tv News Al Jazeera August 11, 2015 8:00pm-9:01pm EDT
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hello, everything, this is al jazerra america, live from new york city, i am david shuster, just ahead. rage, seeing red over the toxic yellow water. are there any reactions from what the epa calls tragic and unfortunate. we take a close are look at the connection of what happened in watts and what is happening now. diplomacy and dollars as the relationship between the united states and cuba gets warm he should we'll show you the surprising new economy taking hold in havana.
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and an american original. a new appreciation for thomas heart benton as a major exhibit helps rediscover the painter and his work. ♪ ♪ we begin this hour with the 3 million gallons of toxic waste moving town two rivers that cross colorado, new mexico and utah. today in its growing public anger the head of the environmental protection agency said her agency takes full responsibilities. last week an epa crew actually breached a damn holding back heavy medals used in gold mining the animus river turned bright yellow and is now toxic. the e.p.a. is determined to, quote, get it right. but the extent of the damage is unclear and at this point nobody seems to know what getting this right will involve.
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al jazerra has a team of reporters watching the water. allen is watching the water. kristen is downstream near farmington, new mexico but we'll begin with allen and the latest on the cleanup. >> well, you said it, right, the e.p.a. has admitted this is their mistake, they promised the people of this area parts of two states that they will do everything they can to fix things. to get it right. just a lot of folks in southern colorado and northern new mexico wondering right now exactly what that setting it right is going to look like. wondering when they might be able to get back to normal and get back to business. it's been six days since more than 3 million-gallons of contaminated wastewater spilled in to cement creek and dawn dow the animus and san juan rivers for the a region that relies on the waterway to bring in visitors to sustain its businesses the plume of mustard colored sludge wasn't exactly the tourist attraction they were hoping for. tony miley sells wild land
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adventure and has watched that spill shutdown his best summer season ever. >> thousands of river users here in durango that feel the animus is home. so it's really pain to feel see it hurting like it was. >> it's not just the during range ore area, dozens of fishing and rafting operations in colorado and new mexico in fact any business or ranch relying on the river shared tony's concerns. colorado's governor john hickenlooper who got a first hand look at the spill tuesday, tells us he's hopeful the local economy will get some help. >> a lot of folk's businesses have been hurt, do you expect them to be made whole? >> we are going try. you know, again, we'll have to sit down with the e.p. actual. state has now put the five up thousand dollars. i fully pictures the e.p.a. to step up and do their part. it certainly is my hope and expectation that we'll get them if not whole darn close. >> reporter: there are early
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indications the river is bouncing back n this test drop of live fish placed ahead of the plume only one has died out of more than 100 no, major insect die off either. the heavy metals have settled out a yellowish water line stain the only visible reminder of the spill morning 50 miles up river. contamination from mines in that area is a constant problem. but contamination on this scale is startling. >> you put 3 million gallons of water in all at once and it travels a lot farther and so, you see, you know, this or i think stuff it looked like paint which it came through on friday in durango and it shock the people i think. >> reporter: in a region built on mining spills like this are not new. the accidental release of sludge is a reminder of the challenges poses by 10050 years of minute trail he is stanchion in the west it's mated 150,000 old mines from the rockies to the pacific. >> maybe the worse problem is
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not that it's a time bomb this long-term low level problem we start to think as minimal. >> reporter: the animus remains closed locals hope this economic lifeline hasn't suffered too much and hope touristed haven't crossed durango and the region off their summer-time travel maps. >> "a" durango is open for business. "b" the, the sky has not fallen. and this will heal itself and heal itself pretty quickly. >> reporter: so the river does pass the eyeball test if you will. it looks fairly normal right now. it's what you can't see, of course, that's a certainty point. what exactly is it that has settled down and now sit on this bottom. what is the mix of the various heavy metals involved? and what kind of threat does it pose to human beings, irrigation and drinking without third future. government at all levels at this point promising a long-term spin tense monitoring of the situation but we really won't
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have answers to any of the bigger questions for sometime. we don't have them right now tonight, dan. >> allen reporting from durango, colorado, thank you. earlier today the head of the e.p.a. gina mccarthy apologized for the spill and said the agency is work to go protect the public water supply. >> it is a tragic and unfortunate accident and e.p.a. is taking responsibility to inning some that you are it's cleaned up. most important thing throughout this effort is insuring the health and safety of the residents and the visitors near that river. >> mccarthy said she will visit the sight tomorrow and meet with local officials and community members. the spill has also prompted the navajo nation to declare a state of emergency, tribal leaders said the animus and san juan refers are more than sources of water, they are sacred. kristen joins us near the rivers edge from farmington new mexico. tristan. >> reporter: communities on the navajo nation are formulating noons deal with the spill's phone shall impact. those range from massive water
