tv News Al Jazeera August 25, 2015 7:00pm-8:01pm EDT
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and did roam, oh my god that was, i love debbie, she's the coolest chick ever. >> cooler than you? >> cooler than me, yeah. >> this is aljazeera america. live from new york city, i'm tony harris, stock prices rebound, but the dow closes down for the day again. a stronger partnership to find isil. u.s. and turkey agree on more nato attacks in 60 years. after the murder that sparked the civil rights movement, we meet the filmmaker we find the secrets rounding emet till's
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death. and we begin with today's whiplash on wall street. stocks were up much of the day, but fizzled. the dow shot up after the opening bell, 440 points, but after a late-day reversal, the dow ended the day down 205 points. global markets were mixed, and asian indices were picked but european markets saw gains. ali velshi is here with more, and walk us through this day. >> you can't keep track of this stuff. last night, when asian markets openeds and they were down, this was a powerful rally for most of the day, and then once again, the dow losing it hundred points or so.
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1.3%. here's the issue. when these things happen, when this find of volatility gets in the market, you see people who say, oh, my god, i don't have the stomach for this, i have to sell. and every time markets start to go up and back, they take the opportunity to get out. they saw the opportunity on friday, and saw it come back a little bit, and sold out. you'll see this coming up and down in the next few days. this is not something to be too worried about. this is the kind of behavior that you see in a correction, and this is what is supposed to happen. some rotate out of the market and others who felt like they missed the chance to get into t. use the opportunities to get in. this is normal stuff. allow a little bit of a pause and when you look at that, it all goes back to china. >> that's what i'm going to to do next. what did china to do to get
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control of its markets. >> china did what we did in 2008 when we had a crisis, it lowered its interest rates. china is a mixed economy, and some of it is owned by the government and some of it, a mixed economy. it's a no man's land. it tries to do thinking that don't work, and now what a real market would do. you lower interest rates. and you say it's so cheap to borrow money, let's spend. here's the problem. china is not the rest of the world. it's not transparent, so we can only judge by its actions what it's thinking. and given that it's only half a controlled economy, when it takes the drastic steps that america had in interstate, you e to think maybe it's worse than they're telling us. >> what else? >> the band and the box movement. there's a movement that says,
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get the box off of applications that says, have you ever been convicted of a felony? and how that affects people, and why some small businesses say, if you take it off, it makes our job harder. >> you can watch ali velshi at 10 p.m., 7:. and any slow down on china's markets could severely impact companies like motors. bosey joins us, and bisi, how are automakers reacting to what's going in global markets? >> reporter: well, i can tell you, tony, it has been really quiet on this end. when auto sales in china began to dip earlier this year, the automakers began curbing production in china. and because of this, gm is expected to take a big hit
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amongst detroit's big three, but there are other companies that could face similar challenges in china. market turmoil in china's financial market is having a direct impact on detroit's big three automakers, because china is the biggest automaker in the world. and detroit is a big player in the chinese market. john taylor, a professor at wayne state university in detroit said that there were signs of an economic slowdown in the world's largest auto market weeks ago. >> everybody knows that the world's economy doesn't grow without slowdowns and climbs, and that would be true in china too. >> general motors he sells more cars in china than in the u.s. gm claims that 14% of the chinese market, ford is smaller at 4%. and fiat chrysler automobiles hold just 1% of the chinese market. after years of steady growth, car sales in china dropped by more than 3% this past june, so
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even as north american car sales remain strong, professor taylor said in the cars continue to fall in china, it will undoubtedly affect the u.s. economy. >> it has been a growing u.s. market for many companies, and that will slow and affect those company's profits, and their ability to employ people in the u.s. so it'sern a positive sign to see the chinese economy slowing. >> and a wider chinese slowdown could have an impact far wider than detroit. >> many u.s. companies rely on china for growth. if you look across the world markets, the growth has been in china for the last ten years, so as the chinese economic growth slows to more normal levels, compared to sustainable 6, 7, 8% in previous years, those companies will be losing out on some tremendous growth
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market. and they will have to ramp up their efforts and other countries, getting a market share of other countries around the world. >> so while the impact on the big three is more immediate than other american businesses, if the chinese economy does slow significantly, car makers may be only the first to feel the pape. and despite the falling auto sales in china, according to one published report, gem motors is changing it's long-term view of china, and the automaker said that it also plans to continue on, and china's automaker will be more fickle as it grows. >> bisi, thank you, and oil prices rose yesterday after the big losses. oil prices have dropped more than $50 a barrel since may, but that has yet to translate into big savings at the gas pump. the average was $2.69. and today, it's $2.58.
