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tv   Weekend News  Al Jazeera  August 1, 2015 9:00am-10:01am EDT

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>> announcer: this is al jazeera. welcome to the newshour. coming up in the show - iran's kurdish leader calls on kurdish p.k.k. fighters to leave the region talks break down in what could have been the biggest trade deal history clinging to a chance of a new life. chaotic scenes in calais as migrants try to get into britain and the sport - including a sporting reaction or just
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outright racism. australians debate why this indigenous sportsman is booed at every match the leader of iraq's kurdish region is calling on kurdish p.k.k. fighters to leave the bases. the president says separatist fighters must withdraw to protect civilians. a number of people have been killed since turkey launched air raids against the p.k.k. in turkey and iraq. meanwhile there's no let up in the fighting in syria as rebel groups continue to splinter there. two groups that have been fighting on the same side against i.s.i.l. are battling each other. zeina khodr reports. >> reporter: this is thought to be an air strike carried out by the u.s. to support allies in syria, targetting positions of the al qaeda-linked al nusra
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front in northern aleppo. it came too late. nusra fighters attacked the base of division 30 and abducted the commander and several of his fen. it was a message to the us, and syrians that cooperate with it. >> the 30 infantry subdivision is a group trained by u.s. in turkey. they entered u.s. a few days ago, it is a national army in america is trying to create in syria. america classified them as a terrorist group. the main goal is to fight nusra. >> reporter: little information has been made public about division 30 until a few days ago. it received training from the u.s. in turkey as part of a programme to build a force to fight i.s.i.l. it appears they did not want to be filmed because working with the u.s. could create enemies among the syrian opposition.
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>> translation: the american stooges - they are wrong, we are wrong. we are ready to coordinate. i'm announcing this through your channel. we'll fight i.s.i.l. or anyone supporting them. iran or hezbollah. >> that is not what the u.s. equipped programme is about. it is about creating a force to fight i.s.i.l. not the syrian government. the programme faced definiteies since he was announced. after months of may it was launched in may. the pentagon was planning to train more than 5,000 in a year but trained 54 in turkey. it was not the first time nusra targeted opposition groups that received support from the u.s. that's government from the syrian revolutionary front - they were forced to disbands. actions have been a challenge to
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the u.s. the attack on division 30 is a setback. nusra and division 30 are enemies of i.s.i.l. the u.s. considers nusra a terrorist organization. it is not a target of the campaign against i.s.i.l. the u.s. hitle al qaeda-linked group believed under nusra's protection. they people they are a target and seems to take pre-emptive measures to protect themselves. at the same time it complicated the collision's fans let's get more from zeina khodr, on the turkey syria border. what has been happening in syria. who is division 30? who funds them and who are they trained to fight, syria, i.s.i.l. or both? >> there was little information about division 30 until they
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entered siria. they were filmed. before that the commander of the group told our sister organization al jazeera turk that this group was trained and funded bli the united states. that he was actually handpicked by the u.s. military to lead this force. now, the u.s. the pentagon they have not confirmed whether, you know this group is in fact part of the train and equip programme. in one way or the other they were distancing themselves. the first reaction when there was news that nusra abducted members of division 30 they were saying that none of the fighters we trained have been abducted. there was a lot of speculation on why the u.s. distanced themselves. some sources told us because there were efforts to secure their relief maybe the u.s. was trying to distance itself. but what the we saw yesterday was an air strike which the syrian opposition is - they are
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saying that the u.s. war planes were responsible for the air strikes that targeted nusra positions. if indeed it was the americans it was the first time they targeted nusra. >> i'll keep it as simply for a complicated middle east. if we talk about what is going on in iraq with the kurdish regional authority of iraq asking the p.k.k. turkish kurdish rebels to get out of northern iraq. what does that mean for the fight against i.s.i.l. in northern iraq? >> well okay the p.k.k. and krt never enjoyed a good relationship. they had a history of political conflict. many say they are unlikely
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allies. when i.s.i.l. threatened kurdish regions, they joined forces. the p.k.k. sent men to the front line there's a 1,000km front line in northern iraq. now what we understand is the krt feel that the peshmerga are able to hold this line they no longer need the p.k.k.'s help along the front line. a few months ago we were in the sinjar mountains, an important strategic location in iraq. it borders syria. it borders territory controlled by it syrian kurds. what we saw on the ground was tension between the peshmerga, who belongs to the k.r.g. and the p.k.k. a power struggle was brewing. the p.k.k. was talking about creating an autonomous area in the sinjar mountain and linking it to territory controlled by the syrian kurds across the border. >> the statement issued by the president city of the kurdistan
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regional government called on the p.k.k. to withdraw saying that this will spare civilian lives. if there are no bases in northern iraq turkey would not target the region. >> we have to remember the k.r.g. enjoys good relationship with turkey. in fact, turkey has been the economic life line. at the end of the day, for the k.r.g. the p.k.k. has been a thorn in their side. getting rid of a group which changes their authority would be something they'd welcome. like you mentioned. it's a complicated battle with i.s.i.l. in iraq and syria, and with all the dis unity among the ranks of those fighting i.s.i.l. playing into the hands of the islamic state of iraq and levant. >> thank you so much for that update debris which investigators believe could be from the missing flight mh370 has arrived in france for testing.
