tv News Al Jazeera July 28, 2015 9:00pm-10:01pm EDT
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fire in the house. >> congressman, i don't need lessons from you about who i represent. >> john kerry faces tough questions from a congress skeptical of the iran nuclear deal. a spy paroled. jonathan poller behind bars for 30 years, because he spied on the u.s. for israel - will soon be a free man the lion killing. an american dentist admits he's the big-game hunter that killed cecil, a famous african lion.
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and safe behind bars. >> translation: i'm worried that once i'm outside doors will be shut opportunities for a new life will be closed how prison is a refuge for young women trapped in el salvador's vicious gang wars good evening, i'm antonio mora this is it al jazeera america. we begin in washington. for the second time president obama's top cabinet secretaries were on capitol hill defending the iran nuclear deal. secretary of state john kerry testified with energy secretary ernst monnees, and treasury secretary jack luce facing the senate last week. house lawmakers grilled the trio questioning the decision to lift sanctions on iran. kerry hit back, saying sanctions would not prevent iran building nuclear weapons.
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libby casey reports on the contentious hearing. >> reporter: round two on capitol hill for the chief negotiators and pitch men for a deal not sitting well with republicans or top democrats. >> as i condition to review the deal there's a number of issues i find troublesome. >> secretary of state john kerry flanged by the treasury secretary, trying to convince skeptics that this agreement is the best way to prevent iran obtaining a nuclear weapon. >> when it comes to verification and monitoring there's no sunset in this agreement. no sunset ever. >> secretary of state john kerry says pulling out of the agreement now will give iran a free pass to double the pass of iranian enrichment and could isolate the united states. >> if we walk away we walk away alone. our partners are not going to be with us. >> the clock has started ticking. the republican controlled congress has until
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september 17th to approve the deal and vote to approve or disapprove. by the tone the administration has a tough time ahead. >> if this agreement goes through, iran gets a cash bonanza, a boost to international standing and a lighted path towards nuclear weapons. >> reporter: at times secretary of state john kerry couldn't hide his frustration. >> do you care more about the deal or the u.n. approval or american sovereignty through their duly elected constituents. >> congressman, i don't need lessons from you about who i represent. i represented and fought four our country since i was out of college. don't give me any lessons about that. let me make it crystal clear. this is america's interests. america is the principle gornt of security in the region
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particularly with respect to some of our closest friends. >> and they pushed back on the notion that there's a better alternative. >> we hear the complaints. we hear that the agreement doesn't stop. this agreement will do this. what this is supposed to do is stop them having a nuclear weapon. i want to hear someone telling me how he's going to do that. >> reporter: republicans were unrelenting and unconvinced. >> america got played like a 5-string quartet. and you don't have the power to surrender our greatness. the white house hosted congressional democrats in a bid to win support, before the house leads washington for a 6-month recess. >> reporter: jim walsh is a research associate at m.i.t. security studies programme and testified before the house foreign affairs committee on the iran north korea alliance and joins us from washington d.c.
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thank you for making time for us with what i am sure has been a busy day. let's start with your impression of the hearing in general. did secretary of state john kerry change any minds today? >> i don't think he changed republican minds. when i testified before that committee in the same room i think they were tired by the time they got to me. one thing that stuck out, and it's a little - i guess in some ways it's not surprising. the republicans know that they are against it. as a consequence, they don't know that much about the deal. the questions i got from some of them revealed the fact that they hadn't read the agreement. the democrats, on the hot seat are taking their time and being cautious and hedging and not saying much but are reading the deal because they are scared and concerned. they are pushed and pulled in different directions. >> from the prior conversation you agreed with cary and the deal needs to be approved. >> i do. if we - colin powell says you
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break it you own it. this is an agreement supported by the allies and by the united nations, the international atomic energy agency, a head of the atomic energy agency. if we scuttle it, we are saying - we are giving iran a free pass. they get to walk away we get the blame. that's a strategic mistake. it's a good deal. i believe, you know - this is my - what i work on. nonproliferation i looked at every nonproliferation agreement in the seven decades, it's stronger than we this stronger than the one that bush did with libya. it's a good deal. >> talking about the mpt, you addressed the likelihood of iran cheating on this deal and one thing i recognised in your testimony is you agreed that iran violated the nonproliferation treaty. if iran cheated before on the agreements in the nuclear field,
