tv News Al Jazeera July 31, 2015 12:00am-12:31am EDT
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the taliban confirms its leader is dead and names a successor. peace talks are put on hold. i'm darren jordon in doha ahead, debris found in the hunt for missing malaysia airlines flibility mh370 sent to france for testing. british workers move in to strengthen security at the tunnel as the migrant crisis worsens it was a family hare loom passed down for 50 years, now one of the oldest baseball cards in existence is sold at auction
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the future of peace talks in afghanistan has been thrown into doubt by a change in leadership. they have confirmed the death of spiritual leader mullah omar. talks between the taliban and the afghan government on friday will not go ahead. jennifer glass on the death of mullah omar. >> reporter: it's unclear what changes we'll see under the new taliban leader. the taliban sources telling al jazeera that mansour has been involved in making political decisions over the last few years. there are obviously two different areas of the taliban. you have the political side and the military side. the fighting has been serious in this spring fighting season and over the last couple of weeks, in the last couple of days taliban has taken dozens of villages in the district in the
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north and south as taliban fighters continue to fight across the battlefield. peace talks between taliban representatives and the government scheduled for friday have been put on hold. the african government hopes they'll be rescheduled soon and people close to the taliban leader were involved in the first round of talks on july 7th and that may be reason why the government is optimistic that peace talks will continue. the question is what kind of control the taliban leadership has over the fighters on the battlefield. the high peace council in afghanistan saying that they hope when they get to the negotiating table, whoever sits down for the taliban speaks for not just the political side of the taliban, the military side of the taliban, especially now when the fighting is at its most intense. >> mullah omar the taliban leader gone a new leader in his place, a very very crucial time right now for the taliban and the afghan government.
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>> richard is a former u.n. chief of the al qaeda and taliban monitoring team. he says the new leaders' biggest challenge is to gain the trust of followers and afghan government. >> clearly mullah mansour running the group while mullah omar was dead last 2.5 years, and reckoned that he couldn't have enough authority over the military in particular to be able to impose any sort of central decision making on them. i think that even now that he's been forced to admit that mullah omar is dead and he is lateder. he'll have the problem, and the problem is compounded because the military side will say, well, you should have told us this before. he'll have to get the military commanders back under his authority, which may mean trying to replace them causing infighting or moving towards their position, which will sort of compromise efforts made to engage the afghan government.
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but if he's just a political office then really there's not much point in the afghan government talking to him. of course, what they want is to stop the fighting not allow the taliban to come back into some form of government. >> malaysia's civil aviation chief has flown to france to join a search for missing debris the object washed up on reunion island east of madagascar. they join their french counterparts in toulouse where the debris is due to arrive. it's part of a boeing 777. >> this is the most credible lead that we have to date of any part of the aircraft that we can locating or we can identify -- locating or identify. so our visit to - our investigation will come to a
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fruitful outcome. it's important for the closure of this. >> al jazeera's tania page has more from reunion island where the debris washed up. >> this could help solve one of the world's greatest aviation mysteries. mh370 disappeared without a trace last march, but if this piece of wreckage is linked to the flight. what will it tell us. not much. this is part of the the wing it's not the black box flight recorder or a part of the engine. it will confirm to those scouring the bottom part of the indian ocean out there, that they are looking in the right place, because some of the original modelling showed a part of the debris could have come this car by this time. that will help dispel some of the wild conspiracy they are nice that swirled around this plane's grrns, that in -- disappearance that in turn will lead to closure for the
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families. british workmen have been sent topt france to repair -- to france to repair fence possess around the channel tunnel. hundreds try to scale the fences and jump on to lorries bound for britain. >> reporter: british workmen are in france reinforcing fences around the euro tonne ill complex, hoping it will be enough to keep the migrants out and avoid trucks and trains getting across the channel. in britain, newspapers are shrill. something must be done to keep migrants out. french are not up to the job. the prime minister used perhaps incense difficult language to scribe the situation in calais.
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>> this is very testing, people want to come across the border to britain, we need to protect our workers, that's what we are doing. >> reporter: this is the existing fence around the eurotunnel complex. you can see reinforced barbed wire more barbed wire at the top. it looks like people have forced their way through, cut open the wire. apart from the sign that says danger of death. in several african and middle eastern languages warning people not to go through. beyond there's more barbed wire and a second fence, and reinforcements at the top of the second fence. you'd have to be really determined do get through here and board one of those trains like the one going past now. >> shortly afterwards a team arrived to repair the hole. so the game of cat and mouse goes on.
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the real action happens after dark when migrants hope it will be easier to get across undetected. on this occasion the french police kept them out. outside calais hospital i met a syrian man who would not show his face. he tried to jump on to a ship and slipped. he's been well treated in the hospital. but he is plotting how to get to england. when i am better in health and go outside the hospital i try again to arrest. this is my dream. i don't stop for that. i am try one, two, three. >> no one who came this far is easily deterred. it group included syrians, erit
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rayians and sudanese they didn't get across they too, will try again palestinian medical sources say a baby died in a suspect arson attack by jewish settlers in the outlined west bank. the toddlers' parents and brother were injured. let's get more from stephanie dekker. she joins us from the line. what can you tell us about the incident. >> pretty much what you said we are getting more information. we got the news han hour ago. a one-year-old baby boy was burnt to death. there seems to be an arson attack. they are north of the occupied west bank. they believe settlers attacked two of the homes. they are owned by the brothers. one by whatever it is they threw went into the bedroom.
