tv News Al Jazeera July 31, 2015 2:00pm-3:01pm EDT
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the news continues next live from london. have a great day. ♪ >> this is al jazeera. >> you're watching the newshour live from al jazeera with me david foster. this is what we're looking at in detail in the next 60 minutes. a funeral of a palestinian killed in an arson attack. suspected to be behind it and the israeli prime minister calls it an act of terrorism. top investigator heads to france to check in on wreckage this could be from missing
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mh370. nine years on, an inquiry of a former russian spy accusing the russian president of ordering the killing. >> i'm lee wilings wellings summer and winter games beijing is the first, and agony for almati. >> hudges >> hundreds of palestinians attended the funeral of an 18 month old baby who died, the baby answer parents and four-year-old brother are in critical condition. in hospital in israel. what happened was condemned as an act of terrorism. more from stefanie dekker who is there.
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>> the family shared the only bedroom. they would have been fast asleep when the window was smashed and the small space set on fire. ibrahim heard screams and parents were lying outside with clothes on fire. when they came back, the two men were gone. >> translator: smoke was coming from inside i saw the four-year-old and pulled him out. they said there was another one inside. the flames were so big there was no way to save the baby. >> this was the room where 18-year-old allie was found. the way he described what was left of the baby was as a lump of coal. relatives have laid the picture of allie on the floor of the bedroom, he hadn't finished his milk yet. the attackers left behind a message, it says revenge in
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hebrew. allie's parents and his four-year-old brother have been taken to a hospital. >> the government unequivocally condemns this heinous crime. we will fight and defeat terrorism no matter who the perpetrators are. >> reporter: mahmoud abbas blames the terrorism. they have never had such an outcome. hundreds showed up for baby allie's funeral. his parents in too critical a condition to lay that are son to rest. israeli government says it will bring what they call terrorists to justice but not many here believe that promised justice will come.
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>> let's go to stefanie outside the boy's home. she sent us this not so very long ago. >> occupied east jerusalem in response to what happened here, here in hebron and east jerusalem. we're not seeing huge numbers what that means is there is a real sense that they are helpless to try and change anything, certainly when it comes to trying to change this israeli government settlement expansion settlement which has been active over the past few years. >> what is the stefanie dekker. the israeli prime minister has been to see the baby's family. the israeli government he says is responsible for finding whoever is responsible. >> we have to calm the spirits and we commit our joint battle against terrorism. something that all parts of the israeli government and all parts
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of israeli society agree on. it's important that we make common cause with our palestinian neighbors to give ourselves a better future, a future free of violence free of terror for the future of peace. >> let's bring in london-based palestinian over-the-counter sharifjournalist sharif.what do you take from what was said we condemn this as an act of terror, kinding standing back doing nothing at this point? >> i think they can't because a toddler has been killed so this is something they have to condemn. three things, firstly this is not an isolated incident. palestinians are subjected to israeli violence on nearly daily basis. and a society of austerity and
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impunity, something like this was only a matter of time given the sense of impunity. and the third thing is that the israeli army doesn't act any differently. it targets civilians. if you look at the next gaza war, israeli citizens said their direction was to deliberate target citizens and ask questions afterwards. palestinian citizens as settlers. >> what does israel need to do other than i'm sure you would say this is probably priority, other than stop building these settlements, demolish them, what to do to take heat out of all this? >> israel has shown itself unwilling to do anything exempt except
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expand. except the boycott in expansionist movement, the israeli government itself is not going to do what's necessary. >> in terms of the attacks on palestinian settlements let's look at the figures in 2006, casualties 56. it then went up to a height in 2011. now number of casualties has actually been falling since then. is there a reason for that? >> it's difficult to say. the number of violence acts has not fallen. so -- >> these are official figures and it suggests that they have. >> whose official figures are they? >> they come from one of the human rights groups that has actually pulled everything together 134 so it's falling but not enormously. is there a reason this you can think? >> not that i can think of. i at this point settler violence
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that is continued unabated, israeli groups in particular have been very vocal about the extent of settler violence. this is not surprising given that there are more and more settlers. the israeli government continues to expand. the last settlement of israeli settlements has been just two days ago. the geneva convention forbids the expansion of settlements. >> taken to a court of law sentenced and perhaps incarcerated. >> of all the complaints lodged to palestinians to the israelis almost 93% go without any charge. so nothing is done, 93% of cases. and where there is a punishment of settlers it is symbolic, it is a slap on the wrist.
