tv News Al Jazeera August 13, 2015 11:00pm-11:31pm EDT
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devastating spill. it's their livelihood, their money, way of the life. it's all gone. >> the navaho nation raising fears about the long-term impact from toxins unleashed in a spill as the e.p.a. tried to contain the damage. ending executions. the high court rules capital punishment unconstitutional, taking inmates off death row.
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>> disaster zone. the aftermath of the deadly blast that rocked the city in northern china, a search for survivors as investigators tried to find outside what went wrong. >> havana homecoming. antonio mora returns to his birthplace, cuba, to witness an historic turning point for the nation i'm libby casey in for antonio mora. we begin with the fall out from a spill in the south-west. the navaho nation says it plans to sue the e.p.a., claiming millions of gallons will impact residents of the tribe oh live along the river. and they have been warned not to sign the e.p.a. compensation form, fearing they'll be forced to wave legal and financial rites. e.p.a. met with the navaho nation behind closed doors. allen schauffler is there with more
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e.p.a. administrator geena putting a happy face on the meeting with navaho leaders, calling them partners in the process, and navaho nation move forward. partners that know they are likely to be opponents in court. right now, the concern is over water. its quality and availability. >> e.p.a. administrator continues her visit to the region eight days after the mine still contaminated, the enimas, she toured fart of the reservation with the tribal president and other leaders, and says the tribe and agency are partners, have a good working relationship despite the threats to sue over the spill. >> e.p.a. is not unfamiliar with lit gaghts. demon of that was -- litigation, none of that was in the discussion. we hope to build the relationship with the new president, and we spend a lot of
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time talking about next steps. they are full partners right now in terms of sampling. >> people here who depend on the river for irrigation and livestock have been scrambling for water as they await test results. residue shows on the banks and sandbars of the river, and people living nearby have been warned not to use the water for crops, animals or drinking. >> it's their livelihood, money and way of life. we have to go and haul water, 20, 30 miles away to get water. >> we found eva and her grand daughter at a roadside stand, not far from the formation that gives the town of ship rock its name. promises from the e.p.a. ring hollow here. do you have confidence that the federal government will make things right? >> you want me to use my language. hell, no, they are not going to which have no details about
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what form the litigation might take. the e.p.a. authorised half a million to pay for water deliveries, until testing shows contamination in the river eased. >> geena expects fest results back from the lower stretches of the river, and furtherer downstream to lake powell, we didn't get a time line for when the deft results might be available. the results would be turned over the local authorities to go over and consider, and they'd make decisions on how to handle water connecticut supreme court overturned the state's death penalty, in doing so spared the lives of 11 men on death row, including two notorious killers. >> in the late hours of a july night, drug aticket steven and career -- addict, steven and
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career killer entered the wife of william and his wife. they tied them up, beat their family and persuaded his wife to withdraw money from a bank. this surveillance video shows mrs. petit at a bank explaining that the family was held hostage, but the controls promised not to kill them after giving them the money. after returning with the money, she and her 11-year-old were raped and 17-year-old haley was tied to the bed before the criminals doused the home with gasoline. the doctor was the only survivors. hays and his partner were sentenced to death. after the sentencing in 2011 dr petit said if there was a crime that warranted the death penalty, this was it. >> we have been criticized over the years that this is vengeance
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and blood loss. this is about justice. >> in 2012 connecticut stds legislator passed a law repealing the death penalty. they made sure that that would apply to future crimes so two of the states notorious murders would be executed. today, hayes and nine others have been spared. thanks to a 4-3 ruling by the connecticut supreme court with the death penalty for these convicted violates the constitutional prohibition against cruel and unusual punishment. speaking for the majority. the state wrote that the death penalty does not serve a legitimate surface. the government openly supported the repeal, signing it into law. >> in 50 years, the only people to be put to death in connecticut were two gentlemen. as for dr petit, hours after,
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they issued a statement saying how the four members of the majority disregarded key stones. the death penalty is a highly charged topic with profound impact. >> this is a solid day in connecticut. we have to keep in our minds how difficult this is for victims and victim's families. >> the last time connecticut carried out the death penalty was the 2005 execution of serial killer mike at roth after he waved a right to appeal. before that the state has not killed an inmate. >> june 26th, the supreme court ruled in favour of universal gay marriage. there were celebrations among the l.b.g.t. supporters. a month later, some same sex couples find the hurdles remain to achieving equality. john terrett is here with more. >> good evening. if you count up the days, it's
