tv News Al Jazeera July 21, 2015 5:00pm-6:01pm EDT
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[singing] >> also, singing the praises of of a drug lord. how his escape posted his legend legend. >> getting off the mark three minutes into the career. >> votes are being counted as burundi's presidential election turn out was reported to be low. an opposition leader was skilled as voting continued. the run up to the election has been overshadowed by demonstrations and boycotts over his decision to run for a third term. people have accused the president of violating the constitution by seeking for a
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third term in office. the out gym of the election is not expected to be known for days. however, the united nations the european union and african union said they will not recognize the result. we have reports. >> after a night of gunfire and explosions in burundi's capital the dead are being counted. this man was an opposition member. no one knows who killed him or why, but it has frightened them. >> we don't sleep at night. we don't sleep. we're here the. >> people say he was killed somewhere else and then dumped here. it has angered a lot of people. there have been protests in the last few months, and people are concerned that there could be violence after the election. >> the neighbor has been tense
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after the president announced he was running for a third term. the president voted in his hometown and said that he's impressed by the large voter turnout in the countryside. >> today in the history of our country this marks a big achievement and. >> this is a decisive opportunity to allow all burunians to elect the best candidate. someone with development for the country. >> lines from short. some of refused to vote. >> it is my right to vote. it is also good to vote so we can have a president who will governor this country. >> many opposition parties boycotted the election.
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the african union said it will not recognize 9 result. al jazeera. >> well, tens of thousands burundians have crossed the border into rwanda to escape vie violence. >> we're getting 100 new arrivals every day. sometimes a bit more. sometimes a bit less, but it is fewer than expected. it's fewer than it was a couple of months ago. the new arrived refugees are telling us that they're having troubling in b trouble traveling into burundi. they're being intimidated and they're not able to get across the border freely. they have a sense that there is
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a large number of people in burundi who want to flee, but they have not been able to get across the border to reach safety here in rwanda. >> 70,000 people, that's a big number. 34,000 here. camps have been set up just for this. what are you prepared for right now? >> this camp is 91 days old. there was nothing here 92 days ago. now it's a small town with all of the challenges of that. the number one priority of that is trying to race against time to prepare for more refugees still coming. thousands, maybe tens of thousands. we don't know how many, and we don't know when. so it makes it difficult to plan. the refugee who is are still here in this camp already the number one priority is water. more people die from bad water lack of water in refugee situations than any other single cause. so clean water adequate water
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is important. we even have some young children who refuse to go to school because they say their clothes are too dirty, and they don't have water to wash their clothes. there is a water shortage that is very serious. we're trying to bring river water into the nearby river into the camp. we're trucking water 60 kilometers away every day. all of this has been a challenge, and so far the water is in short supply. >> the first u.n. aid ship to arrive since yemen's war began four days ago. the world food program vessel is carrying enough to feed 180,000 people for a month. the flow of aid is expected to increase with aden's airport due to open in the next 24 hours. we have an update on the aid situation in yemen speaking via
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spike from--skype from cairo. >> it has been waiting outside of aden. waiting for the right moment to come in. we feel that the vessel is enough to bear. also on the 91 of july we managed to get food for 27,000 people from our--from other parts of the country until aden. but we're happy to see that we'll see aden. >> well staying in yemen a soldier from the united emirates has been killed in fighting. the general command from the forces said that one of the soldiers was killed in aden. the third to die in the conflict
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even though the uae has confirm confirmed that it has deployed ground forces to yemen. there has been fighting west of yemen's mountainous region of taiz. army units have launched attacks on houthi rebels. 17 fighters were killed among the houthies and their allies. 43 are injured. three members of the pro government popular resistant committee also dead. suspects have been identified in a suicide-bombing. it happened on monday. families of the victims have been laying their loved ones to rest, and now many are angry that more wasn't done to protect them. >> the tenderest of gestures under the most terrifying of