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are you not concerned again. >> i am definitely concerned. we do agreements with the soviet union, not necessarily a good player. with muammar gaddafi, not a good actor, and so i think the fact that they cheated before counts as you try to weigh the rirshtss here. there are other -- risks here. there are other pieces that you need to weigh. for example, the top end officials in america said iran had the programme, stopped it in 2003, has not made a decision now. this is the time. once they decide on their own that will be tough. >> most of the testimony was based on the fact that you do not believe iran decided it wants to have nuclear weapons, you have connections at the highest level of government and have for a long time. are you confident of that? >> well i don't rely on that conclusion so much discussions with the iranians. i rely on that for our intelligence community. the director of national
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intelligence american intel officials testified every year they gave it up and have not made that decision. i'm going by what u.s. intelligence officials say. it's not something that is widely understood but all the test moan yip, ail the -- testimony, all the statements on the web, people can look it up and see that's what our people believe. i don't believe the iranians i believe our intel people. >> it's interesting that you focus on the iranian, north korea connection. north korea is a cautionary tale. i know you don't think iran will cheat in north korea. it's strung along the u.s. and world power, saying it didn't want nukes and deals, but it went ahead and produced them. >> absolutely. let's compare that agreement that happened 20 years ago. that was three pages long. this agreement is 159 pages long. it's the strongest - in is your father's i.a.e.a.
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international atomic energy agency. 20 years after the fact, we have digital capabilities the snowden revelation should tell you we have instruments stronger than we used to. it's a different country. as you know i have been to iran and north korea. very different countries. north korea - who is on its border with china. china protects north korea, it's - china's armed with nuclear weapons. there's no china equivalent in iran the middle east. no china to protect them. in iran everyone hates iran. the saudis hate iran israel hates iran. i think it's the most watched country in the world. >> i think the saudis, the opposition group will look under any haystack and bathroom for the slightest instinct. >> good to have you back. >> thank you my friend a 30-year-old dispute
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between the united states and israel will be resolved soon. jonathan poller an american sentenced to life in prison after being caught spying for israel will be released this year. patty culhane has that story. >> reporter: it was the case that rocked the israeli-u.s. relationship. a navy analyst, jonathan poller sentenced to life imprisonment in 1987 for selling israel thousands of classified documents. >> it was a serious effort by the israeli government to penetrate our intelligence community, and it was successful, and i don't like it. >> that former vice president dick cheney telling u.s. spies to keep an eye on co-worker because of poller. the issue hardly faded with time. for three decades there has been protests in both countries. songs of support, and every u.s. president to visit israel was greeted with sign like this
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that met president obama. now as poller completes 30 years of his sentence the parole board decided to free him next november. the u.s. government didn't object, which could have kept him in prison. officials are denying a release between his impending release and an attempt to apiece israel over the iran team. >> it's the far thinking of people 30 years ago to sentence mr pollard, and set a mandatory release date to coincide with the iran deal, and if they were able to pull that off, i would be impressed. >> it's unlikely his release will do anything to stop the fierce lobbying to congress. past presidents considered using his release as a bargaining chip. the president has leverage. it's this - as part of his release, pollard will have to stay in the u.s. for five years. backers are calling on the president to release him and let him fly to israel - the place he
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considers home. joining us from washington d.c. is robert grenier. good to see you as always. this case is infamous. the life sentence was the most severe ever given to someone who passed american intelligence on to an ally. did he deserve it? >> well it was certainly the view of the justice department. it was the view of the sentencing judge, and it strongly has been the view of the u.s. intelligence community. we have to dial back the clock a little. we are in the digital age and stealing huge volumes of documents is not that diver. at the time when jonathan pollard committed espionage, it was before the digital age, and the extent of his theft was almost unprecedented. he was literally taking
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suitcases full of secret documents out of the pentagon. >> 30 years ago defense secretary caspe weinberger said it was harder to imagine a grating harm. is that fair? in later years intelligence passed on by people like james and hanson, led to the execution of american agents. robert did you lose me there? actually we'll get back to robert grenier as soon as we have him. n.a.t.o. compared his strong solidarity at a rare and emergency meeting in brussels. ministers touched the threat. n.a.t.o. leaders issued a statement declaring that terrorism poses a direct threat to the security of n.a.t.o. countries. turkey is the only muslim country in the block. the kurds are the world's largest ninority people who don't have a home state.
