tv News Al Jazeera July 14, 2015 7:30am-9:01am EDT
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ran has to thissle material for a weapon will be closed off. the same is true for the plutonium path. we have agreed that iran's water reactor at iraq will be rebuilt based on a final design that the united states and international partners will approve so that it will only be used for peaceful purposes and iran will not build a new heavy water reactor or re reprocess fuel from its existing reactors for at least 15 years. but this agreement is not only about what happens to iran's declared facilities. the deal we have reached also gives us the greatest assurance we have had that iran will not pursue a weapon covertly. not only will inspectors be able to access iran's declared facilities daily but they will also have access to the entire supply chain that supports
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iran's program from start to finish from uranium mines to center fuge mining, and operation. so what this means is to be able to have a covert path we would need a covert facility it would need a covert supply chain in order to feed into that site and ensure that does not happen to our knowledge under this deal and inspectors will be able to gain access to any indication iaea and majority of the p 5 s 1 nations deem suspicious. [switching captioners]
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>> as part of the final deal. with that in mind, iran and the i.e.a. have already entered into an agreement on the process to address all of the i.e.a.'s outstanding questions within three months and doing so is a fundamental requirement for sanctions relief that iran seeks. the director announced earlier this morning that that agreement has been signed. now our quarrel has never been with the iranian people and we realize how deep lip the nuclear
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sanies have affect their lives. today that will begin to change in return for the changes that iran has accepted for its nuclear program the international community will be lifting the nuclear related sanctions on the iranian economy. they will only start when iran has melt its key nuclear commitments, for example, when it has removed the core from the iraq react tore, dismantled the centrifuges it has agreed to dismantle, when it has shipped out the enriched uranium it agreed to. when they do this, the sanctions will be listed in intermittent phases. confidence is never built overnight.
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it has to be developed over time. this morning, foreign minister zarif expressed his hope that this agreement can be a beginning of a change which the interactions between iran and the international community. that is why none of the sanctions that we currently have in place will in fact be lifted until iran implements the commitments that it has made. some restrictions related to arms and proliferation will remain in place for some years to come. i want to underscore if iran fails in a material way to live up to these commitments then the united states, the e.u. and even the u.n. sanctions that initially brought iran to the table can and will snap right back into place. we have a specific provision in
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this agreement called snap back for the return of those sanctions in the event of non-compliance. now, there will be some who will assert that we could have done more or that if we just continue to ratchet up the pressure, iran will ever eventually raised a white flag and abandoned its nuclear program altogether, but the fact is, the international community tried that approach. that was the policy of the united states and others during the years 2000 and before. in the meantime, guess what happened? the iranian program went from 164 century finals to thousands. the iranian program grew, despite the fact that the international community said no enrichment at all none. the program grew to the point where iran accumulated enough
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material for about 12, 10 to 12 nuclear bombs. i will tell you sanctions iran until it capitulates makes for a talking point and pretty good political speech but it's not achievable outside a world of fantasy. the true measure of this agreement is not whether it meets all of the desires of one side at the expense of the other. the test is whether or not i have the will leave the world safer and more secure than it would be without it, so lets review the facts. without this agreement or the joint plan of action on which it builds iran's breakout time to get enough material, nuclear material for a weapon was already two to three months. that's where we started. weapon started with iran two months away with enough fissel
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material for 10 bombs. with this agreement that break out time goes to a year or more and that will be the case for at least a decade. without this agreement iran could double its enrichment capacity tomorrow, literally and within a few years it could expand i had to as many at 100,000 centrifuges. with this agreement iran will be operating about 5,000 centrifuges for a fixed period of time. without this agreement iran would be able to add rapidly and without any constraint that its stockpile of enriched uranium which already at 20% was dangerous and higher than any of us were satisfied was acceptable. with this agreement the stockpile will be kept at no more than 300 kilograms for 15 years. without this agreement iran
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could produce enough weapons grade material each year to produce 15 nuclear weapons. with this agreement, the core will be removed and iran will not produce any weapons grade plutonium. without this agreement, the i.a.e.a. would not have definitive access to locations suspected of conducting undeclared nuclear activities. with this agreement the i.a.e.a. will be able to access any location declared or undeclared to follow up on legitimate concerns about nuclear activities. there can be no question that this agreement will provide a stronger, more comprehensive and more lasting means of limiting iran's nuclear program than any realistic, realistic alternative.
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those who criticize and those who spend a lot of time suggest that go something could be better have an obligation to provide an alternative that in fact works. let me add this. while the nations that complies the p5 plus one obviously don't always see eye to eye on global issues, we are in full agreement on the quality and importance of this deal. from the very beginning of this process, we have considered not only our own security concerns, but also the serious and legitimating a sites of our friends and our allies in the region especially israel and gulf states, and that has certainly been the case in recent days, as we work to hammer out the final details. let me make a couple of points crystal clear. first, what we are announcing today is an agreement addressing
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the threat poled by iran's nuclear program. period. just the nuclear program. anybody who knows the conduct of international affairs knows that it is better to deal with a country if you have problems with it if they don't have a nuclear weapon. as such, a number of u.s. sanctions will remain in place including those related to terrorism, human rights and ballistic missiles. the united states will continue our efforts to address concerns about iran's actions in the region including by our providing key support to our partners and our allies and by making sure we are vigilant in pushing back against destabilizing activities. certainly, we continue to call on iran to immediately release
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the detained u.s. citizens. these americans have remained in our thoughts throughout this negotiation and we will continue to work for their safe and their swift return and we urge iran to bring our missing americans home, as well. we also know that there is not a challenge in the entire region that would not become worse if iran had a nuclear weapon. that's why this deal is so important. it's also why we met at camp david with the gulf states and why we will make clear to them in the days ahead the ways in which we will work together in order to guarantee the security of the region. the provisions of this agreement help guarantee that the international community can and will address regional challenges without the threat of a nuclear armed iran.
