tv News Al Jazeera July 27, 2015 8:00pm-9:01pm EDT
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hi everyone this is al jazeera america. i'm richelle carey. john siegenthaler is off. safe zone the u.s. and turkey plan to carve out an isil-free territory in syria. could it draw the countries deeper into syrias war. a delicate balance, president obama pushes for peace and reform in east africa. >> the problem is he never walked his talk. >> but some are chris sitting
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the visit to ethiopia. scouts honor, lifting a long-standing and controversial ban on gay troop leaders. >> i support a policy that accepts and respects our different perspectives and beliefs. >> how the fight is far from over. plus landmark ruling. >> the five missions of san antonio you were inscribed to the unesco world heritage sites. we begin tonight with a new plan in the fight against isil. it involves the u.s. and turkey and a proposed campaign to create what officials call an isil-free zone on the turkey syria border. the plan has not been finalized but will significantly boost
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turkey's fight against isil and could further complicate the roles of the u.s. and turkey in syria's civil war. >> reporter: as turkey turns its bombs on the islamic state of iraq and the levant, it's talking to u.s. officials about creating what the white house calls an isil-free zone. it would cover roughly 110-kilometer stretch on turkey's border. they say it will be a safe place for the millions of refugees now in turkey. but the obama administration says it will not create a no-fly zone to get rid of isil forces in the area. experts say it's unlikely there will be enough u.s.-trained syrian opposition to do it on their own. >> the opposition to assad's regime either doesn't have the military capacity or some of the more extremests that the turks do not want in that area.
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so it really will come down to the turkish military actually guaranteeing that a zone would be free of isis. >> reporter: but turkey also started bombing the pkk in iraq and that came days after the u.s. announced they could use their base to fly into syria. >> i understand the coincidence, but it is just that. the attacks against the pkk were in retaliations for attacks they, the turks, endured. >> reporter: the pentagon says they could have an agreement in the next few weeks. for now saying they want to create a safe zone but not who will do the fighting to find one. >> mike viqueira joins us now from washington. mike nato ambassadors are holding an emergency meeting tomorrow to discuss isil's threat to turkey. this meeting is happening because turkey wanted it.
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what does turkey want to come of this meeting? >> reporter: well they feel as though their territory integrity is being threatened. only the fifth time in the 66-year of the nato organization of calling an article 4 meeting, so everybody gets together to a nation can explain why they feel they are under threat. the last time it happened was when poland did it last year in the wake of the russian annexation of crimea. but turkey is fighting on two fronts and that's the interesting wrinkle. the turkeys have another agenda that may -- conflict with the american plan. there are other elements of the kurdish organization that are separate but affiliated with the
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pkk that the united states relies on. i think we can expect the turks to bring up both issues tomorrow. >> talk about domestic politics. there are members of congress that have been pressured the obama administration to do more about isil. so have we heard any reaction from lawmakers about this. >> i think by and large the republicans have wanted to see a much more robust stance against isil. the president has ruled out any number of times of american combat troops on the ground. even as the advisors have increased in iraq advising the iraq yay military some 3500 in country now. but others have said don't rule out boots on the ground. obviously this is a very complex -- it's a three-level chest with turkey. they have their own agenda. virtually every country in the region has its own agenda.
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the united states not wanting to engage directly with the assad regime and the administration stepping gingerly through this problem here even as they continue to lead that campaign against isil targets in syria and iraq. >> mike viqueira from washington. mike thank you. as mike was just saying the fight against isil is a messy one, involving a tangled web of overlapping enemies and allies. paul beban takes a look. >> richelle civil war has been raging in syria for more than four years now, and the country has been completely carved up. as all of the groups battle for control. the alliances are complicated and shifting all of the time. first, the proposed safe zone we have been hearing about is right here along the boarder, about 68-miles long, 40 miles deep
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into syria. here is what the syria government is still holding on to this area in blue mostly in the west and it includes the three largest cities in syria. but the syrian government is fighting many foes on many fronts. first is isil which has con queered these areas in grey. the idea of the safe zone is to force isil out and give syrian rebel groups which control the yellow groups give those rebel groups a safe area to operate. that's because the u.s. and turkey both see these rebel groups as possible allies against the syria government and isil. that's very broadly speaking. enter the kurdish rebel groups. they control these areas in green along the border here. they are fighting for their own chunk of syria and iraq and possibly part of turkey.