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more than 30 million are spread around the globe, mostly concentrated in turkey iraq and syria, all opposing a separate kurdistan. in iraq more than 5 million kurds leave in the north-east. the peshmerga, their fighting force has been an ally of the u.s.-led collision in the fight a -- coalition in the fight against i.s.i.l. 2 million kurds live in the indecent. their force, y.p.g. fought i.s.i.l. in bloody battles, including in the border city. in turkey as many as 15 million represented a fifth of the population. an armed group of turks, the p.k.k. fought i.s.i.l. the kurds, wherever they are anti-i.s.i.l. the problem is the p.k.k. fought a bloody three-decade war with turkey for greater autonomy. even though they are allied with the coalition, the u.s. and
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europe designated the p.k.k. which has marxist origins. the turks are loath to help the kurdish y.p.g. fighters in syria, because they are allied with the p.k.k. the y.p.g. has accused the turks of attacking them. bottom line allies of the west in the war against i.s.i.l. is fighting other allies of the west proving that the enemy of your enemy is not necessarily your friend. and the dispute between turks and kurds played out in south-eastern turkey. bernard smith filed this report from southern turkey. >> reporter: turkish f-16 fighter jerts don't have gar to fly to -- jets don't have far to fly to hit targets of i.s.i.l. over the border and not far to target an old enemy, positions of p.k.k. in northern iraq. kurds are angry and frustrated that the turkish government is equating the threat from
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i.s.i.l. with the threat from the p.k.k. here, mainly a kurdish city in south-eastern turkey. representatives from 18 organizations have been meeting. kl they are working out a response to what they fear is a threat to the peace process between the p.k.k. and the government. >> translation: we call on the people. the kurds and the people of turkey to show solidarity. the only way to do this is to stand up against the policies. >> reporter: last month most of these people were celebrating the electoral success of the pro-kurdish htp, winning 80 seats in parliament for the first time. now the turkish president wants to lift the immunity of the mps being linked with terror group. recep tayyip erdogan is questioning whether talks with the p.k.k. can carry on. >> i don't think it's possible
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to continue a peace process with those who take aim at our national security and brotherhood in this country. >> reporter: recep tayyip erdogan says having embarked on an offensive against terrorism, turkey will not back off. neither the p.k.k. nor the government have officially said that the peace process is over. it's never looked more fragile. a newly elected pro-kurdish mp said the reason the p.k.k. launched an offensive against the government is they hope talks can work. back now to washington - and former c.i.a. counter-terrorism center head robert grenier. robert you were talking about how jonathan pollard, the american who has been in prison for 30 years, how his spying was significant. i was beginning to ask you,
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30 years ago. the secretary of defense, caspe weinberger said it was hard to imagine a greater harm to security to what pollard caused. is that fair. intelligence passed on by people like aldridge haines led to the execution of agents. >> well of course at that time mr polled ard was judge -- pollard was judged not against future actions of individuals, but what he did at the time. >> then there was the john anthony walker spy ring that was significant. passing on submarine intelligence. >> i don't think john walker was dealt with leniently either. so again, this is not just an issue of sharing information, this case with the israelis he also did serious damage to u.s.
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intelligence gathering capabilities not only in the middle east, but vis-a-vis the soviet union, under circumstances where it seems likely that the israelis shared that information for their own purposes with the soviets at that time. >> the narrative is that pollard was altruistic. he was paid well there were allegations that he tried to spy for other countries. has he benefitted from you know, a somewhat generous telling of his story? >> i think he's tried to ben get from the telling of his sore -- benefit from the telling of his sorry, he's seen as an tonnist, opportunityist, someone spying for money. he didn't hesitate to wrap himself in the israeli flag when he thought it would suit his purposes. he is viewed negatively within
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the intelligence community. >> do you think pollard's release will be as advertised because they are following the rules on parol and not improving relations with israel? >> yes, i do. let's remember it was a point of sentencing that he would be up for parole after 30 years. some think it's an assault to the israelis to blunt their opposition to the concluded nuclear agreement with iran i think that these two issues are very different significance to the israelis. they are concerned about this iranian nuclear agreement. i don't think the release of pollard will mitigate the assistance to that. >> good to have you with us. >> sentenced for the killing of protesters during libya's revolution, the son of muammar gaddafi, and top members of the
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former libyan dictator muammar gaddafi - one of his sons was sentenced to death for the killing ever protesters during the revolution. the court ordered eight other top officials and his son - he was not in court, he's held by a rebel group in north western libya. dozens of others received prison terms. muammar gaddafi was killed by rebels in 2011 after months on the run. the united nations says 220,000
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died in syria, millions more fled the fighting. today a first briefing to the security council on the suffering. paul beban explains the news is grim. >> reporter: after more than four years of fighting in syria the scale of the crisis is staggering. since the spring of 2011 more than 4 million syrians fled the shattered country. nearly 2 million into turkey making it the country with the largest refugee population in the world. most poured into camps and communities in lebanon, jordan iraq. some made it to europe. more than 270,000 applied for asylum. inside syria the war displaced 7.5 million more virtually all of them according to the u.n. are enduring horrifying danger. what began in syria was unrest.
