tv News Al Jazeera August 5, 2015 9:00am-10:01am EDT
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>> hello, welcome to the al jazeera news hour from doha, with the world's top news stairs. coming up: >> the cost of war, the u.s. said 5,000 afghan civilians have been killed or injured in conflict this year alone. >> a protest in amman about the possible closures of schools that could affect half a million palestinian refugee children. >> flash floods and landslides calls for a heavy monsoon rains
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kill 16 people in myanmar. >> abuse of power, outrage after a video showing the military beating up two teenagers in my myanmar goes viral. >> first, fighting in afghanistan is continuing to kill and injury large numbers of civilians. the united nations says nearly 5,000 have been killed or injured so far this year, and a growing number of are women and children. the u.n. says 1,600 civilians were killed between january and june. that's an increase on the same period last year. another 3,300 afghan civilians were wounded. that's already surpassing last year's figures, which were then considered the highest ever. >> a growing number of victims
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are women and children, 23% more women are getting hurt, and 13% more women. jennifer glass has been speaking to one family, mourning the loss of their son. >> days are full of suffering now, his only son, a 14-year-old was killed by the blast waves of a nearby suicide bomb attack. >> he was a good, smart and brave boy. he told me all the time that he wanted to be a lawyer. >> the attack that killed him was on the main road to kabul airport. the target was a military convoy of foreign soldiers, but afghan civilians were injured and died. >> when these suicide attacks happen, the poor suffer, because in every suicide attack, many people die and are injured. it's all civilians, poor people like me who are working for
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their families. >> the united nationsh this yea. with a 23% rice in female casualties and 13% more children hit. the report documents the devastating consequences of the conflict on afghan men, women and children. this destruction and damage to afghan lives much be met by a new commitment by all parties to the conflict to protect civilians from harm. >> while anti-government fighters including the taliban are responsible for 70% of all civilian casualties, the use of mortars and indirect fire by pro government forces meant they kill and injured 60% more civilians than last year. >> 5,000 have been killed or injured in the first half of this year. the main cause is ground fighting, roadside and other planted bombs, suicide attacks,
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and targeted killing. >> amid the continuing violence, the u.n. is calling for a new commitment by all parties to protect civilians from harm. it's too late for this family, trying to cope with the loss of a brother and son. jennifer glasse, al jazeera, kabul. >> we can talk now to the afghan interior minister who joins us live from kabul. thank you for talking to us here at al jazeera. it was always going to be a challenge for the afghan forces to manage this battle against the insurgeons once international forces left. are afghan forces up to the job? >> the afghan forces, of course, for them, the priority is to protectives. that's the job and goal, but unfortunately on the other hand, we see at a the taliban and inis
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your gents are still using a discriminatory, the explosives are suicide bombing and all those against the civilians. we are concerned about the safety of civilians and try our best to protect them. >> how do you account then for this rise in the number of civilians that are being killed generally, the number of women and children more specifically, and furthermore, the number of women and children and civilians who are being killed or injured by pro government forces? >> well, our forces, they try their best when they are having, you know, engagements with the enemy that to save civilians, for example, when it comes to conducting operations in the civilian areas and villages, they do their best to reward those laws and m to protect
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civilians. for example, even if we do an operation, we stay and we do it in a month or week, so that we save lives. on the other hand, the taliban are using humans, or civilians as shields and they hide in the villages and the houses of people and they fire on the afghan security forces. for us, the priority in these operations is to save afghan civilian lives. that is coming at an important issue in the minds of our soldiers and we try to strengthen their ability. we invest on their training. we teach them and learn how -- they should learn how to save lives. that always comes on the priority list have the afghan security forces. >> the use of indiscriminate weapons are being used by both sides like rockets and grenades.
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>> we are not using those kind of weapons in the civilian areas, but the taliban are using indiscriminately this kind of explosive. the suicide attacks, in the middle of a sport field in front of a bank, this is all, you know, the signs of those extreme violence against civilians. that's very unfortunate that we still see those attacks by the taliban in the very populated areas. they still discriminate the use of explosives, rocket attacks, mortars, and anything they can have in their hands. that's very unfortunate. at the same time, we diffuse lots of mines, for example, we were able to diffuse more than 6,000 mines across the country, what was planted by the taliban on villages on the road and
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everywhere, you know, we are saving lives and we try our best to save lives. >> let's get back again to the report and of course the logical finding of the report is the only thing that's going to really improve the situation in afghanistan is peace. what's your assessment of the status of the talks that had started with the taliban and pakistan and deferred since the death of ola omar? >> finally, there is an end to the conflict here and the taliban who was fighting the afghan people realize they cannot reach their goals by continuing their fight. we hope that the news of his death has an impact on those tall bonn fighting on the afghan forces and people.
