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tv   Weekend News  Al Jazeera  August 1, 2015 8:00pm-9:01pm EDT

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tney kealy - live for us in new york. thank you so much. i'm richelle carey in new york. the news continues with del walters, thank you for your time. keep it here on al jazeera america thanks for joining us. this is al jazeera america, i'm del walters in new york with a look at the top stories. the prize attack - u.s. trained rebels in syria fleeing their headquarters after coming under fire from members of an al qaeda branch another day of protests in the west bank hours after the funeral for a teen killed by israeli soldiers plus a journey for justice. 860 mile march bringing awareness to civil right changes that african-americans say they face today. we'll talk to the president of the n.a.a.c.p. >> and a deeper look at police shootings, and the ethnic group hit hardest dealing with the deaths - native americans
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we begin tonight in syria where the u.s.-led effort to create a reliable military force against i.s.i.l. suffered another setback. the pentagon confirming that al qaeda's wing in syria carried out a surprise attack on forces trained by americans. the attack is the latest attempt by the al nusra front to undermine syrian rebels who have backing from the west. zeina khodr is in southern turkey with the latest. across the border in syria, opposition groups have taken up arms against each other. there's more infighting threatening the u.s. programme to train and equip the force to take on the islamic state of iraq and levant. >> this is thought to be an air strike carried out by the u.s. to support allies in syria, targetting positions of the al
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qaeda-linked al nusra front in northern aleppo. it came too late. nusra fighters were at the base of a u.s.-backed group called division 30, and abducted its commander and several men, it was a message to the u.s. and syrians who cooperate with it. >> the 30 infantry division is a group trained by the u.s. congress and trainers in turkey. they entered syria a few days ago. it is a national army that america is trying to create in syria in order to fight terrorism. america classifies javer at a terror. >> group. the main goal is to fight nusra. >> little information has been made public about division 30 until men entered a few days ago, they received training in turkey. it appears they didn't want to be filmed because working with the u.s. can yeah it enemies
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among the opposition. it appears thi did not want to be filmed was working with the u.s. can create them enemies across the opposition. >> translation: the american stooges - they are wrong, we are wrong. we are ready to coordinate. i'm announcing this through your channel. we'll fight i.s.i.l. or anyone supporting them. the syrian regime iran or hezbollah. >> that is not what the u.s. equipped programme is about. it is about creating a force to fight i.s.i.l., not the syrian government. the programme faced deficiencies since he was announced. after months of may it was launched in may. the pentagon was planning to train more than 5,000 fighters in a year, but trained 54 in turkey. it was not the first time nusra targeted opposition groups that received support from the u.s. the hassam movement and syrian revolutionary front - they were forced to disbands.
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nusrah's actions have been a challenge to the u.s. the attack on division 30 is a setback. nusra and division 30 are enemies of i.s.i.l. the u.s. considers nusra a terrorist organization. it is not a target of the campaign against i.s.i.l., the u.s. hit the al qaeda-linked group believed under nusra's protection. nusra feels it's a target and seems to take pre-emptive measures to protect themselves. at the same time it has complicated coalitions plans to fight in syria the u.s. central command heading up the coalition, fighting against i.s.i.l. in syria and iraq responded to an al jazeera inquiry regarding the attack against the new syrian forces. the statement said:
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kurdish fighters accusing turkey of provocative and hostile attacks in syria. the kurds fighting i.s.i.l. claim turkey targeted them four times this week beginning to bomb the kurdistan workers party and p.k.k. in iraq. after a suicide bombing killed 30 people. the kurds belonged to the series wide y.p.g. say they have nothing to do with turkey and the p.k.k. officials say they are not targetting the y.p.g. secretary of state john kerry is in cairo for the first security talks with egypt since 2009. the relationship deteriorated two years ago when the military cut off ties to protest mohamed mursi. washington is restoring its aid. more from louis jordon. >> reporter: this is the symbol of power and prestige. new f-16s like these have been
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delivered by the u.s. two years ago the obama administration administration suspended aid after abdul fatah al-sisi kicked mohamed mursi out of office. the u.s.'s decision was surprising because of long and close ties with egypt. officials were angry at what they considered a violation of political freedom. every year since 1987 washington gave cairo 1.3 billion in aid, paying for fighter jets, helicopters, tanks, ammunition and training. every other year egyptian and u.s. forces hold training exercises called bright star. that has not happened since the arab spring erupted in 2011. when abdul fatah al-sisi, now president, attended the united nations general assembly last september, he met with u.s. president obama, who said they had reason to work together. >> everything from the
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palestinian-israeli situation, in gaza, to libya, to the issues of i.s.i.l., iraq and syria. even so, it wasn't until march that the white house decided to resume aid for security regions, -- reasons, including egypt's efforts to deal with i.s.i.l. fighters that have been attacking troops in the sinai peninsula. the u.s. aid comes with conditions. washington decides what cairo can have, analysts say this is how the u.s. will pressure cairo on political and human rights. >> if the egyptian government does not take steps in addressing the issues, no amount of weapons that the united states can give, no recalibration that it can do, can it have a fundamental can it have a fundamental impact on fixing cairo's security problems. secretary of state john kerry has met twice with abdul fatah al-sisi in the past year.
