tv News Al Jazeera July 13, 2015 10:30am-11:01am EDT
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assembly session begins. >> a reminder to stay up-to-date on all of the stories that we bring here on al jazeera. we'll visit the website at do keep it here. >> financial relief, greece reaches an agreement to hold off bankruptcy. now markets around the world are rallying. now there may be an agreement in vienna soon as negotiators say they're close to a deal over iran's nuclear program. plus yet another republican is running for president. how wisconsin governor scott walker promises to set himself apart from the crowd.
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>> this is al jazeera america. good morning. live from new york city. i'm randall pinkston. greece preparing to take the next steps to hold off a financial collapse. as part of a last-minute deal athens must institute deep cuts. that is the only way it will get billions more from europe to keep its economy afloat. the greek parliament must agree to the reforms by wednesday. meanwhile banks in greece will reportedly open on thursday after being closed for weeks. jackie rowbackjacky rowland joins us live from bruce else. >> good morning randall really we're looking at moving away from a kind of socialist system to a far more market-oriented system. some of the changes that we'll be looking at for a start
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pensions. we can expect retirement age to become older. we can expect to see pensions benefits being cut. also, for example shops will be expected to open on sundays. subsidies, price controls on things like milk and bread will end. we can expect new sales taxes to be introduced on goods right across the board. so in many ways the kind of market economies that you see in u.s. and that exist in many countries in western europe spread into greece. but if you keep in mind that the government is a far less government, a socialist government, it is a bitter pill for them to swallow. >> the greek government wanted a haircut. wanted debt forgiveness. was there any indication that european creditors were willing to trim some of the debt?
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>> no, there was never any realization that they were willing to. absolutely not. in fact, in many parts in europe many were harboring the attitude of wait a moment, we've had a first bail out, a second bail out and a now a third bail out. particularly the germans digging their heels in. there are signs that the creditors are willing to restructure the debt, making the loans a longer term giving the greeks long for repay the german chancellor angela merkel made it clear that there would be no element of debt forgiveness. >> and on social media as you know, there is a lot of outrage against germany by greek citizens. what are you hearing? >> yes, by greek citizens. in fact, it's a broader campaign than that.
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we've seen this hashtag this is a coup going viral. the outside powers, particularly the germans are taking over and dictating to the greeks. of course, there wasn't one stage of suggestion that these state assets of greece that we're going to be privatized should be transferred to a fund outside of the country. certainly there was a lot of anger feeling that these other countries were stamping all over greece, taking away any elements of national sovereigncy particularly when it's merged the german finance minister was closely linked to the institution in lex umberg which was hoped they would manage and set for private indication. there has been a lot of anger. and unfortunately quite a bit of that anger could be directed at the prime minister mr. tsipr as
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himself as he returns to greece and has to take these passage measures to the parliament and ask them to approve. >> jacky rowland in brussels, thank you. another deal that appears to be coming together is a nuclear accord with iran. diplomats say there is momentum towards a final agreement. the iranian state television say that they have reached a deal and will make an announcement sometime today. other officials have not confirmed that. ali velshi is with us right back from his sojourn in tehran. what do you make of this? we have the iranians saying that they have a deal. secretary kerry saying maybe not quite yet. >> iranian media is generally state controlled and they've been ahead of everybody on this. they say there have been deals when there haven't been deals. part of that is political. they're playing to an audience at home that want a deal more
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than not. there are people in iran and america i israel in particular who do not want this deal, or saudi arabia. if you want this deal you understand what is going on. they're trying. all the big issues seem to be out of the way. there are smaller issues, and john kerry, and the representative of european have stated this for a few weeks. they have left and then all have come back to vienna. they want to hammer something out. this is as close as possible to the deal. they continue to enrich their uranium and plutonium towards nuclear weapons. >> iran is in much better
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position. >> north korea never said our goal is to open negotiations and relation world trade center west. row than any got rouhani got elected in 2013. ahmadinejad was elected and they would say he did not help on main fronts. he was big on holocaust denial and inflammatory statements towards israel and the u.s. but money talks. their money has been revalved remarket ply over the past few years. people say we need prosperity. they elected him to try to get a deal. he wants a deal. >> thank you ali we'll look for your reporting and analysis as the week goes on, and perhaps we'll have a deal today. >> i'll be around if we do. >> thanks. >> a senior iranian analyst with the international crisis group.
