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tv   Third Rail  Al Jazeera  July 27, 2015 12:00am-1:01am EDT

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and his 3060 hits. he's the only player in history as making the all-star team as both a catcher and an outfielder. thanks for joining us. third rail is next.
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tonight in our debate for communism and human rights violations, the united states scorns cuba. has fidel castro won. later in our panel. "charlie hebdo" says it will not publish more cartoons of the prophet muhammad. has intimidation worked. >> planned parenthood caught on tape haggling over the price of foetus procurement. do they have anything to apologise for. i'm imran garda. and this is "third rail" we can do more to support the cuban people and promote our values through engagement. >> you don't break a mafia by doing business it. >> we gave away the store and got nothing in return. >> they have not made political reforms. >> do we want a china model
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perpetuating the slavery of the people. >> every economic traction strengthens the regime that is torturing the people. change. >> we are risking going backwards, instead of forward. >> isolating the country does want. >> for the last 54 years it's been a ? in few years you have a new generation taking over. >> human rights, value of democracy. that'll be on the agenda. >> to affect change in an it. >> tonight we have orlando, cofounder and national secretary. and ambassador vicky huddleston. former director of cuban affairs thank you for joining us, both of you. orlando, has castro won? >> certainly. we opened up with a dead beat corrupt regime, without pressure
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on them making change. they'll continue to be corrupt and deadbeet. they are controlled by the military, the military controlled by the castro family. they are a state that persecuted washington investors and confiscated property. and the american tax payer will foot the bill for the debts castro doesn't pay. we saw in other countries, france, mexico, japan, russia, debt. and we made a mistake. we have established relations without any type of concession with a regime that killed americans. we returned a man responsible for the death of four americans. a regime that harbours home grownst terrorists. we have undermined the pro-democracy movement by depresses. >> that's a list. >> for good reasons. >> we'll flesh these out.
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orlando is not happia says the united states -- happy. out. >> i think the cuban people won. american people won, they'll travel and engage cuba. and i think the united states government wants, because the world sees the united states is not as cuba has always put it - the enemy. taking away the united states an an enemy means that cuba now has to behave in a way that is acceptable to the international community. and increasingly we see that cuba is doing that. raul castro announced he'll step down and there'll be a new president of cuba, so i see that change. >> this sounds nice in theory,
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since the effort to normalize relations, dissidents say there has been more than 3,000 political detentions, including 641 in may, 220 after that, and one on sunday. in june. that doesn't sound good, does it. in theory, it's thought that cuba would ease up. they are not. gaol. >> first of all, normal relations with any country should not be dependent on whether and what the government does. it should be dependent on is this a country, is it recognised by the united nations. >> should not be dependent on what the government does, no matter what they do. if we don't like what they do we need to engage in talks with them. we need to organise coalitions with other governments, to indicate that this behaviour is not acceptable. but isolating ourselves from that country, not carrying out a
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debate with that country or not recognising them - in this case that has made the united states look like - look in a bad way. >> orlando, in spring, 2015, a 'washington post' poll said 97% of cubans think better relations with the u.s. will benefit cuba, and the same percentage says the economic embargo should end. 97% of cubans disagree with you. >> i can say a poll by the international group shows an overwhelming number of cubans want the one party - one party or one man rule. they don't want economic sanctions lifted until the rights are respected. a total tarrian tate where people peak. a majority of want change, a transformation of cuban politics. the united states has been a
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part of that. >> why are they celebrating, we are not just doing polls, we are reading them. we have reports saying that the happened. >> they are arrested every month, and they are fighting for human rights. they want to maintain a policy of support, by not listing the sanctions. release of political prisons and oppression. opening up the elections. >> if the embargo doesn't work, surely you try something else? >> in the case of spain, portugal and greece, we help a posse of promoting democracy, leading to a democratic, aiding world. >> a country like south africa was condemned universely. you have the u.n. secretary general assembly. 188 out of 192 countries calling
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for an end to the u.s. the whole world. >> you are dealing with a state, the likes not seek in a long time. the influence in latin america is extensive. venezuela is one of the cuban advisors, and other countries are under the sway of the cuban apparatus. that's why they are dangerous and shouldn't be seen as a normal country. repress. sounds like i'm talking to someone in the heart of the cold war. it's not a cold war. >> they are in the heart of the cold war. if you listen to the achievements on december 13th, they are immersed in struggles, they haven't changed how to rule the world. they see the concessions as a green light, the way they are. >> do you think that this government is expansionist, that they see the united states as a main adversary.
