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tv   Weekend News  Al Jazeera  July 19, 2015 10:00am-10:31am EDT

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>> she will in yemen's port city of aden kills over 40 people. you're watching al jazeera. also ahead on the show: >> a challenge to hamas in gars, officials have their cars blown up in a series of coordinated attacks. >> we take you to ukraine's front line where both sides are violating a ceasefire and civilians are paying with their lives. >> i am asked to give you a specimen of spoken english. >> the mission to save some of the word's most precious recordings. why it's a race against time.
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>> houthi rebels in yemen have fired artillery shells into the port city of aden. the latest casualty count is over 40 dead and 180 wounded. the attacks come 48 hours after yemen's government in exile declared aden liberated from houthi fighters. the deputy editor for the newspaper in aden joins us. tell us what sort of scenes are emerging in the aftermath of that shelling. >> well, as one rebel fighter put it, when the houthis sense defeat they started opening artillery and rockets on residential areas. north of aden, it is densely built and heavily populated primarily with refugees from
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other areas of aden who fled during the past two months. we have now confirmed around 48 dead and 182 injured. out of the 48 dead, at least 10 children are fatalities, so this area have seen some clashes before because it's the entry point of aden but now it seems the fighting has intensified in the past 48 hours and it is poised to escalate even further. >> government declared aden liberated. from what you're able to see has the city been completely cleared of houthis? >> there are still pockets of houthis, especially in these areas which are at the entrance to aden, so the city is largely
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liberated except for some small pockets, so it is still unas i have for refugees to come back to their homes. >> let's talk about the fighting going on elsewhere. are pro government forces gaining ground in other places, like taiz, for example? >> in taiz, yes. the main problem the houthis face is that they are in an area that are -- that would not accept them ideologically. that's why you see them defeated in many areas including taiz. that has seen some rather unheard of destruction during the past two months, so yes they are poised for defeat within the next couple of months there. >> all right thanks so much for your thoughts on that. >> arrests have been made in gaza after six car bomb
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explosions, two people were wounded. our correspondent stephanie decker is in gaza. >> this is the biggest attack against hamas. leaders of is jihad their cars targeted, so it really poses a three tier challenge, three groups targeted, unclear which group they do believe affiliated with islamic state of iraq and the levant, but the politics on the ground is very complicated. when it comes to public opinion and security, hamas, one thing they pride here in gaza is that they can maintain security. gaza is under israeli imposed siege. hamas doesn't control its borders. this is something they told people they can provide. people are asking whether they can continue to do so. one man we spoke to earlier asked today it's car bombs
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tomorrow what is next, is it schools and hospitals. life is back to normal here. people having been through much more, but i think really this is a challenge for hamas. there have been arrests made in this case, now an investigation is on going but hugely challenge are for them to get these groups under control. >> ukrainian military commanders and separatists continue to blame each other for violations of a ceasefire signed in february. civilians are the ones continuing to be killed in the fighting. charles stratford and his camera team have been to the front lines with the ukrainian military. >> the ukrainian army wouldn't let us film the tanks as they fired from positions above the bridge. one soldier told us we know it's a violation of the ceasefire agreement, but the separatists do the same. after firing a few more shells towards what the soldiers said were targets near donetsk
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airport, which is held by the separatists, we managed to film one of five tanks as they drove off different directions. >> ukrainian army say that tanks were firing at separatist military vehicles several kilometers away. we heard no incoming shelling before the tanks started firing. military hardware of that kind of caliber should not be here. >> according to the minsk ceasefire signed in february both sides should have withdrawn hardware. the separatists were quick to respond, incoming shells could be heard landing close by. a few kilometers away, this apartment block has one side completely destroyed. an elderly woman and her grandson lived here. they were killed by a separatist attack the night before. a ukrainian soldier shows me a photo on his phone of the boy's