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hence there's a tragic news that the bibe died. and the parents and brother are in bad condition, possibliy to be transferred. this will not be a shock. there has been separate attacks before. recently the bulldozing of two structure from the settlement and settlers became violent against the authorities. but there isn't really a pattern here it's quite tragically. what happened. >> stephanie dekker in west jerusalem. thank you. >> time for a short break. when we come back... >> it's disappointing what happened today. >> hopes dashed for three al jazeera journalists as an egyptian court journeys their hearing for a ninth time a social media campaign helps a poverty stricken boy in
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jazeera journalists as an welcome back a recap of the top stories in al jazeera, palestinian medical sources say sa one-year-old boy died in a suspected areas son attack by jewish settlers. the boys parents and brother were injured in the attack future of peace talks in afghanistan have been flown into doubt by a change of leadership apt the taliban. the group confirmed the death of
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mullah omar and chosize successor. >> france joins in investigations into the debris that could belong to the mh370. a piece of what looks like a wing flap washed up on an island in madagascar the acting director of the al jazeera network is outraged at another delay in the retrial of three journalists in egypt. verdicts from due to be handed down on thursday but the court session was postponed without the men's lawyers being informed al jazeera english journalists say justice has been delayed yet again. mohammed badr and mohamed fadel fahmy arrived at court hoping to hear a verdict reflecting the truth, that they are not guilty. instead they were told the days has been postponed until next week. >> it's disappointing what happened today. we expected a verdict today. >> their colleague peter greste
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who has been tried with them in absentia says that they have come to expect delays. yet they allowed themselves to hope there would be closure and a positive outcool at last. >> what we are concerned about is the verd sict. that will define our lives from that moment on. >> peter greste mohammed badr and mohamed fadel fahmy's legal troubles dragged on for a year and a half. in 2014 they were convicted of aiding the banned muslim brotherhood. and sentenced between 7-10 years in prison. spending more than 400 days behind bars in january the court of cassation set aside their convictions ordering a retrial. in february peter greste was reported to his neighbouring demroump australia. peter greste and mohamed fadel fahmy were released on became but were unable to leave egypt.
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>> we are seeing prosecutors present an open court footage of family photos and news reels and pop songs as proof that these men were somehow involved in an armed group and aimed at overthrowing the egyptian government. >> reporter: an al jazeera network spokesperson says: pa the men say the case is not only difficult for them it's taking a toll on their families too. now they are hoping that this delay is nothing more than that - and demonstrate a sign of bad news to come
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six people have been injured in a stabbing at a gay pride march in jerusalem. police say the suspect is an ultra orthodox jew, released from prison this month, following a similar attack in 2005. the march has been a source of tension between the secular and jewish community objecting to public displays of homosexuality. >> turkey's military says three soldiers have been killed in tan attack by kurdish fighters. it happened in the south-eastern province. helicopters and a command unit were dispatched to the area. turkish jets targeted fighters since wednesday. >> the saudi-led coalition wants yemen's port city of aden to be the first seat of power once the conflict ends. houthi fighters were driven out of aden, the first ground victory after months of fighting. the government would return to
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sanaa if talks were successful and would force the houthis out if necessary. >> some of the people that fled violence ahead of the election are returning home. the union said others are still in refugee camps if congo, tanzania and rwanda. the european economics is spending 5 million to help them. they report from the border. >> they went to a refugee camp in rwanda because she was afraid. she is one of thousands who fled from burundi because of violence surrounding a controversial election. she and others started to return home. >> there's no war. i came back. the camp is not good. i heard they are being harassed. they are angry they ran away. >> in many cases those returning come back to this.
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neighbours say thieves took advantage of the situation, breaking down a door going room by room looking for whatever they could steal. furniture and appliances. >> a card from the 2005 election is a reminder of the election after the war, when the president won his first term. he won a third after months of violence. despite a rule limiting him to two terms. government officials say people are coming back because security in burundi has been restored. >> yes, a lot of people are coming back from burundi. security has improved in the country. it's true after the elections people started to come back. >> the united nations says more than 100,000 people are in refugee camps, in the democratic republic of congo. tanzania, and rwanda. >> so far what we are noticing is that those who are in aden areas, not necessarily refugees are now returning.
