tv Weekend News Al Jazeera August 2, 2015 9:00am-10:01am EDT
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>> welcome to the news hour from doha. coming up in the show, protests in southeastern turkey against the government airstrikes on the p.k.k. >> another night another bid by migrants to get to britain from their camp in france. >> a cyclone whips across the bay of bengal, bringing flooding to myanmar. >> the gift of life, the sisters who gave up a piece of themselves to save their father.
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>> world's doping chiefs respond to the alarm as reports say a third of the medals won by athletes over a decade could be taped by drugs. >> turkey's military is denying allegations airstrikes against p.k.k. targets have hit civilians. there are growing fears of civilian deathion since bombings. an attack on a police station killed two soldiers. zeina hodor reports. >> a suicide truck bomb killed at least two soldiers and injured 20. authorities are blaming the outallowed kurdistan worker's party or the p.k.k.
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sunday's bombs is seen as an escalation in the continuing conflict between turkey and the p.k.k. which has spilled on to this street. scenes like these have been recurring in mainly kurdish areas of the country. >> we wanted to organize a match urging the continuation of peace talks. there is chaos in kurdistan. who wanted to create this atmosphere? it was the government. >> turkey disagrees. it blamed the p.k.k. for violating a ceasefire and killing a civilian and 21 security personnel over recent days. >> the game is clear, three terrorists organizations are targeting turkeys democracy freedom and public order. their actions in june were messages to us and a declaration of war. the turning point was not when we declared war on july 23. >> the turkish government says
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there can be no talks if the talks continue. >> turkey began a campaign of airstrikes on p.k.k. bases in northern iraq, and isil in syria over a week ago. officials call it a synchronized campaign against terror, but the divide is between political parties across the region. >> in the iraqi kurdish city, kurds are angry not just about turkish airstrikes but at a call by the president of the kurdistan regional government for the p.k.k. to withdraw from northern iraq. barzoni said he wants to protect the area from becoming a battlefield but it is said he is search the interests of turkey and some say turkey's ambition is keeping territorial ambitions in check. >> i wonder how turkey comes comes to
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the aid of popular defense forces fighting isil. that means the turkish government is protecting isil and fighting anyone who fights them. >> the kurds in iraq and syria may have a long history of internal power struggles but have been cooperating in their fight against isil. they have been the coalition's forces on the ground, but cracks are now emerging. >> we can go live now to zeina hodor in southern turkey. let's start with civilian casualties. what do we know has happened? there were reports that civilians were killed in northern iraq. the turkish military tell the promised to launch an investigation to find out exactly what's happened. the military now releasing its findings saying that no civilians were hit in those strikes, and the target was a shelter belonging to the p.k.k.,
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and adding that this village was used by the p.k.k. as a logistical base. the foreign ministry of turkey also stressing over the past few days that turkey is doing its best to avoid civilian casualties and the strikes carried out are position strikes and they are relying on intelligence information on the ground but reports from the area did speak of civilian casualties even the president of the kurdistan regional government talked about the casualties in that village and according to him this is why he is calling on the p.k.k. to withdraw. what we understand from turkish out that's is that they believe as part of the on going campaign 260p.k.k. fighters have been killed and 400 wounded. there is no independent confirmation, but according to the p.k.k., they lost five members, but they don't have a full account because some of
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these areas are quite remote and they have no access. >> zeina as we have been reporting, there has been a call by the leader of the kurdish penallennal government in iraq to leave their bases. that any sign of that actually begun happening? >> no, sami and it's highly unlikely that the p.k.k. will he'd that call. this is not the first time bar zoney has made this call. >> there was an accord allowing the p.a.a. to stay in territory in northern iraq. this is why the kurdistan regional government has been supporting the peace process with turkey, calling on both sides to resume the peace process, because it homes that the p.k.k. will be able to return to turkey. the k.r.g. classifies the p.k.k.
