tv News Al Jazeera July 17, 2015 5:00pm-6:01pm EDT
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>> hello there. i'm barbara serra. this is the news hour live from london. coming up, german parliament approves the bail out talks with greece after chancellor merkel warns that the alternative is chaos. anti-government protesters clash in egypt with six killed in guiza. an airlinenner was shot down over the ukraine a year ago.
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we'll have all your sports including day two of the championship. we have big names washed away at st. andrews. >> hello, thank you for joining us. german's lawmakers have given the go ahead to discuss a third bail out with greece despite the warning from its parliament. the german chancellor successfully argued that the alternative of an agreement is chaos with greece's exit from the euro. al jazeera dominic kane has been following events in berlin. >> less than a week after the
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marathon talks that paved the way for a third greek bail out ordinary narrowly the huge majority means legislation is easily passed but not this time. friday was angela merkel's 6 birthday, but publicly her thoughts were on the present and the potential for a rebellion of her own supporters. she sawed to soothe the fears of those who did not want more money to go to greece. >> i never had many doubts or worries that this path will be successful and that greece will have the strength to pursue this part. but one thing is my strong conviction. we need the responsibility to at least try this. >> but there is a vocal minority
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minority. they say this vote is an affront to public opinion in greece. chief among the opponents is the left-wing party. he said that the proposal would beet end of democracy in greece. the greek government needs permission of the european commission, the imf and the ecb only for the public discussion and only after this can they discuss it. then they need another permission to bring it to full parliament for the vote. that's the parliamentary democracy that you have organized. >> but in wider society there is growing unease about germany's continuing financial commitment to greece. three quarters of germans do not trust the current government in athens. >> i feel sorry for the greeks
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but i think its hard to sort out. >> i must honestly say that what has been agreed on will be honored. >> that is a doubt clearly shared by 69 members of the ruling coalition. they failed to vote for this enabling proposal. but more than two-thirds of the bundestag did support it. now the government will flesh out the details of the bail out before bringing the ensuing document back for final approval approval. dominic kane, al jazeera, berlin. >> well, a political economist with the your russia group of research firm, and she joins us live now in the studio. thank you for being with us here on al jazeera. we've seen divisions within the greek point of view. but with germany it is how damaging it is, and do you think it is getting deeper the divisions as the bail out goes on? >> yes i think the division in
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europe are getting bigger. even in germany we can see disagreement of how to deal with this crisis. we've seen what game has done over the past weekend. it's widely discussed everywhere and in particular german. therethe coalition with merkel are starting to say that the prime minister should stop talking about it. it's off the table and we should hoff on and start negotiations in a constructive way now. >> one of the things we've seen that would surprise many is the imf officially coming out saying what we have in place is not a sustainable debt. what impact is it having, and if it's hitting home is it because the pressures from the electorate are too strong to be seen giving in to the greeks?
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>> yes, what the imf is saying is important for germany because they want the imf to be on board. they only trust the imf as an independent institution able to deliver analysis that's independent. they don't trust the european commission can do that. for them its crucial the imf is on board. but clearly the main question is how do they square that the imf is call forgive massive debt relief. >> in >> every politician has to worry about that but the rest of europe is looking to germany for leadership, as the leader of the eurozone and the e.u. do you think that germany is
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missing an opportunity there? do you think they know, and they don't care that they're missing it? >> germany is reluctant to assume leadership. everybody looks to at-- >> whether you want to be a leader or not effectively germany is the leader of the eurozone. is that not even a consideration? >> i think to a certain extent there is a lack of understand to
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what extent everybody looks to germany for what they want. everybody else understands that what berlin says often at the end of the day is the outcome of the european union. they don't want to understand that and look at it that way. >> they don't trust the views of european countries? >> no, i think it's because of german history because they're reluctant to go in a situation that would dominate the debate. they don't want that, but at the same time they do. they've got a lot to learn on that front. >> a difficult position for them. political economy with the eurasia group. thank you for joining us. as if greece's problems are not enough, prime minister' licksprime minister alexis tsipr as is facing wildfires.
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>> with the flames of its financial crisis not yet extinguished greece is now confronted with even more fires. devouring much of this hillside, you blanketing parts of athens in smoke. ensuring that brushfires spread quickly than they normally would, the fire is inching ever closer to houses and residents are asked to evacuate. firefighters did their best to douse the flames. but it wasn't just parts of the capital set ablaze. huge fires ripped through the region. at the crisis operation center, prime minister tsipras met with greek officials to discuss the options. he urged the public not to panic. >> everybody needs to stay calm.