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and here's why. according to the administration, crude oil accounts for 6% of the cost. taxes, marketing, and patrick is a senior petroleum analyst. and calculating fuel prices, joining us from chicago. should gas prices -- i am of a mind, and correct me if i'm wrong here, i'm of a mind to say to you that gas prices should be lower than they are right now. where am i wrong in that? >> well, you're not wrong, they should be lower. the interruption at the refining level has interrupt today all, spot o. >> what's the problem with the refinery aspect here? what's going on there? >> when goss prices have remained at relatively low
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prices all summer, it encourages motorists to hit the road. and the economy has been by and large very strong this summer. so you have a recipe of low gas prices and a strong economy, and americans are hitting the road in numbers that we haven't seen in years. the appetite for gasoline is through the roof, and refineries have struggled this year. that's not necessarily new, but when there's very little breathing room in a market that has very high demand, the supply is high, and when a refinery goes down, it's noticeable. >> so you're telling me that there isn't enough supply? because all i'm hearing is that there's an oil glut out there. are you saying that it's a refining capacity problem? >> yeah, it is, and that's part of the reason why there's an oil glut. they can't send it to the refinery at high enough levels. the west coast has been dealing with it all summer, and it's
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not just refining, but now the midwest, prices jumped 70 to 80 cents in some places, and it's a significant bottleneck in delivering the oil to the pump. as the summer blend. >> sell me about the summer blend. >> well, essentially, the epa regulates gasoline in big cities in the summer months to keep pollution levels at acceptable levels, so there's a smorgasbord of different blends of gasoline in the summer months. california has their own standards, and you have the big cities, chicago, and texas, and they have all of these unique blends that are unique to their area, and it's a nightmare to make sure that each of these blends is well supplied. >> you know, patrick, i think that there's always -- whenever i have a guest. and i'm not blaming you for
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this, you work in this industry, and you know much more i do. but i always feel there's a reason we expect prices to be lower, and they're not. and there's always a reason gas prices are too high. and there's always a reason. it's refinery problems when the prices are too high, and real estate finery problems -- there's always an answer, and we can't seem to get this happy medium. >> well, there's always going to be an answer because gas prices are never cheap enough. >> they never are, so why are crude oil prices so low? are you of the belief that the saudis want to disrupt the u.s. fracking business? are you of that mindset? >> absolutely. they are the ones that shot themselves in the foot, a huge calculation on the part of the valued he's, and now from opec, they were unwilling to cut
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back, and they expected u.s. production to be cut back but it hasn't. we're in a wash, and china is in a slowdown, and now we add the possibility of iran bringing more oil to a global market. >> that we can't refine to get the prices that are fair. so when do we start to see prices go down here again, patrick? >> well, when we get a break is with the completion of the summer drive season. maybe i'm going to find a car that i can get into. and with the summer driving season, folks scale back their demand. and by mid september, the regulations ease, and that will usher in cheeper gasoline prices starting in mid september, so it's coming. >> maybe we can get this battery thing right on vehicles. patrick, thank you. a senior petroleum analyst with gas
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u.s. and turkey are moving to a new level of cooperation in fighting isil. to stop the move, the two nations, the united states and turkey, have reached an agreement for turkey to fully participate in air campaigns against isil. jamie mcintyre joins us. >> reporter: both the united states and turkey are calling this a significant step in the battle against isil, but pentagon official say that it's more important symbolically than militaryry. it means that the f-16s will join the airstrikes in syria, and perhaps in iraq as well. in anchorra, turkey's operations said that it was complete. in washington, the pentagon explained that the agreement for now is limited to airstrikes only.
