tv News Al Jazeera August 26, 2015 1:00pm-1:31pm EDT
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hello, the toll which keeps on rise approximating now 50 refugees are known to have perished trying to make it across the medicine terrai mediterranean. it's thought tensions peaked after some refugees refused to be fingerprint: in germany far right battle it out. there are so many people in macedonia now that the macedonia army has been building a bigger holding camp. we have reports from hungary. >> unrest at the european border. the dribble did not escalate
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beyond this center, and it was short lived. but with record numbers crossing into hungary there are fears of violence here. >> what happened was that there was a mall conflict that erupted, and people tried to approach the fence. the police tried to stop them, they also used tear gas but there were no injuries. >> at the border right now thousands of people are getting through sections where there is only. they're failing to make arrests. >> they're failing to make a tougher line. 2,000 police are sent to the border to reinforce it. and next week the government will vote on plans to deploy the army here. back in the serbian capital in belgrade, 3,000 people a day have been boarding buses. their record numbers. refugees say they've been
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treated better in serbia than in greece and macedonia, but they're worried about getting into hungary. some of the parts have become the last transit points. this woman fled from horror republican disviolence in aleppo. now she's holding off going to hungary because she's scared. >> as politicians prepare for a commit to discuss the biggest refugee crisis on the ground the situation is worsening. >> refugee continue to flow into europe in the thousands.
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i'm standing in one of two makeshift refugee camps five kilometers from the occu turkish coast here. 33,000 refugees are said to have landed on lesbos alone. it's said that there are about 10,000 people on the island as we speak. waiting to be processed, to receive paperwork that will allow them to remain in greece. the conditions they're living in is pretty basic. sanitation is poor. the sun beating down on them every day. volunteer groups ngos doing what they can, but with absolutely no help from the e.u. authorities in brussels. people i've spoken to in this camp express surprise, disappointment and anewsment at these conditions.
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one man said that he thought that they were all going to be put up in hotels here in greece. well, that perhaps is put out by people smugglers on the turkish shores trying to encourage this journey in the first place. >> south sudan's president has finally signed a peace deal and ending the 20-month civil war. he refused to do so last week, but he has come under pressure with the u.n. threatening pressure with sanctions. >> when the fighting started in december 2013, people fled to the safety of u.n. bases in several towns. now, 20 months later more than 200,000 people are still living under the protection of the u.n. what began as a fight between shoulders killed and injured thousands of people in jew about
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--juba. but the violence spread from town to town, leaving tens of thousands of people i dead in its wake. everyone in the area affected by conflict has a story to tell. >> times my heart tells me that he's alive. but sometimes i get depressed athink negative thoughts. but a lot of team told me that other people have faced a worse fate than you. so i stopped thinking about it and left it up to god. >> the army split into two factions with the vice president announcing that he was in charge of the rebels. the war in south sudan has dragged on. even those who said that they
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didn't support either side were not spider the violence and found themselves attacked in the streets. >> they cut me with a type of machete. i fell down. i didn't know what was happening. after two or three hours i found myself in hospital. >> the united nations has been demanding that boast sides come to a peaceful resolution. the pressure has been on the president to do the same. these national communities are optimistic that the signing of this deal means the ending of this war. but the people here in juba are not as confident because the top rebel commanders have split, and they made it clear that this peace deal means nothing. unfortunately for the people of south sudan, that could mean that the war is not over. al jazeera, south sudan. >> a political rifle whose dismissal in 2013 led to civil war. he has been speaking exclusively
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to al jazeera's charles stratford. >> how realistic after so much blood has been spilled 20 months of fighting, how realistic is it to expect real true reconciliation between two peoples after so much violence? >> well, i think south sudan deserves peace. the people themselves, they deserve peace. there were reasons for the war. i believe that this peace agreement has addressed these reasons. if you take it chapter by chapter, the system of governance is at rest. we hope that we move to a federal system and they will
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using the army, the security, police. also this has gone on an. >> both sides have been accused of committing gross human rights violations, atrocities. can you guarantee transparency and cooperation and account ability in investigating these claims and bringing those responsible to justice? >> well, you know that we are asking the ao to make public the au report, the commission
