tv News Al Jazeera July 29, 2015 7:30am-9:01am EDT
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these are the good guys that at the bifrted of of technological revolution believe society will bern fit that a short time ago we could only dream about. and don't forget the al jazeera website, >> turkey goes after a rebel group inside its borders around that could complicate the coalition fight against isil. >> new videos show sandra bland in jail before police say she committed suicide. why officials hope this will end conspiracy they are requires about hear death. >> plus he says he didn't know it was illegal. the hunter blamed for the death of an iconic lion pleads
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ignorance as he is hit with death threats. >> good morning. this is aljazeera america live from new york city. i'm paul beban. a key u.s. ally in the fight against isil is stepping up its attacks against kurdish fighters. turkish jets targeted the kurdish rebel group the p.k.k. inside turkey today. so far turkey has only attacked them in iraq. the move comes days after turkey stepped up airstrikes against isil. bernard smith is in turkey in the kurdish city. how is that move by turkey complicating the fight against isil? >> we already know that in fact the u.s. has said that the introduction of turkey into this fight against isil, turkey
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allowing the u.s. to use bases in turkey is a game-changer, because it means u.s. fighter jets don't have to fly hours away down from the gulf and now just a couple of hundred miles to hit isil targets in syria. the concern of the u.s. and nato partners is if the p.k.k. gets drawn into the fight with turkey turkey and the p.k.k. start fighting all out again this could add to an already destabilized region, and the u.s. doesn't want another factor of fight against the p.k.k. drawing into what is already a very complicated battle. interestingly, the turkish government, foreign ministry have said today that they have now officially signed this deal with the u.s., allowing them to use the base, but the turkish foreign ministry points out this only concerns the fight against isil it does not include providing support to kurdish fighters in syria. >> a complicated battle, you
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mentioned getting more complicated. the question here is what is turkey's priority here? is it the kurds so far isil? which one does turkey see as a bigger threat? >> we know since the civil war started in syria that turkey has not been interested in getting involved in this fight against isil. it had not been interested in fighting isil. the turkish government would have told you previously that they were more concerned about the threat from the p.k.k. what has changed is that the turkish government now seems to recognize or has accepted that there is a threat from isil. the europeans and americans the u.s. would say the biggest threat is from isil. turkey is saying it has various threats on its border with be it has them from isil and from the p.k.k. >> there has been a peace process ongoing between the kurds and turks but is that even
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really possible, given these latest attacks? >> well, there was language coming from the turkish president erdogan on monday, saying that the peace process was impossible. there's been slightly for conciliatory words from the ak party, deputy prime minister saying talks could continue if the p.k.k. leaves turkey. the p.k.k. was once a very disciplined top down organized. it's become more frogment and youth wing affiliated with the p.k.k. are carrying out individual small level attacks within turkey. they are much harder for the p.k.k. leadership at the top to control. >> bernard smith in turkey, thank you for your insights. >> the united nations envoy for syria will address the security council today about the humidity crisis there. officials calm it a shameful blot on the world's conscience. tuesday, the u.n.'s humanitarian
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chief described the suffering after four years of war as gargan we know. >> after four years of fighting, the sheer scale of the humanitarian crisis is staggering. 4 million have fled, nearly 2 million to turkey, making it the largest refugee population in the world. the rest of poured into lebanon jordan iraq and egypt. some have made it to europe. 200,000 applied for asylum there. wart displaced 7.5 million more, virtually all of them, according to the u.n. are enduring horrifying danger and deprivation. >> what began at unrest in march, 2011 has transformed into a war characterized by the complete failure to protect
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civilians, generating gargantuan levels of suffering for most civilians. >> government troops and other warring parties are making a bad situation worse deliberately preventing humanitarian aid from getting where it needs to go. in june, only 5% of the people who need aid in syria actually got it. >> the courageous efforts of humanitarians to reach people with assistance should not hide the fact that widespread fighting shifting conflict lines and intentional obstacles and restrictions put in place by all parties continue to significantly hinder the delivery of aid to people in need in syria. >> o'brien cautioned against calling a proposed buffer along the turkey-syrian border a safe zone unless there is a guarantee that people almost certain to flock there for help would be protected. the u.n. has asked for $5.5 billion in relief funding this year. so far they've only gotten
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around a quarter of that. the crunch means much less money for health, education even food for the swelling ranks of refugees. rations have already been reduced, hope is in short supply. at this point the only thing available in abundance is worry. >> the u.n. says 77 humanitarian workers have been killed in syria since the conflict began more than four years ago. >> afghanistan's government is investigating reports this morning that taliban leader omar has died. there have been previous unconfirmed reports of his death. here's what a government spokesman said a short time ago. >> we are aware of the reports about the passing away of the taliban leader. we're still in the process of assessing those reports and as soon as we get any more accurate information or authentication of those reports we're going to let the media and the people of
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afghanistan know about it. >> al jazeera's bureau in kabul is looking into these reports. we will continue to follow there throughout the day and bring you the latest as soon as we have it. >> back in this country change is coming at the t.s.a. the new head of the agency said it will go undergo a comprehensive overhaul, screeners retrained to detect weapons and other items and the agency scaled back. it has come in fire after reports found agents failed to catch 95% of illegal items during screenings. >> the white house rejected a public request to pardon edward snowden. nearly 170,000 people signed a petition on the white house website, asking for charges dropped against the former intelligence contractor. snowden is wanted in the u.s. on federal espionage charges. he is currently living in asylum in moscow. >> for the second time in two days the obama administration
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is set again today to defend the iran nuclear deal before a skeptical congress. tuesday be, the house foreign affairs committee grilled secretary of state john kerry along with energy secretary and treasury secretary. many believe the agreement would not stop iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon, but kerr require said the u.s. does not have much of a choice. >> in the real world we have two options. either we move ahead with this agreement to ensure iran's nuclear program is limited scrutinized and peaceful or we have no agreement at all no inspections, no restraints, no sanctions, no knowledge of what they're doing and then start to enrich. >> we are joined from washington d.c. this morning from the defense and foreign policy correspondent for the washington post. thanks for being with us. you can hear secretary kerry's tone there.