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as guests, but as of late, we saw this unlikely alliance, cooperation between the two sides on the front line. they were both fighting isil, but clearly the t.r.g. has been unhappy with the p.k.k., because in the sinjar mountain region which is close to syria the p.k.k. started talking about creating an autonomous area and linking it with kurdish controlled area in syria. the k.r.g. was quite unhappy and told them this is our area under our jurisdiction, so there's now a strained relationship. we have to remember they are old enemies. what can the k.r.g. do and ready to do? at the end of the day it cannot open two fronts. it is already fighting a very difficult war with isil. >> all right we'll leave it there for now. thank you very much, zeina hodor there. >> several peep are dead dozens wounded in bomb attacks in yemen. there's been intense fighting in
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in aden for weeks now. local fighters there including supporters of the exiled president have been advancing on the town of does zinzabar. >> people living in rebel held areas of syria are taking desperate measures to protect themselves from government attacks. as well as living with fighting during the day, they are vulnerable to airstrikes by government forces at night. some neighborhoods are having to live in darkness just to try and stay safe. >> this is a remote part of aleppo under the control of syrian rebels. only a few shops are open in the
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market which used to be packed with shoppers. these days, they have few buyers. this shop used to sell a lot of merchandise but now the owner says they are struggling to stay open. >> the city of aleppo, people come to this market for shopping. in the good days, it was packed with buyers and sellers. >> shops close early after nightfall. people here are scared of aerial attacks by the government. they say the regime is destroying everything and a house with the light on gives its planes more things to target. it's not just shops and homes. cars on the roads can't switch on their hit lights. drivers flash their lights as they approach rebel checkpoints where they are asked for identification. >> aleppo is completely dark. when it is nighttime no one dares go out as they'll be targeted by the war planes within guns and bombs. >> on the front lines this is what the night brings.
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intense fighting with the syrian rebels isil fighters and regime forties have continued for years, all fighting for control. rebels say they have made gains in recent days, because the turkish military began targeting isil song holds. they insist they are pushing ahead in areas controlled by the government. what was once syria's second largest and brightest city is now a darker shell of its former self. places in aleppo brave enough to show signs of light at night do it under constant fear of the government that should protect them. >> french riot police moved people away from the motor way. more than 200 spent another night trying to cross into the u.k. they broke down fencing. french riot police responded by spraying them with a chemical
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irritant. charles stratford is live for us in calais. new measures as you know have been announced do they seem to be working? >> well certainly coming into calais today it's fairly obvious that there are some new security measures being put into place. you can see behind me this fence we're told was erected so we're told with the aid of u.k. money in the last three weeks sorry three months or so. we're also hearing increased security there there are 120 extra police officers, these forces french forces that have been pulled into calais. we also hear of numbers of riot police pulled into calais as well in recent days and propose also by the u.k. government to boost security here, even further and offering what they say will be around 10 million
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euros to help with the crisis here. i mean, it's a desperate situation here, and obviously the critics of the u.k. and the french government are saying that the people that are living in camps like this are not being in any way humanely and the conditions here are appalling. just speaking to people as we came in, i spoke to one gentleman who says that he is trying to cross into britain around a thousand times. he said around 40 times a week. he said he is fleeing taliban violence in afghanistan and he feels as if yes he's not being taken seriously as someone trying to claim political asylum. he wants to go to the u.k. because he says it's easier to get a job there which plays into the hands of the politicians here in europe that say that the u.k. is not doing enough. it's a very complicate situation here. in the meantime, the latest statistics say there are around 5,000 people from around africa