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that's what the people wish for an end to this conflict. at the same time, we are going to keep our pressure on the enemy, and the peace process will continue. we hope that these taliban leave battlefield and join the peace process. >> afghan ministry interior spokesman, thank you for talking to us here at al jazeera. >> a cash crisis, which could force the closure of schools for refugees provoked outrage in jordan's capital. classes may have to be canceled for half a million palestinian children. we have this report. >> they came here to tell the word it's unacceptable to forget the plight of palestinian refugees. protestors are angry because their children might be deprived of education.
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the agency responsible for palestinian refugees facesrisisy the middle of this month, the start of the new academic year maybe delayed in refugee camps across the middle east. refugees aren't convinced and say they refuse to give up their right to education. >> there is a hidden agenda. it's not possible that an international organization doesn't know years before where things will be headed without funding. >> i will never give up my children's right to education. >> the decision to postpone the school year could leave half a million palestinian children out of school and 22,000 teachers out of work. >> many here say a shirt fall of $100 million i also not impossible for the international community to pay. that's why they feel donors are no longer interested in the protection of palestinian refugees who are guaranteed the rights under international law.
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funds for badly needed services could eventually mean the termination of the operation. >> the world's largest camp for palestinian refugees is in jordan. this man can't afford to enroll his daughters in a private school. he believes suspending services cannot come before resolving the palestinian-israeli conflict. >> we've been deprived of food rations, but we can't be deprived of learning. they must return our villages to us. >> palestinians value education highly. for them, it is a passport to dignity and we cannot deny them that passport at a time when extremist groups are recruiting on the streets of the middle east. >> in the absence of a solution for the palestinian refugee issue and their right of return,
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the u.n. general assembly that repeatedly renewed under a new mandate most recently until june, 2007. some fear extending the mandate beyond then will be pointless if cuts are carried out now. >> many of those who could be out of school are in gaza. the u.n. has 245 schools there with about 225,000 pupils. in the west bank, close to 100 schools will have to close their doors. 69 schools with nearly 32,000 students operate in lebanon and in jordan itself, the u.n. runs 172 schools teaching around 115,000 refugees. let's talk to a teacher, a teacher who is in gaza and works for a government school. he joins us live from there. thank you for taking the time to talk to us here at al jazeera.
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how important are these u.n. run schools for the children in gaza? >> yes, first of all, i would like to tell you about the number of u.n. rules in gaza strip, that they are about 245. we are talking about 22,000 students. meanwhile, you are talking about almost persons, gaza strip students who are studying in school. by the way, when parents and when families start hearing that they are going to postpone the schoolistic year, people start worrying about taking this step and start worrying about the students, what are they going to do, you know, students are
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waiting school, the end of the scholastic holiday to start a new year. >> of course. >> because it is going to be -- . ashraf, you work for a government school. is there any way that the government schools can absorb more of these children who perhaps won't be able to go to school come the start of a new term? >> by the way, the government school have its capacity just for their students, and, you know, after the last war and losing some of the schools, it makes a big problems for some developmental schools to have two shifts or three shifts that gives the students not enough time to have education as students should have about six hours, so they started dividing for students to have first period in the morning, the second one in the afternoon and the last one is going to be by
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the end of the day, so huge quantity of the governmental students would not get the chance for other schools to join the governmental schools. >> i understand, so really, they're already very packed, the government schools. what do you think will these kids do, these kids who can't go to school come september? what will these kids do? >> i think students are optimistic, waiting the scholastic year to meet their friends, their teachers and to start a new year happily joining when games, some to have fun with their colleagues and their teacher at schools. i think that some or most of students are feeling pessimistic that what did we do to not to
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start the same as every students all over the world. >> a teacher talking to is live from gaza, thank you very much. >> thank you. >> 15 iraq soldiers have been killed in a suicide attack believed to be carried out by isil. military sources say the car bomb went off in a village north of ramadi. ten other soldiers were injured in the attack. >> we can go live to our correspondent in the iraq capital, baghdad. we're getting ever more indications of how complex a battle that the government is waging to try to retake anbar, how complex that is. >> that's right. these attacks that happen in ramadi today very much underscoring, highlighting how tough the battle has been for iraq security forces to try to retakery mad did i and the wider