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he has been told that he and his team were fleeced bamboozled, he's been called pontius pilate. >> you are repeating words out of the senate foreign relations committee. a lot of lawmakers are getting to weigh in on this and everybody wants to have their say and ask the right questions. you know, kerry is kind of trying to strike this balance. you can tell he is repeating many points and getting somewhat aggravated with lawmakers. this vote is going to come down to the margins likely within the democratic party. the sales pitch that he makes could sway certain people, even if it's not swaying the bulk of them. >> speaking of people on the fence, and i'm assuming by what you said there that there are no republicans on the fence that it's going to be unanimous on their side to vote against it. do you get the sense that lawmakers on either side of this
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are willing to be educated, that they're open to other perspectives or is this all just theater? >> it's not all just theater. there's an element of it that is definitely theater and certainly the people who made up their minds are not going to change their minds. i'm sure at this point it's the majority of the people in congress. it is just a chance to kind of show of their convictions on a camera in a committee room. there are a lot of people seriously weighing these options and they're very, very torn. i'm not sure that unanimously republicans are going to vote against the zeal. there are a few still torn about the deal, though the vast majority of them will vote against it most likely. at this point there are enough people on the fence not sure how they're going to vote, really struggling with the security implications implications whether this is a historic enough deal to go ahead anyway, we're not sure if they can hold up the two thirds majority congress would
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need to override the veto and he's going to veto this vote of disapproval if it comes to his desk. if he can keep a third of the hours, you can't do that and the deal goes ahead and no one is sure how that is going to end up and we won't necessarily know that now because congress is going to go into recess soon and it will be until september before the vote. >> kerry's ability to continues with the jewish vote in the house, how dining he's doing on that front? >> well, kerry has yesterday talked about his bona fies on israel. in the senate, he had 100% approval rating on issues pertain to go israel. there is a strong push from apack two sway lawmakers, not just jewish lawmakers but democrats that are. >> issue and people that represent areas of the country that have a heavy population are
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being drilled by these two sides on the israel security issue because, you know, there's the question of well, do you want iran to have a decapacity to make a nuclear weapon, that would be bad for israel, but by the same token with this deal, lifting the sanctions, you are pumping billions of dollars back into the iranian economy that weren't there before, is that going to fund groups that are wreaking havoc in the middle east opposed to israel. that is the question. you have push from both sides lobbying the administration trying to influence people the most swingable central to the debate. >> thanks very much. >> later today, defense secretary ash carter will be talking before the armed senate services committee. we will bring you live coverage starting 9:45 a.m. eastern time. >> chattanooga police showed the arrest of a man three months
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before he killed four marines and a sigh lower. the video shows police following mohammad youssuf abdulazeez on april 20. police say he was driving eve erratically and charged him with d.u.i. after every failed a field sobriety test. >> take your right foot, put it directly in front touch it he'll to toe. don't go anywhere. stay in opposition while i run the test, ok? >> 1-2. >> three months later, mohammad youssuf abdulazeez killed four marines and a sailor at military facilities in chattanooga. he was killed in a shootout with police. >> there is new video of a woman who died in a texas jail cell. why police hope these pictures of sandra bland will help end conspiracy theories about her death. >> a story we've followed closely here on aljazeera america. a seattle police officer may be fired for arresting the man she accused of using a golf club as a weapon.
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teens. the incredible journey continues. >> it's two days on this boat just to get there... >> unspoiled... unseen... under threat... >> macaws, they're at risk of disapearing in the wild. >> the new fight to save a species... >> we're looking at one of the most incredible wonders of the natural world. >> whether to raise interest rates, fed chair janet yellen and feds are wrapping up a policy meeting today.
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yellen told congress earlier this month that a rate hike is likely by the end of the year. interest rates have remained close to zero since 2008. >> russia is expected to veto a security council resolution today connected to the downing of malaysia air flight. it calls for an international criminal court to prosecute those responsible for bringing down the jet. 298 onboard were killed. russia denies any involvement. >> a prison employee admits helping two convicted killers escape a new york state jail now faces up to seven years in prison herself. joyce mitchell pleaded guilty tuesday and told a judge she provided richard mat and david sweat with hacksaws, chisels and other tools. >> a video shows sandra bland wing questioned sitting in her cell and talking on the phone.
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officials put out this video partly in response to widespread conspiracy theories suggesting bland was killed before she arrived in the jail. john siegenthaler has more. clothing that has been depicted in the dash cam video. >> hoping to silence rumors that sandra bland died before arriving at a texas jail, officials on tuesday released hours of video capturing bland's arrival, processing, and mug shot. >> we're hoping that by providing this video that will dispel rumors and mistruths that's been per pelt waited. i hope people will understand that when it comes to correct information, social media cannot be relied upon. >> a preliminary medical examiner's report said she killed herself in her cell, but social media has gone wild with accusation that is bland was dead even before she arrived in the waller county jail.
