tv News Al Jazeera July 31, 2015 6:00am-7:01am EDT
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the taliban confirms its this is al jazeera. ♪ hello, and welcome to the newshour. i am martin dennis. in doha. coming up in the next exhibit minutes. police suspect israeli settlers of an arson attack that killed an israeli child. three former executives from japan's power company will be tried for their roles in the fukushima nuclear disaster. malacia's civil investigation
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joins in the investigation of the den bre. a new olympic record the chinese capital becomes the first city to host both the summer and the winter olympics. ♪ first, a palestinian toddler has been burned to death in an arson attack in his family home in the occupied west bank. israeli settlers are suspected of carrying out the attack on friday morning. >> reporter: it's a scene of total devastation, a family home in the village of doumma, a blaze that killed an 18 month old toddler and injured his parents and 4-year-old brother. their nearby relative's house is
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scrawled on the water, seven aring and long live messiah. >> as they are emergency air lifted there is an investigation. they believe settlers are responsible for the arson attack. >> we saw at least two masked people according to our preliminary investigation come to two houses and then broke in windows and hurled two firebombs in with this tragic outcome. >> there are three illegal settlement close by. the u.n. says there have been 120 attacks since the start of the year. the vast majority of cases go unpunished. the israeli leadership has denounced the violence. >> the government of israel unequivocally condemn this is henous crime, this act of terrorism. we will fight terrorism, defeat
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terrorism no matter who the perpetrators are. >> but the palestinian president has claimed israeli has nothas insistedinhas protected settlers. the palestinians have urged the international community to take practical steps to stop further attacks. al jazeera. we can go live now to stefanie dekker our correspondent at the house that has been burned. tell us what you see, stefanie. >> reporter: we have taken you to the back of the family home. >> that's the window of their bedroom where -- i will get out of the shot where the family would have been sleeping and we are being told two masked men smashed this window around 3 or 4:00 o'clock through in an incendiary device.
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family are have had little time to get out. their relatives say they didn't manage to get their baby out. i will take you to the neighboring house. second house was set alight. the family was not home at the time. zuzu. we will show you the impact on that. the palestinian president has made a statement urging these houses to be rebuilt right away. it's little comfort to people here that will tell you that settlers have been attacking this village for many times. this is not the first time. the result just is different, and they will tell you they don't believe there will be any justice. the israeli government is useing strong lance. there is a gag order on the investigation. we are just being told. so no details t the israeli army is concerned about a backlash. there are three legal outposts very close to this village.
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people will tell you they are violent, the settlers there and this happens all the time and this time one of the most tragic incidents. >> there must be a lot of fear. is there any theory as to why this family was targeted? >> no. we have been asking people. the interesting thing about this is that sometimes when settlers do attacks, they will targets homes at the edge of the village. this particular home these two homes, then to go into the village, up a few houses to get to this place. we can't say that they targeted these specific houses but it was certainly more daring. we spoke to one of the witnesses who heard this happen heard the father scream "help me help me. he came out and saw the two masked men standing watching the house burn before they saw him and followed him, and he was so scared that he had to move away. so again, what people here will tell you is that this is not the first time. there is much more media attention because of the death of an 18 month old baby but they are facing this kind of
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violence all the time and the settlement the illegal settlements, they are armed. they have security. they sometimes are protected by israeli security forces and the palestinians will tell you here they have very little to protect themselves. it shows how sensitive this is. the stall stenian government with their settlement policies the continuous settlement expansion here in the occupied west bank. this is a result of that activity. they are asking for questions. we just spoke to the palestinian prime minister who paid a visit here they said they will be going to all international organizations to try to get israel to be held accountable and ministers they say of proceed settlement movements to be accountable here. >> stephanie talking to us live from nabalous. >> now we go to speak to imtaiz -- we have lost the line but we will try to get that line
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back. we can talk to him and find out a little bit more about how this incident is being -- is being reacted to in that particular part of the country. now, three former executives of japan's tepco power company will be tried for their roles in the fukushima nuclear disaster. a citizens panel has ruled that the executives including the chairman at the time should face charges of professional negligence. earlier, prosecutors had decided there wasn't enough evidence. a massive earthquake andtoontoon in 2011 destroyed the fukushima plant, contaminating water, food and the air. harry fawcett sent us this from tokaja. >> this -- doke yes. >> this battle goes back to when thousands tried to bring a class criminal action against more than 30 tetco executives. prosecute oureded decided there was insufficient evidence. so, the group set up an independent judicial panel of