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the piece of a boeing 777 washed up on reunion island in the indian ocean, a potential breakthrough in a case that baffled aviation experts. the debris will be sent to a military unit in toulouse to be analysed. we'll go there shortly. first tania page reports from union island. >> reporter: this rocky beach is where the wreckage was found. police walk its length. and watch from the sky, perhaps there's more to find. the workers discovered the debris while cleaning the beach. now he thinks the bottle made in indonesia could be another clue - he's taking it to police. >> i have 30 workers. every morning before we start, we will check the sea and if we find something, we'll call the police. >> the discovery of wreckage made the small island in the indian ocean an important place in the search for the missing malaysia airlines flight mh370.
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a flight that disappeared from radar while en route from kuala lumpur to beijing in march last year. aviation experts saw the footage, saying the codes show it's from the wing of a boeing 777, the same as mh370. the man who found it is relieved. if it's from the plane, i'm happy for the families, now they know for sure they perished. the wreckage is wrapped for transportation to france for investigators to examine it. the deep sea search continues. it may not be revealed while the plane changed course, or anything about what happened on board. it confirmed they are looking in the right place. thousands of kilometres to the east. looking out of the vast indian ocean, it's a miracle any debris made to this far. if that piece of wreckage is
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proven to come from mh370, it could be the only part found. now the beech is attracting curious locals, watching and speculating. the wreckage may reveal some answers, but the mystery is far from solved. . >> charles stratford is in toulouse. what happens next when the piece of wing arrives. >> we gather that the piece of debris left paris around 8 o'clock local time and was expected to take 7 hours by road to reach here. unfortunately, it's taking a lot longer we think, than was initially thought to get here for the simple fact that this is the busiest day in terms of tourism in france of the year. so we expect that it is probably held up in traffic. however, when it does come here we understand that obviously the focus of this investigation that is now being announced will not
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start until wednesday. we'll look at the - this reported - what has been reported as a serial number on the piece of debris to try to confirm whether, in fact initially it was initially attached to a boeing 777. and then try to determine, obviously, whether it was part of mh370. the malaysians, the malaysian authorities said they are confident that indeed it is a part of that airliner that went down on 8 march in 2014. the investigations here will be intense, and they need to have a look at a number of other things they'll be looking at the corrosive effects of being in the sea water for that period of time of. and establish how long the daib u was in the sea water. there's a lot of barnacles on this piece of debris and that has many speculating that it may
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have floated for a long period of time or it may have risen from the surface. oceanographers say it's about 4,000km that it floated to reunion from the site from the area where it's believed that the plane went down. yes, apt the end of the day this is the first, if you like hard evidence that may give some sort of closure in understanding what happened. and obviously for the thousands - hundreds of friends and relatives of the victims of this tragedy, there's a lot of pressure here on investigators to come to some solid answers and confirm exactly what happened on march the 8th last year charles stratford there, thank you for that talks on what was to have been the biggest train deal history broke down. it's a disappointment to the ministers for 12 countries involved in the transpacific partnership. not everyone is upset as andrew
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thomas explains. >> reporter: this was supposed to be the moment to announce the biggest trade deal history. the summit in hawaii lasting four days, but overall trans-pacific partnership negotiations have been going on for more than five years. the ministers claims of meaningful progress rang hollow. >> that was anticipated to be a make or break summit for the talks. are you, therefore, disappointed that you are not able to announce at least a deal in principle? >> there are, of course, at the end of the day, a limited number of difficult issues that require additional attention to be resolved. i feel gratified about the progress that has been made. >> each country had its own priorities. it was accessed to markets for agriculture, vietnam, clothing, japan and mexico - motoring industries. >> i am sure you are aware that the auto industry in mexico is the seventh largest producer and the forth largest exporter. obviously mexico has a deep interest.
