tv News Al Jazeera July 23, 2015 12:30pm-1:01pm EDT
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rapid possible rate by -- by looking at the numbers of centrifuges, all kinds -- the amount of enrichment the capacity of enrichment. it's a complicated formula. >> it also includes capacity to rebuild all of the infrastructure they are taking out. i might add beyond the 15 years, where there are severe constraints, in terms of visibility, i remind you that for 20 years there is still the containment and surveillance activities for any centrifuge sensitive parts manufacturing. they will all be tracked -- labeled tracked, et cetera. and for 25 years the uranium transparency. and it's like follow the uranium and the centrifuges. >> thank you. >> the president was really clear in year '13 they were at
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zero breakout, and beginning industrialization in year eight. >> i don't agree with that characterization. >> thank you mr. chairman. thank you for your testimony. i hope you'll take these questions in the intirt they are given. i'm not looking to play gotcha at all. i have been supportive of these negotiations, i come mend you all for the hard work that has been done. but there is some disagreement it seems with the text of the agreement as we read it and the explanation that's given, and let me just cover a couple of these points. number 8 on adoption day here in the annex for the implementation plan. it says iron will inform the iaea, that they will apply the additional protocol pending ratification by the iranian parliament and will fully implement the modified code 3.1.
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we -- we have talked about the agreement, although it's volunteer to live by the additional protocol what happens if the parliament -- first what is the timetable that is required for the parliament to address the -- the additional protocol? >> they have -- senator, they have to live by the additional protocol -- >> understood. >> and they have eight years -- within eight years to adopt it formally but they are in material breach as of adoption day if they do not live by it and it is fully understood by everybody that would be a material breach. >> but there is no timetable -- >> they have to do it within the eight years. >> within the eight years? >> yes. >> so that is the timetable. second -- >> which is before the sanctions are lifted. so you have snap back capacity
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in addition. >> understood. in december 2011 the president signed into law the ndna that includes sanctions on iran's central bank. it penalized foreign financial institutions that were doing business with iran's central bank. these will ultimately be suspended. what i'm trying to understand and this tees off a question that was asked by senator carden and others we -- according to the agreement, the u.s. acting consistent with the respective roles of the president and the congress has ceased applying under the djoa without dispute to the process. this is what i think a lot of us are having a hard time reconciling here. what would constitute
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reintroducing, reimposing existing sanctions if because iran didn't violate the nuclear part of the agreement, but committed terrorism abroad abducted americans, and we wanted to sanction them. would we impoise sanctions on iran's central bank because that would be similar to what was done before but in a different context. would that be allowed or lead to some violation on our part of the agreement? secretary lou? >> i'm going to take a stab at this, because we have been going around on it and i want to try to if i can, answer it dispositively. first of all, we will not violate the jcpoa if we use our authorities to impose sanctions on iran for any other
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non-nuclear reason. and the jcpoa does not provide iran relief from any u.s. sanctions for any of those other authorities. what we have committed to do is quite specific. iran was fearful that having witnessed the hot desire in the congress for more sanctions that even if we cut an agreement, you folks might turn around the day after and say too bad, we're coming back with the same sanctions. so what they really wanted was a clarity, that -- that we're not going to reimpose the specific nuclear-related sanction provisions as specified in annex 2, contingent upon them abiding by the commitments of the
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agreement. it's a clarification to them that we're not going to come back and just slap them on again. but that absolutely does not mean we are precluded from sanctioning iranian actors sectors, or any actions if circumstances warrant. so all of our other sanctions authorities remain in place, they are unacted by this agreement, and iran only said that they would treat the imposition of new nuclear-related sanctions as the grounds to cease performing but they are clear, and we are clear that we have all other kinds of authorities. even with the lifting of sanctions after eight years on missiles or five years on arms it's only the u.n. sanctions. we still have sanctions.
