tv News Al Jazeera August 5, 2015 9:00pm-10:01pm EDT
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>> nuclear debate. >> you're going to hear a lot of arguments against this deal. >> president obama goes on the offensive against a sharp opposition to the iran nuclear agreement. atomic anniversary. marking the day that nuclear weapons became a trair fieg reality. terrifying reality. fighting for our allies. >> everyone came back here except him. >> americans working to get
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their afghan translators out of danger. and inspecting the evidence. >> the aircraft debris found on reunion island is indeed from mh mh370. >> the agonizing question, what happened to marion barry airlines flight 3-- mappe what happened t malaysian airlines 3. >> today in a speech at american university, president obama urged americans to join him in back the deal. he says it is the strongest nuclear nonproliferation treaty ever negotiated. members of congress say it is a mistake, arguing, if the u.s.
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does not agree, they will be left with one option, war in the middle east. loiks joins ulibby casey joins n washington with more. libby. >> part of the campaign the white house is waging to convince boast of the those members on the fence as well as the american public that the iran deal is not only smart but necessary. president obama framed the current debate over the iran nuclear agreement is the most significant foreign policy decision since the 2003 iraq war and found parallels. >> many of the same people who argued for war in iraq are now making the case against iran nuclear deal. >> reporter: and he warned against listening to a drum beat of war. >> it was a mindset characterized by a premium on unilateral u.s. action over the
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painstaking action of building international consensus. >> reporter: the setting president obama chose to mount his defense was itself intended to draw historic precedents, president kennedy's test ban treaty signing. >> john f. kennedy said 50 years ago at this very university that the pursuit of peace is not as dramatic as the pursuit of war. >> reporter: president obama hoping to convince the american people and members of congress that the deal is the best way to avoid war. >> let's not mince words. the choice we face is ultimately between diplomacy or some form of war. maybe not tomorrow. maybe not three months from now. but soon. >> reporter: but members of congress continue to voice grave doubts and defense hawks john
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mccain and lindsay graham responded to the speech, accusing the president of repeated blun ders in the middle east, saying, what we object to is the president's lack of realism, that diplomacy is good and force is bad which has repeatedly led to failed deals or bad deals. the republican led house and senate expect to have enough votes next month to formally disapprove of the iran deal, and to prevent congress from overriding a presidential veto, the president has to convince his constituents that his plan is sound. >> my fellow americans, contact your members of congress and remind them who we are. >> senators drilled into the details with the chief of the international atomic energy agency or the iaea.
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>> i believe members left here with more concerns than they came in with. >> there will be no break in the debate over the iran deal even after the month's recess. 99% of congressional republicans, in fact today in his speech president obama talked about hard liners in iran the ones we might see in footage chanting death to america. the president said they are against the deal and have found common cause with republicans. he townt. >> we are going to talk about the hard liners in iran with a guest in just a moment. if he's writing off 99% of the republicans what does the vote count show? >> reporter: there's one republican that everyone is watching jeff flake of arizona because even though he takes very conservative stances he has been open minded to some of the democratic positions on foreign policy. otherwise the focus is on democrats and there is a constant game going on right now
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of tallying. every week we hear more democrats announcing how they will side. so this week will be one to watch. next week as well. there are millions of dollars being poured into advertisements in this campaign antonio. and that gives you an indication that there is still really a chance for this to go either way. neither side is giving up hope. while it's quite likely we will see congress vote to disapprove of this the question is can president obama retain either a little over a third of either the house or senate in the form of democrats to block that presidential veto override? that is the crucial number he has to watch, antonio. >> libby casey, thank you. israel was one of the topics discussed during a senate hearing on the iran nuclear deal. the top negotiator pledged additional support to israel in light of the agreement. >> president obama has provided more security assistance to israel than any other president. to be fair every president
