tv News Al Jazeera July 21, 2015 7:30am-9:01am EDT
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covering at al jazeera focusing on that presidential election is taking plates in burundi today. there is correspondence there and in rwanda. the number of people who feel so scared that they are leafing it the kwuntcountry. ays pass >> new video from a the accident jail where a wham was found dead her yell. >> trying to sell a nuclear deal with iran. defense secretary ash carter meets with israel's leader trying to convince that leader that iran will not get a nuclear weapon. >> military recruiting centers reopen after the chattanooga massacre.
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defense as he can >> new video is leading to more questions in the death of a woman in a texas are jail cell. surveillance tapes show the moment she was found dead inside her cell. the sheriff's department originally said she committed suicide, but as we report, the district attorney says he intends to treat this case like a murder investigation. >> in a jittery motion activated jail surveillance video released monday, you can see a gurnee wheeled down the hall toward her cell inside the jail. it comes out a short time later with only medical equipment on it. instead of a rescue, it's now a death investigation. the district attorney said it's too early to say who is responsible. >> this investigation is still
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being treated just as it would be a murder investigation. there are many questions being raised here. the state of the accident in the country, and also around the world about this case. it needs a thorough and exhaustive review. >> she had just moved from chicago to the accident to start work at her alma mater prairie view university. she was arrested after officers say she became argumentative and aggressive during a traffic stop. they say bland then assaulted a state trooper and taken into custody. >> after spending the weekend here at the jail, she was found dead in her cell. >> people just pulled over for not signaling for traffic and end up dead, something's wrong. less than a quarter mile up the road is the campus where she was
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coming from when pulled over right here on this road. today a memorial marks the location where the altercation occurred between her and the state trooper. activists have arrived to weigh in. >> we're going to keep saying that name so america does not forget that behind us was not a suicide, but this is a murder, a homicide and in texas will not be the lost episode of how to get away with murder. >> investigators say they see no evidence that foul play was involved. even though bland talked of being depressed friends and family say she would not have taken her own life. jasmine blanton said they had been friends for third grade. >> they know that she used her voice to speak to encourage people, she would always be there for everybody. she gave you the truth but she
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loved god. >> do you believe she was murdered? >> i believe she was murdered. i believe that even if she did commit suicide that there's a possibility that maybe she was coerced into it or forced somehow. she didn't commit suicide of her own volition. >> prairie view, texas. >> sandra bland's family said the newly released videos still leave unanswered questions. the officer's dash cam video is expected to be released today. >> i've seen the dash cam video. it really calls into question why it is for a routine traffic stop she was asked to even get out of her car. >> bland's family has also ordered its own independent autopsy, results should be released later this week. the accident officials will test bland said cell for fingerprints and d.n.a. the f.b.i. is also conducting an investigation. >> secretary of state john kerry will testify on capitol hill this week in support of the
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nuclear accord with iran. it comes as the u.s. tries to win over lawmakers in congress and allies overseas. defense secretary ash carter is in jerusalem today to assure israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu that the deal is a good one. carter will meet with leaders in jordan and saudi arabia to give them the same message. >> president obama is calling on congress to take its cue from the united nations security council and sign off on the nuclear deal with iran. >> the draft resolution has been adopted unanimously. >> within hours of the security council's sign off on a deal to scale back iran's nuclear program in return for loosening sanctions, president obama said it is the best way to stop iran from building a bomb. >> this is by far our strongest approach to ensuring that iran does not get a nuclear weapon. there is broad international
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consensus around this issue not just among the international community, but also among experts in nuclear proliferation, and my working assumption is that congress will pay attention to that broad based consensus. >> on capitol hill, there is anything but broad consensus members of both parties say they are frustrated the u.n. voted on the deal before they had a chance to weigh in. >> we are disappointed that the u.n. security council passed a resolution on iran this morning before congress was able to fully review and act on this agreement. house republican ed royce and democratic elliot angle said in a joint statement regardless of this morning's outcome congress will continue to play its role. >> if iran doesn't live up to its part of the bargain, the deal allows all u.n. sanction to say snap back into place. iran says ambassador total u.n. was defiant calling the
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sanctions unjustified and accusing israel of spreading what he called iran-a-phobia. >> it considers peace as a threat itself. the iran-a-phobia is used to serve this purpose you. >> israel denounced the resolution even at as he defense secretary ash carter visited the region. >> make no mistake this deal limits iran but places no limits on the united states, the department of defense or the u.s.-israeli defense relationship. we're moving full speed ahead. >> the u.n. resolution takes effect in 90 days. that time frame was negotiated specifically to give congress enough time to review it, but president obama says he'll veto any changes congress might make,
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changes that would require a new u.n. resolution, effectively restarting a process that has taken years all over again. paul beban, al jazeera, new york. >> also this morning, north korea i also not interested in a deal similar to the one signed with iran. a government spokesman said the north's nuclear powers are not a play thing to be put on the negotiating table. he added approximate i don'teded ad pyong yang needs those weapons. >> the people who staffed recruiting centers in chattanooga are remembering the fallen and pledging to keep doing their jobs. >> at the strip mall where mohammad youssuf abdulazeez launched his first attack, the crime scene cordoned off all weekend is now open, giving people a chance to greet military personnel, shake hands
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say thank you. the restaurant next door is finally open again. >> whatever closed this, we're not going to let that ideas take us apart and make us quit doing our job and support our families and work hard. we don't want to show the weakness. >> the army recruiting office is open for business, windows shattered by bullets now boarded up. a soldier is talking to recruits by appointment only. around tennessee and across the country, the constant business of recruiting goes on. >> had is hickson tennessee just north of chattanooga 10 or 12 miles from the sites of the first shooting at the recruiting center on the lee highway. there's an army career center here. this is the first time we've seen it open since that shooting on thursday. we're going to check in and see if they'll talk to us or have any special precautions as they open on a monday morning. >> the soldiers inside politely refer me to a spokesperson,