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civilians to adjudicate. they recommended the prosecution should be brought against three executives. in january, prosecuteors said it was unreasonable to expect they could have foreseen the kind of scale of ittoon tsunami. what happened was that the water flooded the basement of the building cutting off the pumping of cooling to the reactors cutting off the electrical supply as well. that will panel did have the power to reconvene, re-assess the case and override the decision of the prosecutors. that's exactly what has happened. the court will appoint eight prosecutors outside of the tokyo tokyo prosecute ors office to bring this case against these three executives including the chairman. they will face charges of professional negligence leading to death or injury. >> harry facette now. we will go back to our source of the horrendous incidents that occurred in nablis.
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we can talk to taiz. ahead of friday prayers, behind you, evidence of an increased security presence put up by the israeli army. >> reporter: indeed. an awful lot of tension. i am outside of the city that houses the mosque. as you can see behind me there is a huge security presence. take a look. the israeli police are out in the all of their force. they are wearing their riot gear and that's really symptomatic of the deep concern they have of the killing of that toddler in the occupied west bank. we also understand that the restrictions that have been put on the worshippers at the mosque's men over the age of 50 are allowed in. men under the age of 50 are not allowed in. we have seen them out in the
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streets, and again, it really just lends to the sense that something could happen in light of the killing of this very young child. >> the israeli establishment, the government and the military they have been very quick to respond and to condemn unequiv unequivocally unequivocally, haven't they, the horrendous attack on a family in which an 18 month old baby died? >> indeed. it's very unusual language. you have the israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu describing it as a terrorist attack. you have other government ministers saying what happened in the west bank is murder and again, it really just underscores the sensitivity of what had occurred in the early hours of this morning with the death of that young child. the israelis want to ensure it doesn't result in some sort of unrest. but again, you have it, a very large security presence put in place just to ensure that something like this if it does
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happen, that the israelis will be prepared. so east jerusalem feeling very much understand siege right now in light of of that. >> imtaiz taiz until jerusalem. >> the host for the 2022 olympics is being decided. beijing and the kozac city of almaty. were the only two in contention. this is the announcement a few minutes ago. >> 2022. beijing. >> rob ifrn, it's a huge thrill isn't it, to be awarded something like that? >> absolutely. also to be able to say that you have hosted both the summer and now, the winter games is
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obviously something quite big. beijing were the frontrunners. kazakh attack put up a really good bid and beijing were the favorites. i was in beijing in 2008 during those summer games. they put on an absolutely great show at that time. all of the talk centered around the financial viability of the stadiums. are they going to become white he feelfants? -- ele ants. >> they have to show how they are going to use the olympic venues after the actual events? >> absolutely. of course these events. >> that gave them the advantage to be able to win this bid. >> the losing city almaty of kazakhstan. i think we can talk to our correspondent? we can't talk to our correspondent but we have a
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correspondant, richard park" who will join us. it must be hugely disappointing? it takesal a huge amount of work to launch a bid. >> almaty put together a big lid. their tag line was "keeping it real." they promised compact games. all of the venues would have been within a kilometer basis. it was a dig at beijing. beijing needed to be outside of beijing, a high-speed rail link to take competitors there but almaty says we have the snow. we don't need man produced or man-made snow. we can offer all of that and, also it would be a first for central asia to be able to say an olism pick games has been taking place there. >> robin, thank you. we will see you a bit later on. there is a lot more to come until thissays newshour. robin will be back later on. but, also this: he died in a terrible way from radioactive poisonings. now a british inquiry into what
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did it is nearing an ends. >> the land swap between india and bangladesh wouldcould bring relief for thousands who are stateless. robin will have more sport in about 20mins including the story of a north korea diver who has achieved a rare feat for her country. malacia's civil aviation team has gone to france to join an investigation into debris that could belong to the missing flight mh-370. the object washed up east of mad gaskar madagaska they will be in toulousse. malacia said it is almost certainly part of a boeing 777. we have correspondents in france where the wing part will be examined and in equallykuala lumpur.