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hauling operations for moving live stock to temporary holding pens where they will be safe from the river. residents are being told to stay way from the river and avoid drinking from wells until further testing can be done. >> this is the flume. this is what we refer to as the bloom. this field is starting to bloom early. because it's not drawing up the moisture. >> reporter: lorenzo heads the navajo nation counsel an and ise of many affected by mine spill. aside from raising cattle and horses and he depends on this alpha fa field. >> it's saying get ready to cut me. i am looking at it saying you are not ready to be cut. however it's speaking to me saying, i have these problems i don't have enough water. i am not drawing up the nutrients so you need to cut me off else i will die. >> reporter: the tainted water flowing south along the rivers also means he has to keep his horses and cattle from the river and give them water from a
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nearby municipal line. officials say the toxic discharge is full of led, arsenic, and other heavy metals. now those living downstream whose livelihoods are tied to the river are preparing for the worst. in farmington, new mexico, officials are encouraging residents to bring water samples from home to be tested. ryan flynn is secretary of the new mexico environment department. he says so far, it doesn't look like the spill has affected local drinking wells. >> short-term i think we are going to focus on the chemistry in the river and how that is interacting with the contaminants, how the refer is influencing the ground water and that gives us enough to get people using water again or knowing, you know when, it will be safe to do so by treating it long-term, it's too early to tell. >> reporter: both new mexico and navajo nation have declared states of insurgent. you know, i don't know why it's still spilling or how soon it will be before it stoppings, i think those are really good
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questions for e.p.a. and questions we have been asking them. how soon can they stop this. and what technologies can they use to treat the water as it's coming out. >> reporter: the navajo nation also announced this week it is planning lawsuits against the e.p.a. and gold king mine. meanwhile, navajo farmers like lorenzo bates are star to go count their losses while waiting on guidance from officials on whether the water is safe to use or not. >> there are farmers all the way down this valley. what does that mean to us as farmers and ranchers? what does it mean really to the health and safety of people that use it for drinking water? >> reporter: earlier today, e.p.a. second degree main straighter gina mccarthy called the spill tragic and unfortunate. and said, quote, the e.p.s. is taking responsibility to insure it's cleaned up. according to mccarthy researchers and scientists are working around the clock to test and analyze the river water, so far they say that nobody has
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been reported any sort of health impacts. >> tristan reporting from farmington, new mexico, thank you very much. let's go back now to colorado. andy is the co-owner of a white water rafting company in durango, he met with governor hickenlooper this morning. what did the governor say about the those your business? >> he said they were going to attempt to make the businesses whole or as whole as possible so that's encouraging news. >> are you concern by the unanswered questions, no one knows whether the water is safe to drink think nobody knows what the long-term damage may be. how concerning is all that have to you? >> well, i don't want to down play, you know, the surge and the spill that we had come through. and i am certainly concerned. i have family here and, you know, we want a healthy river. this community really depends on the river. but the bottom line is, these are -- this is not new. these chemicals and heavy metals
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are leached in to the river for the last 150 years, while we had a big surge of it. it's a pretty fast-moving river as you can see, it clears out pretty quic quickly as far as te surface water self the tests look good. >> does the concern about heavy metals in the water, has that ever been a concern for your customers in the past? >> i don't know that i have specifically heard that concern. but you know, it's -- living here for 35 years and recreating in the river for that many years myself, i have thought about it. it's not unusual for this river and it's not unusual for most rivers in colorado. it's why they mine here. >> andy is the co honor of a white water rafting couple of thanks for inning jog us, amends and i good luck to you. there has been a major development tonight in the hillary clinton e-mail controversy just a few moments ago the clinton campana announcessed they will hand over her personal email server to the justice department. it includes a thumb drive with all of her work-related and
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personal e-mails. the news comes hours after state department reports said some of the e-mails in clinton's private server were classified as top secret. probe of e-mails clinton kept when she was secretary of state now includes several top aids n march clinton refuse today turn it over saying it could contain sensitive discussions with her husband bill clinton. here is what she said at the time. >> the server contains personal communications from my husband and me and i believe i have met all of my responsibilities and the server will remain private. >> the key question that hillary clinton has to bet on now is if the fbi and justice department can keep any sensitive communications with her husband out of public view. and that is a risk that she can no longer afford not to take. given the political pressure all of this. we are going talk about michael -- talk with michael about the politics in just a moment. but first, there is also a big
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speech tonight on the republican side of the 2016 presidential campaign coming from jeb bush during his first foreign policy address earlier this year, jeb bush declared that he is his own man. but in his speech tonight, mr. bush is expected to embrace his family's foreign policy doctrine. also expected to attack obama administration and democratic front runner hillary clinton for leaving iraq zoo soon. mike viqueira al jazerra i havee on this. >> the regular an library in california. in the speech he will try to get past his stumbles on iraq, a lot of ex-expert exerts of the speed earlier in the day and turnal tables and go on offense against the democratic front runner hillary clinton. >> this en count never may crystallized a major problem for jeb bush.