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report. this is because we're committing--we're committed to combating impunity in the country. and the option now this report has already been made public, and we're calling for it to be made public for the au. this underlines our commitment to insuring that anyone who has committed atrocities would be brought in. >> a cameron man was shot dead in virginia. allison parker and adam ward were filming an interview for the morning news show when they were shot. let's get more on the story from washington, d.c. and al jazeera's tom ackerman. more emerging about the suspect. what do you have on the latest? >> first we can say that the police did find the suspect
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after pursuing him and now describes him as extremely critical condition due to an apparently self-inflicted gunshot wound. the man was identified by station management, and of course his own videos as a former employer, a man who blamed the photographer he shot for costing him his job and accused the reporter, who apparently replaced him of racist comments and the like. but the management at the station said that this is a man who had long been suffering anger problems, took it out on his fellow employees, and for that reason was dismissed a couple of years ago. what is remarkable about the shoot something that it was not only photographed on live but that the shooter photographed it with his mobile camera. those pictures have now been
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taken off his twitter and facebook accounts, but it can be seen that he was wheeling the gun as he was photographing these murders. beyond that the station says that of course they were shot by this event, which is extremely rare in the united states. the fact that a professional journalists could be killed in the line of duty is something that may be unfortunately more common in other parts of the world, but certainly not in the united states. >> and i suppose one of the other questions that it raises again is the prevalence of weapons, people can get ahold of them quite easily, i suppose. >> yes a recent study by columbia, harvard psychologists he is mates one in ten adults in the united states who have anger management problems, who have compulsive outrage exhibition
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also have easy access to guns. they make that kind of an association being responsible for a lot of the kinds of shootings that we probably saw today. >> okay, tom ackerman. thank you very much, indeed, live from washington, d.c. let's return to our top story in hungary where police have fired tear gas on refugees. tell us more about what happened there. >> well, this appeared as a cedar incident. it was over relatively quickly. right around 200 refugees were in the center behind me protesting, shouting out, u.s. help us, help us. but basically the issue was over fingerprints. the finger precipitating system here through the e.u. if someone is fingerprinted, then that is
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the point at which they have to make their asylum application. so therefore these people wanted to go to their countries of choice far richer countries than hungary, which is germany, france, u.k. holland and sweden. they resented being asked to do these fingerprints and were protesting. the situation eventually calmed down. as you can see now it's a peaceful situation at this camp. however, this does not bide well for the future because more and more coming through the border and this right wing government in hungary is intent on stopping the flow. it's going to hammer down on the situation with more than 2,000 police reinforcements on the way here, and parliament next week on whether or not to deploy the army. not only that, the actual fence that is being built is some distance away before it's
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completed. when it is finished it will be eight and a half feet high. you may have a situation where there is a bottleneck, lauren, of refugees in serbia. many, many stuck unable to cross. >> thank you very much, indeed. >> still to come, a plan to boost closer ties a with russia. >> and in kabul, artists are not only trying to make life more beautiful, they're also trying to raise social awareness.
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>> a reminder of the top stories. dozens of refugees land safely on the greek aland of lesbos. 50 people die trying to make the crossing. south sudan's president signs the peace deal with rebels ending two years of civil war. and an american tv journalist an cameraman has been shot dead during a live broadcast in the u.s. state of virginia. ground troops from saudi arabia have crossed into yemen for the first time. they attacked houthi positions. >> these are the first saudi soldiers to move into yemen. they have taken over mountainous
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areas and hills overlooking the area. but the commanders say that the incursion is just for a short period of time. in the meantime, artillery has been pounding houthi positions non-stop for days. shia rebels insist they still have the means to fight back. this is the houthi commanders storming a saudi military post along the border with yemen. the soldiers seize the building. they line up vehicles before leaving the area. moments later the audi warplane strikes. [ explosions ] fighting has flared up across the country. houthi fighters backed by troops loyal to former president abd rabbuh mansur hadi are trying to recap you are some of the area.