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>> the cooperation with the turks, we see it as a step forward. and there's an opportunity for turkey and the rest of the united states and the coalition to further refine what that looks like going forward. >> what the u.s. wants from turkey, syria and iraq, especially a 68-mile long air in syria, west of the euphrates river and reaching into aleppo. last week, the defense secretary called out ash carter for failing to control that area. >> it's a border of rich logistics for isil, and fighters. and cross, and so we're looking for them to do more in that regard as well. and we're in active discussion was them. >> the addition of turkish
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planes amounts to a mostly small and symbolic contribution between the isil. the u.s. does 70% of the strikes, the more significant agreement was turkey's decision earlier to allow u.s. planes from the air base that dramatically cuts their flight times. one reason there's no wider agreement was turkey's assistance of creating a safe zone in northern syria. that's something that the pentagon is not interested in doing, not just because it sees it as military significant, but also, it suspects that turkey's motives in seeking that protected area is more about keeping syrian kurds from consolidating territorial gains than it is about battling isil. >> jamie, thank you. europe is struggling with the continent's biggest refugee
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crisis since 2002. they are calling for a response for the thousands of refugees daily. and andrew simmons talks about the effect that it's having, and first, how greece and macedonia are coping >> reporter: of the many stages in their long journey before and still to come, this 12-hour ferry crossing has been perhaps the most comfortable and secure. they paid 50 euros each to the ferry operator rather than to the people's smuggler, and they arrived safely on dry lapped. >> w we don't have a country, ad people are killing each other, so we came from our country. >> are you happy to be here? >> yes, we're so happy to be here. >> we're ten. >> ten in one family. >> from turkey to greece, and now we're going to macedonia, then to serbia, then hundred garria. >> you heard about the troubles on the route in the last few
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days. >> i heard so much. >> are you worried about that? >> yes. >> this is the fifth ferry load to arrive since last monday. that's 12 and a half thousand people in a single week, and many more make the journey by other means. on the islands, there are 10,000 people waiting to get on ferries like this, and that number is growing by the thousands, with new arrivals coming across the sea to turkey every night. in greece, they are overwhelmed, a simple document that allows them to leave. >> this is the paperwork that they give you, saying that you can stay in greece for three months and then leave. is that what you plan to do? >> yeah, probably. >> they will need transport north, towards the macedonian border, and the bus companies know an opportunity when they see one. >> what are you handing out
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here? >> a passport. >> from where they can connect to another bus to they sa to -- >> some take the bus to the train station in athens. she's the only english speaker in her family of eight. >> . >> people die -- >> in syria. what did you see there? bad things? >> yes. >> do you feel excited about the future? >> yes. >> for the young, perhaps, there's excitement in the movement between countries, and the adults with them will hope that nothing ahead is worse than what they left behind. aljazeera, athens. >> the numbers are harder to digest. here in what is called the war stop center, an entrance to
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serbia from macedonia, ten thousand people have passed through in five days, and further up the line, in hungry, an eu member states, more than 2,000 a day are arriving. the number regged in hungry this year has passed 100,000, compared with 43,000 in the whole of last year. the numbers are staggering. and so too is the inability of the european union to come up with a coherent strategy in sharing responsibility of helping refugees. >> it's chaotic registration centers like this one that are worrying the leaders. security checks, only 72-hour visaing issued. and look at the numbers, they're extraordinary. >> it gets more complicated. germany predicts that it will deal with 800,000 asylum
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applications this year. it wants a fair assessment of quotas, and member states to take in refugees, and more important, the eu wants more authority to turn back people categorized as economic migrants. in serbia, most of these refugees are from syria, and frightened about what's ahead. >> we need to go to -- my mother is upset, and we don't know what's happening in hungry. maybe they will take them to jail. >> we have a lot of news that they say that they are hitting people. >> hungry is going to be an even bigger pressure point in this crisis. and it's government is already criticizing the eu, but not
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>> firefighters battling a dozen wildfires in washington state, they are concerned about lightning in the forecast. there are is it major wildfires burning in washington state. and the largest covers almost 260,000 acres. state officials are asking the public for help. >> the first request in washington for volunteers to help fight the massive fires burning across the state. robert rusk has returned to his hometown, compelled to help. >> i'm very connected to the community and the people here. i feel a responsibility to do what i can. >> reporter: annas tonnishing 5,000 people from near and far called, emailed or marched through the doors of city hall, asking what they can do. >> it's way more than we expected. it has been a humbling
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experience to see people offering whatever they could. i got a guy from alabama, who said i got boots and a bag, and i can come on up. great. >> reporter: 15,000 volunteers have been helping them since sunday. priority training was given to a few hundred people. many of them loggers and farmers with special equipment, who are fable to work right now because of the fires. and the firefighters are grateful for the reinforce. >> we don't have a lot of enforcement with the fires going on. >> 12 major fires are raging in washington. in the midst of one of the most challenging fierceness ever, so the u.s. is looking to other countries for help. australia and new zealand have answered the call. sending 70 firefighters. they geared up and are just joining firefighters in washington, oregon and idaho.