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anbar province. the attack that you mentioned, that's actually the second attack that happened today. that happened a few hours back. it was an isil suicide car bomber that targeted a configure rated military personnel. 15 died when that bomb went off with. ten more were severely wounded and are being treated in local hospitals. you also had an attack in the southern part of ramadi, car bomberring a military area. none of the personnel were wounded or killed as a result that have bomb going off. very much underscoring how difficult the battle is for iraqi forces to retake areas that had been ruled for isil for quite a while now. another air strike happened east of fallujah, targets isil positions there. at least nine isil fighters were
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killed as a result of those airstrikes and two armored vehicles decimated because of those airstrikes, as well. >> concerns obviously must be rising for civilians for those people who remain in anbar province, haven't been able to find sanctuary anywhere else. >> absolutely right. in fact, when you hear from civilians on the ground there, many of them saying that they are caught in a seemingly unending conflict, aricing clashes and conflict in forces trying to take the cities and isil who have been in control for quite some time. one question from residents is the iraqi government said they believed it would take a few days to retake rimadi. it's been over two weeks and the clashes are only intensifying. when those statements were
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initially made by iraq's prime minister and other officials here, a lot of people in the region thought that was really propaganda. they didn't believe iraqi forces had the strength to retake those positions so soon after starting the offensive. it's been two weeks now. we have heard from other iraqi officials. they have said they are going a little slower in the area now, the fight is going slower because they are trying to protect civilians. there have been mounting civilian casualties and they say isil is hiding behind human she'd. it's a tricky situation on the ground. one factor is the heat, there is a record heat going on now making it difficult to try to retake parts of anbar province. a lot of factors, logistical and doubt, saying they don't believe the government has the wherewithal to take those areas they had vowed to take.
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>> u.s. fighters jets and drones have started to arrive at the turkey air base to prepare for a broader offensive against isil. turkey granted access to its bases along the border. the foreign minister also says the battle will begin soon turkey plans to created an isil free buffer zone in north syria while washington provides air cover to civilian rebels in the area. >> a lot more to come on this al jazeera news hour, including from landowners to laborers. farmers pushed off their land in nigeria by a campaign of violence. >> i'm in london, taking a look at how the latest in body scanning technologyport, it's al
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the rio de janeiro olympics. find out how preparations are going for the biggest multi-sport event. >> libya's state prosecutor wants to identify guards who were caught on camera apparently beating the son of the former dictator muammar gaddafi. he is in prison accused of murder and other crimes. the video was posted a week after his elder brother was sentenced to death. he he was convict of committing war crimes during the uprising which topple would his father. >> an investigation in guatemala after a video showing soldiers beating two teenagers in the streets went viral. the army says the teenagers were linked to gangs. there's been an increasing military presence on the streets since the president came to
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power in 2012 promising to crack down on violent crime. we have more now from guatemala. >> the images shocked guatemala, soldiers savagely beat the two young men 80 kilometers west of guatemala city. they asked the adolescents why they were running and warrant them this this is how they were trained. the video went viral after it surfaced on the internet over the weekend and called into question the military's role in helping to police the country. guatemalan human rights workers say the video show a clear abuse of power. police protection had been requested for the young men and their families. >> using violence against violence isn't the way to resolve things. there are procedures and laws that need to be respected and human rights need to be
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respected by all people. >> in the department capitol, people were shaken by the video. maria said the soldiers acted like drunks fighting in the streets rather than government authorities. >> i felt their pain inside me. i have children and it makes me think what would i do if something like this happened to them. it's wrong. they were doing it for fun. >> street sellers are often victims of extortion, but rumors that the young man might have been part of a gang hasn't hardened his opinion. >> this is not the correct way to treat a person. we all have our rights, even if they are delinquents, they should be judged according to the law. this is not the way to resolve anything. >> while the people here condemn the violence, comments on social media say some agree with the