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second, no part of this agreement relies on trust. it is all based on thorough and extensive transparency and verification measures that are included in very specific terms in the annexes of this agreement. if iran fails to comply, we will know it, because we're going to be there the international community through the i.a.e.a. and otherwise and a we will know it quickly and we will be able to respond accordingly. before closing, i would like to make -- i would likes to thank you to some folks who really made a difference in the course of all of this and i want to begin by thanking my president president obama, who had the courage to launch this process believe in it, support it, encourage it, when many thought that the objective was impossible, and who led the way
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from the start to the finish. the president has been resolute in insisting from the day he came to office that iran will never have a nuclear weapon and he has been equally equally strong in asserting that diplomacy should be given a fair chance to achieve that goal. i want to thank my cabinet colleagues for the many, many contributions that they have made treasury secretary jack lew, defense secretary ash carter, the entire d.o.d., the department, but i especially want to thank my partner in this effort who came late to the process but has made an essential contribution to our achievement of this agreement and that is energy secretary ernie moniz who has put many long days here and in switzerland during these
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negotiations and frankly whose background as a nuclear scientist just proofed that be essential in helping us together with former foreign minister and vice president salahi to be able to really work through very difficult issues. >> all right so you just heard secretary of state john kerry live from vienna reminding the world that this deem is strictly about nuclear weapons and also assuring americans assuring the world and critics of this deal that they are still focusing on human rights, terrorism and bliss system missiles when it comes to iran by saying frankly this deal needled to happen, that the status quo was not working and they were seeing increased proliferation of nuclear happenings there in iran. let's go to lisa stark live in d.c. how likely is this deal to make it through congress? congress's biggest sticking point is likely to be the fact
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that it does not close iran's most serious and advanced nuclear facility, so will it hold? >> congress is certainly going to be giving this deal a lot of scrutiny. they have 60 days to look at every sentence, every period, every comma and they will be doing that. they've indicated that. the president, in his remarks this morning said he welcomes that robust debate in congress, that he is ready to give full briefings and secretary kerry also talked about critics of this deal saying look, folks say we should have let -- put more sanctions on iran, waited until they raised the white flag and then we could have gotten more of what we wanted, but kerry said that is not realistic. he said to critics of this deal and the president made this point, as well, obviously speaking out to members of congress opposed to this saying look, what's the alternative nuclear proliferation in this region, it will be much more
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dangerous. they insist this deal is verifiable, that there will be a robust inspections and that we'll know if iran cheats. i will say secretary kerry also said and i thought this was aimed obviously toward congress, too, he said look, it's a powerful talking point and a pretty good political speech to say we should keep the pressure up on iran, but that is not achievable, he said except in a world of fantasy. there will be a lot of pushback from congress. republicans don't like this deal even before they saw it they didn't like this deal and some democrats are also very, very concerned. the president did say morgan, that he will veto any vote in congress to turn down this deal, and then of course, the question will be will there be the votes there to override that veto. so we'll see over the next 60 days if congress takes that long, but it's going to be quite a fight. >> lisa, you know, it was
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interesting to note that both president obama and secretary kerry made reference to a quote made famous by president reagan, which is trust but verify, both of them saying that this deal is not built on trust, it is built on verification, extensive verification. i want to switch over now stand by, we'll be coming back to you to ali velshi, who has been pouring through the details of this lengthy joint comprehensive plan of action, 80 pages of indexes. >> what i didn't find, nothing about jays the three americans imprisoned. in our hotel room in tehran, it was the clearest view of the prison right across from us. it's like a thing that everybody's supposed to see. it's not a hidden prison, not in
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a training area, it's right there. their families have been in vienna, trying to convince the western powers to make it part of the deal. you heard for the first time, the first reference today was secretary kerry saying we urge iran to release our americans in prison. that's a bit of a big deal. they've been accused of spying, so that's one of the things that's not in there. however, live from "the new york times," tweeting from iran, random people on the street asking what's going on. one man said i want my a.t.m. to work around the world, i don't want nuclear weapons. in 2012, sanctions ratcheted up, some have been in place in 30 years, but ratcheted up in 2012 when americans convinced the world to have iran removed from the swift banking system. i've been talking about this the whole time i was there. that's the one iranians care about. while some things are
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sanctioned, you can't sell them, food medicine are not sanctioned, but you can't buy them because you cannot wire money out of iran to anyone else in the world auto parts airplanes, these are all mentioned specifically in these 80 pages but it didn't matter, because you couldn't buy something you can't pay for. iranians can't sell persian russian to somebody who won't pay cash and can't pay money for medications and parts that they need. that is a very, very big deal. that's what most iranians with whom i spoke wanted solved. >> what about the americans? what i find was interesting was kerry's very clear statement that this deem has no sunset. what i can get this, is that really true? >> it's a complicated deal, some provisions that are five years some eight years some 10 years some longer. >> they laps. >> the snap back provision there are two sanctions the u.n. sanctions and then the individual countries that have sanctioned iran.