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it transformed into a war characterised by the complete failure to protect civilians. generating levels of suffering for most civilians. >> steven o'brien says government troops and other parties are making a bad situation worse. preventing humanitarian aid from letting them get to where they needed to go. in june 5% of the people who need aid in syria got it. courageous efforts should not hide the fact that it's shifting conflict lines, obstacles and resistance put in place by all parties, to hinder the delivery of aid to people in need in syria. o'brien cautioned against a buffer along the turkey-syrian border a safe zone unless there's a guarantee that people almost are certain to flock for help would be protected.
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the u.n. asked for 5.5 billion in relief funding, and they've got a quarter of that. the crunch means less money for health education and food. for the swelling ranks of refugees. rations are introduced. hope is in short supply. at this point the only thing available in abundance is worry. >> the fighting in syria sparked a big refugee crisis in a generation. with no end in sight to the fighting the situation looks to get worse. >> president obama makes history with a speech at the african union. we'll dell you about his warning about the threat to democracy. >> amoring out a deal that could affect the countries, which countries benefit most and how
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welcome back to al jazeera america i'm antonio mora. coming up in this hafrl hour of international new, wildlife biologist and tv host jeff core win talks about the slaughter of zimbabwe's famous cecil the lion. first stories in the american minute. texas officials released video showing sandra bland in gaol following the traffic stop and arrest. it was distributed in response to theories suggesting that bland was murdered. she was found dead in her cell on july 13th a preliminary report deeming the death a suicide. a new york state prison employee pleaded guilty to helping two convicted murderers escape. joyce admitted she gave richard a hacksaw, chisels and other
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tools to help them break out of a cell. it is part of a plea to keep mitchell from facing charges that she plotted with inmates to kill her husband and donnar hands and forearms transplanted on to a boy. he lost his feet and hands to a bacterial infection. the ground-breaking surgery happening this month. the buy is using the hands for small movements president obama wrapped up his trip with a warning, saying the continent would not advance if leaders refused to step down when their terms ended. we have more. >> reporter: it was the first ever address by a u.s. president to the 54-member african union. and president obama did not
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dispftenlt -- didn't. it was criticism of african leaders that remain in leadership beyond their limit. >> when a leader tries to change the rules in the middle of the game to stay in office it risks instability and strife. as we have seen in burundi. >> this is often the first step down a perilous pass. president pierre nkurunziza's bid for an election provoked weeks of unrest an example of dangers trying to overstay in power. the u.s. president asked leaders to make their traffic more prone to foreign investment. >> nothing will unlock africa's economic potential more than ending the cancer of corruption.
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you are right it's not just a problem of africa it's a problem of those that do business with africa. it's not unique to africa corruption exists all over the world, including the united states. here in africa corruption rains from billions, from economies this can't afford to lose billions. >> reporter: it condemns those in leadership. most of the president's comments were well received. >> the key highlights is a point where they raised about the defense from africa. we cannot spect the rest of the world to do this for us. >> leaving power peacefully how the old should leave, the now come, and let the new leaders lead. in his address, president obama warned that it could bring
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opportunities and disorder and arrived leaders to create more jobs for young people or risk economic potential new attacks by boko haram killed 25 in nigeria, three villages in borno were targeted. it's the latest in a string of attacks by the group since the nigeria president took office in may. he travels to cameroon for talks on coordinate ght the fight against boko haram. thousands of soldiers were deployed near the border to defend against incursions. 10 years in the making t.p.p. or the transpacific partnership could be the biggest trade deal. many are meeting in hawaii to iron out the details. andrew thomas joins us now. a lot of discussion about what this deal means for the u.s.