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external palestinians are subject to military courts whereas the settlers are subjected to civilian courts. if you compare that to palestinians they can face a jail sentence of 20 years for throwing a stone. >> thank you for coming to talk to us on this newshour. well they are getting ready to move a bit of debris, maybe from mh370 from a french island. fremple investigators are going to try this weekend to see whether it is what they think it is. the latest from reunion. >> this rocky beach people watch from the sky. perhaps there's more to find.
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philippe's find, now he thinks this bottle made in indonesia could be another clue. so he's taking it to the police. >> translator: i have 30 walkers and every morning before we start we will check the sea and if we find something we will call the police. >> the discovery of wreckage has made the small island nltd indianin theindian ocean an important link. the flight disappeared between kuala lumpur and beijing in the fall of last year. the part found is the same as was mh370. >> i'm happy for the families. now they know for sure they perished. >> reporter: while the wreckage is wrapped for transportation for investigators to examine it, the deep sea
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search continues. it may not reveal why the plane changed course less than an hour after takeoff or anything else that happened on board. but thousands of kilometers to the east of reunion island. looking out of the vast indian ocean, it's something of a miracle any debris could have made it this far. but if that piece of wreckage is proven to come from mh370 it could be the only part of it ever found. now beach is attracting curious locals. they watch and speculate. the wreckage may reveal some answers but the mystery is far from solved. tanya page, al jazeera reunion island. >> they're going to be looking at all this in a french city near toulouse. charles stratford is waiting to see what happens next. >> reporter: that piece of debris is going to be brought here to this aeronautical
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investigation center, trying to firm up and get some confirmation as to indeed whether it was attached to a boeing 777 or mh370. they are going to be looking for what is broadly described as data tags, any kind of markings that would suggest previous repairs, repairs of the plane that they can trace back to a particular aircraft. they are also going to be looking at the age of the material, at how long it has spent in the ocean. now already oceanographers are stating it's not inconceivable this piece of debris could have floated from the area authorities believe the plane may have come down. now already the malasian authorities are saying that they have confirmation that indeed this piece of metal this debris is from a boeing 777.
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but it's highly unlikely that the friends and loved ones of the victims of this tragedy are going to believe that. they want to see proof. we've heard this before, we've heard this a number of occasions last year so it's very much hoped that for the first time in more than a year since this tragedy happened we're looking at the beginnings of getting some closure for the victims of mh370. >> 11 soldiers have been killed in a suicide bombing in anbar province in iraq. suicide bomber from the islamic state of iraq and the levant, i.s.i.l, used a military vehicle on an attack on an army and police convoy which was on its way to el sacra near haditha. fighting on the iraqi government, continues near the country's biggest oil refinery
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bajid. while the government says it's secure one of the people ton front line says it's not getting the support it needs to defend. imran khan reports. >> this militia inches forward but not any ordinary militia one of the groups that have joined the popular mobilization forces to fight i.s.i.l. but things aren't going to plan. further south sunni groups complain they're not getting the training or support they need. >> translator: we're not getting anything tangible from authorities. so far only weapons we are not here just to stay at these camps eating and sleeping. >> reporter: for many in iraq and abroad, sunni troops may be the key to fighting i.s.i.l. fighters in anbar. >> translator: we didn't get they yux weapons from the
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central government nor from the u.s. the americans have only trained 200 sunni recruits with live weapons so far. we need at least 20,000 well trained fighters to defeat i.s.i.l. >> reporter: getting the sunni tribes in iraq to join the fight against i.s.i.l. has been tough. there is a precedent to all of this. it was the sawahs the american backed sunni fighters that defeated al qaeda in iraq and they say they can do the same again against i.s.i.l. in iraq. they do say they need money weapons and training, that they say they're not getting from the u.s. or the central government. imran khan, al jazeera anbar. >> back seat for eebl, which ebola 100% effective on the cases it's
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tried it on so far. on trial for negligence, three senior executives linked to the fukushima nuclear disaster are taken to task in japan. the bid city determined to bounce back, we'll have a look at that in sport a little bit later in this al jazeera newshour. turkish government says there will be no letup on air strikes on turkish sprachts turkish separatists until the group leaves the country. strikes against i.s.i.l. targets as cover for attacking the kurds. be al jazeera's bernard smith reports from be istanbul. >> this is latest on the turkish strikes on pkk in southeastern turkey.
