tv News Al Jazeera August 18, 2015 10:00am-10:31am EDT
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>> this the thai bomber? cctv video reds of the suspect just before the last blast. >> this is al jazeera live from doha. also ahead, turkey's prime minister says he's exhausted all efforts to form a coalition. new elections look likely. >> amnesty accuses all sides in yemen's civil war, leaving a bloody trail of civilian deaths which may amount to war crimes. >> green-fingered flight, we
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report from the world's first solar powered airport. >> the worse attack ever on thailand, is how the countries prime minister described the blast at a shrine in bangkok which killed 20 people. police released video of a man leaving a bag just before monday's explosion. let's go live to bangkok, just after 9:00 in the evening. veronica pedroza is there for us. >> this is an evening that has capped a day of trying to clear up the mystery of who was behind the attack, and clear up the debris. i'm a few hundred meters away from where the bomb went off on a balcony overlooking bangkok. there is a fraction of the traffic and people that would normally be bustling in the
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streets on a tuesday night in this city of 12 million people. the mood has been very subdued, despite the fact that there has been a breakthrough, the picture of a possible suspect in all of this. the government is trying to play down expectations, saying they are keeping all possibilities open. the emphasis has been on car, on keeping the country united. this has been a difficult day for bangkok. >> picking up the pieces, this is a shopping districts in bangkok that has seen dramatic political conflict several times before, but nothing like this. dozens of people were killed here on monday, among them victims from malaysia, china, hong kong and singapore, many more were injured. it was an attack apparently
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designed to kill as many people as possible at a high profile target. the government acting urgently to restore a sense of security for the public and millions of tourists. >> the ongoing attempts at destruction might be politically motivated, targeting the economy, tourism or for whatever reason. the government will work to find them and bring justice to any networks involved as soon as possible. >> this dash cam footage shows the moment the bomb went off. five kilograms of military grade explosives that sources have told al jazeera was deliberately detonated. within hours of the blast, the military run government was blaming its political enemy
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now it's asking the country to unite and stay calm. >> we would like to once a day assure the public that right now, look at what happened after this, what happened is bygones be bygones, but the government make sure everyone is well looked after. >> within an hour of that speech, this happened at the main pier for river transport, another high profile tourist target. the grenade landed in the water and no one was injured. back at the shrine, things are slowly getting back to normal. >> the roads have been reopened, but this is as close as we can get to the shrine itself. security has been tightened as promised, but we have seen forensic teams try to get to the bottom of how and why this brutal attack happened. >> thai authorities won't say how soon they'll announce the results of their investigation.
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>> we've spoken to sources who are familiar with the investigation, and they have told us that this bomb was placed in a pipe that was tied to a post and it was left two hours before it was detonated, and it was deliberately detonated, set at a level chest high in order to maximize casualties, and that's why there was so much damage and so many fatalities, absolutely unprecedented here in thailand. one hates to do comparisons, but the level of shock and the challenge to security in the country does make one tend to wonder whether this is thailand's 9/11 moment. >> thank you for that, live from bangkok there. >> turkey's prime minister has
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failed to form a new government, meaning new elections are likely. he said he's exhausted all options to form a coalition after elections in june. the political uncertainty came amid rising violence and tension from turkey's kurdish minority. >> sri lanka's ruling party has won elections. final results show the united national party has won almost half the seats in the 225 seat parliament. it's expected to command support of enough opposition members to form a government. >> the iraqi government said its entered the second phase of a campaign to retake anbar province from isil fighters. we reports now from baghdad. analysts of skeptical about how well the battle is actually going. >> on the front lines, security forces battle isil one shot at a time. despite the government's promises to recapture rimadi
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quickly, the battle has so far been slow. while the defense ministry insists things are going well, and it moved on to phase two, some analysts are skeptical. >> the joint iraqi forces are still weak. they haven't been able to put an end to that organization in the 70 days since the start of the anbar offensive. >> the defense ministry maintains its security forces are fighting as effectively as possible. scenes like this in which a shored mounted rocket grenade launcher held incorrectly question how well trained these
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men are. these days, the government faces a convergence of crises, one on the battlefield, the other in the court of public opinion. as tens of thousands of fed up iraqis continue demonstrating against corruption and demanding a return of basic services, including electricity and air conditioning. >> the prime minister and parliament have been quick to pass sweeping reform measures, many iraqis say this is not enough. protestors vow to keep coming out into the streets no matter how hot it gets and how long it takes. >> many say it's actions and not words that ultimately count. >> it seems like the list and decrees and radicalization of these proposals by the government is like ink on paper. they are waiting for implementation of these reforms.