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democrat or republican has built on the efforts of the previous president. so each president has increased that assistance. but this president most assistance. the secretary of defense carter was recently in israel. we are ready whenever the prime minister of israel is ready to discuss further enhancements to security assistance. >> lawmakers continue to demand details of side agreements between iran and the u.n. nuclear watchdog. they say they need to see those agreements before deciding whether to approve the broader nuclear deal. sherman say the documents remain confidential and cannot be submitted to congress. at the same time, iran is working to bolster its relationship to the west hasan
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rouhani has announced his schedule to come to washington, d.c. good to see you abas. polls show the iranians overwhelmingly support the deal, but poll shows more americans disapprove the deal than approve of it. are some iranians worried that the deal could be scuttled? >> i think some are concerned but i think in iran as you indicated the overwhelming majority is in favor of it. one poll released by the government today in fact, indicated that something like 96% of the iranian people are either in favor of it or have no opinion. 88% of are strongly in favor of it. the iranian opinion is strongly in favor and the united states
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is fluid. >> in light of that overwhelming support of the iranian people what does that do with the internal debate in iran among moderates and hard liner? is that taking influence away from the hard liners? >> the debate is hard and very intense when it comes to hard liners because they control the media. because they have overwhelming influence in the intelligence ministry, they have an upper hand in getting their message across. but increasingly voices of dissent from the iranian forces, voices supporting rouhani, the monopoly is in the hands of the conservatives, the hard liners have had harder time making their point. the debate is essentially whether iran should join the international community as a more law abiding nation and for
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most of the iranian people ending the sanctions is the beginning of this new phase. >> is the hope among the moderates, the popularity of the deal could force them to tone things down in order to be able to stay in power in the future? >> i think both the moderates and the hard-liners are exactly thinking about the same thing. one of the arguments you hear from the hard-liners is once this deal is approved, rouhani will use the new capital he has, the reformists will use the capital they have. moderates are clearly hoping for the same thing and radical conservatives are worried about that same possibilities of change. >> critics say iran will have a nuclear device soon, when it cheats or when provisions of the
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deal go away. do the iranian people in your opinion the people themselves want nuclear weapons? >> every evidence i have seen indicates that they don't. and there is in fact increasingly as the tension is diminishing and the possibility of discourse begins to emerge, intellectual scholars are beginning to question the intelligence of the regime in following years. the idea that the majority of iranians want the bomb or pay the price they already paid to enrich uranium is a dubious proposition. >> assuming this deal goes through, how much possibility that there will be a greater opening of iran to the world? >> to me, that is very likely.
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there is no doubt that those who criticize the deal point to the faculty that conservatives, radicals, the supporters of hezbollah will have their first dibs on the money that comes to iran and this is going to increase their shenanigans, i think that's true, one possible scenario. but to me the lessening ofeningf tensions, will allow the people of iran to demand a more quibt equitable society, a society where people can voice their views over these very, very critical issues. iranian society is very different in its sentiment than those argued by the radical conservatives who control many of the levers of power. >> baz molani, good to have your
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thoughts. the debris washed ashore on reunion island has been confirmed to be part of mh370. john terret reports. >> first piece of malaysia airlines mh370 has apparently been found. malasian authorities say the piece of wreckage was confirmed as belonging to the missing aircraft. >> it is with a very heavy heart that i must tell you that an international team of experts have conclusively confirmed that the aircraft debris found on reunion island is indeed from mh370. >> reporter: hours later french authorities were a bit more cautious, saying there was strong presumptions that the aircraft debris was from the jet
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liner and experts from boeing confirmed the wing flap was from a 777. but stopped short of making a definitive link to flight mh370.the jet liner disappeared on march the 8th of last year on route from kuala lumpur to beijing. investigators determined it had veered sharply off course and continued its journey for some six hours before presumably plummeting into the indian ocean. the search has spanned more than a million nautical miles. but as months fled by, investigators found neither the aircraft nor any answers. in july, malasian airlines announced that the passengers and crew were presumed dead. sparking controversy about the fates of the passengers.
