tv News Al Jazeera August 14, 2015 8:00pm-9:01pm EDT
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>> hello everybody, this is al jazeera america, live from new york city i'm david schuster. just ahead. history for the first time in 54 years, the stars and stripes fly over the u.s. embassy in cuba. the flag raising a symbolic gesture met with celebration and anger. we'll have live reports from havana. overturned. the connecticut home invasion killers are spared the death penalty, the high court called
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it unconstitutional. dangerous prescription. the fda ruled children as young as 11 can use the highly addictive painkiller oxycontin. and a hard day's night. 55,000 screaming fans the four lads from liverpool and the one concert that changed everything. we will look back at the time 50th anniversary of the beatles at shea stadium. we begin this hour in cuba with a day many veterans of the cold war thought they would never see. today the flag of the united states was raised over the u.s. embassy in havana with secretary of state john kerry looking on three u.s. marines hoisted a flag up a pole at the u.s. embassy for the first time in 54 years. the ceremony marks a milestone
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in the renewed relationship between two former foes. melissa chan covers the events and joins us from havana. melissa. >> reporter: well david i i have to say when that flag went up and that moment happened very quickly, swish and it went up, we heard cheers and clapping from the cubans actually outside the embassy perimeter. those who weren't invited. but they trickled towards the embassy about 6:00 this morning, and i have to say what a day it was. it has actually functioned as an embassy for almost a month now since the formal resumption of diplomatic relations on july 20th. but if there's a question about ceremony is important, that they waited for the flag, proves that
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pomp and circumstance matter. >> friends, president obama and president castro made a courageous decision to focus on the opportunities of today and tomorrow. this doesn't mean that we should or will forget the past. how could we, after all? >> symbols and poetic details marked the occasion. the first surreal moment: the u.s. band playing the cuban national anthem. ♪ >> reporter: on friday the same american marines who had taken down the u.s. flag 54 years ago helped raise it again in havana partially mirroring the ceremony a few weeks ago when they chose to use the same flag that had been in storage all these decades. outside the u.s. embassy joy and disbelief from cubans and americans alike. >> why we should have had so many years of tension between our two countries, beautiful
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island, beautiful people and our country as powerful as it is would be so -- treat these people with such disdain, it's terrible. i'm glad we're past that time. >> translator: it's an important step and it's beautiful. after so many decades and so many generations and so many conflicts between the two countries it's beautiful. it's good for cuba. good for united states. but we should wait and see. >> fidel castro once called this building a nest of spies. and until recently, it was known as the u.s. intersection. about 50 staffers work here. as an embassy that number will increase. but it doesn't really mean that the u.s. and cuba actually have a normal relationship. differences remain highlighted by the press conference in the afternoon. >> there needs to be a process established for working them through and the path to full normalization is not always going to be easy. we both understand that.
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>> translator: i have emphasized to the secretary of state, the lifting of the blockade in our opinion is an essential element for us in order to have normal relations with the united states. >> reporter: still whoever expected to see this, a u.s. secretary of state walking the cobble stones of historic old havana, the two nations the closest they've been in most of our lifetimes. and just to add a little bit more in terms of context. 97% of cubans according to one poll conducted by univision, support normalization. a lot of feelings that the status quo has to change. >> melissa, good to see the number of people outside the fence of the embassy. we saw the dignitaries, the diplomats inside but give us a context how many people gathered on the roadway to watch or catch
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whatever glimpse they could? >> reporter: i would say the people outside there were probably about 200 at most, 300. it was really hard to gauge. not as large of a crowd i have to confess as we thought would necessarily show up although the ceremony did take place quite early in the morning. i think in terms of the actual ceremony itself, david, it is important who didn't show up or who wasn't invited. dissidents weren't invited. many were wondering how the americans would manage it. there were cuban officials and you wanted to make sure there weren't awkward meetings with dissidents. when the americans chose not to invite dissidents, as secretary of state john kerry decided to meet them later that day. >> what is the mood in the streets of havana behind you? is there a lot of discussion about it or another day of business as usual? >> reporter: well i would say