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the meeting on sunday's strategic matters will be dominated by the region's security challenges. this will be a public demonstration of how the obama administration is recalibrating ties to a country it considers an essential ally the retrial of three al jazeera journalists have been postponed for the ninth time. it will reopen tomorrow. mohamed fadel fahmy, peter greste and mohammed badr were sent to 10 years in prison. they were overturned on appeal. they were released on bail in february. a day of violent clashes in the west bank this time after the funeral of a teen killed by the israeli army on friday. dozens demonstrating against the israeli security forces at a refugee camp. an israeli spokesman saying some demonstrators hurled rocks and fire bombs at forces and troops. it responding tear gas and
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rubber bullets. the the 18-year-old shot during a commongs. he died on saturday protesting an arson attack that killed a toddler. a spokesman say the teenager hurled a hollio tov -- molotov cocktail and it was in response to immediate danger david living stone smith is from knew hamp shire and author of "less than human" and joins us via skype. dr smith, thank you for being with us. why do we hate? what causes one person to believe another life matters less than their own? >> there are two things. i'm at the university of new england in main i live in newhampshire. >> my apologies. >> why do we hate? well for all sorts of reasons. thinking that one person's life matters less than that of another is something that goes beyond hating them. particularly when we think of other human being as less than human creatures.
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>> i was struck that all of this begins with how we refer to a certain group. you point out that during the holocaust nazis call the jews rats and houthis call their enemies cockroaches. >> they didn't merely call them that. what is important, is when we dehumanize others we think of them as less than human, subhuman creatures that deserve to be exterminated or harmed in some other way. >> people are going to wonder what about african-americans, and i date back to the internation that remembers when there was a restaurant sambos and there are nine banned cartoons in which they refer to african-americans as huge racial stereotypes. is that when it began for african-americans, or did it begin in the age of lynchings. >> we know african-americans
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were dehumanized in the 17th century. it was thought that the african slaves did not have souls. they were ranked with the beasts and treated accordingly. and, you know racist ideas are not quite dehumanization. one can be racist without dehumanizing those. assuming one has derogatory attitudes. if we look at the history of white people's attitudes towards african-americans in this country, and white people's attitudes descend there. they are often dehumanized, thought of as beast, sub human creatures that could be exploited like domesticated animals. >> what do you say to people that say that happened a long time ago, this is a different day and age, slavery has been done away with limping has no
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longer happened. is this something that can be passed down from generation to generation. >> dehumanization is often around. the reason why is it's not easy to treat other people really, really, really badly. so we dehumanize others to give us licence to harm them and rationalize the harm perpetrated against them. right now, there's a jen side of attrition in sudan, and dehumanization is rife in that genocide. and in the israeli palestinian conflict. we find powerful disturbing dehumanizing rhetoric. >> a final question. is television desensitizing people to what it is to what they see with regard to genocide. we have been talking about genocide for life times.
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after world war ii never again, and there was rwanda and the congo,s and as you mentioned there's the situation in the middle east syria, i.s.i.l. and the list goes on and on and on. >> yes, indeed. talk is cheep, isn't it. we distance ourselves from these things unfortunately. it causes a moral stunt of course allowing horrible acts to continue in all of their hideousness, and koiching could play -- coaching could play the opposite roll brings us closer motivating us to do something about it. that's not how things roll right now. >> dr smith, thank you for being with us this evening. >> you are welcome. >> an audio message from the new leader of the taliban surfacing. the message from mullah akhtar
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mohammad mansour saying he'll continue the taliban's 14 year fight to control afghanistan, urging fighters to remain unified and follows the use of omar it was announced that he died in 2013 debris discovered on the island of reunion is in the hands of french officials, and will be examined at a government lab near the city of toulouse sophisticated technology will help to determine whether it is from the missing malaysia airlinesers flight 370. it disappeared with 239 passengersers on board. charles stratford is in tall use with the details. >> reporter: this is a french ministry establishment where the investigation is taking place x some of the buildings behind me, similar investigations have taken place in recent years. we are in the hub of the european aviation industry here. it's believed the focus of this investigation is going to start to look at what is reported as potentially a serial number on this piece of debris.