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tell us exactly the detail that you have managed to found out about the nature of this wreckage that washed up on these shores. >>reporter: unfortunately, local officials here are not saying very much. they won't confirm exactly what flight number that crucial part of the puzzle is going to be, on its way out to france. however, we have been here at the beach where that piece of wreckage was found for most of the day. and i can tell you that many of the locals have come down here. they are very keirous. we have had the police helicopter flying overhead. they are trying to spot any further wreckage. people are bringing families down here. people have been walking up and down the beach bringing to us bottles made in indonesia, for
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example, they think may be part of it, taking them to police so it's captured everyone here's imagination. >> all right. tanya in reunion. now, to sir hale ramen in kuala lummur. what's been found regarding the miss the fright? >> a slight change in tone perhaps a slight change in confidence as well that they may be one step closer to find out what has happened if indeed this flapperon is part of that 777. let me bring you up to speed on what the national papers are saying. here we have the straits time saying the answer is in toulous. se. the star the answers in two days. that's in relation to the fact that ministers here are, both the transport minister and prime
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minister are saying they will try to give answers to the questions that many of the family members that have been affected not just here in malacia but to all of those people. of course the largest number came from china, in a few days' time as soon as they have more information. the prime minister, himself, very clear in saying that as soon as we have more information -- i am quoting here -- of any of our verification we will make it public. we have had many false alarms before but for the families who lost loved ones and suffered such heartbreaking uncertainty, i pray we will find out the truth so that they may have some closure and peace. the malaysian government have been very careful in the last 24 hours to basically make sure that nobody over speculates what could be a piece of the plane, a little bit of a jigsaw puzzle as to what might have happened to 370. >> so sir hale, thank you very much. to charles stratford in balma.
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r close to toulouse in southern france. give us an idea of what happens in the facility behind you because, of course this is now going to be the focus of this investigation. >> that's right. yes. we are outside of toulouse outside of what is a french ministry facility when are that piece of debris will be analyze analyzed, as we heard, and unsure yet as to when exactly it will be arriving here conflicting reports as to whether it will be saturday or sunday. >> piece that is widely being described as a flapperon, that piece of the wing that is used to give the plane uplift how they are going to really look at this and what they are going to be looking for as to whether it was evidence of that malasian flight looking at the age of the part. they are going to be looking at. so we believe those barnacles that you see on the side of it
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as well they seem to be various theories kicking around as to whether those shellfish on the side of that piece of debris suggests that it was on the surface of the water for a long period of time or whether it sank and rose to the surface. certainly oceanographers are saying it would not be inconceivable for a part like that to have traveled those thousands of kilometers or floated those thousands of kilometers across the ocean from where the concentrated search continues, but as i say, you know, there is a hell of a lot of speculation here and as we heard mention there, there is a great fear of getting too much expectations too high because we have been here before. we have had false alarms in the last year with other things that have been found and other theories that have been put forward as to exactly what happened to mh-370. as i say, things definitely will be unfolding here in the next
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20, 24 to 48 hours and hopefully some indication as to what went on that march night in 2014. >> charles stratford in balmar outside of toulouse. thank you indeed. to you are on are other correspondent, sir hale ramen and tonya page. british workers have been sentence to repair fences around the tunnel. hundreds of migrants have tried to scale the barriers and jump on trains. freight and passenger traffic through at a time chunl tunnel have been disrupted as the migrants try to cross over. a british inquiry into the death of alex and emergency room yanukovych has been told 2 poisoned the officer. the lawyer representing london's police course denounced moss co for declining to give evidence. he died in 2006 after drinking
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tea that was laced with pulomium. live to our correspondent. nadeen what have we discovered from this inquiry that has been looking into perhaps one of the strangest and most dramatic incidents in recent history in london? >> the statements by the various lawyers are coming to a close. about an hour or so opinioning the lawyer for marina litvanyanko and their son told the court the evidence has demonstrated that had president putin and what he called his personal kabal are implicated in organized crime that they are willing to murder those who stand in their way and that alexander litvanyanko was
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murdered for that reason. why he says that is because we know that alexander met two russians dmet dmitri andrew lugovoy in a hotel on the first of november, 2006. he was poisoned by a cup of tea that he drank when he met them and that there has been forensic evidence gathered here in the u.k. matching those two russian's movements to traces of that deadly been stanchion, pulonium210. the lawyers for the metropolitan police here in the u.k. and marina lit vanyanko have insisted insisted. >> are there any chances of the perpetrators being prosecuted?