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>> this is where the infamous mug shot is taken against the wall where people have gone to great lengths to try to insinuate or imply that she's deceased. >> for more than an hour, waller county judge played video capturing the days leading up to bland's death including bland's arrival at the police station with the officer who arrested her, officers issuing bland a blanket and mattress for her cell and bland standing in front of a judge. >> it is important that we release this information because we have received death threats against waller county officials. we have received threats against our facilities, and this is based on this notion that andrew bland was deceased, you know and dead before she was even brought into the waller county jail. >> it still might be a hard sell for some. one reporter relayed to the judge that he'd received a tweet during the news conference via
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follower which said the woman in the video looked taller than bland. >> this is sandra bland. there's just over owe there's no other way around it. this video has not been altered or doctored in any way. these are the raw files. >> john siegenthaler, al jazeera. >> in seattle a police officer may be fired over her arrest of a 69-year-old african-american man. officers cynthia witlatch accused the man of using his golf club as a weapon. >> the seattle police officer who arrested an african-american man carrying a putter as a walking stick has been notified that she could be fired because of that arrest. the officer stopped william wind gate who was 69 years old at the time on a corner in seattle. the officer claimed that he had threatened her made some kind
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of a threatens gesture with that golf club just before this, but her dash cam video does not show that incident. it does show her stopping him on the corner and repeatedly demanding that he drop the golf club. >> aren't you holding a golf club? >> i can't hear you over there. >> your golf club. >> what about my golf club. >> you set it down. you are not free to leave. sir, your golf club down. set it down! set it down! >> this happened last july. he was arrested and charged at the time, but those charges were later dropped when the hole incident came to light. the seattle police returned the golf club and sent a high ranking officer to apologize directly. william wind gate that since sued the city for $750,000, claiming that stop and that arrest were racially motivated. the officer has been in trouble for posting racially charged comments on social immediately i can't around the time of the
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michael brown shooting and subsequent riots in ferguson, missouri. >> the officer now has a chase. she can go to a one-on-one hearing with the police chief over this matter. her union the seattle police will back her in that hearing and file an appeal if in fact she is dismissed. the recommendation that she be released comes from the police department's office of professional accountability which has been investigating the incident. there is no set time line for hearing or appeal. al jazeera, seattle. >> coming up, regrets and a a plea of ignorance why the american dentist who killed a lion in zimbabwe said it's not his fault and why he is blaming local guides. a look at how cecil's death will impact his cubs and other lions across africa.
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from a national park and killed. palmer has received death threats, has had to shut down his dental practice as a result. one wildlife expert said part of the blame lies with officials in zimbabwe. >> when i hear are the answer from this dentist i didn't know it was an iconic animal. people travel from around the world to do so this lion, photograph this lion. when you think about i paid $55,000 to do this, that's nothing compared to what tourists will pay to see this lion. countries have to understand this and enforce these situations. to kill an animal like this is not for food or survival, it's nothing but vanity. it's sickening disgusting. it's not the poacher who's the bad guy here. these are people trying to survive, get food for families, children and that money corrupts them and gets them in there right away. the real bad guys are these people who are just feeding the
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money in there the corruption is overwhelming in these countries. what you're doing is making it impossible to really protect these areas. >> two people in zimbabwe have been arrested in connection with cecil's killing. officials say palmer could face poaching charges. when a lion dice, it can have far reaching effect on his family his pride and the environment upsets the balance of nature. nicole mitchell is here to tell us more about this. >> lions are the top of the food change. if you diminish the lion population other animals that have a ripple effect not kept in check, but just the killing of one animal can cause widespread impact within the community. of course this happens far too often. this is coming out because cecil was so popular but the research said he is the 23 or 24th lion that they have colored that they know have been killed.
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three out of four have been killed in this way by hunters. if you look at africa, it's really receded the area that we have this population in and just 10 regions left. it's considered vulnerable right now but they're trying to upgrade that to endangered. at the start of the century 200,000 lions now 2012, the estimate was 32,000, but it could be down to 20,000 by now and there could be full extinction by 2050. the ripple effect through the community. if the head of the pride dice, which happened here, he had six lioness's 12 cubs. the new lion coming in will often kill the cubs to protect his blood line. you've taken the strongest out of the population, so europe not breeding the strongest animals if you kill the strongest versus the weakest in any population.
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>> a grim portrait there but thank you nicole. >> outrage is growing over the lion's death. comedian ricky gervais tweeting i am struggling. another asking for donations to wildlife organizations. >> these are the researchers who put the collars on the animals and study them. if you want to make this into a positive, you can -- sorry. i'm -- ok. i'm good. make a donation to support them at the very least. maybe we can show the world that not all americans are like this jack hole here, this dentist. >> people left stuffed animals at the entrance of the departmentists office in minnesota, a sign outside reads you are a coward and a killer. thank you for joining us. stephanie sy is back in just two minutes with more aljazeera america news this morning.
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>> turkey launch airstrikes against kurds within its own borders. nato urges not to abandon the peace process. >> the american dentist who admits killing zimbabwe's most famous lion defends himself. >> stinky p.m. bumpy road. >> in a new life for an 8-year-old boy the youngest person to ever receive a double hand transplant.
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>> good morning i'm stephanie sy. afghanistan's government is investigating reports this morning that taliban leader omar died. there have been previous unconfirmed reports of his death. here's what a government spokesperson said a short time ago. >> we're aware of the reports about the passing away of the taliban leader. we're still in the process of assessing those reports and as soon as we get any more accurate information or authentication of those reports we're going to lept the media and the people of afghanistan know about it. >> al jazeera's bureau in kabul is looking into the reports and will continue to follow developments throughout the day. we'll bring you the latest developments as soon as we have it. >> the allies are urging not to
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abandon peace efforts with separatists. turkey launched airstrikes against kurdish fighters and started airstrikes against isil fighters. kurdish rebels have been helping the u.s. coalition to stop isil. turkey considers isil and the p.k.k. as national security threats. bernard smith has a report. good morning. we understand that turkey is now targeting some kurds within the country. so far they've only targeted kurds in iraq. is this expected to complicate the larger fight against isil? >> good morning. we already know that the u.s. has got what it's wanted for years, that was the use of turkish air bases to launch attacks on isil. it means instead of having to fly hours from the gulf, those fight either jets from the u.s. coalition just have to travel a couple of hundred miles across the border to hit isil
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locations. it's very pleased about that. there is concern among other nato allies that if turkey cigarettes engaged in a broader conflict with the p.k.k., that could a more trouble on to an already destabilized region. that's the last thing the u.s. and allies want. it is urging caution taking on p.k.k. targets but the u.s. said it supports turkey's right to defend itself. turkey's cabinet formally agreed that arrangement allowing the u.s. to use the base, but it was pointed out in that agreement by the foreign ministry that it only concerns the fight against isil not support for kurdish fighters in northern syria. >> there are different sections and factions with the kurds. is turkey fighting the kurds or fighting isil? is one a bigger threat to the country than the other?