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the malaysian authorities already saying that this offers conclusive proof that it comes from a boeing 777. if that is the case, then logically one has to think that it does come from mh370 because there hasn't been any disasters of that plane over ocean since the plane came into circulation, since it was started to be flown. we hear that they'll look at trying to establish how long the debris has been in the water. oceanographers say it's not unlikely that this piece of debris may have floated around 4,000km from the area where it's believed the plane went down to the coast of the island of reunion. whatever happens, there's a lot of hope that this debris could begin seriously to answer questions for the hundreds, if not thousands of friends and families of victims of mh370, as to exactly what happened on that night, march the 8th last year
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president obama will have to wait longer to announce the biggest free trade deal history, the president and his counterparts from 11 asian nations failing to come to an agreement on talks on what is called the trans-pacific partnership team andrew thomas explains why. >> reporter: this was supposed to be the moment to announce the biggest trade deal history. the summit in hawaii lasting four days, but overall trans-pacific partnership negotiations have been going on for more than five years. the ministers claims of meaningful progress rang hollow. >> this was certainly anticipated to be a make or break summit for the talks. are you, therefore, disappointed that you are not able to announce at least a deal in principle? >> there are, of course, at the end of the day, a limited number of difficult issues that require additional attention to be resolved. i feel very gratified about the progress that has been made. >> each country had its own
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priorities. for australia and new zealand it was access to markets for agriculture, vietnam, clothing, japan and mexico - motoring industries. >> i am sure you are aware that the auto industry in mexico is the seventh largest producer in the world and the fourth largest exporter. obviously mexico has a deep interest. probably you can accuse me is putting myself to the front to really push the interest of my country. >> deadlock in one area prevented progress in others. tariff reductions for specific industries, exporting from specific countries, were in play alongside general discussions on common regulations. not just for trade but also production. that's where critics were concerned. ministers would concede on environmental standards or labour regulations, if they got their way on tariff reductions. big business would be given more power over consumers.
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the proposed lengthening of copyright, banning the generic drugs from repeating with brand names for longer concerned those that the poorest couldn't pay the highest costs. with no deal, campaigners are celebrating. >> for us, this is a victory. we have seen several countries, australia comes to mind, standing up saying we are not going to trade away health this week, no matter how hard you lean on us. that makes a big difference to c everyone glad to see that outcome. >> the staff to the u.s. presidential campaign - say january is an u.n. official unofficial deadline for the t.p.p. a deal that needs to be ratified by the national governments and u.s. congress before then. without president obama pushing it momentum could disappear. >> no deal reached here in hawaii. undoubtedly some disappointments on the stage with the ministers. there's no date set yet either for further talks. the minister says it will go on so far asia's largest
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several wildfires in california are stressing the system. 23 are burning governor jerry brown declaring a state of emergency, hundreds of people forced to evacuate a large fire burning north of the san francisco, burning three homes, threatening 450 structures. 8,000 firefighters have been dispatched to fight the fires. one of those fighters has died. journey for just the n.s.a. 8 -- n.a.a.c.p.'s march from montgomery to the national. we'll talk to cornell william brooks, the head of the n.a.a.c.p. rumours running wild about the death of another lion in the same area where cecil was killed. rumours said it was his brother. we put them to rest. police deaths that are not making headlines, a deeper look - next. - next.
