tv News Al Jazeera July 13, 2015 12:30pm-1:01pm EDT
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a proper education they say they'll raise the issue as state assembly session begins. al jazeera, mumbai. >> and a quick reminder that you can always catch up with all the news and the sport by checking out our website. the address for that is web. and you can watch by clicking on the "watch live" icon. >> greece gets a financial lifeline from its creditors while the markets soar on the news. but not every is happy about it. plus, the waiting game in vienna as diplomats try to limit iran's nuclear program. and wisconsin governor scott walker joins the list of republicans already seeking his party's presidential nomination.
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>> you're watching al jazeera america live from new york city. i'm morgan radford. greece is preparing to take the next steps to hold off a financial collapse while athens must institute pretty deep cuts all part of the deal with european creditors. that's the only way it will get billions more to keep its economy afloat. the greek parliament must agree to those reforms by wednesday. jacky rowland is at the e.u. meetings in brussels with more. >> some people including the the president of european council joked we haven't got greekistment or we have an agreekment. sure they have averted the immediate crisis the specter of greece crashing out of the euro.
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they've laid the groundwork now for the next stage which would be the formal negotiations on a new bail out for greece. hour when you look at what has been sacrificed or if you like, the damage that has been done over the last days certainly there is quite a lot of collateral damage in terms of european solidarity the fact that in the words of one official alexis tsipras the greek prime minister was subject to what he describe mental war there has been complaint of lack of trust and really this feeling in many ways greece has been pushed right up to the wall and the greek prime minister has left.
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the euro may have been saved but the casualties some might argue is the sense of solidarity and unity within the european union. >> that was jacky rowland in brussels. let's go now to simon mcgregor wood in athens. simon, how are people overthere really reacting to this news? >> well, not as you might imagine. there is a lot of anger on the streets. nothing particular by way of flooding out on to the streets. which is surprising given that only a week ago they voted 61% of greeks voted overwhelmingly in favor of this in referendum rejecting the notion of austerity, and then eight days later hello, we have something that looks even worse than the thing we rejected. there is a weary sullen resentment mons the greek
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population. i think last week with the banks closing and the limitations of the cash they can pull out of the atms, they suddenly realized wow this is the corner that we've been pushed in to. either we accept this deal or we're going to be pushed out of the euro all together, and we don't want that. weary, sullen, resign resigned resentment not outrightage yet. >> what are the next steps for the greek government? how is it going to access some of this money so it can start paying its bills. i know you mentioned that the banks were closed, but we heard that they could open as early as this week's. >> well, the greeks central bank said they'll certainly remain closed until thursday. well the greek prime minister arrived in athens after this marathon of talks just a few hours ago. he has no wiggle room at all.
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by midnight athens time in that building behind me he has to push through some very contentious laws despite growing rebellion within his own political party the syriza party where two dozen people are already saying they don't like what he has brought back, that he has capitulated and they're going to vote against it. he probably has the support of the opposition parties and he's probably okay. but he cannot afford to drop the ball. he must pass this series of laws by wednesday night or this whole deal will be pulled off the table. he's under real pressure. even know he's meeting with the party faithful to plot the next step. he's in a real political minefield. >> help me to understand something. tsipras was rallying support for in this morning, but isn't this the same deal that they rejected just least week? >> no, it's an even worse deal. how are you going to square that
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circle is the question that the greek people are asking him. he's being accused essentially of giving away everything that he said he wouldn't. don't forget in the referendum eight days ago he repeatedly appeared on public television here in greece said vote no, reject the principle of austerity, and with that mandate of democratic strength i will go back to brussels and get a he has done exactly the opposite. he has brought back a deal that is even more strict and imposes even more control gives up even more greek sovereignty over its economy and politics. he has got a very tough task persuading people that he has done the right thing. two things he could hold on to. he can say listen, it was either this or being kicked out of the euro all together, and secondly in the autumn, if things go well and we take this medicine our european partners
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our creditors for the first time are promising us, the greek people, the possibility of some kind of restructuring of the debt. that's a first. he's going to use that as an achievement that he brought back that no odometer greek prime minister in recent years has done. but that's thin to go on, and he'll have a tough task convincing a very skeptical greek public meanwhile stock markets are soaring in wake of the greek deal. the dow is up 183 points. the nasdaq and the s&p 500 are also up european markets and they also have had pretty big gains today. it's day 17 of marathon negotiations to curb iran's nuclear program, but despite reports that a deal was imminent no official word. >> there have been quite a bit of optimism here that after more than two weeks of talking in vienna perhaps we were on the
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verge of a deal. certainly we have all of the foreign ministers in the luxury hotel behind me. the six countries that are negotiating with iran. they're close and, in fact, closer than they've ever been before. but there are still some difficulties. listen to the words of iran's deputy foreign minister. >> the talks have reached a final phase very good progress has been made in the last two or three days. of course, some issues still remain. and as long as they're not resolved we can't announce the agreements. he went on to say that perhaps it's not possible to conclude a deal today monday, or even on tuesday. what's not clear is what the sticking points now are. whether they are further detailed to be ironed out or whether there are significant problems. >> now germans basis in--that was ask james bays in vienna.