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events. in southeast turkey relatives and friends of the victims experience their darkest day. their grief is far too powerful to contain. later one of the injured youth activists looks on in horror and sadness. he was going to go into kobane with two of his best friends. two friends who are now gone. traumatized to his core, it's clear his psychological wounds are even more painful than his physical ones. just under the collective sadness anger bubbles up. hakan tells me he was at the seen of the explosion. >> we're in great pain here but we will take our revenge. >> many here feel the turkish government simply has not done enough to protect its kurdish population. especially in areas like this on
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turkey's long border with syria. others like hakan say keeping the border safe is a shared duty duty. >> it is also our responsibility because we didn't take any precautions. we should have taken more precautions. >> while investigators worked to bring the perpetrators to justice, this community is struggling just to come to terms with this reality. here at the site of the horrific attack there is a deep sense of sadness. behind me there are folks who have gathered. they've left flowers. they're also leaving children's toys because the volunteers in this youth group had planned to go into kobane. they were going to take these toys to children whose lives have been devastated by war. the youth group had planned to cross into syria and rebuild hospitals while reconstructing
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shattered morale. all that is left are these symbols of innocence in a region full of treachery. >> the united states says that a senior al-qaeda figure has been killed in one of its airstrikes in syria. he was killed while traveling in vehicle in syria two weeks ago. a key figure in the movement. the u.s. said that he was one of few leaders given advance notice of the september 11th attack. let's cross to jamie mcintyre. first of all what else is the pentagon saying about this? >> well, they're not say building he was killed in a manned airstrike or a drone attack, but they do say that back on july 8th they were able to track his movements.
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in a vehicle in syria and were able to successfully target him. now you may recall that there were reports that he was killed last fall a year ago. those turned out to be incorrect, but the pentagon, while not saying how it is confirmed, they are saying that he's dead. in that statement from the pentagon his death will, quote degrade and disrupt the operations of this group in syria. this is a group that the u.s. government saw as a direct threat. they were known for trying to recruit western operatives who pass through security with less scrutiny, also they were trying to development bombs explosive.
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they say killing this leader is just one more step in the ongoing battle against groups that they say directly threaten the united states. >> jimmy mcintyre live for us in washington, d.c. explosive protests in bolivia as miners accuse the president of breaking promises. also the climate data that is piling on pressure world leaders to act. and in sport formula one remembers the life of jules bianchi. >> the casualties were in the neighborhood of the city, which is an area controlled by opposition forces. the attack led to dozens of
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homes collapsing, and witnesses say many may be stuck under the republic. at least 19 people have been killed by two car bombs in the iraqi capital. one of the blasts hit a busy commercial street in the eastern suburb of baghdad. both neighborhoods have mostly shia populations. no group has yet claimed responsibility elsewhere in iraq u.s. airstrikes have killed five people in fallujah as it's military continues its campaign against the islamic state in iraq and the levant. the airstrikes follow one of the deadliest car bombings in iraq on friday in which 115 people were killed, and more than 100 were injured number imran khan has more where that attack happened, and residents who say they have been left to fend for themselves. >> this is where the bomb went often on friday on the eve of
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the religious festival. the islamic state in iraq and the levant quickly claimed responsibility for the bombings. >> no one cares what happened here. our government has not even visited here. even president obama has sent condolences. no one cares. >> their anger is not likely to go away any time soon. they blame the sunni must muslims of this town for allowing fighters in. and they refuse to say on camera because they fear axe. >> they say the only government who can protect them from attacks are shia militias. they say they're the only one who is have the power to take revenge. that's what they want. revenge against the people who perpetrated this attack. the local mayor is a man under pressure.