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f-16s have been astack but most of the bombs have hit the pkk. that's made some kurds suspicious that the government always real agenda is to suppress kurdish ambitions. >> they start and finish their speeches talking about the htp as if we are responsible for all the terror attacks. this operation is a political operation. >> reporter: but the government says the pkk must leave turkey. pkk youth wings have been setting up roadblocks in kurdish military areas they have been accused of kidnapping soldiers and police officers. the prime minister says newly elected pro-kurdish mps should be be protect theing are. >> you didn't stand on a platform of advocating armed
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resistance. how dare you now defend legitimate resistance. >> reporter: the political tension ves increased this week along with the air strikes. talks on foarming a governing coalition don't seem to be getting far. if there's no zeal by the end of august president recep tayyip erdogan a chance to regain the parliamentary majority lost in june. bernard smith, al jazeera istanbul. >> the quirk into the former kgb agent alexander litvinenko nine years ago has ended. just as the british do, they accuse the russian president of killing the armed dissident. moscow has refused to extradite the suspects. simply doesn't trust the
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inquire. nadim baba reports. >> initially mystified by his symptoms. only when his symptoms be, litvinenko had ingested the plutonium. how and why he was poisoned? on friday his widow's lawyer said that had been proven. >> when all of this evidence is viewed in the round as it must be it establishes russian state responsibility for his murder beyond reasonable doubt and if the russian state is responsible, vladimir putin is responsible. not on some analogic principle but because he personally ordered the liquidation of an enemy who was bent on exposing him and his cronies. it is.
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>> alexander litvinenko was a former kgb member who had become vocally opposed to vladimir putin's be regime. scientists found a trail of radio activity at their various hotels and meeting places. on november the 1st 2006, at the millennium hold, litvinenko drank fatal dose in a cup of tea. three weeks later he was dead. lugovoy sits in the russian parliament and received a commendation from putin in march. >> while mr. putin has remained in power in the last 15 years in russia. such assassination has left an
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undeniable mark on relationships and will be remembered for years to come. >> reporter: the conclusions of the litvinenko inquiry are said to become public in the months to come. although russia has portrayed alexander litvinenko and his friends as liars the inquiry has proven who killed him and why. nadim baz ba, al jazeera are london. trials in guinea on more than 4,000 people who have been in close contact with people suffering from the disease. ebola spread quickly by human contact. it is a case that so far 50% of those who get it die. most recent outbreak in west
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africa spread quickly. the w.h.o, that is the world health organization is going to carry out further research. it says the results are extremely promising. let's bring in andre heller, president of doctors without borders, msf. you have seen the terrible effects of this. how extraordinary is it that less than a year later there pace to be a vaccine. >> it's wonderful news, a fantastic development a game changer. having this tool as part of our tool kit to fight the epidemic to bring it down to zero cases we really hope to see that this trial is expanded. we'd like to see it used, this vaccine in new areas. >> you say it has to be expanded because although w.h.o. says it's 100% effective it's only 100% effective in the cases where it has been tried out. you don't know for sure whether it works on what they call herd
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immunity, large groups of people being in effected correct? >> they're very positive, we don't know how much immunity just yet. >> just people who have had contact with somebody who was infected. >> people who might possibly develop the virus. >> not like vaccinating the entire town and say you've got it all. >> ring vaccination people were contacts or contacts of people who got sick were vaccinated against it. in the cases where this was done this was the effectiveness of the 100%. >> what is the next step? >> the next step to roll this out to make sure there is enough of the product for manufacturer provided for the trial to be tendextended and to continue to provide the help that's required for the people on the front line who still face this. >> for example, if you were there would you like this to
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protect you perhaps? >> absolutely. msf has been vaccinating our connections with the trial has been to administer the being vaccine to 1200 health care workers to basically measure immunoresponse. >> for those who caught ebola who were part of the medical community, one young man in particular who went back the second time, would these be the sort of people to use as a sort of central guinea pig? >> we would like to see all health care workers who might be in contact with people positive with the virus personal protects beyond the personal protective equipment you see people wearing. >> would it still be necessary? >> it would still be necessary yes, absolutely, because we're not sure how long the prevention takes. >> what about the cost? >> the cost is no object.