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the individual country sanctions can be put back immediately at any point, and there are triggers for the u.n. sanctions. the u.n. sanctions are tied to the international atomic energy agency, so the minute they say hey, something's wrong the u.n. sanctions can come back. there was a separate deal that was signed before this one was signed this morning between iran and the i.a.e.a. the condition of signing this deal was that got done first. it's a very technical deal. you can see some of the stuff is highly highly technical. it is -- this is up a congress to debate whether this is as safe as john kerry says it is, but i certainly makes the case. >> president obama pointed out that there's always the option for going to war but this is intended to reduce that possibility. morgan. >> thanks so much for being with us. president obama also made it very clear that this was the deal this was the best deal they were going to get and that this is not the type of deem
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that comes from someone's friend. let's take a listen to what he had to say. >> because of this goal, the international community will be able to verify that the islammic republic of iran will not develop a nuclear weapon. this deal meets every single one of the bottom lines we established when we achieved a framework earlier this spring. every pathway to a nuclear weapon is cut off. the inspection regime necessary to verify that objective will be put in place. >> we'll be getting reactions from around the world. we've been to tehran, vienna and washington, now let's switch over to london. what are you hearing about the deal and what impresses you most about what you've heard in terms of the difference between the american explanation of the deal and what we've heard from the iranians? >> well, i think there are a
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number of different facets to the whole thing. i think the population in iran would be extremely pleased. i've been hearing from people inside iran who are very happy about sanctions ending at the end of the day but also, we have to see how the leader of iranry has note will react. it will be time before they see the details and react to it. one can say that this deal will take back a great deal of tension between the two countries, removes the threat of war for the time being. it brings about a degree of working together and dialogue until the issue of nuclear is settled. however, there are other issues that will have to be looked at. one positive point for the iranians is that there will be any inspection of iranian military bases under a commission in which the iranian sovereignty has been respected. that is very important for the
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iranians. also, i think the detail that is going to be problematic as far as president rouhani is concerned, the president will be looking at other issues that president obama and when kerry talked about the sanctions on human rights and missiles are not going to be lifted. that's going to be problematic for president rouhani. i think they have to find a way out of those. altogether i think it's positive, but the devil is in the details and we have to see how it is going to be reflected in the negotiations and in the reactions that we are going to see, because each side, mr. obama and president kerry talked to the american people and the iranians are doing exactly the same thing. already the opposition are saying that iran capitulated altogether, which is not true, but that is the kind of line we are seeing on both sides. therefore, i think it's the beginning of trust building and the trust building is a long process, it is not a short
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process. therefore, one has to be sort of optimistic with reservations. >> with respect to the iranian leadership, is it your impression that the fact that the iranians signed off on this deal is an indication that ayatollah khomeini has also agreed to it? >> i think he has agreed to the whole negotiation process because foreign policies under his -- is his domain of power. there are mr. zarif has been following him and he has got full respect. if you -- i'm sure you've listened to the fierce reaction, saying it's the best deal we could get. it wasn't the ideal thing therefore, it's the beginning. i would expect the ayatollah comes and supports the deal, but having look at it critically. he doesn't want to alienate the supporters or those who are critical of the deal. if you notice in iran in the
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last few weeks the critics have been rather reserved about attacking the negotiating team. before they did but since ayatollah said i am supporting them, they are people of the revolution, they are faithful, they are trustworthy so he's supporting them, but at the same time, i'm sure zarif wasn't totally behind it. he said it wasn't the best we could get. we did our best, that's what it is. i think iranians will have to -- time to reflect on it at that at the end of the day i think they'll accept it, but they would be negotiating, they will be resenting some of the other details, because the ayatollah has already said if you agree on the nuclear issue they'll be talking about missiles, about human rights. we can't trust the americans. that's what he said before. i think what we are hearing publicly is different from their talking privately. one point the ayatollah said
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when lausanne agreement was passed through if we trust them through the nuclear issue there are other issues that we can talk with the americans with the west about i have the and i'm sure those are in the minds of president obama and mr. kerr require, how to deal with isis, how to deal with the other issues in the gulf, how to have a security situation placed in the gulf in which saudi arabia, egypt, turkey, iran are all involved and happy about what is happening. otherwise, the whole region will get out of control. i'm not expecting tomorrow that mr. netanyahu will be having a party for the deal, but nevertheless, those are thinking in israel are thinking the deal is great for them because at least for the time being the deal would stop iran from developing its nuclear industry to reach a position of producing weapon. iran didn't say it didn't want to but nevertheless, those realistic know that's the best
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they could get. >> thank you very much. morgan. >> let's go to jim walsh a research associate at the m.i.t. institute of congress, and testified before congress this month. jim, always a pleasure to have you with us. i want to take you strait to something i heard. she said no one thought it would be easy, historic decisions never are. really how historic is this deal? some of these terms phase out and it doesn't close iran's most advanced facility. what parts of this are history and are lasting? >> let's start with the first piece first. this is historic. iran and the united states have been at each other for 30 years. it's historic for that reason. it is in non-proliferation terms the strongest i'm halfway through the 159 pages so still need more time, but it seems
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largely consistent with the announcement made in april. if so, it would represent the most impressive arms control or i should say non-proliferation agreement ever negotiated voluntarily in a multi-lateral setting. this would be the strongest one stronger than the m.p.t., the agreements with libya and so on. you mention facilities. the number of facilities is not important. what's important is what's inside the facilities, right? it doesn't matter how many buildings you have, it's how many centrifuges you have inside the buildings. we know that number is going to be cut by two thursday, the nuclear material kept on site will be cut by more than 90%. >> i want to get into what's inside those things. we are going to a quick break. >> we are following breaking news a deal with iran on its
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weapon. >> the u.s. and five world powers reached a deal on iran's nuclear program limiting iran's ability to create nuclear weapons. >> in exchange, it will get relief from economic sanctions. the announcement comes after marathon negotiations and several deadline extensions. president obama says this deal meets all the bottom lines the u.s. and world leaders have demanded. he stressed he will take action if congress says no to it. >> i am confident that this deal will meet the national security interests of the united states and our allies, so will veto legislation that prevery little the successful implementation of this deal. >> the penalty added this agreement is not built on trust it is built on verification. the accord represents a break from decades of strained diplomatic relations between the u.s. and iran. >> meanwhile iran's president
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said a new chapter has begun in relations with the world. >> i am glad that today with it 23 months negotiations of the islamic republic of iran with p5 plus one, we are able to arrive at a new point. >> ali velshi is here. you recently just got back from iran. help us understand the nuts and boats of this deal. >> if you haven't lived under sanctions, you have no idea what we're talking about. some sanctions started third years ago, some started in 2012, some of the most effective started in 2012. >> for years sanctions on iran
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over its controversial nuclear program have taken a toll on the country's economy but they've done little to curb iran's nuclear ambitions. it took more recent banking sanctions, effectively booting iran out of the international financial system to get iranians to the negotiating table. >> i had to bring all the cash i'd need. my credit cards don't work here. in 2012, iran was pulled off the swift system. that's the society for worldwide interbank financial transactions. it's a society of 9,000 banks in most of the world's countries which allow for global trade through the transfer of money. because its off the swift system iran, iranian banks and the iranian people can't move money electrically around the world. >> not all trade is prohibited.