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>> i really think that the deal is now within sight but not within reach because there are few last minute snags that the negotiators need to deal with, and no one expected the final few steps to be ease, and it's really hard. and the process is really at the mercy of a single miscalculation. because if either party believes that the other one needs the deal more than it does, it risks making the miscalculation that could squander this unique opportunity. >> they said that this is the last chance for quite some time to reach a deal with iran. well news of progress was met in washington where some are expressing concerns with the prospect of that deal. lice lisa stark has more from washington. >> even without specific there is a lot of concern on both sides of the aisle. concerns that the u.s. conceded too much in these talks with
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iran. negotiations appear to reach a turning point in vienna, politicians in washington expressed reservations. >> at the end of the day i think people understand that if this is a bad deal, that is going to allow iran to get a nuclear weapon, they would own this deal that they voted for it. so they'll want to disapprove it. >> if there is a deal congress has 60 days to review and vote on it. on sunday senate majority leader mitch mcconnell said that the fate of that review will depend on the details. >> i think it's going to be a very hard sell if it's completed in congress. we're going to be interested in things will the irans reveal their past research and development. what have they done in this past subject? will they be able to look at all of their military bases. >> whatever the deal it won't be tough enough to justify
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sanctions relief. >> it makes me anxious because what a deal looks like is incredibly important. and the probable here, george s that we've gone from preventing iran from having a nuclear ability to managing it. >> congress has an up or down vote on any deal with iran if they do reject it it's likely president obama would veto that rejection. and congress would have to muster enough votes to override that veto. >> that's lisa stark in washington. the trial for the man accused of threatening to kill house speaker john boehner is up way today. michael home to international talked about boysening boehner's drink at the country club where he worked and the defense team plans to present insanity. >> hillary clinton says she has a win-win program to encourage companies to share profits with their employees.
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the democratic presidential candidate laid out her economic plan just a short time ago during her first major policy speech right here in new york. >> i believe we have to build a growth and fairness economy. you can't have one without the other. we can't create enough jobs and new businesses without more growth. and we can't build strong families and support our consumer economy without more fairness. >> clinton argued that the real measure for success should be how much income rise for the middle class not just economic growth. she has a meeting today with congressional democrats. wisconsin governor scott walker will run for president. >> i'm running for president to fight and win for the american people. >> that video was posted to walker's website just this morning.
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the 47-year-old is one of the youngest candidates in had crazy, and the only one without a college degree. >> wisconsin's governor scott walker has only been in office a few years but he has made a quick rise within the republican party. so much so that his eyes are now on the white house. >> just like i ran for governor because i wanted them to have a better state than what i grew up in. i want them like and every other son and daughter to live in a greater country. >> he showed an interesting in politics as early as high school and said that president ronald reagan was his role model. he spent a few years in college but did not graduate. he went on to work for the american red cross. his first campaign was for the wisconsin state assembly when he was 22 years old. he lost but ran began in the
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1993 and served in state legislature for more than a decade. in 2010 walker decided to run for governor of wisconsin. and woen. shortly after taking office in 2011 walker introduced a controversial right-to-work bill for which he has become infamous. he wanted to significantly reduce collective bargaining for wisconsin state employees, a move that many feel crippled unions. the bill was initially passed and then struck down by a judge. but it was ultimately held up by the wisconsin supreme court. the measure was so decrysive that residents corrected enough signatures for a recall election with hopes of removing walker from office. but in 2012 walker won the election becoming the first governor in u.s. history to survive a recall.
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>> i'll sign in a law something that will make wisconsin the 25th state in the nation that says you have the freedom to work anywhere you want without having to be a part of a labor union or not. >> the win only heightened walker's profile in the party. even president obama is taking notice. recently the president was in walker's home state to discuss works' rights and over time pay. >> america has always done better economically when we're all in it together. when everybody gets a fair shot. >> early polls show in a walker is at the top of presidential contenders. pulling right up there with jeb bush. while jeb bush is a friend walker insists that the country is ready for an unknown. >> i have a hard time when i heard voters say we need to compete with hillary clinton with a name from the past with another name from the past. we need someone new. >> randall pinkston, al jazeera.