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>> well, this is it. if you ask the turkish government it will say what it's always said, that it considers both isil and p.k.k., and other groups within turkey as a threat to turkish security. it treats them all in the same way. the difference has been that in the past, turkey's been reluctant to join the fight against isil. now it has joined that fight but at the moment, most of its airstrikes, six again overnight monday into tuesday tuesday into wednesday most of those strikes have been against p.k.k. positions. turkey will say they are just as much a theft as isil is, but it now seems turkey is recognizing there is an isil threat. >> bernard smith reporting from turkey, thank you. >> the kurds are the world's largest minority with no nation to call home. more than 30 million of thread around the globe mostly concentrated in turkey, iran, iraq and syria.
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those countries oppose independent kurdistan. 5 million kurds live in the northeast, their fighting force the peshmerga has been an important ally of the u.s. coalition in the fight against isil. in syria, more than 2 million live there and their fighting force have fought isil. in turkey, 15 million kurds represent a fifth of the countries population and that armed group turkey has been targeting with its latest airstrikes the p.k.k., has also been fighting isil. >> a man on the state department list of global terrorists is dead. pakistani forces killed him tuesday night when supporters tried to free him from police custody. he was the leader of a group that has ties to the taliban and al-qaeda. the u.s. considers it a terrorist organization. the group has launched numerous attacks against shia muslims in pakistan, can i go killing hundreds.
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he was never convicted because witnesses refused to testify. we have more. >> he had been rearrested about a week ago and was in detention. the night that this happened, he'd been taken from detention to a weapons store along with his two sons, he was giving information about weapons and explosives. now the party was then returning to detention when it came under attack by members of his group who wanted to try and free him along with his sons. for a brief time, they succeeded, they all raised off on motor bikes. they happened to be pakistan police en route ned and in that firefight, he was killed. there's been a big operation across the country against these types of groups ever since the attack on the army school in
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peshawar. it's responsible and has claimed responsibility for all sorts of attacks across the country. its been responsible for creating sectarian violence. in pakistan, it targeted shia muslims. in 2013, there were two very large attacks that killed more than 180 people. it's carried out brazen attacks against the security forces even inside their military headquarters. it will be a significant blow dodge group it's unclear if they will retaliate. analysts believe they will at some stage. its significant achievement some people would say in pakistan for the military and security forces. >> for the second day in a row the obama administration will try to sell the iran nuclear
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deal in congress. on tuesday, secretary of state john kerry told lawmakers they were losing sight of the deal's goal. >> we hear complaints, we hear well this agreement doesn't do this doesn't stop or deter. this agreements going to give them money. what this agreement i also supposed to do i also stop them from having a nuclear weapon. now i want to hear somebody tell me how they're going to do that without this agreement. >> the family of american journalist jails son are rizen has been held in a iranian prison for more than a year. we spoke to his brother about the possibility of his release. >> i always said jason doesn't want to be connected to anything he didn't have control over. he didn't have anything told with the iranian or u.s. government and certainly nothing to do with these negotiations. this has dragged on and on.
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my. it is getting a lot of attention. his detention has consequences that they realize that something needs to happen and jason needs to get out. >> later today, defense secretary ash carter is talking about the nuclear deal before the senate armed services committee. we'll bring you live coverage starting 9:45 eastern. >> trying to finalize what could become the biggest trade deal in history, the partnership could affect the global economy. we have more on the benefits and costs. >> hawaii, famous for sun sea sand and surf, now the scene for what could become the biggest international trade deal ever. negotiators from 12 pacific rim count ribs are here for four days of talks. >> we have all the benefits to
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t.p.p. to deliver for our region our people, jobs, growth wages. its platform binding our nations more closely together. >> if a deal can be reached by supporters it should grow the economies of all countries involved and increasing clothing exports from vietnam the country that students to gain the most could grow its g.d.p.14%. gains by our countries will be more modest. the united states 0.4%. opponents say the benefits are outweighed by the costs job losses environmental damages country's lowest standards to compete with rivals. more expensive medicines as pharmaceutical companies are provided longer copy rights over their drugs and companies being able to sue governments over profits. >> this is forcing us all to compete against each other and give all the protections that
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we've worked so hard for both for the environment and workers' rights. >> now complaints the talks are secret access given to government and industry representatives, but nothing revealed publicly. the doors here are firmly shut. there's politics involved. one company conspicuously absent is china. for japan that's significant. >> it's not that much of a big deal in terms of numbers but if you look at it in the geopolitical context it's quite significant for japan because it's meant to be a counter balance to the rising power of china. >> the united states, too wants to set the framework and rules for regional trade without chinese influence. >> the trade ministers involved in these talks that would like this backdrop to announce a deal a press conference i also scheduled for friday, but with talks as complex as these there are no guarantees and anything agreed here would have to be signed off by national
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governments and in the united states congress, too. andrew tomas, al jazeera maui, hawaii. >> for a second night thousands of migrants rushed the tunnel linking france and england. 2,000 left their camps and tried to use the vehicle and train tunnel to reach britain. traffic was delayed for hours. euro tunnel train passengers were delayed. several people were injured. british prime minister david cameron has promised more security measures. >> on the issue of calai this is very concerning. we're working closely with the french. we're working with the french interior minister. we've invested in fencing around calendar lay. we're doing everything we can since january, 37,000 attempts have been blocked to across into england. >> change is coming to the
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t.s.a. the head of the agency said they will undergo a comprehensive overhaul. the t.s.a. precheck program will be scaled back. the changes were prompted by a report that found agents failed to catch 95% of illegal items during screenings. >> the white house reject a public request to pardon edward snowden. 170,000 people signed a petition on the white house website asking for charges to be dropped against the former intelligence contractor. snowden is wanted in the u.s. on federal espionage charges. he is currently living in asylum in moscow. >> on the agenda today the u.n. security council will vote on whether to establish a tribunal to investigate the downing of malaysia air flight 17. it crashed in ukraine killing 298 people onboard. the u.s. blames pro-russian rebels. >> congress is working on a three month extension of the federal highway program that expires friday. >> a senate hearing is set today over a program to end
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homelessness among veterans. president obama said the number has gone down by a third since he took office. >> chattanooga police released a video showing the arrest of a man three months before he killed four marines and a sailor showing police following mohammad youssuf abdulazeez on april 20. police say mohammad youssuf abdulazeez was driving erratically. officers charged him with d.u.i. after he failed a field sobriety test. >> take your right foot, put it directly in front and touch it he'll to toe. don't go anywhere. do your best to stay in that position while i explain the test ok? >> three months later, mohammad youssuf abdulazeez killed four marines and a sailor at military facilities in chattanooga. he was killed in a shootout with police. >> a strong new gun control measure in los angeles the city council voled to ban high capacity passion for automatic weapons, making it a misdemeanor to carry magazines holding more than 10 rounds of ammunition. high capacity magazines were used in the sandy hook massacre.