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>> cost is often an object. >> it is but more often than not research and development for neglected diseases in general. how efficient effective and fast products can be brought into effective use in live outbreak when the world actually pools its resources and tries collectively. we would like to see models for other diseases, more concentrated envision rated effort. towards other neglected disease. >> thank you very much. >> thank you. >> beijing has managed to fight off the clique city boston, and regain be the winter version to be held in seven years time, first time that's ever happened by a vote of the international olympic committee in malaysia. here is elysese holman.
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>> beijing! >> this is how it feels to host an olympics, just seven years after hosting a summer olympics it will be the first city to host a winter games as well in 2022. >> this is happy and grand if you for all our chinese people. i'd like to thank ioc and friends in various fields who have given trust and support to china. >> there had been a lot of last minute lobbying of the 85 olympic voting members in kuala lumpur. the cost of hosting the games being a huge factor when four cities dropped down a race that had hardly leaving the race. it left al mati to fight it out with beijing. >> members, not a risky race for 2022. in fact we are quite the opposite. >> it was a vote that took place twice. faulty strong tablets replaced
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with paper tablet. surrounding regions have the infrastructure but not the natural winter weather you would need for an event like this. but that didn't seem to deter the international olympic community. >> with the great experience of china in delivering great sport events i think it is really a safe choice. >> the decision was celebrated at the birds nest stadium in beijing, the 2008 olympic venue will again host an opening and closing ceremony. >> i'm not surprised that beijing won the bid. we were definitely keen to win. we should be the host. >> i'm excited just really excited. >> reporter: asian cities will be home to the next three olympic games. the concern over the movement will persist.
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boston has pulled out of the running for 2024 games citing spiraling cost and little local support. the ioc may have to jump through other rings to persuade studies of the issue of hosting games. >> relief to thousands of stateless people we'll be reporting on that in a moment and the image that went environment. the little boy who's received thousands of donation because of his determination to do his homework. also in sport the man who surely must have the most blistered feet in the whole of the united states but along happy any of about it and lee will tell us why.
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>> comedian mo amer. >> are we filming a short? what's happening? >> confronting stereotypes. >> i was afraid to be myself. >> mixing religion and comedy. >> get over it you know who i am... got the chuckle, now let's really address it. >> and challenging islamophobia. >> i was performing and would say "i'm an arab american"... and you could hear a pin drop. >> recapping the gloability headlines on this be al jazeera news hour. a baby died in a fire attack in
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occupied west bank. shipping debris at a could belong to the missing mh370 from be the indian ocean to france. the debris was washed ashore on reunion island. alexander litvinenko's death investigation points to vladimir putin. lake chad lies along the border between nigeria chad and cameroon. chad is part of a regional offensive fighting against group and in nigeria itself. a suicide bomber has killed at least five, injured many in the busy city maiduguri.