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>> on the subject of iraq, obviously very controversial. knowing what we know now, would you have authorized the invasion? >> i would have. and so would have hill run clinton. >> reporter: since the stumbles, bush has tried to quick at this turn the page and backtrack on his comments, now he's trying to turn the tables and lashing out on hillary clinton and casting blame on her and president obama for the collapse of iraq and the rise of isil. according to exerts released by his campaign he will say tonight who can argue that american and our friends are saferrer tonight than in 2009 when the president and secretary clinton. the storied team of rivals, took office. he will also lash out for, in bush's view, leaving iraq to defend itself. on even though the withdraw began under his brother, george w. bush:
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>> deliberation of iraq -- the liberation of iraq is a crucial advance in the campaign against terror. >> reporter: the victory claimed by george w. bush turned out to be a fantasy. and the 2003 invasion remains deeply unpopular. even among many republicans. but in remarks tonight, bush will call for a new offensive against what he calls global jihad. it's the theme of an internet video released by his campaign tuesday. >> we see it with these new threats of barbaric islamic terrorism in the middle east. and homegrown terrorism in our own country. >> reporter: bush has been under pressure conservatives to attack hillary clinton. who in a recent speech mocked the, but campaign slogan right to rise. >> i don't think you can credibly say that everyone has a right to rise and then say you are for phasing out medicare or for repealing obama care. >> at this hour, american and coalition forces --
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>> reporter: bush has been reluctant to criticize his brother and his father, george h.w. bush but. in another foreign policy address earlier this year he tried put daylight between them. >> but i am my own man and my views are shaped by my own thinking and my own experiences. >> reporter: now jeb bush is going on offense. trying to change the narrative of his family's foreign policy legacy. and satisfy supporters by hitting back at hillary clinton. >> and david, despite all of that, jeb bush reportedly told a private gathering in manhattan back in may, that one of his chief advisers on the middle east, wait for it, was none other than his brother george w. bush. and the foreign policy advisers that the jeb bush campaign has announced of the 21, 19 worked for either president george w. bush or george heads hw bush. >> mike, thank you very much. let's bring in michael shore at the ronald reagan lie flare seem
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i, california where jeb bush will deliver this major foreign policy speech top, we heard about the policys at the time us about the politics driving jeb bush to make the speech tonight. >> as you heard in the package there, david, a lot of focus will be on hillary clinton as well. what the other side is doing. you know, there is something to be said for taking the posture of the nominee even when you are not the nominee. talk about your opponents. the problem that jeb bush has is distancing himself from the record of his brother. he will stand here tonight and actually criticize hillary clinton and barack obama. of getting out to iraq and not criticize going to iraq in the first place. that's a problem with that a lot of voters have in evaluating him. they want to see him be his own man. >> reporter: as far as hillary clinton, can she now trust the
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department of justice and the fbi to keep sensitive e-mails about her husband out of public view? >> you know, it's hard to say that. she did say at a press conference earlier this year this is why she didn't want to turnover her personal drives at home. they are with her personal attorney and she's ordering it to be turned over, that becomes the risk. the bigger risk is the cumulative effects of the question marks that pop up around benghazi and these e-mails things that have dogged the clintons whether right or wong wrong for years, they have a cumulative effect that's where the politics become a problem. the personal email i think will probably stay personal, it's the classified e-mails that will be the problem. tonight the state department is saying trying deflect any blame to clinton they were circulated among -- is this is job kerby saying they were circulated
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among department employees and ended up in inadvertently on the secretary's server. >> is it smart damage control for hillary clinton given the story that broke earlier today that some of the information on her private e-mails contained even more classified information than previously understood for hillary clinton to respond to that by saying, okay, i will provide the independent server you can he create the e-mails i deleted. have at it. smart damage control on her part? >> yeah, it is part of damage control. i don't think she want third degree to happen. and i don't think she thought it was going to happen. the state department seemed to assure here all the way. there are two of the four e-mails that they are looking at right now, that received this top secret compartmented sensitive information, classification which is among the highest that the state department in the intelligence community gives, the inspector general said we have to have these. we have to have them in our possession and then we'll see. they will not be released publicly of course, but they are the kind of things that could have damage and they set her in