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but 2300 miles out of the search area across the indian ocean, sent to a high tech laboratory in toulouse, france. reunion's shoreline is being scoured now and other islands closely watched as the hunt continues for clues in one of the greatest mysteries of aviation history. john terret, al jazeera. >> the u.s. has carried out a lethal drone strike against i.s.i.l. fighters in northern syria. monday's attack was launched from the incirlik base in turkey. first time the u.s. has used a turkish base to attack syria. there is plans to create an i.s.i.l. free zone on the turkey-syria border.
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22 people were killed in march when a gunman opened fire at the bardo museum in tunis, second attack in sousse left 33 dead. another attack is likely. tragedy in the mediterranean. a boat capsizes before rescue boats can reach it. and fighting bureaucracy, making sure the american translators in iraq and afghanistan get what they are promised.
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jarrod tan reports. >> a family reaches safety. this one-year-old girl is taken onto a rescue boat where medical teams are standing by. she's alive but the trauma of the experience is etched on her face. she was among hundreds of migrants packed onto a vessel. it issued a distress call less than 30 kilometers off the libyan coast. rescuers from the italian coaftioncoastguard, irish navy s without borders, arrived, in desperation to be rescued, migrants rushed to one side of the boat helping it to capsize. so far saved hundreds of people and also recovered many bodies. it's unclear exactly how many people were on board the
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overloaded boat. but aid workers say it's clear what drove their decision to get on. >> what's important to understand there are no other routes for these people to take to flee from the conflicts from the violence they are fleeing from. over 60% of the people who are making the treacherous journey across the mediterranean fleeing from conflict whether it's afghanistan, somalia, syria, political strife in eritrea, they are risking life and limb to make this extraordinary voyage. >> attempting to reach europe by boat, as rescuers comb the waters for survivors they know this won't be the last time. jarrod tan, al jazeera. >> a united nations report show civilian casualties in afghanistan are on the rise. 1592 civilians were killed, 3329 were wounded.
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the report blames the taliban for 70% of the deaths and injuries and says both the taliban and the government have failed to protect civilians. >> conflict related violence took a particularly heavy toll on women and children. >> we must now call on those parties engaged in the conflict who have it within their power to reduce the number of civilian casualties. >> the report covers the number of civilians killed and injured in the first six months of this year. the u.n. has been monitoring civilian casualties in afghanistan since 2009. when the u.s. withdrew militarily from iraq and afghanistan local translators who risked their lives to help americans, were left behind. americans promised they would receive visas but many still
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don't have them. >> eric garner and his interpreter john haven't seen each other since garner's unit left afghanistan. >> he put his life on the line. and everybody came except him. >> john's identity has been concealed for his own safety. he receives regular death threats. as a ling wisconsin he was assigned to some of the most dangerous missions. now he lives in set of imposed house arrest. with his parents. >> if they find me they may take my parents. we knew about that, there was a lot of risk, for those guys, they were working with the u.s. forces, that when i started i never -- i never thought that one day, the u.s. would be leaving afghanistan and leave us
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behind. >> in 2008 the u.s. congress created the special u.s. migrant visa program. the 2009 the program was expanded to include those who also assisted the u.s. in afghanistan. but the special immigrant visa program has been mired in bureaucratic delay. the u.s. congress has passed legislation requiring the state department to process applications within nine months but in many cases it has not complied. this afghan interpreter was reportedly captured by the taliban tortured and killed. like john he had been waiting four years for the u.s. state department to process his visa. >> we recognize frankly the process is challenging for applicants. >> obviously, for some applicants the process is mired for years without reason. >> they wait for years before