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and surrounding countries suffering political violence in this camp and the surrounding area alone. >> all right we'll come back and talk about this more later. thanks for now. charles stratford there. >> the church of england criticized britain's prime minister for what it calls his lack of compassion over the migrant crisis. we have a report on how the crise is generating protest in britain. >> it came from folks united, a resident's group campaigning for better treatment of migrants trying to reach the u.k. they say channel tunnel authorities and british politicians have to do more to save migrant lives. in particular, the lives of those trying to get through the channel tunnel from calais and france by clinging to cars and trucks. nine have died since june. >> there are a lot of people that feel the way i do, migration is a force for good and we need to treat our fellow
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human beings with respect. >> there needs to be a european initiative that sets up properly managed refugee camps where people can be properly fed and properly processed, rather than left to live like animals in the jungle. >> a few yards away, protestors with an altogether different view britain first, and the english defense league are both opposed to immigration of any kind. noisy and with the usual symbols of english nationalism but with an argument that resonates with some. >> we've quite enough here at the moment. our country is on its knees. we need to concentrate on our people our veterans, our homeless our service allowing more and more people into this country is just going to deteriorate our system even more. >> it's a few must not hundred yards from the entrance to
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channel tunnel and what many see as the front line, colorful and noise these demonstrators might be, they are from both extremes, left and right of the political spectrum. it shows you just how polarizing this issue has become. >> in this corner of england migration is creating strain. more than 600 unaccompanied children are seeking asylum. 400 migrants made it across since june and relative to london this is not a rich place. when there's trouble in calais, the off the shocks are felt here. tunnel disruptions led to chaos and that's bad for business. more fences have been built to control migrant access to the tunnel. there were problems all summer. europe's migrant crisis has reached the u.k. shores and its politicians are beginning to feel its effect. simon mcgregor wood, al jazeera.
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>> still ahead on the news hour, it's been described as the unreported holocaust how families are suffering in silence over nazi killings in world war ii. >> i'm on the east banks of the jordan river which has recently been declared a world heritage site as the place where jesus was baptized. coming up, find how israel, jordan and the palestinians are working together to try to save it. >> paraolympians are the first to check out the olympic venue. details in sport. >> a verdict of three al jazeera journalists has been delayed after the court adjourned. mohamed fahmy, baher mohammed
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and peter greste were convicted last year. p.m. all three deny the charges. al jazeera's peter greste say the delay is frustrating. >> the lives of no one involved in this can move on until we get the verdict. everything hinges on that day. for me obviously it really defines how my life works from here on, it defines what my career is but particular or baher and fahmy they walk away free men or go back into prison. it really defines everything and to be in this position where you build up, you say goodbye to your wife and kids as baher did earlier today not knowing whether you'll see them at the end of the day or go back in
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prison that makes an incredibly tough way to have to live. to have another adjournment is really difficult. for the whole family, it's tough. everyone has built up for this moment. it's been such a long fight and a fight that's engaged everyone, everyone's energy. it sucked out all the time that anyone in the family has had over the past 18 months, and so we all thought it would be over today. we all thought that we would at least know the situation and at least be able to plan and move on with our lives. it just hasn't happened and again for this delay it's really difficult for all. >> secretary of state says the recent nuclear deal for iran will make the world a safer place. john kerry is on the way to the middle east to ease fears over the agreement. it also covered the country's how many rights record and recent fight against isil.
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>> i'm delighted to be back here in cairo and very happy to be here and with a strong delegation from the united states to pick up where we left off and we're happy to be rein gauging in this dialogue. i want to thank president al sisi for bringing our two delegations together today. i think what you have just articulated about the importance of egypt and the importance of the relationship can't be understated. >> a top general has been killed in a rocket attack in burundi's capital bujumbura, he is a former intelligence security chief. his death comes a week cast the president won a controversial
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third term despite weeks of violent opposition. a journalist with the east african newspaper said the general played an important role in the attempted coup in may and was seen as an enforcer of the president's policies. >> just last year, he was until then when he was removed from his office as the intelligence chief, he was playing a role and also well known in forming the coup last may.