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>> reporter: basically no t we have been -- we have been watching a series of to and fro exchanges between the court and authorities in moss co. one of the most annoying aspects as far as the court is concerned is that dimitri did put himself forward to be core part ispant where he was allowed to access some sensitive information. he said he would speak to the court by a video link and just this week, he pulled out. that's been heavily criticized by some of the lawyers here all along, according to the family's lawyer moscow has tried to undermine these hearings. we know that originally during the inquest, in fact that there have been rejections of all of the accusations against those two russians and in march of this year president putin awarded an order to luvoy who is
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a part of the lower parliament. this will shows russia far from being distant from the case and impact complicated and proving it's immaterial plicatoiln of those two -- honor of those two russians. whether they were implicated the family say they are not hopeful of any prosecutions unless there is a u-turn by moss co to extra diet them something moss co says is against its own constitution. >> doctors treating it alexander litvinenko were the originally mystified by his symptoms. only when samples were analyzed in a top secret laboratory that the full enormity of his condition was revealed. he had ingested the rare and deadly radioactive elements pulonium210. the task has been to determine how and why he was poisoned with such a rare and specialized isotope. he was a ggb man who had become
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a critic vladimir putin's. he was cooperating with the british secret intelligence service. the i know inquire i said. >> you will need to consider whether his sustained public attacks on the regime in general and on the f sp and mr. putin in particular could have had any connection with his death. >> the evidence is focused on the involvement of these two russians, lugovo and kofton. they traveled to london. scientists found a trail of radio activity at their various hotels and other meeting places. on november the 1st at the millennium hotel, litvinenko met them again and drank the fatal dose in a cup of tea. three weeks later, he was dead. lugovoy was honored by the kremlin and sits in the russian parliament. >> we suggest that the evidence
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is clear. alexander litvinenko was murdered through the ingestion of pulonium210 on the 16th of october, 2006 and the 1st of november 2006. lugovoy and kopton poised him. >> it was described in court as a miniature nuclear attack. a state-sponsored killing using a substance that endangerred the lives of thousands of unwitting people and set the tone for the deteriorating relations between the west and russia ever since. >> litvinenko's widow welcomed the ininquire i but is realistic about the limitations of just incident? >> i believe putin will not change his decision not to extra died and not change the constitution and it's something might happen in russia to change this decision of extradition.