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obviously volunteers contributing with the pier brigade. we need to keep calm and we need collective efforts to face the fires. >> already greece has applied for assistance from italy and france and may seek help from other european countries, too. while forest fires are commonplace in the summer months here it has not yet been determined what caused these. what is known is this: they couldn't have come at a worse time. al jazeera athens. ♪ >> at least 80 people have been killed. a car bomb exploded just outside of the town about 30 kilometers northeast of baghdad. the market was full of people celebrating the end of the muslim month of ramadan. 100 people were also wounded.
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joining me now imran khan. they expected an attack like this once. iraq was at the height of the sectarian violence. and al qaeda and iraq the predecessor of isil. whenever isil or al-qaeda came under pressure, which they are at the moment. there is an operation against them in anbar province. now the operation against them began is using coalition
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airstrikes to bring them under at the moment amounts--they are under a tremendous amount of pressure in anbar province, but we still have the capability of attacking. the iraqis were expecting an attack like this. besides this attack it will confirm many. this is a crowded marketplace. it is a place where people would have been housed to celebrate the end of ramadan go and buy food and celebrate and spend time with their families. it is a key target for isil. what the iraqis now have to think about is how much the fight is worth to them. do they keep fighting in anbar province knowing that there is a historic precedence to this when it comes to isil. when it comes to al-qaeda and iraq.
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and being able to mount attacks elsewhere. this is a very tough time for the iraqis. >> imran khan with the latest. thank you. >> well, police in egypt have shot six protesters. there are hundreds rallying in guiza and alexandria. they're calling for the restoration of former president mohamed morsi. >> a violent confrontation in egypt's second city of alexandria. this footage shows anti-government protesters squaring off with security forces on friday morning. demonstrations against the rule of el-sisi erupted after prayers in several locations here. in guiza province six people including one woman was shot
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dead. they were among hundreds of anti-coup activists who took to the streets. the banned muslim brotherhood have blamed the police for the deaths. 15 armed members of the brotherhood were arrested. >> without any elements of protests against because we knew that after the prayer at a time when a lot of people would gather and take to the streets so they were really trying to send a message that. >> president mohamed morsi was forced out of the military two years ago. since then they have had small protests. the country has been hit by high profile attacks. on thursday a rocket was fired at an egyptian naval ship at sea. it came two weeks after a major
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battle between the egyptian army and the self-named sinai province which has killed a hundred people. but the violence has not spread to egypt's car capital. just last week another powerful blast hit the italian consul late in cairo. under president sisi, thousands of muslim brotherhood sympathizers have been jailed but the violence continues. >> coming up on the news hour, the battle for aden. yemen's government said that they have taken control of aiden but houthi rebels say they're still fighting for it. nasa released more pictures of the most distant planet in the solar system. plus in sport why this olympic stadium will be built for the
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rugby world cup. we'll explain a little later. >> more than 200 people have been seriously injured in a train crash in south africa. two trains collided in johannesburg. the cause of the trash is of yet unknown. we're joined on the line now from johannesburg. what more can you tell us about this? >> well, according to the passenger role, 259 people have been killed, 100 of which have been discharged from hospital. emergency services on the scene. what we understand so far is that two trains are traveling on the same line in the same direction. and one of the trains rear ended
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the other. but how that happened exactly is not very clear and the investigation will now be carried out by the passenger services. all those injured as well as other commuters have been cleared from the scene while the investigation is expected to begin. now this is not the first time that they have suffered accidents. just last month seven people were injured when a train derailed in johannesburg. and in april a train driver when a train derailed after it was hit by its first train. 90 other people were injured. this is in a situation that the they've had to deal with on an ongoing basis. they're not sure how long the investigation into the recent crash will take. however, they are looking for answers of how this accident happened this evening. >> i know you've been monitoring