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lawyers for james holmes will make the case for him not to be put to death. his parents will be called to the stand. john henry smith is here. i understand that his father began very emotional testimony. >> that's right stephanie. in fact, early in that testimony, robert holmes admitted that he was a person who had trouble expressing how he feels but before leaving the stand, he did just that. >> do you still love him? >> yes, i do. >> why? >> well, he's my son and we always got along pretty well and he was always an excellent kid. >> their son scraped murdered 12 and injured 70 with gunfire inside a colorado movie theater one of his parents spoke publicly. robert holmes took the stand hoping to spare his son the death penalty. >> priority july 20 2012, had
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james ever confided in you suicidal or homicidal thoughts that he was having? >> no, he has never expressed anything else like that. >> did you have any concerns about him? >> we certainly did. i mean, we know he had broken up with his girlfriend and dropped out of grad school, so we made plans to see him. i assumed he might be depressed. >> earlier a college friend described the james holmes he knew. >> would you call him a sweet and gentle guy? >> i think you could use those words to describe him. >> ok. >> later the prosecutor challenged that characterization. >> did you know during the time you knew this sweet gentle guy he had a hatred of mankind and want understand the to kill people? >> the father will continue to testify, followed hi james holmes mother. this is expected to close part one of the sentencings phase. the jury will need to be unanimous to impose the death penalty. >> that first part of the
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sentencing phase is sentencing from friends and family called mitigation. defense attorneys will present evidence from holmes's life in the hopes of swaying the jury toward leniency. if that that's successful, part three will feature testimony from victims and their families. the judge wants closing arguments done by noon thursday, so the jury can get busy deciding the fate of james holmes. >> increasing backlash against planned parenthood with new calls to pull the organizations funding. >> incarceration and mental health a former cook county inmate tells her story of struggle and recovery.
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>> welcome to al jazeera america. taking a look at today's other headlines around the nation. three children in critical condition after a five story tall tree fell on them outside a children's museum in pasadena, california. the 75-year-old pine crashed without warning. five other children suffered minor injuries. >> another louisiana water system has tested positive for a brain-eating mean ba. health officials say the bacteria was found in a small water station about an hour north of new orleans. the water is safe to drink but residents should avoid getting it in their noses. >> the nfl players association will appeal the suspension of
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tom brady. the suspension was upheld for the patriots quarterback saying brady asked and assistant to destroy his cell phone connected to deflate gate. >> more pressure today on planned parenthood. an anti abortion rights group released a new video it says shows planned parenthood selling fetal tissue for profit. plant parenthood denies it. the organization could be stripped of federal funds. we have more. >> another video from activists with an antiabortion rights group called the center for medical progress. like two previous recordings, this claims to show that planned parenthood profits from the sale of feet tall tissue, the new one features a phlebotomist. >> i have thought it was going to be just drawing blood not procuring tissue from aborted fetuses. >> the videos intensified
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calling for funding to be taken from planned parenthood. >> we want to see planned parenthood investigated and ultimately defunded. >> republican presidential contender rand paul i also leading the charge. >> today we take a stand and today i have good news. the senate will vote on defunding planned parenthood before we go home in august. >> congressional panels have announced investigations into planned parenthood practices. >> i want to be really clear. the allegation that planned parenthood profits in any way from tissue donation is not true. >> planned parenthood said it's done nothing wrong. it said it does collect money for tissue donation used to cover expenses, such as the use of its space and transportation of the tissue. the government gives plant parenthood about $500 million a year in federal funding. the organization says that money is used to provide.
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a tests breast exams and screening for sexually transmitted diseases. by law none of the $500 million goes toward abortion. francis kiss ling is a former nun and abortion rights activists. she says cutting off federal money for planned parenthood would hurt women's health, especially poor women. >> i think that there has been for about the past decade a concerted attack on planned parenthood and a rational desire on a number of opponents to destroy the organization. >> planned parenthood treats about 2.5 million women each year and one in five women in america with him use the organization as some point in their lives. >> it doesn't make profit from any abortion. it doesn't make profit. it's a non-profit organization. >> al jazeera. >> a prison employee who admits helping two convicted killers
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escape faces up to seven years locked up herself. joyce mitchell pleaded guilty saying she provided the two with tools to break out of an jump state new york prison. >> she got in over her head into something that she never should have his started, but she did and she said paying the price now, but she realizes that she made a horrible mistake. >> matt was killed by police on june 26, sweat was recaptured two days later and is in police custody. mitchell will be sentenced september 28. >> authorities in texas released vote of a woman police say committed suicide in her jail cell showing her requesting questioned sitting in her cell and talking on her phone. they put out the video in response to conspiracy theories suggesting she was killed before she arrived in the jail. she was found dead in her cell three days after she was arrested at a traffic stop.
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>> the cook county jail in illinois i also the largest mental health provider in the state. we talked to one former inmate who was treated there. >> this is an exciting feeling. i'm overwhelmed but i'm so ready to go home. >> it's been seven and a half months since yvette was locked up here at cook county jail. drug possession was the official charge but she said addiction and p.t.s.d. contributed to why she was in jail for the third time. for the first time in nine years, she said she's clean. she's packing up her belongings for another chance outside. it's time to say goodbye release day. >> stay strong. it's coming for you too ok? >> thank you.