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and turkey has begun bombing kurdish targets in iraq. they do not want to see these kurdish groups gain too much traction in syria. so that richelle is the battle space here. it is bloody complicated and no end in sight. >> all right. our paul beep -- beban reporting there. paul lyons is a al jazeera national security contributor, it's all quite complicated mike so you get to explain it to us. this isil-free safe zone is this a realistic goal? >> it's a strategy. so now you have to put ways and means towards it. the only way that happens is if you have protection on the ground and in the air. so i'm not sure how that is going to work. there is going to have to be
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some kind of ground foersz in there. the syrian moderate resistance force does not have the ability to protect what potentially be a million civilians that will come across the boarder to live there. >> why now? >> i think they wanted until it looked like they would be more successful. and they want to battle the pkk. >> this is extremely complicated. >> absolutely. very complicated. and this gives turkey this opportunity to bomb what is an internal insurgent group to their country, and then they can say, we want to bomb isis as well. perhaps the united states did this because the race is on now, if we're doing out with manned aircraft out of their air base we might have better results and very quickly inside
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of syria, so we might see isis become under more pressure very quickly. >> is this alabout isil or weakening assad or both? >> they have two objectives. the united states objective is to decapitate isil turkey wants assad out. i don't think they are willing to put their troops in because once again you will have a situation where syria is probably the most dangerous place in the middle east. you send troops in there, you don't know who is who, what is what? part of the strategy has got to be a post-assad government look like? no one has an answer. >> no one has that answer. >> or wants to have the conversation. the united states doesn't want to be involved at all. the administration says we have seen two failed attempts inside
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iraq and libya. >> so the idea has been to have this isil-free zone but no one has decided how to execute that. >> right. from the military perspective do you apply ways and means to do that. do we have the gumption and resources to get that done. i'm not sure. it's going to take a lot of time. >> this nato meeting is coming up as well. all right. mike thank you very much. president obama has become the first sitting u.s. president to visit ethiopia. he is there to discuss security and economic issues. our correspondent is in the capitol. >> reporter: it's a warm welcome for president obama. it's the first visit by a sitting u.s. president to ethiopia one aimed at strengthening relations established more than a century
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ago, fostering closer economic and cure -- security ties dominated the talks. president obama praised the prime minister. >> ethiopia faces serious threats, and they have reduced areas under al-shabab control, but as the prime minister noted yesterday's bombing in mogadishu reminds us that terrorist groups like them offer nothing but death and destruction. >> reporter: we also called on the prime minister to improve his record on human rights violations. some have warned that a trip lends credibility to a government accused of jailing journalists and critics. of all of the countries worldwide it's only neighboring
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eritrea that jails more journalists. a number of journ aileses and bloggers were released before obama arrived. the ethiopian leader defended his country's commitment to democracy and human rights. >> we have demonstrated once again that our commitment to democracy is real not skin deep. we have most noted that we need to step up efforts to strengthen our [ inaudible ] and build our capacity in various areas. we believe the u.s. support in this regard as age-old democracy will contribute to ensuring that our system becomes robust. we have agreed to continue our engagement despite minor differences here and there. with regard mainly to the speed with which our democratic process is moving. >> reporter: opposition figures have been reacting to president obama's visit. >> the problem is he never walked his talk.