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people of colour dying in police custody. sounds familiar. some recent cases making
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headlines, buts some are not. we take a deeper look at a minority group that is it largely absent - those being the stories of native americans. that could change. the killing of a denver man shining light on a fact about native americans and police. al jazeera's tristan otter has more. >> this is the last place i saw him alive. i burnt sage i light sage - to retrace the last footsteps. winn eaglefeather mourns the death of her son, shot by denver police in this alley in july 12th. >> he was cornered back here and comes out and he has the knife to his neck and the policeman were standing about where that oil mark is there. that's where he fell. that's where he fell right
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here. >> that's my daddy. >> that's your daddy and you. >> he was a rosebud tribal member. native americans, despite a small population are more likely to be killed by police than any other ethnic group. it receivers little media attention. eaglefeather is trying to fathom what happened. >> he walked in. i didn't expect it. he was very agitated. he pulled out a knife. and i was - he was trying to scare me with it. he was in like a psychotic mood. i had never seen him like that before. and i was scared. >> he had a history of mental illness, alcoholism and drug abuse. he had a criminal record including felony weapon possession and assault and dui. >> i grabbed the phone, called the police asked for help. i was scared. i knew they were chasing him.
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then i heard the gunshot. and they went pow, pow, pow - one after the other. at close range. and i knew that my son was gone when i heard the gunshots. vigils are taking place every night at the mobile home park where paul kavt away was shot and killed. surveillance cameras recorded the shooting. a reporter from denver fox 31 viewed the tapes of the night of the killing, and reported that paul cast away held a knife to the throat. denver police contend he was close and they fired. >> we need the video tape. we spoke to eyewitnessness on the scene. unfortunately most are small children. >> reporter: david lane is an attorney representing cast away's family in a civil rights place against the denver police
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department, questioning more than police tactics, and is challenging their mind-set. >> the police act like they are a colonial occupying force. they are not there to serve and protect. they are there to occupy the communities. and that mentality is why people like paul cast away get killed. >> al jazeera reached out to the denver police department. no one was made available to comment, citing an ongoing investigation. glen morris teaches political science and indian studies at the university of colorado denver. he's a leader in the movement and has been assisting the family. >> the legacy of anti-indian sentiment. while it may not be as vicious and overt as it once was, the fact is that american indians remain at the bottom of every socioeconomic indicator in the city. the desperation that someone
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like a paul cast away felt has been alienated. >> according to a center on juvenile analysis data from 1999 to 2011 native americans were killed by police at a higher rate than any other ethnic group. in a theoretical population 2.6 native americans were killed on average per year by law enforcement. a rate higher than african-americans, and more than three times the that of whites. >> if we can get more information, it's a matter of police training or a pattern of suspects that bliss in certain jurisdictions encounter. whether or not there's antagonism between the police and certain communities, and certain jurisdictions that lead to a high rate of injury and killing involving law enforcement. there's a lot of questions that need to be answered. >> denver's native community is
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asking those questions, sometimes in heated protest, calling for just for kavt away police made several arrests. [ crying ] >> reporter: lynn eaglefeather struggles with the knowledge that her 911 call led to her son's death. >> what the police did was very wrong, very very wrong. they need to be retrained to deal with mentally ill people. they could have made him put the knife down. had he been a person of a different race they might have calmed him down. they might have stopped him. but i think since he was a person of colour they didn't care. the police department don't care. >> paul cast away will be buried on thursday. cody hall is the cofounder of native lives matter.
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he's a member of the shian river sioux tribe, and francis is a lawyer. i'll ask the basic question - do native lives matter? >> yes, they do do you think the law enforcement community agrees with your assessment? >> like with denver the denver police department the police department do not value native lives, and that's evident with the shooting of paul cast away and the shooting of alan lock. is this america's dirty little secret. >> well i wish that yes, i think that it's the - the time is right for national news media to take a look at what has been happening with police shootings
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of native americans, and in particular, we represent a case a young man, 21 years old, and it is the worst case that - i mean we have seen all of these cases, almost on a weakly basis. our cases - the worst in some ways in that the state law enforcement officers in the state of utah do not have criminal jurisdiction inside indian reservation. they followed the car in which our client's son was a passenger for more than 25 miles inside the reservation. >> and even though he was a passenger in the car, he ended up dead. he died from a gunshot wound to the left of his head from behind his ear. and the police officers accountants that he shot himself, yet the gun that they say he supposedly used to kill himself was destroyed - almost all the critical evidence in
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this case was foliated. it was destroyed, it was never collected. there was tampering with the evidence. the facts of our case are outrageous. >> why do you think this is happening? i want you to continue that thought. do you believe that police - believe that they can get away with it? >> well so far they have. in this case we filed - we brought a civil rights suit in the u.s. >> okay, we seem to have lost ms bassett for the moment. i'll go back to you - how do you explain all of this flying under the radar for so long? >> they value human rights as non-existent, especially here in south dakota. they speak of us in negative terms. we have people that are successful. our own people who are lawyers, doctors - they work in the
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professional field. they don't want to recognise the people. they want to recognise the people that they see on the streets, that are homeless that don't look of average look speaking of - they tend to look more homeless than anything and that spurs the negative stereotype. so with that they say well you know here is once a great culture of people and now they are losing their - you know pretty much an edge in a way, and we are not a force to be reckoned with in any sense. >> go ahead, continue. >> sorry. that's where they - like i said they do not valuer our rights here in the state of south dakota. >> i want to pivot and talk about the jurisdiction that you heard ms bassett refer to. native american jurisdictions or rules are complicated.
