tv News Al Jazeera September 2, 2015 1:00am-1:31am EDT
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♪ the refugee crisis plays out on the streets of hungary. police stop hundreds from boarding trains to germany. you are watching al jazeera. i am fabria ibrahim. the way is cleared for perez molina to face corruption charges. lebanese police push back protesters who want the environment minister to quit
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over a rubbish crisis . >> i am rory challand in the far open spaces of eastern russia. there are not many people who live here but that doesn't mean those who do want to share it with the chinese. keep watching. find out why. >> hundreds of refugees have been blocked from traveling on. those without a valid e.u. visa were refused entry into the main railway station. hungary's foreign minister says anyone found to be an economic my gran migrant will be deported. >>. >> germany may have been a defendant destination they could reach on monday, but not anymore. refugees had feared this would happen, and it did. >> tell us what is the solution. everyone can be houin our
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situation. everyone can have our road. please make our solution. please find for us a solution. >> such dramatic contrasts on monday. now, the police instead of letting people on board the trains are stopping them from getting access to the station. look at the atmosphere. these sullen people just waiting with no word of what might happen. so many of them who have already bought tickets are being barred from entry into the station. the demonstrations vocal but not aggressive carried on right through the day. but perhaps the dilemma the refu refusege are in conveyed by the exhausted families who had bought tickets only to be turned away. they settled in the shade, wherever they could find it, refusing to move. once again, the issue of free movement in europe. the biggest refugee crisis since the second world war is playing o outright in front of people in a capital city. >> it's a shame because
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normally, we would like to help them. i came here to see. maybe i can help. >> a german politician on a fact-finding tour says she is appalled. >> a completely failure of human rights in europe. this is what i have to say: massive human rights violations here, people sleeping on the streets for days and days and days, hardly any water, hardly any food. >> at the boarder town, we met this 13-year-old syrian boy. he had escaped dara with his sister. 4 days later, we spot him in the crowd, trying to get information, but he is frustrated. >> the police don't like the syrians, serbia and macedonia and greece. >> what's your message then? >> my message: please help syrians. syrians need help now.
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you just -- we don't want to go to europe. just help syrians. >> a young voice carrying a simple message but words that seem to carry little weight here andrew simmons, al jazeera, budapest. hungary's foreign minister is calling on the european union to hold a conference for an effective resolution. the e. u. will outline new plans for equally distributing refuge edes. >> the policy based upon mandatory quota has failed. it encourages human trafficers. those trying to make significant steps are facing a smear campaign on allegations. >> rail services between britain and fans were suspended on tuesday night.
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hundreds of refugees crowded the tracks near the euro tunnel. there are nightly attempts people trying to get to the britain. security was stepped up around the tunnel. guatemala's congress has voted to remove president molinas. there have been growing cause for his impeachment over a corruption scandal in which officials received bribes from businesses to avoid import taxes. the former vice president has been jailed. six cabinet ministers resigned last week. molina denies the allegations. elizabeth oglesby is a professor in arizona and she says the vote is a real turning point for guatemala. >> we have seen over the past few years an increasing capacity in guatemala to prosecute complicated cases in 2013, the
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genocide case, the guatemalan public ministry has developed increasingability to track these organized criminal networks and to build cases against them what has shifted is the political will to take on these cases. two years ago, there was not the political will to allow the conviction of genocide against to stand. now, we are seeing a turning pointed to allow these major cases against very high-level political figures to go forward. >> police in lebanon have forcibly removed demonstrators from the environment min tree building from the you stink movement have been staging a three-day sit-in dpaem demanding
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the minister resign over rubbish piling up, to include corruption allegations against the government. a report now from the capitol. >> hours before the deadline, activists from the hash tag you stink movement occupied the environment ministry in downtown beirut calling for the minister to resign. for weeks now, people have been protesting against the government, angered at the inability with the rubbish crisis that has left beirut's streets filthier than ever. >> they decided to ex calculate. the stand-off lasted for more than nine hours. throughout that time, the minister, himself, was holed up inside his. skirmishes began to take place halfway through. security forces beating a protester after they sealed off
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all of the entrances and exits to the building. then, just before the sun set, they began to remove the activists from inside the ministry. three people were carried away on stretchers. >> they used batons and hitting. and breaking us apart. >> this 15-year-old activist described how riot police beat journalists before they kicked him out. he told me, despite being detained during last week's protest, he will continue to take to the streets. as night fell, hundreds of people gathered in the square outside the ministry in solidarity with a few who managed to remain inside.