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>> the united states is a convenient enemy. it is over, and as i said a few minutes ago, cuba has to conform to the behaviour of the international community. one of the great things we are going to see now it that cuba, in order to join the international financial institutions is going to have to adopt the world behaviour norms for entering the financial institutions. when cuba joins or rejoins organizations in american states, and when it works with other communities and countries in europe and in latin america, then, again, they'll have to address their issues on on human rights. the thing that we are seeing now is a whole population of 11 million cubans feeling like they have an opportunity for change. world. >> do you believe that's your
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policy on behalf of the united states government all these years has been a failure until now? actually. >> why is that? >> the embargo is a failure. as einstein said, it's insanity to keep doing something time and time again and think you'll get a different result. we did the embargo for 50 years, and got a different result. it's time to change. >> beyond the embargo looking at all this money spent on freedom and democracy, the $700 million for tv, radio, the trying to get hip hop into cuba, trying to get them to embrace twitter. they've been a spectacular failure, do you accept, a spectacular failure. >> in essence, no one has seen it less. i was involved in putting it on the air.
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cuba effectively blocked it. we didn't take it off the air. we spent the money, and no one saw it. it was a politicalish u with the cuban american community. the things we tried to do. >> you are answering the question, saying that castro won, because everything failed and he's got what he want. >> they have a deal without having to make concessions. normal relations should not depend on concessions, not concessions. it's a poll city that didn't work. the wise thing to do was to... >> making preparations, it's said that it was a transition government from fidel or raul castro. it specified conditions under which embargoes can be ended. free elections, release of
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political prisoners - none seem to be on the table while the door is open. for those cuban dissidents, for those human rights activist, those like orlando, it's a betrayal. you can understand. >> first of all, correct the record, i know the human right activists. i met with them about a year ago in mexico, when most of were there. the human rights activists are divided down the middle as far as should the embargo be gone or shouldn't it. it is not at all true to say that the human rights activists are against raising the embargo. many, many are. >> there are good activists in cuba that support lifting the embargo, but the majority, the forum for freedom in cuba, freedom and democracy, they are against the unilateral lifting of
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sanctions. conditions, political reform in cuba - we are dealing with a totalitarian regime and we don't approach them. we know how to approach them. >> what do you do, go to war with them? >> no, we wait them out. no one dealing with fashous greece or port call. without an economying opening. let's wait for reform or the regime to tradition and condition into the mainstream world. what we are doing is sending a signal for the rest of latin america. the rage each has not ratified. when the regime said there's times of change, it hasn't ratified covenants on human rights. in 1994, they bring about free multiparty elections in cuba. they had no interest going to the u.s. because of a democracy clause.
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they create their own parallel institutions which are not pragmatic. not only is it a mistake, it's a mistake for the entire region, it took a long time. >> it's empowering a regime. >> the united states doesn't just only have friendships with democracies, there's different governments. to this point, joint marco rubio vowed to cut funding for the havana embassy, to block the ambassador. secretary kerry said to not meet with people in cuba to foe what was going on is a cut off of opportunity. it's cutting off your nose to night your face. he's right. if you play that game, where does it end. does the united states block the ambassador to china. >> first of all, we should
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promote democracy. history shows me whenever the funnel is open, repress increases in syria. the little openings we are seeing is a result of that regime, trying to gain more oxygen. if we give them that investment, that regime, we supply them with money to buy the instruments of repression, that's how it works. i can show you the worst moments. >> i want to take a short break. a cuban human rights activist arrested multiple times. >> the cuban people don't buy the idea that things are getting better. we want to see a compromise. >> later on... >> it's a moral problem. procedure. >> when you say well i have to go and buy my lamborghini. in is o inflammatory. >> you always find someone
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the denial basic civil and political rights it part of cuban war. >> there's no independent political parties, independent unions or media. >> people are detained for thinking differently. >> cuban opposition leaders are detained and beaten. security. >> chaos on the streets of panama as supporters vase off against opposition activists. >> the world is finding out what many knew, but did not believe. >> welcome back. joining us now is the human rights director and was detained for political and human rights activism. are you for or against the united states and cuba
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normalizing relations? >> i think it should be accompanied by concessions on the part of the cuban government. we have seen them move a little bit. at least... >> you are against it. >> it's not a matter of being against or for. you can say it's the decision of the united states government. we want a compromise in human rights and liberty. better. >> the people are not believing that. i was there in may. >> the number of cuban... matter.