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saying new recruiting offices are planned. specialist austin malunderstands the arguments against arming the military on u.s. soil but still thinks putting the hands of guns in some recruiters could stop such attacks. >> this guy scoped out that this was a soft target and easy hit for him to stage. just like overseas, we have rules of engagement, there are friendlies and there are foes foes. >> it's a new era between the united states and cuba. embassies have reopened in washington and havana. how the u.s. faces tough choices over trade and the prison camp at guantanamo bay. >> not everyone is happy about
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>> welcome to al jazeera america. it is 7:42 eastern time. taking a look at today's top stories. >> president obama makes one final appearance on the daily show with john stewart tonight. this will be the seventh time the president will be on the show, his third since taking office. the final broadcast is set for august 6. >> ohio governor john kasich expected to join the gop race
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for president today. >> a new report says more american children live in poverty now than during the recession. the foundation says one in five kids about 22% were living in poverty in 2013. that number was 18% just five years ago. african-american native american and latino children are the hardest-hit. >> congress is working on a new bill that could mean the end for so-called sanctuary cities. the house will take up a measure this week that would block federal funds to any cities such as san francisco that does not turn over immigrants to federal authorities. it follows a shooting death of a woman in san francisco allegedly by an undocumented migrant with a criminal record. her family plans to meet with officials in washington this week. >> the normalization of relations with cuba is launching a new debate over the prison camp at guantanamo boy. senator john mccain is pushing for a congressional review of
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any white house policy to shut the prison down. house republicans want to strengthen restrictions to make it more difficult to close the facility. as mike viqueira reports, it is just one of the issues now on the agenda women boozes open in havana and washington. >> it was a ceremony to mark a new era. for the first time in 54 years the cuban flag i guess raised in washington over what as of monday is havana's official embassy to the united states. ♪ cuban's sang their national anthem and spirits were high with the most visible sign of normal diplomatic relations but mistrust still lingers. cuban foreign minister bruno rodriguez warned the united states against meddling. >> we reaffirm cuba's willingness to move towards the
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normalization in a constructive spirit but without any pretends whatsoever to our independence or interference in our affairs. >> opening cuban society is an explicit goal of president obama's new policy. >> that i also part of the strategy or seeking to engage the people, the cuban people more effectively and bring about the kind of change that we would like to see inside of cuba. >> later, meeting with secretary of state john kerry at the state department, rodriguez had a list of demands. >> lifting of the blockades the return of the legally occupied territory of guantanamo as well as the full respect for the cuban sovereignty and the compensation to our people for human and economic damages. >> the blockade is the long standing u.s. trade embargo against cuba. only congress can lift it, and republican leaders have vowed to keep it in place. in miami monday, anti castro
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congressmen blasted normalization. >> if anyone thinks that the sanction are going away, that the so called embargo is going to go away, they have not been paying attention to the attitude of congress. congress, unlike president obama, understands that the castro regime are the oppressors. >> anti castro senators vowed to block confirmation of a new ambassador. the president was tight lind who would be mom nailed or when, adding president obama won't visit cuba until they improve their record on human rights. >> it's clear that cuba has significant progress to make. >> mike sic, al jazeera washington. >> we've just heard renewal of tie with cuba is proving divisive in this country. in cuba, many are skeptical for what it will mean for that nation's future. we have more from havana. ♪
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>> for those americans worried or concerned about missing out on retro cuba, time is on your side. yes, change is coming to the island nation, but it will not happen overnight. it could take years. >> when it comes to the cubans and their thoughts on normalization, there's happiness and relief, but also a sense of cautious optimism. >> they teach in the university of havana. academia has been one of the few places where americans and cubans have had limited exchanges and one of the first places that might see a more immediate impact from normalization. >> americas want to visit cuba to learn more about the island. we need to learn about the u.s. to realize there is more than some scary imperialism. >> as eager as cubans feel about the change, however their
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excitement is curbed by reality. student jerry hernandez rivera said they all lack the most basic resources. >> from the point of getting a new job students need better resources. internat access is very important for us and for our study. >> rivera grew up in a run down neighborhood on the outskirts of havana. he adds that it's difficult to imagine who you cubans living here, for example might benefit from normalization. >> it is going to have an impact on the economy and especially in tourism but in neighborhoods like this, the impact will not be immediate though it is going to affect people here in the long run because the relationship between our countries has been renewed but it's going to be a process. >> most painfully felt and
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resented here, the u.s. embargo. cubans know that america democracy will require congressional consent to lift what they call the blockade, so while monday's embassy openings have indeed somehow changed things most things will yet stay the same. melissa chan, al jazeera havana. >> puerto rico leaders say the island's debt crisis could soon turn into a health care crisis, too. a coalition backed by puerto rico's governor is adding an ad campaign to highlight funding trying to convince federal lawmakers not to go ahead with tens of millions of dollars of cut, saying the territory cannot make up the difference for residents. >> senator robert menendez accuses the justice department of misconduct saying federal prosecutors and the f.b.i. stopped at nothing to win a corruption indictment against him. the charge is part of a 400 page appeal. >> a new super food, seaweed
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>> "inside story" takes you beyond the headlines, beyond the quick cuts, beyond the sound bites. we're giving you a deeper dive into the stories that are making our world what it is. >> ray suarez hosts "inside story". only on al jazeera america. >> dozens of environmentally friendly mayors will sign declaration at the vatican today. the mayor's at a two day climate conference joined by pope francis. they are calling for a bold
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agreement from national leaders. they aim to push the united nation to approve no development sustainable goals. >> in paris, president francois hollande is holding a climate summit today. significant in it tears have begun arriving for the conference. he says the world needs to realize it is not too late to make changes to save the planet. >> the purpose is to reiterate awareness, the word awareness talks to all of us. it's up to each individual to know what he can do to preserve the planet. it's not a matter of heads of safety and government, it's a matter of all inhabitants of the world. >> an international u.n. conference on climate change will be held in paris next december. >> bacon lovers alert the average american eats 18 pounds of it every year. scientists found a new super food that tastes just like bacon but better for your health and