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chants against the government and security forces rang out as the crowd got angrier. >> what started off as protests against the government's inability to deal with the country's rubbish crisis has been transformed into a protest movement. not only against the government but against the entire political system. the more these stand-offs take place and the more that the security forces meet the protesters with force, the larger, it appears, this protest movement is becoming. al jazeera. beirut. a turkish soldier has been killed and another wounded by cross-border gunfire fromm isil-held territory from killish. it is the second time a soldier has been shot and killed there. airstrikes against the group following the first shooting in
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july. in istanbul,right police used water canons to push back hundreds of protest orders angry against violence. fighting has escalated amid pressure on turkey to defend tthe border from isil. soldiers have been killed in what the iraqi military says is a series of isil launched attacks in hadifa after a mortar assault on army positions. there were three more suicide car bombs, explosions in a follow-up attack. a new batch of hillary clinton's e-mails have been made public. the 7,000 pages released by the state department include 150 e-mails sensored due to classifies content.
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>>dran candidates will continue to find ways to use clinton's e-mail scandal against her. >> she has said that if she had to do it over again, she would do it differently. perhaps it was a mistake to use her private e-mail server. this is not unusual. a lot of people in government do it. some people don't know what the rules are. she should have known what they are, but she said that she didn't handle it the best way. she's acknowledged that. certainly, republicans are not going to let go of it. they are trying to find some kind of connection between what's in the thousands of e-mails and the benghazi strapped dewhen she was secretary of state but it's a little embarrassing. who wants his or her private e-mails to be released to the public. there is bound to be some kind of sensitive or embarrassing
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personal information in these e-mails. republicans won't let it go. the question is: in the race for the democratic nomination, her democratic competitors, they may also want to bring it up. what it does is it reinforces a fairly damaging image that she's very secretive and calculating in everything that she does. the buzz word for this election is authenticity. voters seem to be looking for candidates that are authentity. it that's why so many are voting for donal trump or ben carson. neither is a politician. that's why a lot of democrats are supporting bernie sanders, her competitor, who is a very unusual kind of democrat, who is very ideological and calms himself a socialist. there are other politicians who are part of the washington establishment like hillae clinton and jeb bush or somehow for reasons that are kind of complicated they are seen as inauthentic that everything they do is calculated. that's a bad image to have in this campaign. >> still to come on al jazeera,
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>> the show's called "third rail". we'll be talking about topics that you wouldn't ordinarily touch. people are gonna be challenged, we're not gonna take sides... an approach that treats every single player in a particular story equally. it's something fresh and something new. welcome back. a quick recap the top stories on al jazeera and hundreds of refugees are stranded in budapest after hungary represented them from travel to go germany. the government planned to
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register everyone and send those they call economic my grants back to the original country they came from. guatemala has voted to remove molina from's immunity for prosecution. there have been protests and allegations. >> in lebanon, police have forcibly removed demonstrators who occupied the environment ministry, the you stink movement is demanding a minister resign over an ongoing rubbish crisis. south korea's president is holding talks with her chinese counterpart in beijing. on thursday, she will be attending events marking the 70th defeat of japan in world war ii. more from harry fawcett from seoul. what we know is they have held talks but there have been objections to her visit to
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beijing. >> reporter: there has been some questions about it. the fact that a south korea ian president would attend a large military show of force in china is obviously something that would have to have been weighed carefully because china was on the side of the north koreans in the correspondence ian war. there is a historical factor. there is the fact it will complicate relations with japan between south korea and japan at a time when the u.s. is keen for those two key alleys to work more closely together to counter balance the rides of china and so, that is obviously another consideration that they had to put in to question before deciding quite late in the day, it has to be said, to make this visit. but that said, she is also going to china with a suggestion for a trilateral summit between beijing, tokyo and seuol, something she says she wants and we understand that that did come up in the talks between her and