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imports of food and drugs are still allowed but the inability to wire money to pay for them effectively cuts iranians off from importing necessities like medicine. >> i think there was not major problem, but for patients, for example, children with leukemia, children with brain tumor there are major problems to treat them. >> it's hard to see the effects of sanctions up front. in iran shops shelves are full of goods for sale and business still brisk. it looks the same with iran's ports, but business with the rest of the world has taken a big hit because iranian companies can't pay for imports coming in or receive payments for exports going out. shipping volume is measured in 20-foot container equivalent. back in 2010, this port, the biggest in iran handled
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2.5 million 20-foot equivalents. that dropped to 8 million a drop of 28% the reason for that is sanctions. >> the pain is felt across iran's major export industries, like oil and auto, but sanctions hit iranian consumers who must also contend with hyper inflation that's devalued iran's currency to a third of its value since 2010. >> iranian leaders have decided to make a deal. they have decided to more or less close down iran's nuclear program, which they have spend a lot of money on, people have died for it, and in return, what they want is lifting of sanctions. >> in the end the forced belt tightening by iran's businesses and workers have pushed government negotiators to prioritize lifting sanctions over preserving the country's nuclear capacity. >> this was going to be the big
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win for president rouhani. he got eelected in november of 2013, he said i'm opening up to the world. that is the goal. opening up to the world was a euphemism for the fact that you can buy from the world and sell things to the world. i was at a carpet merchant, one little guy with one little shop. he said he was shipping two containers a week of carpets to the united states. since the sanctions he sends none. inside that agreement it mentions carpets. >> it does, everything from carpets to airplanes to food stuff. >> this is a big problem. one of the issues in iran, their airlines have a higher than normal propensity to crash because passenger airlines because they haven't been able to get parts. there are people who con receiver their auto parts because it's hard to get. it is an industrial country. you don't go into stores and see empty shelves but you don't get the best price.
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if you are not competing with imported goods that are cheaper you pay a premium for things. if you can't buy fancy goods that aren't sold there you smuggle them in. when we go out into the streets of new york and buy anything we want or go on line and buy anything we want, that's not the iranian experience. >> i want to talk about what is allowing those things to now become possible in the nuts and boats of this deal. i want to talk about what's happening with this deal and specifically what this snap back clause means. president obama said there would be real consequences for violation of that clause. it means u.n. sanctions will be restored if iran does not comply with those materials. it means the u.n. arms embargo will stay for eight more years. bans on economic cooperation with iran will be lifted in all fields including investment on
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things like oil and gas. >> let's listen to what iran's foreign minister had to say just a short time ago when the deal was announced. >> to those who started this process and those who continued this process in order to reach a win-win solution an an unnecessary crisis and open new horizons for dealing with serious problems that affect our international community i believe this is a historic moment. we are reaching an agreement that is not perfect for anybody but it is what we could accomplish and it is an important achievement for all of us. >> he didn't talk about the conventional arms embargo there but that is a big sticking point. >> it's a big sticking point. iran did not get its way on this one. iran said no deal if you don't lift the embargo on attack he
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helicopters and ships. that has not been lifted. it will get lifted if iran complies with all its nuclear stuff. he made references to the major problems facing our global community. when i was in iran, one of the discussion points that i had with a number of politicians was that the united states and iran share an interest in the defeat of isil, which by the way iran says is sponsored by the gulf arab states and that's why in iran, you see the vitriol toward israel matched toward saudi arabia and other states. iran feels that it can be a fighter in this, it can if the united states lets it in on the fight with isil, it will partake. iraq is a shia country so iran felt a lot of affinity to iraqi. the shia's came to power after sadaam hussein and kind of where he could the place. they would like to have iraq rebuilt and would like to have a role in that. the u.s. has been hesitant to
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allow them back in in that role, they said you let us back in, we'll take care of isil. >> we point out that isil is to some extent the leftover remnants of iran's revolutionary guard. >> who got radicalized in prisons. thank you you'll be sticking around and we'll check in with you throughout. >> let's go live to washington d.c. lisa the president had some pretty strong words about this deal and really for the critics of it, but congress now must review this deal. that's expected to get pretty contentious. give us an idea of why. >> it is indeed. congress has been criticizing this deal, many members of congress on both sides of the aisle even before the specifics were known. they will be delving into the details, all the details you are looking at there and also any secret parts of the deal they say. they want access to those, as well, parts that maybe are not made public.
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they are very concerned about whether this deal is verifiable. in fact, the president and john kerry both talking about that this morning saying it's not based on trust it's based on being able to verify that iran is not moving forward in any way to develop a nuclear weapon. the president laid out today that he would veto any move by song to try oh to scuttle this deal and he tried to reassure congress that this will be a deal that they can count on, that they can -- that will be supervised. here's what the president had to say. >> because of this deal, the international community will be able to verify that the islamic republic of iran will not develop a nuclear weapon. this deal meets every single one of the bottom lines that we established when we achieved a framework earlier this spring, every pathway to a nuclear weapon is cut off.