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probably you can accuse me is putting myself to the front interest of my country. >> deadlock in one area prevented progress in others. tariff productions were in play alongside general discussions on common regulations. not just for trade but also production. that's where critics were concerned. ministers would concede on environmental standards or labour regulations, if they got their way on reductions. big business would be given more power over consumers. the lengthening of copyright, banning the drugs from repeating the brand name for longer
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concerned those that the poorest couldn't pay the highest costs. with no deal, campaigners are celebrating. >> for us, this is it a victory. we have seen several countries, australia comes to mind, standing up saying we are not going to trade away health this week, no matter how hard you lean on us. that makes a big difference to everyone glad to see that outcome. >> the staff to the u.s. presidential campaign - say january is an u.n. official bloc u.n. official deadline for the t.p.p. a deal that needs to be ratified by the national governments and u.s. congress before then. without president obama pushing it momentum could disappear. >> no deal reached here in hawaii. some disappointments on the stage with the ministers. there's no date set for further talks. the minister says it will go on so far asia's largest economy, china has nod been part of the talks. rob mcbride explains why china will be happy they've stalled. >> the sense of chinese satisfaction even glee is almost palpable. for beijing the deal is about more than trade.
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it is the strategic significance of a pact fashioned by the united states with their allies on this side of the pacific, seeming to stifle the ambitions of the world's second biggest economy in what it considers to be its own backyard. as america struggles with its grand plan china has been busy with its own trade agreement, far less ambitious, but agreements signed and put into effect with south korea and australia. as the t.p.p. is further delayed, it seems it's relevance is brought into question well more to come on the al jazeera newshour. sweltering through a heatwave with no power or running water. iraqis have had enough. >> i'm imtiaz tyab in jordan close to the border with syria, the jew's community say they'll do what they have to for their community across the border rio's water safety in the
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spotlight as the brazilian city hosts of the first olympic test event. details in sport. british and french government agreed to help each other tackle the migrant crisis in the french si of calais they'll send in teams and sniffer dogs to patrol the area around the entrance to the channel tunnel where migrants have been trying to cross to the u.k. security teams have been struggling to stop them as barnaby phillips reports. >> they got through, migrants cling to the top of a lorry as they drive away from a tunnel on the english side of the tunnel. the destructions cause the roads to clog up in south-eastern england. bad news for the economy, and anyone hoping to cross to france for the holiday season, so the british prime minister is under pressure.