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developments for us. thank you. saudi arabia has welcomed tuesday's landmark nuclear deal with iran. that's according to the white house. that view is said to have been expressed during a meeting between the u.s. president barack obama and the saudi foreign minister. the pair also discussed ways to enhance their partnership. patty culhane has this update from washington, d.c. >> administration officials tell me that president obama and the saudi arabia foreign minister met for an hour. they welcomed the joint plan of action basically the iran deal. they have the endorsement of saudi arabia. what we know is that the king of saudi arabia asked the president to take this meeting. they want to iron out the details. they want more than reassurance from the united states. they want military equipment and they want to help with
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interdiction special training for their special forces and helping the gcc as a whole build a missile defense system. that's what they've been publicly talking about. we don't know what the u.s. has promised it sell to saudi arabia and other gulf countries we should get a better sense of that in the coming weeks when the officials tramp travel to the region. >> iranians are look forward to the change that the deal may bring to their lives. >> an executive of a car parts factory in tehran. he's hesitant to talk politics but eager to tell us that given a choice between iran's nuclear ambitions and the country's economic prosper prosperity he would choose integrating iran
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back into the international economy. >> iran needs to move towards a production-based economy. >> iran's auto industry is one of the largest in asia. he said that the sanctions forced him to make parts instead of importing them. now that sanctions are about to be lifted he thinks iran is ready to exhort cars to the world. in addition to oil and cars, sanctions have taken a bite out of the persian carpet industry. a trader working from a small shop inside tehran's carpet bizarre bazaar. he was shipping a container of carpet to the u.s. every week, but the sanctions stopped that. >> 20% of our population is involved in this industry. we have workshops, sellers, dealers. when we can't export our product abroad we have to depend on
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local demand, which is impossible to rely on itself. if sanctions get lifted we'll see a boon in our industry. >> the sanctions imposed in iran are amongst the toughest ever imposed. and in my hands i have three. 3 million riyal. 100 years ago this was worth $250. one way that they hedge against rampant inflation is to buy gold. that's why this jewelry business does well in good times and bad. >> sometimes in hour we have so many different prices. it causes us many problems. >> despite the hardship
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sanctions pose for many irans entrepreneurs tell us they offer students that otherwise wouldn't have been there for them. mohammed is founder of saba idea, a technology firm that has taken off with a youtube-like product that is a hit with iranians online. >> sanctions increased our cost of development because we were not allowed to collaborate with foreign companies abroad, but we benefited from the sanctions because they forced us to develop products on our own. once sanctions are lifted we'll be able to deliver our product with more efficiency. >> now that a deal is in place many in iran are hoping that the chances for economic prosperity will only grow. ali velshi, al jazeera. >> fighting continues in yemen despite the government is in
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exile. gun battles have been taking place between saudi-backed yemen fighters and houthi rebels. correspondents say that five civilians were killed and seven others injured by houthi fighters. 25 fighters were killed in the city of taiz. the violence on friday saw casualties for both the houthi fighters and forces loyal to president hadi. they managed to stop an infiltration attempt by houthi fighters in the area north of the city. and dozens much houthi fighters have been captured in yemen. a local armed resistence group said that they launched an attack on a camp where the houthis were hold up. marking one year since malaysian flight mh 17 was shot out of the sky over rebel-held ukraine. nearly 200 of the victims were
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dutch. their families and friends are gathering in the netherlands now for a commemoration service. the sun flowers were brought back from the crash site and planted at home in memory of their loved ones. a service is being held where the plane actually came down. charles stratford was there and he brings us this report. [ bells ringing ] >> a day ever mourning. the service was held in remembrance of the 298 men women and children found dead in the surrounding gardens and fields. >> we want peace so badly we feel such sympathy for the families who lost loveds ones here. we must end this hatred. life is so short, but it can be so beautiful. >> priests led the congregation up the road. people from the surrounding villages gathered.