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dead body, the blood stains mark the spot where he was found. >> a soldier protects civilians. yesterday we could only observe that separatist shells were hitting the residential building. we didn't respond because we simply didn't have an order to. >> sergei shows me his apartment. this was my sitting room, he says. he and his family were out when the attack happened. you can't report the truth, said this woman, and she walked away. these men told us the civilians are angry because the military used the building as a base next door. the military says it didn't respond to the separatist attack because it wasn't aimed at a military target. we spotted this tank hidden only meters away from people's homes. a few days earlier, we'd been in separatist held territory and heard fighters using similar heavy weapons also inside the
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buffer zone. both sides are breaking this ceasefire agreement. civilians continue to die. charles stratford, al jazeera, eastern ukraine. >> 11 iraqi soldiers have been killed in fighting with isil in ramadi, trying to retake the capitol. it fell into isil hands in may. it is 100 kilometers from baghdad. >> thousands of people have fled the fighting in anbar mainly head to go baghdad. iraq has started closing a key bridge that people use to get to the capital. >> on the worried of that bridge, there are a number of families that are fleeing the violence from anbar. the government has shut the bridge down. it is not allowing anybody to get across. we don't know why that is. we know that the bridge has been closed for days now. in the past, the government said that they are worried with isil fighters disguise approximating
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themselves as those displaced and coming into baghdad. what the government are allowing very slowly is supplies to go into anbar province. you can see here that they have gas canisters and food stuffs. now these guys have been queuing up for most of the day and they're waiting very slowly for the permission to go across. there are still a number of residents in anbar province. they clearly need supplies like these. there are still those people building up on the other side of that bridge who can't to get out and they are not being allowed to. >> there have been more anti immigrant demonstrations in australia with protestors on the streets of sydney on sunday. anti racism groups were also demonstrate, fights breaking out between the two sides. police say five people were arrested. it follows similar scene ins melbourne on saturday. >> protestors in the u.s. state of south carolina have fought with white supremacists as a
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rally in support of the confederate flag. the controversial banner was removed from the state capital grounds last week. from south carolina state capitol columbia, alan fisher reports. >> this is free speech in america, a protest by the ku klux klan and their allies and angry voices raced in opposition to their message. they marched on to the steps of south carolina state capital building surrounded by police. they came to object to the removal of the confederate flag, waived by the man who shot nine people dead in a church in this state last month. for more than an hour, they rallied. some stood silently, others shouted abuse at the crowd which outnumbered them easily by 10 to one. there were fights, skirmishes.
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there were arguments and there were arrests. >> for the ku klux klan, this was about heritage and freedom of speech. they shouted at the people who turned out in force to oppose them. >> for many on the steps this was about more than removing a flag. >> the selling of confederate flags went up tremendously because of that. she did nothing but bring our people out. look at that, they brung them out. i want to see a white revolution is the only solution. >> to those who gathered in opposition, it was the wrong message at the wrong time. >> they are desperate oppressed and all these hate groups if they understood that it's the same oppression that's drawing them down. that's where the healing is going to have to begin with these guys. >> what i'm seeing now is pathetic. we should all get along. >> the k.k.k. was once a powerful violent voice that led to widespread abuses against the
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black population. it's numbers have dropped significantly in the past years though it claims an interest in the flag. the police escorted the k.k.k. and supporters from the capital grounds, their mental delivered but their angry voices drowned out by those who believe the k.k.k. road be con signed to history with the flag. >> still to come on al jazeera a sick economy and now health system on life support. one hospital in greece is struggling to get by. >> fear in cat man dew about the danger posed by earthquake damaged buildings.
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>> government committees. >> they're spending money, they're not saving it. >> costing millions and getting nothing. >> it's a bogus sham. >> america tonight investigates. money for nothing. >> they've gotten away with it for years.