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he never walked his talk for the last six years, so if you don't want walk your talk then always giving empty promises always say something in the dining wining of dictators, people don't believe you. >> reporter: later on monday president obama joined the leaders of kenya, uganda and ethiopia in discussing the crisis in south sudan. they urged the parties to come to a quick agreement. options include sanctions on parties and individuals, and a regional intervention force if the warring parties do not agree to a peace deal by august 17th. president obama also commented today on remarks made by republican presidential candidate mic huckabee. the former arkansas governor chris it issed three iran nuclear deal making a reference to the holocaust. >> this president's foreign
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policy is the most speck louse in history. he is so naive he would trust the iranians and take the israelis and basically march them to the door of the oven. this iran deal should be rejected by democrats and republicans in congress and by the american people. in a news conference the president said huckabees remarks would be ridiculous if they weren't so sad. >> maybe this is just an effort to push mr. trump out of the headlines, but it's not the kind of leadership that is needed for america right now. and i don't think that's what anything is looking for out of their political leaders. anti-defamation league which has been critical of the iran deal called huckabee's remarks completely out of line and unacceptable. the u.s. state department has released its annual report
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on human trafficking. the lowest countries included those who failed to meet international norms. cuba and malaysia were upgraded this year. krit circumstances say those changes are more political than a real reflection of progress. the countries downgraded to the lowest country include south sudan, burundi, bah lease, and belarus. >> not only is this a fight that we have to attempt, not only do we have a responsibility to bring every aspect of our institutions of our government together in order to push back educate, to make people aware of this, but it's a fight we absolutely have to win. it is a modern day human rights challenge of enormous proportions. >> nations in the lowest
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funerals were held today in louisiana for two women killed in last week's theater shooting some 500 people gathered to mourn 21 year old macy and family and friends also said good-bye to julian at a separate mass. the women were killed last thursday in lafayette, nine others were wounded. police do not have a clear motive, but say they believe the shooting was premeditated. hundreds of migrant children and their mothers have been held in u.s. detentions centers since crossing the mexican border last year. many fled violence and poverty in central america. now a federal judge says they should be released. erika pitzi is here with more. >> reporter: richelle the u.s. district judge did not mince words. she slammed the federal
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government for what she calls the deplorable conditions saying it is shocking after nearly two decades immigration officials have not implemented appropriate regulations to deal with this complicated area of immigration law. >> what the united states has done is to single outmothers and babies. >> reporter: for thousands of families from central america, illegally crossing the border into the u.s. is a chance for a new life but if they are caught the next step is an overcrowded detention center. carlos is an attorney who has been representing immigrant families for nearly 20 years. he calls the ruling a victory over what he calls the government's illegal and imhumane family detention policy. >> the government overreacted to a temporary surge, has no evidence this was deterring anybody from coming to the united states. >> reporter: in a 25-page ruling the u.s. district judge blasted
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immigration officials for violating law set back when a court ruled the government could not detain children for more than 72 hours unless they were a significant flight risk. but most children have been spending days weeks and months in these detention centers. >> translator: this is a nightmare for me. >> reporter: shrouded in darkness to protect her identity. christina told me she spent 14 months with her son in pennsylvania. a place she calls a prison. she described her experience when he sat down with her two months ago, just after she and her son were released for no apparent reason. they were caught at the texas border and bussed to a detention center. >> translator: they tied my feet hands and waist, and my son said mommy what is
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happening? i didn't know how to answer him. >> reporter: the judge described in her ruling: the government calls them family residential centers meant to discourage the flood of illegal immigration while keeping families together. >> we have to put in place a number of deterrent factors, increased housing to detain parents, adults who come to this country with their children. if an adult is apprehended at the border and they brought their children with them they are a priority for removal, and we are building additional space to hold them so they can be returned quickly. >> reporter: the ruling could shut down the detention centers unless major changes are made. the facilities could become adequate housing if they are licensed and bought up to speck. >> but they have to be open
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facilities. take down the barbed wire get rid of the armed guards. they need to treat these minors as they are not delinquents or criminals. >> reporter: how is the federal government responding? the department of homeland security expressed disappointment. and plans to answer by next week. another group says this entices more families to risk their lives to try to get into the united states. >> what happens with the mothers and the children in these detention centers now? >> reporter: the answer is really still up in the air. the government said look if we release these children they could be separated from their mothers. but this judge says these kids need to go into the hands of a