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some held flags from where the countries where the victims came. >> i could see a seat with a person sitting in it falling from the sky. we found out it was a woman passenger. her body was discovered on a cold heap. my neighbor found a body including a child in her garden. i cannot control my emotions and tears even now. >> the leader of the self proclaimed donetsk people's republic said the investigations must continue. the west say evidence so far suggest that his fighters shot down the passengerrer airliner flight. mh 17. he said ukraine forces are to blame. after poems were read people let go of the symbols of the dead that they had been holding in their hands. the white about alones released
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signify the 298 people what fell to their deaths in the surrounding fields and countryside. hundreds have come out to pay their respects and mourn the dead. the hills are quiet now the fighting in this area, at least have stopped. flowers lie by a marble stone. it reads in memory of the did. dead. 298 victims. >> russia denies any involvement in the downing of the plane and said that an u.n. tribunal is not necessary. >> well, for the past hour or so we've seen people come here to the dutch embassy to light scandals and to leave these paper planes, and each one has been named for one of the
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victims of the mh 17 disaster. this event was organized by group called open russia an opposition movement. they say they're not trying to make any political point here but many who came hearsay they just came to pay their respects. >> it was impossible to stay home on the anniversary of this tradition tragedy. people who didn't get to their holidays, never came home, i wanted to show that we remember what happened a year ago. >> i came here to commemorate those who died, i also came to bring attention to the fact that this catastrophe is still not being investigated. we don't know who did it, and i think this is important to the relatives to the victims. >> people here are wanting to stand in solidarity with the families of the victims of mh 17. this is the a time when russia is coming under scrutiny because of the allegations that
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pro-russian separatists brought down the plane over ukraine. of course, they deny that, but the mood is one of reflection. >> emma hayward reporting here. still more to come. the founding family strengthens it's control of the electronics giant. police in the u.s. are trying to find out why a kuwaiti engineer killed four marines at a recruiting center. and in cricket we have details coming up.
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affected. >> people need to demand reform... >> ali velshi on target weeknights 10:30p et >> welcome back. a reminder of the top stories here on al jazeera. two-thirds majority voter for the plan but not all members were in agreement. >> the islamic state in iraq and the levant has claimed responsibility for a market bomb
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in iraq that has killed 80 people including children. it happened outside of 30 kilometers northeast of the capital of baghdad. police in egypt have demonstrators taking parts in rallies. now with a third bail out on the cards for greece, and the government says it will open the banks again on monday. it's the first visible sign of healing for the country's economy. we have reports where there is a long way to go, especially when it comes to greece's tourism industry. >> foreign tourists are plenty. there are no signs of a crisis here. >> everyone are still waiting to
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see-- >> with the recently imposed capital controls daily spending limited to 60 euros. it's difficult for many to afford a vacation. >> we have some statistics that were saying that there are a large number then the number went down. >> there is an airport that links it to several european countries but less developed islands are feeling the crunch. dimitris moved from canada attracted by the laid-back lifestyle. >> yes i regret it. i said to my wife three or four years ago, i said to her let's
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go back to canada, to toronto. it will be better for us. >> now we have to save money to go. >> this is mid-july, a time when islanders make their income. the area rose to fame because of the movie "mama mia." but even this reputation could not shield the island from the crisis. nicolet opened a bar before pre-discussion crew arrived here. >> the costs much everything has increased because of the new taxes. we really have to change our plans. >> the prospects are not good, either. the latest e.u. bail out plan
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targets the greek islands which have been enjoying tax rebates. now they will be slapped with a substantial tax increase. owners say it will have to come out of their pockets. >> tourism is the only industry that appears to be functioning in greece. many of the islanders wonder whether the new taxes will help greece. >> a bomb attack has killed 13 people. the blast targeted muslim worshipers gathering. >> vigils have been held in chattanooga for the four marines killed in a shooting on thursday. the gunman, 24-year-old mohammed
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youseff was killed shortly afterwards. >> authorities here in tennessee are treating the in any event which four marines were killed in chattanooga as a terrorism incident. there will be a lot of federal and local resources aimed at the investigation. but so far there are few links between the man who committed the shootings and any sort of terrorist organization. it has been frustrating for police who have been combing through his computer, looking at his phone and so far there is no obvious social media connection or other connection with an organization that would have sponsored this kind of act. we're told after carrying out the shooting at the first site he came here and drove a ford mustang, shot and killed four marines at the site behind me before he was gunned down by
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chattanooga police. that investigation is ongoing but it has been covered very little so far that would explain the motive behind these shootings. there are many here in chattanooga, a small town that never expected an incident like this to happen here. >> south korea's biggest con conglomerate samsung in a tough fight. >> the future of south korea's biggest conglomerate has been in a fight for its future. >> although i have been investing in stocks, this is my first time attending a shareholders meeting. it is a big issue so i decided to participate. >> the plan to merge samsung