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it was not entirely business as usual right behind me because u.s. secretary of state john kerry decided he had said that he would like to speak to ordinary cubans but he actually did it right in this square behind me a few hours ago in the afternoon. he walked the streets of old havana, yet another surreal moment, seeing an american secretary of state walking around havana. he checked out some of those famous retro cars and spoke to cuban entrepreneurs, david. >> melissa, thank you. 200 miles north of havana in miami, this was a day of emotion and tensions. demonstrators for and against the new relationship between u.s. and cuba, crossed paths and there were confrontations. in addition to the scuffles over the signs protesters yelled and hurled insults including yelling and throwing garbage at that woman's car. it all underscored intense
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feelings in america's largest cuban community. in new york, republican presidential candidate marco rubio the son of cuban immigrants blasted the administration. >> continue to work with nations like russia and china to continue to spy on our people and our government, who harbor fugutives from american justice and hold in violation of almost every everything we hold dear. and by providing our nation's economy of freedom an opportunity. u.s. intersection in cuba from 2011 to 2014. mr. cofield, what was your reaction? >> it was terrific to see the flag go up in the u.s. embassy. working in havana after
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representing the u.s. abroad for almost 40 years it was the first place where i ever signed my name under the swiss embassy seal or we didn't have the opportunity to raise the flag so it's a wonderful sight. >> one thing that wasn't so wonderful as far as u.s. interests are concerned there weren't any dissidents who were invited or allowed into the ceremony today. some of the dissidents in havana are reporting things are being more difficult, the government is being more oppressive over the last month. what is gotten in that flag raising that so many people are concerned with in the united states? >> the united states has said that we are in a better position to support the return of democracy and human rights in cuba if we are represented at the embassy level. if the restrictions on u.s. diplomats to travel through island, to speak with whomever we wished were lifted. and i think that's the major accomplishment for the u.s. of opening an embassy.
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of course, the leadership of cuba is unwilling to change their political system. even though the general population, and even the communist party rank and file, see that the system isn't delivering anymore, they're still very much afraid and the leadership has said there will be no political changes. so people are biding their time. the leaders are all in their 80s and they will be changing. they will be leaving at some point. and there's where i think we, and other cubans who want to try a new approach, will have an opportunity. >> any reaction to the sent iments tsentiments of marco rubd others? >> this is a very emotional issue for cuban americans and the people who left cuba in the 1960s after revolution left with nothing. and it didn't matter whether you supported the resolution or
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owned it. if you owned property it was taken. if you owned a business it was taken. people felt they had no alternative but to leave. i can see from the standpoint of what puts the u.s. in better position than to help change in cuba, i think this decision by the president is the right one. >> john cofield, thanks for joining us, we appreciate it. for decades communist cuba has been especially oppressive to the lgbt community but attitudes are gradually changing. ash-har quraishi reports from havana. >> hundreds of cubans dance to a congconga beat, declare their se sex love. >> louie, we've been together for 14 years, i give you my heart and my love before god
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forever. >> leading the rights of lgbt is raul castro's daughter. she has been a strong advocate for lgbt individuals. >> independently of the fact that not everybody is in agreement with the law for the rights of the lgbt community this will not create a split. it will generate a cultural enrichment, an ideologic enrichment of the cuban society. >> reporter: for decades after the 1959 he revolution, homosexuality in cuba was criminalized. some homosexuals were forced into work camps. police arrest people for being gay. >> i would be proud to see an improvement in the gay community behavior in every way. >> reporter: at his job in old havana artist juan carlos
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rodriguez acknowledges that things are changing for gays and homosexuals. >> things have developed in the world and people are seeing us in a different view of life. the determination and sexuality of the gay person. >> reporter: havana based film maker lester a gay cuban, a way to shine a light on the group in cuba. >> i've been very surprised at how organized everything is. >> his retelling of a classic cuban play, the family of a gay man who finally reveals his sexuality. >> translator: because i am gay, because i have friends that are gay and i felt a lot of pain. and i have seen a lot of situations, we have been seen as repulsive and this is not acceptable.