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as a representative of the government anger is directed towards him. he's lying loan and he increased his security fearful of the mobs outside. >> we need more of everything to protect ourselves. more bomb detecting equipment more cameras. police and soldiers who know the area and can protect us from isil. >> they have warned that they would take revenge for the attack. they have shown that they can attack at will and that has residents scared. >> the u.s. defense secretary says that ground troops are needed to defeat isil. at a jordanian air base, ashton carter thanked those taking part in the air chain but said this alone was not enough. >> we all know that the lasting
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defeat of isil is going to require not just air power but capable forces on the ground. those forces have to be local because after that the people who live there are local. and at the moment we have tremendous air power and we do not have the ground power that we need in all places where isil is operating. >> well, carter is touring the middle east to bring reassureness to the regional security a week after a deal was reached over iran's nuclear abraham program. prime minister benjamin netanyahu asked u.s. congress to reject the agreement. meanwhile, the deal has also been criticized by hard liners
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in iran. but the country's foreign minister, who helped broker the deal told parliament he did his best. >> we have believe the deal is completely beneficial, and we believe it's about giving and taking. if both sides sides have needs met, this has been goal oriented and well contemplated. >> let's get more now on the continuing ripples being felt. some critics of president obama's policy, terms of the deal dictate that the arms embargo would be lifted within five years or sooner if iran keeps its promises. restrictions could be lifted in eight years that's making iran's regional rifles region
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rivals nervous. they're likely to spend mover on conventional weapons to deter what they see as iranian aggression. they're likely to spend $18 billion this year. in 2012 it wasin 2014 it was $12 billion. what have you seen in the past week, do you think it will spark some regional arms race? >> well, the first point i would make is that an arms race is underway. so the arms race was not created by the imminent nuclear deal between iran and the six powers negotiating with it.
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the main problem in the region is a lot of underlying factors that create a level of perceived insecurity. and i'm quite confident that this agreement, which is a good agreement, which will lead to creating a lot of obstacles to iran developing nuclear weapons will in the long run be something that puts pressure on a downward cycle instead of an upward cycle in the arms competition. >> when we see the weapons sales are expected to reach $18 billion this year up from $12 billion last year, which is a considerable jump, i know there are other issues at play. we've seen the rise of isil, which seems to continue unabated. but sure the iran delinquent would have some impact. do you think it would slow this arms race? do you think it would speed it up? what impact if any would this
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actually have? >> i think initially there would be pressure on arms sales. the saudi arabia and other gulf states are worried about this agreement. they're worried not so much that the agreement will not constrain an iranian nuclear program. they're worried about an improvement in u.s.-iranian relations that could come at their expense. i don't think that worry is justified. i think better relations between the u.s. and iran would be to the benefit of all countries in the region, and we're a long way from normalizing relations between u.s. and iran. the u.s. has a lot of its own concerns about the iranian behavior iranian support for terrorist groups like hezbollah and hamas. i think in the long term we'll be better off. in the short term the stakes will be anxious about what kind of political changes will be brought about. but the u.s. is going to be responsive to the perceived
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defense needs of saudi arabia and the other gulf states. one example of that is the missile defenses, which are not a provocative gesture. it's a way for the gulf states to cope with their defense needs in reaction to a pretty robust iranian program of short-range about a lit-range ballistic missiles. >> would they stick with this deal confirm what iranians feel that perhaps they need to take care of their security which might make them pursue a nuclear weapon, which they have always denied publicly. >> i don't think the defense expenditures on the other side of the gulf is going to make iran less interested in this deal. there are a lot of strong political economic reasons for iran to get through the
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implementation cycle so they can start receiving the economic benefits of trade and reimbursing the iranian money that the rest of the world is holding. of the states on the other side of the gulf are much smaller than run. run is not really worried about the aggressive acts on their part. iran is worried about some of the actions of fundamentalist sunni groups like isil and al qaeda which has been in no one's best interest. >> thankthank you for sharing your views with us on al jazeera. >> you're welcome.
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>> to somali now where civilians have been killed in an unprovoked attack by africa union soldiers. the troops open fired on unarm residents. they say that the soldiers drove an armored vehicles and open fired. there are reports that the soldiers from respond to go a grenade attack has been denied. nigeria's new president said that's confident that the armed group boko haram will be defeated within 18 months. president buhari, who is on a three-day visit in the united states will meet with secretary of state john kerry. >> they have agreed.