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>> we'll take action across the board, starting with helping the french on their side of the border, we'll put in more fencing, more resources, more sniffer dog teams, more assistance in any way we can in terms of resources. >> reporter: over in calais the situation is complicated by french ferry workers, on strike protesting over job cuts. they blocked roads into the ports. meanwhile, more chaotic scenes as migrants in calais succeeded in getting around security men, cdashing towards the channel tunnel terminal. these pictures alarmed people in britain, the numbers of migrants in calais tried to get into britain, a few thousands are small, given how many are going elsewhere in europe. >> what we are seeing is that a symptom of the fact that the world is in a grips, the worst
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refugee crisis since world war ii. the vast majority are hosted by the world's smallest countries. a small proportion are risking their lives crossing the mediterranean in search of safety, and a tiny proportion are trying to reach the u.k. >> europe's politicians are in a quandary, desperate people deserve compassion, but the politicians are not sure of their own anxious electorates. they are shaping up to be a long summer. >> hungary is building a 4 meter high fence along the border with serbia in an attempt to keep migrants out. lawrence lee reports. >> for a political bloc that's critical of separation rules, the european union is looking good at closing itself off. this appears to be the most
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profound expression of fortress europe, the start of a fence, and is shutting access to the e.u. at the border between hungary and serbia. it's a safe bet that almost none of the syrians, iraqis or africans that might want to across the boarder have an intention of taking in hungary, for the government that doesn't seem to be the point. the european member states were asked to decide how many refugees they were prepared to resettle. hungary ended up bottom of the list. saying they would take no people the nearest town volunteers offer advice and coffee to those that got through, like the young men that told us that in syria, they had heard of the fence, and thought it was an irrelevance. >> he want to find another way. if it close this way, they go to another way. >> it will work. >> it's not to stop people. it will not stop the people. they kill my children or my mother or wife. i see my wife. someone kill her, i will not stay there in my country. and my government, he kill this
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people, i will not stay, i will go to any country. >> busloads of others arrive. a large group of afghan children devouring the small amount of food volunteers offer. they hope in this piece of paper, written in hungarian, which says they are asylum seekers. once police dropp them off they are alone, they are put on a train to budapest. it's anyone's guess what will become of them. hungary's lack of interest. >> what we do is a substitution of government effort. the hungarian government is not willing to have the people. they are lacking information, very elementary information they are lacking, and we are trying to provide them what they need. trying to show a human attitude towards them. >> does hungry believe it's a political gesture to public opinion.
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on the ground refugees are sent on their way to europe, for another country to deal with. >> every culture or community has its own identity. we believe that europe's identity goes back to christianity as a religion or the past couple of centuries as a cultural identity. there is definitely a flood of migrants. intercontinental mass migration, which is posing a major threat. >> every day the game of cat and mouse goes on. a motorway the family of iraq try to hide in the ditch. when the police arrive, they are forced to scatter. dad goes over the road, the boys over the bridge. others up a side road. will they see each other again? it's not clear. all the while, trees come down as they prepare for a great fence. the message to refugees - go somewhere else. we are joined now from geneva by leonard doyle, he's a
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spokesman for the international organization. your thoughts on the latest proposal. are sniffer dogs and fences the solution. >> thank you for having me on. before we get to that i'd like to congratulate your correspondents for the excellent and probing report we heard, first class, and showing the humanity of the situation. we need to remember in the case of hungary, it's not too long ago that we welcomed and celebrates the departure of haung airians into europe and when the iron curtain was falling. it's intolerable what we are hearing from political science, about the depiction of migration. it's false. we need to reflect back on our own history you are probably not too excited about sniffer dogs and fences. >> it's the same point. we need to remember as your
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correspondent and the people interviewing say, we need to think of the humanity of people. these are people entitled under international law to protection. so if the sniffer dogs are there to find and help them and support them that's all well and good. it's not the message that we are getting from various sides. i think we need to recall that as we - as you have been doing it seems that that is the direction things are heading. some migrants have been supported out of the tunnel several times, we are told which makes you wonder is there a programme to deal with migrants beyond escorting them out of the tunnel. what happens? >> there is indeed a process of assessing migrants to see if they are entitled to political asylum or indeed if they are unaccompanied migrants or if
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they are vulnerable trafficked people for example. within the whole envelope should we say, of migrants we have different casualties people entitled to be in that opinion. others do not fall into that category and you may call them queue jumpers. there's an effective way to deal with animals. they are simply sent home in as humane a way as possible. these are people that come for the bright lights of europe looking for freedom and opportunities. let's not punish them too hard. they are probably the enterprising people in the countries. it's important that they leave with head held hide and not fall into poverty like many do. >> what is the alternative that governments could look at. one thing i looked up the amount of money pledged or spent on fences. the u.k. pledged $11 million to
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improve fencing in northern france. how could it be better spent in source countries? >> at the end of the day there's security issues and there's important tourist issues. you can't get the pieces of plane from paris to toulouse. let's be fair to the tourists that go through a lot of pain for hard-won few weeks of vacation. we can't dismiss that. there are ways of dealing with it, and they include better security along with the better security and $7 million is not a huge amount of money, compared with the amount patrolling the mediterranean. we'd like to see it invested in pragmatic businesses and governance and opportunities for migrants in the countries of origin so they have an opportunity to live away from corruption have an opportunity to gain livelihood and stay
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where they wish to stay. most of the men have between five and seven depends, leaving. they'd probably be a lot happier to stay where they are, if they had a livelihood. >> thank you for your thoughts on that. >> thank you let's get some weather with everton. we've been talking about the migrants feel ght the heat in calais and people in northern europe will feel the heat. >> it's been a little significant through july poor in terms of temperature and sun shine. don't throw your umbrella away yet. look at the satellite, and you see a mass of cloud. another area of cloud out there across the north-west coming across into the british isles, that will face some unsettling. fair amount of cloud down into the western side of the
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mediterranean, lively showers in place, and it has certainly been bringing thundery downpours in across the region. because of the cloud, it makes temperatures suppressed but 22 celsius in london saturday afternoon, it's not too bad, 4-5 degrees warmer than what it was. it was something of an improvement. we'll see temperatures further as you go on through the next couple of days. on the other side of the channel into france, 30 there for paris, more sunshine coming through. notice the showers pushing to the baltics. even those will diminish somewhat as they come through the next couple of days. bright sides, across the western signed. paris getting up to 35. london - we have a little more wet and windy weather by monday. >> thank you. now, thousands of people have been rallying against electricity cuts in iraq.