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the environment. seaweed, does it really taste like bacon? >> they just have it in a lab at oregon state university right now. they say production may be for next year. some describe this as like finding a can you corn, healthy but tastes like bacon. meat versus vegetables, there's a health difference and meat is less virally friendly. the bacon we need right now all the waste from the pigs con tam nights nearby water hormones, pharmaceuticals, the smells and compounds no get in the air and go several miles away causing nausea to elevated blood pressure. emission almost 15% of our greenhouse gases come from livestock per the u.n. some places say this is even higher. the production of pork is about 23 billion pounds a year. it takes almost 600 gallons of water just to produce one pound. seaweed by comparison is much
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more environmentally friendly and better for your health. it doesn't require fresh water. this type of seaweed gross in the wild, already in the pacific and atlantic, but this specific type was made in oregon, so it's not in mass production yet. it's got vitamins and minerals and when cooked, this type, they say tastes just like bacon. here's some facts. 15% protein still comparable to what you would get from meat. it is a super food with twice the nutritional value of kale. the prays can be you will to $90 per pound. once in production, obviously that would be a lot less. the one question everyone has is exactly what does it taste -- i've talked to a couple of people who have had this. they say even the raw stuff is pretty good in a salad but everyone's curious to see how close to bacon it tastes. >> you taste it first.
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thank you very much, nicole. >> we know there is much more than earth out there to explore. a billionaire is launching his own mission to find intelligent life in space. he's got some pretty respectal scientists onboard. >> it's now estimated that there are tens of billions of habitable planets in our galaxy alone. are there any in which energy have become alive or aware? >> that is the question asked for thousands of years and a huge new fund worth $100 million is launched, hoping to get some answers. there are no guarantees. >> come with us. >> it is important to us to know if we are alone in the dark. we now know there are so many worlds and orphannic molecules are so common that it seems quite likely that life is out
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there. >> the project called break through listen is entirely funded by a russian businessman scientists in his previous career. the idea is to use existing technology like the green bank observatory in the united states, but far more efficiently. operators agreed to give the scientists thousands of hours of telescope time every year. the search last be 10 years will be 50 times more sensitive than previous attempts and cover 10 times more sky. scientists willis in to the planets orbiting the 1 million stars closest to earth as well as the 100 nearest galaxies to our own. >> they offer prizes for digital messages that both represent earth. they won't be beamed into space just yet partly because of fear that could trigger aggression by alien races.
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>> i don't go along with those people like steven hawking if there are aliens out there they probably have been watching us for years even millions of years, they know we're here. >> although there were celebrations around this month when a nasa spacecraft sent back pictures of mountains of ice on pluto. if intelligent life was detected, that really would be out of this world. >> we're getting an amazing new look at the planet we call home. nasa's deep space climate observatory in orbit between the earth and sun sent this image the first ever view of an entire sun lit side of our planet from 1 million miles an. >> an australia teenager can say he has some of the world's fast evident fingers. he took the rob rubik cube world
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>> voting gets underway in burundi in a presidential election marked by violence and boycott by the opposition. >> defense secretary ash carter meets with benjamin netanyahu trying to convince him to get onboard with the iran nuclear deal. >> this investigation is still being treated just as it would be a murder investigation. >> the on going fallout over a woman's death in police custody. new video was released from inside a the accident jail as
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sandra bland's family insists it was not suicide. >> this is aljazeera america live from new york city. i'm stephanie sy. people in the east african nation of burundi are risking their lives this morning to vote. polls opened after a night of gunfire and explosions. two were killed in the capitol. the president is expected to win a third term in office. his critics say the entire election is unconstitutional because he can only stand for two materials. as he reports there are fears this could plunge the country into a civil war. >> i have covered a lot of elections in africa and i have to say this one in burundi is very interesting. i've never been at an election where there's been so much international pressure for one man not to run for a third term, for one man to step down, but he
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insides that he is running for a third term despite it violating the constitution. he says he has his supporters who want him to keep ruling this country for as long as possible. the opposition boycott elections, saying they are not voting, but still the election is going ahead. the people who are waiting at the polling stations say they are voting because they are hoping for one thing for the country. >> i have voted because we hope we will be united as one people with no differences. we want peace in our country. >> it was heard overnight gunfire and explosions and some people were killed, but voting is going ahead anyway. the process is fairly simple. you cast your vote, come here and you give them the i.d. card and use ink to show you have voted. there's a lot of fear and tension at the moment. we are told some people when they get the irving put on their fingers like this, soon they leave the polling station may
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try to rub it off quickly because there is a concern that he may be targeted from people who think they shouldn't have voted. there is a lot of fear here. when you want to vote or not people are concerned about repercussions. those who don't want the election to go ahead will antagonize you. you could be visited by people saying why did don't you have ink on your finger, why didn't you vote, a lot of tension in the country at the moment, but people waiting to see the outcome of this vote, more importantly, what's going to happen after. some have said they won't help him getting another term in office. >> the state department says the elections risk the legitimacy of the government and are not credible. >> turkey is boosting security along its border with syria after a suspected suicide bomb killed 32 people. anti-government protests
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followed monday's explosion. protestors blamed the government for not protecting the mostly kurdish town where the blast occurred. riot police countered demonstrators with tear gas. isil is suspected that carrying out the attack. >> the cuban flag is flying in washington d.c. after their embassy, raised monday now that the u.s. and cuba have reestablished diplomatic ties. we take a look at the future of guantanamo bay. >> guantanamo, a place that has become a symbol of human rights abuses. for 13 years the u.s. naval base in cuba has held up to seven hyundaitainees, prisoners of the so called global war on terror. guantanamo is also the u.s.'s only permanent overseas base in the americas.