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the inspection and transparency regime necessary to verify that objective will be put in place. >> the president and secretary kerry also talking about this morning the snap back provision as they call it. if there's any indication that iran is not meeting the terms of this agreement then sanctions can snap back into place. also we're hearing that sanctions, some sanctions won't be lifted, only those relating to the nuclear arms concerns. we are starting to get reaction from members of congress. nancy pelosi calling this an historic deal, saying congress will look at it very carefully but also democratic senators like ben cardin saying there's no trust when it comes to iran. also a democratic rich, adam schiff who supported greater
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sanctions saying we want to make sure iran cannot cheat. even on the democratic side, a lot of concern a lot of concern about whether this deal is a good one and they have 60 days to review it. >> thank you so much. >> let's now go back to jim walsh in washington, i'm sorry in boston, a research associate at m.i.t. he testified before congress about the deal earlier this month. you visited korea and iran. when we talk about dismantling iran's main reactor and inspecting the supply chain as ways to verify that they are not cheating, how difficult will it be and how easy to put another way, will it be for iran to cheat. >> i think it's going to be very difficult for iran to cheat. we should always be been r. on guard for that. any prudent policy maker should, but we have to put some sense of
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the risk here. is it 100% or 1%. i knew we were all focused on it and it should be. it would be odd for iran to go through all those negotiations, make all these concessions, have to swallow a lot of stuff then open itself up to more intrusive inspection, the most intrusive r. and then cheat. if you're going to cheat, you should probably cheat beforehand not after opening yourself up. i think the verification piece of this is strong. certainly the international atomic energy agency is going to be able to verify if there's any change in the use of the centrifuges as they have done every month for the last year and a half and before that. they're going to have access. the question this may have, will they be able to have secret covert facilities. there again when you have an agreement that expands the number of inspectors, expands the mandate that they are able to operate under expand the
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technologies available to them, it makes covert operations more difficult, because you are able to see what's going on. i think it's probably the strongest multi-lateral agreement we've negotiated. >> there was the idea initially that iran should be subject to unannounced inspections. that's not on the table here, is it? >> no, no, i know -- this is super confusing and i think the rhetoric coming out of washington and tehran has made it more confusing. here's what i would say. iran commits to the additional protocol in this agreement that's straight up right in the agreement. does it say this set of rules for the international atomic energy agency. when inspectors have cause for concern, they can visit any site military or non-military in order to satisfactory the concerns that they have. that's the set of rules that the rest of the world operates by. it's a set of rules that iran used to operate by, and will now return to, and that set of rules
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allows i.a.e.a. to go wherever it wants. if it has cause it can get to a site and under this agreement if it doesn't get access to a site then there's this whole process that kicks in. >> i want to ask you something that i think is on the minds and hearts of a lot of americans watching this. how does this deal in the end affect america? this is -- we're talking about the fourth largest oil producer in the world. how does that affect our gas prices, what are we likely to see coming in and what's next for us? >> i think by simple supply and demand, if iran is able to bring more supply to the market, then that's going to lower the price. that's not going to happen overnight. it's going to take months, you know, six months to implement this deal. i think the i.a.e.a.'s deadline for clearing out all the past issues is december. it's going to take a time for i.a.e.a. to get up on the ground to come up with a game plan, for the lawyers to work on a
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sanction piece but certainly in a world which iran is able to take more oil to market, everything else being equal the price will go down. i think that's a big benefit but the major benefit the number one benefit is preventing iran from getting a nuclear weapon more important than all others combined. another benefit we'll be able to talk to each other at duties. it doesn't mean we'll be best buddies, but it means when we have common problems like isil, we're going to talk to one another, something we haven't been able to do in 30 years. >> i appreciate you bringing up the time line, because the reality is we have to remember there's a finalization day adoption day implementation day, transition day and ultimately a transition day, 10 years down the road. thanks for joining us this morning. >> ali velshi, you want to weigh
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in on the question about the impact on ran. >> two things. i always learn new things. two things he points out more oil -- iran is the fourth largest producer of oiling in the world. this parts shortage has affected them because of refineries. they get tooled up, they'll put more oil out on the market. russia has generally picked up the slack from iran, so it's going to cause more oil on the world market, but oil has gone down two days in a row this week. we're going to talk like duties, in iran, this was a major sticking point. they are an ancient culture and they don't think americans see that. they think americans see 1979, the overthrow of the shaw, the hostage taking, this backwards theocrasy. they see 1979 as them taking back their democracy from america, which stole it from them in 1953, and a thousands of-year-old culture. they want to be equal partners
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at the table. they didn't want to be the kid bullied by six word powers in vienna and you saw that dynamic playing out many times. if there's a greater understanding between the west and iran and iran feels like it's actually a participant, i think there's a cultural dimension that is going to create better relations and maybe president rouhani will sleep at the white house, i don't know. >> one of the critics you were mentions was israeli prime benjamin netanyahu, who is calling the iran deal a mistake. >> our concern of course is that the militant islamic state of iran is going to receive a sure path to nuclear weapons many of the restrictions that were supposed to prevent it from getting there will be lifted and in addition, iran will get a jackpot of carbo nancy does a of hundreds of billions of dollars which will enable it to continue to pursue its aggression and terror in the region and in the world.
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this is a bad mistake of historic proportions. >> netanyahu said he would do whatever he could to block iran's nuclear ambitions. the chief political correspondent for the jerusalem post said net nets's feelings are echoed by many others in israel. >> israelis are very, very worried. they just saw the international community give iran billions and billions, the number one sponsor of terror in the world to be used how iran sees fit and iran in the past unfortunately instead of devoting the money to help its own people has used money to support hamas hezbollah and other terrorist organizations that target israel and other western nations around the world. israeli's today are terrified and it's important to say it's not just netanyahu. it's a consensus of israelis who say that this is a bad deal and yet at the same time say they hope obama is right and they're all wrong, and the deal does end up being good, because after
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all, we want to live. right now the way the deal looks now there are not measures in place in this deal to allow the i.a.e.a. to verify that new nuclear facilities are not being created and that the current nuclear facilities would stop iran from developing nuclear weapons. >> you are watching our continuing coverage of an historic nuclear deal with iran. we'll be back with more after this.
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>> congress will get a 60 day review. president obama says the deal protect the united states. >> i am confident that this deal will meet the national security interests of the united states and our allies, so i will veto any legislation that prevents the successful implementation of this deal. >> a house foreign affairs committee will hold a hearing today on iran. let's look closer at what is in the deal. the report contains a snap back clause, meaning u.s. sanctions will be restored within 65 days if iran does not comply with terms. the u.n. arms embargo will stay eight more years and iran can challenge a u.n. request to visit iranian nuclear facilities saying that challenge can happen at the any point, anywhere, at any time.