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soldiers' actions here in the country with the highest murder rate in the world. >> it was this promise of law and order that brought the retired general perez toe power in 2012, but for a country still recovering from a brutal 36 year civil war, many people still view the army with suspicion. while the military has identified the soldiers and say they are continuing their investigations, images like these will be hard to forget. david mercer, al jazeera. >> police in mexico city released security camera video showing three suspects outside the apartment of a murdered photo journalist. you can see them in the upper left hand corner of the screen. the journalist fled to mexico city from veracruz because he
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felt threatened by the state's governor. 11 journalists have been killed in vera crus where drugs cartel are powerful. >> two members of india's border security force have been killed in what it says was an attack by pakistani militants. commanders say one of the government involved was captured, several soldiers were killed. there has been no comments from pakistan's government. >> rescue teams are searching for survives from trains that came off tracks in india. 300 were rescued. the trains were valving in opposite directions when they derailed within minutes of each other. they were crossing a bridge that had been hit by flashing floods and some of the carriages fell
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into the swirling river. we have this update from new delhi. >> railway officials are saying their convinced now that it was flash flooding that caused the derailments to happen. now that area sees dozens of trains go by all the time, but this is the monsoon season in india, so heavy rains have continuously pounded that area and the train just 10 minutes before the derailment had passed by, as well. when they came, it weakened the ground for both trains to derail. the government said they will be looking into this incident and be giving compensation to the victims' families. critics say that is all that ever happens in these cases. there are half a dozen to a dozens of railway incidents that happen every year. people get killed, yet critics say that nothing ever happens except investigations, promises of them and compensation to the victims' families. they say there are thousands of kilometers of new track that
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need to be laid, unmanned crossings that need to be upgraded and until these infrastructure deficiencies are addressed, there will continue to be problems and continuously be more and more deaths every year. june the remains of 17 people missing since april 25 earthquake in nepal have been found. they were retrieved from landslide debris in the valley, a hiking destination north of kathmandu. it's not clear if they were locals or trackers. >> aid workers in myanmar are struggling to reach flooded areas. unusually heavy rains have caused flooding as well as landslides. 69 people have died. hundreds of thousands of others are affected. the rivers are swollen and threatening to inundate new
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areas. the united states will provide an aid package after myanmar's government appealed for help on monday. we have more. >> the floods have ravaged other parts of myanmar, sof the citizens in flood areas and started tam pain to help in flood efforts. you see them in the city, soliciting for donations. on wednesday, the u.s. said it's preparing an aid package for myanmar. japan and china are already assisting in flood relief efforts. this comes a day after the government appealed for help from the international community petitioner food, shutting, clothing for more than 200,000 people affected by the flood. aid workers are having difficultive reaching some of the more heavily flooded areas. flood warnings are in place in the delta region. the concern is that floodwaters from the north will flow into rivers that run through to this
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area. state run plead i can't reports say the government is already moving some people to evacuation centers. concerns have been raised that since this is a major rice producing area, there may be food security issues in the near future. >> we can talk now to claudia, a deputy company director for doctors without borders joining us live now. it seems absolutely a terrible situation affecting an awful lot of people. >> yes, good evening. it's indeed a terrible situation. there have been already heavy monsoon rains in july causing floods in many areas and the cyclone that made landfall in bangladesh sometime added to heavy storms and heavy rainfalls and causing for further heavy flooding, as well. >> how much effort does the government of myanmar put into
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being prepared for these kinds of severe weather events? >> well, we have heard there had been preparation going on for the monsoon season and discussion also with u.n. and others, as well to prepare, however, i think it was a built of a surprise when it suddenly hit this season. >> it's particularly heavy rain, isn't it? it must be good to hear that the united states is prepared to offer help. >> i think any help offered is welcome. many, many people are affected. there are likely to be more since many areas could not be reached yet. i think the extent of this natural disaster just requires that everyone is helping together.
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indeed, talking to us live from myanmar. >> we can talk to rob and find out as to whether there is any relief and prospect for the people of myanmar and that entire region. >> from the weather point of view, not really, to be honest, the delta is huge as a delta, so prone to get hit by the monsoon. if you look at the satellite picture, for example, this is the area. if i run it, you'll see it all over myanmar are showers that blow in and disappear each day. you rarely see the delta itself, because the cloud tops of private. once formed in the country, runs down and you have river flooding as a much bigger consequence of what's happened in the past.