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>> we first met yvette in june. there are 9,000 inmates. many suffer some type of psychological illness making cook county the largest mental health provider in illinois. >> why are you drinking so much? you stressed out anxious depressioned? don't lie to me, because i know that you had anger problems. >> i get angry. >> like zero to 10, like just like that? >> the director of mental health advocacy is the director. >> ever feel sad for no reason? >> do you find people who deliberately commit crimes to get back here just to guest some care? >> yes. >> what does that say about the sit of our mental health care system right now? >> it's been a dirty little secret for a long time. it's a population that no one gives a crap about and we do and we have to do something.
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>> in may clinical psychologist was appointed to held the cook county jail. she's also the first mental health professional to run any large jail in the country. >> what does it say that someone like yourself with a pretty extensive background not only in psychology, in treating the mentally ill i also needed for this position? >> it's a sad reality that this has come to be, to anyone thinking that a correctional facility is a proper place for mental health treatment let's consider where we would want our family member to receive mental health services. i don't think any of us would say cook county jail would be the place. >> and yet for some like yvette, it became the only place to get help. >> this really was a wake up cull for me. if i wouldn't have got the program, i would have been facing time. this is the longest i've ever been in custody and this really woke me up. it really has woke me up, yeah.
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yeah. i won't be so lucky the next time. maybe the penitentiary, probably dead somewhere and i don't want that for myself and i don't want to do anything like that to my family. >> a few weeks later we caught up with her. she is adjusting well to life on the outside. >> how do you make sure you don't fall into the same programs of years in the past? >> spend a lot of time with my children my grandchildren trying to be with a lot of family. yeah. >> how are you feeling? >> i'm feeling good. good. i feel the best i've felt in years. >> you've got to hold on. >> her recovery with the help of cook county continues even after her release. as long as she lives in the city limits, she can access therapy. >> do you want to come in here, please? you can take a seat here. >> she continues to meet with her probation officer once a week. >> this is good stuff. i've never seen this before. >> really? >> you haven't been out of custody for that long amount of
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time but you've come so far in such a little amount of time. >> most importantly she's looking for a job and trying to make up for loft time with her granddaughters. >> i did like that one. >> i keep busy, stay with my grandchildren the majority of the time or go to the park with my dog something anything, but to just sit over there. i'm not going to do that. i'm giving myself a chance. [ laughter ] >> al jazeera chicago. >> making a case against artificial intelligence use in weapons, why some of the world's top scientists and tech experts warn it could lead to the next arms race. >> i will be proud of what hands i get. >> doctors give that little boy a new pair of hands and new outlook on life.
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investigating reports to taliban leader omar died several years ago. >> we're aware of the reports about the passing away of the taliban leader. we're still in the process of assessing those reports and as soon as we get anymore accurate information or authentication of those reports we'll let the people of afghanistan know about it. >> turkish jets targeted the p.k.k. today. so far they only targeted them in iraq. turkey also began airstrikes against isil. >> big names in science and technology are expressing fears about the future of artificial intelligence in war. the issue is being debated this
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week at an international conference in buenos aires. >> scientists and people involved in the high technology industry came from all over the world to buenos aires for this conference that's held every two years. every two years the technology advances so rapidly there's so much more to be talked about in the world of artificial intelligence. it does now touch many aspects of our lives from neuroscience to the security at airports to the way we drive our cars. with every advancing new technology there are potential dangers, which is why over a thousand of these people, the delegates here and at universities and laboratories over the world have signed this open letter, basically warning politicians, society governments about the potential dangers of artificial intelligence if it's supplied to armments that weapons could decide on which human beings it
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kills and whether it kills human beings they're basically asking people around the world outside of the science to look at the ethical issues of the advance of artificial intelligence. also many other aspects of the science discussed here in argentina, as i say basically the huge advances of the technology. there was talk about conscious machines they're not here yet. these are the kind of machines we see in our science fiction movies. they're not here yet but nobody had doubt that they will be with us eventually, many in 20 years time, 50 years time, maybe sooner but they will be with us the technology is advancing that quickly machines that ad intelligence as humans and possibly even more so. >> this scientist presented a letter yesterday.
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the letter said we are years away from these weapons. are they being used? >> there are weapons that have already been put into the field. in korea there's a sentry robot which looks over the demilitarized zone. if a human being comes within two miles of the robot it can track that human being and kill them. right now it first of all has to ask a human being but you just flip a switch into automatic mode and it will kill a human being with no supervision. there are missiles that operate independently and then decide when to hone in on to a radar signal and destroy some facility. looking forward i think the defense organizations of many major nations are expecting that they will be developing and deploying these kinds of weapons, flying robots, ground robots undersea robots that
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will essentially take the war into their own hands. >> you are not talking about drones, you are not talking about bomb detonating robots which we already have on the battlefield, you are talking about weapon that is can select and engage human targets on their own if their own thinking. can weapons be built to have human values? >> that's correct. so drones are piloted by humans. the human decides where they go. they decide by looking whether a target is legitimate and then decides whether to release the missile. the weapons we are talking about would do all of those functions themselves, so be given some high level mission, for example go into a particular area of a stiff and find and eliminate all enemy soldiers. that kind of mission requires our special intelligence techniques that are essentially available now. the u.k. ministry of defense said these weapons are feasible
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right now. >> to the ethical point i was trying to make, you can't teach a computer to have human values, as far as i understand. >> so the values that apply in warfare are laid down in the geneva conventions. one is discrimination between soldiers and civilians another one is proportionality meaning that you can have some collateral damage, some deaths of civilians if the value of the military target is great enough. bolt of those decisions very difficult to make and some have argue that had artificial intelligence is not quite ready to make those decisions. i think that's probably true. >> is the argument owe open. >> the bigger point is that -- >> let me ask you this. -- >> just let me finish -- >> save lives? some of saying these weapons save lives. is that something you can address? >> >> it's a reasonable argument and you can imagine at some
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future time that the rope bolts might be more accurate at distinguishing between civilians and soldiers. also they don't suffer the kind of fear and anger and disassociation that human soldiers sometimes suffer in the battlefield, but the real point is that if we get into an arms race with these weapons, they go to the incredibly widespread, very cheap they'll be used by the millions and they can be as destructive as nuclear weapons except much cheaper and they have the added advantage that they don't destroy all the buildings and leave a huge radioactive fallout. they could be used by dictators to terrorize their own populations, by terrorists to attack whole cities. it's possible that they could be more accurate, the actual effect would be horribly massive increases in the number of civilians deaths, because this is the way human beings conduct warfare. >> this is not science fiction. several of the world's most
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preeminent scientists have signed on to this letter. stuart russell, thank you for your expertise on this issue this morning. appreciate it. >> outrage is growing tailed over the killing of an iconic lion in zimbabwe. an american dentist admitted hunting cecil but said he didn't realize what he was doing was illegal. we have more on the hunter and his defense. >> the 13-year-old lion was supposed to be out of hunter's reach, part of a study tagged with a g.p.s. device. he is so popular and beloved locals named him cecil. when his remains were found in a zimbabwe national park, his body had been skinned and his head cut off. tuesday, authorities revealed the name of the hunter, walter james palmer, a dentist from minnesota. officials even released his home address and pat port number for
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good measure. >> james palmer came into the country around the beginning of this month of july and was enticed, we're not quite sure yet, to kill this lion. >> the dentist blamed his local guides saying i had no idea that the lion i took was a known local favorite. i relied on the expertise of my local guides to ensure a legal hunt. >> palmer was on safari in zimbabwe when he or his team allegedly lured cecil out of the park shot him with a bow and arrow, then tracked the lion for 40 hours before killing him a hunt palmer allegedly paid handsomely for. >> money was exchanged to the tune of around 55,000 u.s. dollars. >> palmer has a passion for hunting big game. seen here on the website trophy hunt america showing off his kills. the revelation of palmer's identity at the time off an instant social media firestorm.