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and i might add for those things that we want to deal with in terms of their behavior -- for instance hezbollah, there is a u.n. resolution that prevents the transfer of any weapons to hezbollah. that will continue. >> i think we have got that. i just want to make sure if we say all right what was effective on iran? what really has brought them to the table, in my view more than anything else are these sanctions. if we decided if we want to impose penalties to deter them from terrorist activities, we impose sanctions on their central bank but that will not be a beach of the accord? >> no. >> okay. one other question assuming this is going to go into effect
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we're going to desperately need a regional security framework. that you have touched on. i would just encourage you that i understand the problem with 535 secretaries of state. but i would encourage you to reach out to at least the relative committees as the framework is put in place, to make sure it can endure longer than just the first couple of years. we all know to have the institutional fortitude to move ahead, it's best to have congress involved, and there are many points between 535 secretaries of state, and proper consultation with the relative committees at least of jurisdiction here -- >> i couldn't concur more senator. i think you are absolutely dead on. we agree. and i think in the course of
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this negotiation, prior to the passage of the requirement for the 60 days which we understand, and joined in with working with the chairman and we're chairful to the chairman for cooperation on that. but there were a huge number of briefings and hearings and telephone calls, literally in the hundreds. but i come back to this i couldn't agree with you more with this new arrangement. we're talking about arms trading, counter insurgency. we have a major need here to build capacity in many of those countries. the gull states spend about $130 billion a year on their defense. iran spends 15 billion, yet you see a disparity in terms of what is happening in the region. in that has to be addressed and that's the purpose of our initiative. >> thank you, secretary.
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>> thank you. senator udall. >> thank you, mr. chairman and let me also just echo what everyone said. i very much appreciate the negotiators and the team and give a shout out to wendy sherman, and i would like to recognize our colleague, angus king of maine who has been sitting here from the beginning very conscientiously trying to stay involved in this issue. this is a very important deal one based on verification and sound science. those who areas are what i would like to focus on today. as you know the national labs in tennessee, m francois hollande net income and california have played an important role and i think it's important that we do the best job we can to explain to the american people why this
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deal meets the scientific rigors for preventing iran from acquiring a bomb. so secretary monese can you tell the people what the half life of uranium and plutonium are. and what that means? >> you are creating the urge for a 50-minute nuclear physics lecture. >> but i don't want that. >> the half life of uranium, is roughly the age of the earth, that's why we still have it in the ground. uranium 235 is maybe a factor of ten less. plutonium is much shorter, 20,000 years, probably which is why we don't have any of it naturally, and we have to make it in reactors. >> iran cannot create a facility
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or -- or enrich uranium or plutonium out of the thin area, the laws of physics, as you well know energy and mass must be conserved, and through the iaea we'll be able to detect illicit use due to extensive monitoring. do both of you believe that's correct? >> yes. >> uh-huh. >> and with regards to the worries of the 24-day requirement. given the half life of uranium and plutonium and the resources needed would you say it's scientifically possible to hide such work within 24 days and do you believe we have the technical capabilities to determine if enrichment is being done outside of the limits? >> yes, once again we have the historic example of 2003 of
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precisely that happening after six months easily finding you yan uranium despite trying to hide it. and we'll know all of the sensitive parts of every machine that they make. >> so people who use the analogy like in a drug crime you can flush it down the toilet and we won't be able to find it. >> if they try that we'll find it. >> good. [ laughter ] >> our nuclear experts at oak ridge, lost almost and others they have given technical support throughout these negotiations. are they confident the enhanced measures and those of the additional protocol will enable the iaea to detect and attempt to breakout will be recognized? in >> they were on constant call
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for literally hours turn around and i alluded to the fact your laboratory played a major role. so the answer is yes. i mean in fact those are the people who have invented many of the safeguards technologies that are going to be employed here. >> so it sounds to me like iran can break the rules of this agreement, but they cannot break the rulesover physics, and the international community has the no how and expertise to determine whether or not iran is abiding by this deal and the non-proliferation treaty not only during this phased agreement, but in to perpetuity in the traditional protocol to the ntp. would you agree? and would the pan l -- panel agree that if necessary, the