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>> alexandra's radioactive body had to be bur irked in a led-lined coffin. the final conclusions of the inquiry will be published later this year. >> paul brennan, al jazeera, london. >> all right. time now for the weather. richard is here. he is going to tell us why it's so hot here. >> jolly hot. absolutely. we are getting temperatures well into the upper 40s in many parts of the middle east and the levant see bright wed on the weather map. baghdad has been getting temperatures of right about 49 to 50 degrees degrees because there is no breeze there. the lack of a circulation is just getting those temperatures to rise and rise higher each day. so around about the 49 to 50 mark, basra and baghdad. right around that 50 mark. the temperatures come down a little for aleppo and syria. hot here but we have been
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picking up a flow coming in off of the mediterranean. the wind changes again. once we lose that the temperature comes up. get to sunday back up to 41 for aleppo. baghdad stays at 49 to 50 degrees. no real changes there. as a matter of fact, we haven't been far behind baghdad in terms of temperatures here in qatar over the last day or so. yesterday, humid conditions and all the sudden the wind changed coming up from the desert southwest and the temperature popped up to 48 degrees you about 46 degrees at the moment. looks as though it will stay that day. it will be frightfully hot. >> richard, thank you. >> now a woman's been killed until sri lanka after a gunman opened fire after the finance minister left. police say unidentified gunmen traveled in .2 vehicles and escaped after the shooting.
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parliamentary polls are due next month. >> one of the world's most complex border disputes is set to end on friday. more than 50,000 stateless people who will are locked between india and bangladesh will finally, have a state. the two countries are exchanging 162 enclaves. the people of these enclaves haven't been able to use local schools, clinics or water and electricity. this hist oscar land deal means 111 enclaves will be transferred to bangladeshi control while 51 will bel become india's responsibility. now, people in these enclaves can choose to live either in india or bangladesh and there be granted citizenship. a report from an indian en dmraf bangladesh. >> for most of the rubl island's life walking to go work has meant breaking the law. he is entering a foreign
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country. he is a resident of an indian enclave deep inside bangladesh cut off from delhi and public services. >> i have gone here so they can study. if there is a clan there are no police to solve it. >> those inside the enclaves have found themselves unable leave villages without becoming illegal i am grant. >> things can goat surreal at the border. for instance i am standing inside a bangladeshi enclave entirely surrounded by an indian one that is an enclave within an enclave. >> these are about to disappear into the past. india and bangladesh have finally, agreed to swap the enclave and these villagers are gathered here to discuss whether to stay and become bangladeshi citizens or head to india.
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kumaroy is 1,000 people choosing to leave. while those inside india are choosing to stay where they are. >> we have a lot of family in india so it will be nice to be reunited with them and being an enclavist hasn't been easy. there is a lot of stigma. leaving makes sense for me. >> alum is one of those who will stay back and as the official day of exchange approaches he and his fellow enclave residents are marking the occasion by lighting 68 candles, one for each year in limbo. al jazeera, bangladesh. >> still to come here on the al jazeera news hour nigeria struggles to stop the illegal import of frozen chicken that's not fit for human consumption, plus this online image of a poor filipino boy has led to a flood of donations that millions of others like him real desperate for help too.
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three former executives of japan's tepco power company will be tried for their roles in the fukushima nuclear disaster. a citizens panel ruled they should face charges of professional negligence. a massive earthquake and tsunami destroyed the plant, water, food and the air. the funeral is being held for an an 18 month old palestinian baby who was burned to death in an arson attack by suspected israeli settlers in his family home in the occupied west bank. israel has condemned the attack calling it an act of terrorism. we can continue talking about that our main story of the day by going like to rumula and speaking to rene director of the independent german think tank. thank you for taking the time to talk to us. what are your feelings and
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perceptions about what has happened in nab you want ulis today? >> reporter: it's an absolutely deplorable attack a terrible attack. the unfortunate thing is that this is nothing which is isolated. unfortunately, i have been in the west bank 4 four years and seen attacks on civilian population on a continuous basis in the last 10 years, over 1,000 palestinians have been injured. this is an absolutely terrible attack. but unfortunately, this is something we see in the west bank on a daily basis. there is no protection for the palestinian civilian population here. >> this is a particularly horrific attack isn't it, because it's involving the death of a small baby and an innocent family in critical condition in hospital. you are saying that this continues on a regular basis, this low intensity kind of violence? but the israeli government has