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to damage corollas you pointed out, david. that's not where you want to be when you are a candidate. so i think that the more she has to do this, the more difficult it becomes for her, for example, yesterday she outlined an education program about student debt. that all goes away when a story like this comes up. and you see it in i political cycle very often. >> one other thing that's happening in the political cycle vermont senator bernie sanders got 27,000 people at his rally in los angeles last night. he's been covering california politics for a long time. how unusual is it? what's the buzz in california over bernie sanders as a possible throat hillary clinton? >> well, california, david, as you know a pretty liberal state. a lot of liberals in the southern california area. a lot came out for bernie sanders because they find him to be exciting. if you look at the politics, you look at what hillary clinton has to deal with with bernie sanders, the same thing she dealt with four years ago , when do you take it seriously and
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acknowledge it. the excitement that people are having makes hillary clinton respond to it. >> reporting from california, michael, thank you, as always. up next, ripple effects all over the world after china devalues its currency, we'll explain what it nineteens for everybody here in the united states. and 50 years after the deadly riots in the watts section of los angeles. we'll look at the scars that remain.
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in an action that could have global economic implications. made a bold and surprising move. in an attempt to jump start its stagnant economy. chinese central bank devalued its currency in an effort to boost chinese exports, patricia sobga explains. >> reporter: it's the most dramatic devaluation of china's currency in more than 20 years. overnight, the people's bank of china said it would let china's currency weaken by nearly 2%. an announcement that sent shock waves around the globe. the dow jones industrial average closed down more than 200 points tuesday, while the price of global bench mark crude which was already depressed fell more than a dollar a barrel. so why the tremors? well, even though china framed this move as part of ongoing reforms to give market forces more influence over the exchange rate many are concerned it could
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trigger a so-called currency war. now china's economy relies on exports, which were weaker that ex-he canned last month and a currency devaluation is like a shot of adrenaline if you will to a sluggish economy because it makes the goods that country exports cheap tore buy overseas. and while china stresses this devaluation was a run off, the u.s. has accused beijing in the past of keeping its currency artificially weak. also keep no mind that u.s. exports have suffered this year as the dollar has strengthened against other currency, making u.s. goods more expensive to buy overseas, a weaker makes it dollar stronger that's something that we will keep in mind sass they decide when to raids u.s. interest rates, many expected the feds to phil pull the trigger on an interest hike next month but if the dollar don't strengthen the feds could hold off until december or beyond. pa fish a sobga reporting.
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ann lee is a pro force of economics and finance. ann, as you know, a 2% change in currency is real know the that much. when you consider the dollar has gone up 22% compared to the euro. isn't this really more about china loosening some of its control over its own relationship with the global economy. >> i agree, frankly. 2% is just a drop in the bucket. frankly, in the last four quarters, china's currency appreciates 13% when you adjust for inflation. compared to most of the other major currencies. the other ones that have been devalued are the euro, the japanese vinnie and ye yen you r about u.s. politicians making a big stink about that here. >> china loosening its control is a big deal. it's almost unprecedent unprece, right? >> the u.s. has pressured china to do this for sometime. while they were hoping china with appreciate the currency.
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but when they say you want it to be closer to market forces market forces are taking it down because the chinese economy has been slowing down. and what happens to the economies that slow down their currency starts falling that's what is happening for china's currency and so the chinese government is literally just trying to make it match more closely with what the market is saying. and this, you know, they achieve basically two things with just one shot here, with helping their own economy as well as a pedsing u.s. political influence. >> for that reason with the appeasing and the global economic folks and helping their own economy, isn't this in a sense, isn't this good if the long run for investigators around the world. because it offers perhaps a more truer picture of china's i economy, to grow based on some market forces as pose today chinese control. and that should help the rest of the world, shouldn't this.