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my family is there. i live in cuba every day. my job was to come into contact with cuba, with people checking. tell me something. you were there in may. people in cuba a week ago - they are trying to say, that's the official statistics of the u.s. coast guard and border patrol. people reaching the united states, since december 17th has more than doubled, nearly tripled. why, because they are afraid of the cuban, that this will be eliminated. they cuban people don't buy the idea that things are getting better. if they believe that, they stay, right? >> most, as we well know, most of the people leaving cuba with smugglers are on their own in rickety vessels and risking their lives and are doing so
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because they are economic migrants. people picked up at sea, if ins interviews them and feel that any are persecuted, they take them to guantanamo bay, and resettle them in third countries. the thing that obama should do is he needs to end the wet foot policy. as long as that policy exists, cubans will be risky. cubans need... >> if someone is intercepted or found at sea, they get sent back. if they make it to the united states... >> it's a huge send off. >> no, no, no. >> smuggling is worse. >> no, they deny the basic human rights of people. the history of people moving
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from countries or areas in which they have had no liberty or they have economic crisis to areas. what they would be or think would be better. >> mention of guantanamo bay made me thing of the big issues between the two countries, issues of guantanamo bay, and the fact that it's cuban land to the united states by agreements, signed many years ago. the u.s. occupies it. do you think the big issues will be discussed people getting their homes back. will ever be discussed. >> the cuban freedom act shows that the guantanamo bay will be for a future government. the point i want to make, is to do with people getting their properties restored or taken back by them.
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historically. the united states made a great mistake by too often condolling or tolerating the regime. a u.s. posse linked to cuba is the best way to consolidate and have normal relations with the u.s. >> that's been going on for half a century and failing. >> it had success, it had success in weakening the soviet union. number two, the embargo has been important in supporting a pro-freedom movement. a peaceful movement growing and struggle. fighting against the regime. it reduced resources that the regime suppressed. it's empowered, and a growing segment is in favour of change. it's been a long-term support for cuba. policy. is. >> i would continue the sanctions and support on to the cash regime.
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>> going back to what i told you earlier on, 188 out of 192 voting members of the u.n. secretary general assembly disagree with you. the whole world disagrees with you. >> that's 180 reasons why lifting sanctions has not worked. they have relations, deal with the regime and it continues to repress. it's about the regime evolving and changing. that can be accomplished through an intelligent posse, as done with south africa or poland. support for the movement and pressure. >> i have to take issue with alondo. first of all, the embargo in no way contributed to the soviet union's demise. pulling out its $4 billion a year subsidy from cuba helped it survive a little longer. >> on the contrary, gustav nyquist, and el salvador helped
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to bring about -- initialling, and-- nicaragua and el salvador regime. >> what it has done is hoped to keep the cuban people in poverty, preventing them having the communications they need, because it reinforced the cuban government's control of communications like radios, televisions, cellphones, thumb drives. >> people are kept in poverty by a regime that doesn't know how to handle, or resulting in an impoverished nation. you have an economical country becoming a poor one. why is that, the castro regime. everyone knows that. >> the embargo hasn't contributed to all this. we were a major trading partner. let's see what happens to the cuban people when they have a chance to trade with the united states.