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special applicant visas to get adjudicated. >> we have a moral duty to bring him back to the united states because of the work he did for us. >> the state department currently has 4,000 visas, it has requested an additional 5,000 more but that will take another act of the u.s. congress currently set to good on its summer recess. kimberly halkett, al jazeera, washington. >> in united nations relief and works agency center in aman, a 100 million shortfall, could affect half a million palestinian students. >> we've been deprived of food rations and that's okay, but they can't deprive us of learning. >> jordan is also swamped by an
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influx of refugees from syria. as many as 90,000 syrian students have not been able to secure places in jordanian schools. political violence continues to flair in burundi after president pierre nkurunziza has been reelected, human rights caves who opposed the government was shot and wounded. locals call it a revenge attacked. and a head of security was ambushed and killed. indian government is offering some compensation to families of dead and to the wounded last year 25,000 people died in train wrecks in india. critics say that money for victims isn't the solution. they're calling for improved railway safety. fez jamil reports from madia
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damesh. >> it happened, train coming from the opposite direction a few minutes later, some, survivors said it could have been worse. >> translator: the area was filled with water, suddenly we could hear another train coming, the passengers started to run and somehow we managed to escape from the train. >> reporter: the first rescue teams had to arrive by special trains as roads to the remote areas were washed away. railway managers say many trains use the line. the previous one was just ten minutes before the first derailment. >> in ten minutes time suddenly the flash floods came. which had cut away a portion of earth beneath the track which resulted in disturbance of the track and consequently, the derailment of the two trains. >> reporter: the injured were taken to government and private hospitals. the government has offered about
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$3,000 compensation to the families of the dead, and four to $800 for injured. but critics coul condemn the government for giving out money instead of looking for ways to prevent accidents, following monsoon rains, the railway has a notoriously bad safety record. critics say this double derailment is further truth that changes have to be made soon or further tragedies are inevitab inevitable. fez jamil, al jazeera, new delhi. building artificial ielts in the contested spratley archipelago. secretary of state john kerry meets at the association of
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>> "inside story" takes you beyond the headlines, beyond the quick cuts, beyond the sound bites. we're giving you a deeper dive into the stories that are making our world what it is. >> ray suarez hosts "inside story". only on al jazeera america. >> welcome back to al jazeera america. i'm antonio mora. coming up in this half hour of international news, pope francis urges understanding for divorced catholics. but first, a look at stories happening across the u.s. at our american minute. three people were injured outside a theater in nashville
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tennessee. officers shot and killed the perpetrator as he tried to leave the theater. federal appeals court ruled the law violates the voting rights act. texas governor greg abbott said the state will continue to vote for i.d. laws to, quote, ensure the truth of i.d.s. the week old rocky fire has destroyed homes and businesses outside san francisco. fires have consumed 140,000 acres across the state. officials say several more days before the flames are under control. japan is marking 70 years since the u.s. dropped an atomic bomb on the city of hiroshima.
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a little more than two hours, at 8:15 a.m. local time, a bell tolled marking the exact moment the bomb fell on hiroshima. ceremonies began at dawn and are continuing as hiroshima remembers the memos of august 6th, 1945. roxana saberi joins us. >> people in the peace park stopped what they were doing for one minute of silence, it was so quiet all you could hear was the cicadas chirping in the trees beside me. there have been a lot of visitors from all over the world and also protestors, they have been calling for a ban on nuclear weapons. we spoke to a japanese american woman who traveled here from the u.s. to commemorate this day and this is what she had to say.
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>> i always wanted to work for peace since i was a young child and so i joined this movement. and i'm helping to spread this message from the heart of japan out to the world so all of us here it's still meaningful to be here on the 70th anniversary to share this message of peace may peace prevail on the earth from the heart of hiroshima to the world. that's why we're here. >> reporter: and antonio we were able to talk to two atomic bomb survivors, one of them, i first met her in new york and she traveled back here to her home town of hiroshima to commemorate this day. she has spent her life warning the world of the horrors of atomic warfare. >> it was a nice day.