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the government declared a 4-day holiday. people say they faced the cuts for years, and can't stay at home. we have this report. >> people in iraq say they have had much of power outages amid the searing heat. thousands of protesters came out on friday in the capital baghdad and in the cities of naj add. >> it's been 13 years with no water, no electricity. no services. low salaries. >> many accuse the government of failure to provide basic services. it was a heavy security presence. earlier this month a protestor was killed by a demonstration against power shortages turned violent. >> translation: we are demonstrating against a failed government. a government that disappointed the people. they keep giving us false promises. we had no services, have they no shame. for years we tell them they are
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failures, they are thieves, corrupt. have they no shame. >> reporter: five years ago there was riots in basra as thousands demanded better services. the situation has worsened. temperatures crossed 50 degrees celsius, and the government declared a 4-day holiday after a heatwave was predicted thursday and saturday. the prime minister held emergency meetings with minister of electricity and ordered power cuts at state institutions and homes of government officials. people faced with electricity ccuts come out four relief. and are calling for the minister to resign. >> we are outside because of heat, because there's no power, it comes for 10 minutes, and then comes off. >> iraq's ageing power plants cannot keep up with a surge in demand. the government says it invested billions to increase capacity that was badly damaged during the 2003 u.s. invasion.
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there has been some agreements in china, rental plants were hired. major gaps remain. last week iran announced the construction of a 2.5 billion power plant, but it will take two years to be operational. for now, demonstrations continue, and the protesters say they will not go home unless the power cuts stop. plenty more still to come here in al jazeera. a battle on the streets of venezuela as a shortage of food and basic goods forces people to take desperate measures. also ahead... >> i'm in what could be the kitchen of the future where these robotic arms are whipping up a crab bisque. >> and in sport a football star tests positive to a banned substance. jo will have all the details.
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welcome back. let's recap pt headlines here on al jazeera now. the leader of iraq's kurdish region is calling on the p.k.k. fighters to leave their bases. president says separatist fighters must withdraw in order to protect civilians. a number of people have been killed since turk oil launched air raids against the p.k.k. in turkey and iraq. a piece of boeing 777 wreckage which washed up on the island of reunion arrived in france for analysis. malaysian authorities believe the parts could be from the missing flight mh370
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british and french governments agree to help tackle the migrant crisis in the french city of calais and will send in further teams and sniffer dogs to control the area around the entrance to the french tunnel the jordanian government send weapons and military to the borders. >> reporter: this is it a found in north-western jordan where most of the countries 25,000 citizens live, 75km south of a syria city which is predominantly drous. a sect of islam spread across jordan syria, israel and lebanon. because of their shared faith, other cities had strong links with each other for generations, which is why many are worried
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about the violence over the border. this man is the mayor. he tells us following the killing of 20 druce in eastern syria, residents appealed to jordan's leaders to help. >> we called on king abdullah to support our people. we were promised by his highness that he'll give support. we hope that druce in the area will be safe. >> jordan announced it will support the communities along the borders, including the druce. while the government hasn't said specifically what that support will be al jazeera learnt that it includes deliveries of military equipment and weapons the threat to other communities near the jordan border is growing. this video is thought to show groups targetting sites outside the city in june.