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>> it depends on where you sit. so investigators who trade in currency clearly can benefit more from this. because they have an additional currency to speculate in. and can make more money based on volatility swings. but if you are a business, this is not necessarily good news. because businesses rely on very stable currency signals. because they have to forecast out what the revenues will be, costs will be and if -- >> and what the value of u.s. goods will be in china and would those goods be more expensive perhaps business have his to figure that maybe they'll get less business from china? >> yes. all of these price signals can get more value till which would be harder for people to basically do business. either way. and this is exactly the same problem that led all the countries in to world war ii. which is why they created brendon woods in the first place because they knew that these currency war can lead to economic stagnation.
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>> but i'm not sure this is that'sly police a currency war. >> i agree it's not a currency war. there was one that was started by the u.s. back in 2008, and 2009. >> thank you for coming on, we appreciate it. >> thank you. agreed to detail terms on a bailout that could be worth as much as $95 billion, it's the same deal that greece agreed to in principle in july prime minister alexis tsipras is asking parliament for approve the deal during an emergency session held this thursday. up next, ferguson, missouri, on edge, there have been more arrests and now civilians armed with assault rifles are patrolling the streets. plus. >> reporter: i am melissa chan in havana taking a closer look at how reforms have impacted new entrepreneurs here.
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armed civilians on the streets and adding to the tensions. history of violence, 50 years after the riots in watts, the los angeles neighbor has certainly changed, though some of the deep stars remain. reffed urevved up with the new o the u.s. communist rube kube a is effectin expecting an econom. plus master the amare can, a challenging, ground breaking and always fascinating. >> his paint says have a very memorable style the way that you remember scenes from movies. >> a new exhibit brings a new appreciation to parenter thomas heart benton. ♪ ♪ a white rookie police officer who killed an unarmed black teenager in arlington, texas has now been fired. 19-year-old christian taylor was killed friday during a burglary investigate at a car deal are shim. the 911 tapes were released
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today and police say they contradict aren't that the 19-year-old was killed within one second after officers arrived on the scene. >> we have shots fired. >> e.m.s. make her they code. >> e.m.s. in route. >> the recording showed nearly two minutes elapsed between police arriving and shots being fired. brad miller shot at taylor four times during the pursuit that the arlington police chief called questionable. tonight taylor's family is demanding answers. >> this kid made a mistake and cost him dearly. so nobody should have to go out that way. >> in addition to officer miller being fired a criminal investigation of the incidents is now underway. now, to the latest news from ferguson, missouri, st. louis county police have released surveillance video in the shooting of an 18-year-old black man on sunday, in the video a suspect identified as tyrone harris is seen holding what police say is a gun.
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police say harris shot at them and officers fired back during protests to mark the one-year ran vicar are yokilling of mich. harris is in critical condition, there is a new and disturbing presence some say on the streets of ferguson tonight, diane everything brook is live with more on the group known as the oath keepers, diane. >> reporter: that's right, david. the oath keepers say they are here in ferguson providing protection to businesses, journalists and even protesters. their presence is raising a few eyebrows here. armed with assault rifles and wearing flack jackets members of oath keepers have brought a new level of attention to the streets of ferguson. monday night they provided security for the web-based news organization info wars. >> i have explained several times we are here to keep the info war guys safe. >> reporter: were you bothered by the fact that they were walking around with their weapons exposed? >> they are exposed. but at the same time, everybody knows that all these reporters
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over here as armed security as well. it's no hidden secret if you have been to a place like this or riot you see it. when they bend over you can see their pieces sticking out. >> reporter: oath keepers are police and military personnel from around the country who say their mission is to defend the constitution, members say they came to ferguson to protect businesses, news crews and even protesters. tony kirk is a police chief from nearby old moroe and a member of a local old keeper chapter. there was criticism of your group walking around with large weapons that might have frightened people. was that appropriate? >> well, the weapons that we were using last night are standard weapons a how enforcement officer would carry on duty. nothing more than what they have had. nothing more than what a regular civilian could purchase. >> reporter: the owner of this hair salon told al jazerra she asked oath keepers to protect her business monday night. because police didn't keep looters from breaking in to her business sunday. but the st. louis county police
