tv News Al Jazeera July 27, 2015 12:30pm-1:01pm EDT
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will be what it calls an isil-free zone. if it can set it up with the cooperation of turkey in northern syria. eventually it is suggesting that this could actually be a safe place for refugees. for more on that, >> we don't have a lot of time to wait. you know, the conditions on the ground are getting much, much worse. >> president obama pressing for humanitarian aid in south sudan during his historic trip to africa. nato calling an emergency meeting to discuss isil and syria while the u.s. enters talks to create a safe zone along the turkish border. the boy scouts of america preparing to allow gay scout leaders for the first time in its history but not everyone is
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on board. >> i am a victim of revenge pornography. >> another major corporation taking a stand against posting explicit images online without everyone's permission. >> this is al jazeera america live in mark city. i'm del walters. ethiopian leaders are hosting a state dinner for president obama. he's the first sitting american president to visit the african nation. earlier he talked about security and human rights with that country's prime minister. he also met with other regional leaders to discuss the crisis in south sudan. >> the situation is deteriorating. the humanitarian situation is worsening. the possibilities of renewed conflict in a region that has been torn by conflict for so
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longed and has resulted in so many deaths is something that requires urgent attention from all of us. >> we have more now on the president's visit. >> the u.s. president has praised african union peacekeeping missions in somalia on taking key territory from al-shabab militias. he's talking about the retaking of towns in somalia and from al-shabab by the ethiopian troops who are part of the african union peacekeeping mission. on sunday,al shah, shah babb showed that it still has the capability for attacks. this is the reason why the president has called for more
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pressure to be kept on al-shabab. while on this tour of ethiopia the president is on monday afternoon meeting delegates from the south sudan police forces. these are the negotiators from both sides in the conflict as well as mediators from the regional grouping. the president hoping to add more impetus to the talks and the groups coming to a quick agreement. diplomats say if they do not agree by the 1st of august then there are sanctions on the table including travel sanctions. >> that is mohammed adow in
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ethiopia. >> the cease-fire in yemen is falling apart. all of this after houthi rebels and opposition began fighting overnight. this was right after the five-day cease-fire was to take effect starting sunday. >> meanwhile some turks living on the border of syria are leaving their homes. turkish media saying that witnesses saw bulldozers digging trenches on sunday. syria shares a border with turkey and there are reports that turkey and the usa has agreed to a safe zone there. >> it seems that the safe zone is panning out to be a protected
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zone or even a no-fly zone without it being officially designated as such. the u.s. is reluctant to get involved in fighting assad's forces. it wants to fight isil so it doesn't want the job of protecting a no-fly zone. so effectively this safe zone it seems will go 40 miles deep into syria and run 68 miles along the border with turkey. the idea is to push those isil forces 40 miles away from the border with turkey. what turkey's foreign minister is saying is that effectively that strip of land will become a protected zone because of the amount of flights going on over head targeting isil forces beyond that area. therefore, that will relief some of the pressure on turkey, the 2 million refugees here at the moment it's hoped that some of them might be able to go back into that protected zone. only last week the u.s. authorities were saying that the turks drive a hard bargain.
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we understand a couple of things have changed really. inside syria a lot of area around aleppo has fullen under the control what have with a be considered a non-isil force. that makes that area more approachable. also at the same time there was an attempt six weeks or so ago to take control of the border crossing used by non-isil forces. turkey has to call in u.s. airstrikes to stop isil taking that border crossing. the u.s. pointed out at the time to turkey that it would have been quicker and easier to do had they been able to use the base. so that seems to be one of the things that help turn to persuade the turks to open up, and also that suicide-bombing in suruc on the border of syria brought home to turkey how risky it is on its border with syria at the moment.
