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tv   Weekend News  Al Jazeera  July 18, 2015 4:00am-4:31am EDT

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ration think is gonna to happen. >> three days of mourning after a huge isil car bomb kills more than a hundred people in iraq. >> also on this program defiance in iran, supreme leader says the nuclear deal will not change his country's policy towards the u.s. a wildfire races across a highway in southern california destroying cars and sending motorists running.
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>> in alice springs here, they are racing camels. australia's government has been killing wild camels. it's been controversial and i will be explaining why. >> there is three days of mourning after a huge suicide car bombing. isil says it carried out the attack that targeted a busy market. let's go to baghdad. was there anything in particular that triggered this isil attack? >> reporter: isil has claimed responsibility. they said it was in the revenge for the killing of sunnies in a region. it was under threat from isil and iraqi security forces.
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but they declared a victory over isil said they had been defeated within the province. this attack shows you that there are pockets of resistance within the province itself. now, this is a tactic we are seeing. again, from the islamic state of iraq. it's something they learned in 2006, 2007 and 2008 when they are being defeated, they would mount attacks in places that were unexpected. that's what we are seeing isil do so far. this is against the town's she a yeah population. they are rejectists and don't accept that they are even muslims. >> isil struck at a time when muslims were celebrating the end of the holy month of ramadan.
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>> they said they shouldn't be celebrating, their suicide bomber should go to heaven for mounting this attack. a lot of this language and what we are seeing is framed of this idea of us versus them. they are the only true believers in islam. this has been rejected by many different schools of thought. but it goes to show you that the sectarianism that's driving this complex is alive and well and isil want to push forward that agenda as much as they can. they say that the shias are pushing forward a sectarian division. >> thank you. iran supreme's leader made his first comment on a historic nuclear deal saying iran remains
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sharply at odds with the policy of the u.s. in the middle east. an opposition to what he calls calls the arrogant united states. this is despite the agreement. >> translator: of course we don't welcome a war. we won't be again a war. but if a war does happen here, the one who exits is america. >> saudi arabia's foreign minister welcomed the deal with iran. he met president barack obama on friday. our correspondent has more. >> reporter: an official tells me that both u.s. president barack obama and saudi prime minister met for an hour. both countries welcomed the joint plan of action, the iran deal. they have the endorsement of
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saudi arabia. what we know is that the king of saudi arabia asked the president personally to take this meeting. they want more than reassurances from the united states. they want military equipment. they are talking about publicly providing some sort of special training for their special forces and helping the gcc build a missile defense system. we don't know what the u.s. promised to sell to saudi arabia and the other gulf countries. we should get a better sense of that when the u.s. secretary of defense and secretary of state travel to the region. aircraft deployed to battle wire fire. the fire spilled across a man highway. flames could be seen leaping from cars. >> fierce and fast moving, the flames caught motorists by
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surprise. as the fire swept across the road drivers and passengers abandoned their cars and scrambled to safety. >> my husband said get your stuff and go, and we did. >> all of a sudden a huge fire just started coming over the road burning all the cars. people were running up the hill. older people couldn't walk. they were dragging them up the hill. it was just a nightmare. >> the wildfire started in surrounding foothills before bearing down on the main highway linking southern california to las vegas. the area is a tinderbox. vegetation is parched. theseveral mountain communities were evacuated. local tv stations filmed aircraft dropping fire
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retardant. vehicles have been destroyed. but so far no injuries have been reported. >> greek firefighters are battling large wildfires in the south of country. some victims have been evacuated. firefighters are battling on 59 fronts. the defense minister says it's highly likely some of the fires were deliberately lit. tsipras was forced to rely on opposition votes to secure the numbers to get the euro package. germany has given the go-ahead to negotiate a third bailout for greece. two-thirds majority voted to back the package despite
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opposition. >> less than a week after the marathon talks that paved the way for a third greek bailout, they were asked for their opinion. the huge majority means legislation is easily passed. but not this time. friday was angela merkels 61st birthday. she sought to soothe the fears of those who did not want more money to go to greece. >> translator: i know there are many doubts andt this will be successful and if greece will have the strength to pursue this path. but we would be acting with gross negligence if we didn't try this. >> but there is a vocal minority
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that's opposed to any more austerity policies to be imposed on greece. they say this vote represents an affront to public opinion in greece. chief among the opponents is from the left wing party. he says it would be the end of democracy in greece. >> translator: the greek government needs permission of the imf and ecb only for the public discussion about a draft and only after this ask they discuss it. then they need another permission. that's the fact. >> reporter: in wider society there is growing unease about germany's continuing financial commitment to greece. opinion polls suggest three-quarters of germans do not trust the current government in athens. >> translator: i don't trust
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them much. if you take the last incident into consideration, i feel sorry for the greeks, but it's hard to sort out. >> translator: i must say that i doubt what's been agreed on will be honored. >> reporter: that's a doubt shared by 69 members of the ruling coalition. they failed to vote for this proposal. but more than two-thirds did support it. now the government will flush out the details of the bailout before bringing the ensuing document back for final approval. nicholas is an economics professor at new york university sterns school of business. he says the greek debt crisis has exposed the flaws in the eurozone. >> the euro was set with a set of rules. so far the biggest country that is willing to stick very hard to the rules is germany.