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legal guardian or a parent and that parent may be the mother they are being detained with. so how that happens and when we don't know right now. >> erika thank you very much. a local texas prosecutor today created a panel of independent lawyers to investigate the death of sandra bland, the african american woman who was found dead in her jail cell just days after a controversial traffic stop by a white officer. hundreds of people gathered on sunday to remember the 28 year old. officials say the autopsy result shows she committed suicide. but sandra bland's sister sharon cooper, and the bland family attorney say the facts don't add up. >> all we have to do is look at the video, and it's easy to see she was completely unfairly treated. he asked her to put out a
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cigarette and because she said well, i don't see why i have to put my cigarette out, he responded by way of opening her door and forcing her out, requiring her to get out. and i think the reality is is that that was not appropriate. i think everyone can clearly see that's the case. the other part of it is is i frankly speaking do agree when you have local, state, and even national leaders that are able to speak to the fact that this is just an example of a long history of instances where african americans have been targeted and mistreated by police you know, i think that -- you know that it's very clear that there are some concerns that we as a nation have to address. >> i think it is because she can't significant call correctly, and she was unapologetically assertive in
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knowing her rights. the timing that the message trickled out was in poor taste and more than anything it's a large diversion method to avoid the true issues which is there is a high level of inconsistency in the information we have received regarding this case which impacts our strong desire to want to have the department of justice involved. we're not receiving unbiased information, and so to have state senators being at her homecoming services and say we do have strong cause for concern. senator durban has sent a letter to the doj saying you have to get involved in this. >> sharon cooper also says she believes her sister would have been treated differently if she
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hello, this is al jazeera america. i'm richelle carey. john siegenthaler is office. about face -- reversing a controversial ban on gay leaders in the boy scotts. hear from a lifelong scout and u.s. veteran ready to serve in the open. equal access 25 years of the americans with disabilities act. the successes -- >> i'm happy it exists and i think we have seen a lot of growth in the last 25 years. >> -- and what still needs to be done. the cosby controversy.
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>> i don't remember anything after that except waking up the next afternoon -- >> 35 accusers come forward in a blockbuster new article as another historically black college severs ties. plus san antonio missions their significance and how the u.n. is making sure the world remembers the alamo. an historic vote tonight. the boy scouts of america lifted a nationwide ban on openly gay scout leaders. the policy had been widely criticized for years, and even challenged in court, but as alan schauffler reports, the controversy is far from over. >> are you an open and avowed homosexual. i was taken aback by the question, it felt like a question out of the 1950s. >> reporter: for that blunt question from a boy scout
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lawyer he gave an honest question. >> i said i wouldn't answer that question but if he was asking if i was gay, i said yes. >> reporter: and that answer got him kicked out of the boy scouts of america. the 98th timberwolves now belong to the baden powell service organization. a different scouting group. the troops charter was held by the local sponsor, the church where same-sex marriages are welcome and inclusiveness is a watch word. >> we would like to be invited back if truly the boy scouts are going to live their own -- live out their own values to be truthful and honest and to say who you are. >> reporter: the kids of course couldn't care less about sexual politics but some of their parents clearly do.
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max in red getting a lift from his new buddies will be a scout next year and his mother says mcgrath's position as scout master was one of the reasons she joined. >> like that they have taken a stand and really opened up to all, girls, boys any background you know, religion not a factor. >> reporter: they have out in ratified changeses to it own charter, allowing local councils to make their own decisions. that will smooth the way for men like jeffery to participate, but could also allow church-based organizations and others to shut gays out. >> i support a policy that accepts and protects our different beliefs, allows religious organizations based on their first amendment protections of religious freedom to establish their own standards. >> reporter: gates says any other source of action could mean the end of scouting.
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boy scout membership has dropped in the last decade and openly gay scouts have been allowed in since january of last year. >> we must deal with the world as it is not as we might wish it be. the status quote in our movement's membership standards cannot be sustained. >> reporter: local president rob mckenna calls the positive change inevitable and positive and says the 98th can now apply for a new one. >> some churches have been arguing for this change for a long time. so all of the churches don't agree with each other, and that's not surprising. but i think ultimately we'll get there, and this is a good thing for the scouting movement. >> reporter: but mcgat calls it a blanket policy of rejection, allowing continued discrimination at the local level. as to whether these kids will ever be boy scouts of america
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again, mcgrath and church leaders say they haven't decided and haven't been formally invited back. >> it would be a wonderful gesture and it would feel great. >> reporter: would you accept? >> currently i am not free to accept. >> reporter: but you might say no? >> i might say yes. i would like the opportunity. >> reporter: for the timberwolves it's scouts business as usual, while the adults play their own games. alan jof alan -- schauffler al jazeera, seattle. >> reporter: this man is applying to be the first openly gay scout leader in salt lake city. as a lifelong scout, how significant is this day for you? >> this day -- it's real exciting. i -- i must state -- say it's a day i have long prayed for and waited for.