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>> a u.n. peace keeper has been shot dead in central african republic. the soldier was attacked on a mission to arrest a wanted person. several others have been wounded. >> at least 500 people in india have been stranded off the a landslide blocked a highway in the northern state. torrential rain forced rocks and stones on to the highway. nearby temples attract thousands of pilgrims over the year. >> the same heavy monsoon rains killed 27 in myanmar and 150,000
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people affected. the government declared a national disaster. caroline malone reports. >> many parts of myanmar have been submerged in heavy rain and the floods and landslides that have followed. people are doing what they can to escape the worst-hit areas mainly to the west and north of the country. all but one of the 14 provinces are affected by flash floods, making it hard for rescuers to reach or support everyone. government-run shelters have opened to provide temporary homes. tens of thousands of people have been displaced. 500,000-acres of farmland, crops and livestocks have been affected. the military has flown in aid and helped some of those needing emergency assistance. myanmar's president went to visit some of the evacuees in the northwest. it's monsoon season in the region and people expect some rain but this time, it's been especially heavy and is
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expected to continue. the sheer number of people affected is overwhelming. aid groups warn that there are people in parts of the country who they've not reached yet. caroline malone, al jazeera. >> everton's here so we can talk a little more about the weather here. does it get any better? >> it is looking pretty messy. a week ago, we had the tropical cyclone. that area of low pressure has been stuck here. there's plenty more showers in the forecast. you can see the massive cloud there. it really is a very messy picture. just make up the circulation and that is the remnants of our old tropical storm producing the heavy amounts of rainfall. 84 millimeters of rain in the last 24 hours. surprisingly that was an improvement, we are getting 200 milliliters a day for the past five days.
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some have seen over a meter of rainfall. little wonder that it is so bad. that heavy rain continues up the bay of bengal. qatar seeing heavy rain, 162 millimeters of rain in 24 hours. further north looking at a similar rainfall total. in pakistan, it does remain unsettled here and problems continue. 112 millimeters in punjab. the wet weather will continue. that area of low pressure, our old tropical cyclone is still dragging that rain in across a good part of myanmar. just notice how the rain started to clear over bangladesh. that area of low pressure would slide its way down over the next few days. i'm afraid we will still see showers into myanmar the next few days. >> in hong kong, two daughters have donated parts of their livers to create a new one to
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save their father's life. it's a medical first using a new surgical technique. >> thankful to be alive the patient is surrounded by the daughters who saved his life. on their own, their livers were too small but together by each donating a half, they were able to give their father a new one. >> i was in despair because my liver was too small. my sister agreed to return home from oversea he is. she was our only hope. >> double donations like this are rare. what surgeons did that was unique was joining the two halves of the liver before giving. >> to the patient. >> we are literally implanting a whole liver into the recipients body and that save as lot of time. >> it is a further break through for a team that regularly achieves landmarks from transplants from living donors.
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>> liver failure is a serious problem here, compounded by a traditional retuck to answer in chinese society to donate organs. it's meant that hong kong has become a world leader in living organ transplantation. the family at the center of this medical first just thankful for a successful operation. rob mcbride, al jazeera, hong kong. >> israel, jordan and palestinian leaders have come together to try and save the jordan river. it's rare for three sides to find common ground on an issue but the water is badly polluted and add risk of drying up. we explain. >> holding hands in prayer at one of christianity's most important sites for years pilgrims have waded into the jordan river from its eastern and western banks to connect with a core event in their faith, the bullpen fix of jesus christ. israel which occupies the palestinian side of this section of the river and jordan have long competed for tourists and
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dollars but now unesco has weighed in on the rivalry designating the area as the site where jesus is believed to have been. a tides and shared by most christian churches. >> just the fact that jesus walked here is astonishing. >> the jordan river also has significance for. judaism and islam. >> the historic significance is indisputable but that can't be said for the rest of the region, but in a rare show of cooperation, israel, jordan and the palestinians are working together to try to save it. >> the 251-kilometer river forms a natural border between israel, israel occupied palestinian syria and jordan. al jazeera was given rare access to a military buffer zone where
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the impact of pollution and water diversion but surrounding countries is clear to see. over the past 50 years the jordan river has shrunk by 90%. at a recent conference, israel, jordan and the palestinians signed a rare agreement to rehabilitate the river by 2050. >> we invited all the politicians and decision makers from the three countries and we saw that there was political will. >> that political will ensures that none of the projects strengthen israel's hold on sections of the jordan valley, which palestinian want as part of their future state. >> peace building depends on these issues. i personally think that's my personal view, so this would be helpful, the three neighboring countries using or sharing the jordan at this part from the galilee down to the sea. >> one river, three faiths and a commitment from neighbors with
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complex relationships to preserve their share of religious history for future generations, al jazeera on the eastern bank of the jordan river. >> plenty more still to come here on the news hour. we go back to nepal to meet a young girl whose live was changed forever by these devastating earthquakes. >> running for his country how this athlete will finally be able to represent south sudan at the olympics.
