tv News Al Jazeera August 31, 2015 1:30pm-2:01pm EDT
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dyes on their bodies. there will be fewer tigers on the street because many are struggling to find the resources. 200 year festival at risk of extinction. >> and more on our website, any time, the address for you: >> the man accused of killing a texas sheriffs deputy in what police say was execution style killing appears in court. president obama is on hi ways to alaska for a climate change summit but he's facing a lot of criticism over his decision to rename north america's highest peak. and european countries appear to be cutting off transit routes for refugees seeking a new life.
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this is al jazeera america live from new york city i'm richelle carey. the texas man accused of killing a police officer for no apparent reason has been arraigned on capital murder charges today. said nothing during his court appearance. said shot deputy darren goforth 15 times friday night. robert ray is live in houston. robert tell us more about what prosecutors had to say about this horrific unnecessary uncalled for shooting? >> reporter: yes, good afternoon, richelle. well, prosecutors laid out their case today, what that was called a probable cause statement when the judge listened as you noted earlier, the shannon miles, 30
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years old, the suspect that shot 15 times into the body of darren goforth, ten year veterans of the police force, 47 years old. the police officer's family was in the front row surrounded by deputies and shannon miles in shackles as it was a very intense moment inside, and outside with a bunch of media out here, and police officers, earlier today surrounding the courthouse. let's listen to what the prosecutor said after the hearing. >> when deputies arrived they found deputy goforth face down in the parking lot near his patrol car. he'd clearly been shot multiple times with a firearm. he was dead when they arrived. they fow found 15-40 caliber aga shell casings around the body. >> the red truck mr. miles was
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driving, they traced that back to his home and that's where they identified the submit and wesson 40 caliber. match at the gas station. horrific indeed we don't know the motive right now and we should hopefully find that out perhaps on october 5th, that is the next time there will be a court appearance richelle. >> i know there were several protesters. >> on sunday there was a march in respect for the murdered officer, people of all color, and they hoped that people would respect the scenario. people in houston here are very displeased with what happened, obviously. earlier today i was in a coffee shop speaking to one gentleman who owned it and he just couldn't believe that something like this would happen.
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coldblooded murder and pretty much wants answers like everybody else as to why someone would go up behind a individual, police officer or any citizen and just fire 15 rounds into their body. richelle. >> robert ray, thank you. president obama is on his way to alaska. he will spend three days in the state pushing his climate change agenda. mr. obama will also become the first sitting u.s. president to visit the acialght circle during hithe arctic circle duringhis t. he will rename mt. mckinley to mt. denali. many who have called the mountain denali are pleased. housing speaker john boehner
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issued this statement, testament to this great legacy, i'm deeply disappointed in this decision. the arctic is warming faster than the rest of the plan he. no one knows that better than a crew on a boat that samples melting sea ice. "techknow"'s phil torres recently joined them. >> it's summer high up in the arctic circle and this is what you expect to see. ice as far as the horizon. the only way through it is on this ship. the coast guard cutter healy. it is only one of two ice breakers in the united states built to handle polar ice. the ride can get a little rough. that noise there, that's the sound of being in the bow of an ice breaker. but there's trouble in this frozen paradise.
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the arctic is warming twice as fast as the rest of the globe and that's causing a sea change in this frontier. summer sea ice has receded close to 25% since 1980. on land we saw it. birch trees are sprouting on the tundra and melting per ma frost is causing land and structures to sink . captain jason hamilton is the healy's commanding officers. he's also a veteran of both poles. >> ten years ago when i first was operating this was complete ice. whereas now we have some open water. >> andy mahoney is a geophysicist, he has been studying polar sea ice for the last 15 years. >> this part of the arctic, the alaska arctic if you like has seen the most extensive retreat
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of sea ice. >> in mostly open water we can see one reason scientists think the arctic is warming faster. that's while because the land reflects sea ice, the ocean absorbs it. >> melts more ice and propagates the cycle. >> phil torres reporting from the arctic. los angeles police officers are now wearing body cams. planning to deploy more than 7,000 cameras in the next month. the traffic officers will not be wearing cameras. the cameras are necessary in today's climate. >> i think it's important with today's society that we're in with social media and videos of police officers it's important to give the point of view from the officer.