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>> when the enola gay dropped an atomic bomb on her home town of hiroshima, japan. she saw a bluish white thrash >> obviously the blast just was collapsing the building. >> reporter: a mile and a half away kenji was at school. he was playing the organ before class when he saw the same fla flash. >> translator: it was followed by a bang, bang. then came a huge blast. i hid behind the organ but all the students by the windows were instantly burned to a crisp. >> i realized i was pinned under the collapsed building. >> translator: after a while i regained consciousness. it was pitch dark and i could
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hear other students screaming. >> mother help me, help me. >> translator: i managed to dig myself out. >> by the time i came out it was burning. that meant most of the girls who were in the same room were burnt to death alive. of course i didn't know it was a nuclear weapon at that time. >> reporter: three days later on august 9, 1945, the u.s. dropped another nuclear bomb on nagasaki. within a week japan surrendered and world war ii was over. seven decades on, hiroshima has been rebuilt. so has the school. but in the backyard sits a reminder of its dark past. i asked kitagawa what it means to him. >> it honors the hundreds of students and teachers killed in the bomb. there were hundreds of corns and bones here. the fact i survived and many
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didn't it's important for me to come and pray for them. >> reporter: does the u.s. allow you and people like you an apology? >> that's a normal expectation when somebody does something wrong to you. we have waited 70 years and it hasn't happened. >> what about the fact that the bomb ended the war sooner? >> that's an american myth. it was obvious to many people that it was going to end soon because japan was already incapable of fighting. >> it is the subject of debate among historians. we met her in april when she was marching to the u.n, demanding that the world do more about nuclear weapons. >> we have been telling people how horrible it is and so forth
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and nothing is happening. >> reporter: now as japan marks 70 years since the bombs fell, the number of people who can describe their memories of that devastation is dwindling. >> i do sometimes feel powerless that the u.s. doesn't care what happened here. but as long as i have time on this earth i will spread the dangers abouword about the dangf nuclear weapons. >> the bombs could be used again if we forget our experiences in the meaning of hiroshima and nagasaki. >> reporter: antonio, there are fewer than 200,000 survivors left of the atomic weapons dropped on hiroshima and nagasaki. in 1945. their average age is 80. >> having spoken to survivors roxana what is their main concern?
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>> they are worried that the world will forgot what happened on hiroshima and nagasaki and we will see another nuclear attack worse than what they experienced. they want storytellers to tell the story once they are no longer here. antonio. >> roxana saberi, thanks. residents young and old commemorated one of the painful moments in japanese history. many of the residents say they will never forget the suffering caused by the bombing and hope for a peaceful future for their children. a group of children lay down in silence near the a bomb zone. organizers organized a die-in. the message seems to have hit home. >> i was able to imagine how
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those people felt when they were blown away by the nuclear blast. i'm glad i could feel for them today. >> many children around my age also died without having their dreams fulfilled. i realize today that dying is a fearful thing. >> on the other side of the dome buddhist monks beat drums and chanted prayers to pay respect to those who lost their lives. the b-29 bomber that dropped the hiroshima bomb is on display at the smithsonian air and space museum outside washington. the enola gay bomber was named after the pilot's mother. curators say the display is placed to discourage the use of nuclear weapons. joining us from hiroshima, it is very good to have you with us robert. you have been an antinuclear
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activist for most of your life. in light of what's going on today on the nuclear front is it specially important to remember what happened 70 years ago today? >> absolutely. nuclear weapons remain a serious abstraction for most people, it is hard to understand what they are and what they do. looking at hiroshima and nagasaki we are able to understand in one of the only ways that is concrete how these weapons affect human beings, they are not just military or political tools but they have very, very real effects on cities homes families and people. >> given how you've dedicated yourself to this cause how was the experience of being here today? >> how was the experience of -- sorry? >> of being there and seeing all the ceremonies and what was the, you know must have been an emotional day. >> it is very emotional day.