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>> welcome back. let's recap the headlines now. turkey's military is denying allegations its airstrikes against p.k.k. targets have hit civilians. the president of iraq's kurdish area is accusing air raised in the north of killing civilians. >> dozens have been injured in bomb attacks in yemen. there's been intense fighting in the port city of aden for several weeks. houthi rebels have were driven out of the city two weeks ago. >> the u.s. secretary of state says the recent nuclear deal with iran will make the region and the world a safer place than it currently is. john kerry is on a visit to the middle east, trying to ease fears in the region over the agreement. his meetings in egypt also cover the countries human rights record, as well as the regional fight against isil. >> it's 25 years since the
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invasion of kuwait by iraq. iraqi president sadaam hussein sent his troops into its tiny all rich neighbor accusing kuwait of forcing all prices down. seven months later the u.s. led coalition forces into an operation to drive the iraqi's out. imran kahn reports. >> iraqi forces enter kuwait in the early hours of the morning august 2 1990, forcing half the kuwaiti population to flee. 400,000 people were on the move. the united nations passed 12 resolutions demanding iraq leave kuwait. sadaam hussein refused saying he had the support of the kuwaiti people. by mid january 1991, a coalition headed by the u.s. launched operation desert storm a moment that many say was the beginning of a long end for is a doom hussein and his government. iraqis living in kuwait fled,
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including this man and his family. >> there was no border left, and when the bombardment started the most important thing for us was to go back to safety. my children were young back then. i drove the car straight from kuwait to iraq. >> since that invasion, iraq's had a turbulent history years of sanctions between 1991 and 2003 followed by the u.s. invasion and occupation and their civil war between 2006 and 2008 and now isil fighters taking over a third of the country. he mourns the state of his country and worries about the future of his children. >> life in iraq has become a living hell now. kuwait was much better for us. no one there would dare to bother you there. we even keep our doors open due to good security. >> it's a sentiment echoed by others lieu fled. >> when i returned to iraq, i was 12 years old. i found oh huge lifestyle gap. i was shocked and my dreams got
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shattered. the situation in iraq is still deteriorating while in kuwait, it's stable. >> they remember the sacrifices of those who died and hope the violence in iraq doesn't spill over into their country. imran kahn, al jazeera. >> as the region perhaps reflects on the anniversary of iraq's invasion of kuwait, of course another very different dynamic is going on after the u.s. has reached a deal with iran and now the u.s. secretary of state is touring the region to try to calm fears about iranian influence. let's speak to a professor of middle east poll is particulars and international relations at the london school of economics. good to have you with us. let's start with the secretary of state's visit first of all too egypt. do you think it underscores the message that it's business as usual as far as the united is concerned with the egyptian government? >> i think that's a correct
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definition of the american stance towards egypt. i think the obama administration has come to terms for the political receiptses in egypt. it has renewed its economic and military cooperation with egypt. it has delivered equal tative weapons, including jet fighters to egypt even though, i mean, secretary of state john kerry practice pleaded with the egyptian government to extinguish between peaceful expression of terrorism and terrorism. i think the reality of realism has triumphed over human rights and the rule of law and the u.s. appreciates the political significance of egypt. it's business as usual pleading with egypt to respect human rights and political diversity.