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but the fight to save homes and property will be lengthy. >> if we can get a good rain, that could be hard to get. but there's a chance we'll get some rain sometime in the next 30 days. and that could be a deal changer here. >> until then, firefighters are washington's biggest fire are wrestling with 1,000 miles of active fire line. aljazeera, washington. >> the impact of the western wildfires are being felt in other states in the form of unhealthy air quality. and did sabrina say 30 days? >> it's the dry season right now, and california, not until november, but for the northwest, a little bit earlier than that. but it's a problem here. speaking of the air quality, i want to show you on the visible satellite, you can see the fires in space, and it's to the northern part of washington.
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today, the fire and the smoke is pushing up to the north and to the northeast. but we're looking at air quality very very bad across the region. i want to show you on the air quality index, particularly to the north, where you see the red is unhealthy air, and where you see the areas, hazardous air, idaho, and denver, they're being affected by the very unhealthy air as well. 900 miles away, and the forecasters don't expect this air to clear for months across that area. i want to take you very quickly over toward parts of the atlantic and show you what has been happening across that region. very quickly, we're watching what's happening with tropical storm erika. and that's making its way out here toward the west. over the next couple of days, we're going to be watching this carefully. because at the end of the five-day forecast, we think that we'll be seeing a hurricane make its way to the
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bahamas, and then after that, tony, it could go to florida, the carolinas, or even to the gulf of mexico. >> appreciate it. thank you. coming up next on the program, the racial gap in school discipline. why some districts are suspending more than half of the black students in the country. and china's economy, and now many people are struggling to stay afloat.
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>> we should know soon if stock markets are in for a rough day on wednesday. the dow lost 205 points today. and traders are still worried about the state of the chinese economy, though china moved to cut interest rates. as we report from beijing, that doesn't calm the fears of chinese investors. >> he is struggling to understand what's happening to the chinese economy. all of his shares are wort 17% less than they were two months ago. he is in beijing, and he tells me he invested $20,000, all of his savings, but he was hopeful about a recovery.
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>> i already put all of my savings into the stock market. and what i can do now is wait for it to come back. i won't buy or sell at this stage, but keep watching it. >> his story is being replicated in many places across china. when it comes to making investments, the options for most chinese are limited. property and shares, but the problem now, the prices of both are falling. a falling stock market and an economy that's slowing. the owner of this restaurant said that his takes are half of what we were in june, when the street. began to fall. the landlord won't reduce the rent, so he's closing next month. >> i'm not doing well, maim because the stock market is falling. many companies in 24 area have gone bankrupt. >> many people blame foreigners
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for manipulating china's stock market. and this trading group is popular by pensioners who were encouraged by the government to buy shares. >> i don't even dare to calculate how much i lost. the market keeps falling. yesterday i lost 10%, and today another 10%. i don't know when this could end. >> the stock market is a sensitive issue now, and these people know it. officials demanded to see hour pictures, ordering us to delete several images before they returned identity cards. when he became president, he unveiled his investigation, he called it the china dream. loosely defined, it means making china more rich and powerful. and some believe that will still happen. >> our goals will be achieved. if not, our country will go backwards. we would like us to get better day-by-day. >> china's leadership has ep
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neared recovery before. and the people it governs still have faith that it will do so again. adrien brown, aljazeera, beijing. >> this month's deadly bombing in bangkok, they said that eight days after the attack, there are no solid leads. more from bangkok. >> reporter: it was an attack like thailand had never seen before. in an instant, 20 killed and dozens injured in an attack in bangkok. in a spot popular are tourists and advertise. who was behind the bombing is still a mystery, and there's only speculation on it. but it did more than just kill. >> this is the work -- and we'll look at the incident with