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u.s. would have the ability to snap back sanctions? >> yes, i mean again, we will have much greater transparency from day one to forever than -- than we would have without -- without the agreement. that's -- that's a fact. and the sanctions, i'll venture the answer is yes. [ laughter ] >> all right. >> thank you. and then finally, secretary kerry, one of the keys here is implementation. how are we going to do implementation. so i just ask in the broadest possible way how it's going to be done who is going to be in charge, how are we going to make sure when we get to the implementation phase, how are we going to ensure this is a success. >> we have a management office
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already. but this will be a full-time operation. it's not going to be left to a normal bureau. there will be a fuel time iran agreement implementation effort with experienced and competent personnel. >> and i would add if i may, is under that umbrella we at due, and with our laboratories would have our own team and there will be some major jobs. for example in nx 1, you will seal seal -- alluded to a working group. we anticipate obviously playing a leading role in that group, and making sure that the new reactor does only what we have laid out and the parameters are in that material you have. >> good i just -- i can't emphasize enough in terms of the
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national laboratories especially the two in new mexico but all of them that they have worked on these kinds of activities and studied nuclear issues since the creation of the atomic bomb and that's why they are in such a position to be able to give the technical advice. >> if i could just reinforce that. i think it's very important because it's a pitch now that this is not the capability you invent overnight because you needed it for this negotiation, it has to be a consistent invest inspect our core and nuclear power agencies. >> and people like me who don't have that background understand the limitations and there isn't any decision made in this agreement, none, where we didn't go our teams, in fact there were
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days where there were delays because we had to go back to our laboratory and get their input and determine what we were seeking would be sustainable. and there isn't one technical decision within this agreement that hasn't been worked through the entire system in that regard. >> thank you. senator you ought to be proud of your outstanding labs. they are playing a huge role in this. i thank you. >> thank you, mr. chairman. surprisingly the senator from new mexico who was the last senator to ask his question voicing support for this deal and really going into a lot of the technical details with earnest munese who said he is confident it is a good deal. i want to bring back libby casey who is covering this very
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important hearing from capitol hill. libby the secretary referred to the urine test analogy that was earlier made by the chairman and said that's just not how it works. let's just talk about that for a second. because he is sort of a star in these negotiations in the fact that he is actually a nuclear physicist, it's hard for anybody in that chamber to really argue with him on the science of this. >> that's right. and we have heard members on both sides of the aisle praising him for walking them through this step by step. and that seems to be a bipartisan thing. and what we were talking about with that urine specimen mention, is chairman corker said look this is like asking an
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athlete to provide his own urine test. and what the administration official said is a lot of this is confidential. that got a lot of pushback. so the secretary is trying to allay the fears, and talk them through just how hands on both members of the united nations teams will be as well as international teams will be in making sure that iran is following through, and as senator udall said iran may be able to break the rules of the agreement, but they cannot break the rulesover physics. >> there are certain details that are not being made public but we should say that members of this committee are getting these confidential briefings, and i will say the iran deal twitter account has tweeted about 25 minutes ago that there is no secret or side deal with iran. congress has everything we have on the iran deal.
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is that true? >> so congress does have access to everything but a lot of this is behind closed doors. not everything is being revealed to members of the public. one of the lines of questioning earlier prompted secretary kerry, i believe, to say we can talk about that behind closed doors, but not in this forum at this moment, but we have started this 60-day clock for members of congress they have gotten the information they need. there is some frustration, though because there are a lot of moving parts. it's not just up to congress. and we heard the senator from idaho, republican saying that he wishes this was a treaty process, which would require a lot of members of congress to get on board. it would require them to sign
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off on. this isn't that case. and while congress can approve or disapprove, a lot of members are feeling a sense of frustration, like the horse has left the barn and they are just here to give a thumbs up or not, but they don't have nearly as much power -- they weren't able to be at the negotiate table literally. >> and they also seem to have a chip on their shoulder over the fact that the u.s. brought this first to the united nations security council which quickly on monday because they are all party to the talks, approved the nuclear deal. >> we're going to take a quick break here and be back with more live coverage of the senate hearing.