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with a facebook called a boycott his dental practice and the hash tag cecil the lion going viral. on his practice's yelp page, he was called a violent sadistic humanitarian. he is american psycho incarnate. >> a major loss for a species already in danger. jonathan betz, al jazeera, new york. >> ron mcgill from the miami dade zooological park and gardens said zimbabwe's national park don't have the resources to protect their animals. >> when every said i didn't know it was an iconic animal. every lion is iconic. this lion developed personality. people travel from around the world to see and photograph this lion. when you think i paid $55,000 to do this, that's nothing compared to what tourists will pay to see this lion. these countries have to
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understand this and enforce these situations. to go out and kill an animal like this, it's not for food. it's nothing but vanity. it's sickening disgusting. it's not really the poacher who's the bad guy. they are trying to survive get food for their families, and that money corrupts them and gets them in there right away. the bad guys are these people who are just guesting the money in there. the corruption is overwhelming in these countries. you're making it impossible to really protect these areas. >> when a lion dice, it has far reaching effect on its pride and the environment. anymore mitch is here to tell us more. >> good morning. clearly lions are the top of the food chain and when you kill the top of the food chain it has ripple effects. this lion and the park he was in was protected but there's a lot of places you can hunt clearly outside of this, and this wasn't the first lion enticed outside
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of the park by trophy hunters. the group said he is the 23 or 24th lion collared and killed. three out of four of these male lions have been lured out and shot by hunters. the lion population has really diminished over the years. the number of people going and bringing trophies back to the united states doubled in about one decade. that's a big problem for us, too. these numbers that's a look at where they are left in africa, but not very many areas. right now there's estimated maybe only about 20,000. in 2012, that was put down about 2,000 from a century ago. it's proposed they be ungraded to endangered. this lion had a number of cubs. when a new lion comes in, it will kill off the cubs to establish its right and you've
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taken the best out of the food chain in the genetic pool, so it weakens the whole species. >> the california drought and climate change are drastically affecting wine making in the napa valley, but also helping other regions. we have more on the trends changing the craft. >> it's another extremely hot day in napa valley. you're seeing workers trimming the vines getting ready to pick grapes that they'll process in about three weeks. normally this isn't done until labor day but because of rising temperatures and the impact of the drought wine makerrion are having to make their wine earlier and earlier every year. they believe part of that is due to global warming and they're seeing that in places which would never have been able to have wine making regions now are benefiting from these rice in temperatures, areas like oregon now producing some of the best wines in the world. wine makers say that they're worried if the trend continues
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it could have a devastating impact on their industry. a report came out last year that said by 2050, napa valley could produce 70% release of the grapes they currently output if temperatures continue to rise. what wine makers are doing here and all over the world is changing the way that they grow grapes. coming up tonight we'll tell you more about it. >> on the healthbeat this morning, doctors in philadelphia have performed the world's first ever pediatric double hand transplant. this 8-year-old underwent nearly 11 hours of surgery earlier this month. we have more on the results. >> i wasn't always like this. when i was two i had to get my hands cut off because i was sick. >> this 8-year-old had both his hands and feet amputated when he was a toddler from a sepsis
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infection. surges were introduced to him who was already taking drugs to stop his body from rejecting a transplanted kidney, so he was a perfect candidate for what would become a miracle of modern science. the world's youngest double hand transplant recipient. >> i will be proud of what hands i get and if it gets messed up, i don't care, because i have my family. >> a 10 hour procedure fort people on a medical team simultaneously attaching two hands to his existing forearms. hundreds of tiny veins tendons muscles and blood vessels tacked and connected before the skin was grafted together. >> blood is going across the hookup here. you can see the hand right here starting to pink up. you see the capillary refill?
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>> the hands at this point are attached, so the bones are back together. >> the world medicine erupted in applause as he and his medical team took a bow. >> thank you for helping me do this. [ applause ] >> of double hand transplants have been performed on adults in the past, but children have much smaller bone structures. despite pulling off what may have been impossible a few years ago, doctors were surprised by a stroke of luck. >> finding a match for zion was what we thought would be virtually impossible. there are only 15 to 20 children a year that are potential candidates to be a donor and within a few months of listing zion harvey, we found a donor for him. >> nice! >> zion still has years of rehabilitation ahead and will likely be on medication for the rest of his life. he's already on the road to
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recovery and has big plans for his new life. >> me and zoey want a puppy. >> where's it going to live? >> my room. where else? >> john terrett, al jazeera. >> some good news from cincinnati bengals defensive tackle devin still. his daughter is cancer free. he posted an update saying her cancer remains in remission. she suffers a type of cancer that affects nerve tissue. she was diagnosed last summer and given only a 50% chance of survival. >> a moment that changed music. ♪ >> bob electrified folks when he plugged in his guitar.