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i think one of the reasons this this is really an important particular anniversary is here in hiroshima and also in nagasaki there is a perception that this is likely one of the final major various where a number of hibacsha are still able to participate, give testimony, join if with visiting students and media, they'll be around less to tell the story the fact they can tell the story is essential this year. >> you have started a project to get oral histories of how the atomic bombs dropped on japan affected people there. has anything exceptional struck you about their stories? >> right now conducting oral histories this this day and age, one of the things most
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immediately striking is all you are hearing from are children. children being at school, children being at home, and it changes the perception that this was an attack on a military city or an attack on military installation and you realize this is an attack that affected thousands, tens of thousands of children. this works collecting oral histories, here in hiroshima and nagasaki there has been collections of testimony but in nuclear test sites, their stories remain invisible and need to be collected. >> in roxana's story we heard a survivor say, the u.s. should apologize. i know this has been hotly debated but the apology, some say, should come from the
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japanese government, regarding the bloody battles that japan waged. >> there has to be an acknowledgment from japan of its atrocities. but looking what happened with the use of nuclear weapons is not the same thing about talking about how war is conducted. for example, we can look back on it and we can say it saved lives. but if we were in the midst of a war today and it was proposed let's use chemical weapons or biological weapons against a large human population against a civilian population because it probably would end that war and it would ultimately save lives in the long term, that sort of logic would seem insane to us if we were looking forward to us. but in justifying it we circulate say japan should apologize? using a weapon of mass destruction on a primarily
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civilian population, we think this is unacceptable human behavior. >> thank you for joining us from hiroshima, thank you. plans to modernize the u.s. weapons arsenal may take a trillion dollars. that closely matches a similar study last year. the white house has estimated the plan will cost $74 billion just through 2020. but the studies show modernization and maintenance cost soar after that. guatemala has one of the highest murder rates and its government has taken a hard line stance on crime. but video of two teen ablers has gone viral and risen questions about the role of the airm in fightinarmy infighting crime. and myanmar and overwhelming floods.
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>> a group of guatemalan soldiers are under investigation after a cell phone video surfaced that appears to show them beating two unarmed teen aged boys. they say thousands of innocent people die because of systemic brutality. david mercer reports. >> there are image surfacing from guatemala. 80 kilometers west of guatemala city, the soldiers asked the adolescents why they were running and warned them this is how they were trained. the video went viral after it surfaced over the weekend and has called into question the military's role in helping to police the country. guatemalan human rights workers
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say the video shows a clear abuse of power. requesting protection for the boys and their families. >> using violence against violence is not the way to resolve things. that is why there are laws, procedures and laws that need to be respected. and human rights need to be respected by all people. >> reporter: in the department capital people were shaken by the video. soldiers acted like drunks fighting in the streets rather than government authorities. >> translator: i felt their pain inside of me. i have children and it makes me think what would i do if something like this happened to them? it's wrong. they were doing it for fun. >> reporter: street sellers like francisco sanchez are often victims of extortion but rumors that the young men might have been part of a gang hasn't hardened his opinion. >> translator: this is not the
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correct way to treat a person. we all have our rights even if they are delinquents i think they should be judged according to the law. this is not the way to resolve anything. >> reporter: while the people we spoke to here say they condemn the violence comments on social media say some agree with the soldiers' actions. here in a country with the highest murder rates in the world an iron fist to crime is a popular one. it was this promise of law and order that brought retired general otto perez to power in 2012. but for a country still recovering from a brutal 36-year civil war many people still view the army with suspicion. and while the military has identified the soldiers and say they're continuing their investigations, images like these will be hard to forget. david mercer al jazeera,
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guatemala. suspect of a photojournalist and women, on friday photojournalist rubin espinosa was bound and gad and killed. others were also killed. volcano of fire is located in the mountains of colima. sent ash nearly 5,000 feet up into the sky. officials are monitoring the flow of lava but have not yet called for evacuations. the first delivery of emergency aid has arrived in flood ravaged myanmar. rake rvetionm statkeem state, tt region. in the last week a million acres of farmland have been flooded and today secretary of state john kerry said the u.s. government is also sending aid
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to myanmar. florence louie is in langon with the latest. >> reporter: the people here have been moved by the plight of their fellow citizens in flood afflicted areas. you see them on busy streets in the city, soliciting for donations. on wednesday the u.s. said it was preparing an aid package for myanmar, japan and china also have been assisting and they are appealing to the international community for more than 200,000 people who have been affected 50 floods. aid workers are having difficulty reaching the heavily affected area. the concern is that floodwaters from the north will flow into rivers, that run through to this area. state run media reports say the government is already moving some people to evacuation
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centers. meanwhile the u.n. has raised concerns that because this area is a major rice producing area for myanmar there may be food security issues in the near future. >> reporter: florence louie reporting from myanmar. a towshed couple welcome tud 4,000 syrian refugees to their wedding. many are staying in camps across the border in turkey. new technology could soon change the way we shop for clothes. imagine going online and getting a perfectly tailored dress or suit delivered. and london tube strike will sure to rile commuters tomorrow.