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>> let's ask the cuban people what they think. you are familiar with the leader of the opposition group, ladies in white. she told al jazeera - we don't want mcdonald's and human rights. we want first that there is respect for human rights, rights for all cuban, and afterwards let mcdonald's come. she spelt it out for you. she's against the deal. >> you know, fine, and i respect especially human rights activists like omar, and the people in cuba against it. i respect that. i believe, my government believes that the best way to move forward with cuba is to bring it into the community of nations, to talk with it, and also to take the united states away as the enemy. it's an old policy, a failed policy, people. >> talking about the failed
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policy, you have a radio show spent on radio tv. are you wasting your time? >> no, oment wasting my time. >> have you reached out to cubans and places like havana and elsewhere. >> i reach out to cubans, we interview them every day. we receive emails but since the beginning, it was a fundamental fool for human rights. you know, every media in cuba's control by the cuban government. >> people's rights activist have no way to reach out to the population. i can say that from a personnel perspective. when we went to the headquarters, to protest.
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that was december 6, 1991. they communicate. people were there because they are here about us. the human rights movement would not have been possible. >> one final question for orlando. you don't share the optimism here. what happens next after fidel castro dies, raul castro dies - does it stay in the family. >> it's clear for following the family, the regime plans a family transition. his daughter is being paraded around as a political figure. if we continue with unilateral transitions we have a family
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progression, leading to a failed state and greater problems. >> we would have anyway. >> you have a prosperous cuba. and then change. >> there was nothing happening. >> there's a clear message to the general castro that true change will be accepted. now they don't know what to do. >> i'll let that be the final word. we have run out of time for the debate. thank you for joining us. thank you so much for joining us. "third rail" panel is next. >> are we saying now, because we are intimidated, that we will excuse the muslims, you can't cherry-pick who will fit in. >> we are not that much of an equal opportunity. >> what are they? >> it fits into a mind-set that
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>> brittany menard's decision to take her own life last year. sparked a national debate. >> brittany didn't wan't to die, the brain tumor was killing her, she simply took control over how that process would go. >> now see what her husband is doing to keep his promise to change "right to die" laws nationwide. america tonight only on al jazeera america. welcome back to "third rail." we'll shift gears from the discussion of cuba to another international story dominating headlines. "charlie hebdo" revealed a major decision, six months after much of its staff were killed. questions. >> the new leader of "charlie hebdo" said the comic magazine will no longer draw pictures of
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prophet muhammad. >> you now say they win. >> it's easier to throw stones. all. >> we have surrendered over a million years to fear of offending. where does it end? >> let's bring in the panel, christopher dickey, from "daily beast", and author. ms pelosi chairs the women's caucu caucus. and williams, a host. they don't want to draw cartoons of the prophet muhammad, hags intimidation and violence won? >> you can't take the intimidation and violence elements out of it. if you face sentencing by kalashnikov, you think twice about what you are doing. on the other hand it publishes character of prophet muhammad and have been doing it. this is a strange mood.
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one thing you have to consider is "charlie hebdo" is a left wing magazine. and the issue of prophet muhammad cartoons is the kind of thing used by the far right element in europe. people in the netherlands, who is a great friend of pamela geller in the united states. base. >> they don't want to be associated. they don't want to be associated with that. you can't keep the intimidation factor out of t. >> aren't we being unfair to "charlie hebdo". we are saying we are expected to exercise a freedom of expression that no one dares to. we say are they vending. they paid with their lives, many journalists. everyone else is saying freedom of expression. no one publishes the cartoons, does he have a point. >> he has a point.
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this was a terrorist attack on a work place, where - going back to the work place, where your colleagues have been shot in cold blood. they did, as chris mentioned. they published after that, when they were probably at the most risk of continued attack. it's not about the cartoons, people in the market did nothing but be jewish. we have to look beyond the excuse of the cartoon, really, to the reason which is the fundamental hate that they have for the west, and their willingness to kill people. >> as it expands into the big universal scenes of freedom of expression, some said the wrong "charlie hebdo". if the satanic verses were published he said no one would come to my defense and they'd me. >> true. this is what satire is about. it offends people.