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>> so the government may have a definition that these are refugees. but for us who will take the refugees those who had asked for the protection of other countries as refugees and for those we are not having science that they are starting coming now. we are telling the situation. >> many people in burundi know the crisis is not over. the proposed unity government and some opposition leaders may not work. it may be a long time before everywhere who has left returns home. nigeria ponded a senior military officer to head a multinational force to take on boko haram. it comes as the president met his cameroonian counter part in the fight against the group. >> muhammadu buhari fired top commanders amid deadly boko haram attacks. >> u.s. secretary of state john kerry starts a 5-nation tour of
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the middle east and south asia. the trip is a bit to strengthen economic and security ties and ease concerns. in qatar, kerry will meet gulf countries that the deal could be stabilizing to the region. a few years ago earthquakes were all but unheard of in oklahoma. along came frak of course a new way of -- fracking a new way of forcing oil and gas out of the ground. last year oklahoma had 600 earthquakes of 3 or more. many are wore whiched about what could -- worried about what zoo happen next. >> why isn't any law out there to protect us. >> reporter: angela had hoped for a peaceful retirement but
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with the earthquakes growing she fears the next one could bring her hope down. >> it takes your breath away in a sense because there's - you can literally describing how the house will role north to south, east to west. before the fracking boom picked up in 2009. the state averaged less than two magnitude 3 earthquakes a year now they see two of them a day. >> rer having more magnitude 3 earthquakes in oklahoma than california. >> reporter: the explosion is man made and unprecedented. and man made. >> we are 600 times the normal background rate. we have moved beyond what can be explained through a natural process. >> disposal wells are likely to blame. in this part of the country, each barrel of oil pulled from
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the earth comes up with as many as 20 barrels of naturally occurring salt water. oil companies dispose of the water by injecting it into the ground under high pressure, if it hits a fault line, it can trigger an earthquake. >> what is the worse case scenario you can see? >> the worse case scenario is that we have many faults within oklahoma capable of producing a significant earthquake. even another magnitude 5.6, 5.7 or magnitude six would be significantly. >> that can happen in oklahoma. . >> absolutely. >> reporter: with one in three jobs in oklahoma linked to oil and gas, the tide of public opinion is slow to turn toward state representative cory's call for a disposal well moratorium saying the state's current restrictions on 15% of the wells is not enough. >> it appears from the state that we are waiting for a
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catastrophic loss of life or property. that's a terrible way to go in the name. economic development ministers from a dozen pacific rim countries are locked in talks in hawaii trying to agree on one of the world's biggest ever trade deals. the t.p.p. is led by the u.s. and supporters say it will unlock markets promote investment and boost sales. people that have been protesting on maui say the talks have been too secretive. andrew thomas has more. >> the ttp is being negotiated in that hotel. these protesters want to disrupt the talks by blowing on shelves, whistling, and shouting. they say that far from increasing the size of all the economies involved a deal would cost jobs in higher paying countries, it will be damaging to the environment and put up
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the price of medicines for some. world's poorest. this deal puts power in the hands of corporations like governments, and they are trying to stop it happening a boy from the philippines happens been flooded after a photo of him went viral on the internet. he is not unique. al jazeera's correspondent reports on the plight of many children stuck in poverty on the philippines. >> it was an image of a poor young boy. in light of a car park in the province in central philippines, daniel was photographed doing his homework on the pavement. the picture went viral, amassing thousands of shares in social media. donations of cash has poured in from all over the world.
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his future is secured. the story of daniel living in poverty is a story repeated millions of times over in this country. despite the philippines recent gains, the number of children living in poverty continues to increase. more than 14 million children live in poverty according to government data. that represents more than 40% of all philippino children and many of them live in slums like this with no access to shelter, education or medical care. this woman has five children and like many others they live in a make shiff tent close to the port area. they rummage through garbage to earn a living. she makes $2 a dale and can afford to send only two children to school. it's hard to see the children in this kind of situation. i left the province thinking life would be better.
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look at this? my children do not serve this life. it feels helpless. >> poverty forces millions of children to quit school. the country's vulnerability to natural disasters and a failure to share the bern fits of economic growth are expected to worsen the situation in the coming years. the population growth is a problem. safe sex education needs improving and family planning has been passed but not implemented. leaders of the church are opposed to it. even when the reforms are brought in their impact will not be gelt for decades. the administration is quite unprecedented in the sense that this is the first time in philippine history that we have invested so much funny in social services. it's over 30% of the budget goes into social services.
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and so really the money that is going to conditional cash transfers is really very large. they wonder if families like hers are forgotten. they are just living on the fringes of society now, one of the oldest baseball cards in existence has been sold at auction in the united states. for nearly 180,000. it's from the 18 '60s and has been in the same family for 155 years. john terrett visited the woman who sold the card in great barrington massachusetts. >> reporter: florence and i are looking at ears on this ancient baseball card. we are trying to work out which one is archibald, a relative of florences who played baseball in brooklyn when the game was in its infancy, look for the big
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ears right? >> right, look for the big ears. >> reporter: it could be him. this was given to florence by her mum 25u years ago and has been in the family for 155 years. florence discovered it was valuable when she took it to a genealogy class. i was jumping up and down. it said library of congress worth 50,000 to $500,000 and is a rare card. >> rare indeed said baseball historian chris ivy. >> this card was created before the first drop of blood was shed in the civil war. it's interesting, it's a seminal peace of history and american history. baseball was different, the atlantsic played bare handed without gloves and were clampions. >> the modern day team attempts to revive every year. florence is hoping to live debt
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