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left hundreds zed in recent weeks. nigeria's military says it has actually rescued more than 70 hostages from the outskirts of maiduguri in the last few hours. the president muhammadu buhari says it's his job to take on boko haram. here is emikai imolu. >> reporter: this area, that boko haram recruits enslaver, rape and starve victims. there are many more crimes we don't hear about. it's happening throughout borno state in the north. soldiers have just freed these hostages. women, young girls and several elderly men are giving their testimonies. one woman says she'd been held for a year and was waiting to die. she might not have been found if nigeria's neighbors hadn't
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stepped in to help. foreign troops are bombing boko haram troops along the border, make it easier for troops to stage more raids like this on foreign soil. be groups have been outnumbered for years. muhammadu buhari says this is about to change. he and the former governor of borno state asked for help from cameroon this week. >> common enemy has virtually taken a part of their territory. >> i'm sure almost immediately things should improve. >> at home buhari has sacked the heads of the army navy and air force.
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journalist says the new army chief major general ilea abba has a strong track record. >> translator: he's a general. he's no novice. he's seasoned and he has major troops under his command and he has held major exercises. >> reporter: this could be his toughest task yet. boko haram fighters blent into the population, use adult hostages as snipers and child victims as sue side bombers. not a traditional war in any sense. imoku molu, al jazeera. >> the british prime minister david cameron says sniffer dogs will be sent across the channel to calais, french side of the border in recent days trying to reach gland through that tunnel
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had a links the two countries. here is barnaby phillips. >> they got through. on the english side of the channel, the destruction he in the tunnel are causing the roads to clog up in southeastern england. bad news for the economy and for anyone hoping to cross to france in the holiday season so the british prime minister is taking action. >> we're starting right across the board starting with the fence onfrench on their side of the border, we'll put in more sniffer dog teams or anything they need in terms of resources. >> french ferry workers are on strike protesting job cuts. they blocked roads into the port. meanwhile, migrants in calais succeeded in getting around
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security men. they dashed towards the channel tunnel terminal. it is things like these the number of migrants are relatively flom nominal compared to other parts of europe. >> the vast majority of those refugees are actually hosted by some of the world's poorest countries. a small proportion are risking their lives crossing the mediterranean in search of safety in europe and a tiny portion are trying treech u.k. to reach the u.k. >> the politician he aren't doesn't their arranges elect electorates.
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barnaby are phillips, u.k. has nows reversed its decision and granted the artist a six month vee span ai said the u.k. was denying him a vee is sees visa. his lawyer says that was an administrative case and not a criminal one. propaganda has been used as a tool for decades and the internet is a platform to promote causes. russia people are paid to go online to promote the government's message so-called armies of trolls also use the internet to abuse western leaders and their foreign policies. from st. petersburg, emma hayward reports. it looks harmless enough but
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this building allegedly hides a sinister secret and when its army of workers arrive some want to seem to hide from our camera and a man starts filming us and says they will call police. luzmilla said she was tasked with flooding the internet with pro-kremlin and anti-western messages and other material. ukraine and the murder of an anti-opposition figure was featured heavily. >> translator: on the day of nin tfertionovma they were told what to write they didn't even know who nemtsov was but wrote convincingly about him. >> whether we spoke to a lawyer representing the firm to ask about its work she said no comment. no one really knows who's rung
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the company at the heart -- who's running the company at the heart of these allegations. some link it to president putin illegal case against firm to highlight its work but trolls often operate on the edge of the law. what's happening is part of this new fight for political and social influence but social media being the new battle ground. and it can be a busy one particularly in times of conflict or diplomat tension. with governments organizations and individuals trying to control the narrative. >> if one side says this is a fact the other side should say no the fact is the opposite. and the thing is that on social media, you can hardly have the time to collect the facts and the facts will never come up. so basically it's just how much you shout and how many people shout the same at the same time.
