviously they may think of using it. but largely they have been using it as a deterrent as opposed to offensive or deterrent system as opposed to offensive system or strategic system. so again i think -- i think the good news is that too many
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nuclear weapons out there have basically -- have basically you know made each other completely obsolete in a way. >> mutually assured destruction or mad. lacey healey healey, and hussein amadi, thank you for joining us. >> strategies the nigerian government is looking at to bring the girls home. straight ahead.
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>> officials in nigeria say they prevented an attack. comes a day after boko haram killed 10 in a village.
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the new president is promising to rescue the over 200 girls who were kidnapped. >> these parents lived for more than a year, not knowing whether they will see their children again. the sisters are among 200 girls boko haram said they forced some to convert to islam and marry fighters. muhammadu buhari met some of the girls' parents saying he is committed to bringing the girls home. >> in his regime boko haram will come to an end sooner or later. >> he will trade some of the people even if they are killed, we will know the last story about our drawrts in general daughters from general
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buhari. >> some have moved here to the settlement in the outskirts of the capital abuja. his niece was kidnapped and is still missing. he says the government must help rebuild chibok. >> we need security trust the security of our life has to be assured at home. >> in office less than two months president buhari made i.t. clear that stopping boko haram is his administration's top priority. his pred predecessor was criticized for failing to stop the group. military force will begin battling boko haram by month's end. >> we want him to take decisive action and end boko haram. let the people of nigeria go back to their normal ways of life. be. >> reporter: and for parents and family members that can't happen until their girls come
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home. natasha guinane, al jazeera. >> michael kline is a senior analyst for drum cusack a company associated with risk assessment. mr. kline, if we talked about france or great britain would we still be having this conversation today? >> we probably wouldn't have needed the social media impetus that got the global conversation going in the first place. i think the chibok girls is a lesson in power of social media campaign. but also the fickle life cycle of social media and how attention dyed died out as the search for victims died out as well. >> boko haram now wants to exchange girls for prisoners being held. swap or not swap? >> if the negotiations are real i don't think the nigerian
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government would be blamed for discussing swapping the chibok victims for prisoners being held. the problem is, is that the negotiations appear dubious at best. the sources have been anonymous. they've said that the government is not negotiating so it's unclear who's negotiating on behalf of the victims. and without any hierarchy of boko haram that we know of at least, it's hard to know who's negotiating on their behalf. >> there are now concerns that female suicide bombers surfacing in the region may be the girls that talking about. there are also reports that some of those girls a lot of those girls have been married off and they have released a beheading video. how much is fact and how much is fiction? >> well, the suicide bombings have increased in the past month because boko haram is shifting to more traditional terrorist tactics as they have been routed out by the territory they held in the counterinsurgency. as they do that they shift to
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suicide bombings and ambushes. it is true, a lot of these suicide bombings have been young girls, a sad legacy of the chibok bombing. there is no proof these are the same girls. after all there are there have been 2,000 young women and girls that have been kidnapped in the last two years. butter there is no doubt that boarnl draws a lot of its suicide bombers from the pool of kidnappings. >> what does it say about the united states that a year after getting involved we're still having this dialogue? i said this at the time the school girld girls were kidnapped but we're not seeing any members of the senate take the senate floor and criticize the role with respect to boko haram. why is that? >> the u.s. government has had a shaky relationship with nigeria
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under the previous administration. typically the united states offers military assistance in the form of intelligence and military training. it was the nigerian ambassador to america who actually started to demand that they be given weapons. the united states blocked the sale of helicopters from israel to nigeria. the reason being is actually the leahy amendment that the united states can't support direct -- military directly if it's involved in human rights abuses and those claims have been waged pretty plainly against nigerias. >> is this the case that boko haram is that strong or nigeria is just that weak? >> i think key word here is strategy. boko haram has a strategy. it's been portrayed as a rag tag group of gunmen but they are very adaptable. the question is, does the government have a strategy?
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the colossus of the government not adaptable. they haven't been able to adapt to the asymmetric and terroristic boko haram as it shifts into sleeper mode and shifts its way around the country. >> michael kline drum cusack, the firm specializes in risk assessment. thank you for joining us. thank you for having me. >> fidel castro make public appearances again. making public appearances again.
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be rescued off the lye we'rian libyan coast today. 2,000 have died doing so.
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sightings of form he cuban president fidel castro not that frequent now. castro by the way turning 89 next month. typhoon chen ha, make its way to china's east coast the storm's heavy winds dif stating many flights had to be cancelled. landfall near shanghai. the naacp ending its 15 year boycott of south carolina. followed the state's decision to take down the confederate flag from the state house grounds in column. the naacp imposing that boycott
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after the state decided to fly the flag over the state house dome. blast in narragansett beam beach goers, heard a boom, knocking a give-year-old woman into a rock wall, she was taken to the hospital and she will be okay. >> it sent her into the ground and she came down. from underneath the ground it was a little explosion. >> so far explosive devices some beach goers reported a chemical smell. kevin corriveau joining us with more on this particular story. good evening kevin. >> good evening del we have had a big change in the weather pattern, specifically towards the northwest. if you remember, we were looking at a heat wave that was lasting
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for two and a half weeks for pacific northwest. temperatures are actually now back to normal, we'll get back into the forecast there. taking you towards the ohio river valley, this is where we were looking at about 24 hours ago, we saw some severe weather take a look at the video that came in near bowling green kentucky. we did not necessarily see kind of out of the tornado season now but when we have severe weather pushing through we have the potential of seeing very gusty winds, trees down roof damage from many, many buildings and areas across the region. and we do expel to see not -- expect to see not in this particular area, but severe weather pushing up through parts of the great lakes and that is a problem here. central united states tomorrow is said to be a very, very steamy day. on sunday take a look at the expected temperatures. this is not including the heat
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index so bismarck about 94°. rapid city 92° with omaha about 95. we do have the warnings and advisorsadvisories out there. heat indices anywhere from 105 to 110°. that means do not do any strenuous activity during the the middle of the day. drink plenty of water. this is expected to stay in place at least through tuesday very difficult situation there. on top of that on sunday, we are going to be seeing active weather from parts of minnesota to ohio river valley again and that is expected to be a lot of thunderstorm activity. again we're not expected to see tornadoes but definitely gusty winds and hail. >> kevin corriveau, thank you very much. the kal ifertionmoalimo volcano
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last sings been evacuated. it was two inches of ash on the ground. thanks for joining us i'm del walters in new york. the news continues from doha next, good night. ais
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going on not just in this country but around the world. getting the news from the people who are affected.
12:00 am
>> people need to demand reform... >> ali velshi on target weeknights 10:30p et >> the u.n. says a break through deal is reached between rival factions in libya but not with the tripoli based government. hello i'm darren jordan live on doha. also on the program ending a 50 day hunger strike. released from jail. pledges warn of tough talks ahead. and donald trump takes an early lead among republican candidates, trying to become the next president of the united


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