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>> mike hines army major and al jazeera contributor he joins us right now. according to the "washington post," the u.s. and turkey putting final touches on a safe zone. it does not involve ground forces or a no-fly zone. what are we talking about? >> i'm not sure. to have a safe zone you have to have troops on the ground. the question is to determine the length of this 60 miles long and the tours want it 40 miles deep into syria. that's going to take a lot of troops in order to secure that. it looks like those troops might come from these rebel forces that we've been training. >> but by the government's own admission there have not been that many rebel forces trained so does it look like we're looking at the beginning of boots on the ground? >> not necessarily american forces but somebody's boots on the ground. perhaps it's syrian rebels inside fighting the assad government right now. turkey now gets involved when they sense isis is weak on this
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front at this point and also gives them a chance to go right back after the pkk. >> we've been talking about the possibility of turkey entering the fray for a little more than a year and turkey has resisted. what was the game changer this time? >> the new prime minister, i think they knew that the islamic state had a become weakened in that part of the world. it's one of those things that now is the time to go. they felt they could go and make a difference. also as this kurdish nationalistic fever is taking place turkey does not want that to happen. they want a country that would encompass that area. >> turkey has lift capability from a military perspective. and we like what had we saw in aleppo and these other places. they're going to fight to hold on to key cities along the
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border. they use those for revenue and recruiting. they use it for safe passage coming from other areas of the world. they'll have to use resources to keep it in their territory. >> does this open the door to possible egyptian involvement? >> we have intelligence on the ground. we're getting intel reports because we're continued to hit targets inside of syria. perhaps egypt gets involved. now you're seeing the beginning of the end of what i think the neighboring countries want to take down in the assad government. there will be a no-fly zone very soon. while they're saying that is not the case case right now you'll see them go after the syrian
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fight whose are dropping the barrel bombs. >> are we seeing a shadow coalition inside the solid coalition that we hear so much about? >> i don't know if that's the case as yet. you're sees excitement that turkey is in the game. the fact that we can use air bases is important. but they have objectives as well and their objectives is to cut down the kurdish territory. they don't want the kurds to become too powerful. how deep will they go, the deeper they want to go into syria the more control they'll have once the shooting starts. >> the state department releasing it's national report of human trafficking. the list includes more than 150 countries, and the rankings can have real won againsts worldwide for countries with bad records. >> not only is this a fight that we have to attempt not only do
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we have responsibility to bring every aspect of our institutions of our government together to make people aware of this, but it's a fight we absolutely have to win. it is a modern-day human rights challenge of enormous proportions. >> but critics say that report may have been swayed by politics. >> perhaps the best way to take a look at the four rankings in the trafficking and persons report is to recognize that three of those rankings indicate that a turn country isn't doing enough to stop the problem. people at the very bottom of the list have a serious human trafficking problem and aren't doing anything to try to change the situation. the next step unknown as tier two watch means that that country has serious problems, but they're making some token effort to try to improve the situation. that is where both malaysia and
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cuba happen to be in the 2015 report. they're both trying to make some legal changes. they're both trying to prosecute those involved in human trafficking, but they have not done enough to make appreciable differences in the problem. in cuba's case it's doing nothing to the u.s. to deal with the problem of forced labor. while these countries are escaping the potential financial sanctions that come with being at the bottom of the blacklist there is considerable room for improvement for these countries and certainly in the tier above them there is a lot of room for improvement as well. it's only in tier one where they're considered to be meeting the standard. >> that's roslind jordan at the state department. the last victim of the chattanooga shootings was laid to rest today. he was bury in massachusetts.
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another victim skip wells was buried in woodstock georgia. they were among the four marines and a sailor shot dead by mohammed abdullah aziz. the police killed an abdullah aziz at the shoot out. twoout. >> two were killed when a gunman opened at the movie showing of "train wreck" last week. hundreds of people gathered in lyle illinois to remember the 28-year-old african-american woman. she died in a texas jail just days after being arrested during a routine traffic stop. officials say that the results of her showautopsy show that she
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committed suicide. >> all we have to do is look at the video and it's very easy to see that she was completely unfairly treated. i mean, there was an ask that the officer issued. he asked her to put out a cigarette. because she said well, i don't see i have to put my cigarette out he responded by way of opening her door and then forcing her out requiring her to get out. and i think that the reality of it is that was not appropriate. i think that everyone can clearly see that's the case. the other part of it is is a i frankly speaking, do agree when you have got local and state and even national leaders that are able to speak to the fact that this is just an example of a long history of instances where african-americans have been targeted and mistreated by police, you know, i think that
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it's very clear that there are concerns that we as a nation have to address. >> i think it's because she didn't signal correctly and because she was assertive in what she knew to be true in terms of asserting her rights, the timeliness of the information trickled out last week was i'll be frank was in poor state due to the fact that she was close to her homecoming, and it was a diversion method to avoid the true issues here, which is there is a high level of inconsistently in the information that we've received to date recording this case, which in turn baskets our strong desire it have the department of justice involved. we're clearly and not response
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response--there are too many inconsistencies here to make the family feel at ease that we're getting a fair and full and thorough investigation. >> and bland's sister telling al jazeera that she believes she would have been treated--her sister would have been treated differently had she been white. the vice president of research at the american foundation for suicide prevention. she talked to us earlier about the relationship between stress, mental health, and suicide in prison. >> stress is often a factor wherever you're looking when you look at sounds suicide. there could have been and underlying risk factor that they never would have acted on. but when it all comes together in a way that they would act in a way they normally wouldn't is act especially since since most suicide occur when there is a
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mental health factor. it is also a matter of people who end up in jail often are there for minor infractions. and so it creates a stressful situation in many different ways. and the suicide risk is highest in the beginning of incarceration, and then around time of decision making. >> now the rate of suicide in prison is highest among young people age 25 to 3043. as we mentioned sandra bland is 28. it's the most troubling uses of the internet. revenge porn. >> coming up, a crackdown on ex-lover who is post intimate images on the internet to get even. >> a seattle scout troop practicing their howl. they were kicked out of boy scouts of america because their scout master is gay. what's ahead for them.