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>> absolutely. this is a big deal. i'm here in hawaii the geographic heart of what could become the biggest geographic trading area in the world, stretching from south america through to australia, new zealand, north asia and countries like that. canada and the united states as well. some of the countries involved - it's a difference in the g.e. p could be huge in vietnam, 14%. nothing like that level of growth in the u.s. more like 0.5%. nonetheless significant. what it could mean is cheeper goods in the united states tariffs from clothes, vietnam, coming here. trucks from japan as well. the risk that that could cost jobs. u.s. exporters right across that huge region. so the supporters of this deal say significant in economic terms. also politically, president obama in his first term as u.s.
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president made it clear that he wanted to give the united states more towards the asia pacific region. free trade is more than tariff reduction, it's about setting the rules and regulations of trade. labour patent laws. if they are set by a u.s.-led trade strategy, that stops gina the big unspoken -- china, the big unspoken setting up its rival trade agreement. that is the fear if the talks don't go through. the deal has its critics, many saying that not only will jobs in the u.s. be lost, but standards will be dumbed down to meet countries. environmentalists are concerned, and there's a concern that corporations will have power over government's under this deal to. >> what is the sense there about the prospects of a deal getting done this week. ? >> it's hard to say. because these talks are
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happening in secret. at the hotel, behind me in hawaii but no one really demos exactly who is talking or what they are talking about. that is deliberate when negotiators say i can't say what you are talking about. then you give your negotiating opponent if you like an idea of what your bottom line might be. it makes negotiating harder. those complaining about it says it's giving a lot of power. given we don't know it's hard to know whether there'll be a hawaii friendly photo call on friday announcing the deal or whether we'll need more talks. the u.n. official deadline is the presidential election president barack obama sporting of this less so hillary clinton, and republican contenders too. >> andrew thomas in maui a global economy and development fellow at the brookings institution violence us from washington d.c.
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>> i know ut testified. this is the facest growing region in the world. do you think it's essential for the u.s. to be part of it. not to be marginalized from other efforts in the region. >> the ttp will be a significant trade agreement that's been concluded in a long while. since the conclusion of the organization 20 years ago. it will be a key opportunity to access new markets, and is one of the fastest growing regions of the world. not only is it fast growing economically, but midful -- mid class growth. importantly, it's going to be an opportunity for the u.s. to have a key role in making sure the type of development in the region going forward is market orientated rather than the more government-led type of economic model that china followed.
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>> andrew thomas raised the spectre of china in his report. how important is the deal to counter the growing influence of china in the region. >> so it's growth an opportunity and a hedge with regard to china, it's an opportunity for the u.s. to play a leadership role in the region it underpins a lot of the parallel military alliances that the u.s. had with a range of countries in the t.p.p. it's open for china to join if it's willing to meet concluded in the t.p.p. and a hedge in the sense that it gives the united states options in case china develops along a path not in the united states best interests. there are stumbling costs from trade to daily products to the u.s. wanting property protections to what other countries want. how serious are the stumbling blocks? >> the hardest issues are always the issues that are left to the end, the issues that negotiate
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juniors von unable to conclude. they are issues requiring leaders elected to come together and invest political capital and leadership to dop the dials that are hardest for everyone to do. that will be difficult. we'll see them in hawaii trying to crunch the deal. >> it has been a political hot potato ending up with an unlikely reliance between the congressional republican. what about have been argument from the left that the partnership would be good for the big corporations and not the american worker? >> the trade agreement will benefit the u.s. economy. without a doubt there'll be a sector of the economy hit as some barriers come down there might be sectors in the textile industries. in the areas where the united states is competitive, services high in manufacturing, paying well employs a lot of people.