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bans will be lifted on oil and gas. iran will retain the right to enrich some uranium but not enough to make a nuclear weapon. >> from the iranian nuclear council policy director, he joins us this morning opinion as you have already heard democrats and republicans are raising questions about this deal. how would you convince those who are extremely skeptical on capitol hill not to vote against it? >> well, the cost of voting against this deal would be enormous for the united states. there's no way to congress rejects this deal and does not create an even worse problem than some are anticipating. you would immediately see iran being freed from these constraints, would have an unrestrained nuclear program. the inspections would disappear and we would upset some of other closest allies in europe. voting down the deal doesn't
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achieve anything for congress. while congress expressed skepticism. this is extremely expected. democrats are going to look at this closely. i think the reality is congress will not address this deal. there may be an attempt to contain or weaken the deal so eventually it can be unraveled. if congress rejects this from the front door, it would be a complete loss. i don't think congress is so reckless. >> some members of congress are very, very concerned about america's closist ally in the middle east, israel. what do you do about the fact that in this deal, there is no reference to iran dialing back its vociferous opposition to the israeli government. >> dealing with that issue is outside of the parameters of an arms control agreement the deal
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ensures iran doesn't get a nuclear weapon, so this should be something that israel's political leaders the israeli people as well as israeli security officials laud as an important security achievement and that has actually been what israel's military leadership and security leaders within israel have been saying. they've been overshadowed by folks like netanyahu who are opposed to any deal and largely for political reasons. the reality is this is a deal that will benefit everybody in the middle east in terms of making sure that there is no nuclear weapon inside iran. that's what the deal achieves. iran has taken some major steps in at least dialing down this rhetoric, and demonstrating that it's ready to put a new foot forward under the new rouhani administration. i hope this deal will give the mad receipts in iran and the iranian people, will give them the political capitol to begin
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moving iran into a direction where it is feasible in a number of years to actually begin some of these discussions to resolve the tensions between iran and israeli. iran and saudi arabia. this is the beginning of hopefully a process that leads to such an outcome. >> i want to go back to something you said. you mentioned how you convinced those sceptics. let's talk about how we got here in the first place. describe some of the compromises that really made this deal possible. >> well, you know, this deal really became possible when president obama got elected into office, and if you remember, you know, in the debates in 2007, 2008, he was one of the few candidates who said yes, i would sit down and talk directly to iran's leaders. he was criticized for that. in his inauguration speech, he made it very clear, you know, it was veiled, but ready to reach an outstretched handled that the
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united states had correlations with. that was of the beginning of the opening. the pattern of relations between the u.s. and iran has been one in which when iran's political leadership indicated that they want to reach out to the united states and begin to turn the page on this agreement the u.s. wasn't prepared for it. the example being, you know, the former president in iran during the bush administration, some which the overtures were rejected. the same thing happened on the iranian side, when the united states attempted to reach out their leadership wasn't ready. when president obama and rouhani was elegend, for the first time we had two political leaders in washington and tehran who were interested in this engagement. that that created this very narrow window for a possible deal. this deal happens to be on the nuclear issue. this was the largest issue separating the two countries but could open deals on other issues beginning to bring iran
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into this so called community of nations. >> good to talk to you again. let me ask you about this huge american iranian community these are people who fled when the shaw was deposed. they don't like the islamic republic the bureaucracy, some of the things going on here. there was some pressure saying keep these sanctions on so this regime collapses. how are iranian americans feeling about this? >> i think the past few years have really solidified views in the iranian american community. for a long time, iranian americans largely as you said no love lost for the current government of iran. it had major problems with the human rights abuses, and all the other activities. that being said, iranian americans did not want to see another war. you know, we have family members who suffered through the
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rani-iraq war in the 1980's and on top of that, as sanctions started to pile up, it became more and more clear that these measures were impacting our family members friends in iran and weren't impacting the political leadership. i think it's very clear within the iranian american community while there is skepticism about the iranian government, we don't trust the iranian government more than any other americans do, but there was an interest in finding a diplomatic solution and hopefully figuring out a way to lift the restrictions on ordinary people so that the people inside iran could have a greater say in the direction of their government. >> a pleasure to have you with us this morning. your watching our continuing coverage of breaking news, a nuclear deal done with iran and now goes to congress for review. much more analysis coming up just after the break. >> i think we're into something that's bigger than us
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>> good morning within welcome to al jazeera america. it is 8:31 a.m. eastern and we are following breaking news, a nuclear deal has been reached with iran. >> president obama saying the historic agreement cuts off every path for iran to develop a nuclear weapon. congress now has 60 days to review the deal. the president says he will veto any attempt by congress to block the deal. secretary of state john kerry is saying it's a good deal. >> no part of this agreement relies on trust. it is all based on thorough and extensive transparency and verification measures that are included in very specific terms
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in the annexes of this agreement. if iran fails to comply, we will know it. >> lisa stark joins us live this morning from washington d.c. the president had some strong words about this deal and for the critics of it, but you just heard john kerry talking about its enforcement. is enforcement an issue that congress is likely to have in the 60 day period? >> that is one of the major concerns on capitol hill, how will this deal be verified, how will it be enforced, will in fact the u.s., will the national community, will the international atomic energy agency be able to really get in, do the inspection necessary and make sure that iran isn't secretly trying to build a nuclear bomb. the penalty today, as well as secretary kerry said this deal isn't bit on trust it's
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verifiable but congress is expressing distrust and will go through the deal with a fine toothed comb. the president said he would veto attempt to block the legislation and also said it would be irresponsible to walk away from this deal. here's some of what the president had to say. >> because the stakes are so high, this is not the time for politics or posturing. tough talk from washington does not solve problems. hard nosed diplomacy leadership that has united the world's major powers offers a more effective way to verify that iran is not pursuing a nuclear weapon. >> the president made the point what's the alternative if we don't have this deal, saying essentially to members of congress, the alternative is iran moves forward potentially with a nuclear weapon, we have a much more unstable and volatile situation then in the middle east and we could be on a pathway to war not peace.
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the president will begin a full court press and so will his allies on the hill to try to get congress not to reject this deal that was negotiated so pain stainingingly over the last couple of months. >> it appears that one of the arguments the administration will make is the one that john kerry made in his presentation, talking about the fact that iran already had enough material to make 10 to 12 nuclear bombs right now and that without the deal, they would get even more material to make bombs, they would have even more centrifuges that in the past 10 years that iran has gone from a couple hundred centrifuges to thousands. isn't that -- >> thousands, that's right. >> isn't that going to be persuasive even for the sceptics? >> well, it certainly sounds persuasive. again, you know, the members of congress will want to look at every part of this deal. the president mentioned that if this deal goes into place it
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would take at least a year for iran to then gather what it needed to make a nuke bomb under the conditions of this agreement, and so, his point was that we would have plenty of time to figure that out and sanctions would snap back in. i want to tell you a little bit about what some republicans are saying this morning. senator bob corker from tennessee is the one who put a resolution in congress that was passed saying you cannot lift the sanctions mr. president unless we look at and approve this deal. he said this morning i begin from a place of deep skepticism that the deal meets the goal of preventing iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon. he says is it worth dismantling our entire system of sanctions. you have to understand also, this is coming in the midst of a pretty robust presidential campaign and we heard from senator lindsey graham, who is one of the many republicans
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running for president. he said this morning this is akin to declaring war on israel. he said it is dangerous for national security. already, the rhetoric heating up here in washington from republicans on the hill and there are some democrats who are also highly skeptical and they'll be taking a close look at this, as well. the president will be briefing, he said they are willing to give full briefings obviously to members of congress, but he has a tough sell on capitol hill. >> even more negotiations ahead. lease stark joining us live from washington d.c., thank you so much. >> a majority of iranian americans welcome the deal. easing of sanctions could mean a new life for friends and family back home. >> i am not dangerous! >> this comedienne pokes fun at stereotypes and plays for laughs amid tensions between the middle easement and the west.