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>> reporter: activists admit there is still a long way to go, there is no protection in other sectors of society such as housing and education. and same sex marriage as well as civil unions remain illegal. >> translator: there will have to be a lot of knowledge, cultural, social and visual to be able to accept something. we're still very behind in that aspect. ♪ ♪ >> reporter: as relations thaw between the u.s. and cuba, juan los and others here are optimistic that this could lead to a culture of tolerance and acceptance. ash-har quraishi, havana, cuba. a new look airs at 9:00 eastern, 6:00 pacific. u.s. military officials say they have seen reports and are
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investigating several attacks southwest of er erbil. jamie mcintire has the story. >> they say they're taking the allegations very seriously, even at this point they cannot confirm whether a chemical agent, possibly mustard gas was used in the attacks. nevertheless, they say it is the thing i.s.i.l. would do if it had the capability. these reports originally came to the german defense ministry, some germans are advising the kurdish peshmerga in iraq. they believed they were exposed to something, some of them had trouble breathing and exhibited chemical burns. kurdish authorities and iraqi authorities are endeavoring to take samples if in fact i.s.i.l. has introduced chemical weapons to the battlefield. david. >> iraqi forces are now in a second half of a multiweek
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campaign to get i.s.i.l. out of the crucial city of ramadi. what is the latest in the fight? >> reporter: david, you may remember, they were beginning an offense to retake ramadi in nawranbar province. isolation phase of the campaign, there is one central command spokesman put it, putting a noose around i.s.i.l.'s neck. the idea is to completely encircle ramadi before they take the city back. what was taking the city so long, i.s.i.l. had put hundreds of ieds in place, the iraqis had been methodically destroying them. u.s. central command said they were nornlgd by the progress. iraqi security forces are
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showing and they say they are confident iraq will retake ramadi on the time line that iraq has established. >> al jazeera's jamie mcintire reporting from the pentagon, he jamie thank you. up next two connecticut killers convicted for a brutal crime that stunned the nation will now be spared the death penalty, we'll tell you why. plus the u.s. food and drug administration has now allowed doctors to prescribe oxycontin to children. is the benefit worth the risk?
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explosions racked a facility, shelter in place from the drill chem plant in conrow, thick black smoke can be seen from miles away. so far there are no reports of injuries. in colorado today, authorities reopened the animas river to recreational users. toxic yellow waste water spewed into the animas, levels do not threaten public health. authorities are warning people not to drink the water and to wash up after coming into contact with it. republican lawmakers are harshly considering, yesterdayal ruling spares the life of 11 on connecticut's death row, including two notice o notoriou. libby casey has the story.
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>> jesse and joshua entered the how many of hock pettit. this surveillance video which was later shown in court, shows mrs. petit at the bank. instead after returning with the money, mrs. petit and her 11-year-old daughter were raped and 17-year-old hayley was tied to her pedestrian, before the criminals doused the house with gasoline and set it on fire. dr. petit was the only survivor. dr. petit said if any crime deserved the death penalty this is it.