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crimes committed on a reservation, could fall under the federal, sit or tribal laws. courtney kealy breaks it down for us. >> the united states shares a sacred bond with our native nations. >> reporter: during the two terms, president barack obama launched new initiatives to help native americans and youth in particular more than a third of whom live in poverty. >> we have a sacred responsibility to all our young people including native youth. every day i'm honoured to serve as your president. i will do anything to neat that responsibility and do right by your nation and children and future generations. >> there's 567 tribes, and 229 alaskan natives recognised by the u.s. cost. each serving as their own nation. treaties with the u.s. in the late 1700s, to the late 1800s serve said as a foundation for indian law. >> giving the tribes the
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opportunity to make their own decisions about people laws culture, is something we have to strive to do. the movement fought or rates, and tribes and indian groups had tribes that went all the way to the supreme court to maintain sovereignty. >> federally recognised tribes possess the right and authority to regulate activities on their land. and enact stricter lawyers than neighbouring states. they collaborate on matters. despite republican party opposition they won the right to prosecute nonnative men that commit crimes against native american women on indian reservations. overlapping jurisdiction between federal and tribal courts can mean native americans can be punished for the same offense twice. >> ms bassett. i begin with you next time. over and over and over again.
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we hear politicians say we must honour native americans. you heard the president. is all of this political double speak? sixth well i would like to see it be translated into action and the case that i've just been discussing with you, this young tribal member who was killed in the year 2000. and since the year 2012 we have been attempting to get the department of justice to investigate this shooting of this young tribal man, and even as recentlies may of this -- recently as may of this year we were tribal officers - this is the tribal on the reservation in nearby utah - went again in may to meet with department of justice officials, and they were simply told that we are not going to investigate it. so you know there's - to me i - it's unfathomable to me why
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they will not investigate this case. >> mr hall unless there is media attention brought to this are you afraid that the case ms bassett is talking about will be swept under the rug? >> they have been in previous years, and still exists to this day with what happened with alan lock. the police department clarified that as a just final shooting saying that mr lock pleaded to be shot and, you know so when they filed the report and like any other cop across the u.s. they state, well you know i feared for my life that's why i opened up - opened fire on the intiveredual. the -- individual. the same thing happened with paul kavt away where they - you know the little bit that i spoke with the police down in denver are trying to push it as if mr castaway was lurking or
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was going towards the police police officers and they had opened fire on him, because, well the officer feared for his life. our faces are swept under the rug pretty much on daily if not weakly crimes that happened to our people. >> i'm curious, when you see the video tapes involving african-americans, that we'll discuss later in the programme, are you screaming at the television set saying this is what's happening in the native american community and no one is paying attention to it. >> yes, i have to say. that is my reaction and i would - let me make this point as well. the united states has a trust responsibility to the indian nations, and the indian tribe entered into treaties with the united states, and as parts of
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that treaty the indians were required to rely ink wish their right to - i mean in the past if this sort of thing happened if non-indians came on to the reservation and killed a tribal member the tribe, itself would have gone after the offender to get their own vindication. they gave up that right when they entered into a treaty with the united states and in response the united states said we will come in and we will prosecute offenders. and that has not happened here. the u.s. is violating its treaty obligation to the tribe. >> i want to ask you a question and ms bassett, i want you to answer the same question what does all of this say about america? >> they do not honour really our existence. they do not honour the treaties just like ms bassett explained. we have the 1868 fort larrabee
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treaty that covers the state of south dakota covering wyoming and nebraska and montana. they do not see that as law. they told us long ago that that was the supreme law, that is what we follow. it's a side that we as a culture people follow it's the nonnative people within the state of south dakota coming down from the call from governor dugard along with the attorney-general who say, you know what we will not value native rights especially here in south dakota. >> we have to leave it at that we have lost the signal from ms bassett. cody hall member of the native tribe and a member of the cherokee nation and tribal attorney thank you both for being with us. coming up marching for equal rights.