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>> so this decision would allow local councils to make this decision. how do you feel about that? >> i -- i think it's a very important decision to put the decision in the place of the troops. one of the exciting things about this new policy it is takes the decision out of the hands of the actual councils. in our -- our troop that we're in the process of chartering now, it has been rejected three times. so now we're going forward into a future where everyone is welcome. and it's truly -- it's a beautiful future for the boy sdot -- scouts. >> but some troops and councils may reject openly gay leaders. >> some troops but councils no longer have the option of rejecting charters based on orientation. so it's now in the hands of individual troops and i think
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that's where it should be. >> okay. and it also means some church-based troops can still reject some openly gay leaders. is that okay in your mind? >> it is because there is this beautiful thing called the first amendment. and religious liberty is something i also protected. those are all very important principles that need to be protected. and protecting them standings at the root of what the boy scouts are really all about. >> membership has been declining recently. how do you think this will affect membership? >> i would hope that this is going to make the membership explode like it used to. no longer is scouting a program that excludes people. everyone is welcome. so i think -- at least it's my hope that a lot of the former eagle scouts -- gay eagle scouts
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that have been forced out, will see this as an opportunity to come back to a program that has meant so much from him. >> bob gates said we have to live in the world as it is not in the world as we wish it would be and he was the person that pushed this through. are you surprised? >> i'm not surprised. i had the honor to serve under dr. gates during my military service. and he was the person responsible for bringing an end to the don't ask don't tell policy. >> so when do you anticipate leading a troop? [ laughter ] >> well, it's -- it's an exciting future. we're in the process right now of chartering this fully inclusive troop in salt lake city. we are going to be making our announcement on august 4th for the details, but it's really an exciting day. >> we hope to get to talk to you on that day, drew rees thank
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you so much for talking to us tonight. >> thank you. all right. this past sunday marked the 25th anniversary of the americans with disabilities act. the milestone legislation was created to provide the disabled with equal opportunities and access. but some believe a lot more work needs to be done. adam may has one example of that involving a playground in minnesota that is supposed to be user friendly for disabled children. >> look at those big feet. i saw them. >> reporter: lucas dean loves the playground but the playground isn't always his best friend. >> i'm stuck. someone help. >> reporter: the 4 year old minnesota boy doesn't have use of his legs at a typical playground like this one can be filled with obstacles. >> got it? >> yeah. >> are you going to crawl down
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here? what is frustrating for me and it is probably more frustrating for me than him just watching him watch other kids. quickly get up and move from one thing to the next. but he doesn't have that luxury. >> reporter: what might surprise you, this playground in minneapolis is new, and meets the minimum standards of the americans with disabilities act, even though children like lucas can't wheel up to the structure. >> reporter: what do you think about the act? >> it's a great thing. and as a result we have seen a lot of growth in the last 25 years, but we still have a long way to go. >> reporter: 1200 miles away sits a playground that is a world apart. the playground has safety features like ramps instead of stairs a struggle entrance to keep children from won
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won -- wandering off. what makes this playground even more special, how it was built. it wasn't cheap, and pocatello isn't a wealthy area. how much money did you raise to build the play ground? >> $570,000. >> reporter: did you get any state tax dollars? >> no. >> federal tax dollars? >> no. we got some grants from some different foundations, the rest of it was grass root fundraisers lemonade stands. >> reporter: thousands of families in pocatello donated money and then volunteers to help build it. there's nothing like this playground for hundreds of miles. fully inclusive play grounds are still a rarity and for the roughly 7 million children and youth with developmental disabilities, far from reality.
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what do you want for lucas? >> i want lucas to be happy, and he is. and i want him to be able to do what he wants to do when he wants to do it. >> reporter: it's pretty simple. >> yeah i think -- i think it is. >> reporter: but building a playgrounding won't be simple and could take years. time lost for lucas. adam may, al jazeera, minneapolis, minnesota. victor is the commissioner of the new york city mayor's office for people with disabilities. he joins me in the studio tonight. and we appreciate it. what was life like before the ada? >> life before the ada was very interesting. people had to fight for their rights. they had to fight to get on a bus. they had to fight to get into a store, and fight for employment. but now it is totally different. >> how so?