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>> we say this is really about justice. >> in 2012, connecticut's legislature passed a law, repealing the death penalty. but made sure that law would only fly future crimes so that two of the state's most notorious murderers would be still executed. however, they are now, on death penalty, violates the accusation without cruel and unusual punish punishment. connecticut governor malloi who openly signed the repeal quickly signed it into law. >> in 50 years the only people to be put to death in connecticut were two gentlemen who volunteered for it. >> as for dr. petit hours after the ruling he issued a statement saying the dissent being
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justices clearly state how the key stones of our structure. highly charged topic with profound emotional impact. >> this is a slum day in connecticut. we have to keep in our minds how difficult this is for victims and victims' families. >> libby casey, al jazeera. >> legal experts say the connecticut ruling could have a big impact across the nation. 31 states still have capital punishment. they're the ones there in orange. 19 states have abolished it. connecticut judges cited problems with the death penalty that exist nationwide, including economic disparities in its use and the risk of putting innocent people to death. josh markee is a district attorney in oregon who defends the death penalty. josh the connecticut supreme court basically says the 11 men on death row in that state will be spared because even though
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their crimes were before a state abolished the death penalty it would be unconstitutional the execute them. what is your reaction? >> it's disappointing because once again we have basically the legal eleads of the united states counter manning what the voters believe. a poll taken just a year ago in connecticut showed over 55% of connecticut voters supported the death penalty, only 37 opposed. and they intended for people like the two men who slaughtered dr. petit's family to stay on death row and now they won't. >> we might all agree to murder a connecticut mother and burn her two daughters alive is the most ohorrific thing possible and those two monsters should be put to death but you would agree in general the death penalty doesn't act as a deterrent, it doesn't decrease the crime rate in the states that have it. >> in the first ten years of the 21st century the number of
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death sentences handed down in the united states actually increased 26% over the last ten years of the 20th century. in that same period of time, the number of murders in the united states decreased 21%. now i'm not saying the only reason -- >> but the murders were not necessarily decreasing in the state thas that had the death penalty. study after study shows african americans are more likely to get the death penalty for a whole host of reasons that white people who commit the same crimes. >> i would actually 03, the cornell study showed that the states most likely to send people to death row were delaware and ohio. and the so-called southern death belt. approximately 51% of the murders in the united states are committed by african americans almost exclusively against african americans, 42% of those on death row are african americans.
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now that's clearly way out of proportion with the 13% proportion. >> what about the innocents, they were on death row and dna cleared them. >> wait wait, this is a subject about which i've testified before congress four times. there have been five people in the last 40 years who were on death row, and dna proved they didn't do it. the number of innocent people executed in the united states, in the last -- the modern era is zero as in none. >> josh marke rvetion, a district attorney from oregon, thank you. >> thank you. >> up next they were the cuban children in the early 1960s who were sent to live alone in the united states. their observations about operation pedro pan are intriguing. showing you where they are going next and who is helping them.
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>> hello everybody this is al jazeera america, live from new york city accountable i'm david schuster. a new era as the u.s. and cuba normalize relations, children share their memories of escaping the revolution they also describe their hopes for the future. immigration debate. texas detention centers still host hundreds of immigrant families, facing a new set of challenges. doctors orders, the fda just approved a painkiller use in children, critics say it's a prescription for lifelong addiction. plus, twist and shout, 50 years ago, 55,000 screaming fans complete the beatles at shea stadium. it was the concert that turned rock 'n' roll inside out. tonight the american flag is
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flying at the u.s. embassy in cuba for the first time in half a century. u.s. secretary of state john kerry presided over the ceremony earlier today as marines hoisted the flag up the pole. kerry is the highest ranking u.s. official to visit the island since franklin delano rooroosevelt was president. many cubans afraid of the castro government sent their children alone to live in the united states. an operation known as operation pedro pan. loirnlingsz looks at some children who were part of it. -- lori jane gliha look at those children who were part of it. >> i remember thinking, i may never see my parents again. >> carlos was alone on a flight to the united states. it was the height of the
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revolution. >> it was oh great i'm excited to leave. but a life so horrible, this seemed better to me. >> he boarded a flight to the united states never realizing it would be the last time he would ever see his father. >> i thought yes, i will, i will get to see him but then he died. >> reporter: thousands of cuban children were sent to the u.s. alone by parents who feared the cuban government run by fidel castro would take them away and brain wash them. ultimately 14,000 cuban children would flee the country on u.s. commercial flights to florida. part of a program started in 1960 called operation pedro pan. >> i kept looking back and seeing my mother. they finally got us on the plane and it was pretty rushed. i looked back at my mother. >> remembering spending a lot of