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48, today since the supreme court made history. it is a tall order, i think, to expect all issues regarding same-sex marriage to have gone away. >> as you will say some gay couples, the fight is going on. >> reporter: one of the most significant days in recent u.s. political history, june 26, 2015, the supreme court made gay marriage legal in all 50 states. in the street celebrations lasting all weekend. >> we are considered equal to everyone else. it's a joyous occasion. >> in new york and multiple other cities gay pride parades bim became an extension of jubilation, now almost two months down the road and many gay couples realise in some respects, despite the momentous decision, not a lot changed. >> we thought we'd go down to the county court courthouse and
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get a marriage licence, and now it's quickly stopped. >> april and karen live in kentucky. with the help of the a.c.l.u., they are battling a clerk, refusing to give them a marriage licence on religious grounds, even though the county judge told them to get on with it. >> this is where we paid our taxes, it's our home, where our daughter went to school - where we work and live, most importantly. we want our marriage licence from the county that we live in. it's important to us. >> davis is among several courts who won't issue licences. >> she is wrong, these people are cruel to do it to us. >> reporter: the other states where clerks tried to issue avoiding licence is alabama, mississippi, and texas. in florida, the first couple to
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be issued a marriage licence is suing the state. cathy and carla say the state bureau of vital statistics will not allow hospitals to list both parents on birth certificates. in colorado, a same-sex couple is willing to go to gaol. jack phillips, the owner of master foods cake shop turned a couple down when they asked for a cake. they were married in massachusetts, but wanted to celebrate in colorado. the court of appeals warns that phillips can't cite religious beefs, it would lead to discrimination. phillips says he doesn't care and will go to gaol if needs be. >> the long-fought battle for gay rights is not over. >> yes, those celebrations after
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the court decision all weekend or all week. now there's a sense of reality singing in. only today in mississippi, a lawsuit has been filed in federal court by four couples challenging a state law prohibiting same sex couples from adopting children. >> in china police made their first arrest associated with a massive chemical explosion in teen jen. the owners of a warehouse where the blast occurred are in custody. investigators say a fire theringered the explosion, but they don't know what sparked it. 50 died, hundreds injured. officials expect the death toll to rise. i.s.i.l. is claiming responsibility for a truck bomb attack. the early morning blast killed 67 people in the predominantly shia neighbourhood. more than 150 were wounded.
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it is baghdad's main center for food and produce. i.s.i.l. said it intentionally targeted a majority shia gathering place and vowed more attacks it's 6:00a.m. in athens, where greek lawmakers are debating the the terms of a bail-put for their country. prime minister alexis tsipras is pushing for the $95 billion agreement needed to pay back loans for greek creditors. opponents, say the austerity measures create too much hardship for citizens. dozens gathered outside parliament to protest the deal. >> translation: people can't pay more taxes unless we become homeless, eat at soup kitchens and shut down schools and hospitals. a discovered a kidney
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medicine, basic to my health is out of stock. from this point of view, i don't think more measures can work. >> prime minister alexis tsipras said he's confident the deal will pass. el nino could be dangerous, meaning dangerous weather for the country. predictions next and antonio mora is among the cuban natives seeing their homes for the first time in years or decades.
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madura. he repeated assertions that the u.s. owes cuba millions for the embargo, and made no mention of john kerry's visit tomorrow the ceremonial opening of the embassy in havana turns the pages on diplomatic isolation. many families were affected by the tensions. antonio mora knows this story well. here is his report. >> reporter: according to the u.s. sensis bureau, 2 million cubans live in the united states. that's almost the population of the eyed. a slight majority of cuban americans favour normalization. u.s. relations are deeply personal, as is returning to the place we were born. it was for me. we are here in the old section of havana, along the bay here.
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and we are heading to the house where i lived as a baby with four generations of my family. i have not been there in almost 20 years. a lot has changed since my family left cuba in 1960, months before the u.s. broke off relations. covering the ceremony gave me a chance to return home. and i still know one person who lives in the house. she worked with my family and never left. she's telling me that she has been here all these years, taking care of the house for us, she said. the house was turned into a small school, and then the government decided to subdivide it into apartments, there's 11 apartments here now, and she's telling me that these days they really maintain the house. the government is involved.
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they want to keep it up, because it's an historic house and they want to make sure because it's in the tourist area, it shows off havana in ha positive light. >> had her daughter offered to give me a tour. for decades the house decayed, the salt in the sea air taking its toll. >> it's breaking down, falling apart. and this was... ..this was a stained glass window. i guess some of the moulding is left around the window. most of the rest is falling apart. ironically because it's stained, it's a beautiful marble. maybe it may be able to be cleaned. on the second floor we ran into another tenant. >> turns out that he lives in my room, when i was a child.