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there'll be growth. u.s. comes out a winner. >> i'll ask you for your prediction. do you think there'll be a deal by friday. >> if i was a betting man i'd put my money on it. >> joshua meltzer from brockings, good to have you with us. >> south korea is free of the deadly m.e.r.s. virus. it killed 36 sickening 36 understand since an outbreak in may. the prime minister says there's not been a new case in three weeks. southern countries, including china and the unted arab emirates advised citizens from travelling to south korea because of m.e.r.s. columbia's civil war left 2,000 dead. an excavation at the landfill may answer the question of what happened to hundreds of people missing since 2002. details about the kitting of a famous -- killing of a famous african lines. an american dentist sis he's
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columbia will soon know what happened to missing family members, they were vision tips of right wing groups following a government effort to clear the slums. it is believed up to 300 bodies are buried in a landfill nearby. now a search for the remains has begun. we have this report on wednesday, workers will begin to clear out the first excavation site. ridding of it overgrown grass and plainlies. -- plains. only then will heavily machinery move in. finally, once they reach the soil, it will be time for the forensic teams to move in looking for the bodies for the remains. nonetheless, there will be a difficult task. that's because there's five years of calls on the part
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of relatives to shut down the landfill. nothing has been done until now. >> we began reporting forced disappearances in 2003. we tried to get the inter-american commission on human rights to intervene. no one listened. we think it had to do with the fact that high level officials were involved. if they would have listened we wouldn't be dealing with the mountain of debris and impunity relatives of the victims feel that this is a very important step to overcome that level of impunity but it will take time operations in this first plot of land will take up to five months. >> human rights watch says saudi-led air strikes may have led to war crimes in yemen. strikes hit two residential compounds last week.
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65 died including 10 children. human rights watch says it's one of several air strikes that appears to beunlawful and arrived the united nations to vet the bombings the killer of an african lion in a zimbabwe park sparked uproar. authorities identified an american as the big-game hunter as the person that illegally killed the big cat. jonathan betz has more. >> reporter: the 13-year-old lion was supposed to be out of hunter's reach, he was tagged with a g.p.s. device and so popular and beloved, he was named ses im. when his -- cecil. when his renames were found, his body was skinned, head cut off. tuesday, authorities in zimbabwe revealed the name of the hunter walter james palmer a dent ist from minnesota. officials released his home address and passport for good measure. >> he is the guy that came into
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the country around the beginning of this month of july and was intiesed. we are not sure yet, to have it. >> palmer admitted to the kill blaming guides, saying i had no idea that the lyon i took was a foifrt -- favourite. i relied on expertise of local guides to ensure a legal hunt. palmer was on hunt when he or his team lured cecil out of the park, shot him tracked the lion for 40 hours before killing him. a hunt that he paid handsomely for. >> information received shows money was exchanged to the dune of around 55,000 u.s. >> palmer has a passion for hunting big game. seen on the website, trophy hunt america, showing off the kills. the revelation of the identity set off a fire storm, with a facebook called a boycott.
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his dental practice. and the hashtag. cecil going viral. on his page people called him a violent sadistic human. >> "do you want a sick sob like this in your mouth." cecil leaves behind six females he mated with and two dozen cubs. a major loss for a species already in danger jeff core win joins us via scout from massachusetts, a well-known wildlife biologists and host of a.b.c.'s "ocean mysteries", you have seen the statement from the zimbabwe conservation task force saying that the dentist, his guides hunted the lion at night, lured him out of the protective park with a dead animal. do you believe protestations of minutes that they had no idea they were doing something illegal? >> i found it hard to believe
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the gentleman involved the guides per se wouldn't know the story of this animal. first of all, if they did what the record says according to the organization that they lured it out of an african park that goes against protocols, and i find it hard to believe a regional guide would not know the story of the cecil, the iconic emblem a celebrity. >> do you think there'll be consequences. >> these guys if they broke the law. they are considered poachers. they pay - they face up to 15 years in prison. zimbabwe has strict rules on the board. they allow no hunting in national parks. the hunting guides have specific concessions that they have to adhere to. but what it guides did, it's
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unsettling and there's an economic rippling effect. it's a complex society, the line is the male. he is the king if he is deposed, if he is killed in battle the first thing that competing male will do is to bring the lioness, he kills the offspring. that accomplishes two things. number one, it removes - just like game of thrones. it gets rid of the genetic competition from your competitor. number two, the female will come into heat and she'll breed. he gets rid of the competition, his adversary, and all the next heirs to be and his genetics are passed forward. this will be the case. now that cecil is gone jericho, the next leading male will take