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sailors and marines stationed here respond to natural disasters and go after drug dealers and human traffickers. havana wants the land back, but the obama administration opposes the idea. >> no anticipation and no plan with respect to the guantanamo bay naval station in cuba. >> the u.s. has troops deployed around the world but there's only one country where u.s. forces are permanently deployed against the wishes of the host government cuba. the americans have controlled the deep water bay and 45 square miles of land on cuba since 1953. the u.s. started paying rent, currently about $4,000 a year, but in the 1960's, fidel castro stopped cashing the checks and called on the americans to leave. in most respects, guantanamo looks like any other military
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base, sand colored as i understander block buildings a department store and amenities for troops and their families. on the far southeastern side of the island stand three prisons which now hold the men captured in the years after the september 11 attacks. the u.s. needs to resolve the long thermostat at us of these prisoners before anything can happen to the base. analysts say the u.s. needs to look at long term trajectory of its relationship with havana and the region. >> there are a lot of hurdles to getting this done, but i think it should be considered. i think that the united states that a historical debt it owes cuba on this front. clearly the terms of the initial agreement were unfair, unbalanced at a different time in history and i think it will factor into the normalization process. it's just not a front burner issue, it's a back burner issue. >> normalization will take time.
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it's fair to assume the j will find a way to hold on to guantanamo. in what form and what facilities may come down to what the cubans will ultimately accept. al jazeera washington. >> defense secretary ash carter is in israel meeting with prime minister benjamin netanyahu trying to convince him that a nuclear deal with iran won't threaten israel's security. netanyahu has been one of the harshest critics of the deal. carter will meet with leaders in jordan and saudi arabia. >> with the unique perspective on the nuclear deal with iran, we are joined by former deputy assistant secretary of state for ran, he was among the 52 americans held hostage in tehran when revolutionaries overran the embassy in 1979 and now teaches u.s. international affairs. it's a pressure to have you with us this morning. if this deal in your view a
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historic mistake or a triumph of diplomacy? >> thank you stephanie. it is historic, but i don't think it's a historic mistake. i think some of the rhetoric we've heard about it, for example, comparing it to munich, using words like peace in our time and apiecement, that's frankly overstatement, and i've heard some commentary and read commentary also from israel which has criticized the prime minister's rhetoric as overblown. >> there is, though, firm opposition, even in this country, especially among represents in congress to the nuclear deal siting americans distrust based on days when you and others were held hostage. is that distrust still warranted? >> of course it is. but ask yourself, what after all is diplomacy.
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what was our diplomacy with the soviet union during the cold war, for example. it's negotiating in imperfect agreements and this agreement is not perfect because no negotiated agreement gives you all you want. with people, that you neither trust for you like. it's flawed agreements with dubious people. you can criticize the agreement fair enough. a lot of the criticism is based on not wanting a negotiated agreement, but wanting a surrender from the other side. >> i want to go back to those days 34 years ago when you were held hostage in tehran for 444 days. there was this incredible video i recall of you meeting with then president of iran while you were held hostage. he is now the stream leader. this is video we're showing of this extraordinary meeting. given your experience with iran,
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what do americans maybe misunderstand about the country? >> well, i can't see the video but obviously i think i was certainly much younger then, but again, it isn't that we are friends with the islamic republic. it isn't that we like its sense of -- its form of government or that we agree with its imprisoning journalists mistreating its own people, including journalists american journalists, but the question is how do we deal with it, do we continue to bash it? do we continue to yell at each other as we have for 34, 35 years with no visible results or do we take another way as typified by the approach of
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first president obama and then secretary kerry during particularly the last two years of these nuclear negotiations. >> do you think that this current agreement moves iran and the u.s. in any way beyond that history? >> of course it does. now people on both sides will deny it, because there are still things that we do not agree with about iran's policy, but the fact is that the last two years there has been a dramatic change. we and the iranians are able to do something that we haven't been able to do for 35 years which is talk to each other and find areas of common ground, and where there are areas of common ground, to reach agreement. >> we really appreciate be your perspective on this this morning. thank you. >> thank you stephanie. >> we are learning more about
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the death of a woman inside a the accident jail cell. authorities released new video moments after they say sandra bland committed suicide. an independent autopsy ordered by her family could reveal details, too. >> in a jittery motion activated jail surveillance video released monday, you can see a gurnee wheeled down the hall toward her cell inside the jail. it comes out a short time later with only medical equipment on it. instead of a rescue, it's now a death investigation. the district attorney said it's too early to say who is responsible. >> this investigation is still being treated just as it would be a murder investigation. there are many questions being raised here. the state of texas, in the country, and also around the world about this case.