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syria's druce are facing increasing attacks partly because of religious beliefs and also being loyal to president bashar al-assad. this is a jordanian member of parliament. and tells me jordan has long resisted involvement in syria's internal conflict. after the military carried out air strikes against i.s.i.l. protecting the border is a top priority. >> translation: if i.s.i.l. were to capture the areas near the border it would be a security issue. the government decided to provide arms to cities so they can defend themselves acting as a first line of defense. >> a decision that marks a shift in policy as jordan is drawn into the syrian conflict yemen's vice president has arrived in aden. he's the most senior official to visit the city since local fighters drove the houthis out
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more than two weeks ago. the prime minister of the exiled government is travelling with members of the cabinet. >> thousands of palestinians attended the furniture of a teenager shot dead by israeli forces. a man was killed demonstrating after an 18-month-old palestinian was burnt to death in an arson attack suspected of being committed by israeli settlers. palestinian leaders say they hold the state of israel responsible. >> the u.n. humanitarian office says settler violence is related to the expansion of illegal settlements and recorded 400 attacks on people and property last year. at least 12 palestinians have been killed more than 800 injured since 2006. very few are ever prosecuted. human rights group said 7% of cases ends with an indictment. journalist ben hartman is the
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national security corresponds for the jerusalem post and blames it on a look of resources. >> i think deterrence in terms of criminality is only achieved when you have enough people arrested. a lot of burden is on the court. in terms of the political establishment in israel, you have wall to wall condemnation, especially the one's yesterday which israelis condemn. there are more concrete stems on the ground. the problem is when you have from policing and intelligence. the problem is often when you v people, extremists not cooperating against friends and minors, it's hard to secure indictments. where there's a will, that's way, if there was more resources than presently, that could be the case. police take it seriously. they are responsible for
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stopping palestinian terror attacks against israeli. and we talk about jewish attacks. there has been a large wave responsible, the same responsible for stopping price tags have to stop them, do that as well. the same people stopping price tag have to stop them also. the leader of the afghan taliban called for unity in an audio message. mullah mansour promised to continue the fight, he was elected as the leader after they confirmed the death of its founder on thursday. the u.s. secretary of state john kerry is heading to cairo for talks with egyptian leaders. the decades' long security relationship ended years ago, protesting against the overthrow of the president mohamed mursi. rosalind jordan reports. >> this is the symbol of power and prestige sought.
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new f-16s like these have been delivered by the u.s. two years ago the obama suspended defense after the egyptian military led by general abdul fatah al-sisi kicked mohamed mursi out of office. the u.s.'s decision was surprising because of long and close ties with egypt. officials were angered by what they considered a violation of political freedom. every year since 1987 washington gave cairo $1.3 billion in military aid paying for american made fighter jets helicopters, tanks, ammunition and training. every other year egyptian and u.s. forces held training exercises. that has not happened since the arab spring in 2011. when abdul fatah al-sisi
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attended the united nations general assembly last september, he met with u.s. president obama, who said they had reason to work together. >> everything from the palestinian israeli situation to i.s.i.l., iraq and syria. >> reporter: even so, it wasn't until the end of march that the white house decided to resume most of the aid for national security reasons, including egypt's efforts, then attacking troops in the sinai peninsula. but it now comes with conditions. washington decides what cairo can have. analysts say this is how the u.s. pressures cairo. on political and human rights. >> reporter: if the egyptian government does not take concrete steps in addressing the political issues, no amount of weapons that the united states can give, no recalibration that this can do, can have a fundamental impact on fixing cairo's security problems secretary of state john kerry met twice with abdul fatah al-sisi in the past year.
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their meetings during sunday's strategic dialogue will be dominated by the security challenges. this will be a public demonstration of how the obama administration is recalibrating its ties to a country it considers an ally there has been rioting and looting in venezuela as people struggle with shortages on basic food and supplies. the government is taking over the warehouse of one of the biggest distributors in the capital, accusing the capital of hoarding goods. >> reporter: dozens of people looted the supermarket, the warehouse and other stores in eastern venezuela on friday. another sign of the worsening shortages with locals struggling to get their hands on every day product such as milk, rice and flour. demonstrators clashed with the police and the national guards. a 21-year-old was shot in the chest and died.