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time with hi father before he left. >> i remember in august a lot of fishing trips. >> what did you think your dad was doing spending a lot of time with you? >> i knew he was sick and he wouldn't be leave cuba. i think this time was his way of being while it could happen, of being with me. >> he says he was nervous when he boarded the plane to the united states, nervous about leaving his country and his family, but he will never forget hearing gun fire. >> i knew castro was there to say. >> lucia alvarez was a teenager. >> writing stuff like down with fidel and stuff like that. my mom was scared. kids have no knowledge of the danger. >> as a daughter of two very
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famous cuban performers she thought her trip out would be brief. >> they made it seem like it was going to a summer camp. i traveled with my five-year-old sister. it was very, very painful, she asked my mom, why do i have to leave? how could you explain to a five-year-old child that she had to leave her mother and father, you know? >> reporter: though she didn't know him then, alvarez's future husband, willie chorino, was also boarding a plane as part of operation pedro pan? >> did you feel lonely? >> no i did not. my experience was not as hers was. most of the kids that came from pedro pan had that tough moment in which they felt lonely. i was not because i was surrounded by 86 kids just like
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me. >> we were on a plane, had to take another little plane to get to d dubuque, iowa. i don't know why they separated my sister and i. she was the only thing i had, and i was her only family, the only person that she knew. >> alvarez and her sister were separated from their parents for three years. >> what was it like to have your family together again? >> it was heaven. >> finally after a year of separation willie chorino reunited with his family. >> it was very, very emotional, we cried, we embraced, we you know, said finally! >> but for luis leon, just 15 years ol, there was no reunion with his father. >> there was a telg gram. my sister got a tel got a telegd
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they said my father had died. i remember crying and crying the day i got the telegram. i suppose a release of pent up stuff. >> it would be four years before reverend leon would see his mother again. >> it wasn't an easy time. last time she had seen me was at 11. next time she sees me i'm 15 years old. and you've been on your own. for four years. >> reporter: reverend leon is now the rector at st. john's church in washington, d.c. los ayer is professional of culture and religious studies at yale. and the two who never knew each other as children came together aby music.
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>> how much of your relationship has been inspired by operation pedro pan? >> i believe a lot. i believe -- i know as a matter of fact that being an artist, you touch people's emotions including your own. >> which of your songs makes you the most emotional and touched? >> well, of course it's a song that -- it's a song that i wrote, it's called our day will be arriving. and for some reason, that song touched the deepest fiber of emotion in the heart of every cuban inside the island. and around the world. >> can you see more of lori jane gliha's report on "america tonight" at 10:00 eastern time. john suarez joins us from miami. john first of all what was your reaction to the u.s. flag going
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up at the u.s. embassy in havana? >> i was a bit upset because the embassy did not invite any dissidents or human rights defenders to the act, it was just representatives of the dictatorship and lobbyists and folks who want to do business with the regime and the u.s., who took part in the event. i believe an opportunity was missed. >> what do you believe the opportunity now an embassy to embassy, diplomatic relationship, the u.s. has more leverage with the cubans to make the are lives of the dissidents better? >> first of all, they are less better off. to get this formally an embassy required a number of concessions on the part of the united states. the castro regime didn't feel pressured to have diplomatic relations but the president did because on december 17th he announced the intention of
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normalizing relations. conditions, take them off the list of state sponsored terrorists, even though they were smuggling in 2013 and just caught with weapons in columbia in 2015. they were asking for the report on human trafficking watered down which the state department obliged and on july 20th they had the state department spokesperson john kirby threatening rosa mia millard, threatening, they were threatening her that if she raised a hand to ask a question she would be escorted physically from the event. i think that's regrettable. >> given that the last 50 years the so-called cold war hasn't done anything to improve the lives of dissidents, why not give diplomacy, give a new relationship a chance given that there really was no alternative and no proof that maintaining these tensions had helped the
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dissidents? >> well first off: the loosening and engagement with the dictatorship back in the '90s during the clinton administration made things worse for dissidents. we saw cuban americans shot down and killed february 24th of '96 in massive crack downs during that warming period. now with this administration we are seeing prominent dissident leaders who had had successful initiatives -- >> i get all these examples, what is the fairness? what is the alternative? >> wait wait, with obama now they are being killed. before they could do the cavism and noactivism and not killed. >> obama pursued it people are being killed. let's have a pribbed engagement based on human rights that
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embraces cubans not dictator ship. >> emotions play all across the board. we appreciate you bringing them to al jazeera. thank you. antonio mora will host a special hour in cuba, at the top of the hour. now to new york where a controversial social media comparison has spotlighted new york city's homeless has been taken down. peekaboo, on flickr, flickr took site down. now sba which says it has no intention of demeaning the homeless says it will be building a new site which will be up and running soon. in texas more immigrant families taken into custody last year after crossing illegally into the united states have, healthy and safety of children at risk.