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>> looking at what's happened since then, the united of course resuming arms shipments to egypt, new deals security deals announced with some of the gulf arab countries to bolster security has the impact of the u.s. iran deal on the arab world and u.s. relations with the arab world to return the sort of u.s. relationship that's focused on security rather than human rights and democracy? again, i think you have put the finger on the pulse of american reality. if you ask me how do you explain american policy now toward the region, i would say security, security security. military cooperation massive arms deals qualitative weapons delivery to america's allies, the question of human rights and the rule of law are really secondary. the obama administration again
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for your own viewers subscribes to realism. american officials frequently talk about the importance of human rights, the importance of not to violate the human rights of opposition, but again, the reality is the obama administration prioritizes security, and the priority is the war against isis, the priority is the war against terrorism, the priority is business as usual for the next one year, almost one year and a half during the obama administration's tenure. >> all right thanks so much. we are going to continue this theme, because it's difficult to understand the modern say situation and concerns about spreading iranian influence in some parts of the arab world without understanding the history to this. many would argue which began of course, with the instruction of iraq in the state that it
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was, let's bring in a politics professor and senior fellow at the middle east center at the london school of economics joining us live from london. good to have you with us. many would argue that the iraqi invasion of kuwait was perhaps the catalyst that keeps kicked off a series of events that brings us to where we are today with the sat state of affairs in what the iraqi state is in and state of affairs with the iranian influence in the region. how do you think that war against iraq in kuwait shipped not only kuwait, but the region as a whole? >> well, i always thought that the iraqi-iran war was the first step to disaster and the culmination of this disaster was the invasion of kuwait and of course which led to the invasion of iraq later on, destruction of the iraqi state and then the
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invasion of iraq and the occupation of iraq. i believe that the united states britain and israel were not far away from all these events. >> iraqi invasion have kuwait, though was the reason that the u.s. sent troops to be based in the arabian peninsula that being the excuse that members of al-qaeda referenced in attacking the united states. do you see that as something that led to a much bigger global change than perhaps anybody could have foreseen? this is very much true, because the invasion of kuwait, as i said was the culmination of the disaster because this allowed this gave reason to the united states and britain to come or send troops into the peninsula. >> the u.s. involvement in a series of conflicts in this
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region in iraq in particular, do you see that as a result of bad decisions being made by the bush senior administration and later the bush junior administration or do you see it as something else? >> no, it it was a bad decision by the american administration right from the beginning because as it was -- i mean revealed later on that, the iraqi president at that time was ready to pull out of kuwait, but then they have did not want that. they wanted the destruction of the iraqi states, and then the biggest mistake was made by his son, george w. bush, who took the decision to invade iraq without any reasonable reason or without the backing of the united nations. >> all right. we'll leave it there for now thank you so much for your thoughts. >> sunday is the anniversary of the mass murder of roma people
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by the nazi's during world war ii. the killle of nearly half a million people has been described as the unreported holocaust. we report from hungary. >> the little town in central hungary, you wouldn't know a single thing about the secrets this place hides. off the main street, the roads are suddenly unpaved for this is the roma part of town. during the war her father was taken from here. he did hard labor as a boy of 14. her mom was nearly shot and killed on the trip to the shops. she eventually spoke a little about what happened to other family members. >> my mom's grandmother was taken by the local police. the roma were digging their own graves. they were shot and put in them. she tried to escape, but was caught. they shot her too. >> her son agonizes, should he
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tell his kids what he knows. it's important but it's so shocking. >> it's hard to explain to the kids. my grandmother told me about aroma woman who smeared excrement on herself so they wouldn't rape her. it was hard for my grandparents. >> the mass killings of the roma have been described as the unreported holocaust. it appears it might have been worse for countries in central europe have been so far prepared to accept. it might be four times as many as thought. they found more than 900 locations from where the roma were taken. nobody knew, they say because the roma were never allowed to talk about it. after the war the roma couldn't feel free.