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with another subsidiary has been strongly opposed by a c & t shareholder eliott associates. eliott has been trying to convince small shareholders that the terms are against their interests. samsung playing on patriotism and mistrusts what it brands as a cooperate raider. >> we'll secure new growth through a merger is the only way to move into the future with unpredictable management environment. >> the future of this man, heir to the samsung empire and with his father still in hospital after a heart attack last year with the biggest job in south korea business. merging with samsung gives him greater control of the group
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including its crown jewel samsung electronics. >> if he can obtain a 4% equity owned by samsung cnt it would create favorable conditions. >> we'll wait for the result of this vote. the feat would be a stunning victory for south korea's largest family conglomerate. in the end samsung's power of persuasion most shareholders fell into line. but the key brand worth 20% of the economy and used to getting its way this was an unusually tough fight. harry faucet, al jazeera, seoul. >> allegations against the former brasilia president. the inquiry whether he used his
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overseas connection to help a construction giant get deals in latin america and africa between between 2011 and 2014 after he had left country. the ceo that have company has been taken into custody for alleged involvement in another scandal at the state-run oil company petro grass. opponents are calling for rousseff's i am impeachment. now it seems another high profile politician is facing corruption, too, as we're hearing. put it all into context for us. what's happening? >> i'll try to explain it very simply barbara. in less than 24 hours we've had two very high profile politicians with ties to dilma
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rousseff the current president under allegations of corruption. the latest being the speaker of the lower house of the brazilian congress that you see here behind me, and eduardo is his name and he's alleged to have accepted bribes in exchange for has handing out allegedly government--working to hand out construction contracts. now this is all very significant. as you pointed out in the intro the former president of brazil is under investigation for something very similar using his influence on the international world stage to achieve and secure contracts in africa and latin america. but this has been going on for moss. there have been dozens of arrests of executives connected with petrobras, as well as
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government officials in this investigation. we've had very loud crisis not just from the opposition from brazilians on the street who say it's now time for dilma rousseff to go, and the government's accountability is too much and there are loud calls for her impeachment. >> and as it happens president rousseff is holding a summit in brasilia, is he has she said anything about the latest scandal? >> she had the opportunity, and she struck it down. she was holding a planned scheduled press conference for the summit the presidential summit here in brasilia, and she canceled it. instead she did have one availability, if you will, but it was instead to say goodbye to the argentine president cristina
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kirchner. she said how much she'll miss her because she will no longer be attending the summit. but given the calls for dilma rousseff's impeachment there's no guarantee that she herself will be attending another summit. >> kimberly halkett with the latest on that story. thank you. now a hundred uyghur muslims were deported last week. the chinese government said it was a security threat while the uyghur say that they're being persecuted. but many have completed the journey across asia making it all the way to turkey. >> a new home where they can freely practice their religion. uyghur settle into the city of central turkey. they come from the autonomous region of western china. >> we were oppressed. we have to hide our faith, our
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belief. we have to run illegally through a rough mountainous path. some didn't make it and died. some from abused by smugglers. we hid ten days in the forest, but we were caught and sent to prison. >> many of the women had to leave their husbands behind. >> we don't know where they are and thailand or china we don't know if they're alive. they headed to china it's better to kill them because the chinese know very well how to torture. >> the uyghur say that they had to leave china because of economic discrimination and religious repression. the restrictions got tighter this year where the uyghur also call east turkestan. >> in january 2015 all times of worship were constitutional any banned in ossature stan eastern
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turkestan. >> the chinese foreign ministry said that uyghurs who leave the country for turkey are a security threat adding through southeast asian countries and from there go to the so-called holy wars in syria and iraq receive terrorist training and bide their time to return. people in this eager enclave dress and eat as they would, a few trappings of home except here they say they're fear of persecution. al jazeera. >> nasa has released new pictures of pluto the most distant planet in the solar system. the u.s. space agency pictures were taken by the new horizon
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>> fine arrested in india was once the domain of the elite. but the economic growth and proliferation of the internet means that indians hold more purchasing power and art sales are soaring. >> this woman has had her work displayed in traditional galleries. >> the art lovers, and then someone wants to invest in a painting or decorate their house having a beautiful piece of art. >> good original art is outside of the budget of most people but that's changing. >> i don't think so. >> the growth in india's middle class over the past 20 years has put more purchasing power in its hands.
