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tv   Weekend News  Al Jazeera  August 1, 2015 12:00pm-12:31pm EDT

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>> iraq's kurdish leader calls on pkk fighters to withdraw from their positions in the north to protect civilians from turkish airstrikes. special tomatoes hello there i'm felicity barr. this is al jazeera live from london. coming up, talks on what is billed as the biggest trade deal in history ends in deadlock. zimbabwe extends the hunting ban after another line has killed on its largest game reserve. >> this is the kitchen of the future where that's robotic
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arms are whipping up a crab bisque. >> hello, we begin in iraq's kurdish region where authorities have called on pkk fighters to leave their bases in the north of the country to save civilian lives. regional kurdish president has said that pkk separatists must withdraw to help reduce violence in that area. he has accused turkey of bombing civilian targets in northern iraq. they say that the pkk and turkey need to resume peace talks. well for more on this we're live in turkey. andkurdish peshmerga and pkk had joined forces to fight isil in the north of the country. though, now the pkk are being asked to leave. >> yes that is the question.
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that is being asked because the pkk is helping the kurdish peshmerga. these are the forces of the kurdistan regional government even though these two groups are old enemies they've had a long history of conflict but they did join forces when isil threatened northern iraq. there is a 1,000 kilometer in northern iraq but it seems that the krg feels confident enough that their forces will be able to hold this territory. but i can tell you that there were tensions underground between these two groups. we saw that for ourselves. particularly in the sinjar mountain front, which is close to the syrian border. the pkk was target about creating an autonomous zone and linking it to kurdish controlled territory in syria. this really angered the krg officials. but now barzoni calling on the pkk to withdraw from their bases
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in the mountains saying you're just giving the fighter jets to target the area and cause civilian casualties. these are two groups fighting isil with tensions between them. this is the whole question, between all of these groups there is no unity among them complicates the fight against the islamic state in iraq and the levant. >> there are tensions against opposition groups in neighboring syria. >> yes syrian opposition groups more infighting, another round of infighting, and this time it's the incident that involves a group that is allied to al-qaeda and a group that an allied to the united states. >> this is thought to be an airstrike carried out by the u.s. to support its allies in syria. it targeted positions of the al-qaeda-linked al nusra front in northern aleppo.
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but it came too late. they had already attacked the base of a new u.s. backed syrian group called division 30 and on ducted it's commander and several of its men. it was a message to the u.s. and syrians who cooperated with it. >> the division 30 group has been trained by the u.s. it is a national army that america is trying to create in syria in order to fight terrorism. as you know america classified al nusra the terrorist group. the infantry's main goal is to fight news are a. >> little information has been made public about division 30 until it's men entered syria a few days ago. this new group received training from the u.s. in turkey as part of a program to build a force to fight isil. it appears that they didn't want to be filmed because working with the u.s. can easily create enemy among the syrian opposition.
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>> saying that they are american soldiers is wrong. we're ready to coordinate for anyone fighting for the syrian people. i'm announcing this through your channel right now. we'll fight imor anyone supporting them, iran or hezbollah. >> but that is not what the u.s. trained and equip program is about. it is about creating a force to fight isil not the syrian government. the program has faced many difficulties since it was announced. after months of delay it was launched in may. and the pentagon was planning to train more than 5,000 fighters in a year. but so far it trained 54 in turkey. it was not the first time that al nusra targeted opposition groups have received support from the u.s. there is a movement in the revolutionary front that were forced to disband. news are a actions have been a direct challenge to the u.s.
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the attack on division 30 is a setback. news are a and division 30 is an enemy of isil, although the u.s. view news are a as a terrorist. the u.s. has hit an al-qaeda group believed to be under news are a's protection. news are a feels it is a target and seems to be taking preemptive measures to protect itself. at the same time it has complicated the coalition's plans to fight isil in syria. al jazeera. southern turkey. >> well, it was billed as the biggest trade deal in history but it has come crashing down as ministers from 12 countries have failed to agree on a way forward. andrew thomas has been following those talks in maui and now reports of what, if anything, happens next.
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>> this was supposed to be the moment to announce the biggest trade deal in history. the summit in hawai'i lasted four days but over all trans-pacific partnership negotiations have been going on for more than five years. claims of meaningful progress rang holy. >> this was anticipated to be a make or break summit for these talks. it's disappointing that you're not able to announce a deal in principle. >> there is a limited number of difficult issues that require additional attention to be resolved, but i feel very gratified about the progress that has been made. >> each country has its own priority. for australia and new zealand it was access to markets for agriculture. for vietnam clothing. for japan and mexico, their motor industries. >> i'm sure you're aware that the auto industry in mexico is the seventh largest in the world and fourth largest exporter.
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so obviously mexico has an interest. so probably you can accuse me is putting myself to the front to really push the interest of my country. >> with a deal as complex as the tpp deadlock in one area prevented progress in otherrers. productions for exports of different countries discussed common regulations not just the trade but production. and that's where critics were concerned. the ministers would concede on environmental standards or labor regulations if they got their way on tariff reductions. but big business would be given more power over consumers. the proposed lengthening of copyright period for medicines banning generic drugs longer with the no deal campaigners see this as a victory. >> for this is a victory.