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responded rather swiftly and condemned this and called it an act of terrorism. so clearly, they are taking it seriously as well. >> well i i wouldn't call it a low level of intensity. it's really a high level of intensity, violence here on the west bank and in this case, yes, the israeli government condemned it strongly. they called it terrorism, which they usually don't. we have seen a debate in the kinnesset. they usually did not refer to the settler violence as terrorism. we have a right-wing government in israel which is supporting this type of movement and almost on a weekly basis, we see the support for new settlement construction and settlers are protected. this is due to the israeli military justice stem which puts palestinians under military law. they are not held accountable for their crimes for the
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uprooting of palestinian trees, for injuring palestinian children palestinian civilians. this is a desire situation that needs on to be addressed by the international community. >> the world's attention is focused on this incident because it is so horrific. the israeli authorities have promised to quickly apprehend the perpetrators of this attack and for them to see justice. does that offer some sort of comfort to you? >> it's obviously important in this particular attack that it will be addressed. i hope it will be by the israeli authorities, but it's a fact that as i said many other crimes are not addressed. and israeli settlers on a large scale are not held accountable. this is a huge problem. the >>international community has
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banned violent settlers from traveling to the european union, not putting them into the same category as an israeli citizen. i think measures like this real measures against the israeli settlement machinery are urgently needed. >> thank you very much indeed. ren ay wildangle talking to us live in ramallah. to nigeria where a suicide bomber killed at least five people and moreinjured. it happened in maiduguri. this is the latest of suicide bombings blamed on boko haram that have killed hundreds of people in recent weeks. >> in neighboring chad, the early said it killed 117 boko haram fighters. chad is part of the regional offensive of the armed group. on thursday parliament voted today bring back the death penalty to counter bach bach.
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let's go live to our correspond i want in the nigerian capital. another suicide bombing. this time in maiduguri. of course the hq for the military. it looks as though all of the efforts thatpom bahari is not making much of a dent in terms of boko haram activities. >> on one side, yes. on the other, i think boko haram is under tremendous pressure by the military. we have seen over the last two months how boko haram has concentrated on attacking soft targets like markets, churches mosques and other civilian gathers. we have seen less and less attacks largely because there has beentre pressure from the nigh year nigh yearians.
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the public is joining the fight against boko haram. we have seen the military chasing them out of several territories. the last one, while the military announced there is no nigerian territory under boko haram control. we have seen over the last few weeks how boko haram is increasingly relying on suicide attacks and the planting of bombs in crowded areas to achieve their objectives. hundreds of people have been killed in such attacks over the last two months or so. >> this would, from what you are saying it would appears as though they are changing their attacks because of the new policies of the president making a difference? i am afraid we have lost our correspondent in abuju. let's move on now. the saudi-led coalition said it wants aden to be the seat of power. houthi fighters were driven out
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last week. it was a ground victory after months of fighting. a could add list spokes beman said the government would return and force the houthis out if necessary. >> the uniated nations says none of the money has been handied over. saudi arabia promised $274 million in may. it's still negotiating the terms of that funding. aid groups are warming yemenis are on the brink of starvation as the connell conflict heads into the 5th month. tie and the united states agreed to fight isil in northwestern syria but there is no agreement on it which will fill the vacuum once the area is cleared. there are syrians from the area who believe they should be partners in the campaign. >> reporter: this turkish military position overlooks a syrian border town corroded by isil. it is along the last stretch of
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territory isil holds along turkey's border with syria. the armed group's presence extends further south to the countryside of aleppo province. turkey has reached and agreement with the u.s. to defeat isil in northwest syria. there is still no disagreement on which syrian opposition groups they will support in the joint fit. the syrian kurdish fighting force backed by the coalition is positioned a few kilometers behind that bridge. it says it is ready to advance buttie does not consider them as partners. the u.s. however, backs the ypg with airstrikes. this allowed the group to control more than half of syria's border with turkey. turksey concerned they plan to car bomb the area and made clear that the decision to allow jets to take off does not involve