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shi jing ping and the only one to one lunch meeting she is having with any foreign leader we understand during this period so something of an honor given to the south korean president of what is a relatively close personal relationship and the fact of, as well, that at this time, when south korea's exports are in real truck,shine represents a quarter of all exports that leave south korea. the chinese market does. so, it's very important for south korea to keep this relationship in good spirits. >> harry, both leaders have spoken about north korea. what did they have to say? >> reporter: that's right. they talked about the nuclear issue, about trying to rein in north korea's nuclear ambitions but referred to the tensions between north and south which were settled to some extent it seems with a deal reached in the early hours of last tuesday morning last week. but she also said that china had
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played a constructive roll by closely communicate with south korea. that's an interesting contract with what kim jung ung was saying last week when he said north korea had to face down the south very much alone, suggesting that it hadn't had much support from china at this time. certainly relations between china and north korea had become much frostier since the leaderships began. as well as that, north korea chose this day, the day park left for beijing to say in regard to this recent deal, south korea should stop saying it's expression of regret in the dmz earlier last month was in fact an apology. they say it wasn't an apology. simply an express of regret and south korea should stop such talks. >> suggests there is plenty of tension still to be dealt with on this peninsula, plenty for china to try to intervene in if
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it is can but relationships between can a china and south korea soured in some recent years. >> thank you for the update, harry fawcett speaking to us from seuol. >> vladimir putin is attending the commenrations but not all russell are as enthusiastic about their neighbor. rory chal lantdz is in cheeta and files this report. >> reporter: some have called it russia's gateway to china but these people would like to that gate to be kept closed. the protesters say they are not anti-chinese but opposed to a proposed land deal they see at the thin end of a wedge. >> how can we agree to this when what we are talking about is the barren land that the chinese leave behind them. >> wait.
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this is our land. why should we give it away? we won't see it in 49 years. it will be gone. >> somewhere out there, though it hasn't yet been revealed exactly where, is the hong kong sized plot that they want a chinese company to farm for 49 years. you would have thought given the seemingly endless expanses of land in russia that the matter of some 115,000 hectares wouldn't really bother anyone but this taps into deeply held insecurities about how long it can hold this sparsely populated territory against the bill yon or so chinese just south of the border. >> people are afraid that the lapdz will become a small colony. it will be col onized by the chinese, by russian law, anyone born on our territory becomes a russian citizen. can you imagine how many thousands of workers will come
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here? in 50 years, it will be a chinese province. >> the governor's office said they couldn't fit our interview request into their schedule but authorities insist chinese investment will boost the economy of this region and create jobs. indeed, since ukraine's crisis poisoned relations with the west, a blizzard of contracts, deals and memoranda have been signed augmenting a shean chinese strategic partnership. >> this analyst things thinks there is little genuine substance for most of it. >> there is not really urge. it's more from politics than economics but at the same time, the population has some concern about it. it's more irrational fear because there is not any attempt from chinese side to make any drastic steps toward russian
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that you are tory. >> some chinese are here, though. they toil in the fields and green houses. they have stores in the markets but you could hardly call it an invasion. and at the city's buddhist temple, there is a reminder that the russians were col onizers themselves and this land wasn't always theirs. rory chal land, far eastern russia. >> russia has held a military parade in the pacific islands known as the southern correals in russia and the northern territories in japan. both japan and russia claim the islands and the territoryial dispute has strained recess since the end of the send world war when russian forces occupied four islands at the southern end of the chain.