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but as hdge heidi zhou-castro reports, the tension is continue even after they have been released. >> i keep thinking of all the children that are in there. and i just can never get over that idea that there's children that are detained. >> reporter: santiago garcia leko is making the 75 mile drive to the residential center in dilly where conditions inside have been called deplorable. >> the country they're asking protection, treating them like criminals. >> this is video from inside dilly distributed by the government. u.s. [ ayes ] eiimmigration and cuvment enforcementcuxtioncustomsenforcl
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vomiting blood was denied treatment for a week until she lost consciousness and had to be taken to the er. a woman suffering from broken fingers from torture she had received in her home country was told to "drink more water." today about 1400 women and children remain in custody. arcio leco is trying to change that. he's a volunteer with the a group, picking up cruz marias and her daughter. i had been desperate to leave she says it felt like prison. she tells us about leaving el salvador, after a harrowing
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journey through mexico they crossed the rio grande on a raft and turned themselves into u.s. border patrol. >> translator: i tell her many people believe she has no right to be here. she says yes. people may kale kohl her an invader here to take americans' jobs. but we all need to work for our families she says. i did this for her. she says detention is no place for a child. she'd always ask, mommy when are we going home, ramirez says. last year ice held most families for months. but now under legal pressure, families are being released within 20 days and tonight, home will be this shelter. filled with other women and
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children, recently released from detention, there were about six families here when we visited. most are hoping to catch a bus and join loved ones across the country. but for many it's not that easy. sonia losano is anxious. she and her two younger children were separated from the rest of the family as they made the dangerous crossing. her husband is in custody at a men's detention center in new york and her ten-year-old son is alone at a shelter by the border. she hasn't been allowed to see him for a month. i never would have imagined being separated from my son, for him to be alone somewhere else, she says. losano says she also feels degraded. ice put this ankle bracelet on her because she was unable opay bond. -- to pay bond.
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the only law i broke was emigrating to the united states. we are all human, we don't deserve to be treated like dogs. but ice says it has no choice. the centers are humane, and along with the ankle bracelets, they keep the families from being displaced, about 13,000 cases resulted in a deportation order and nearly every case about 12,000 of them the feamed had disappeared and didn't show up in -- the families had disappeared and didn't show up in court. she says she will comply with any court order and is grateful for her freedom even with conditions. with no release date for her son or husband the family remains in limbo as does the legality of holding hundreds of families in detention. heidi zhou-castro, al jazeera, san antonio, texas. >> the u.s. food and drug administration has just approved
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the painkiller oxycodone for use in children. oxycontin was the first in a number of drugs for long term pain relief, opioids blamed for a soaring painkiller epidemic in this country. division director of pediatric hematology and oncology. doctor thank you for joining us. there are more than a mill who are addicted to oxycontin. what is the danger that children will join that list? >> the fda approved this list for patients with sear yoa chroniserio-chronicpain. i see olot of patients who
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suffer from life threatening cancer and can actually call them serial pain. they could be some conditions like after major trauma or major surgery requiring long term pain management. so fda recently approved this drug for certain degree of patients. for some of these patients i think it would be really beneficial for fda approved for even in pediatric use. >> there is nothing stopping any doctor in the united states about when to prescribe oxycontin for kids right? >> yes, but it should be prescribed for a very specific indication. >> i agree with you absolutely it should be. but the fact is what's to stop now a doctor who worries that maybe he's a trainer for a football team and the kid has concussion and still has devastating headaches weeks later but wants to get back on the football field.