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helping a terrorist organization. >> this has been brought to the attention of the united states. within this context, giving air support to the ypg is not one of the elements of our agreement with the u.s. >> it is not clear who will then replace isil in northwest syria. fortie, this man could be the answer. he is from cherablos. he heads the turkmen assembly and cooperates with the free syrian army. he said they are cooperating with turkey so they can recapture their villages and return home. >> we are not just fighting isil but the ypg. they have changed the demography. we believe they will do the same same. the region should be under fsa forces who are mainly turkmen from the area. >> reporter: there is a powerful opposition alliance battling isil and the syrian government but it includes the
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al-qaeda-linked. the coalition won't work with them. there is a turkey u.s. agreement to train and equip a rebel force. months later, fewer than 60 men are in the program because of strict vetting requirements by washington. while there is a deal to take on isil, there is uncertainty surrounding the opposition. southern turkey. a homeless 9-year-old filipino boy has been flooded with donations from around the world after a picture of him went viral on the internet. daniel cabrerra is not sneaking. jamila reports on the plight of the young people stuck in poverty in the fill 15s. >> it was an image of a poor young boy determined to fight for his education. under a dim light of a mcdonald's car park in central philippines, daniel was photographed doing his homework on the pavement. the picture quickly went viral amassing thousands of shares on
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social media, donations of cash have poured in from all over the world. his mother says his future is now secured. but the story of daniel living in poverty is a story that is repeated millions of times over in this country despite the philippines recent economic gains, the number of children living in poverty continues to increase. more than 14 million children live in poverty according to government data. >> number represents more than 40% of all filipino children and many of them live in slums like this one with no access to diseases event shelter, education, or million care. >> sela has 5 children. like many others here, they live in a makeshift tent close to manila's port area. they rummage through garbage daily just to earn a living. she only makes $2 a day and can only afford to send one child to school. >> it is hard to see my children
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in this situation. look at this. my children don't deserve this life but i feel so helpless. >> poverty fors millions of filipino children to quit school. the country's vulnerability to natural disasters and the failure share out the benefits of economic growth are also expect he had to worsen their situation in the i don't meaning years. the country's population growth something also a problem. health law to improve safe sex education has been not yet been implemented. the leaders of the catholic church are opposed to it. ebb when the reforms are brought in their impact won't be felt for decades. >> the akino administration is quite tun press dented in the sense that this is the first time in filipine history we have
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invested so much money in social services. it's over 30 fes % of the budget goes into social services. and so really the money that's going to conditional cash transfers is really very large. >> she wonders if families like hers are a forgotten community, too poor to be heard, she says, they are living on the fringes of society. al jazeera, manila. >> robin will be here in just a little while with all of thespots news including beijing being named host of the 2022 winter olympics. making a bit of history in so doing. ♪
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aband oning the chicken and their vehicles. it has been banned since 2 on 03 to help stimulate local production. a government-backed study found the law is not being enforced and imported frozen chicken that gets through is unfit for human consumption. local producers. he produces 250,000 chickens a year. if the illegal importation was stopped, he would. >> they bring in bad chickens because they can sell at lower prices than i can. and the public unfortunately at times do not recognize the difference. >> a locally produced chicken costs around $8 per bird. a snuggled chicken, around $2. the customs service is destroying over a thousand boxes they seized on wednesday night. it was a fraction of the chicken
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being smuggled in. they are struggling to destroy it all. part of the prop is the importation of these chickens is not banned in benin and there is not enough locally produced chicken to meet demand. >> they've take them to the corporate and that is -- anybody who arrests, we'll put him on the front page of papers so they will know this is the person. >> one solution to ending the trade is to improve power supplies to increase production and improve the road so he can get chicken to his customers. until then, it's likely frozen chicken smugglers will try to import into nigeria. time for the sports news now. here is robin. >> good to have you along. earlier in the news hour we know who will host the 2022
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winter olympics. the ioc announced the winner within the last hour. >> beijing. these pictures are from outside the bird's nest stadium with celebrations now in full swing, only two cities were left standing in the end for the right to stage the winter games. the channel easy capital and the winter and almaty in kazakhstan. they have been vote okay which city will host the 2020 youth games with luzanne announced as the winter. it beat out competition from the romanian city. it will be the third enter edition of the youth olympics. the next is in lilihamer in 2016. the rio olympic games are over a year away. there is concern that the mail sailing venue is a health hazard. the bay is filled with rubbish and raw sewage and the federation is wondered about what is lurking in the water.