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so are they saying now, because we are intimidated and we lost lives, and we are free, that we will excuse the muslims, but have satire everywhere else. either it will be a satirical public cakes, you can't say i'll today. >> they are not that much of an equal opportunity satirical... >> are they? >> no, everyone says that. i agree with armstrong. you can't say we'll rule these people out because we are scared of them, you can't do that. carolina is brave about -- "charlie hebdo" is brave about a lot of things it does. and "the daily beast" publishes those images i gain and again. when you think about how you move forward, they have to look at the different elements.
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prophet muhammad cartoons became benal. they were everywhere. i want to ask you to expand on that. what do you mean when you say they are not an equal opportunity. >> they are left wing. i'm saying they have a political line there. you can't say if they offend everyone. line. >> you are insinuating they are harsher with prophet muhammad else. >> no, they should have done what they did. in many ways i'm glad they did and i'm sorry all those people were killed. i live in france. i want people to understand it is not completely open, free-thinking equal opportunity kind of thing. it fits into a kind of mind-set in france that says this is, if you will, the politically incorrect.
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immigrants. if you look on twitter, those of us that don't live in france and learn of the magazine when we learnt of the massacre. there was a hashtag by progressives saying look at the way they women. and the welfare people. >> from their point of view they were saying they were mocking those against immigration. >> "charlie hebdo" would be a dead publication if that incident had not taken place. it was bankrupt, out of money, thing. >> they purchased it. >> it killed the editors. it's a just deserts. >> christine to build on what you said. whether the satire was received in a great way.
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whether people's defense saw them going after the ath lirk church or israel. are they going to start something for themselves on those issues. christianity, the pope, people of colour. >> no, because catholics, jews and immigrants are not killing them. we are not. >> right. >> they made a strategic survival and business decision, because the threats continued, and a business decision because they didn't want their brand associated with caricatures of islam in particular. you have to satarrize everybody or no body. i didn't think the quality was place. >> that's why no one bought t. >> understand this. the one thing we should not lose site of, how they were killed. it cuts deeply. we are traumatized by it. we are trying to heal and reconcile going forward.
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they have not figured it out. >> good point. gears. american coverage dominated by the "third rail" president wall candidate donald trump. >> when mexico sends people, they bring in drugs, crime, they are rapists. i can't apologise for the truth. he's a war hero because he was captured. i like people that weren't capture. i bunch back. he called me a jack as and gave me his number. let's try it. >> reporter: despite the predictions of the main stream media, trump opened a double-digit lead. >> for the record when i call him the unemployment "third rail" candidate, it doesn't mean i'm endorsing him. donald trump, in a month he insulted mexicans, he insulted a decorated war hero, john mccain,
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he's given out the cell phone number of a sitting senator. yet, people love him. the polls don't lie, do they. what the hell is going on? >> some love him. he's insulted african-americans, donald trump is the ultimate in two things - first of all, money, and second of all citizens united. he's a self funder powerful. but under citizens united, where the floodgates opened and it takes tens of millions by a single person or a super pact to run, he'd say rather than being the puppet of the person writing the checks, i'm the real deal. i think if you look at a third of the republicans who don't think president obama was born in the united states, i bet you 75 to 80% of those folks are for donald trump, and he'll keep going until the money runs out. it's not going to run out. republican. >> he pushed the birthday issue,
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that cannot be ignored. it's fair play what she said. it would be a mistake to dismiss trump of being a hater of mexicans and blacks. i don't think he has the right tone. there's an immigration issue in the country, an issue with establishment parties, republican and democratic parties. it reminds me when ross comes along. it's no different to ben carson. he's saying these things, the american people. there's a lot of indecisiveness. we saw president obama and herman sprurge... >> if bernie sanders was a trmp, he would be a heel. there's an antiestablishment. how far donald trump can go, it's resonating. they need to address the concerns of people outpouring to donald trump. >> chris dickey, the last time i interviewed you over the news,
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france, marie le pen and the par right in france. is something similar going on in the united states, where there's an appeal towards demagoguery, blaming immigrants. >> let step back for a hotel. this guy is an entertainer. he's amusing. we can debate about him. you don't have to think. statements. >> there's a double digit leads. we are a long way from the elections. he's not the republican nominee. i don't believe for a second he will be. he may be the third party. hoyne may become the president -- hillary clinton may united states. >> i'm from california, the land of ronald reagan and arnold schwarzenegger. trump is like an arnold schwarzenegger. in the world of infotainment and celebrity branding he could go.