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it needs a thorough and exhaustive review. >> she had just moved from chicago to the accident to start chicago to texas to start work at her alma mater prairie view university. she was arrested after officers say she became argumentative and aggressive during a traffic stop. they say bland then assaulted a state trooper and taken into custody. >> after spending the weekend here at the jail, she was found dead in her cell. >> people just pulled over for not signaling for traffic and end up dead, something's wrong. >> less than a quarter mile up the road is the campus where she was coming from when pulled over right here on this road. today a memorial marks the location where the altercation occurred between her and the state trooper. activists from around the country have arrived to weigh in. >> we're going to keep saying that name so america does not forget that behind us was not a suicide, but this is a murder, a
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homicide, and in texas will not be the lost episode of how to get away with murder. >> investigators say they see no evidence that foul play was involved. even though bland talked of being depressed, friends and family say she would not have taken her own life. jasmine franklin said they had been friends since third grade. >> they know that she used her voice to speak to encourage people, she would always be there for everybody. she gave you the truth, but she loved god. >> do you believe she was murdered? >> i believe she was murdered. i believe that even if she did commit suicide, that there's a possibility that maybe she was coerced into it or forced somehow. she didn't commit suicide of her own volition. >> al jazeera, prairie view, texas. >> a memorial is being held
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today where bland was supposed to start a new job days after she was taken into police custody. >> investigators are learning more about the gunman behind last week's shooting. a federal official tells the associated press they found anti-government writings while searching the home of mohammad youssuf abdulazeez. his family said he battled depression, as well as drug and alcohol abuse. four marines and a sailor died in the shootings. >> on the agenda today president obama heads to pittsburgh where he'll speak updating reforms on veterans affairs. >> the los angeles county housing authority will pay nearly $2 million to victims of housing discrimination based on race. the settlement comes after adjusts department investigation. >> the c.e.o. of toshiba is calling it quits amid an accounting scandal overstating earnings over the last seven years.
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>> a similar bill has been introduced in the senate. >> authorities revealing new details about how two murderers escaped a northern new york prison. they tell "the new york times" david sweat admitted spending months carving tunnels under the jail. he and richard matt spent weeks on the run before one was killed and one captured. >> the boost for a higher
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minimum wage, the fast food board meets tomorrow. some cities have upped the hourly minimum wage to $15 an hour. it is uncommon for a state to do so for only one industry. >> iowa's biggest newspaper is calling on donald trump to drop out of the presidential raise this morning saying he is a blow hard whose comments on john mccain's military service were disgraceful. trump is not backing down on those comments and john mccain said he doesn't need an apology from trump. >> does donald trump owe you an apology? >> no, i don't think so, but i think he may owe an apology to the families of those who have sacrificed in conflict and those who have undergone the prison experience in serving our country. >> meanwhile yet another candidate is set to join the
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presidential race today ohio govern john kasich would be the 16th republican in the race. michael shure has more on how the field is looking. >> after taking on the president. >> there's a real question about the birth certificate. >> mexican immigrants. >> they are bringing drugs, they are bringing crime, they are rapists. >> and now the senior republican senator from arizona. >> he's not a war hero that he's a war hero because he was captured. >> the remaining field of republicans finally seems to have mustered something of a united voice against donald trump. >> he owes every american veteran and in particular john mccain an apology. >> even as the republican field figures out how to deal with trump, they will now be faced with a new opponent, ohio governor john kasich. >> it is about our children. it is about our families. it is about our country, and frankly, ladies and gentlemen, it's about the world.
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>> as the attention moves from trump to kasick. it moves from a candidate with high name recognition most analysts don't believe can win to a man with low name recognition who political insiders feel has a legitimate shot of the nomination and white house. >> everybody has to have a sense they can get a job everyone has to have a sense that their life can be better. >> like scott walker in wisconsin, kasick is running as a sitting governor from a swing state that republican's prize and offers a good shot at winning ohio. >> in our state of ohio, a microcosm of the country i won 86 out of 88 counties and 64% of the vote and won a county that barack obama won by 40 points. what americans want is they want everybody to share in opportunity, everybody to be hopeful and that's what we do in our state. >> like walker, kasick comes with a reputation for playing tough. just this year, his home state cleveland plain dealer ran this
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headline to on op ed, john kasich runs the risk of being perceived as a jerk. at a time when the party that struggled to wreck cob with another candidate often recognized similarly kasick will have to unify the republicans without alienating them. >> our country is strongest when people are united. it's the bottom line. >> wisconsin governor scott walker who's also running for the gop nomination has signed a controversial abortion bill that bans the procedure at or beyond 20 weeks of pregnancy. he called the bill a reasonable standard. it contains no exceptions for rape incest or fetal abnormalities. the move masks wisconsin the 15th state to pass this kind of ban. >> no resolution yet to the debt crisis in puerto rico. a coalition of advocates met with federal health officials trying to hold off on cuts to health care funding. many island residents are blaming the federal government for their dire situation.