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he escaped after being captured last year. now the u.s. is helping to track him down. >> mexican police have set up check points on roads from where joaquin "el chapo" guzman escaped. they hunt for one of the world's most wanted men. mexican security officials say he got out through a his skated 1.5 kilometer long tunnel dug from outside of the building outside of the prison to his cell. >> the tunnel had pipes for ventilation and a traction mechanism. >> the last time guzman escaped from prison it took the mexican military 13 years to find him. he was captured back in february february 2014 was hailed as one of the biggest blows to the drug trade in decades. el chapo translated to shorty in english is short in stature
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but cuts an imposing figure in drugs trafficking. his sinaloa cartel is said to control some of the lost lucrative drug smuggleing roots. trafficking heroin, cocaine methamphetamine and marijuana. >> his expertise is being a specialist in logistics. he's able to move cocaine from south america to mexico, to moving meth from russia to mexico and out of south asia and it's delivered worldwide. >> guzman was arrested in 1993, but bribed his way out of mexico's highest security prison. he escaped in a laundry basket. he was able to evade capture for more than a decade. during that time he consolidated his drug cartel and provided
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support by providing people with money, jobs and security. when he was recaptured in 2014 thousands of people took to the streets to show support for a man they saw as their savior. guzman's escape for a second time is a major set back for the mexican government, which is often accused of corruption by its own people. al jazeera. >> a man released from prison here in the u.s. is now doing what he can to make sure that others don't suffer the same fate. anthony graves spent years on death row for a crime that did he not commit. he now works for a forensic center. we have more from houston. >> the journey of the death row exxon rehas come fuel full circle{^l"^^}. he's now among those who oversees the forensic science center. his mission here is to make sure that no one else suffers the
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same injustice. he was 26 years old when he was accused of killing a family of six in a small text town of summerville. despite his protest that he had nothing to do with the crime, he was convicted of capital murder. in physical evidence pointed to graves. only accusation of a man who said graves was part of the murder. something he would recant on the eve of his own execution saying graves was innocent. for the past five years he as advocated for justice reform across the country. and this june his watchdog world became official when the. >> do you remember that moment when you were told you were being charged for capital murder? >> yes, that was the moment that was almost 20-something years ago. since then that moment has propelled me to this moment. you know, to be part of the board. to make sure that we're serving
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the people well. that when i think about that moment i smile because i'm here today. >> tonight we take a deeper look at graves' story, at the prosecute who are lied to get graves convicted, and the lessons that the justice system has learn: heidi zhou castro al jazeera houston. >> you can watch her live report tonight at 8:00 p.m. eastern. from role model to racist. we'll tell you how the new see you'll to the classic ""to kill a mocking bird"" brings light.
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sequel to classic "to till a mocking board mocking bird." >> this brings a different aspect to attic u.s. finch. >> the novel takes place at a time when america was looking at is he greg gas station and finch is portrayed as a leaders for justice. >> a lawyer who fights against racism defending a black man accused of rape in the classic " ""to kill a mocking bird"." but harper lee's new novel shows finch in a different light. set in the 50s it describes how finch's daughter comes home and grapples with her father's
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racial views. do you want negroes in the car load in our schools and churches and theaters? do you want them in our world? one calls him a racist. another a segregationist. >> i don't see anything wrong with making a character for human. nobody is perfect. >> even if this character attik attikus finch had leanings towards the other side if you will i argue that we have seen an evolution. >> maybe it shows that she's not here to write a perfect story. >> the publisher issued a statement on finch's portrayal in the new novel. the question is atticus's racism is one of the critical elements in this novel, and it should be considered in the context of the book's broader moral themes. even though it has been published now it was actually written before ""to kill a mocking bird,"" and it is set 20
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years later. >> the release comes at a time when america is still grappling with racial tensions like the racial shootings in south carolina and the confederate flag debate. >> we have to find ways to address these differences or at least to be able to live with each other that is a social problem. it is a family problem and it is a political problem and contemporary problem. >> when asked to comment about the novel, harper lee said in a statement earlier this year, i'm humbled and amazed that this will now be published after all these years. in her statement lee said when she first submitted the book in 1957 her editor urged her to go back and rework the story. that's how ""to kill a mocking bird"" came out. >> a lot of changes, different plot. it seems like a lot to behold. thanks a lot. book critic maureen coragon said
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she has read the book, and it does not reed like ""to kill a mocking bird"." >> this reads like a draft it reads much more like a failed sequel to ""to kill a mocking bird"." i think the novel can be useful in terms of discussion in terms of how people are essentially good could have very distorted bad ideas about race. atticus spouse theories that sound straight out of a you eugenics text book. >> it has set a record on amazon and it is the most pre-ordered
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book of all time. thanks so much for joining us here on al jazeera. i'm morgan radford. >> no grexit. bringstsipras brings back a program be austerity on the eu's terms. but in the past 30 minutes one of the junior coalition parties says it can't agree to the deal. i'm lauren taylor, live al jazeera from london. also coming up. >> are you make progress? >> trying to seal a deal on iran's nuclear ram. no sign of a deal in yemen.
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