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>> controlling the volume in the murky world of the internet can be difficult and so, for now at least, people are able to continue playing their games in the troll's house. emma hayward, al jazeera in st. petersburg. three executives linked to the fukushima disaster are to go on trial in japan. a civilian judiciary panel has ruled that the man who works for the owner be power company should be amongst them. following a massive earthquake and tsunami in 2011, here is harry fawcett our correspondent in the japanese capital. >> this goes back to 2013 when thousands of fukushima residents tried bring a criminal class
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action. there was be not enough evidence to bring such a prosecution. they recommended that a prosecution should be brought against three tepco executives. but it was unreasonable to expect those executives could imagine the scale of tsunami to hit. what happened was the water flooded the basement of the building cutting off the pumping of coolant cutting off the electricity supply as well. but the panel did have the ability to reconvene reassess the case and that is exactly what happened. to adjudicate on this case to bring this case against these three tepco executives, they will face charges of professional negligence leading to death or injury.
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>> at one of the world's most complex border disputes should end on friday and affect 50,000 stateless people in india and in bangladesh. for some it will mean leaving the homes they've lived in, in generations. the people who are living in what are known as enclaves, 162 of them, they were effectively living in parts of india inside bangladesh and nice versa. this historic decision means 11 enclaves will be moved across to bangladesh and 50 will become india's concern. they will be given the option of granted citizenship wherever they happen to be. maha sater reports from inside bangladesh. >> for most of his life walking to work has meant breaking the
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law. as he passes this innocuous looking color that marks the end of his village he is enter a foreign country. he is part of an indian enclave cut off from deli and its services. >> our children can't go into school unless they sneak into bangladesh to study. >> those inside the enclaves have found themselves unable to leave their villages without becoming illegal immigrants. i'm standing inside a bangladeshi enclave that's entirely surrounded by an indian one. that is, an enclave within an enclave. yet these cartographic issues are about to be dissolve.
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be officials are gathered to discuss whether to stay or head to india one of almost 1,000 people who are choosing to leave for india while all of those in the bangladeshi enclaves inside india are choosing to stay where they are. >> we have a lot of family inside india and it would be nice to stay with them. there is a lot of stigma attached so leaving makes sense for me. >> he is one of those who have decided to stay back. he and his fellow enclave residents are marking the occasion by lighting 68 candles. one for each year in limbo. mahar sathar, al jazeera bangladesh. now the homeless boy who has been flooded with donations from around the world simply because a photograph of him went are
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viral. jamilla allenddoggan reports. >> daniel cabrera was photographed doing his homework on the pavement. the picture quickly went viral amassing thousands of shares on social media. donations of cash have poured in for daniel from all over the world. his mother says, his future is now secured. but the story of daniel living in poverty is a story that is repeated millions of times over in this country. despite the philippines recent economic gains the number of children living in poverty continues to increase. more than 14 million children live in poverty according to government data. that number represents more than 40% of all children and many of them live in slums like this one, with no access to decent
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shelter, education or medical care. be like many others here they live in a makeshift tent close to manila's port area. they rummage through garbage daily just to earn a living. she only makes $2 a day and can only afford to to send one child the school. >> it is hard in this situation. i left the province thinking, things will be better here in manila. look at this my children don't deserve this life but i feel so helpless. >> poverty forces many filipino children to quit school. the country's vulnerability to natural disasters and the failure to share out the benefits of economic growth are also expected to worsen their situation in the coming years. the country's population growth is also a problem. a reproductive health law to improve safe sex education and
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family planning has been passed but not yet implemented. the leaders of the catholic church here are deeply opposed to it. but even when these laws are brought in. >> the aquino administration, this is the first time in philippine history that we have invested so much money in social services. over 30% of the budget goes into social services. and so really the money that's going to, cash transfers is really very -- to conditional cash transfers is really very large. >> too poor to be heard she says they are just living on the fringes of society. jamilla allen doggan, are al jazeera. >> a baseball card went for thousands.