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divorced catholics. on wednesday, the pope told priests to be more understanding of cliskts catholic catholics wn award. catholic bishops will meet to review the subject. now our global news, free the world of nuclear weapons, it writes that japan should take a leading role in the effort to abolish those weapons and that while the united states dropped the bombs in order to be taken seriously, japan must take responsibility for starting the war. canada april chronicle herald also focuses on hiroshima and the need to eliminate nuclear weapons, make c a deep ideologic division between the small number of nations with the bomb and the rest of the world.
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nuclear armed states have shown little interest in giving up their weapons, whereas what's needed is be is negotiation over banning the weapons entirely. cave man having invented the wheel saying quote, i think i've invented the migrant crisis. 3d scanning technology using your smartphone or tablet could seen make shopping for clothes online a better business. tarek bazley explains from london. >> online shopping has a problem. shoppers find it hard to buy the right size and up to half of their purchases are returned. this costs shippers millions of dollars of additional shipping fees. but now, there's a different tool. >> to give consistent size advice fast and reliable for the
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customers. they feel it's very accurate and they feel it's really targeting and solving the problem that the industry is facing right now. >> reporter: companies like body me show simple motion capturing devices like those found in video gaming hardware. a visual avatar stored online, to help them suggest the right sides when yosize when you buy. it will only gain wider acceptance if it's integrated into existing personal data. >> is it part of your app, in which case you may be more likely to have that data to hand which you can then appropriate to other environments such as retail where you need to have the perfect fit online or in-store environment. there are lots of ways that these extremely exciting
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technologies can start to connect together. >> high street tailors like scabal on london seville row. >> this is part of the truth, there is also the other part in which there is the fit, the comfort of subjectivist. the individual taste. so it's going to be quite challenging to put them together but i think that's the way forward. >> a detailed body scan can clearly help online sellers sell you the right sized clothing but when it come to bespoke tairls s and the product they bring. >> i can't see how you could do that with a machine. it would be nice. >> tablets and smartphones are becoming increasingly sophisticated and present in our
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lives. and analysts believe they will be the way we scan our bodies, better for business, once perfected the technology will iron out one of the major problems of online shopping. tarek bazley, al jazeera, london. >> london commuters are in for a rough time on thursday. for the second time in as many months workers have gone on a 24-hour strike. they are protesting new 24 hour service on the weekend saying new people need to be hired to deal with the extra shifts. more bus he will be in the streets to help commuters tomorrow. the newly expanded suez canal is about to be opened, tomorrow night how egyptian president abdel fatah al-sisi sees this project as a symbol of national pride and his hopes it will stimulate the country's struggling economy. that's it, i'm antonio mora,
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"america tonight" is up next, i'll see you again in an hour. >> on "america tonight": a way of life. at risk. >> if i took a big knife and cut a big scar right across your cheek, how much would that change you? that is just what this is going to do. >> "america tonight" april adam may, with the rancher determined to stand his ground. and also, who cares, a for profit health system and the vulnerable patients, left at risk. m
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