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>> out of sight of its beautiful beaches and tourist attractions puerto rico is hurting. unemployment is 12%. services have been cut taxes raised. there's no question that years of overspending by the government is partly to blame but many see another culprit. >> how much is congress to blame? >> very much so. >> puerto rico's delegate to congress does not get a vote, but he's making his voice heard. he says the island gets short-changed on everything from benefits to money for roads. >> there are some members on the hill who say until puerto rico cleans up its own financial mess, we're not going to give them more money. >> yes easy for them to say. they should be looking at their own mess. who are they to preach to puerto rico? we're simply asking for fair treatment, and they should ask themselves why is puerto rico in this shape. a lot has to do with what congress has been doing to
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puerto rico for ages now. >> puerto rico became a u.s. territory in 1898. since then, congress has given and taken away. in the 1970's, the u.s. government helped attract business to puerto rico by granting generous tax breaks. that led to a booming manufacturing sector, particularly pharmaceutical companies. twenty years later congress began phasing out the tax breaks. they ended in 2006. >> once they started to do that, manufacturing really diminished dramatically in puerto rico. >> at its peak, the island was home to 89 drug manufacturing plants. now there are 40. then there's the jones act date to go 1920. it requires products from one u.s. fort to another to be carried on u.s. ships by u.s. crews. that drives up prices. >> from congress's perspective it benefits the ship building industry which has intricate
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parts, every district across the u.s. is involved. they would love to help out puerto rico, but they have a pretty strong lobby in the shipping industry to counter this. >> congress decided bonds from puerto rico would be triple tax exempt. those who buy them don't have to pay federal, sit or local taxes on the bonds. >> they were extremely attackive in the marketplace and puerto rico actually got addicted, i would say to it, and so it was a lot easier to just go out and borrow as opposed to making tough decisions. >> the government kept borrowing, and investors kept investing and now the island's debt service is $1.5 billion a year. if puerto rico were a state its public corporations could declare bankruptcy and restructure. not so with this territory. a representative introduced a house bill to extend that bankruptcy law to puerto rico
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and he has supporters in the senate. >> here's the sad irony the tools to fix this problem are sitting in the tool box. the problem is puerto rico isn't allowed to use them. >> just another example some say of how residents of puerto rico all u.s. citizens, have second class status. >> you don't need to know much about politics to know that that is not right. >> greece made two debt payments thanks to an influx of ballout funds. part of the payment was to cover paymentses missed in june. greece received an emergency loan to help cover bills until a new bailout deal could be finalized. >> a&p is being forced to close more stores after once again filing for bankruptcy. we have more.
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good morning. >> good morning. a&p operates 300 stores and employs 28,000 workers. the chain is burning through more than $14 million a month. the company plans to sell or close many of those stores. >> thanks. >> hey a&. is a butcher shop with low prices. >> it is struggling to stay alive, file for bankruptcy for the second time in five years. the 156-year-old chain which also owns other changes employs 18,500 people. >> with more new stores and remodeled stores. >> during peak years the company boasted about 4200 stores. like other super markets over the years a&p has been squeezed by walmart and whole foods. the supermarket change has potential buyers for 120 of its
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nearly 300 stores, dozens of underperforming locations will be shut down almost immediately. in a statement the union representing workers called on the company to stay in business during its bankruptcy process and honor responsibilities to its employees. >> bargaining agreements with employees may be a problem going forward. perspective buyers don't want a&p's pension obligation. >> could affect a lot of people. thank you. >> a marijuana crackdown california goes after illegal growers who are draining water from tribal land. >> a new warning over lost sleep, why it could do more than leave you tired. it could increase your risk of and wouldalzheimer's.
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attempt to win a third term unconstitutional. the state department is calling the volt a legitimate and not credible. >> defense secretary ash carter is trying to reassure allies over the iran nuclear deal. benjamin netanyahu has called it a historic mistake. carter will meet other leaders who oppose the agreement in jordan and saudi arabia this week. >> new video is leading to more questions in the death of a young woman just days after a traffic stop. surveillance from a texas jail show the moments after she was found in her cell. >> the new leader of africa's most populace nation is continuing his u.s. troop with a lunch with secretary of state john kerry today. >> the new nigerian president
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came to washington with a wish list top to help fight boko haram. it does appear that the obama administration is ready to make any drastic changes on that. they point out they've given $34 million to the multi-national task force fighting boko haram in the region. light arms were given to the group. we are told they don't go to nigerian soldiers. the obama administration has concerns about alleged human rights abuses at the hands of the nigerian military. they want that cleaned up before they'll consider changing course. the new president thanked president obama for helping him get into office. >> pressure by united states mainly and europe to make sure that elections were free, fair and credible led us to where we are now.
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it would be almost impossible if the united states did not maintain the pressure on the former nigerian government that they will not accept anything as far as the processes of the national concern. >> he asked for help getting $150 billion out of overseas banks. he said that was basically looted by former corrupt nigerian officials. the u.s. does seem likely to try to help him find it and then brin it back to the nigerian economy. >> nigerian political analyst is in washington, d.c. this morning joining us with more. thanks for being with us. u.s. relations with nigeria as you know hit a low point at the end of good luck jonathan's term. how important is this restarten in relations to nigeria and what does it mean for the u.s.? >> nigeria is a very important country, is the most populace country in africa, the biggest democracy and biggest economy.
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it is in the interest of nigeria and the u.s. to have a very cordial relationship. the administration didn't manage it well and i think he is not only here for help but to renew a relationship since nigeria became independent and also at the same time to find a way of solving a common problem which is the insecurity which is threatened not only in nigeria but also in neighboring countries. president buhari contested and won the election pledging to end the violence from boko haram. he has taken steps towards that, appointing a new security team to ensure that they pursue boko haram and the end of violence and to fight corruption. he's also here to seek operation of international organizations and countries to repatriate the wealth stolen from nigeria. >> let's talk about the specifics he might get from
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washington. what should the u.s. role be, for example is he plan to go restart training of nigerian troops by u.s. special forces which was halted during jonathan's administration? week. >>. i think that is one of the things on the table. he wants to renew training, but also, at the same time the united states refused to sell arms to the nigeria but now that we have a new army leadership committed to transparency and obeying the law, it's time for the u.s. to review it's policy toward nigeria. >> the law that prevents the u.s. from providing arms to armies that have been accused of human rights abuses. is buhari's past role as a military dictator affecting perceptions of him in washington? >> that was a military rule,
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this is democracy. he has reiterated many times he is now a democratic and there is a democratic pros in place. he has mentioned that he is committed to rule of law and human rights and the international organizations the local n.g.o.s will keep pressuring the nigerian government to respect human rights. i think the buhari administration is determined are to do things differently and that is why he's here in the u.s. to seek full cooperation. >> boko haram is often scribbled as a political creation driven by corruption, but things like in qualify and youth unemployment. is boo harry doing enough to address these realities six weeks into his term? >> absolutely. i think the first thing that they need to understand is the problem. i think boo harry understands that this is a problem that requires both military and non-military solution, that it would need to address the root causes that give back to the violence like unemployment, like
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i will halt razz, especially in the northeast and all of the things that you will be doing meeting with the organization to rebuild the communities destroyed by boko haram and also providing better education and better employment opportunities in the northeast. yes, boo he is less than two months in office, but is taking steps to correct these things. >> illegal marijuana consumes vast amounts of water in california some being trained from sacred tribal lands. we have the exclusive report. >> the huge clearing in this remote area in california is a dead give away to those
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experienced drug enforcement police officers, cracking down on illegal commercial marijuana growing. we are following 77 federal state and federal law enforcement officers, including the california national guard as they swarm in on dozens of private properties to destroy tens of thousands of marijuana plants, but this is no record near pot bust. these are sacred tribal lands. >> we are helpless. we are helpless. we go up on a hill, and fight with them. >> for generations tribal leader tomas wilson and his family lived here. now illegal commercial marijuana growers are polluting the rivers, the lifeline for his people. >> they're destroying our hills where we used to hunt and fish. >> the environmental damage is staggering. marijuana plants require vast amounts of water. during california's growing season, outdoor grows consume ruffle 60 million gallons of water a day.