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we believe that boko haram in nigeria that we can change the situation. >> there have been females cases of female mutilation. the practice has been illegal in the u.k. since 1985, but as of yet no one has been prosecuted. now the government is introducing measures to tackle the problem. >> it has been practiced for generations in some parts of the world. but what some call cutting fgm female genital mutilation.
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the report says girls are at risk of fgm in every part of england and wales, but in suffolk folk there is the highest prevalence the report also puts the weight of girls born here to mothers who have undergone fgm at 10.4% that's largely due to migration patterns. >> these numbers are based on migration patterns and where the fgm is practiced. in somalia there is 90% rate of fgm being performed on girls there. the >> the u.k. government is planning to make a legal requirement for teachers and
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health workers to report cases of fgm to the police. this month protection orders were introduced meaning anyone fearing a girl is at risk can ask a court to allow officials to seize their passports. but not everyone believes it will work. she works with survivors in the u.k. but also activists in kenya where there are girls at risk of fgm. >> if you actually go and speak against your own family you're more likely to have to leave your family. so we need to create a supportive system for these young girls and women. >> theyest plate there are 138,000 women and girls who pro
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born in a place where fgm takes place. >> still more to come in this news hour. why mexico's fugitive drug lord is celebrated as a hero in his hometown. >> to walk away without a scratch on you it's--it's a miracle, really. >> arriveing home after a close encounter with a great white. found out if he'll ever get back in the water.
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given advance notice of the september 11th attack. and a suspected identification of those involved in a suicide attack. palestinian leader died in a hospital in 2004 after developing stomach pains. his widow filed a case in 2012 at a french court saying he was murdered by poisoning. the prosecutors decision followed an inquiry by three french judges, which concluded in april. it's been a year since sanctions were imposed on russia for its role in ukraine. russia denies backing russian separatists, but the sanctions appear to be hurting the russian people more than the government.
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>> the shelves are full. there are no french cheeses. nor will you find any meat or dairy products from the u.s. canada or australia. and it's costing them more to feed their families than it used to. >> the prices have gone up, and i think many people like me find our deals helpful. all categories of food have gone up. >> she has fewer rubles to spend than she did when the war started in ukraine. they wanted punish moscow for passing the crisis. imposeing trade sanctions in turn russia imposed it's own measures including a blockade on many agricultural products. coupled with a drop in the world prices the ruble has slipped against the dollar making
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everything more expensive and the market volatile. the support for the president his gamble in ukraine appears to have paid off. >> his popularity is sky high, bolstered by the sanctions sanctions. >> now they feel alienated that they've been subjected to a crusade. that backs up the policy. >> no one knows how long the effect of the sanctions will last or what the ultimate price
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will be. >> the bolivian government has agreed to meet miners from the south, who have been on strike for two weeks. we have details of the protesters' demands. >> so after two weeks of protest not only in the city of la paz the government leaders have decided to hold talks. it will be a very difficult time the 26-point plan is a very difficult one. just to understand the magnitude of the demands. they not only want three hospitals to be built they also want an international airport and electric factory and hydroelectric plant. they want the preservation that
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is emblematic and so most of the activity there is mining, and the mine could collapse so that's one of the issues that protesters want to result with the government. the government has said that they have invested $1.3 billion, 200 more million dollars are coming to the region but they have been demanding these issues five years since five years ago, and they say that the president has promised and nothing gun except there will be a difficult time, and the idea is to begin dialogue, and not to until they come to an agreement. >> 2015 is on track for the hottest year on record. according to the u.s.-based national oceanic atmospheric
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association the world's average temperature reached 16.33 dress celcius. in pakistan many suffered through a heatwave that killed many people. >> well, leaders in formal climate change talks in france have discussed issues that have been sticking points for years. they expect to build on the foundation from this meeting. >> it's up to every individual to see what he or she can did to save the planet. there are global diversities
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that should at a certain point unite and what takes place here is very important. there will be women and men from every continent who have every conviction on the planet, and they're coming together to make a single message. it should be made in paris at the climate summit. >> let's examine this news that's come out the hottest year on record. we've seen a rise of .12 of a degree this june over last june, how much of a change? >> we've been seeing significant increases in temperatures as a consequence the climate change. the 21st century has witnessed 14 of the hottest 15 years on record we're likely to see that trend continue. >> you think that now we have
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these facts that perhaps we've seen a lot of meetings over climate change come and go, do we think that this will be a push for a lot of governments who aren't willing for a variety of reasons to teal deal with the problem. do you think this is going to be a push that people like you have been waiting for? >> i think we're getting close to chickcal tipping points on climate change. all the economic studies have determined that it's going to go a lot less expensive to deal with it today than to adopt to it tomorrow. there are for things we need to do. the first we need to significantly shift to renewable energy. second, we need to increase the efficiency of our production systems. we need to make stuff with less stuff. third, we need to figure out how to have smarter cities.