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he's joining us live now from vienna. we have been present throughout the talks. what do you sense that is different in the mood today? >> the deal is in sight. there are a few last-minute snags that negotiators need to deal with. no one expected the final few steps, and it is really hard. the process is at mercy of a single miscalculation. it could risk a miscalculation that could squander an unique opportunity. >> is this deal only as good as this administration believes it to be. the u.s. is in a difficult position because there are
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republicans and democrats who want to hold iran's feet to the fire. what is america's role in making this happen or not? >> look, the key main players in this multi lateral negotiation where you have seven countries at the table are iran and the united states. there is a tremendous amount of mistrust after 36 years of animosity between them. that's why they need this deal to be air tight and watertight and bulletproof. that's why it has been take something much time. the deal signed with north korea was only four pages. this deal is around 100 pages because they've made sure that every detail is taken care of and well talked through in order to reduce it to the extent possible the risks associated with an agreement between enemies. and both the obama administration andrea than and
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rouhani administration understand. given the level of resistence to this agreement in both tehran and washington, it would not be a matter of a few weeks but a matter of a few years that they would be able to get back to the negotiating table. >> this are some who are pushing for the deal to be signed tonight. any chance of that happening? have you heard that this is, in fact, the case there? >> my understanding is that the hard political decisions remain. the text is almost ready to go. the remaining brackets have the options in front of them. all it takes is for the negotiators to choose one of those options and finalize the text. then it's a matter of a few additional hours to put up a press release and translate into
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persian and the deal is ready to be announced. it might happen tonight, which is the deadline that the negotiators have set for themselves, or it can go up into tomorrow. but my sense is that the foreign ministers who are in this building behind me are not willing to stay here for much longer beyond tuesday. >> so they have gone through some deadlines but we may be reaching the end of the road for the deadline. thank you. news of the progress in vienna was met with skepticism in washington. some key senators are expressing concerns of the prospects of the deal in iran. lisa stark with more in washington. >> congress is waiting to see the precise details of any deal with iran. but even without specifics there are a lot of concerns gone ott sides of the aisle. concerns that the u.s. conceded too much in talks with iran. as negotiations appear to reach a turning point in vienna politicians in washington expressed reservations. >> at the end of the day i think
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people understand that if this is a bad deal that is going to law iran to get a nuclear weapon, they would own this deal if they voted for it. they'll want to disapprove it. >> if there is a deal, congress has 60 days to review and vote on it. on sunday senate majority leader mitch mcconnell said that the fate of that review will defend on the details. >> i think it's going to be a very hard sale if it's completed in congress. we're going to be interested in things will the iranians reveal their past research and development. what have they done in the past on this subject? is it verifyiable? will we be able to look at all their military bases. >> even democrats express concern that whether the deal it won't be tough enough to for sanctions. >> what the deal looks like is
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incredibly important. the problem here is that we've gone from preventing iran having a nuclear ability to managing it. >> congress has an up or down vote on any deal in iran. if they do reject it it's likely president obama would veto that re rejection. >> well, another candidate joins the field today running for the white house. wisconsin governor scott walker launches his bid up next why he thinks he is the man for the job. plus the manhunt in mexico for one of the world's most notorious drug kingpins. el chapo breaks out of prison, now the u.s. is out to find him.
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profits with employees. the democratic presidential candidate laid out her economic plan just a short time ago during her first major policy speech in new york. >> i believe we have to build a growth and fairness economy. you can't have one without the other. we can't create enough jobs and new businesses without more growth. we can't build strong families and support our consumer economy without more fairness. >> clinton argues the real measure for success should be how much income rises for the middle class not just democratic growth. she asked washington leaders to meet with democrats. one more republican is now in the 2016 presidential race. wisconsin governor scott walker. >> now i'm running for president to fight and win for the american people. >> walker posted that video to
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hits websitehis website this morning. he's kicking off the run in milwaukee. >> if we can do it in wisconsin. there is no doubt we can do it across america. >> wisconsin governor scott walker has only been in office a few years but he has made a quick rise within the republican party. so much so that his eyes are now on the white house. >> just like i ran for governor because i wanted them to have a better state than i grew up in. i want every son and daughter to have a better country. >> originally from colorado. walker was raced in a small town in wisconsin. he showed an interest in politics as early as high school and said that president ronald reagan was his role model. he spent a few years in college but did not graduate. he went on to work for the american red cross. his first campaign was for the wisconsin state asystembly when