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>> major changes are expected tort boychanges are expect expected today for the boy scouts of america. >> the boy scouts of america is an organization with a very long history incorporated in 1910. since that time generations of young americans have learned outdoor skills, the importance of citizenship and sportsmanship and much more in scouting. but this troop's charter was revoked because their leader is openly guy. jeffrey mcgrath said that he's not sure if his local troop would be welcomed back to the organization. >> some kids are hoping to earn the eagle badge which will qualify them if they ever join the military for advantageous promotion for enlistment. not knowing and not hearing anything back is naturally of
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concern. >> now the boy scouts of america are set to ratify some major changes in the way they do business. allowing local councils to make decisions about how the scout leaders are who the scout masters are how is that going to effect this troop, which is still scouting for another organization and what will it mean for scouting in general across america? we're going to find out much more tonight. alan schauffler. >> an eagle scout exact wahls is with the group scouts for equality. he said this shows how much the organization has evolved. >> the discrimination and destructive message to kids, gay and straight have no place in scouting. but i want to stress that the board has not yet approveed this change. this resolution will absolutely make sure that there is going to be less discrimination taking place with the boy scouts and if that's the case we're very proud
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of the boy scouts for taking this step. >> can you tell us how many people have been excluded? do you have an idea of the numbers there? also what kind of change in membership have you seen in boy scouts? >> so unfortunately we don't have firm polling on anything about the number of gays participating in scouting or who were kept out because of the ban. what we do know from anecdoteal experience there are a number of close the gay scouts involved in scouting. we know that according to the bsa's own research 600,000 kids are being kept out of the organization by their parents because of the ban on gay members in the boy scouts. these are straight parents who are allies of the lgbt community and want to show some solidarity for their gay friends and hopefully this will help to bring kids back into scouting or into scouting for the first time. what we've seen from the decision you referenced earlier in 2000 there has been a slow and steady decline.
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i'm not under any illusion that this policy change is going do change overnight, i don't think it will, but i hope this means that boy scouts as an organization is looking forward not back. >> despite the over all decline in scout membership the number of groups connected to churches is growing up by 70%. scout executive saying that church-based troops will be free to choose adult leaders consistent with their beliefs. revenge porn, companies saying enough is enough. remember a champion surfer attacked by a shark live on national tv? well he's back in the water.
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windstorm. >> can affect and surprise us. >> wow, some of these are amazing. >> techknow - where technology meets humanity. >> microsoft is cracking down on what is called revenge porn, the posting of intimate materials without the consent of the people depicted. >> good morning del. microsoft is following in the footsteps of others. they have all okayed removing lynx from web searches to try to stop revenge pontiac porn.
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>> she said an ex-boyfriend posted videos of them having sex. >> after the videos came out there were six in total i started suffering from constantly from nightmares and night terrors. >> now microsoft is taking action against pornographic content posted without consent of those it depicts. microsoft created a page to report the links. >> how can there be no consequences for people who commit thesing. >> victims and activists want the government to step in gathering 100,000 sittings online. but some attorneys say that criminal laws could have
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unintended consequences. what about the woman who released private photos of this congressman or teenagers who share pictures of friends on social media. >> the way these kids are sending images of each other back and forth you know, your kid gets a picture from a boyfriend or girlfriend on their cell phone and turns to their best friend and goes, oh look, that is a violation of the law. >> almost half the states in the u.s. already have criminal laws against revenge porn. >> in order to narrow the reach of such laws states have added exceptions like valuable or news worthy events but free speech advocates say that is difficult to determine. whether it's value or news newsworthy is subjective. >> thank you. january warner the 72-year-old is wanted in the
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united states on corruption charges. he's threaten to go release an avalanche of documents that could incriminate other officials. three pitchers randy johnson, pedro martinez and john smolz receiving hall of fame honors. rafael bigio with more than 3,000 hits to his credit, bigio is the only player in history to make the all-star team as a catcher and infielder. and there were doping allegations at the tore de france. chris froome taking only the title here. the yellow jersey. it is the second in three years. but the head of the french anti-doping agency saying that froome performance in stage ten was abnormal. racers are tested for doping after each stage. you will recall that lance armstrong was stripped of his
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titles because of performance-enhancing drugs. it was back in the water for australian champion surfer who survived a very close encounter with a shark. this moment was captured live on television. this is mick fanning competing in the final round of the j bay open when the shark went after him. when he and his competitor managed to escape unharmed. he punched the shark several times. they time he returned to the water closer to home along australia's gold coast. he's calling his return to the motion a miracle. no word from the shark. thanks for joining us. i'm del walters in new york. the news returns from london next. you can always check us out 24 hours a day by going to our website where the news never stops.
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o. >> united states and turkey say they'll try to create a i.s.i.l. free buffer zone along turkey's border with syria. you're watching al jazeera live from london i'm david foster. ethiopia's prime minister defends his country's record after criticism from president obama. why the u.s. has taken be cuba off the list of state sponsors of
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