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over literally wiping out history. >> populations of lions in africa are believed to have been cut in half. how endangered are they. >> the population throughout africa and the range in the 15-plus countries is probably around 25,000 animals. and they are disappearing for a number of reasons - habitat loss. probably the biggest is conflict between human being and lions, when it comes to livestock and agriculture. every day a little bit of lion habitat disappears to make room for a fast-greying population and -- fast-growing population. not only a symbol of this great part of the world. it's not only an icon of nature but a representation of the health of an eco system. when an eco system can't sustain its top predators, the
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environment, the living community is in trouble. >> the wildlife service says u.s. sportsmen and women kill the most lions, elfants and ryanons on the kav -- rhinos on the african continent, but sport hunting is not the greatest threat. should trophy hunting be banned. >> hunting, where people follow the laws and go through the proper conduits to access an animal to kill it probably does not account or contribute to dramatic ecological catastrophe. but the biggest challenge is illegal hunting or poaching. habitat loss climate change and human conflict that is contributing to the demise of lions, rhinos and elephants. all the great futures. good to have you with us. thanks. >> thank you the danger that girls and young women are facing in el salvador they are forced to
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>> there's a line of police advancing toward the crowd here. >> ferguson: city under siege. >> it isn't easy to talk openly on this base. our global view segment, a look at how news outlets are reacting. the e.u. high-representative for foreign affairs writes that the iran agreement is a disaster for i.s.i.s. in an editorial for the guardian cooperation for iran on any level undermines the group's ideology and open up new ways to bring peaceful ends to the conflict in syria, iraq and yemen. frankfurter's political editor writes that turkey's attacks on kurdish forces create a delicate balancing act for the west. he writes that turkey wants store support for the gight against terrorism -- wants support for the fight against terrorism. herman says it's one thing to
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stop talks with the p.k.k. and another to picture the entire multinational kurdish movement of terrorists. spain's etamundo writes that the world is watching china, saying the market plunge marks more than a technical correction pointing to signs that the economy is slowing down. if the trind continues, it could have an impact on the u.s. and other countries. worse would be the effect on china itself if it can't create new jobs and consumption falls, markets in china are up in trading gang violence has become a terrifying way of life in el salvador and is in part behind the flow of people from el salvador seeking refuge in the united states. the murder rate in the central american country jumped 50% in the first five months of this year and nearly 7 months of the people were killed in june alone. the government is training a battalion to take on the yangs,
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and bus drivers -- take on the gangs. bus drivers went on strike. buses were set on fire. women are at risk with women and girls forced to join gangs. adam raney reports, when some are caught by police, they are hope to be in jam. >> reporter: a young girl behind bars a refuge in a country wracked by gang violence. the girls we spoke to worked with the gangs, collecting extortion money from shopkeepers that feared for their lives. some were afraid to speak to us afraid they'd be killed. this woman has been here two years, collecting up to $1,000 a week for the 18th street gang. >> translation: they split everything. they help each other out. >> she was born into a poor gang community. her brothers are gang members, her boyfriend too until he was
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killed last year. >> many of the girls couldn't read or rite before coming here they are school and job training. sometimes they bring their babies in toe. four girls are raising their children here. school uniforms can't hide the signs of their previous lives. tat oos are the norm in a country where people brand themselves showing allegiance to gangs, neighbourhoods and boyfriends. many old on to hope that a better future may be there for them. on offer is skills baking beauty school and sewing classes - more than many had. many of the girls locked up told me they come from a troubled background and don't have many opportunities, they see the time as a chance to study or train for a job they hope to get once they are let out of here. often easiers than done.
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>> it's a limit to what they do. they can insert them into society. there's no support for the outside. >> many come from broken homes where they never receive the love or attention. girls know they'll be on their own again. >> they dream of being a forensic scientist, but would settle for a sowing job at a factory. >> i'm worried once i'm outside doors will be shut opportunities for a new life will be closed i'll have to go back to what i did before. >> prison life is bleak. most look forward to their release, even those that know the walls offer much protection as punishment thousands of jews from around the world gathered in berlin for the european macka by games, athletes from two dozen countries are competing in the
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olympic stadium built by the nazis. in 1986 hitler banned jews from the olympics. at the opening ceremony germany celebrated jewish culture and athleticism calling it the games of unification. >> you will see throughout the next 10 days the jews in germany are not only safe but proud of our long-standing jewish tradition it's the first time germany hosted the all-jewish sporting competition. more than 2,000 athletes faced off in 19 disciplines. ranging from waterpolo, basketball and chess. it's the 14th games taking place every four years. coming up tomorrow. the civil war in syria is more than four years old. with multiple factions it's a not that diplomats struggled to unravel. new discussions tomorrow will begin, we ximent the complempity of implementing sol -- examine
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