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>> welcome back, you're watching the al jazeera news hour. at least 48 people have been killed in shelling by houthi rebels in yemen's port city of aden. the attacks some 48 hours after yemen's government in exile declared they were liberated from houthi fighters. >> arrests have been made in gaza after six bomb explosions targeted cars belonging to members of hamas and islamic jihad. two were wounded. our correspondent said the attacks were a clear challenge to hamas which isil recently threatened to overthrow. an al jazeera team on the front line in eastern crane has found both sides are using heavy weapons in breach of a size fire agreed in february and civilians are being killed. >> banks in greece are set a
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reopen. they were shut down to prevent a run on the banks after a second bailout programmings expired in june. people will be allowed to take out 420 euros per week. the transfers abroad are still restricted. we visited an athens hospital and spoke to workers there about the challenges they face. >> today at athens' hospital, this doctor makes his rounds, relieved to find all these patients in stable condition even know greece's crumbling health care system is on life support. >> in greece, you have 1.5 million unemployed. they need medical help. >> the doctor, a former military commando and director of the hospital is a revolutionary at
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heart. no matter the consequences, he's committed to doing whatever he can to help as many people as possible. >> nobody is going to tell us who's going to live and who's going to die. we're going to treat everybody regardless of the status religion or financial status. >> he tells me the problems faced by the hospital in greece are far worse than reads, that medical budgets have been slashed, medication is hard to obtain, that the bureaucracy is so thick even the nimble hands of a surgeon would have trouble slicing through it. >> we used to say that we are not following medical protocols. you know why? because they are not medical protocols, they're financial protocols. >> the sickly economy, the doctor assures me, have meant more people are ailing than ever before. >> greeks are known for their smile.
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now, you see the depressed eyes, the frightened eyes, the sad eyes. >> things have become so difficult, that even during a time of shortage and need, the doctor can't use some equipment he already has. this much needed ambulance is idle, gathering dust. leaves have collected under its tires. the doctor explains how he secured the vehicle from overseas donors without the prior approval of his superiors, and hasn't been able to get license plates issued for the mobile medical unit ever since. >> now i'm going to drive it myself, even without number plates. >> that fighting spirit has inspired his staff and comforted their patients. >> in greek, the word for hope is exactly what the mission of the hospital is, to bring hope to the uninsured, the unemployed, to people in need.
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taking me on a tour of the facilities, the doctor says compassion creativity and will power are the qualities that matter most to him and his staff. it's an ancient greek vow the doctors still swear by today. may i always act, the hippocratic oath states, so as to preserve the finest tradition of my calling, traditions still respected and observed by this doctor in this hospital. >> a south korea spy involved in a phone hacking scandal has committed suicide. he left a note denying he speed on civilians. we have more from the capital. >> the 46-year-old agent of the national intelligence service was found dead in his car in an apparent suicide next to him a three page will. part of that will has been released to the media on sunday in which the agent says that he
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can reassure the public that the hacking problem he was involved in the approach of and technical operations he was involved with was not used against civilians. he also apologizes for deleting some of the data of that usage saying he was overzealous. the intelligence service has already denied that it used this program to monitor south korean civilians. it restricted its usage to the monitoring of agents and foreigners with links to the regime. the service does have form in this area in the past. the two spy chiefs in charge between 1999 and 2003 were both convicted after having been found to have overseen the monitoring of nearly 2,000 south korean civilians very senior south careens involved in who owns a business and media. just in 2012, the agency was found to have used is on line presence to smear the liberal
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opponents of the eventual presidential election. recently a retile has been ordered of the spy chief convicted over that incident. further information will be revealed to reassure the public. lawmakers in the parliament are saying that the information that was deleted by this man should be restored to check exactly how it had been used, this hacking program. >> taiwan's two major parties nominated female candidates to run for president in 2016. the ruling nationalist party picked this woman to run in the january poll. she's up against the opposition democratic progressive party candidate. >> north korea has held its first local election since kim jong-un came to power. voting is compulsory in the carefully orchestrated poll. only candidates selected by the
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communist government can run. >> the republican party's fight for the white house has turned nasty. presidential hopeful donald trump said senator john mccain is not a war hoar re. critics say his latest comments have gone too far. we have the story. donald trump has mocked fellow republican senator john mccain. >> he is not a war hero. >> he's a war hero, five and a half years -- >> he's a war hero because he was captured. i like people who weren't captured. >> do you hear that? he's a war hero because he was captured. >> trump was attacking mccain because he lost the 2008 election to current president barack obama. many republicans have rushed to mccain's side, going on twitter to defend the former prisoner of war, who was tortured during his five and a half years in vietnam. >> mr. donald trump.