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could have been them. >> on the tech beat, a networking site linked in is cutting back on spam. users complained about blasting emails. it has cut them by nearly half. if you'd like more control over the emails, you can change it on the settings page. >> a hunt is on in the u.k. for the next generation of computer coders. young rewired state runs the largest hacking event in the world called the festival of
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code. otherwisers hope it will put fresh eyes on solving real life problems. >> using computers to find solutions to real life problems, these young people from 12-18 are designing apps. they've got five days to come up with the idea, design it and present it. it's business trying to show young people with computer skills that working with others in an office can be fun. these kids are still at school, but one in five young people across europe is out of work. what's crazy about that is that at the same time, technology companies struggle to fill jobs. the week long hack-a-thon takes techies out of their bedrooms hoping one day they will join an office. >> they may lose interest because they don't find other like minded young people to share ideas with, so these type
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of events provide a great channel, a great platform to get together and share ideas and hopefully continue with their careers into coding. >> steven is giving tips. he won the competition in 2009 with an app that maps crime rates. he understands how it's sometimes hard for a very skilled programmer to integrate into a workplace. >> a lot of developers don't know how to market themselves. these events further improve skills especially client facing skills. it's really important talking to people, believe confidence. >> although there's only one girl in this group organizers say 30% of the young people are fee maim. >> i'm making an app which uses which artist you want to see on tour and accommodation and travel and fits it altogether to see how affordable it can be. >> these kids are learning more than computer skills and coding.
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they are learning to work toke as a team and how often to present their work once finished. all important skills they'll need to one day get a job in i.t. >> not all of the participants want to work at computer programmers when they're older but they all know that as the world slides into more reliance on technology, their skills will be useful no matter where they end up. >> four of the nation's first settlers have been identified, four men were buried more than 400 years ago is the church with john smith and polka hon at us got
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married. >> a major turning point for folk and rock music, john siegenthaler spoke about when dylan goes electric. >> dylan for the first time appeared live on stage with electric instruments. more than that, a lot of people at the newport folk festival booed him for it. ♪ >> i would assume to a younger crowd, that doesn't sound like much of a big deal. >> you know, really, the answer to why is because it was bob dylan, and because newport was supposed to be the place for traditional music the folk music, and dylan had been the guy who joined arms with everyone and sang "blowing in the wind." ♪ >> now he was shouting how does it feel to be on your own. >> he gets on stage and he starts to play with a very loud
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band no one had ever heard anything that loud in their lives. also he had always been perky and chatty and friendly and he was now the dylan who walks around frowning, never says a word turns his back on the audience and sings his song. >> the reaction from the crowd. >> some were cheering, but a lot of people felt this was inappropriate, he was being aggressive or just like it sounded terrible. >> including the godfather at this festival, pete seger. >> he was very upset. >> why? >> he felt this was supposed to bring people together and that dylan was trying to push people away. >> that sounds so interesting. this would be a new form of folk music. why wouldn't pete serge, the guy who opened this and seeming flexibility be open to this. >> that one's easy. his whole idea was i walk out on stage with my bonn joe and
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guitar and zoo something you can go home and do with your friends. it's no different you doing it with your friends here with me. dylan was doing something with his friends and you go home and listen to dylan records. dylan said what pete seger does is a tribe bringing people together rock stars live out people's fantasies. he goes out on stage it's been three songs. a lot of people were there just for dylan. they didn't care about the newport folk festival and that's when they went nuts. >> peter gets on stage and calls for bob dylan to come back. >> right saying he'll come back bring his acoustic guitar, which he did. >> it sounds like there was a
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lot of controversy. >> when he goals off stage and peter calls him back, there's an argument going on backstage? >> people backstage are saying bob, you got to go back out there. he is saying they don't want me out there. >> what happened to him that night, to bob dylan? why did he change? >> i think he wanted to stop being the voice of the generation. i think he wanted to be able to be an artist, to be himself and not to have to have this whole weight of responsibility. ♪ >> how does this moment in music history fit in to this sort of continuum, folk rock, modern music? >> folk music had been music for intelligent college kids and rock music still thought of as essentially music for dumb screaming teenagers who like to dance. this moment is sort of the moment where a lot of people thought dylan was selling out but then he got food and he kept
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doing it and kept touring. everybody went wait a minute, he wasn't selling out this is art. ♪ the funny thing is, the story is he split with the folk world but reality is, the folk world followed him and rock and roll has been the music of intelligent college students ever since. >> it's a great book. thank you for sharing your story. >> thank you very much for having me. >> i still prefer dylan unplugged. >> coming up, we'll continue to follow the news from afghanistan where the government is investigating reports that taliban leader omar died several years ago. we're investigating that claim independently here at al jazeera, as well. that's it for us here in new york. thanks for watching. we'll bring you live coverage of a senate hearing on the iran nuclear deal, defense secretary ash carter is set to testify.
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that gains at 9:45 eastern. have a great morning. >> it's two days on this boat just to get there... >> unspoiled... unseen... under threat... >> macaws, they're at risk of disapearing in the wild. >> the new fight to save a species... >> we're looking at one of the most incredible wonders of the natural world. >> techknow's team of experts show you how the miracles of science...
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>> growing up fast. >> my quest is to find me and me is not here. >> fighting for a better future. >> if you don't go to college you're gonna end up dead on the streets. >> life changing moments. >> i had never been bullied, everyone hates me. >> from oscar winning director alex gibney. >> shut the cam --. >> a hard hitting look at the >> welcome to the news hour from doha. coming up, the leader of the group shot dead, tarting shia muslims in pakistan. >> turkey's government holds an emergency session on i get fight against ice silt. the effect on the peace process with the kurdish p.k.k.
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