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this is the fact for the next two or three days. it's just a mass of blue. do you ever spot the outline of this delta? you do not. repairing does it come into view. it is monsoon season and the fact it started heavy and we have that tropical cyclone as mentioned briefly, which bumped things up doesn't help much at all. prospects aren't hugely better. a couple thousand clicks to the east of that, the next thing on the horizon is this typhoon. it's about the sixth of the season on this el niño year. its course takes it towards taiwan by friday. >> still to come on the al jazeera news hour: >> desperate but not deterred, the migrants in calais who risk their lives trying to get into
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>> a cash crisis which could force the closure of schools for refugees has provoked pro tested in jordan. the u.n. relief agency is running out of money and may cancel classes for half a million palestinian children. >> aid workers are struggling to reach flooded areas. flash floods and landslides are
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caused by unusually heavy monsoon rains that killed 69 people and affected hundreds of thousands more. >> the u.n. said 5,000 civilians have been killed so far this year in afghanistan, a growing number of women and children among the victims. >> during the years of war in afghanistan, and iraq, american troops relied heavily on local interpreters. thousands were promised special visas to go live in the u.s. because of death threats they received from the taliban. there's a huge backlog of these applications. >> this soldier and his interpreter haven't seen each other since his unit left afghanistan. >> he put his life on the line for our unit. he was a part of our unit and everyone came back except him. >> john's identity has been
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concealed for his safety. he receives regular death threats from the taliban because of his work with u.s. special force he is. as a linguist, he was assigned to some of the most dangerous missions. now he lives under self-imposed house arrest with his elderly parents, fearing for his life. >> if they find me -- we knew there was a lot of risk -- when one day the u.s. forces leave
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afghanistan and leave us behind. >> the u.s. congress created the special immigrant visa program to help iraqis in life threatening situations come to the united states. in 2009, the program was expanded to include those who also assisted the u.s. in afghanistan. >> the special immigrant visa program has been mired in bureaucratic delay. the u.s. congress required the state department to process applications within nine months, but in many cases, it has not complied. >> this afghan interpreter was reportedly captured by the taliban, tortured and killed. like john, he'd been waiting four years for the u.s. state department to process his visa. >> we recognize frankly that the process is challenging for some of the applicants. >> applications are often left idling for years without explanation. >> individuals wait five years for their special immigrant visas to get adjudicated.
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>> he applied for his in 2011. he's still waiting for an answer. >> we have a moral duty to bring him back to the united states, because of the work that he did for us. >> the state department currently has 4,000 visas to issue to afghans like john before the end of the year. it's requested an additional 5,000 more, but that will take another act of the u.s. congress, currently set to go on its summer recess. al jazeera, washington. >> we've got news just coming in from the mediterranean. we understand that there is a major rescue operation underway to save hundreds of people on a boat, a fishing vessel, we understand that has capsized. this is in the mediterranean off the libyan coast, a major rescue operation is currently underway. 150 people could be at sea, this being the latest incident that is leading 2015 to becoming on track to be the deadliest year ever since the second world war for migrants who are crossing the sea from north africa to europe. that's a warning coming from the international organization for
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migration. 2,000 people have died since january, 400 more from the same period last year. once they reach land, many try to go to know oh northern europe. 5,000 are currently camping in the french town of calais, hoping to get across the english channel. charles stratford has been talking to some of these people in calais. >> you see more and more injured people in the camp these days, men, women and even some children who left their home land months if not years ago. most say they are determined to take a final life threatening risk to climb barbed wire fences and cling to the side of a train to what they dream of as a better life. most like this group of men from darfur in sudan won't speak on camera. one says he injured his leg as
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he ran to leap on a train a few days ago. he describes what his life used to be like in darfur. he knows the risks he takes every night here in france. >> some people die. some of them broke their legs. sometimes he fall to the ground. >> it's difficult to know exactly how many people are trying to cross every night, or even make it to the other side, but medics here are treating an increasing number of people for hand and leg injuries every day. >> this french charity said doctors are treating 40 people a day for injuries trying to breakthrough the fence. >> every night they try. yes, it's dficult. the health is not the first --
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it's not the priority. the priority is to cross. >> the police have bolstered security around the tunnel entrance in the last few days. fences and bridges have been put up to stop people jumping on the trucks. there are policemen on guard and helicopters above. >> the tunnel site is 650 hectares with a 22-kilometer perimeter fence. the migrants know it's really difficult for police and security to patrol it. that's why they a flashpoint. >> a place where men and women like these return to every night. charles stratford, al jazeera, calais. >> to northeastern nigeria where boko haram attacks are hurting so many people, including farmers.