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>> transportation is more accessible than it ever was before. we have codes and standards now that dictate when people are building to make sure things are accessible which wasn't that before the, a da. people are able to get employment and be part of society like they never were before. >> the law has succeeded in many ways. but the statistics still show that people with disabilities still experience high rates of poverty and unemployment so what is still missing? >> employment. employment is one of the single pieces that we need to tackle in the ada. we recently had a disability pride parade and senator hawken, one of the authors, said one of the areas we need to do better on is employment. if you have employment you are able to access to accessible affordable housing. and that's important. and if you don't have employment you're not going to be able to get the services and
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things you need as easily. >> some of these things just seem like common sense. like why wouldn't you make transportation accessible but it wasn't like this 20-some-odd years ago. what were the changes back then? >> over time people with disabilities were part of society. they didn't know about it. so the idea was let's keep people in institutions. slowly but surely specifically after world war ii is when people started to come out more seeing a little bit of that. that changed over time in vietnam when the veterans came back that movement pushed people more in to the forefront. >> what is the next step for the americans with disabilities act? >> some of the things we're focusing on here in the city is making sure our transportation system is easier. if we can get people around that's important.
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and we have done by making sure 50% of the cabs are accessible by 2020. and then we can focus on employment. and then it's access to stores access to city services access to everything that the government has to offer. >> victor thing you so much for joining us tonight. >> thank you. >> if a picture is worth a thousand words then this of new york magazine speaks volumes. it shows 35 people who have accused bill cosby of drugging and sexually assaulting them. the cover also includes an empty share meant to represent any other women who have not come forward. several accusers allowed the magazine to post videos of them talking about the alleged assaults. >> i said bill i have a terrible headache. do you have some tylenol? and he said to me i have something a little stronger but it will take your headache away.
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and i said you know i don't no drugs. don't give me anything that would hurt you. and he said i would never do that to my friend. i don't remember anything else except waking up the next afternoon. i had no clothes on. >> a traditionally black college terminated its relationship with the cosbies. the couple gave the college $20 million in the '80s. one of the nation's busiest airports is about to get a major overhaul. the plan was announced by joe biden and governor cuomo at a press conference. i like laguardia. i know that's not popular. take it away john.
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>> you do? >> i do. it's small. it's quaint. you get in there. you get out. people don't like it. i don't understand why. >> did you hear a clanking sound? that was my jaw. [ laughter ] >> i know. i know. >> nobody likes laguardia? >> it could use a makeover. >> nobody likes it. laguardia has been with us since the 1930s. 30 million people squeeze through its doors every year. now the old airport is about to be torn down and rebuilt for $4 billion. half of that coming from private funds. but rail and roads nationwide are sags as well. >> welcome to the new laguardia. >> reporter: the new laguardia airport 21st century style.
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it's a long way from the airport vice president joe biden was rude about last year. >> a famous person once said and i quote, if i blindfolded you and took you to laguardia in new york you would think i must be in some third-world country. [ laughter ] >> now, who do you think said that? [ laughter ] >> reporter: joe biden of course but biden wasn't alone in any -- thinking that. most new yorkers are not fond of laguardia either. >> it makes you think twice about flying in and out of laguardia. >> this is my first trip to laguardia and probably my last. >> reporter: the governor says cooperation from delta means the old laguardia can be torn down and rebuilt. >> this is what new york deserves and has deserved for a
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long time. >> reporter: and talk about long time the areas commuters suffered terrible delays last week, after problems with electrical wires on new jersey's jail lines. in may this year infrastructure weaknesses along the northeast rail car were forced into sharp focus with the death of eight passengers outside of philadelphia. in the aftermath of the 2008 financial collapse president obama announces billions in stimulus designed to reboot the struggling economy partly through infrastructure spending. some of those projects got off of the ground others fell by the wayside. future infrastructure projects might be funded at the state level. >> we're going to see the use of more technology more automated
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toll lanes, more large scale tolling schemes over the years as a way of raising local revenue for particularly local projects that will allow the federal government to pull back a little bit. >> reporter: but all of that is in the future. right now laguardia and the people who use it can expect at least five years of upheaval as the work is completed. yes, and some news just in. richelle carey has just conceitedconceit conceited seed -- conceded that this next line is true which is the next five years will been very difficult. at the moment unless you live in queens it's kind of difficult to get there. >> it's a bit of a boozy. thank you john terrett. up next the soaring popularity of those
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>> reporter: the basic mechanics are pretty simple. a battery atomizer heats up the juice and turns it into vapor, which the user inhales. >> this is a cereal fruit loop's flavor. >> reporter: this researcher is focused on nicotine concentrations. in this case the solution is tennessee cured, a fluid made by johnson creek enterprises. >> we order a bunch of them and just run them to determine the accuracy of the label, and in this case this is 18 micro grams per liter, so this would be considered a high nicotine concentration. and as you can see from our control, it was a lot higher.