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if no action is taken, the protests will develop into sit-ins. abaddi said he will court martial officers who abandoned posts in ramadi in april. it's not clear what effect that will have on these weary fighters and a wary public. al jazeera, baghdad. >> the u.n. security council has given man must support to a plan to get peace talks out of syria. it paves the way for the special envoy to progress with his plan to find some sort of political solution to the conflict. all parties in yemen's civil war displayed a flagrant disregard for civil rights according to amnesty international. the report accuses both the saudi-led coalition and fighters
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on the ground of leaving a trail of destruction which may amount to war crimes. amnesty said since march, close to 4,000 have been killed, anti houthi armed groups have gone into residential areas and saudi-led coalition airstrikes have hit civilian areas with no military target nearby. >> the armed groups are launchion attacks, such as houthi rebels attacking civilians areas. the anti houthi fighters are operating out of civilian areas, they launch these attacks. we looked into eight different airstrikes around taiz and aden and north of aden and these attacks could amount to war crimes, because the problem with airstrikes is they don't seem to
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differentiate between civilians objects and military objects. it's not quite clear what were the objectives of targeting things such as mosques, schools and markets. for example, we visited one school where 16 families of internally displaced people were living trying to escape the village conflict. the school was targeted by saudi-led coalition airstrikes. there's no military objective as far as we can see near that school. it's not clear why it was targeted. >> we heard from a political and security analyst based in saudi arabia. we spoke to him earlier and asked for his reaction to the amnesty report. >> well of course we are all saddened about this amnesty report and i agree measurements need to be stepped up and we need to protect or they need to work on protecting more
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civilians, and this is unacceptable. saudi arabia and the coalition, they are not in the business of killing innocent people. i think the houthis who are to blame and are liable. >> why is this coalition targeting where airstrikes, mosques, schools, marketplaces where there obviously are civilians? >> well, this is no stranger. saudi arabia did not in vent that or saudi arabia is not in the business of actually going into war and bombing innocent people. saudi arabia and coalition, their crazy is much bigger and better than the american british led coalition on iraq in 2003. >> clearly that is not enough. >> well, there is no war that is accurate enough when you have the houthis actually hiding
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women and children and minor people and weapon in a mosque or in a school or starting putting all the 50-millimeter weapons on top of the roof of the mosque. >> there were no obvious lil tear targets to any of these sites. was it a mistake to bomb and target these sites? >> i think in every war, there is a mistake, but the mistake in this case is very minimal. the major thing is that you need to understand the houthis, they are very good in hiding their weapons, their military, putting some weapons on the roof and starting to shoot on the planes of the coalition. when you get attacked -- >> there were 141 civilians. i wouldn't say that is minimal. >> the saudi coalition did not kill 141 civilians. >> that's what it says in the amnesty report. >> amnesty needs to spend more time on the ground. >> i think it was on the ground where these strikes were happening. >> it is not enough.
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they can't makes these assessments sitting in the united kings dom. the amnesty should make these same reports that they are accusing the saudi-led coalition by killing those innocent women and children, they need to look at more areas in the world. >> in this instant, we are talking saudi and yemen. would you welcome united nations international commission of inquiry if you admit these are mistakes in the war. >> the saudi-led coalition welcome the united nations and welcome this approval and with the international community, there is no doubt that saudi arabia would work with the united nations, would work with the amnesty to define and prove that the houthis, the people are responsible for killing those innocent people is not saudi arabia and the coalition party. >> in the news ahead on al jazeera, once stifled by stigma,
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>> 20 people are known to have died in an explosion in bangkok at a religious shrine. >> turkeys prime minister has failed to form a new government, meaning new elections are likely. he said he exhausted options to form a coalition government. >> amnesty international condemning all sides fighting in yemen, showing a wonton disregard for the safety of civilians. the human rights group said war crimes may have been committed. >> south korea launched what it's called the k police wave inspired by the global spread of its popular culture. the government is trying to export it's policing techniques the way it has entertainment. it doesn't come without controversial. >> seems like this rally against the government's handle of last year's ferry disaster are a regular feature of life in downtown seoul, as are the
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police's tactics in response. i am penetratable barriers are used to keep protestors to designated areas. it's a far cry from 20 years ago. the use of tear gas is banned. the watch word, no casualties. >> in the past, there was direct physical confrontation between protestors and the police, resulting in casualties. now thanks to the installation of things like eco walls, this has been prevented. >> it's a transformation that police say reflects huge advantage elsewhere, in battling cybercrime and improving d.n.a. investigation, all worthy of promotion over seas in the what's called the k police wave,
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part of the national brand. >> this is just one element of the techniques that they are exporting to other countries. this kind of crowd control is probably the most controversial of that entire program. >> protests end up becoming just for those inside the walls. citizens outside the police walls feel separated and think that those people inside are different from them. the nature of protest is openness, but the walls hinder communication. >> at the police university, colombian officers are trained in cyber crime techniques. exchanges with other countries shares expertise. they admit for partners, particularly middle eastern interest is tactics for maintaining public order. >> guns or chemicals were used in the past in the middle east. i don't have precise knowledge, but the contest of human rights is rising in the middle east. as such, countries recognize
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that their techniques are not appropriate and seek more humane ones which could stop people getting hurt. >> at home, it has praise for non-violence and criticism in the unbending way protest is stifled. the k police wave is likely to export that as it breaks on foreign shores. al jazeera, seoul. >> the black box has been discovered as well as all the bodies after a plane crash in papua. >> >> the world's first-ever fully solar powered airport has been launched in southern india. the solar panels not only
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provide enough energy to run the airport, but also feeds the state grid. >> the airport is no one for its temple like architecture and being the fourth largest airport in terms of international traffic. ask anyone about its latest environmental breakthrough using solar energy and this is the reaction you'll get. >> i say you're bluffing. you're serious. wow. >> i'm very surprised. i'm very happy for the indian people. >> even the man behind the idea was unaware what he was doing was unique.