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demonstrators say he was killed by the police, but the government said it was an armed protestor that pulled the trigger. the situation is now totally under control. it's clear that the looting was politically motivated. a looter shot one of the workers in the store, working in the vegetable section. he died. we arrested 27 people and are investigating further. >> venezuela is a major producer, but is suffering shortages and triple digit inflation due do a cries vis currency crisis that critics say is the failure of socialistic policies. however president maduro blames it on the economic war raised by his right wing opponents. >> translation: today we had an unfortunate event. a planned attack. there are 60 prisoners, a worker is dead. we checked events like this and other states. we have kept our eyes on the right wing.
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they want to fill the country with violence. >> thursday the government imposed a crackdown on distributors accused of hoarding goods. soldiers occupied the warehouse of one of the country's largest food providers. the economic problems affect people's ability to call abroad. telephone operators cut services to more than 100 countries, because they can't pay for providers. >> i have a friend in ecuador, we were in contact constantly. now it's impossible. she said she has a lot of problems calling me. >> last year there were deadly protests across the country, and with president madura's popularity sinking and people's frustration increasing, the government may be left struggling to keep control up next on the newshour - on the hunt for a future n.b.a. star in africa as they host the
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first league game. details with jo. jo.
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>> growing up fast. >> my quest is to find me and me is not here. >> fighting for a better future. >> if you don't go to college you're gonna end up dead on the streets. >> life changing moments. >> i had never been bullied, everyone hates me. >> from oscar winning director alex gibney. >> shut the cam --. >> a hard hitting look at the real issues facing american teens. the incredible journey continues. >> beyond the verdict and on the streets. >> there's been another teenager shot and killed by the police. >> a fault lines special investigation. now, for many cooking is a chore more about putting something into your stomach than creating a meal a team of robotic experts in london came up with a solution the first robotic kitchen. we took a taste. >> it's time for dinner and the first robotic chef is hard at work.
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every movement of it's arms came from a chef, prerecorded has he made his speciality, crab bisque. the way the arms move, the graceful way seems to represent the way a normal chef would cook dinner, this is a prototype installation, going on the market priced at $75,000. the designer of the unit suggests it could come down substantial if the idea caps on. -- catches on. as futuristic assistst as it may seem the company imagines one day all kitchens will be fitted with robotic arms, and the instructions how to make each dish will be bought online. in the statement way you buy looks online today. >> you have access to the library of intellectual properties of 100,000 different. their intellectual property. in this case, you can enjoy many of the dishes if you have the same ingredients that they use for the cooking process.
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>> much of the robot chef's skills come from its hand, produced by a leading u.k. robotics company. we said let's replicate the capability in the machine. where we need to copy the human hand down to the last detail we have. in other areas we have taken engineering compromises giving us the same performance, without the complication of things like knuckles. >> the company is looking at how robot arms can be used at the food preparation stage. beyond serving the meals to those that can afford it, it can be put to other uses. >> this could have social impacts, if you thought about it as assistance for elderly or infirmed people in their own areas. we have a crisis of not having enough carers in the country. and having a system like this, that could prepare fresh and high quality meals for people in their own homes would be fantastic.