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some of the land owners have been forced to become farm laborers, as they impose their version of islamic law. >> earning a living as a farm hand earns them less than $2 a day working on someone else's farm. before boko haram fighters overran his village, he used to farm on his own. >> i was making enough for my farms. look at me now, i am a laborer who doesn't make enough to feed their family. >> thousands of farming communities have been displaced by boko haram violence. their farmland's idle and income in ruins. at the market, the supply chain has been torn apart.
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june this is the grains market, one of the busiest in the northeast. it used to be much busier, but boko haram violence displaced thousands of farmers, eventually cutting off most of the supplies. >> three small factories produce edible oil perfect two are shut, the third operates occasionally. >> because of the situation in the northeast with the insurgency is seriously affecting our production. >> with a few supplies, it's the same story of this cluster of melon factories. the full economic impact of this violence are becoming clear.
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>> we are doing a lot of investment on one hand which takes time, because investment takes time to do, and these investments are being destroyed. >> everyone here is hoping for a quick resolution to this conflict, then the long process of recovery can begin. for now, hope is what everyone in the region is hanging on. al jazeera, bombay, nigeria. >> the u.s. secretary of state john to preserve peace and stability in the south nine that sea. the u.s. and china have been invited to meetings in malaysia. china's neighbors are alarmed at the building of artificial islands and an air field in
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disputed waters. >> while the asian countries speak to their partners that are not part of the block, what everybody really wanted to hear were comments from the united states and from china. now, the chinese foreign minister very briefly spoke before his closed door meeting. he was very encouraged by the way the united states wanted to try to find a diplomatic solution to the rising tensions he said were perceived in the south china sea in a way that would be -- see a peaceful resolution. the united states want to also encourage and support china as developing a strong economic partner with the asian group. these are conversations that will continue. we are expecting more significant statements to be made, including dealing with
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iran, who may be just coming out of sanctions having agreed to a nuclear deal. >> christians in china have been united against the removal of crosses their from churches. around 4,000 crosses are expected to be taken down in one province alone. the campaign is thought to be the will of the president to counter anything that could challenge the government's monopoly rule. >> it's the seventh anniversary of the world's first nuclear attack on thursday. an atomic bomb was dropped on hiroshima in japan. at least 140,000 citizens died in the attack. in the months that followed, the end of the second world war occurred. hiroshima and it's people have recovered from nuclear war. >> the hills above hiroshima
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offer farmland, rice, cucumbers grow. locals put it down in part to the purity of the water. this downpour is called a blessing from heaven. seventy years ago, he said these fields were cursed with rain from a man made hell. >> it was soaked in black. the roots were goaliesenning like oil. it rained so hard. >> when the u.s. air force dropped atomic bombs, radioactive debris was swept into the air, mixed with atmospheric mainly and family at black rain. the dozens have launched legal action to have their experiences and often medical conditions recognized as stemming from the hiroshima attack. >> with every effort, i hope we can make the truce be recognized. that is my wish.
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>> there are 80,000 designated survivors of the hiroshima and nagasaki takes still living. >> the blast happened 600 meters in the air, about 150 meters southeast of hiroshima's iconic dome. to prove a link between that moment and present day illness which could entitle you to aid, first you have to proof that you were within two kilometers of that point within the first two weeks of the blast happening or that you were exposed to large numbers of contaminated fellow survivors or that you were living within a government designated radioactive fallout zone. >> this professor studied the long legal battles that have resulted. >> the initial radiation reached two kilometers. it spread to more wider area, depend on the age and the sex,
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would be different. >> for the last 20 year, he has battled ill health, including two bouts of cancer. theomb related, not so a newer, serious heart problem. >> i can't silently watch my friends from elementary school die one after the other. i have to carry their feelings inside me and fight on in court. >> the land has long been cleansed of the radioactive poison that fell on it, but to those who survived the horror, it remains a battleground. >> time now for the sport. >> thank you very much. it's now one year to go until the start of the 2016 olympics in rio de janeiro. i.o.c. president arrived in brass still and insists the games will achieve a great leses in the country.