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that's a huge strain on any environment, but especially here where crippling drought is in its fourth year. >> boundaries of this red area here everything within that area. >> over the past month the lt. with humboldt county drug enforcement unit worked closely with the tribe to issue search warrants. now the federal officers and the tribe are working together to battle a common enemy. the chief called the governor's office for help when the number of illegal grows tripled this year overwhelming his 10 person police force. >> easy target, plenty of water not a lot of enforcement obviously we come up here, we don't get half of the grows that are up here. >> evidence of hazardous chemicals and waste is everywhere. >> what i'm looking at here looks to me like a bunch of trash, but this is pretty toxic to the environment. >> this is very toxic. there is fragile with that we
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get between 60 and 80-inches of rain so as this breaks down, which is only 40 inches hits bedrock, and you see the slope. any of these slopes around here, it's like 30, 80-degree slopes, so just goes straight into all the little tributaries that feed downward. >> endangered coho salmon breed tomas fishes here but is catching fewer and fewer because the sediment from the pot farms is poisoning the spawning grounds. >> we own the land. we're care takers of the land. the land owns us. we're going back to that land. >> al jazeera humboldt county, california. >> on the healthbeat, new research suggests there is a link between not getting enough sleep and the risk of getting alzheimer's disease. we have more. this is something a lot of us
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that work odd hours may not want to hear. >> especially. the advice is to try to get seven or eight hours of sleep. new research suggestion you may pay the price. >> the brain metabolizes and clears toxins that result from work differently and sleep is really key to clearing those toxins from the brain. >> those are brain clogging gunk that build up over a lifetime. john hopkins researchers studied 70 older duties. they found those who said they got the least sleep under five hours a night or who had slept fitfully had higher levels in the brain than those over seven hours a night. in order to clear the toxic protein and prevent the plaque it forms deep sleep is what matters. >> deep sleep not rem sleep is key for this particular activity in terms of getting rid of the
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toxins from the brain. if you're not getting enough deep sleep, you are not going to ward yourself off from alzheimer's. >> how do you know if you are getting quality deep sleep? if you don't wake up feeling refreshed, you should see a doctor to check for other problems. without a cure for alzheimer's all you can do is try to prevent it by exercising, eating right and not abusing alcohol or smoking. she suggests going to bed at a similar time each day and reducing the amount of time you spend in front of t.v.'s and computer screens because that can wake you up. >> this toxic fluid builds up over your lifetime. what is unclear is what causes it. reservers aren't sure if poor sleep contributes to the onset of alzheimer's or if it is an early symptom of the disease. more sleep can't be a bad thing. >> that's true. thank you. >> forensic investigators in washington state have been trying formabilities to determine who's responsible for
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the shooting death of an an german last winter. the problem it involved three officers, three guns, and 17 bullets. we visit a crime lab to see how they make the connection to figure out which was the fatal shot. >> this is a 45 caliber bullet for a glock. this is a glock 21. this is rick wyatt with the crime lab who is going to fire that into a water tank so we can retrieve the bullet in just a moment. go ahead. glocks have been known for many years to be difficult to identify the bullets of, to link specific cartridges with specific guns. it has to do with the way the bullet is deformed as it goes out of the barrel. we're going to reach into the water tank now and get that bullet. 45 caliber glock 21, so that's a
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hollow point bullet and that's the way it's been deformed as it hits the water. it splays out. it can be very smooth, so the identifying marks left by the gun are very difficult to pick up than in most guns. we'll talk more about how that can play into situations involving attempts to identify specific glocks and link them to specific bullets. >> you can watch alan's full report tonight at 8:00 eastern. >> the u.s. loves its bacon. the average american eats 18 pounds every year. scientists say they have found a super food that tastes just like it but better for your health and the environment. let's bring in nicole mitchell. we are talking about seaweed right? >> yes it would be cooked, so crispy. people say that is like trying to find a uniform some healthy
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but tastes like bacon. traditional bacon we know not at heart healthy mates versus vegetables and meet production uses more environmental resources, so not at environmentally friendly. some of the things that cause that, production have pigs, for example, causes waste that goes into the water ways. the smells and compounds get in the air. 15% of greenhouse gases come from livestock per the u.n. some put that higher. production, we produce 23 billion pounds a year and that is up and uses almost 600-gallons to produce just one pound, so not virally friendly versus seaweed doesn't require fresh water doesn't use airable land. it gross in the wild in the pacific and atlantic and is a great source of vitamin and minerals, even healthier than
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kale. it's got 16% protein and they think this new type that tastes more like bacon might be able to get into general production by next year. right now it's just in the lab. >> yum. nicole mitchell, thank you. >> a big upset for golf's newest star jordan speith came within one shot of winning the open championship. he almost captured a grand slam. instead, it was american zach johnson taking home his first title at the tournament. johnson has two majors among his 12 lifetime p.g.a. tour victories. >> a big honor for a member of the u.s. soccer team, she will be on the u.s. edition of fifa 16 the popular video game franchise. she'll share the cover with lionel messee.
