tv News Al Jazeera September 2, 2015 4:00am-4:31am EDT
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it's morning in budapest and hundrede still waiting. the hungarian capital's main railway station remains close today refugees. ♪ hello, i am jane dutton you are watching al jazerra. also on the program, the u.n. warns that wars and economic blockade could make gaza uninhabitable in less than five years. condemnation of texas police after images emerge that appear to show them shooting a man with his hand up. and the congolese warlord known as the ternimater is on trial
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for crimes including murder, rape, and the recruitment of child soldiers. ♪ ♪ hundred of refugees are still being denied access to by budapest's main rail way station, many have been camped out out nile. well, children, elderly people trying to get on the train but everybody without an e.u. visa have been stopped it many made a long perilous journey to sear yet to get there. and they are caught up in this bottleneck of the stage with no way out. andrew simmons has more. >> reporter: germany may have been a destination they could reach on monday, but not anymore. the refugees have feared this would happen and it did. >> tell us what is the solution.
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everyone can be in our situation. everyone can have our road. please make us our solution, please find to us a solution. >> reporter: such dramatic contrast on monday. now the police instead of letting people aboard the trains are stopping them from getting access to the station. look at the atmosphere, these sullen people just waiting with no word of what might happen so many of them who have already bought tickets being barred from entry in to the station. the demonstrations vocal but not aggressive, carried on right through the day. but perhaps the dilemma the refugees are in is conveyed more by the sight of ex-softed family who his had bought their tickets only to be turned away. they settled in the shade. whenever they could find it, refuse to go move. once again, the issue you of free movement in europe and the biggest refugees crisis since the second worl world war is plg out right in front of people in
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a capital city. >> it's a shame. because normal hungarian people don't want this. we just would like to help them so i came here and see and maybe i can help. >> reporter: a german politician on a fact-finding tour says she's appalled. >> it is a complete failure of human rights in europe. this is what i have to say. massive human rights violations here. people sleeping on the streets for days and days and days. hardly any water, hardly any food. >> reporter: at a border town last week we met this tire teen-year-old syrian boy he had escaped with his sister. four days later we spot him in the crowd here trying to get information but he's frustrated. >> the police don't like the syrians and in serbia, hungary, macedonia, greece. >> reporter: so wheeze your message then? >> my message please help
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syrian. the syrians need help now. you just stop the war and we don't -- we don't want to go to europe. just stop the war for syria. just that. >> reporter: a young voice carrying a simple message. but words that seem to carry little weight here. andrew simmons, al jazerra budapest. around 2 1/2 thousand people have arrived at the port in athens. the greek government has chart aid ferry to transport refugees arriving i not in the islands mt have fled the war in syria. rail services between britain and france were once again suspend odd tuesday night as hundreds of refugees crowded the tracks near the euro tunnel entrance in calais. there are nightly attempt to his break in to the channel tunnel by people trying to get to the u.k. at least 17 turks are among 20 workers who have been kidnapped by masked men in baghdad, close
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to sadder city. they were take from a construction site early on wednesday. turkey's deputy prime minister says he's in contact with iraqi officials about the investigation. gaza could be uninhabitable in less than five year's time that's the warning contain ed in a u.n. report. the trade and development office says unemployment and poverty is at an all-time high blaming lee wars and an 8-year israeli blockade the report warns that aid is important but won't be enough to stop the decline. the deputy director of the palestinian center for human rights. >> what is needed for gaza, what is needed for gaza is to lift the immediately to lift the blockade of the closure imposed by israel. which is the main and the root cause behind all sufferings of the gaza. population. the access to gaza is not through dumping moneys. we have great petition in gaza
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for economic development, but what hipsers economic development in gaza is merely israeli policy. is merely the closure and the other restrictions impose odd gaza. former congress lease rebel leader bosco is on trial at the hague for war crimes. the charges against him include murder, rape and, recruiting child soldiers. barnaby phillips sent us this update from the hague. >> reporter: bosco also known as the terminator has a notorious reputation as one of the warlords who has wreaked havoc in eastern congo for almost 20 years, but the chances against him here at the i.c.c. pertain to a specific period, 2002, 2003. 18 charges crimes against humanity, war crimes, sexual crimes, he denies them all of the trial is likely to be a slow and intricate process, 88
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witnesses have been called by the prosecution, there are, of course, the logistical challenges of bringing them over from eastern congo here to the netherlands. over the next two days, what we are expecting are opening statements and including a statement from bosco himself, he denies all of the charles against him. the u.n. special rapporteur on freedom of expression has condemned the sentencing of three al jazerra journalists in egypt. bahar mohamed and mohamed fahmy were given three years in prison after a retrial. australian peter greste was deport ed in february and was ride in absentia. al jazerra says they were simply doing their jobs as journalists of the u.n. david kay describe their conviction for trait prating without a license is inconsistent with international human rights law. members of australia's national press club have held a rally to express solidary with the al jazerra journalists.