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>> you said he could go. you have been in politics for 30 years, you believe he could go. >> i think that i would predict fall. >> go where? >> as a republican nominee. >> but where is he goings, that's what we are trying to figure out. >> as a nominee of the party. nominee. >> no. stage. >> you hope, you hoping. >> you are hoping. >> i think chris hit a button saying there's hillary clinton fatigue and establishment fatigue. i think the race is so not open that we have no idea what we are in store for. >> some are spine s, afraid to say what they believe. none want to do anything about immigration, and donald trump is forcing their hands. >> he should be the candidate. >> it's not that they want to do
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something. 68 senators voted for reform. we have the votes. put it on the floor. floor. >> that's john boehner refusing to do it. >> american people want someone honest. they believe donald trump tells the truth. no matter how others feel about it. >> he speaks his truth. >> that's what we know about donald trump, his truth doesn't have anything to do with others. people like to hear him say it. he's assertive. you can look at his hair and be amused. he'll si something else. >> planned parenthood on tape discussing the transfer of foetuses from biotech. the president apologised. do they have anything to sorry about. statements. >> i think cecil richards had no alternative.
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>> planned parenthood is not donation. >> the allegation that planned parenthood profited is not true. >> planned parenthood did nothing wrong. it's important to not apologise. >> sales are illegal, but - parenthood says it's not selling them. do they have anything to apologise for? is it the style? >> they have much to apologise. i think this is where my colleagues and i will separate. >> stay here. >> you say that this is a compromise the life of the mother, putting her life in danger. you have to take a look. when you say i have to buy my lamborghini so we have to make sure the tissues are sewed. >> it's so insin uary, offensive and doesn't represent compassion. it's an issue. they have a public relations problem, okay.
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policy. >> it's a moral problem. >> it's a moral problem. >> it's a lawful medical procedure. and i think cecil richards was right to apologise for the tone of the person in the video. there's two different issues. for the people trying to defund planned parenthood because they don't want there to be legal abortion in america. this is the latest pit of evidence to advance the case because they don't like planned parenthood. constitutionally, right now, it's a lawful procedure to have an abortion and foetal tissue research is legal. you are not allowed to profit. there's no evidence. >> i understand that. i'm trying to figure out who i'm more disgusted by. people on the dock, or the people involved in the discussions with this cynical rhetoric, or the more cynical people making the movies. discussion. do the guys care about the issue
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of the sale or not sale. >> they'll make an asa nine comment. that exposes that person, not the practice. it takes a line and turns it into a gotcha. >> we are playing the game of the gotcha guys. we have to go back to fundamentals, about abortion. whether it will happen or not. whether second term abortions will happen or not. that's the debate. do the guys care about the women or the foetuses. the guys are doing everything they can to draw the woman out. she's more nervous. what is the conversation we are having. she understands well what the issues are. for the women that are involved. there is an idea among - particularly among male anti-abortion activists. that this is something that women do casually. i don't think it's true. >> it's about autonomy.
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>> more than anything else, as it appears for planned parenthood. window. >> there's no evidence. >> planned parenthood says there's no central guidelines in any of this. aren't they intentionally not going on record, leaving it vague? why don't they have guidelines. >> i bet they'll have them now. >> why don't they, why do you think. i think there's a number of reasons why people don't have them. a lot of times a national organization has the affiliates, that's the organization you make with people. look at the boy scouts. they made a decision where they said in order to be part of the now, this what you have to do. we'll let the local affiliates make other decisions. because they are a federation... ? if they are making money, it's difficult to tell? >> but it's illegal. you don't have prove that they broke the law or any evidence. absent evidence, and even in the video there's no evidence that
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they broke the law. claim. >> in these stories, breaking the law, and what you are accused of, it's how you respond to it. that is the issue, and you respond quickly, alleges when you have given - talking about women who are vulnerable, placing their lives and the lives of their children in the hands of planned parenthood. these people are not exploited. that's what cecil richards was doing, they have a deep amount of care for the women. 97% have nothing to do with abortion. to defund the organization because they are accused of not having evidence, lacking credibility and compassion that is so necessary. >> i'll let that be the final word. >> thank you all of you for >> and at 9:00, get a global
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perspective on the news. >> the stories relevant to americans. >> they're sending their government a message. >> organizing themselves. >> weeknights, on al jazeera america primetime.