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department now overseeing law enforcement in ferguson, says it doesn't want oath keepers' helpful the chief says their presence was both unnecessary and imflammatory. >> i think the chief's position is that, you know, his department has it under control. i don't know if that's completely true as well. >> reporter: while kirk says the oath keepers weren't violating missouri gun laws he can understand the unease they might have created. >> i think they were trying to provide a security service for is detail last night. do i agree one % with how it was handled. , no, but it is part of the discussion. >> reporter: the oath keepers say they a objected serve aggressive policing here last fall and kirk says they are here to keep that in check. david. >> diane everythin evening broon ferguson, missouri. 50 years ago the arrest of a black driver in watts sparked one of the deadliest race riots
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in u.s. history. one of the root causes of the community's a anger was inadequate access to medical care, change came i came in thef a new hospital that quick deteriorated and is now reborn, here is the story. >> reporter: for more than sick deck aids sweet alice harris has called this block deep in the heart of watts home. in 1965, she watched the streets around her go enough flames. as residents detroit their own community after years of burning resentment over rising racial tensions and scarce public services. a commission under then governor pat brown investigated the riots and released this 101-page report. siting among other things, insufficient and inaccessible medical care. as one of the underlying causes of the uprising. >> that's how we got martin luther king hospital. >> reporter: the hospital opened
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its doors in march 1972. to a longer for gotten community. which had seen too much suffering and too little care. >> whatever happens, if you get to martin luther king hospital you are going to live they had the best trauma center is in the world and is saved lives. >> reporter: but within a feuds year that dimmed. amid allegations of neglect and incompetence. patience were dieing and needlessly. as reports persisted the once promising facility earned the nickname killer king. >> and these are comments that a lot who were there, who worked very hard to do the best they could, do not wish to hear. but the facts are what they are. patients were being compromised. there are no excuses for that. and ultimately, it resulted in the hospital being closed. >> with them closing it, it looked as if martin luther king
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had died again. that hurt. that really hurt. we are not going to have another riot. not going to do that. we are going to find a way to get that hospital back. >> reporter: martin luther king, jr., community hospital opened in july with a new look and a very optimistic future. >> we got something up there beverly hills don't have. they don't got nothing that big or that pretty. >> i it's well overdue that the name martin luther king hospital be restored to the level that it deserves. namely the to honor the man whose tradition we stands. >> reporter: could you describe the difference between watts in 1965 and watts in 2015. >> in '65 we haven' didn't havel facilities. now we got medical facilities. that's the difference. we live again. >> reporter: michael, al jazerra, los angeles.
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you can see more of michael's report on america tonight at 10:00 eastern time. today community leaders in watts are still dealing with issues like unemployment, school segregation and pay innin inequy in our first person report a los angeles based author and political analyst says in some ways conditions in watts are worse today than they were in 1965. >> i am. [ inaudible ] i ever 18 years old at the tight of the watts riots, revolt, rebellion it was called many things. ♪ ♪ >> more than 100 square blocks were decimated by fire and looters and few buildings were left intact. >> it was something that was almost surreal. the crowds, the noise, the bedlam. the burning. the looting. i am just watching the scene unfold. i was more fascinating with what i was seeing than actually any thoughts about, you know, i gotta go in here and get something, i have to be part of
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this. >> a curfew was mutt putt in to effect and the entire section declared off limits to all but residents. >> looking at this block where we stands here, i only live two blocks from here, you have a liquor store, a mom and pop grocery store, a pawn shop. you had a lawn gro lawn grow ma. that was my world, there was a little bit of personal connect by statement an i'll crane yags because feel a part of that. i didn't feel i had any invested interest in any anything that exist odd this block they were just there. i couldn't feel sad, there were no tears. >> the people who left here are suffering great hardship with no grocery, drug, or other service stores able to operate. >> it was a transformative moment. almost a surreal existential moment where for the first time you did not feel like a victim. for the first time, you did not feel just totally, absolutely with no control of anything.
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>> welcome back to the hutchinson report. i am your host early hutchinson. >> on my local radio shows i wanted to focus on watts 50 years later. 50 years ago watts exploded, south l.a. exploded. >> when i is saw what happened in ferguson, my mind went back 50 years. what i saw there, i saw almost a parallel to what i remember during the riots in 1965 here. the same kind of frustration, the same kind of sense of we are not listened to, we don't have a voice, we have no way to express ourselves. and that there is an injustice. that's not being addressed. or addressed the wrong way. so when you see an explosion, you know, whether it be a watts or a ferguson or any other community, people say, oh, you know, how did this happen? why did this happen. what they didn't see is what went on under the surface over the time. here a big question. what's really changed?