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>> a real estate tycoon and t.v. celebrity, trump has been making headlines in the republican race with his usual brand of blunt comments. few were spared. his opponents. >> hillary clinton was the worst secretary of state in the history of our country. >> or mexican migrants. >> they're taking our jobs they're taking our manufacturing, they're taking our money, they're taking everything, and they're killing us on the border. >> it's the kind of speech that both excites and divides voters and this time is no different. >> floods in the u.s. state of arizona destroyed buildings and swept cars away. major roads were closed and electricity cut off to homes. severe thunderstorm warnings were in place before the flooding hit. >> a girl has been swept away by floodwaters in china.
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houses were inundated after heavy rain. the downpours destroyed roads and washed cars away like toys. the government is working to provide disaster relief. >> at least four people have died after a believe collapsed in india's capitol new delhi. eight others were injured. an investigation is underway into why the five story residential complex caved in. >> they. a's home earthquake in april left many tall buildings in danger of collapse. thousands are yet to be demolish. with the government unable to pull them down, the responsibility is on owners. >> walking around the valley, it's difficult to miss the wooden beams propping up houses. these buildings are condemned after april's earthquake made them structurally unsafe. the government said it's up to property owners to demolish them but so far not many of them have been.
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this businessman said he hired people to demolish the building because the landlord hasn't and it's putting people in danger. >> it's already been a month and a half, but the building has not been demolished yet. my goods worth $150,000 are stuck under the wreckage. the monsoon is here and the government is nowhere to be seen >> the government declares the valley a crisis zone for a year. in order to speed up the demolishing of 73,000 structurally dangerous houses. some here say that the larger apartment complexes should be the priority. >> this building complex is structurally sound according to the government. neighbors tell us that part of the ground has subsided and the towers didn't comply with permissions.
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>> leading a committee of local people, they are angry about the situation here. >> this is 15 stories tall. that one is 12. that is 11, and that 13. they did not take any planning permits. we have appealed to the government, but the government penalized them 20 cents per square foot and let the building go. >> many are afraid of living here. now they want the buildings demolished or made smaller to meet the government requirement. >> there were many builders who are at large. we've given them warnings to demolish their buildings. if not, we will demolish them and charge the owners. we have instructed them to bring the structures within building codes. >> officials are still limited by technology. the government says they don't have the technical know-how to demolish buildings more than
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three stories tall. neighboring countries have been requested to help with equipment, but more than two months on, people here don't want to wait. al jazeera, kathmandu. >> some of the world's rarest sounds is in danger of being sigh lends. a british library is a treasure trove of extinct bird calls, the voices of famous writers and the sounds of history. it all needs to be digitally preserved now. >> deep in the basement of the british library, a team is at work, carefully sifting through hundreds of thousands of rare recordings. some sounds are so rare, this is the only place left they can still be heard. >> like the voice of one of the most important writers in the english language, james joyce. >> it seems to me that i have
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been transported to a country far away from this country. >> this, the playwright george bernard shaw. >> i am asked to give you a specimen of spoken english. >> the vast collection's being carefully converted and stored on huge servers for future generations. among them test recordings for now famous movies and lost accents. >> some of the records are in a fragile state. the library's battling to raise $60 million to fully digitize the collection, but they don't have long. >> i think we have about 15 years in which to digitize before the equipment and maintenance becomes unfeasible or unaffordable. we need to double our efforts at this point. >> the recordings are stored in a range of formats, cassette tapes, records, reel to reel and wax cylinders.
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it's a race against time to preserve this important and vital collection, firstly before the recordings deteriorate further and secondly before some of the means of playing these recordings disappear forever. >> one precious sound the library safely managed to preserve is that of an extinct hawaiian bird. it's far from easy listening. >> this is the last male singing for a female who died the year before. >> the british library may not have the power to save rare species from extinction, but they're working tirelessly to keep endangered sounds alive. al jazeera at the british library, london. >> triple world champion surfer mick fanning has been attacked by a shark during a competition. the australian was taking part
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in the final of the jay bay open in south africa. these pictures show him punching the shark. he and fellow aussie julian wilson were helped out of the water. >> nairobi is my city, well perhaps not exactly. i was born here and so were my parents, but i spent most of my life living overseas. i've been here now for less than a year, but the city has really grown on m


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