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>> we have a nuclear program ok, but and it is peaceful nuclear program. he was born in tehran. his family left in the middle of the islamic revolution and he grew up in california, which has one of the large evident iranian american populations in the u.s. >> there's a lot of iranians, but there's also a lot of different viewpoints. there's persian jews, persian muslims, there's persian armenians, so there's different regions, persian you republicans, persian democrats. >> he wrote a book showing how much american popular entertainment gets wrong. >> i'm trying to make fun which how hollywood mixes us up altogether, whether iranian or arab or pakistani and puts you
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the altogether. >> he said many americans believe iranians are untrustworthy. >> we see it with the nuclear talks and different factions saying don't trust the iranians. i think a lot of people here don't trust iranians in general. >> since 1979, the relationship between the u.s. and iran has been bitter and sometimes violent. still, he finds ways to make the situation funny. >> you hear some crazy stuff coming out of iran, crazy stuff coming out of america. there's humor in everything, and sometimes there's more humor than -- look, when ahmadinejad and bush were penalties i mean i didn't have to write jokes, i was just reporting on what either one of them said and it was funny. >> he has a comedy film coming out about an iranian immigrant private i. in los angeles. >> i'm jimmy westwood, like
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clint eastward, but westwood. >> he hopes to bring his stand up comedy routine to tehran, but not anytime soon. >> al jazeera, los angeles. >> james bays joins us now live from vienna. james, good morning to you. this agreement was a long time coming but something we're all worried about and really concerned about here on the ground is when do we see these changes. can you walk us through finalization day to determination day? >> well, there is a long procedure that goals from now. let me give you an idea of what the next thing is, final sedation day is today, they have finalized the deal. they finalized it in the early hours of the morning but the announcement is what matters. next stage actually comes from here, crosses the atlantic to the u.n. security council. they will actually pass a resolution endorsing this deal. then after that point the clock
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starts ticking until implementation day. implementation day will be 90 days later and then everyone has got to start doing what they said they would do under this deal. there's a clear time line and the time line then continues all the way in my the end of the deal after 10 years which would be determination day of this deal. some of the clauses go beyond the deal and actually go beyond the 10 year period, but the basic agreement the joint comprehensive plan of action is a 10 year plan of action. that's among many other issues one of the stumbling blocks but that's what they greed on. >> talking about implementation, what is the first thing iran has to do in terms of implementation? >> >> well, what ran has that to do is to -- most of this nuclear part of it was agreed in
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lausanne. it has to comply with moth balling the vast majority of its centrifuges, it has to deal with iraq which is the plutonium route to a potential bomb and take out part of the reactor there that would cause trouble and also the plant has to be turned into a research center. all of these things have to be done by iran. of course the other side, the return for all of this is the idea of sanctions really, but that again was one of the sticking points. that's what we were talking about until the early hours of the morning. that was the final built of the puzzle that they couldn't agree and particularly, we believe, it was the part of those u.n. security council sanctions that were passed back in 2006 about the arms embargo on iran and on iran's ballistic missiles. if you look back at the deal in lausanne and the fact sheet the
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u.s. put out there, they said there will be no change to the sanctions, they will romaine in place. actually, they are not going to remain in place. there will be restrictions for the arms it will be five years for the missiles, eight years but certainly not what the administration told us back at the interim deal on the second of april in lausanne. >> james bays, thank you so much. you have been reporting throughout these negotiations. let's bring in middle east analyst, what are the middle east neighbors of iran saying about this deal? >> well, there are various opinions that are being thrown throughout the region. on the one hand, everybody is relieved that a war has been averted simply because the alternative as everyone has been
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talking about was in fact a confrontation with iran. everybody would want to take they are time to figure out what is actually inside this deal. it seems to me that we have to really wait and see whether or not this is a temporary deal that has been made by the international community with iran that will last a decade, maybe 15 years after which iran will be allowed once again to restart its program. if that is the case and this is made public, obviously then the rest of the arab countries that are involved in this region and that will want to have an impact in what goes on in this region, will also not wait the 10-15 years to see what kind of behavior iran is going to engage in. finally, i think that this is an important point, everybody is talking about this here, is that
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we don't know whether there are any secret agreements that have been signed by the parties involved that have not been made public and that the likes of which probably could have occurred. this is again public opinion in this part of the world. >> you sound like you're getting your talking about points from the republican party here in the united states, but you are in one of those countries like lebanon, bahrain iraq, yemen that has remarkable iraqi influence in its internal politician. iran makes no secret of the fact that it enjoys the soft power it has in countries with shia minorities or majorities in the middle east. a more powerful iran not under sanctions is going to have influence in these countries in a place like lebanon. it is going to be good or bad? >> iran is a real power in this region. no one denies that. i think it would be a mistake to
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assume that iran is just simply going to go away. it has always, it will and it will continue in the future to play an important role, but it is one of several other powers in the region, and whether or not republicans back home are envisaging that in mind i don't think is in the area. iran, all the other countries in the region and of course non-arab turkey have also been watching very careful live what is going on inside iran. they all respect iran and want to deal with iran, of course, that is not a problem. what they reject is to find iran playing a dominant role in the region. those back home who assume that iran will not have carte blanche to do whatever it wants in syria, iraq ablebanon and the region are mistaken, because the
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arab countries that are going through their own birth plans if you like are aware that a balance between iran and the international community creates for them and they're not going to wait around to see iran emerge as the kind of dominant power that will crush them. they will take measures to defend themselves, which seems to be quite logical. >> you use the word i am emasculation. ally was talking about the culture involved. iran described this as a win-win. are they saving face or do they truly believe that? >> obviously they're going to put a seven on it on both sides that this is a win-win situation and is a win for iran in the sense that they are averting a war and lifting some of the most damaging sanctions imposed on them during the past decade.