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what do we talk about poverty? whether we talk he talk about neighbors that are just still as segregated. any of these factors think homeless be, housing, the wealth game. here is one thing that just jumps out. if you do not have policy makers that are absoluterly committed, and educators, to making the kind of changes, real changes, then we are going to be doomed to continue to repeat and repeat and repeat endlessly the same spiraling downward cycle. >> the 1965 watts tr riots would remain the deadliest in los angeles until the 1992 riots following the acquittal of the police officers involved in the rodney king beating. richard is a former police cheer and police academy director currently the dean of ivy tech community colleges in indianapolis. there is a connection, of course, between ferguson and as we heard, everything that happened in watts. and that there is a fear in many communities when you see the
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tensions in ferguson, that it's going to explode again on the scale that we saw in the 1960s. and that seems to be what is fueling these groups known as oath keepers, armed civilians to show up. but as law enforcement, is it helpful in lowering tensions to have an arm civilian, mostly week group show up on the streets? >> i don't think so, david. i am glad that we are discussing this, because i think there are some really, really deep issues here. when we have something like this occur, when these folks well intentioned as though they may be, to come n i think they distract from the real issues that need to be addressed. and the police chief there in st. louis county has said we need to leave this to professional law enforcement officers who are operate ed in a very disciplined, very trained way of handle this is and working a dialogue with the community, with people of different representatives. black lives matter and all of
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these other different groups. having these folks just come in and just sort of go off on their own, really isn't helpful. >> now, is there a way given that perspective, is there a way to get oath keepers off the streets by suggesting that they are breaking the law? whether it's disturbing the peace or whatever it is, is -- do they have a legal case to be there or can law enforcement say, no, wait a second, you are making the situation worse and here say legal authority we are going use to tell you to go home? >> reporter: here is the problem that they have. and david, you can go up on you tube and see thousands of videos of people, of all races, doing open carry of a firearm and con fronting police officers, you can zoo he where some officers handled it very calmly and nicely and you can see where a few officers, maybe not so well. this is everybody bigger because of all of the media attention, folks like you, all the social media attention, the police want to make sure that they do everything right. they made some mistakes early on
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in this, they admitted that. and so they are working with the district attorney's office to figure out the best way to protect everybody's rights, but still preserve the peace. >> and still avoid a powder keg and sounds like as long as the oath keepers are there that could be what happens. >> that could be. that could be. you are right. and the problem is, that open carry, as long as you are not a threat to the public or a perception of a threat to the public, that's whether where it gets america i legally. again, the police officers want to make sure that they are on firm ground. but it is a distraction. >> richard, the dean of ivy tech community college in indianapolis, a former police chief. thanks for joining us, we appreciate it. >> thank you, sir. u.s. secretary of state john kersey heading to havana cuba on friday where he will raise the u.s. flag over the american embassy for the first time since 1961. it is one of many changes coming to island in the wake of its day taunt with the united states.
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melissa chan is in havana with the story. >> reporter: so close and yet so far away. and for a time, cuba was the romantic, vivid poster child no communism. ♪ ♪ but it became a place frozen in time, by an under performing socialist economy. until now. because after decades of decline, cuba, it seems, is on the move once again. >> i first came to cuba back in 2001, 14 years ago. everyone expects to see a lot of change in the next few years, but i see change already. there are a lot more cars on the road. people are better dressed. and there are new businesses: a parallel economy has developed. analysts estimate that more than a million cub cubans now work as independents who don't depend on the state but make their own
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money. one of them is roberto, his cell phone repair shot may look modest, but he keeps those with access to technology connected. >> translator: cubans are eager for technology, you can see it in the streets, every student was a nice dproanl, computer, tablet. >> reporter: the. >> reporter: even the store front represents change, until recently, commercial rental space didn't exist. people had to run their operations from home. now he looses a spot from the government. he has three other outlets and with all of the talk of reform, big dreams. i would love to see my business grow in to a transnational company like at&t. that would be great. >> reporter: raul castro's decision when he took power to veer off the strict communist path of his brother fidel castro
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has mental biggest changes the county has seen since the 1960s. the island experienced when it had to during the lean, post soviet years, but fidel castro would always rein it in. this time the commitment feels permanent. we are going to check out a different destination, the car king of havana. they look fun. but cubans do not drive classic cars by choice. they maintain them out of necessity, the american embargo and the cuban government have limited the entry of new vehicles in to the country. before the revolution, julio alvarez tour's father worked for general motors. more than half a century later, alvarez find himself working on the same models his father might
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have fixed. >> translator: i run this operation with the most basic cools. under tough working conditions. and even like this, i can get things to work. so imagine how it would be without the embargo. >> reporter: he's rescored 22 cars and he hopes normalization between the two countries will soon mean he can import spare parts more easily. on the day we visited, alvarez had just put the final touches on this classic american automobile, the chevrolet impala. it had taken two years for restore. some of the metal and glass custom fabricated. he just said it's a mercedes benz motor in a 1959 chevy. alvarez fixes cars. and his wife drives them. indicaterring mostly to tourists. together with others they formed a loose taxi cooperative.