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they are fighting bacteria and viruses in the bay where the sailing is scheduled to take place. he says they'll continue to monitor the conditions. >> for the games, what is important is that we will have good conditions for the athletes. they are in the waters where the competitions are taking operation and there you have seen with the test event that everything is going in the right direction. it has to be monitored closely. it will be monitored closely, and then in one year from now, i think we will see great competitions. >> despite being the fifth largest country in the world, brazil doesn't have a history of great success at the olympics. they've only won three gold medals at london 2012. they hope to double their total, 17 medals overall at rio. brazil are the most successful country at the fifa world cup,
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their athletes have been sailing through volleyball. they are training their athletes over a four year period. >> opening move in restoring sporting relations between israel and palestinian has taken place. for the first time in more than a decade, a football team from the occupied west bank has been allowed to travel through israel and into gaza for a game. we have more. >> rarely can a football team have felt such a sense of achievement. the careers of palestinian footballers for the first time in 15 years aside from the west bank is in gaza to play a rival team after israel gave permission for them to travel across its territory. >> we are here for sports. i don't want to speak about
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politics. it's important for us to come and show the world that the palestinians are united and together. >> i hope it's the first game for a long period. i hope that the possibility to play together, this is my dream. >> palestinian long accused israel of unfairly restricting the movement of its players between gaza and the west bank. the israeli football association size they have not control o fo. while the team did arrive in gaza 24 hours later than planned for this game due to permit delays, that they are there at all is a sign of progress. >> we are happy and proud with this visit and it means a lot. it's the first for our west bank brothers. the visit is a victory for
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palestinian sport and we hope the next victory is a political one. >> being in gaza is an achievement, a great honor to play. the match should be strong. >> it's hoped that 10,000 fans will be in gaza's stadium for thursday's game, and then comes the test of this new spirit of collaboration between the two football associations. the cup is scheduled to be blade in the west bank on sunday. >> nfl and former baltimore ravens running back ray rice insists he is a changed man and ready to make a comeback after sacked for domestic violence. he was reds after this video was made public, showing him hitting his now wife inside the casino elevator. while he was charged with third degree aggravated assault, but avoided jail time by entering a rehab program for first time
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offenders. >> i want to be able to rewrite the script to tell my daughter daddy made the worst decision of his life, but this is what i did going forward and to the survivors of domestic violence, i understand how ream it is and i don't want to ever take that for granted, because it's a real issue in our society and my video, you know, put the light out there. if you haven't never seen what domestic violence looks like and you see my video, i can understand why some people will never forgive me. >> floyd mayweather, jr. returns to the ring in what he says will be the final fight of his career. he will go head-to-head with a former olympian in las vegas. it will be his first fight since he defeated manny pacquiao. >> buying clothes on line saves trekking around the shops to
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find something nice to wear but half of all clothes bought are sent back because they are the wrong size. could 3-d scanning be the solution to the perfect fit. here's our technology he had door. >> on line shopping has a problem, shoppers find it hard to buy the right size and up to half of purchases are returned. this costs sellers millions of dollars in extra shipping costs and warehouse fees. now new lead to scanning technology could thank r. change that. >> the problem is to provide to the garment industry a reliable tool in order to give customers a chance to buy and be fast and comfortable. we feel it is accurate and targeting a problem that the industry is facing right now. >> companies like body made use simple and inexpensive motion capture devices like those in video gaming hardware. body measurements, as well as a
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visual avatar are stored on line. this can be made available to on line sellers to suggest the right size when you buy. it's still early days for the technology. researchers say it will gain wider acceptance if it's integrated into existing personal data. >> it is part of your health app that you need to get a body scan. you might be more likely to have that at hand which you can appropriate to other environments like retile for a perfect fit or an on line or in store environment. there's lots of different ways these technologies can start to connect together. >> technology has caught the attention of tailors. >> the technology gives all the measurements, everything you need, but this is just part of the truth, because there's also the other part in which there is the fit, the comfort, and
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subject of individual taste, so it's going to be quite challenging to put them together, but i think this is the way forward. >> a detailed body scan can help on line sellers sell you the right sized clothinging, but when it comes to tailors and what they make, not everyone is convinced. >> you need to get close to people, understand them, talk to them, understand what they actually want. i can't see how you can do that with a machine, to be honest. >> tablets and smart phones are becoming increasingly sophisticated and present in our lives and scanning companies believe they will be the main way we'll scan our bodies from the comfort at home. a bit of fit, they say will be better for business and once perfected, the technology will iron out one of the major problems of on line shopping. al jazeera, london. >> there's more to come here at al jazeera, so don't go away.
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the cost of war, the u.n. says 5,000 afghan civilians have have been killed or injured in conflict this year alone. ♪ hello, i'm martine dennis in doha with the world news from al jazeera. a protest in ammon against the possible closure of schools that could affect about half a million palestinian refugee children. flash goods and land slides kill 69 people in myanmar. and an abuse of power, outraging
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