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there's nothing to stop that doctor from prescribing oxycontin for that student athlete right? >> when we prescribe oxycontin for our patients, we watch for side effects and take multiple steps. i actually prescribe in a small subgroup of my patients. we are actually very carefully which we prescribe. we have a team and work very closely to actually prescribe oxycontin in these patients. so if it is -- >> i guess the question is look, for everybody like yourself who is going to be very careful and going to make an extreme judgment about whether to use it the fear is that there may be some doctors who won't. what's wrong with drugs like tylenol and codeine, is the issue that they don't last as long? >> exactly. tylenol and codeine first of all
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are not as potent. they are very short-last. tylenol only lasts for like six hours. oxycontin lasts up to 12 hours. it would be very lard for them to take a medication every four hours. giving them something which is extended release can actually allow them to sleep better, can allow them to have a better quality of life and can allow them to deal with their chronic pain in a much better manner. >> dr. joti peneca, university of kansas hospital thanks for being with us. japanese prime minister shinzo abe acknowledged japan inflicted unnecessarily pain and suffering on people, but stopped short of offering apology, and said future generations should not have to make apologies either. pointed to growing sentiment
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55,000 screaming fans. away began an hour and 17 minutes late on that hot august night in 1965 became legendary. ♪ think i'm going to be sad ♪ i think it today ♪ yeah >> the lads from liverpool performed at shea stadium a concert that solidified beatle mania and ushered in the era of the big arena concerts. at the time it was a world record for attendance, for revenue, with a total box office draw of $304,000. the beatles took home approximately half that amount. they sang from second base, with half a dozen security personnel at shea the problem was sound, not security, or the lack of sound. despite an enormous 100 watt
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amplifiers, the music was no match for mania. the girls shrieking and crying, virtually drown it owl. to be there was something special, something historic and to think it happened, 50 years ago. the beatles, amazing. for more now on the historic day that this was in cuba libby casey is here with a preview of a special hour we have coming up next. libby. >> reporter: fantastic, this was the first visit of a u.s. official in 50 years. up flex, a look at cuba and the economic reforms changing the country. the people of cuba share their stories plus the political tensions surrounding this historic moment. >> libby we'll look forward to that in a few minutes, thank you. finally this hour, few tourists
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will get the view you will see, first person to personally photograph cuba from the air. we hear his story in tonight's first person report. >> to get permission to shoot the images of cuba from above, it was close to impossible. and apparently nobody has done that before. so i have become a first man on the planet to take aerial pictures of the whole island. well i think what people who appreciate the natural beauty is interesting to see something that was being so hidden and so secretive for a long time. never in the world i have seen such interesting architectural and natural symbiosis. it is a very frozen in time country i would say. after the revolution of 1959, not much has been changed. and so you see a lot of things
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that, like conserved and preserved in time. this secretive and restrictive regime has produced a lot of side effects such as unspoiled nature because not much industrial pollution. people who are very used to hardships of life, but at the same time, are very friendly and very welcoming. one thing is a lot of history and interestin interesting archn havana.. an historical city. as they say a picture is worth a thousand words. probably a lot of people have heard about cuba but not many people understanding it's such a big and diverse place. so there's so much to see and so much to get to know about cuba. i think it will inspire people to visit it.
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to see it. to pay more attention to everything related to cuba. i think it will be beneficial in many aspects. >> the book, unseen cuba is available for purchase at thanks for watching. this is a remarkable day in the history of the relationship between united states and cuba and also the tensions between capitalism and communism. up next antonio mora will have a special live report from havana, and joined by libby casey here in new york. coming up next hour, the u.s. and cuba a new era. i'm david schuster, thanks for watching.
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>> these people have decided that today they will be arrested. >> i know that i'm being surveilled. >> people are not getting the care that they need. >> this is a crime against humanity. >> hands up... >> don't shoot. >> hands up... >> don't shoot. >> what do we want? >> justice. >> when do we want it? >> now. >> explosions going on... we're not quite sure -
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>> is that an i.e.d.? >> "faultlines". al jazeera america's award-winning investigative series. monday, 10:00 eastern. on al jazeera america. >> any nuclear missile launched from cuba -- >> good human friends. >> cold aware adversaries bringing a -- cold war adversaries bringing a half century to a close. >> we have decided to formally establish diplomatic relations with cuba. >> raising flags and lifting hopes on both shores.
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