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so it's very proactive, it's very moving-forward with the society we're in today. so it's definitely the right move. for 1.5% of officers that are actually bad apples and are actually doing illegal actions or unethical actions i think it will put them on the forefront a lot faster and departments will handle them accordingly. for other 95% of officers who are doing their jobs and using the amount of force necessary to effect their arrest, thairn theb is to go home and protect the communities. if anyone should have the cameras it should be the traffic cops. in my days of patrol, i can tell you personally the most dangerous situation a officer will face is the traffic stop. it can go from zero to all heck breaking loose in just ten
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seconds. this is to articulate this is why i had to use force, deadly force. in anyone would need it it would be the traffic cop first. other than telling the police point of view, that's the only good they're going to serve. one thing that people need to realize is if an officer is acting in the line of duty and he's following policy, it's not going to matter what the camera shows. if there was use of force, if there was deadly force, if that officer was acting within policy and within reason and using the amount of force necessary he will be exonerated. >> hill says he does not agree with officers watching video before filing reports. a public farewell today for the television cameraman shot in virginia. adam ward's family will hold a wake at his former high school. ward and his journalist alison
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peaker were shot dead by a disgruntled employee. first state in the cup to allow police officers to fly drones armed with tasers, tear gas or rubber bullets. representative rick becker introduced the bill. he told us even though law wasn't drafted that way it filled a legal void. >> my intent was to require law enforcement to have search warrants to conduct surveillance on private citizens and then secondly, to prohibit weaponization of the drones with lethal or nonlethal force. the law didn't technically legalize the nonlethal weapons. those apparently just like any other state i presume, if something is not in statute making it illegal it currently is legal. i believe in north dakota and other states, it's legal to weaponize the drones.
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so my attemp intent was to weape the drones. in the process of the bill making at the behest of the law enforcement lobbyists they removed the prohibition on nonlethal. it is coming out as if the law makes it legal. what we did is fail to make it illegal to have nonlethal weapons. >> becker said when the state legislators pleat again he will introduce a law to ban armed drones. the state department is set to release the largest batch of hillary clinton's e-mails today. according to court filings more than 6,000 pages will be made public but some are being held back because of classified information. more classified could be in this batch. boosting security. still to come on al jazeera america. some european countries make it tougher for refugees to move across the continent.
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not because i.t. carried refugees. andrew simmons spoke about the latest restrictions. >> the hungarian government is defending its restrictions, saying people without visas, can't leave the country. this is what the minister said about the issue. >> it's completely unacceptable that over 150,000 people come through your green borders without any kind of discipline order and law. what we are trying to reestablish is between the borders of hungary and serbia, is some kind of influx of order. >> is that really the right approach? >> it is the best approach for
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those arriving through green borders. who might be economic migrants, we don't know because they don't have papers, no way of providing their identification. to establish rules, not only hungary butter european union would be able to handle this. >> the international office of migration, an abandons of human rights groups are asking for a different approach for hungary to be more coordinated in its approach rather than building a 175 kilometer fence. ownerfence. aren't you wanting to give them sanctuary rather than turning them around and sending them away? >> up until we establish identity we don't know if they are refugees or not. these people coming through four
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five even seven countries, arriving to the european union should be filtered, should be put under some kind of discipline to establish their identity. >> actively seeking clarification for what it means as being able to seek asylum in germany itself. there are unconfirmed information that germany can take refugees directly from hungary. it's not a clear situation what's happening next for the refugees who have been stuck at these railway stations. >> andrew simmons reporting. a group appointed 50 commonwealth governor was expected to deliver a plan today. officials extended that deadline though until september 8th because of tropical storm erika.