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>> i'm andy gallagher in selma, alabama, where organizers begin a march to washington d.c. why they say the at battle for civil rights is far from over. from over.
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it was 50 years ago this month, hundreds of black marchers marching from selma alabama to washington d.c. forcing lyndon johnson back then it sign the 1965 voting rights law. another selma march is set to take shape. as andy gallagher shows us it involves some of the same issues from half a century ago. >> reporter: in the history of civil rights few places are iconic as this bridge. here, a few hundred foot soldiers led by dr martin luther king junior marched with voting rights and were met by clubs in tear gas. that day became known as bloody
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sunday. it led to the african-americans having the power to cast ball odds. >> your vote matters, as we visit to selma, and understand how the people fought hard. >> today selma remains as a living testament to the achievements. many feel the battles are far from over. >> it's painful to realise racism is alive, and so many people spend time trying to keep people of colour from voting and strategies that they are doing to make it happen. it is disheartening. >> reporter: this man was a student when he marched with dr king in 1965. the latest march, he says will raise awareness of a wide range of issues. >> not only voting rights but equal jobs in equal education,
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in all - all across the field. that is why this march is so necessary. 507 years afterwards. the organizers behind the journey for justice are bringing civil rights into sharp focus making sure the sacrifices and achievements here were not for nothing. >> 50 years ago the protesters helped to bring about a widely considered piece of legislation history. now legislation seen as targetting minorities and votes are emerging as a new battle ground. >> we have a modern day slavery that wants to treat us in many ways the same way. that's not what i thought would be happening. not in 2014/'15 "16 or "17. >> reporter: the civil rights era is one of the most important chapters in u.s. history. the next generation there'll be battles to win cornell william brooks is
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the head of the n.a.a.c.p. thank you for being with us live in montgomery alabama. there were marches following trayvon martin. i was on the mall for the me and man march, 20 years ago 1995. 20 years later we are talking about massive rallies for justice. will this make a difference. >> absolutely. here is why. in the '60s we had americans across the length and breadth of the country. see on bloody sunday black people beaten to the pavement bloodied bruised. in a horrible horrific scene. and yet martin luther king issued a macedonian call for people to march. they marched and we passed the voting rights act. we are endeavouring from selma to washington d.c. over the course of 40 plus days and
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night. 860 miles, it's not really march, it's not put boots on the ground but rather laws on the books. we are doing so to address our lives, jobs and that it matters. we are looking to pass legislation to fix the voting rights act. we are looking to pass laws to address racial profiling and police misconducts. and laws to address educational inequity and income and equality. we identified specific reforms, and we believe it can be done. consider this. martin luther king in a march from selma to montgomery a pan much 507 niles. -- 50 miles. gandhi marched in the salt marsh, 240 miles. we are watching 860 miles, marching and educate of course not only educating, but activating. >> let me push back on that.
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>> please. >> 50 years ago there were three major television. >> yes. >> when selma happened it struck a cord among millions. television, the cable network seem to be more interested in what donald trump says than what you are going to do and the congress you are marching towards has been described as a do-nothing congress how do you get a do-nothing congress to do something? >> thing about this - in the 1960s, apt the time of bloody sunday there was no twitter, facebook twitter, no instagram, the twitter technology was the mimyo graph machine, we have social media and a multiplisty of cable networks, and consider this. when the march began, it began in less than 100 and tens of thousands. in course day and night build momentum. we expect a march into
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washington not hundreds thousands. taking people bringing about reforms. think about this. you mention in ferguson there was one point of accountability when they issued a pattern of practice, a report holding the police department accountable. how did it happen. with a law that was written. they make a difference and engage citizenry making a difference, we believe it will make a difference. >> i was in south carolina with you, what struck me the most was the number of whites laying flowers. was that an indication that while it seems nothing has changed, a lot is slowly changing in this country? >> absolutely. >> we saw people of diverse hues and heritage observing the loss of life of nine americans. with a commonsense of sympathy.