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with increasing availability many find art appealling. >> i understand art now. >> that affordability is not just benefiting buyers. for artists gaining a reputation and getting their work into galleries like this, reviewing by critics and buyers used to take years. now the spread and availability of original art means that even new artists can show off their work and sell it. >> along with word of mouth and community art sells there are website featuring hundreds of artists and their work. >> in the community they are much better artists who are out there that nobody knows. >> that's helping up and coming artists get the exposure and financial help they need to continue their work and try to turn it into a career. >> so this website for artwork allows people to buy it.
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and also it has this section. >> while traditionalists worry this may erode the appreciation of fine art some believe it's an opportunity to widen the appeal. >> what is important is that the existing infrastructure of galleries and institutions is cognizant of what's going on at this mass level and is able to pick up the most interesting talents. >> art is still the domain of a small section of indian society but it's popularity is slowly making its way to make art a more common appreciation. >> okay time to get all the sports new now. >> thanks very much, barbara. to golf first in the second round of the open championship in st. andrews in scotland will resume on saturday after bad light meant many rounds had to be cut short on friday.
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the typical scottish weather delayed the start of the second round on the course. when it did get under way there was a familiar name at the top of the leaderboard giving him the clubhouse lead at 9 under par. but it's american dustin johnson who leads overnight. he was 10 under after 13 holes. jordan spieth the reigning masters five off the lead and currently stately annoy to be five under par. tiger woods almost certain to miss the cut. the champion on six over par after four holes. but most of the emotion and attention was focused on this man, tom watson, one of the greatest players saying goodbye after 40 years. he won the open five times in his career. the 65-year-old will be going home. he was 11 over par after 17 holes. but >> you look back and you can say
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it was fortunate or unfortunate that's the only circumstances. it didn't stop the fact that there were 25-mph winds and we were just hoping that it has not blown itself through and it will calm down and stay as it is. >> one of the oldest records has fallen in a diamond league meeting in monaco. dibaba would beat the old record by .39 of a second. that was set back in 1996. cricket in a double century from steve smith was the highlight on day two of the ashes test in london. the captain was dismissed with 215, and becomes the third australian to score a test
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double century along with do donbrackman. this is how it looks going in to day three. england recovering, 85-4 thanks to an undefeated partnership between the skipper alastair cook and pen stokes. but they still need to avoid the follow on. >> we were able to come out and play the aggressive brand that they were talking about. i hope that they're able to come out tomorrow morning and do the same thing. i guess stokes is very aggressive player any way. and we would love to see him play some shots tomorrow morning and hopefully we can get a couple of quick wickets in the morning as well. look, it's day two. there is a lot of hard work for us.
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>> a sprint finish after 200 kilometers to take the stage victory to maintain his a lead of 2.52. japan's government will scrap the design for the 2020 olympic game stadium. the cost of the stadium will double the original estimate. $2billion. it has been heavily criticized by the japanese public. prime minister shinzo abe said that it needs to be done from scratch, and it means it won't be ready for the 2019 rugby world cup. but it will be ready for the final and they are now seeking urge talks after abe's
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announcement. >> the construction costs have been greatly inflated and there were criticisms from the public including the athletes which makes us believe that we will not be able to host the game. >> finally the scorer of one of the most significant goals in football history has died. he broke the hearts of an entire nation. >> in the world of football is saturated with hyperbole and exaggeration there is a lot of talk about the most important goals. >> clinching the world cup for uruguay perhaps it fits the bill. he would pick up the equalizer in uruguay's 2-1 win.
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afterwards only three people have been silenced now. the pope, frank sinatra and me. the brazilian authorities did five years ago invite him back with the plan to have him speak in the hall of fame along with other football greats. >> he told me that i was child when he saw his father cry when i scored that goal. he said, don't worry dad when i grow up i'll make brazil the world champion, and he did. >> a very fast agile right winger he kept playing until middle age. he once had the honor of lining up against him. >> it was a great honor for me to play against him even though he ran rings around me. i'm sorry he's dead, but he was
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one of the great. he has gone on to join many of the other greats. >> at the time of his death at age 88 in a nursing home he was the oldest world cup champion. >> some amazing flicks. that's all the sport. back to you. >> thank you. now the fossilized remains of what has been hailed as a dragon has been dug up in northeastern china. it's been named dragon after the farmer who actually found the feathered raptor or what was left of it. at one point it's the largest known dinosaur with wings. scientist believe it lived $125 million, and despite the plumage it was not capable of flight. we'll be back in a few minutes. i hope you'll join me then.
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