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he was just 22 years old. he lost but ran again in 1993 and served in the state legislature in more than a decade. in 2010 walker decided to run for governor of wisconsin. his campaign was centered on reducing taxes and spending, and he won. shortly after taking office in in 2011, walker introduced a controversial right-to-work bill for which he has become infamous. he wanted to reduce collective bargaining for wisconsin state employees, a move that many feel crippled unions. the bill was initially passed, and then struck down by a judge. but it was ultimately held up by the wisconsin supreme court. the measure was so devisive that residents collected enough signatures for a recall in hopes of removing walker from office. but in 2012 walker won making
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him the first governor to survive the law,. >> if says you have the freedom to work anywhere you want without having to be part of a labor union or not. >> the win only heightened walker's profile in the party. even president obama is taking notice. recently the president was in walker's home state to discuss worker's rights and over time pay. >> america has always done better economically when we're all in it together. when everybody gets a fair shot. >> early polls show walker is near the top of the g.o.p. field in presidentialal presidential contenders right up there with jeb bush. while jeb bush is a friend, walker insists that the country is ready for an unknown. >> i have a hard time when i hear voters thinking we can compete with hillary clinton another name from the past. i think we all want someone. i don't think just republicans want someone new but voters,
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increasingly voters, independent voters. >> back at an court today facing espionage charges but hearing no resolution to the case and no scheduled date for another hearing. he was detained a year ago in at the rain. his family and the "washington post" denial gas stations that he is a spy. a manhunt happening right now in one of the most wanted men in the world. drug lord joachim guzman was imprisoned last year. >> mexican police have set up check points on roads near to the high security prison from where joaquin "el chapo"
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guzman escaped. they hunt for one of the world's most wanted man. he got out of a tunnel dug from a building outside the prison to his cell. >> the tunnel has pvc pipes presumably for ventilation. >> the last time he escapeed from prison it took the mexican military 13 years to find him. his capture back in february of of 2014 was hailed as one of the biggest blows to the drug trade in decades. el chapo is short in short in starture but makes the forbes billionaire list. he controls some of the most lucrative entry smuggleing routes routes.
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>> they're able to move cocaine from south america to mexico from russia to mexico, from southeast asia in mexico to be processed and delivered worldwide. >> guzman was arrested in 1993 but bribed his way out of mexico's high security prison. he escaped in a laundry basket. this web of tunnels linking seven homes allowed him to eaggravate capture for more than a decade it will during that time he consolidated thinks drug cartel and built popular support providing people with money jobs and security. when he was recaptured in 2014 thousands of people took to the streets to show support for a man they saw as their savior. his escape for a second time is a major set back for the mexican
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mallala gave a gift instead of receiving one. she gave a school. thenovel from the author " "to kill a mocking bird"." it portrays a controversial side of atticuk finch. >> americans are used to seeing atticuk finch a hero, defending a black man accused of rape in the american classic ""to kill a mocking bird"." >> his word against two white people but harper lee's new novel shows finch in a different light. it shows how his daughter returns home and grapples with finch's racial view. do you one review describes him
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as a racist. another as a segregationist. finch's character may be a shock to mocking bird fans but readers we spoke with say it could be a more realistic portrayal. >> i don't see anything wrong making a character more human. >> even if this character attic us finch was leaning towards the other side, i would argue that we have seen an evolution. >> it shows that she is not here to write a perfect story. >> the publisher issued a statement on the new novel. >> even as it's being published now it was written before ""to kill a mocking bird"." and it's set 20 years later. it comes at a time when america is still grappling with racial tensions like the recent shoot
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negotiation south carolina, and the confederate flag debate. >> we have to find positive ways to address these witnesses or better live with each other but it's a social problem and it's a familiarit's familiar family problem and a political problem. >> harper lee said in a statement earlier this year, i'm humbled and amazed that this will now be published after all these years. >> book critic maureen corrigan read the book and said it does not compare to the classic "to kill a mocking bird." >> it reads as a messy draft of something. this was a first draft "to kill a mocking bird," but it reads much more like a failed sequel in "to kill a mocking "to kill a mocking bird." there are decisions of people
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who are essentially good can have very distorted very bad ideas of base. race. scout discovers he has been reading a book called "the black plague" and she accuses him of being no better than hitler. it's the extremity of his views about race that are really disturbing in this book. >> "go set a watchman" has set a record on amazon. it's the most pre-ordered book of all time. we'll get our closest look every at were you toe. the new horizon spacecraft is set to drive by the dwarf planet tomorrow. it has sent back incredible photographs. the probe sent nine and a half years towards pluto.
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pluto was discovered after new horizon was launched. thank you for watching. news is coming up next live from doha. >> i'm richelle carey. greece saved and a deal is made after a third greek bail out but at what costs. concern on the street of athens. will this deal mean more years of increased austerity? >> plus edging towards a decision world powers are closer to signing on the future of iran's nuclear program and.
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