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the united states administration and other international powers believe they have prevented iran from acquiring nuclear weapons. in that sense, it is the win-win situation. let's face it. iran is now under the microscope. it will remain so for the next decade at the very least and sanctions would be reinforced if the rouhani administration or successor administration breaches any part of this agreement, so we'll have to wait and see what happens. in my view, it is an emasculation have iran because iran has always maintained that it is the equal of the international community members the equal of the united states, the equal of france, britain but lets face it, it is now under the control of the international community, therefore, it is emasculated. >> thanks so much for being with
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program, iran will get relief from years of crippling sanctions. let's look closer at the details. the u.n. arms embargo will stay in effect eight more years. iran will have the right to challenge a u.n. request to visit its nuclear facilities. bullpens on economic cooperation with iran will be lifted, and iran will also retain the right to enrich some uranium but not enough to make a nuclear weapon. iranian president rouhani said the deal marks a new chapter in international relations for his country. >> i'm glad that today 23 months negotiations of the islamic republic of iran with p5 plus one, we are able to arrive at a new point.
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>> this landmark deal paves the way for iran to fully return to the oil market. oil prices are dropping on worldwide markets. we explain why. >> remember those old western films, with oil gushing out of the ground, pretty much uncontrolled chaos all around? well think of that as a metaphor for what could happen when iran reenters the global oil market. we've got around 30 million-barrels of iranian oil ready to go, sitting in the iranian fleet of super tankers just waiting for the sanctions to lift. oil production itself cranks up again, perhaps back up to the two and a half million barrels a day it was selling back in 2011. then what happens? >> generally a million barrels is expected to come back on the market once sanctions permit it to. that time period, how quickly that comes back on i guess the question. generally, it's acknowledged between six months to 12 months
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from a production point of view, but of course, they have a lot of oil in storage which could immediately come on the market, so that will generally the expectation, once the sanction are agreed that exports can reconvene, prices could see a downward pressure again, because of this extra supply, unless saudi arabia or other major producers in opec, for example facilitate the return of iran by pulling back some of their production or else we could see another wave of downward pressure on the oil price. >> more oil equals lower oil prices. that will pressure shale oil producer in the u.s. who are taking their business. for iran, even though prices are low, they welcome revenues. the entire economy's contracted around 20% compared to before the latest sanctions. it's been $80 billion in foreign currency frozen by banks which
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are adhering to the sanctions. oil used to make up 20% of iran's g.d.p., the fourth largest preserves in the world. a deem is the difference between more economic pain or prosperity. >> we know that congressional republicans and some democrats are vehement thatly opposed to this deal. we are now hearing from the speaker of the house of representatives john boehner. lisa stark in washington, what is speaker boehner saying? >> well, it's not what the white house wants to hear, that's for sure. the speaker's office just put out a statement. i'm going to try to read it off my phone, if i can. it says that, excuse me, i'm going to put on any glasses it says that the president has abandoned his own goals on this deal. the speaker goes on to say that in fact, this deal would not make the u.s. more safe, and that he thinks that it is not a
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good deal. sorry, i'm having trouble pulling it up again. all i can tell you is that this is not -- it will embolden iran, he said. in a sense it makes them an equal partner gives them more status and this is not something that boehner obviously supports or he thinks congress should support. we have some very strong language from the speaker, as well as a number of other republicans this morning before they've even seen the actual deal unless they're already pouring through it, as we are. there is a lot of skepticism and the speaker making it very clear at least at first blush that he is not going to support this deal that he does not think it is good for america and that it is good for the security of the world. >> thank you lisa. of course, ali velshi, the main issue is whether congress will remove some of those sanctions but the u.s. isn't the only one at play here. >> these sanctionses from the
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e.u. the u.s. and u.n. and built over three decades. this was not easy. it seems to me that president obama and john kerry got a sense of this, that this was not going to hold together necessarily over time. remember, i was in iran, looking at the effect of sanctions. they're a nuisance, an irritant. it has not crushed iran. you can still buy everything there. they have workarounds. at this point there was a moment in time when iran could taste the idea and the iranian people taste the prosperity, so they'd be willing to trade-off the nuclear power in exchange for it. i don't know when that window would close but at some point would close. the president is cognizant of that the congress doesn't seem to be. iran always talks about saudi arabia and israel as problems.
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it will tell you the biggest threat to the world the one the u.s. needs to get behind is isil. you will recall when the united states offers airstrikes or support in iraq for the fighting of isil, they do so, they have done so on the condition that iranian backed troops back out of the fight. they will not fight alongside iranian backed troops. iran says if iran and america get together in iraq, they can take care of isil. >> do you think that iran has the ability to do that? >> well, if they don't get the conventional weaponry, that's a problem, but iran, everything goes into the army. they are used to the fight. >> for sure iran's relationship with iraq will be further strengthened. leaders in power today were in exile in iran during the day -- >> this has been a very disorganized government in iraq. one could imagine with the strengthened iran, you get a better iraq. >> thank you. >> our coverage of breaking news
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>> you have to taste chocolate all day long. >> how one man's passion... >> you take a piece of chocolate and you break it and you listen. >> led to a lifelong obsession... >> i owe my life to chocolate. >> and a dark warning. >> the world will run out of chocolate by 2020. >> i lived that character. >> we will be able to see change.
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>> welcome to the news hour. we have special coverage on the historic iran nuclear deal. iran and six world powers greed on limiting iran's nuclear program in exchange for lifting sanctions. >> i will veto any legislation to prevents successful implementation of this deal. >> president obama warns the u.s. congress it would be irresponsible to walk
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