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south africa's parliament rejected a motion to investigate for i mpeachment of zuma. bashar is accused of master mining genocide. he attended a summit in june. from the malaysian prime minister to be questioned by police over allegations he made against the current prime minister at a recallly. he called for a people's power movement over a financial scandal. the long-time leader was ininstrumental until installing najip in office but is now a critic. catholic women who have undergone abortions will be pardoned by the catholic church but just for one year. pope francis made the declaration in a letter to priests of the roman catholic church.
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the pontiff said he met many women who have agonized over their decision to have an abortion. priests will be able to grant forgiveness to women who are truly sorry in the upcoming year of mercy which begins in december. >> a modemadeline teran says th letter is a month move by the pontif >> i think it's a welcome change. francis is reaching out to catholics who may feel bad about something they regard to be a sin and he is repromoving a practical barrier and making it easier for them to obtain forgiveness. his tone is interesting because it's a very empathetic tone. the former pope was cerebral. he is a pastoral pope talking to women and sort of saying: i understand this wasn't an easy decision and i understand that you may be suffering. i think that's an interesting chain in tone. i think it's particularly time to chime with this year of mercy
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which again is francis being the practical pope saying this is a year dedicated to enhancing mercy, to reminding people that the church is there primary for love and for mercy. >> the u.n. special rappateur on freedom of expression has condemned the sentencing of threeays journalists saying it was inconsistent with human rights law. the three were sentenced to three years in prison last week after a retrial found them guilty of reporting false news. members of australia's press club have expressed solidarity. the club's president said there is one simple message for the egyptian government: to free aj staff. al jazeera denies the charges and demands their immediate release. mexican president en reek aepineto is due to give his annual state of the nation
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speech on wednesday. his popularity is at a record low and as john hallman reports, there is general dissatisfaction with the political class seen by many as corrupt. >> welcome to mexico's senator where wealth is unashamedly on show. a new political year is kicking off with the president's annual report. the game remains the same. >> the problem is mexico politics is about getting rich and, therefore, the gap between the poor and politicians widened. we are part of a system that's fundamentally corrupt. in a country struggling with mass poverty, mexican senators earn more with extras and bonuses than their counterparts in the u.k., france, spain, and almost as much as the u.s. while those sal arteries bear some relation to their country's minimum wage, mexican senators make 170 times more than those living on the bread line.
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like the people in sidewalk city, the people living in this neighborhood are in a desperate position. but they are not alone. almost half of mexicans live in poverty. that's a number going up in recent years >> lunch is leftover fish from a market, all alejandro can earn in a year. a senator earns in two weeks. >> it's like from here to the moon with, the gap between us. how can i explain their money, cars, houses, trips? what i had to save to buy a wheelbarrow to work and survive. >> increasing online population is exposing a $6 million house built for the president's family by a favored government contractor. he is currently the lead popular leader of the last 20 years. >> if if there is room for optimi optimism, our society is
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participating more through mass marches. >> a warning to legislators at some point those who e tlejtd may demand the biggest share of the wealth. john hollmann, al jazeera, mexico city. u.s. president barack obama has visited alaska. he noted how much the glacierier has shrunk in the last century. the national park service says it has been receding by 13 meeters a year. obama's three day tour of alaska has been his most concerted campaign on climate change yet. unusual high temperatures in italy have caused glaciers to melt at a rate faster than normal. one of the most affected areas are mountains where workers covered segments of ice to protect them from the heat. scientists say between three and six years' worth of snowfall and ice has been lost.
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it has become one of the most recognizable brands in the world but now google has changed it's logo. the updated look features cleaner lines and is the most significant redesign since 1999. 1999. for the frozen north too president obama today became the first u.s. president to set foot in alaska's arctic region, it's in the far north the state where the effects of climate change are apparent. the president is calling for urgent action to combat manmade global warming and is doing it against a backdrop of receding ice sheets that covered the land and sea for much of the year.
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