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here in selma, we left selma with reform rabbis, baptists preachers, people were all walks of life. little children older children grandparents walking to washington d.c. it says something. it says something about the way in which the love people have for the country and patriotism is found. it goes to a belief and we can bring about our own destiny, with respect to our constitution and conscience. we can do this we have done this. when we study history, and the history of of the n.a.a.c.p. it's clear. we know how to bring about reform and history. >> i have 20 seconds left. police invited as well? >> police absolutely invited. the international police are with us. noble is with us. the alabama state troopers have been assisting us. we are saying clearly whether your skin is black, or your
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uniform is blue life matters. we will address an in-racial programming. cornwell brooks from the n.a.a.c.p. thank you very much for being with us tonight. >> thank you baltimore - seeing a surge of violence since the april 19th death of freddie gray and is suffering through a deadliest month. in july the city had 45 murdsers - that surpasses 42 homicides in may, which was a record. it ties the previous record from august of 1972 in the aftermath of gray's death. major stephanie rawlings blake firing the police commissioner batts, replacing him with kevin davis. endangered animals lighting up the empire state building a tribe ute to some species that could disappear.
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>> the brother of cecil the lion was killed by a hunter is alive and well. researchers keeping an eye on jericho say that the lion has not been killed. the parks authority imposing an indefinite ban on big game hunting at the park where cecil was lured out and then killed. and raising awareness of endangered species around the world. the building will have images of endangered species shineed on its south side. >> what will happen in ten minutes from now they'll be projecting 160 images of species that are slated for extinction.
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i spoke with the organize earlier and asked him what kind of effect he wants this to have. >> there are millions of animals have have gone and one species is causing them to go extinction. i want everyone to see the beauty of them. >> we haven't seen them yet del. it's coming up in 10 minutes. we'll have an extension peace at the 11:00 hour showing you all of these majestic images. it will be starting in a few minutes. this is part of a documentary "owe eraseing extinction." this is the first time that they'll be projecting images,
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and they're on the empire state building. and it be seen about a quarter of a mile away. >> is there an opportunity to inform people of what's going on that might be seeing this and wondering, wow that is interesting, but what is this about? >> good question, del that's what i asked the filmmaker and the man behind the technical wizardry. this is going to be an artist display and genius technology to get this going. what they want to do, their goal is to have people fall in love with these images and to have conversation. to go online, to the website to start a community of people who are really starting to be aware of the extinction and global warming. it's supposed to spark a conversation. >> speaking of a conversation, we marvel of your ability to
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carry on a conversation with us while there is another conversation going on in the background. courty for us live in manhattan. thank you. coming up on al jazeera america swimming in sewage. olympic athletes at risk of getting sick because of contaminated water in rio.
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>> the governing bored of olympics will start to test the water was rio that will be serving as the waterways for olympics 2016. >> with the famous sugar loaf mountain in the background, this is the post guard that organizers want for the competition. but on closer inspection the bay is anything but picture perfect. rubbish and floating debris is
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strewn across the water. the stench is across the water. >> we have people flushing the toilet every single day with no treatment. >> treatment plants exist to clean the water pouring in from 15 surrounding municipalities, but two aren't working. the rest run at half capacity due to political coordination between districts. when rio de janeiro made its olympic pitch it promised to clean up the bay by 80% and now admits it will miss that mark by at least 50%. officials argue that the fecal contamination meets international standards and is safe for competition. >> i personally don't have a problem with it. nothing too bad. you're going to run away and not come back. it's going to be racing. >> we've been on the watermain
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on the water and nobody got diarrhea or any infection or ill from sailing here on the bay. >> still ecoboats have been disposhed to collect trash floating on the surface but the efforts are mostly cosmetic. >> we need a policy that does more than just cleaning, environmental education needs to be implemented. >> we need to use the olympic games for change. if it doesn't happen now they'll certainly forget the bay again. >> with the games still a year away that may already be the case. the bay isn't cleaned up to competitor's satisfaction there are discussions under way to move some sailing races from the bay to the open sea. kimberly halkett al jazeera, rio de janeiro. >> thanks for joining us. i'm del walters. i'll be back with mother hour of
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news at 11:00 p.m. 8:00 pacific. and a reminder to look up if neur' in new york at the empire state building. . >> thanks for joining us, i'm joie chen. when we think of torture >> on america tonight. life on the outside. for a generation aging out of the system. america tonight's michael with a struggle these seniors face in their second acts. and also ahead the house of screams. the torture that took place inside this chicago police department lisa fletcher with the victim forced to confess and the truth that set them free. >> what does that say? >> i'm a free man. that i was


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