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there are smaller countries, for example, finland and the netherlands that can also push very hard for the strictness of the rules. the real problem i think of the euro is that if greece gets a deal that is way far off from the rules then other countries are going to demand the same. and very soon the rules will be completely different. so that's the real problem. the euro was premature. there is no tax union, there is no transfer union in the eurozone. so because of the euro and because of countries don't have flexibility to change their exchange rate, more or less they have to grow and productivity has to grow at the same pace. and you can have arrangements like greece where the
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productivity did not grow. so these are inherent problems of the euro. it doesn't mean the project is dead. it means it's difficult and a lot of management. >> still to come on the program higher rates of imprisonment. one step at a time, the high altitude porters bringing relief to the isolated villages. >> can affect and surprise us. >> wow, some of these are amazing. >> techknow - where technology meets humanity.
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>> welcome back to the top stories here. there is three days of mourning after a suicide car bombing. at least 115 people were killed. isil says it carried out the attack. iran's supreme leader says tehran will not change its policy towards the u.s. despite a nuclear deal. he was speaking to mark the beginning of it. a wildfire shut down a major highway and set cars on fire in the u.s. state of california. the blaze broke out along the main route between southern california and las vegas. at least 20 cars and five homes have been destroyed. there have been scuffles in australia between right week groups and demonstrators. they were taking part in a reclaim australia rally in melbourne. it is one of a number planned
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for this weekend. the steps and roads around victoria state parliament were blocked with police lines separating the two camps. israel's prime minister has been meeting black leaders. racism must be eliminated and set up a committee to combat it. but many black israelis believe little will change. >> an anti-racism protest in the heart of israel's most liberal city. they gather in tel aviv to call for an end to discrimination, something they say is institutionalized. >> translator: we have been experiencing racism for years. we are demonstrating because we want equality in israel. >> reporter: the prime minister said racism needs to be eliminated from israeli society.
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he set up a committee aimed at trying to combat it. but few here believe much will change. protests like this first erupted last month by video which went viral of a black israeli soldier being beaten by police. the rallies were peaceful until police fired stun grenades at protests. >> in israel, because of this huge amount of this divide and conquer that goes on, there is a lot of racism that is legitimate. we shouldn't be surprised when this racism towards palestinians pushed by the government when it translates to other groups. >> reporter: this is one of the wealthiest suburbs. but within the suburb is a neglected neighborhood which isn't just one of the poorest in the area, but in all of israel. it's where we met somac.
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emigrated to israel ten years agoful he shows me around his home. he tells me everyone who lives in the area is black israeli and unemployment here is double the national average. where most residents complain of frequent harassment by police. >> i thought life would be better in israel. in ethiopia we had our own life and could earn money. here we are nothing. >> reporter: black israelis complained of discrimination for years despite having been in israel since the 1980s they consistently earn far less than the general population, face limited educational opportunities and more likely to end up in prison. something in that the prime minister promised to change. but he thinks it's too little too late. he doesn't expect life to improve for him or other black
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israelis no matter what the government does. >> fighters say they have killed a number of the rebels in an attack on a military camp in southern yemen. a local armed resistance group says dozens were captured at the base. this is in a province, both cities have been flash points in the battle for control of yemen. medical sources say five civilians have been killed. two victims were shot by sniper fire. three others were killed on a bus. on friday yemen's exiled president says the port city had been liberated. police in nigeria say three child suicide bombers were responsible for killing 15 people in northeast nigeria.