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we know for sure that it is nicotine and we found out that this specific sample was 59% higher nicotine than its advertised label. >> reporter: so whoever bought this got way more than they bargained for. >> yes, they did. you never know what you are getting. it could be higher it could be lower, and although lower might sound better, that means you are going to smoke more just to get what your body is used to. >> ah. [ laughter ] >> crystal joins us now from los angeles. the health concerns of the nicotine mislabeling problem, let's talk about that. what happens when you ingest more or less nicotine than advertised. >> well let's remember how electronic cigarettes were originally marketed to us.
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a smoking cessation device. you were stepping down the nicotine you were used to but if you don't have the ability to do that because of the mislabeling problem, then you are not reducing the amount you are exposing yourself to. >> you also studied the effects of nicotine on the brain. let's talk about teens. what happens when teens get nicotine from vaping? >> right. so the adolescent brain is still developing and usually by -- by that time the areas of the brain that are responsible for feeling good and are activated during addictions are already fully developed, but the areas of the brain responsible for making good decisions aren't. so they are uniquely susceptible to addiction and drugs addictions and causes behavioral
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problems down the line for adults. >> crystal thank you so much. much more about e-cigarettes on "techknow" tomorrow at 3:30 pm eastern time right here on al jazeera america. the families of hundreds of missing people in columbia may finally get answer more than a decade after their loved ones disappeared. >> a lot of big international news today. but the columbian government will begin exhuming bodies from a mass grave. the remains may be hidden in a landfill. most were believed to have been dumped there 13 years ago when government troops and armed gangs battled against leftest rebels for control of the region. in our next hour family members talk about their decade-long crusade for answers and justice. and it is really an issue dividing the country.
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>> antonio thank you very much. all across the country, people know the phrase remember the alamo. now the united nations has made it easier for people all around the globe. it designated the mission as four others as world heritage sites. susan snow worked for nearly a decade to make that happen. ♪ on july 5th of this year the five missions of san antonio were inscribed to the unesco world heritage list. the first was established in 1718 which most people know better today as the alamo, it is the most visited site in texas. this acknowledgment recognizes that these five missions didn't just affect the history of south texas or even texas in general, they symbolize that globalization of the age of
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empire and the interweaving of cultures. the san antonio missions here where the san antonio river is located represents sort of the northern-most frontier of the spanish empire. these missions were established on the northern-most frontier during the waning ways of the spanish empire and they really were these marvellouset faces showing the line. you have the french to the east, and the russians up in the northwest coming in so this was really staking out spanish territory. we don't get full-out battles until these missions are used what we call post colonially after they cease to become active missions and they are used by the community of san antonio, and that's when you see some of the battles that we hear about that were associated with the texas independent movement. >> you can see how it is.
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>> there are exciting challenges. there is so much we don't know about the mission period. the spanish thought that missions should last about 25 years, make new spanish citizens and the missionaries would move on their way. so these buildings have been standing a lot longer than they were potentially originally scheduled to be standing.
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turkish troublesturkey attacks kurdish forces even though they've been fighting i.s.i.l. and calls for a rare emergency meeting of nato. >> death and destruction and have to be stopped. >> president obama makes history visiting strategic ethiopia, and focuses on security issues facing east africa. grim history. colombia faces its violent
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