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australia comes to mind standing up saying we're not going to trade away health this week no matter how hard you lean on us. very grad to see that outcome. >> the staff of the u.s. presidential campaign effectively january is an unofficial deadline for the tpp. any in principle deal needs to be ratified by governments and the u.s. congress before then. without president obama pushing it it could disappear. >> no deal reached here in howe undoubtedly disappointment on the stage for the ministers. there is no date set either for further talks but the ministers say they'll go on. >> well, arab's largest economy china, was not part of those attacks. rob mcbride explains why china will be happy talks have
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stalled. >> the sense of chinese satisfaction even glee is almost palpable. for beijing this deal has been about far more than just trade. it's the strategic significance of a pact fashioned by the united states with their allies on this side of the pacific seeming to stifle the ambitions of the world's second biggest economy in what is considered it's own backyard. as america struggles with its grand plan so china has been busy with its own trade agreements far less ambitious but agreements that have been signed and put into affect most recently with south korea and. >> now zimbabwe has announced a ban on hunting on its largest game reserve. a major tourist attraction ceil
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was killed, and it follows the killing of another lion at that same park. johned by skype to discuss this, the chairman of the zimbabwe conservation task force. thank you for joining the program. there seems to be confusion about what this ban will effect. can you tell us more detail about what was said at the press conference? >> what they've said is that a babb has been put in place. the ban is on elephant and lyon until further notice. they arrested another landowner who sold the hunt in april. >> how much of a difference will this make to zimbabwe's wildlife, this extension of the
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ban? we have to try to get these laws enforced and carried out otherwise these animals are going to disappear how will you enforce this ban? how can it be policed? >> well, if everybody plays their part, and the professional hunters get the kind of conduct and efforts in to place i believe it will work. and by setting an example with cecil, i believe it will happen. cecil did not die in vain any way. >> there has been an outcry about the killing of cecil the
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lion. do you think this will make a difference in opinions about hunting in zimbabwe because economically it's good for the tourist trade the hunt attracts big money. >> yes it does. this is the side of the story i look at it at world opinion and those who would like to come to zimbabwe and see the animals that we've got it will enforce the same restrictions that have been in place. the other thing is that cecil did not die in vain because you know, we would like to see societies turn some of these endangered animals and put them on to aben ticks one like your elephant, your lion. a lot of these endangered animals, the rhino. we've got major problems. if we don't stop it now they're
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going to be extinction to be extinct in the next 15 years. >> still to come on the program the protesters in taiwan trying to teach education officials a lesson. and kicking racism out of football, the controversy hitting australia's football league.
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>> hello, welcome back. kurdish leaders are calling for pkk fight tours leave to protect their civilians. talks on what was to be the biggest free trades deal in history has broken down. leaders from 12 pacific nations have failed to agree on terms for the trans-pacific partnership. the main sticking points relate to the automobile sector and access to dairy markets. and zimbabwe has introduced new restrictions in hunting areas surrounding its largest game reserve. hunters will now need special permission to hunt around the national park. it comes after the highly criticized killing of cecil the lionn.
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>> the prime minister of the ex-mild government is traveling with several members of the cabinet. his trip comes as the there is the delivery of desperately needed aid to the area. thearea. mansour was elected as the taliban leader after the group acknowledged the death of its leader mullah omar on thursday. the afghan government announced on thursday that omar died more than two years ago in karachi. debris that could be from missing malaysian flight 370 has arrived to a testing facility in toulouse.
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the discovery is a potential break through in a case that baffled aviation experts for more than a year. mh 370 went missing last year with 279 passengers and crew on board. students are protesting in taiwan changes to curriculum that they say favor the chinese version of history. it's growing anger after activist killed himself earlier this week. >> these students are outside of taiwan's education ministry. they say they don't want the government's recent changes to the curriculum which includes revision to text books that support china's version of history. and that japan occupied rather than governed it before. around 700 people mainly students stormed the compound on friday. other protesters have joined them. more people flocked here in the evening and many people stayed.
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there have been protests over the issue for weeks. people gathered on thursday after they learned of the death of a student leader in an apparent suicide. he was one of 24 students facing charges for breaking in to the education minister's office last week. >> he has already given his life. such a dangerous situation. what kind of country will change its history at any time? is taiwan really a democratic country? >> the students are from a generation who expect more transparency and public consultation. there have been a series of protests over the ruling beijing parties including a trade pact with china. opposition parties have joined calls for the government to retract the curriculum changes but for many this is more than politics. >> i personally don't like either of the parties i really hate to be labeled just because i support this demonstration. >> the education minister came out to meet the demonstrators on
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friday. protesters want all charges against them dropped and they've called for him to resign resign. airline malone, al jazeera. >> a star player in the australian football league has taken indefinite leave afterism after racism continues in the league. some say he's being booed because he's not like. supporters say it's because of his race. >> anticipation and excitement acid any swan fans stream into the stadium for a football league match but there is also disappointment knowing one of the team's players won't be taking part. >> i think booing and jeering is part of the game, but it seems obvious that people are having a go at goodes part of what he's doing and what he has done. >> adam goodes, an indigenous australian and star football
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he's on leave. is started two years ago when an opposition fan called him ape. he said it was racist. since then he has been booed and jeered. >> it's ignited a debate on race issues here in australia. >> his supporters say that he has been targeted because he took a stand and the usual taunts that happen in sports are identifying racist attitudes. the support here for him is clear. his jersey sold out fast. but there are some who think that goodes is being sensitive. >> adam goodes has to stop looking like a soot and stop making it about him and he should stop playing the victim. >> and others who think jeering is part of sport. >> i think they blew it out of proportion.