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the three girls blew themselves up. one of the girls detonated her suicide vest at a mosque. they are using young women and girls as human bombs. there is a deepening corruption scandal. the lower house of congress is accused of accepting bribes. >> reporter: another day and another politician with ties to brazilian president is accused of corruption. this time it's the conservative speaker in the lower house of the brazilian congress. he denies the allegation and is withdrawing his support for the government. >> translator: i'm not going to
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be drawn into this dirty politics in order to pressure me to change my stance. this is the reason why starting from today i'm breaking with the government. >> reporter: the allegations less than 24 hours after prosecutors announced they opened a corruption investigation into the former popular president. the investigation has stunned brazilian voters. that's because he left office with an overwhelming 83% approval rating. his legacy is responsible for the election and reelection of his successor the current president of brazil. for months there have been dozens of arrests and corruption investigations launched against executives of the state owned oil company as well as politicians tied to the president. she won't step down. still, the brazilian opposition in congress as well as a growing
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number of brazilian voters are staging protests calling for the impeachment. the scandal continental airlines at a poor time for rpisseff who is in the capital working with the south america trading block. he had little to say about the scandals. instead, she became emotional saying goodbye to the argentinean president. >> translator: i would like to staystay here in brazil. we will share our dreams and our hopes. >> she cried this was the last presidential summit she would attend. but given the growing calls for her impeachment, the summit could be her last. >> seven people have been arrested in mexico over the jail
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break of el chapo guzman. it's been a week since he escape escaped. all together 30 prison officials have been questioned. the embarrassment for the president is putting pressure on the government to do more to battle public sector corruption. >> translator: we are not going to resolve this issue with anger and wrath. we need to take on responsibility that this implies. the government has not delivered its responsibility. it took on the task of an extensive surreal vance. the only way to reright this wrong is to capture this criminal and punish all those involved. there have been angry confrontations between police and miners in bolivia. miners through dynamite sticks as they matched towards the national congress.
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they want more investment in infrastructure including a new hospital and cement factory. nepal's earthquake in april left mountain porters out of work. now, they have joined forces with the u.n. to carry food to thousands of people. >> reporter: in the village local porters have gathered for their day's work. they carry food and other essential items for the u.n.'s world food program. many of them have been without jobs since april's earthquake which killed thousands of people. >> translator: my house was destroyed. we cannot afford to sit around, we need to work. >> more than 7,500 porters have been employed in this program.
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the association has been handling the logistics. >> we are trying to provide jobs for the people. we are not doing other activities, just supporting through the human transportation. >> these porters are going to walk for three days and cross a 3500-meter pass to a village. they earn $15 a day to carry 30-kilos. from the air landslides appear like scars on the mountainside. the team has to fix the trail as they walk. most of the houses in this village have been damaged. the village has always had problems with food availability. and now their main crop, maze, has been decimated by some kind of an insect which has made them completely reliant on food distribution. he took us to see the maze
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plantation. >> after the earthquake, some kind of insect started eating it up look at what it did. >> he tells me that they use fertilizers for some of the crops. the maze should have been ready by now. locals say the cobb is still not well formed. more than 200 metric tons of food have been carried by porters. for people still recovering from the earthquake, the aid comes as a welcome relief. >> australia is home to 300,000 wild camels. several years ago there was a huge cull to keep the numbers down. now farmers want another one. some people think that that would be a waste. >> the camel cut is a highlight
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of australia's camel calendar. the atmosphere is festive and the racing is competitive. >> he loves to run. he stretches his head right out and he goes. >> most riders are experienced. but a few first timers compete as well. >> one of the things that riding a camel in a race makes it pretty special. >> camel racing isn't much of a business. the camel is far from universally loved. >> this is a unique and special event. away from the race track camels in australia are controversial subjects. >> camels were brought to australia in the 1800s. but when motorized vehicles replaced them, many camels were
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freed. in 2009 some suggest a million were roaming the outback. for farmers, they have become a pest. >> we had big problems with the camels. a lot of damage to infrastructure. we couldn't run our normal beef management programs. >> between 2009 and 2012, australia's government paid for a cull. almost 200,000 camels were shot and their carcasses left to rot. only after the cull did the original number get revised down. many think the original numbers were inflated and that shooting camels and leaving their carcasses to rot was wasteful. >> they could have been put camels and yard and got a truck and trucked them out.
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>> mostly he butchers cows, but he kills a handful of wild camels like this one. >> it's low cholesterol. it is a good meat. >> dan thinks the government should subsidize the capture and killing of camels for meat. here too, there is little support for a new cull to reduce numbers. many think the original one was a huge waste of money and opportunities as well as camels. >> nasa scientists have unveiled closeup photo snaps from a spacecraft that flew past pluto. the images reveal vast frozen plains. the team has named the plains sputnik after the world's first man made satellite.
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scientists believe that they are a hundred million years old. and this apparently is relatively young. you can find out more about this story from our website where you can get the latest news as well. that's at al that has the privilege not to disappear... it's our choice. >> he spent more time under water than any living person. as the son of the legendary jacques cousteau he was drawn to the ocean at tan early age. >> i would take my bag and i would go to the coastline, almost everyday, on my way to school. and one of the things i wanted to do


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