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welcome back to al jazeera america. you are watching live coverage of the iranian deal being discussed at a hearing in the senate foreign relations committee. in that is continuing this hour with secretary kerry testifying. on top of that the white house is running a dedicated twitter feed to all of this. and here is a tweet they came out with recently.
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now what that refers to is chairman corker earlier said that this verification process is the same as the athlete submitting to a urine test and what they are trying to say is that is just not factually true. they are live tweeting what they believe are fact checks out of the white house. i want to go to our guest to get a little bit more. i understand the iranians are able to watch this testimony live. >> yes, stephanie. i just saw that bc persian is carrying this live translating it simultaneously into persian. i'm sure maybe even some local media channels are showing it live. and it shows how important this is for the iranian population on every single detail of this deal, and the iranians are very afraid that the u.s. congress could somehow sabotage this.
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>> now you are an iranian american, and then you have a lot of contacts with iranians within iran how do you think the iranian public takes the fact that -- what they don't seem to disagree on in this senate chamber is that iran is untrustworthy. how do you think the average iranian hears that >> the average iranian definitely has criticisms of the government internal and foreign policies -- >> of the iranian government? >> of the iranian government's policies of the iranian government's adventurous dealings in the middle east but there is no real powerful party in the middle east who is not dealing in some sort of adventurous -- >> that's a good point. some of whom are our allies. >> are oural alleys.
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and the iranians see that. the average young iranian, which is the majority of the country, what they are tired of is almost a decade -- or with the u.s. three decades of tension and animosity -- >> and isolation -- >> which has brought isolation to iran and they are just happy about this opening of, you know just sitting at a table, negotiating like one of the senators called it in a civil way. that's i think something the iranian population is have happy about. >> is it really in a civil way? because we hear the rhetoric from the hard liners in the u.s., but you also here that from hard liners in iran and one of the things that was reported was that there were more and more sort of death to america rallies that were reported in tehran. >> oh exactly. like we just talked about. the hard liners are mirroring
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each other. but what i mean by civil is the negotiators, the fact that after 30-something years u.s. and iranian foreign secretaries were sitting at the table. this is unprecedented. >> could have happened under the previous president? >> it was going the exact opposite direction under president bush and the previous iranian president. if they don't work it out, i don't know when this window of opportunity would open up again. >> thank you. treasury secretary jack lew spoke about the safeguards in place if iran does not comply. let's listen. >> if iran violates its commitments once we have suspended the sanctions, we will be able to promptly snap back both u.s. and under.n. sanctions.
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and the united states has the ability to effectively force the reimposition of those sanctions. >> you have been listening to this hearing with me. and a lot of the questions are technical about the sanctions, how this process of snap-back sanctions would work but as you are watching this hearing, is it really about the details? or are the political lines drawn? >> i think there are still some members and also a big portion of the public who are on the fence, and after this we can all make better decisions. but the negotiators had two years, and the u.s. congress has had four days. >> although the administration would say they have been briefing congress all along throughout the negotiations, which is a fact. >> exactly.
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but at the finaling a agreement, the last weeks that the -- very much of the details came along, congress hasn't had much time. the iranian foreign minister made a comment saying when was the last time you guys read so many pages of a document in a week or a month. so both administrations are signalling to the critics that you should read the details of the deal that we came up. and what the opponents on both sides want is they want the perfect deal and they want to eat it too. and that's what the two negotiating sides are trying to convey. >> thank you. i'll go back live to the chamber with the committee continues to hear testimony from three key cabinet members. >> i want to ask
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