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here they ambush pro government troops and destroy vehicles that were recently provided by saudi arabia and the united arab emirates. yemen's warring factions have dismissed international efforts to agree on a cease-fire and start political talks. for the time being, though, each party wants to win the war so that it has the upper hand during negotiations. hashem ahelbarra, al jazeera. >> the head of the biggest shia militia has accused the u.s. of creating a sunni force that is dividing iraq. [iraq. [ gunfire ] >> u.s. military vicessers have been training and equipping sunni tribesmen in anbar province. hundreds of them are already on the front line. the obama administration
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believes their role will be crucial to capturing the mainly sunni region. the program is backed by the iraqi government. but there are powerful voice who is are raising questions. the top commander, which groups shia paramilitary forces which have replaced the iraqi army on the ground. >> if the americans are concerned about the sunnies, then they should not violate iraq's sovereignty. america is creating a sunni force. this is not charity work but a plan to divide iraq. >> they do not hide good relations with iran. after all, it was found interested in the early 1980s. sunni politicians fear that commanders are growing in strength at the expense of the state. for them the u.s. training program is a step in the right direction to create the
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so-called national guard. >> there has been a good start. the u.s. strength of 7,000 sunnies in anbar, but they still didn't give them proper weapons. these many are under the control of the defense ministry, but we hope one day parliament will approve the national guard project, and each province will have its own force from its people. >> the people have anbar province has a long history of animosity in baghdad. it seems that there are efforts to prevent the popular mobilization forces taking part in the planned offensive against isil in ramadi. they deny that the u.s. agreed to stop his forces but said without them the battle cannot be run. >> the battle in ramadi is in its sixth week. if there was cooperation between the army, popular mobilization forces, the prison and the tribes, it will be easily won. >> today they describe th him
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as one of the most powerful men in iraq. now he is openly criticizing an integral part of u.s. strategy. al jazeera, baghdad. >> heavy rains in southeast australia have forced hundreds of residents to abandon their homes. 300 properties have been flooded in the basin area of new south wales. there have been strong winds and more heavy rains. nor's state news agency said that there had been 400 casualties afte after a typhoon passed over the area. south korea said it's willing to discuss the lifting of sanctions on the north. a deal was reached to defuse the
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sanctions on the country. egypt's president is in moscow where he has been meeting president putin. this is president el-sisi's third trip to russia since he took office in 2013. and another sign of courting russian favor to compensate for strained relations with the united states. we have more from moscow. >> russia and vicinity j agreed in principle what they call a broad anti-terrorism front involving key international players in the region, including syria to fight the islamic state in iraq and the levant, to fight isil. that's an interesting development. the saudis have it specifically that there can be no future for president assad in syria. and the saudis hold the purse strings in are a large extent for egypt at the moment. they're giving egypt a lot of financial aid, and so if the
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saudis don't like the sound of this, then there is a specific pressure point that they have to change egypt's mind. we'll have to see what happens on that. aside from the talk of international security there was talk of wheat supplies. russia having to boost wheat supplies to egypt. egypt currently gets 40% of its wheat from russia. there was talk of a gift of a warship which was donated to egypt by russia. egypt said thank you very much for that. >> heckled by opposition mps in his first state of the nation address in eight years. >> jeered as he announced the chinese investment would play a key role in reviving the economy. >> over all the economic performance to date indicates moodest growth, particularly in--
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thailand is one of eight countries on society's watch list. >> two runners failed drug tests at the world track and field in beijing. it is not known what they tested positive for. jennifer glasse reports on how kabul artists are transforming cities barriers. >> the barriers symbolize the deteriorating security in kabul, an effort to create stability. this anti-corruption message warns that people and god are watching. across the street they're painting hearts as a symbol of healing the nation. it's all the work of heartists and a group of volunteers. with a few hundred dollars of their own money for paint and supplies, they're working to change the kilometers of blast walls that knew make people feel
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under siege in their owncy city. >> the picture on the wall, the wall disappears. you then have a new space. >> he wants that new space to be about a new afghanistan that he and his fellow painters can help to create. >> it's time for a, and for the world to, contribute something else other than weapons and war. we have been through too much over the last six years. it's really time to give artists and art a chance. >> he want everyone to participate. when a policeman takes an interest, he offers him a brush. he does the same for an old man just passing by. >> even people who have no education can understand the message when they see this. >> that's the idea. he wants to introduce what he calls artistic literacy. this is the first of a new series called heroes of my city celebrating its people.
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these are street sweepers. other murals will be of school children and an old man on a bicycle. >> there has always been heroes, heroes with guns or with swords. so we want to celebrate the people that we see every day, who are working on the streets. >> while they may have started with an anti-corruption painting, they hope that their work will be uplifting and help to bring afghans together. >> because of the security situation the city is in fear. so we're trying to do something that grabs the attention of our people in a good way. >> those who take part say it's therapeutic. >> they hope that the project gets bigger. they're asking people to share their designs for afghans to
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paint. >> jennifer glasse, al jazeera, kabul. >> and you can always catch up with all the news we're covering on our website. the address for that is >> a gunman now in critical condition after killing two journalists live on tv. the latest on the breaking news from virginia. the pentagon investigates it's own attempt in the fight against isil in statements that are optimistic. china's economic uncertain keeps the markets volatile.
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