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the club's president says there is one simple message, free aj staff. al jazerra is demanding their immediate release. investigators in the u.s. state of texas are examining videos that appear to show police shooting and killing a man with his hands up. a series of fatal police shootings in the last year sparked protests and increased scrutiny of police tactics. >> reporter: u.s. law enforcement has had a very bad year. and this latest video could be inning flam torre. gilbert flores puts his happen up and is shot. we won't show the moment of his death which was filmed by a passerby in a car. but what we don't see is everything else that happened before that moment. >> two deputies attempted to arrest the individual and he resisted. they also used -- tried to use
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nonlethal weapons to try and detain him. and after a lengthy confrontation, both deputies fired shots causing the man's getting. >> reporter: the local sheriff's office has been questions to answer. but wants to stress they were experienced officers. he was involved in a domestic operation, they found a woman cut in the head and was also seen running through the yard. >> both deputies involves in the shooting have been with the sheriff's office for more than 10 years and they have both been placed on ahead minute straight i have leave which is standard procedure. >> reporter: despite calls not to leaching this to any other high-profile deaths at the hands of the police. one lawyer says there could be more disturbing details to come. >> there is actually another video with a better angle and a better view that is very clear.
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>> reporter: in this currents climate of distrust, there will be many people waiting to see that video as well. al jazerra. u.s. president obama has been visiting a melting glacier in the state of alaska to highlight the impact of global warming. the u.s. national park services exit glacier has been recede buying 13 meet, a year. obama's three-day tour of alaska is his most high-profile campaign on climate change yet. in parts of alaska coastally raise is claiming homes and destructing hively hood in the community. it's slowly falling in to the sea. libby case casey visited the sml hounding community. >> reporter: larry adams relies on the sea and land for his food and way of life. hunting most of what he eats. but that's getting harder. >> it's real unpredictable because of the ice.
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and it don't get as thick. it's not safe no more. and it's scary. it's real scary. >> reporter: alaska may be the last frontier, but its arctic coast is the front line of climb al change. not only is it harder for hunters, but the village is in increasing danger. >> there is no place -- safe place to go right in western alaska, those villages are not connected by a road system. so evacuations are not possible when storms come in outside of their communities. >> reporter: 400 people live here, more than a third of them school children and some of the 85 houses are in danger of falling in to the she's. the army core of engineers estimates it has about a decade until it's uninhabitable. therthere is a proposal to move seven miles way on the mainland with a price tag of more than $100 million. but the community is undecided. moving is a daunting and sad prospect. as tribal council chief, milly
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holly has to help figure out what to do. >> this place identify us as a peel. >> reporter: so if you move. >> then we lose our identity. we lose who we are. >> reporter: larry adams says he can't imagine moving even a few miles away, farther from the see. but the people may have no choice as some of the first victims of climate change. libby casey, al jazerra, alaska. much more ahead on al jazerra. mexico's haves and have nots we report on the wealth gap between the poor and the people supposed to represent them. >> i. >> reporter: i am rory challands in the far eastern russia. not many people live here, but that doesn't mean that those that do want to share it with the chinese, keep watching and find out why.
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an approach that treats every single player in a particular story equally. it's something fresh and something new. ♪ ♪ hello again, a quick look at our top stories. hungarian police are preventing refugees from catching trains from budapest so they can travel further never to central europe. they want to go to germany which has committed to accepting hundreds of thousands of a sue legal seekers this year. a u.n. report is warning gaza could be uninhabitable in five years. blaming an is el ray black aid and wars for the human attorney tear yearn crisis. form he congolese rebel commander bosco is due to go on trial at the international criminal court in the hague. he's facing 18 charges including
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murder, rape, and recruiting child soldiers. vladimir putin is in beijing to market the defeat of japan in world war ii. but not all russians are as enthusiastic about their chinese neighbors, rory challands is there where there is a plan to lease russian lands to a chinese company for agriculture. >> reporter: some have called this russia's gateway to china. but these people would like that gate to be kept closed. the protesters insist they are not anti-chinese but they are vee imminently opposed to a proposed land dee they see as the thin end of a wedge. >> translator: how can we agree on this.