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and he will show us. >> a room i had not seen since i was two. so i guess this is where i slept as a child. only then did he learn who i was. what followed was a revealing moment of how cubans see those that left. "i pray a lot for your family", whispering "come back and buy this." before leaving we shared family photos. she was excited to see a picture of my mum in miami. 55 years apart, despite living little more than 200 miles away. it was an emotional day for me. now it's time for the politics, pageantry. the american fly flies over in
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havana, a mile from where i was born. >> tomorrow night. antonio hosts a special hour of coverage. he'll take a look at u.s.-cuba relations and how it's opening doors to tourism and investing southern california is bracing for possibly the most powerful el nino. it is shaping up to be a strong el nino, causing half a million worth of damages. weather officials say this year's el nino is the second strongest for this time of year for more than six decades. ben cho is a water policy analyst and joins us from california. good evening. people are calling this el nino a godzilla. it's not scientific, but is it
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accurate? >> i would say that the forecasts that came out indicate the strong probability of a strong el nino developing this year. i would sigh it's not a guarantee of a wet winter. over the past 65 years, we have seen a handful of event. in some of these we see wetter wenters. in others below normal. >> you hear a lot about el nino, explain the impact. how can it be widespread. remind us what it says. it is referring to a warming of the sea surface temperatures in the eastern pacific ocean. we can think of it off the coast of south america, and the pool of water extends further west. it leads to changes in atmospheric circulation, and ocean currents that affect the weather. as you mentioned there's likely to be impact, but there's a host
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of impacts across the world. >> as we look at california for a moment more, could it end the drought california has been suffering from? >> unfortunately, i think it's a very low chance that the el nino will end the drought. right now more than 97% of california is facing drought continues, and they have developed over a span of several years. it's unlikely that in a span of a short few months that the drought will be erased. >> how do you see climate change playing into this. >> well, that's really a question that scientists are trying to figure out. we don't know if it has an impact on el nino. it is referring to a longer term increasing temperatures, el nino occur on a shorter time scale. we see them occur from
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2-7 years. we don't know the connection. we know that climate change is affecting drought and is likely to make future droughts more intense. it doesn't just affect california, what else are you watching? >> we were likely to see possibly more precipitation in the southern half of the united states. there's the chance it may be drier in the northern half of the u.s., and drying in central and south america. >> ben choe, water policy analyst with the national resources defense council joining us from california emergency fish evacuation is under way in california. wildlife officials are relocating more than 100,000 pound of trout because warm water is threatening their survival. california's drought lead to lower water levels and higher temperatures. officials are trucking the fish
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25 years, humans will set foot on the moon, and the agency is trying out equipment. the rs-25 engine was tested. the new surveys launch system will be powered by more rs-25s, when it launches in 2018. n.a.s.a. scientists said the trial was successful, and this was the sixth of seven tests to make sure the engine is compatible with the space launch system if you are reeling from knews of ms piggy and kermit's break up, brace yourself. "sesame street" is moving to h.b.o. and will only be available to h.b.o. subscribers for a period of time before they can be seen on pbs. the changes have some calling it the gentrification of "sesame street." >> reporter: a familiar theme... ♪ sunny days ...
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>> reporter: with a new destinati destination. "sesame street" is backing up and moving from pbs to h.b.o., where viewers get an education in subscription. ses amy workshop signed a deal, they'll air exclusively on h.b.o. for nine months before becoming free on pbs. [ singing ] >> reporter: for generations of parents and kids, "sesame street" and pbs were inseparable. the new argument is a redemrection of changing viewer habits. according to the "new york times", two-thirds of children watch "sesame street" on demand, not pbs, and 10% of the budget was covered by pb s, or $4 million. the average cost of a season of "sesame street," according to is about $16 million. the difference was made up from
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a combination of grants, donations and licensing, making up about 40% of the budget. streaming and on demand services cut into dvd sales, resulting in lower licensing income, putting pressure on the not for profit. cutting back on the number of episodes. the new arrangement means 35 fresh episodes a year, up from 18, and additional programming. a bot of people reacting like this. i never thought i'd see the day that "sesame street" would gentrify and become a gated community genetic testing proved former president warren harding had an illegitimate daughter. the tests were based on d.n.a. taken from descendants of harding and his mistress.
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scientists say their 99.9% sirn, harding was the 29th president of the united states. i'm libby casey, thank you for joining us, catch us online at lisa fletcher is next with "inside story". have a good night. [ ♪ ] in the world of democratic politics, there are signs two candidates are heading in the opposite directions, one is turning over a personal email server to the feds and falling in the polls. the other is upgrading his new hampshire campaign headquarters after outgrowing the old one. and throw in a vice president who may be weighing in a run of his own. closing in on clinton, it's "inside story".
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