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they were oppressed the culture and language was forbidden. racism and white supremism was still there. >> the roma were taken here to die or be put on the railway line to auschwitz. other places might have turned this into a museum. here, it's been left to rot. this man the only roma mayor of the hungarian town did he say spares in the way the great devouring as the roma put it is air brushed out of schools. >> the young people i speak to don't know about it. they connect the holocaust with the jews and they don't think it happened to roma people. i'm a history people and i tell my pupils, but it isn't mentioned in the books. >> the roma managed to have a memorial put up in budapest, shaped in the black triangle
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they were forced to wear in the camps. someone threw yogurt on it. someone else took a hammer to its side. they are now europe's most persecuted group and have neither the means for opportunity to write their own history. al jazeera in hungary. >> up next on the news hour, we'll have all the sport with tiger woods short lived return to form. jo will be here with all the details.
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>> absolutely, sami, yeah the world's anti doping organization said leaked blood results have indicated widespread cases of doping over a decade long period. we have this report. >> it's a sport that's no stranger to controversy but new allegations of drug use may be the most alarming yet. tests data leaked from the international athletics federation indicating that blood samples from a third of medal winning athletes at major events were suspicious. >> these are wide allegations and we'll have to check them out, and we'll have that done by the commission as quickly as possible. >> german broadcaster a.r.d. in the sunday times newspaper obtained the results of 12,000 blood tests from 5,000 athletes between 2001 and 2012. independent experts found that 800 athletes had results that
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would be considered suspicious under world anti doping agency standards. the report identified 146 medals including 55 golds at the olympics and world championships that were won by athletes now under question. >> this is athlete personal data and really, the manager of it coming into the public domain should concern every athlete who knows that their own personal data is stored by anti doping organizations across the world. >> the investigation reported no irregular tests involving the sports biggest name. last month he expressed his frustration at the sport's inability to move away from scandal. >> definitely does upset me, because everybody started pointing fingers again and start speculation and it doesn't have to happen in any way. >> the time period under
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question is, he will be replaced by london 2012 chairman sebastien co that or another. >> we must continue to educate to educate athletes and work very very hard and very tough. it will be strong and serious policy to clean sport to clean athletics and not accept any -- >> the question is whether it will be enough to challenge sport. athletes will face more spotlight than ever in beijing in three weeks' time. >> the new report also suggested kenya to more doping allegations and made claims of massive corruption within the countries govern athletic body. athletics kenya issued you be a
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response. in it, they threatened legal action and understands the federation also welcomes information that would help fight doping. >> with just over a year to go, the first testament from the summer olympics and paralympic games are being held in rio de janeiro. athletes are already there competing in the triathlon with the international committee in town to check on progress. we have this report. >> and they're off disabled athletes leaping into the atlantes ocean of rio de janeiro's beach for the 750-meter swim, the first leg of the paratriathlon and first event ahead of next year's games. the organizers are under
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pressure from the watch of an international olympic committee to get it right. >> of course we have to do adjustments in our operation. this is what test event stands for, to test. we are really learning a lot and these will be of course applied for the olympics and paralympic games. >> the paratriathlon for five different categories of disabled athlete, using prosthetics wheelchairs and guides for the blind competitors is one of the most complex. >> you could say that the countdown for next years summer olympic games has begun with this the paratriathlon event on the copacabana beach. the athletes and organizers still have a fiercely competitive edge, because places are at stake for next year's games. >> there has been criticism that the water used is polluted, something visiting inspectors from the national olympic committee will look at this
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week but most importantly what did the athletes think? >> fantastic smooth, fast, warm. i can't wait to come back again next year. >> he won gold, so of course he's happy. for local people, they could be dragged from their sun bathing also showed enthusiasm. a taste of next year says olympic games and they'll have to get used to being the focus of world attention. al jazeera, rio de janeiro. >> south sudan athletes will compete under their own flag for the first time at rio next year. the international olympic committee form ally voted to give the country recognition. the east african nation is the world's newest. it split from sudan and gained independence in 2011, but has faced civil war for the past two years. in 2012, south sudanese runner