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the perspective [ unintelligible ]. >> the physical places cleaned up or repaired. and the impact on the people is still being realized. and the full extent won't be known until there are some answers. the competence in the thailand security is critical to the military and government. tourism is seen as an economic engine. how this bombing investigation goes, and if there's another attack, there could be serious consequences for the economy. now and in the future. >> if a situation like this happens again, it would dampen the confidence of the tourism industry, and i think that the shorter impact would be certainly bad for tourism. and also, it can have an impact on foreign investments confidence as well. >> some of the early theories blamed islamic extremist groups
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outside of thailand. and muslims inside of the country. she lives just a few kilometers from the blast site. her home is in the mosque that her father founded 50 years ago. >> anyone can go away without any evidence, and the accusations, and it's not right for them to do so. >> reporter: regardless of who is behind the bombing, some feel the key is learning from it. [ unintelligible ] -- to prepare for the future. >> reporter: a future the government and the people of this nation had hoped they were insulated from. one where civilians are targeted. aljazeera, bangkok. >> and u.s. presidential campaign, there are new signs to the vice president joe biden may be preparing to enter the race for the democratic
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nomination. mr. biden has been meeting with strategists, who are making the case for his candidacy. and david schuster is here. >> reporter: it's clear that vice president joe biden is not just talking about a 2016 presidential campaign, but taking some crucial steps toward a potential run. sources close to vice president joe biden tell aljazeera that he has encouraged his top political supporters and advisers to begin building a presidential campaign. outreach to dopers and supporters has not made a decision, but many of his staff and backers believe that he will join the race. bernie sanders said that the vice president will be a strong and compelling democratic rival. >> i've known joe for years, and you're not going to find someone more it decent than joe biden is. >> reporter: at the white
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house monday, presidential spokesman, josh earnest praised his judgment. >> the decision that he made seven years ago now to add joe biden to the ticket as his running mate was the smartest decision that he ever made in politics. >> reporter: white house officials said that the president himself encouraged the vice president to get in the race. the focus on biden and the white house encouragement comes as frontrunner, hilliary clinton, continues to deal with problems over her email and as secretary of state. >> wipe with a cloth or something? >> reporter: and now with the fbi investigating clinton's actions, her approval numbers continue to drop. a poll suggested that 46% of all americans and 25% of all democrats think that clinton
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should suspend her campaign until the investigation is over. asked about a potential joe biden challenge, she told the reporters, am i nervous? no. we all like him. and it's his decision about whether he's going to get in. but i'm convinced that we have a strong campaign, and she, hilliary clinton, is the right candidate. several strategists believe that a biden candidacy could siphon party support away from clinton and therefore help sanders. sanders is already leading clinton in new hampshire. >> i think that the evidence is clear, we're gaining. we have got a long way to go. joe would be a formable opponent. i'm not sure politically who it would help. >> reporter: joe biden has run for president twice before. and though he has a much higher
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profile now as vice president, the challenge is huge. organizing a presidential campaign and attracting donors can take time. but for all of his -- when healthcare became law, the vice president is also known for gas. >> i promise you, the president has a big stick. >> reporter: still biden and supporters believe that the stars may be aligning for him. and he stress that's the vice president has not made a decision, and may not decide until just before the first democratic debate in october, biden's team is taking shape and preparing for him to run. there are staunch joe biden supporters that believe that a presidential run is not a good idea. they believe that his odds of defeating even a damage would
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be remeet. he's receiving an ear full of advice. >> wow, what a season, it's rounding into shape for you, david. david schuster, thank you. you've heard plenty about the five democrats and 17 republicans running for president, but according to our investigating reporting, that includes 249 copy cats, clowns, some of them, after celebrities, there's "star trek" captain, john peck ard, fidel castro, frank underwood from "house of cards", and
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summer, and the advocacy group said that black students are arrested and suspended at the city's school district are more than double the population. the disparities are concerning, but the suspension and expulsion, we know that the suspension and expulsion are linked to poor you can see and rates with the criminal justice system. and the rate, but the officials say that the district -- sending or expelling black students from public schools, the rates overwhelmingly higher than white students.