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>> don't try this at home. >> "techknow" - where technology meets humanity. only on al jazeera america. >> what did you see when you went outside last year? >> there was a dead body in the middle of the street... for 5 hours. >> baseball cards are not that big but they can be, john terret went to look at it and not to buy it. >> florence sasso and i are looking at ears on this ancient baseball card. we're trying to work out which
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one is archibald a relative of hers that played in brooklyn when the game was in its infancy. >> look for big ears. >> yes. >> look at him he's got big ears. >> this card was given oher by her mum 25 years ago. florence discovered the card was valuable when she took it along to a genealogy class at her local senior center. >> the girls and i were reading it it said library of congress worth 50 to $500,000 and it was a very rare card. >> very rare indeed said baseball historian and auctioneer chris ivy. >> there card was created before the first drop of blood was shed in the civil war. it's very interesting and it is a seminal piece of baseball history and american history. >> reporter: baseball was very different then. the atlantics played bare handed
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handed. florence is hoping to live debt free for first time in her life. >> there will be enough that i can stay care of myself. i will be 75 october 17th. it takes a wall off your back actually can do what i want. >> good stuff rate, priceless isn't it lee. >> thank you very much, david. beijing will be the first to host summer and winter olympics. it's been awarded the 2022 winter games. >> beijing. >> the pitches outside the birds necessary stadium which hosted the open and closing games. al mati had also lost out to winter games.
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they thought they had a lot to offer, losing out by just four votes. richard mar is in the kazakh city. >> kazakhstan's largest city was hoping to stage the 2022 winter olympics before narrowly losing to beijing. people here expressed their sadness. >> i think al mati people are very disappointed, hoping to host people from around the world. >> al mati's are team, the former soviet state had promised a $1.7 billion winter olympics, all real snow. and human rights record, al mati
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came force losing 44 to 40 votes. >> in 2022 we're fully ready to host the olympic games. that's why again are i receive the choice of beijing, it is their choice. it's their decision. we did they decide. >> an elaborate show with dancing and fireworks is planned here in the square in al mati was planned if they won the bid. however, it cleared out pretty quickly. this is a country with big ambitions so expect them to bid for other sporting events in the year future. richard parr, al jazeera al mati. >> there's still serious colonel over one of the iconic venues. kimberly halkett reports. >> this is the post card image
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olympic organizers want for the 2016 sailing inspection. but on closer inspection, the bay is anything but picture perfect. the stench of raw sewage is overpowering. >> organic rubbish is the main problem in ganabarra bay. we have 15,000 people flushing their toilets without treatment. >> regulation run at half-capacity due to a lack of political coordination between districts. when the city of rio de janeiro made its olympic olympic bid it pledged to clean up the bay by at least 50%. now it admits it will miss that target by at least 50%.
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the be determining is that the fecal contamination meets standards. >> nothing too bad that you're going to run away and not come back to it. so i think yeah, no matter what it's just going to be racing really. >> we have been on the water on average maybe 800 at least days. and so far nobody got diarrhea or any infection or ill from sailing here on the bay. >> still ecoboats have been dispatched to collect trash floating on the water's surface but the state admits the effort is mostly cosmetic. >> we need a policy that does more than just cleaning. environmental education needs to be implemented. >> we need to use the olympic games for change. if it doesn't happen now they will certainly forget ganabarra bay again. >> with the olympics only a year
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away that may also be the case. races from ganabarra bay to the open sea. kimberly halkett, al jazeera brazil. match over less than three days ingram bowling australia out for 265 in their final innings. then ian bell helped, two wickets. finally we have been following the ultimate ultramarathon. 200 kilometers through california's death valley the site of the highest mountain in the united states. hi time 23 hours 23 minutes and ten seconds rather him than me david. >> okay, lee thank you very much indeed. from us all here.
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>> funeral for a palestinian baby killed if an arson attack thought to be carried out by israeli settlers, calming it an act of terrorism. hello there i'm felicity barr, and this is al jazeera live from london. also coming up: malaysia's top air crash investigator heads to san francisco to examine wreckage from possibly mh mh370. executives in
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