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had to take part under an olympic flag as an independent athlete. want country reached the criteria for i.o.c. recognition by forming five sporting turned the i.o.c. >> the i.o.c.'s decision can help build unity in the nation. >> the state of building war camps, we have to build sport camps. we want to build sports and to use the toolles of war as a tool of the sport. we don't have infrastructure in south sudan. if we can build within this coming years then would be a good achievement for south
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sudan. south sudanese have never tested this for the past 50 years. it's important to let our youths use their talents and let them play and they should be happy like other nations. it's very important for us, for building peace, as i said before for building unity. >> tiger woods has returned to form and it has been short lived. the former world number one put in just three shots off the pace in the second round of the p.g.a. event in virginia but crashed out with a three over par 74 sunday and is nine strokes behind the leader, troy merit. >> american pharaoh returns to the racing track layered on sunday with another big payday on the cards. the colt is favorite to win the $1.7 million invitational. it's the horse's first event since sweeping the kentucky derby preakness and belmont
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stakes. that's all the sport for now. >> it's been 100 days since an earthquake devastated nepal. we met an 11-year-old girl who lost her mother and infant brother when the building collapsed on them. she has now received help to go to school in another village. we traveled to the district to see how she and her family are coping. >> this is the 11-year-old's morning routine getting her hair and clothes ready for school with the help of her cousin. while she's now used to this routine, this is not her home. after the earthquake in april she stayed with her grandparents and other relatives waiting for her mother and brother to be dug out of a collapsed building. a chinese rescue team found their bodies three days later huddled together. their death devastated the
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family. her father inconsolable at times took to drinking alcohol. she was left motherless, without a home or a school. an al jazeera viewer saw her story and offered to sponsor her education. now she lives with her relatives and goes to school an hour away from herville, more importantly away from the scene of so much tragedy. after the morning assembly, she goes to class. sitting with her new classmates, she has adjusted to her new surrounding and live. >> sometimes we need our family, that is the main thing. >> she and her family know this is better for her. being at this school gives her a chance many other children here don't have, an escape from the devastation april's earthquake has done to her family and her
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home. if she was back there her life would be very different right now. >> these are the ruins of her house not far from her old school which is condemned. her family lives here now, in this makeshift hut made of sheet metal donated by the government and held up by wood from their old home. outside, her father sits, contemplating what to do next. he's received help for his drinking problem but says he'll need more help to reconstruct his home. until then, this is what the family calls home, cramped with dirt floors and only the most basic necessities. at least it keeps the rain out. the walls are strewn with memories of happier times. her grandmother misses her but is happy she is away from all of this. >> she visits occasionally and makes me laugh.
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one has to move on. i feel my son should remarry since my granddaughter is away at school. i just can't help crying all the time. >> on another morning some last minute homework is accompanied by a monthly visit from her father. what the earthquake took from bolt of them 100 days ago left the family with an uncertain future. for her it's a future that at least now looks a little brighter. al jazeera nepal. >> here's how you create a flower in the sky. 164 sky divers have built the largest ever vertical formation a giant flower over the u.s. state of illinois, and they did it while falling at speeds of more than 350 kilometers an hour. the sky divers held the flower formation for several seconds before breaking away, deploying their parachutes and handing to safety. now we're back in a couple of
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>> protests in southeastern turkey against government airstrikes on the p.k.k. >> hello live from doha, ahead a cyclone whips across the bay of bengal, bringing flooding to myanmar. >> the gift of life, sisters gave up a piece of themselves to save their father. the report saying a third of athletes won by athletes over a decade could be attend by drugs.
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