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>> the making of the crab bisque goes without a hitch. an achievement. what the robot serves up, we are told, is almost the same as chef's real dish. years of development are needed, but if widely adopted, the kitchen has a potential to change the way millions prepare their dinner the proof of any dish is in the tasting. . >> time for the sport with jo. >> a star player in the sporting team missed a march on saturday as a row over racism continues. adam goodes is indigenous and plagued by booing. he is not liked and supporters say he's punished by being vocal an indigenous yoishes. issues >> reporter: anticipation and excitement as sydney swans fans
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stream into the stadium for an australian football league match. there's disappointment knowing into a player will not take part. >> booing and cheering is part of the game. it's obvious that people are having a go at goodesy as part of what he's been and done. >> reporter: goodesy is a nickname for adam goodes an indigenous australian and star footballer. he's on leave, stressed out by a controversy starting two years ago when a teenage opposition stand called him an ape. he said it was racist. ever since the boos have got louder. the constant going of adam goodes has not only driven him to take a break from the game but ignited race issues. his supporters say he's been targeted because he took a stand and the usual taunts are hiding racist attitudes. outside the stadium the show of support for him was clear. the jersey sold out fast. this weekend players planned to
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show support of goods in various ways. some thing that goods are being sensitive. >> adam goodes has to stop looking like a sook and stop making it about him, and stop try toing play the victim. >> reporter: and others that think jeering is a part of sport. >> i think the media blew it out of proportion. and if they didn't make it so big. it happens forever. in every sporting code. >> reporter: whether the controversy is about sport or something more many say racism is an issue in australia. in 2008, the government apologised to some of its worst abusers of indigenous people. the prime minister has admitted achievements since has been meagre. as for goodes' fans they want to see him back on the field. brazilian football officials confirm >> tar mid fielder fred tested
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positive for a banned substance during the copa america tournament in chile. the 22-year-old midfielder is facing a suspension if his second sample shows evidence of the banned diuretics. he denied using the substance. u.e.f.a. is investigating why fred played during a qualifier when he should have been suspended over the failed test. >> an argentine businessman pleaded not guilty to charge stemming from f.i.f.a.'s corruption scandal. alexander appeared in a court in brooklyn on friday after being extradited from italy. he is accused of conspiring with other marketing executives of funnelling bribes to f.i.f.a. executives. austria's top pole vaulter was left, landing on her head and neck next to a mat after a training jump. she fractured her vertebrae and her sporting career is over.
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sailing's world governing body says it will start testing for viruses in the rio waters. they'll begin test events for the games on saturday with the triathlon first. the city's environmental agency warned the waters off copacabana beach are unsafe for swimming. athletes don't expect it to affect their performance at least. >> if you get will from water during the race, it's not an issue, you deal with it after the race. you try to minimise illness during the race. not spending too much time in it beforehand, if you are worried, and take precautions making sure you are clean and that sort of thing. i'm no stranger to dirty water. i think i swim in a lot worse than this, to be honest. tiger woods has gone almost two years without a professional win. the former number one golfer put himself in contention at a pga event in virginia. woods slipped to 266.
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fires his lowest 36 hole total with a 5-under par 66 on friday at the quick and loans national. he is on eight under par, threes shots behind midway leader. >> i know my ranking is awful. but it's a matter of obviously i was away from the game for a long period of time and playing poorly. it compounded it. i just need to keep playing and plugging along. i'll climb back up. the first n.b.a. game to play in africa is taking place in johannesburg on saturday. pitting together a team of aftercan players and a world team. more than 35 african players featured on league rosters since the first was drafted in 1984. there's hopes more will follow. we have this report. >> a basketball superstar comes home to africa.
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luke, originally from cameroon is in south africa as part of the basketball association's basketball without borders outreach programme. it is through this development initiative that the n.b.a. star got a big break in the largest basketball league in the united states. >> the only thing i know about the n.b.a. is watching it on tv. when i got here, i got close to the n.b.a., but i got to go against some of the best players in africa. i thought i was one of the best. it gave me confidence to keep on going and pushing to be the best. >> now he is sharing his basketball and life skills with aspiring players on the continent through coaching clinics. to crown it all fans get to see their heroes square off on the court showcasing the n.b.a.'s finest. the johannesburg game puts an n.b.a. team against african players against a world team.
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tickets were sold out within games. the n.b.a. won't say how much it is putting into the sport in africa but says it's a priority. >> it begins in america, but is expanding over the years to the point where out of 450 players, over 100 of them were born outside united states, and, in fact, we have more than 10 players born in africa. we feel that games with a ball, you know, you can kick or bounce them. we think there's a natural affinity. >> reporter: while the association continues to develop programs and facilities to help the popularity, the latest n.b.a. visit hopes to bring a lift to the sport across africa that is all the sport for now. more later. >> thank you so much. stay with us here on al jazeera, we have another full bulletin of news in a couple of minutes. there's the website
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>> iraq's kurdish leader calls on kurdish pkk fighters to leave the region. hello, live from doha, up ahead talks break down what could have been the biggest trade deal in history. sweltering through a heatwave with no power or running water. these iraqis say they've had enough. and australians debate why this sportsman is being booed at every match.


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