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cities that are more resilient more livable and efficient. and fourth we need to do an enter job managing land. and stop deforesttation and start being a solution to climate change. we can get there. these are solvable problems. >> you've highlighted these four points. what kind of reaction are you receiving from developed nations and developing nations who say that some of the requests are unfair on them? >> there is common differentiated responsibilities. it means that we're all in this together, and we all need too contribute to the solution. but there is a recognition that the advanced countries like the united states and the european union has to do more because they've contributed more to the problem and they're more capable of doing it. but all of the countries around the world have recognized that
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they need to do something. we've seen countries stepping forward with new commitments pop not just the european countries and america but china and mexico and a range of developing countries who are all recognizing that they're going to suffer if we don't do something, but there is an opportunity and responsibility to move forward on climate change. we're getting close to that global moment. >> it's been really interesting that even pope francis started talking about this issue as one of global importance. there is this meeting in paris that you mentioned in disease. what do you hope will come out of it? >> a couple of things. we're going to get a whole range of new commitments for countries to reduce their emissions. we've seen china america and european union commit. second, we need a process to continue ramping up those commitments over time. paris is a turning point not
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the end point. it's not going to get us all the way there but we need a process to continue ratcheting up over time. third, we need a send the message to the private sector. we're helping companies and communities to figure out how to get to that future that can be cleaner, more secure, and it be healthier. >> director of international government relations. thank you so much for joining us. >> thank you. >> well, mexican authorities continue their hunt for the world's most wanted drug lord. some have been singing yoakim's m does man's presence. we christianed in space. >> famous for their outlaws and
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the bans that sing their praises. they are about joakim guzman after he tunneled out of jail last set. [singing] >> he will be welcomed back to his hometown by many here, who see him not as a dangerous criminal but a biller to the local economy. >> it's really good that he's escaped because he provides jobs and helps a lot of families. if he's not here they go hungry and the economy suffers. >> we traveled third into the hills to talk to farmers who survived by growing marijuana for the cartels. they met us guns tucked into
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their belts and while el chapo has-locked up the killings have intensified. >> the time that he was in jail was really ugly here. rival groups began fighting among themselves. now he's back, and people are going to be able to work happier. >> they call him simply the senor. >> theheel chapo's hometown has always been a place where someone could disappear. it's an area where tens of thousands have gone dead or missing. >> el chapo has helped many people but we have to realize that he's bringing poor and
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uneducated people into his ranks, and violent is becoming more widely used in our country. >> al jazeera, sinaloa mexico. >> indian women's rights groups are campaigning on a ban of instant divorces by must muslim men. they're able to be divorced by saying it three times. >> her husband phoned her one night and said taluk three times. >> the wife should also have a say, ending a marriage by just saying talaq is not right. >> it is protected by the indian
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institution. >> some indian women's groups say that needs to change. there are many issues involved. you just say abruptly if then there is no possibility of any settlement and abe livelihood choice options. it's a single right given to men. where men can decide, choose, deliver and act on their own choice. >> islamic scholars differ on how ta laq should be practiced. some say there should be a waiting period before the divorce becomes final. but whatever the situation they say talaq should be dealt with at a community levels.