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>> the project took six months to set up and cost $10 million. the airport expects to recoup all costs within five years. next to the airport in an area for a proposed cargo terminal are more than 46,000 solar panels. the 12-megawatt plant will provide 50,000 units a day to cover all the airport's electricity needs. >> the carbon footprint goes down. so very good. this is to be practiced in almost all places. >> the solar panels are expected to last 25 years and will cut 300,000 metric tons of carbon emissions, the equivalent of planting 3 million trees. >> this falls in line with government targets to increase solar power by five times by 2022. india is heavily reliant on coal and is the world's third largest polluter. over the next decade, the government plans to invest $100 billion into the solar
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sector. >> the government is hailing this as a model for the rest of the country and has directed other airports to start incorporating solar energy into their daily operations. al jazeera. >> 200 u.s. soldiers have been sent toe help firefighters battling wide fires in seven western states. the fires have burned more than 400,000 hectares of land. in idaho, a woman died trying to leave her home. over 50 houses have been destroyed. >> obesity and malnutrition exist side by side in the richest country in the world. this is the phenomenon of the food desert, an area without easy access to fruits and vegetables and it is becoming increasingly common in the united states. for the third part of our series, andy gallagher reports. >> for many people, gardening is a passion, a chance to get your
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hands dirty and watch the seeds you grow sow and mature. here it is a vital lifeline. dorothy used to be a nurse, but when she realized that fresh food was in short supply, she founded a community garden. it's a career change she doesn't regret. >> i know i'm preventing someone in the long run from having to go to the hospital, so i'm still doing health care on this end. i was reluctant to do it, but as i see families are coming and serving it and i get comments from families, i know that what i'm doing is not in vain. >> at many of the delta schools, strides are being made to give children healthier meals. mississippi has some of the highest rates of obesity and diabetes in the u.s., but it's hoped this farm to school
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program will help change that. >> we do a lot with what we do have. i'm very proud of that. i'm proud of the success of our program here in mississippi. >> it's not just the delta's younger generation that are returning the benefits of a better diet. she tends her small garden every day, and says her efforts are about more than just health. >> i can actually plant a seed and watch it grow from a sprout to actually bearing something that i can eat, that i can save money for that i don't have to buy that product from the store, i can focus on something else as far as insurance and medicine, and other things like that. >> the mississippi delta is one of the u.s.'s poorest regions and food deserts provide access to healthy produce through these farms. the eventual plan for this community garden is to turn this into a farmer's market to be held twice a week. when they've done that in the
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past, the fresh food has sold out in minutes. this region has long been neglect and challenges remain. through the efforts of a dedicated few, its future now looks a little healthier. al jazeera in the mississippi delta. >> the u.s. government is changing its tactics in the fight against drug addiction. fatal heroin overdoses in the u.s. have quad rupe thatted over the past decade. addicts are going to be given help to overcome their habit.
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>> as heroin deaths and overdoses soar, the white house announces a new initiative to shift the focus for treatment over punishment. tom ackermann reports on the problem. >> nowhere in the u.s. is the drug problem more severe than in the state of massachusetts. >> opioid abuse is stealing our family and friends one person at a time. people call it a playing. >> since seventh grade, i started smoking weed, drinking all the time. by 10th grade, i'm doing heroin. >> state officials say they are giving priority to the problem, but after filling prisons, they are shifting to a different approach. >> we are not going to arrest or incarcerate our way and you have this. this is a disease. this is a public health crise and we must treat it and address it as much. >> in gloucester, the police chief promises any addict who turns in his drugs immediate treatment and without punishment. >> we don't believe in hiding it. we believe the more we reduce the stigma, the more we get people involved, the less problem we're going to have. >> in three months, more than 100 people in the small town have taken up the amnesty offer. massachusetts is also one of 25
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states which authorizes emergency first responders to prevent addict deaths administering naloxone, also known as narcan, reverses the effects of heroin within minutes. >> it's completely benign. the only function is to reverse narcotic overdose. >> people can whack in and get it even without insurance coverage. >> the administration wants more money, congress is saying we're going to live within some caps. if we don't resolve this, more people will be dying, more struggle with addiction, more people getting hepatitis c. >> america has a way to go before admitting its bigger drug problem is one of demand, not
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supply. >> plenty more news from the americans and right around the word is on line at >> authorities try to find a man they say was behind the deadly attacks on a hindu shrine. another explosion rocked bangkok today. >> china's stock market dive 6%, but investors in the u.s. are shrugging. >> u.s. soldiers join the fight against fast moving wildfires
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