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when china will leave the land baron. >> wait, why should we give them the land we won't see it it 49 years, it will be gone. >> reporter: somewhere out there, thonon knows exactly where is where they want a chinese company for farm for neuter nine years. you would have thought given the seemingly endless expanses of lands in russia, that the matter of some 115,000 hectors wouldn't really bother anyone. but this issue? i taps in to deeply held russian insecurities about how long it can hold this sparsely populated territory against the billion or so chinese just south of the border. >> translator: people are afraid that the lands will become a small colony. it will be colonized by the chinese. by russian law anyone born on our territory becomes a russian citizen. can you imagine how many thousands of workers will come here in 50 years it will be a
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chinese province. >> reporter: the governor's office said they couldn't fit our interview request if no their schedule. but authorities insist chinese investment will boost the economy of that region and create jobs. indeed, since ukraine's crisis, poisoned relations with the west, a blizzard of contracts, deals, and memoranda have been signed augmenting the russian-chinese strategic partnership. this analyst 70 convinced, though, he thinks there is little genuine substance to most of it. >> there is not any real development in the economic couldn't. it's much more politics than economics. but at the same time, the population has concerned about sharing. it's more irrational fear because there is not any attempt from chinese side to make any drastic steps toward russian territory.
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>> reporter: some chinese are here, though, they toil in the fields and greenhouses, they have stalls in the markets. but you could hardly call it an invasion. and at the city's buddest temple. the faces are a reminds per that the russians were colonizers as well. and the lands were not always theirs. teachers in kenya are on strike after the government refused to increase their salaries. last week the supreme court ruled that they should get a 60% pay raise but the government says it can't pay. let's talk to catherine soi she is in aville individual just outside the nigh robe i tell us what they don't want to go to work. what is it that's make getting their life so hard, cath cath range. >> reporter: they are saying that their life is difficult. they have been. [ inaudible ] with the
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government for this sal run crease since 2013 and they are saying that they have had enou enough. they have seen other people getting salary increments, so why are they note getting theirs, they think they are know at priority and they are doing an important job. just to put in context. the lowest earning teacher a new employee gets about $150 a month. that's too little in a country where the cost of living is very high, they say. these teach verse families, they have needs to fulfill. they have basic needs to fulfill. they have to buy food. they have to buy -- they have to pay represent. also live in cities and towns as well and $150 is real notice enough to do all of that. yet they see other high-ranking government officials in the same education sector earning so much money. they say really that pay increment is not too much. this any teacher, this lowest earning teacher who gets $150,
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with a new salary increment would just get $100 more, so they are saying surely the government can afford them but the government is saying, look, we don't have the money. and looking at it collectively, implementing a salary hike for all of teachers is going to set the government back $17 million. that's what the government needs to implement this pay to implement this pay hike and the government says it's money that they can hardly afford and there is also the wore that i it will trickle down and have a ripple effect other civil -- other civil -- other government workers like police who earn very little money, will come up and say they also want salary increments and government officials are saying that this is just not sustainable and not affordable at all. >> it must be even more i can some, i guess for the features knowing how much government ministers are earning and how many immaterial creases they g
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get. absolutely. they are saying government officials, senators earn so much money, why can't a teacher who has done such a noble job of teaching students get so little money. why does the government say it doesn't have enough money to pay teachers yet other publish officials like members of parliament, legislators are earning so much mon, kenyon ledglegislatures are some of the highest paid in the world yet teachers earn so little they are saying surely the government can get money some from where. the government also came up with money to bailout a state cooperation tha -- corpses thate doing money so they are saying if the money was found to bail them out money can be found to pay them as well. the government saying it's not in the budge pet they need to look to other sources and the teachers are saying they will
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not rerent. they have been dialoguing too long, they say that they are have had many broken promises from the government and this time it's going to be different and they are not going to come back to class. >> what about the school children? this is an important time in their school calendar. >> reporter: absolutely. this is a very important time it's the last time of the school -- term. school calendar. it's the term where pill i don't know of candidates are going to write their final primary and second air exams. secondary school exams it's a town where other students are going to sit for exams that take them to the next class. the teachers say they don't want to strike, they want to teach but the government will not increase a pay increment that wilin inning by the highest court of the land the supreme