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>> now available, the new al jazeea america mobile news app. get our exclusive in depth, reporting when you want it. a global perspective wherever you are. the major headlines in context. mashable says... you'll never miss the latest news >> they will continue looking for survivors... >> the potential for energy production is huge... >> no noise, no clutter, just real reporting. the new al jazeera america mobile app, available for your apple and android mobile device. download it now change. as we have been discussing, cuba is changing. the economy is opening up, diplomatic relations with the
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u.s. are re-established. but how are the lives of cubans actually changing? well, al jazeera english senior latin american correspondent lucia newman has been in cuba for a few months and sees the changes. she joins us from havana, you are no stranger to cuba, you have been going back and forth for many years. changed? >> well, in fact, i lived here full-time for nine years. for me, it's incredible. i'm trying to get my head around it. how different things are after having not been here for several years. and these changes happened in the last two years alone. i'm having withdrawal systems, my computer, smartphone doesn't work i don't have constant access to internet. i had forgotten one could live without that. that's how cuban live.
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last month they put wi-fi in certain points. cuban can take their children out of the country on a holiday. that was forbidden. that was forbidden when i lived here. people have businesses, they can go in and out. they need a visa. ordinarily cubans are trying to come to grips with that, that they are self-employed, they don't have to only work for the government makes them see the world differently than how they did in the past. >> let's watch an excerpt of a report about how people are reacting to re-established ties with the united states. >> reporter: this person remembers coming here with her shelter. >> the same way they bombed iran and iraq, we felt we had to protect ourselves from possible attacks from the united states. >> reporter: that's why renewal
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of diplomatic relations with the enemy - as many saw the united states - is a game changer. >> translation: they have not lifted the embargo or returned guantanamo, here we are lifting ties. we are civilized people. >> reporter: turning the building into an embassy does not mean cuba has a friend across the straits. but it no longer has an enemy. >> as cuba is weighing up the pros and cons are many cuban country? >> that is something i found fascinating. a lot of my friends, a lot of people i knew left. some are returning. they see there's opportunities to work and invest in their country and asked for permission from the government to be repatriated, they have to ask for permission. you - before, if you left, you couldn't come back. that's a game changer. there are others that are
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rushing to get out of here as fast as they can because they think, leave, and are not wrong, that the cuban adjustment, the law, the wet foot/dry foot policy allows cubans to step foot in the united states and get political refugee status - that that will change. doesn't make sense when the two relations. >> at the top of the show, as the debate topic, we asked with the ending of enmity, we asked experts did fidel castro win? what do cubans think about that question? >> you know, that's funny, a lot of cubans don't think fidel castro won, but their government won. they are not certain whether fidel castro is happy about this. we haven't heard about him, from him, saying that he applauds it. quite the contrary. the only real comment he made
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since his brother announced they'd renew ties that he distrusts the americans. he's not alone in that. the cuban people feel they have won or the system won. they didn't have to make a concession to the united states for the diplomatic relations to be reused. that tells you something. >> always a pleasure talking to you. joins us from a windy havana. that does it for this week's show. the conversation continues on the website
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armed gunmen attack a bus and storm a police station in the north of india. at least four are killed. ♪ ♪ heli and welcome to al jazerra. also coming up. turkey calls for an emergency nato meet to go discuss threats to its security as it step is up bombings on the p.k.k. and aisles. a humanitarian pause in fighting begins in yemen. but doubts remain over whether it will hold. also. >> reporter: on patrol in el salvador i am adam rainy, coming p


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