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as kimberly halkett explains. >> with the sugarloaf mountain in the background this is the image authorities wants for the sailing competition. >> on closer inspection it is anything but picture-perfect. rubbish and floating debris is strewn across the water. the stench of raw sewage is over powering. >> rubbish is the main problem. we have almost 15 million people ing the toilet every single day with no treatment. it's really serious. >> treatment plants exist to clean the water pouring in from 15 surrounding municipalities but two aren't working. the rest run at half capacity due to a lack of political coordination between districts. >> when the city of rio de rio de janero it pledge today clean up the bay by at least 80%. it now admits it will miss that mark by at least 50%.
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officials argue the fecal contamination in the bay meets international standards and is safe for competition. >> i bet you don't really have a problem with it. nothing too bad that you are going to run away and not come back to it. no matter what it will be racing. >> we have been on the water on an avenue of maybe 800 at least days. and so far, nobody got diarrhea or any infection or ill-from sailing here on the bay. >> reporter: eco boats have been dissipates to collect trash flotting on the water's surface. the state admits the effort is mostly cosmetic. >> we need a policy that does more than just cleaning. environmental education needs to be implemented. >> we need to use the olympic games for change. if it doesn't happen now they will certainly for get the bay
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again. >> with the games still a year away that may already be the case. if the bay isn't cleaned up there are discussions to move some sailing races to the open sea. kimberly halkett rpths rio de rio de janera. >> the third ashes test could be wrapped up in three days. the second inning scorecard to have some respectability? >> a batting collapse on day 2. back at the crease right now. currently, it's 218 for 8, australia with a lead of 7 through he runs. >> kim cook won the meteplatform final t it was a great pleasure to meet the great expectations of north korea's leader is what
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she said. >> one of the oldest baseball cards has been sold for $180,000 from the time of the abraham lincoln, and it has been in the same family for 155 years. al visit with the woman who sold the card. >> florence sasso and i are looking at years on this ancient baseball card. cher trying to work out archi badly, a relative who played baseball in brooklyn. >> look for the big ears? >> right. look for the big ears. >> could be him. >> yeah. >> he's got big ears. >> this card was given to florence by her mom over 25 years ago. it's been in the family for 155 years. florence only discovered the card was so valuable when she took it to her senior centerser. >> i ran to get the director. we were reading it. it said library of congress worth 50 to 500,000, and it's a
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very rare card. >> very rare indeed says baseball historian chris ivory? >> this card was created before at a time first drop of bled was shed in the civil war. so, it's very interesting. it's a seminal piece of baseball history. >> baseball was quite different then. the atlantic's played bare handed without gloves and were champions. this modern day team attempts to revive their spirit every year. florence is hoping to live debt-free for the first time in her life. >> there will be enough i can take care of myself because i will be 75 october 14th. it takes a brick wall off of your back actually. i can do what i want. >> that is all of the sports for now. thank you so much for watching more later. >> thank you very much indeed robin. we have more to come here at al jazeera. not a full -- a full bullet piece is coming up. including the latest.
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police suspect israeli settlers of an arson attack that's killed an 18 month old palestinian boy. the israeli prime minister calls it an act of terrorism. ♪ hello. i am martin dennis. you are with al jazeera live from doha. also to come if the program: >> beijing! >> a new olympic record. the chinese capital becomes the first city to host the summer and the winter olympics. three former executives from
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