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>> it is the option of the girl. they can put up conditions, and that it will not be effective until they have these things taken care of. >> issues like talaq are debated. they have banned the use of the world talaq. al jazeera, new delhi. >> well, still to come, the 3d printed body parts that are revolutionizing the way doctors are trained. and in sport chris froome hits back over allegations of doping.
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>> they were made prefer guns to shoes. now 3d printers are creating bodies parts. we explain what they're being used for welcome. >> caked in this powder it's the latest innovation in 3d printing. replica body parts. designs on scans of people which are created in the computer. it builds a block of powder in incremental suites. as it is lowered an one-tenth of
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a millimeter for each sweep. >> we build the face and neck, and it was arriving out of the pattern. it's eerie but amazing. >> it's not suitable to be inplanted in people. but the parts can be used to training doctors. previously students would learn from books and occasionally from cadavers. >> it's great having it to have that 3d aspect for what you're learning in your textbook,. >> cadavers are rare and expensive, and in some culture. >> there are some cultures and religious which frown upon the
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use of a dead body. i would like to think that perhaps this could fill an unique niche. >> the accuracy of these models is what makes them special. molded models can't get close. the ambition is to dissect the body parts. so far there has not been a complete body printed. there is not a machine big enough to do it. this is a mix of body parts based on scans of different people for this model of frankenstein. >> for all the sports now. >> dillering hats made an immediate impact.
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the $80 million signing from liverpool within seconds of starting his debut game. well taking on a friendly, the most expensive play in history. more of this will be expected, no doubt. sterling scoreing and winning the game. michel patini is coming forward as the name for fifa's president. meanwhile, the man who showered sepp blatter with fake dollar bills was arrested following this incident ahead of a blatter press conference. the british comedian could be set for trial for trespassing if
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the swiss swiss prosecuteor deems it necessary. >> dussuyer named the new ivory coast coach. nick banning said it may be months before he gets back in the water during a competition in south africa. the 34-year-old has been competing in the open when a great white bit the back of his board. tv pictures caught the incident. speaking on his return to australia he said he's still unsure how he escaped. >> to caulk away from a shark attack without a scratch on you it's a miracle really. i spoke to different people.
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i had dinner with a guy who had been attacked three times and you know, it's just like--you don't know. you just count your lucky chars and if there is someone out there looking over you thanks. >> meanwhile the team of chris froome has released medical data about their riders. they say information about the tour de france performers have been spread, and have accused of doping. the 2013 champion took on the media saying that the accusations were unfounded. >> we seem to have caught a lot of speculation and doubts around
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our importances. >> formula one now a moment of silence given for sunday's hungarian grand prix. bianchi died on friday from injuries sustained in a crash at the japanese grand prix. >> he was so natural humble, formula is a complicated profession. often you can lose touch with reality. you always knew how to remain town to earth nice to everybody. that's what made him different from others. >> in the aftermath of the 405
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run against australia. the new me coach hopes to beat their latest trends. they hope to recreate the domestic force as they average 100 this season. well, the world heavyweight champion vladimir klitschko has been accused of ruining the sport by being too boring. it's claim that klitschko has turned fans away from the sport. vladimir and his brother have dominateed the heavyweight
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without having fought each other. >> i'm interested in breaking your faces. that's what i'm interested in. you're boring. i want to rid you of the heavyweight division. surely all of europe wants to to see you get beaten. >> i think you're going to challenge. i think it's not going to be simple for you and i believe that i'm going to face one of his opponents through just your size and your standings. underrated. that i can promise. >> thank you. that is it for this news hour. we'll be back in just a few minutes for more of the days news.
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>> outbreaks of violence during a controversial presidential election in burundi. >> hello there i'm barbara serra, you're watching al jazeera live from london. also coming up in the next 30 minutes. they have identified the suicide-bomber from this attack on monday. the u.s. said that the senior al-qaeda operative has been killed in one of its airstrikes in syria. plus. >> the printing technology t
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