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court. >> all right, we seem to be losing you but thank you for that update from kenya. mexican president enrique peña nieto will make his annual state the nation fetch speech wednesday, his popularity is among the lowest particularly other wrong the poorest in the country. it's not just the president people are fed up with. >> reporter: welcome to mexico's senate where wealth is una shamedly on show. new political year kicking off with the president's annual report. that that the game remains the same. >> translator: problem is mexico politics is about getting rich and therefore the gap between the poor and politicians widens. we are part i've system that's fundamentally corrupt. >> reporter: in a country struggling with mass poverty, mexican senators earn more with extras and bonuses than their counterparts in the u.k., france, spain, and almost as
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much as the u.s. but while those salaries bear some relation to their country's minimum wage, mexican senators make 170 times more than those living on the bread line. like the people inside walk city, the people living in this neighborhood are in a desperate position, but they are not a alone. almost half of mexicans live in poverty and that's a number going up in recent years. lunch is leftover fish from a market. it's all alejandro can afford what she makes in a year a senator earns in two weeks. >> translator: it's like from here to the moon the gap between us. how else can i explain their money, their cars, houses, trips, while i had to save and save just to buy a wheelbarrow to work and survive. >> reporter: an increasing online population is exposing the worst excesses, like a $6 million house built for president peña neito's family by
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a favored government contractor. he's currently the least popular leader of the last 20 years. >> translator: if there is room for optimism it's that our society is participating more through social networks and mass marches. >> reporter: a warn to go legislators that at some point those who elected them may demands the bigger share of the wealth. john hulman, al jazerra, mexico city. guatemala's congress has vote today remove president ato perez molina's immunity from prosecution, there are growing calls for his impeachment over a corruption scandal the former vice president has already been jailed and six cabinet ministers resigned last week. president perez molina denies the allegations. protesters in peru have rally against the presence of u.s. troops, more than 3,000 u.s. soldiers are due to arrive for six months. it's part of a cooperation agreement activists say the deal is a threat to national
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sovereignty. south african university has been accused of racism because student says say lecturers use africans more than english ascertain i can't page reports near cape town university managers have been summoned before parliament to explain. >> reporter: protesting students filled the university central square, it's in south africa's africana heartland. africans was viewed by many as the language of the oppressor during apartheid and did used to be the language of instruction here, now that and english are supposed to be on edge are equal footing but these students say lecturers favor africans. >> it isn't simply a question of language as teaching and learning tool, language as a communication tool but it's also about language and the ways in which it is connects today the i think tuesdayaiwant stewingsal u are that continues this
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apartheid spirit unabated. >> reporter: many of the men that set up apartheid went to this university. it was once whites only, the transition to multi racial hasn't been easy. students describe incidents of racism on and off the campus. so they created a documentary. and when the minister saw it he summoned them to parliament. >> racism whatsoever, that's unconstitutional. >> reporter: the vice chancellor says the university takes accusations of racism seriously, he fired a member of staff and suspended a students accused of using racist slurs. >> this is a completely different place in terms of transformation, but it's a -- we are on a journey. we are imperfect. we are up complete. but we are resolute and steadfast. >> reporter: in april a student movement succeeded in having a statue of british immaterial
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pearimperialistcecil rhodes rem. what these students represent is a generation of young south africans, who are tired of just waiting for transformation to happen. the university says it will increase the number of black representatives and women on its governing body. but that may not be enough to make these students feel they belong. tania page, al jazerra, south africa. the south african city of durban will host the 2022 commonwealth games the you announcement has been made at a meeting of the federation's general assembly in new see lands, durban will be the first african city to stage the games. the space craft blasted off from kazakhstan taking three al jazerra astronauts from russia, kazakhstan and denmark to rendezvous with the
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international space station, the trip will take two days and they each have less space an economy class passenger in an airline, that's not very comfortable. the mission commander we stay in space for six months, the other two will come back to earth in eight day's time. you can track their progress by logging on to our website. culture on the mall in washington, d.c. >> i think that what the world will see is that the african american story is not a footnote, but probably the lens to really understand america, to this day. >> from a cancer treatment center in rwanda to an affordable housing project in new york, plus dozens of projects in development around the world, adjaye says he is
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