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the panel is developing a list of reforms to lessen puerto rico's $75 billion debt. where to raise interest rates? the fed appears to be split on the issue so a series of financial reports could tip the scales. patricia sabga looks at why raising rates is such a tough decision. >> it's been nearly a decade since the federal reserve raised interest rates. divided over where to pull the trigger. first the turmoil. the dow jones industrial average plummeted a thousand points last week, before hitting six year lows before bouncing back. disturbing signs of weakness in china's economy which is a primary engine of global growth. as it slows the fallout is felt around the world. take oil for example. china is the world's biggest
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consumer of imported crude. so if its appetite for oil tapers off. and there's the global impact on currency markets. china had a widespread devaluation of the yuan. as other currencies get weaker, u.s. currency gets stronger. if you throw in dpreesed oil del prices, the big question for fed officials is, will these inflation smothering factors persist? there is good reason to believe inflation will pick up and that left an opening for rate like in
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september. the president of the new york fed william dudley said, a september rate like had become less compelling because of china. let's see what happens before they meet in mid september and there's a crucial release of a monthly unemployment report. >> patricia sabga reporting there, and the economy added fewer jobs than expected in july. saving lives. coming up, efforts to release the drug which reduces heroin overdoses. making it easier for millions of americans to find jobs. jobs.
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>> a new drug is bringing some hope to curbing america's heroin epidemic. called narcan, it's always saved thousands of lives. jacob ward visited the front line. >> the united states is in the grip of a heroin and opioid epidemic. the prings drug that peopl prict thousands of americans are given for perfectly legitimate reasons. the reason you die from an overdose, the opiate binds to
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the brain and turns off autonomic reactions, literally you forget t forget to breathe. that's how a heroin overdose kills you. we've had available this, narcan, that knocks and severs that connection. it's incredibly unpleasant, you go into an automatic withdrawal if you are an addict. but people are brought back to life. there is a mural that explains the entire concept. someone does heroin, overdoses and somebody comes along with narcan, injects their friend and brings them back to life. this mural touches on sort of a sensitive topic about it and this is something we're going to be exploring is thanks narcania, the superhero armed with narcan.
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i don't know if there's anything to live for but at least now i'll get the chance to find out. the united states has been hostile to the whole notion of drug use our system is built on outlawing it. but now a new approach, sort of the end of the war on drugs the idea that you're going to help someone with the symptoms of their addiction, help them with the risk of death rather than punishing them for it. we're going to be exploring all of this in greater depth later but the thing to understand is had a the whole concept here is medical science has made it such that no one who shoots up or takes drugs with someone else has to die in this day and age. and so there's a tremendous amount of discomfort and difficulty just when it comes to the logistics and the principles the philosophy of a solution like this. we'll be looking at the problem
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and the science of it later tonight. i hope you'll watch. you can watch jake's full report tonight at 8:00 eastern. one in four americans have a criminal record, they have a tough time getting a job because of that little box about the criminal record and you have to acknowledge it. banning the box. david ariosto reports. >> i went through a very bad thing in my life and i didn't know how to deal with it. so the trawm, that's what led md me to drug use. >> she used whatever she could get her hands on. >> as time went on i went to selling drugs on my habit. >> once in jail she was able to kick drugs for life. she went on to try ofind work.
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>> i wanted to be able to support my children. i tried hard to apply and apply and apply numerous places but i never got a job. >> 32-year-old woman with children, she suspected that the box she had to check to admit to criminal conviction kept her from work. in the two decades since leaving prison she's never been able to find anything but part time jobs. >> i never got anything better than paying rent barely. >> studies show that identifying as ex offender could reduce chances of employment by two-thirds. that's why 18 states more than 100 cities and counties and even
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private companies such as target walmart, have instituted ban the box policies. essentially that means the box asking prospective employees to check whether they have a criminal conviction is removed from job applications. employers can still run background checks on applicants but only after job seekers are considered serious candidates. >> essentially you are bringing everyone up to the start line so people can compete for a job based on their merits and then have the criminal record taken into account. >> many of these measures are too new to conclusively approve a resid virtually. recidivism. >> they want president obama to pass a executive order that would ban the box for all federal employees or contractors. >> today we ban the box in new
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york city. >> and just last month new york city passed what's been called the nation's strongest fair-chance hiring law. merrill raze scales shared her history at the signing. >> i'm a 52-year-old woman who has never had a full time job. because my past has held me back. today i see light at the end of that tunnel. i see that candle flickering at me. >> david ariosto reporting there. the nasa spacecraft that recently did a fly-by of pluto has a new target. one of two targets nasa considered. the agency has to review the plan before it's approved. the new horizon captured the most detailed pictures ever as he it flew by.
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