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>> translator: i am happy because we enjoy what we do. i love driving. i have always loved driving. he enjoys restoring cars and together all of this gives us economic benefits and we are happy because of that. >> reporter: when asked whether he considers himself a capitalist or socialist. alvarez says morning anything he's just tired. >> translator: i feel like a capitalist. i have no life of my own. i don't have the time to pay attention to nipping else but my business. >> reporter: but by far the most well known new business is the restaurant. these days some luxury places everything serve lobster, fine wine and dining mostly reserved for vacationers. the exceptions are the cubans who run the places, he owns the restaurant. >> in cuba we are very good at innovating. we are quite dynamic. it's not difficult to start a
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business, it's at this time to stay in business. >> reporter: she's consumed by the same worries, supply chains, health inspections, taxes government regulations change constantly. despite that, she has benefited not just her life but everyone around here. >> translator: this business has been a personal achievement. and also my family's main income. most move family depends on this business. almost everybody working here is a family member. my aunt work in the kitchen, my cousins are at the front of the house. >> reporter: from socialism to the drive of capitalism. officials would insist reforms have remained true to the revolution. and some might say cuba has had little choice but to do something different. but the changes will mean making way for a growing middle class in a supposed classless society. melissa chan, al jazerra,
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havana. thousands of americans worry that closer ties with cuba could block any financial settlements over property confiscated by the castro government. randall pinkston is here with that. randle. >> david, it was 1960 when fidel castro's government seized the properties of thousands of people. it wasn't just cubans, many american families who owned vacation homes or were in cuba for business were also affected. they have been fighting for some $7 billion in promised settlement money for decades. surviving family members vow to keep fighting for what they say belong to his their loved ones. >> it wasn't just the, you know, monetary stuff, it was the percentage things that, you know, were taken as well. they died hard broken. i think that probably hurts me more than anything else. is knowing that they didn't -- they didn't ever see justice. >> when the property was taken families were promised compensation in the form of bonds that were never issued.
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in our next hour why many who are owed that money worry the new relationship between the u.s. and cuba will negatively impact their chances of ever seeing it. randle, looking forward to it. thank you. up next making ordinary americans extraordinary. the work of thomas hart benton are getting that are first major exhibition in 25 years.
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by all accounts thomas hart benton was one of the most great breaking artists of 21st century. for the first time in 25 years a survey of his work is on display at a major american museum. for tonight's first person report we spoke with the curator of the peabody ex-us museum up in massachusetts. >> thomas hart benton was a modern american painter who was active from the teens through his death in 1975.
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his art is incredibly distinctive because it was grounded in art historical traditions by characterized by qualities that we describe as cinematic. so his paintings have a very memorable style the way that you remember scenes from movies. at the very early stages of motion picture production in the united states, benton was there. he was exposed to the fact that movies were the way americans were going to be experiencing storytelling. and he thought as a painter, how could he compete with this? how could he tell stories in paint? he started experimenting with history painting. he said history paintings had occupied a large place in the annals of art history. he said in defiance of all the conventions of our art world i started painting american histories. one of my very favorite paintings by thomas hart benton say self portrait with receipt
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actual it's incredible because it announces benton's ambitions to be a major player in american art. you really get benton's ability to combine his awareness of the power and glamor and allure of poll wood with the traditions of painting in which he was so grounded. and his desire to both confront our myths as well as try to create them, i think it's fan nateing and i hope people appreciate the stories he was telling about america. on think one of the things that's great to take away i from seeing his paintings ask what a great crafts man he was. on you dedicated he was to his techniques to his methods which he developed in response to the motion picture city way back in 1920s. >> the exhibit is on display now at the pee bot you h essex musem
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>> closing guantanamo bay. a white house plan to shut down the guantanamo bay prison hits a road block over justice department objections to the transfer of high-risk detainees on american soil a safety measure. we have been clear from the podium and elsewhere saying there's no zone, safe haven. we are not talking about that here a disagreement between the u.s. and turkey over a so-called safe free zone inside northern syria to provide air cover tore syrian reb
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