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it happens in every sporting. >> whether goodes controversy is about sports or something good, many say racism is an issue in australia. in 2008 the government apologized to some of its worse abuses to its indigenous people, but the prime minister who made that apology has admitted that policies have been meager. >> the head of the failed bitcoin exchange has been arrested in japan. he was detained in tokyo on suspicion of inflating his cash account by $1 million. it's reported that he denies any wrongdoing. bit coins were an online currency that allow internet users to store funds indefinitely. he admitted it had lost
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$300 million of bit coins. one crew member is missing from a fire on a ferry in japan. local media say that the fire started in a truck in the lower deck. it was 300 miles from its destination. >> officials say 18,000 people have been moved to temporary shelters over 100,000 people have been affected. now, disspied stalls, strikes and scandals, rejoe de janeiro's construction is back on track. kimberly halkett reports. >> traffic gridlock into rejoe de janeiro is among the worst in the world. commutes can take hours.
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that is until a new bus rapid transit or brt system was constructed for some of the most congested parts of the city. >> i used to take four buses to arrive to my job. now i use only one and i have the time to make the trip, and i think it's very great. >> the city's high speed bus lanes were built for the anticipated olympic crowds in 2016, but the comfortable coaches are just one part of the more than $16 billion urban investment plan that rio is installing for the games. new homes and shops are also replacing an unslightly waterfront highway attracting residents to an once run down city center. >> that's what we said to the ioc people. okay if you want the olympics to have change, come to rio. we have floods, lots of poverty transportation is a mess. sewage is a mess. come here. and then you will meet change. >> that's why 80% of rio's olympic building will be
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permanent. temporary stadium will be broken apart and used for four public schools. the aquatic center will later be divided into two public pools for the city's poorest residents. >> but not all the residents are happy with the construction. this villa next to the olympic park has been 90% demolished to make access roads for builders. residents were compensated at market value but the relocations remain controversial. and at times violent. about 50 families are refuse to go. >> i raised my daughter here and i have lots of friends. it's a wonderful paradise inside rio de janeiro. there is no violence, no drug dealers. we live here. this type of happiness is not something that can be bought. >> others see it differently. welcome the new systems for water, electricity and sewage and roads that have been promisesed. >> at first all the construction was alarming, and i had my
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concerns. now, i can see that there has been real improvement. >> and as brazil's economy continues to slow the government is mired in corruption scandals the hope is that it will continue long after the games are gone. >> now you hate cooking then a team of robotics experts in london have come up with a solution. the world's first robotic kitchen. >> it's time for dinner in the world's first robotic chef is hard at work. every moment of its arms come from a real chief pre-recorded as he made his specialty crab bisque. the way these arms move in a graceful way in tooking dinner behind me really do seem to represent the way a normal chef would cook dinner.
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this was a prototime installation. it will go on the market priced at $75,000. but the designers of this un unit believe price will come down substantially. >> the instructions of how to make each dish will be bought online. >> you will have success to the unlimited libraries of recipes which is intellectual property of hundred thousand different chefs in the world. in this case you can enjoy any kind of this dish potentially today if you have the same ingredients that they used for the cooking process. >> much of the pro bought chef's skills comes from its hands produced by a leading robotics company. >> let's replicate the capability in the machine. where we need to copy the human
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hand down to the last detail we have done, but in other areas we've taken engineering compromises that give us the same performance but without say, knuckles. >> we look at food preparation stage, beyond serving meals to those who can afford its hefty price it can also be put to other successes. >> this could have impact as you thought about it for elderly and infirmed in their own homes. we have an advise of not enough careers and this could be helpful. >> the preparing of the crab bisque goes on without a hitch. years of development are still needed but if widely adapted the robot kitchen has the potential to change how millions
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around the world prepare their dinner. >> well, the first of any dish is in the tasting. very nice. >> al jazeera, central london. >> you'll find much more news on our website. the address to click on to is al >> for 300 years, the most powerful nations on earth grew richer and stronger on the profits of the slave trade. over twelve million men, women and children were forcibly transported from africa on slave ships like this, to the colonies and plantations in north and south america. today slavery is illegal on every country on the planet. but the truth is, slavery did not die in the 19th century. it is alive, it is thriving, and it it is bigger than ever.


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