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>> target is getting heat on social media for a tee shirt. the store has been selling this shirt. it simply says trophy, customers say it objectifies women. it is called on to remove it from its stores. the company said it is never our intention to offend anyone. these are intended at a fun wink and we have received an overwhelmingly positive response from our guests. >> the latest invasion in 3-d printing and how doctors are using the technology in their training. >> the high profile people who signed on to help look for alien life.
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>> welcome to al jazeera america. taking a look at today's global headlines, mayors are signing a declare reaction today the mayors calling for a bold climate agreement from international leaders. >> toe sheep ba's executive stepped down amid an accounting scandal. the company acknowledged doctors its books. $1.2 billion was found unaccounted for. two other top executives resigned. >> ghana banned the sale of life
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poultry as bird flu wipes out farms. thousands of birds have been pulled across south africa. authorities are trying to identify the source. >> one australian medical school is starting to print replicas of human body parts. the new technology could change the way doctors are trained. >> this powder is the latest innovation in 3-d printing, replica body parts designs based on c.t. scans of people colored within a computer to create a file to send to a 3-d printer. it builts a block of powder in thousands of incremental sweeps. it injects colors into just a tiny pro pores of the powder. as the block is lowered a 10th 10th of a millimeter for each
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sweep, a detailed limb forms within. >> we had a head, we printed a face head, all the muscles around it. it was very eerie but amazing. >> the parts around suitable to i am part in people. the bio compatibility is decades away. rip liukas of parts can be used for training doctors. traditionally, students learn from books crude molded models or occasionally from parts dissected from dead people's bodies cadavers. >> it's great having the cadavers there to have that 3-d aspect or practical aspect to what you're learning in your textbooks. i suppose you could argue that it is a bit less than we would ideally want. >> cadavers are rare and expensive and in some cultures taboo. >> there are cultures and
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religions that frown pawn interference with a dead body. i like to think with teaching, this hillary clinton fill could fill a unique niche. >> so far there hasn't been a complete body printed. there isn't a machine big enough to do it. this is a mix of body parts based on scans of different people, a modern model frankenstein. >> this isn't the start of being able to print something that could be given to life, for science teaching, it is a big foot step forward. >> steven hawking is joining the search for life beyond earth. the renowned as i say sift signed on to a $100 million
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mission spearheaded by a russian millionaire to search the 1 million stars closest to earth for signs of life. >> we believe that life arose spontaneously on earth. in an infinite universe, somewhere in the cosmos, perhaps intelligent life may be watching these lights of ours or do our lives wander lifeless cosmos? >> the project will offer scientists access to the world's most powerful radio and optical technology. the project will take 10 years and is set to begin next year. >> a conversation with christine ever also sal appearing in hit films, but there was a time she thought it was all over because of her age. john siegenthaler caught up with her recently and asked her where her passion for acting began. >> one of my early hest memories
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was i think i was four years old, and i sat in the kitchen the entire day because i wanted to know what it felt like to be a cripple. my mother was very patient. she would kind of work around me, was walking around me, not questioning what i was doing. what i had to go to the bathroom, i crawled on my arms, because i really wanted to feel what it was like. when i got older i realized that i could do that by acting and get money, you know. >> ♪ >> theater television, stand up, you were in movies. >> christine. >> "saturday night live." >> 1981. >> how tough was it for women on
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"saturday night live"? >> i think maybe tina fey changed that. when i was there in 1981, 1982, it was really kind of a man's word, you know so i think really the way that i had the most confidence was through the singing, that i got to do singing segment. ♪ >> then there was a time when you were worried that your career might be over. >> i was over the hill. >> at what age? >> i think it was after 35. >> so what's that like? >> an agent said if you don't make it by 35, that's it, it's over, you know. i don't have that agent anymore. i got rid of that agent. >> what's your reaction to that? >> well, there's a part of you that believes it. i did have a different agent 10
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years later say when i was wondering why people weren't -- why i wasn't getting any calls you know, he wasn't calling me. he was like well, you're 45, you know. so there's a part of you to believe that is, but i think the highest part of myself was kind of like well, i'll show you. >> you went to new york and you showed them. >> hi! >> back to the theater back to the stage and you win a tony for 42nd street and you win a tony for gray garden. >> that's the revolution i mean. >> it's kind of your own sort of spiritual atonement which means that you just sort of tune back into who you are and it can't be measured by anything outside of you. i think that's the trick of hollywood, is that you kind of feel like you're never thin
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enough, you're never rich enough you're never pretty enough you're never young enough, it's all these external factors that you feel that you're being judged and you're consequently judging yourself by that. having that moment of clarity when i was told that i was -- it was over, that there was a part of me that spark of me that knew that god had given me these gifts, and the gifts that i was given was not going to change, was not going to end by my getting older. as a matter of fact, it would probably get better. ♪ jo you've brought us a lot of wonderful entertainment and it's a real pleasure to meet you. >> thank you, thank you so much for having me. >> she continues to follow her passion, taking her act to cities around the u.s. thanks for watching, have a great morning.
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