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the trend in louisiana,. >> charged with simple battery for flowing a skittle on a school bus at another child. that kid ended up spending six days in detention, all for throwing a skittle on a school bus. >> they are challenging school districts around the country to find alternatives for conflicts. and the white house has called for a reduction in the number of students being expelled. >> it's being used a lot now, where someone comes in and mediates between students and teachers, or students and other students. >> reporter: in other words, resolving the problem in-school, without the police volleyball. and without taking the kids out of class. >> we want the students to have good outcome, and the schools are there to help
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students access chib. and opportunity in our society. our public school system was created with the idea that it would be the great equalizer, and instead, what we're seeing is that it's restricting access to opportunity, particularly for african-american students, and that's something that we really need to address. >> and they're having some progress on this front, at least on a state level. the state legislature created a new law, tony, that requires a school district in texas to have their police officers undergo more training when it comes to dealing with kids and techniques. and now the students are headed back to class this week. and it remains to be seen what impact this new law will have. >> heidi, thank you. and the untold story of emmet hill. what really happened to the african-american teenager who was killed 60 years ago. one filmmaker set out to
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happened. joey cheek reportsjoie chen rep. [ audio difficulties ] >> we know there are people out there who would never support seeing justice, but they hold this animosity and this hatred, white supremacists. >> it's a rate red never forgotten by the african after sons ras, his life and his death. >> my first came when i was ten years old. i was in my parent's study. and i came across -- like many of us who saw this photograph for the first time, it shocked me, and i just needed to know what this picture was. so my parents came in and explained the story to me.
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and the situation, and my parents could tell me, don't let what happened to him happen to you. [ audio difficulties ] >> 15 years after till was lynched, filmmaker, keith bosh ant could never shake the image, even after the two prime suspects were acquitted in trial. he had to get justice for him, even if he had to do it himself. >> i had to go back for more information. >> i could hear people outside talking, talking about emmet. >> he interviewed eyewitnesses. >> it got out of hand. and we know better. >> thousands of pages of all
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>> there were rumors that it wasn'thim. and he was murdered. >> keith bouchant, the filmmaker behind the documentary, the untold story of louis is with us. and keith, how are you, brother? it's good to see you again. [ audio difficulties ] >> it has been 22 years of my life. i'm 44 years old now. and as i look back, and all of the time, it was 22 years. >> i want to play another clip from the film. can i do that? let's roll this clip. >> he came out of the store, and that's when emmet whistled
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at her. >> she came out of the store. >> a boy from chicago. >> okay, so he was pulled from the river with a bullet in his skull, his eye gouged out and his skull crushed on one side. so for everyone, the story means different things. you're looking at the picture of this mutilated body, decomposed. and how did that become a cause for you? something that you needed to pick up and needed to explore and needed to investigate? what connect today to you? >> it's kind of strange, tony,
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because i was a young man at the time of seeing the photograph. i was just ten years old, and picking up that jet magazine and seeing a photograph of this young kid, sort of a mirror image of myself, on the side, i mean, it was truly overwhelming for me, and my parents came in and explained the story to me. but emmet till, everyone has a story. for me, i always had a context with this little kid. 6 my parents always told me the story, and racism still existed in this country. >> and you see some -- you see the story being reaped today, playing out again, various contexts today. >> it's unfortunate that we're living in this current
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atmosphere with all of the race relations. when you see unarmed black mening killed in the streets every day by police officers, whether you believe the victim or the officer or not, but always, when these things are happening. the justice of a young black man, emmett till's name always comes up. >> i'm so proud, because we do work for another channel, so we're stable mates. but you're turning this into a feature film. and i don't have much time, but tell me about the project. >> we just made announcement to commemorate the 60th anniversary, i'll be producing a feature with fred zolo, whoopee goldberg, susan row, and so i have the greatest team in the world to finally tell the story the ray it was told to me, not just as a child, but
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as i was investigating the case. >> keith beauchamp, always good to see you and the best of what you're doing, and with that film, i can't wait. good to see you. thanks for tuning into america tonight. murder of emmett till. and for a look watt what's coming up tonight. john seigenthaler. >> the rollercoaster continued on wall street today. and a big day of gains turned into a selloff, joe biden, will he run? he may want to be the next president of the united states. and the refugee increase is growing as people try to escape economic hardship around the world. the ue is facing the impact. and so is the middle east. and the u.s., ten years
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since hurricane katrina. at first, tens of thousands moved away, but the tide has changed. and many are coming back, and plus, new orleans jazz great, terrence blanchard, talks about katrina's impact on his town. >> when i first saw that my city was in trouble, i thought, this is the united states of america, and i thought rescue crews, the military would be there, taking care of people, rescuing people and bringing them to safety. and when i saw what unfolded, i was in disbelief. >> we'll hear more from terrence coming up in the next hour. tony. >> tributes have been pouring in for indy car, racing car, justin wilson, who died last night. he was severely injured sunday when he was struck in the head with debris. wilson's peers remembered a lovely guy with an infectious
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