tv News Al Jazeera September 2, 2015 7:00pm-8:01pm EDT
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advancing toward the crowd here. >> ferguson: city under siege. >> it isn't easy to talk openly on this base. >> and america's war workers. >> it's human trafficking. >> watch these and other episodes online now at a solution gliniewicz the white house wins the spowshed fs enough senators for avoid the iran deal from being blocked from congress and oral lee brown her determination has helped send dozens of young people to college gliniewic cole
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it as soon as the police tried to calm this down. the demonstrators themselves. coming closer and closer to direct conflict. one group tries to calm the situation by trying to form another line between the police and the refugees. eventually, the police push forward, clearing the road and the demonstrators backed off about. it didn't come to all out confrontation. throughout wednesday, protests had been getting louder. hungarian railway staff had been directed not to sell tickets to anyone except those with visas. having to sleep on a walkway, in hopes that the government's position would change. that seems more and more
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unlikely. this is called a transit zone. it's been in place since the crisis began but it's never been as full. >> i will stay here in this station. i will don't move. i will stay here. i just want to go out of here. you do not make us to go to by train, we will see another way. >> what he means by other ways is being smuggled across the border. although he wasn't sure he could afford that option. there are warnings of hungarian hard line on refugees will only cause more smuggling. >> they don't want to stay in hungary, they want to stay in west european country. if the authorities prevent them from leaving, they will opt for the services of human smugglers.
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>> obviously, these people shouldn't be there, following european protocols after being apprehended at the border as illegal migrants they have sedatinged placedesignated plac. >> they have been through worst danger and hardship than this. tony this is a truly awful situation these people are in. they have traveled so far and now this dead end. they'd hoped so much they could have gotten through areas of choice such as germany france, england perhaps, but generally they are in a desperate situation. i traveled all the way along from the greek border and i've seen all sorts of images,
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families walking down railway lines their feet sore in the burning heat. images of children trying to help the situation. in razor wire fence between greece and macedonia, there were women passing their babies under the razor wire so the police would have to take the babies and that would give them some access through the border. that sort of situation going on, more than a thousand miles away, and days of traveling, seeing them going through macedonia in a fast track style. because the macedonian government didn't want them anywhere near their -- settling in their country. then in serbia again they're processed at the border they go on and then they're confronted with a razor wire fence coming into hungary and they have to go down a rail line, a walk of some six or seven miles in blazing heat. some are arrested because they
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try and go through razor wire, some go on that rail line. but here right now they're in a particularly large area, one floor down from here, and they find it virtually impossible to sleep some of them. it's exhaustion that drives them to sleep. access to the railway again, the hungarian government insists that's not going to happen unless they have vees a visas ir belongings. they don't have those vee visas. turning away economic migrants. no one knows where or when it will end. >> unbelievable. andrew simmons reports from
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hungary. david milliband has been critical how europeans have handled the crisis. he sat down with antonio mora. >> europe's failing them in two counts. first of all the humanitarian aid that's been provided them in jordan and libya but the second failure is when people get to europe they're frankly finding chaos at best and rejection at worst. >> okay you can see much more of antonio's interview at 9 time p.m. eastern, 6:00 p.m. pacific. president obama has enough votes to keep the iran nuclear deal from being rejected.
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jamie mcintire is live at the pentagon. jamie. >> tony, president obama needed those 34 votes in the senate to make sure his veto will stick. now assuming nobody flips, the iran deal will survive the relentless attacks by its opponents. you wouldn't have known it from the full throated defense delivered by secretary of state john kerry in an hour long speech in philadelphia. but the obama administration appears to have won its battle with congress over the iran nuclear deal. the anonymity by maryland democrat barbara mug mikulski, s no going back to the table.
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>> the pressure on iran will lessen and our negotiating leverage will diminish if not disappear. >> the mustering of the required 34 votes was not easy. many democrats indicated they are were holding their nose while picking the lesser of two evils. in her statement senator mikulski says, no deal is perfect, but i have concluded that this is the best option available to block iran from having a nuclear bomb. democrat chris coons of delaware in announcing his tepid support, announced: >> i support this deal with my eyes wide open, aware of its flaws as well as its good. >> he tietion back seat to no one in support of israel's security. >> while i respectfully disagree
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with prime minister netanyahu about the benefits of the iran agreement i do not question for an instant the basis of his concern or that of any israeli. >> but that conciliatory message was undercut somewhat by a tweet from an account rund by the white house which mocked the famous bomb-drawing netanyahu used in the 2012 u.n. speech. >> where should a red line be drawn? a red line should be drawn right here. before, before iran plelts the s the second stage of nuclear enrichment necessary to make a bomb. >> the tweet, from the at the rawn deal account, shows iran's progress to a bomb at zero percent with the burning fuse nipped by a pair of scissors. the goal of that remain 34 votes
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and find seven more votes to sign on to supporting the agreement that would ensure that a filibuster could prevent any republican backed measure of disapproval from even reaching the desk of the president, thereby preventing the president from using his veto pen. >> jamie mcintire, thank you. ambassador james woolsey served as the ambassador to the u.n, i spoke to the ambassador earlier and i asked him why he believes the agreement makes no sense. >> it's worse than making no sense. it makes bad sense. it is worse than worthless. >> worse than worthless? >> worse than worthless. first of all it gives a path that is easily cheated on, for iran to get to nuclear weapons
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capability in relatively short order. the idea that iran would have a secret deal with the international inspectors, that can't be disclosed to the american congress, even, much less the american people -- >> you're talking about the side agreements? >> yeah, yeah, is absolutely ridiculous. >> my understanding is part of what's going on in the side deals is information that is pertinent to iran's sovereignty, that it would not want made available to -- >> well i'm sure iran doesn't want anything made available. they are full of themselves. as being -- having the right to dominate the middle east through terrorists, through people like the houthi in yemen or through their own forces. i think that to have an agreement that even in principle withholds important parts of the agreement from the other parties, including us, and to, in some cases from the iaea as
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well, is just it would be a saturday night live skit if it weren't so serious. >> you just don't trust iranians to live up is it fair to say to any agreement? >> they don't regard agreements as something that is the product of a negotiation of give and take. they regard it as an opportunity to establish dominance. and what do they call it tahia, lying to infidels? it's not just permitted -- >> if you see the iranians in those terms what really is their alternative. >> i want to stress the issue, i don't see the iranian people. i think they are very creative and clever about their lying but they are almost always on these subjects lying. >> so have they managed to, i don't want to be flip and about this, but have they managed to sort of pull the wool over the
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eyes of the international community, p-5 plus one, plus germany, what's happened here? >> people are looking to the united states for leadership. and the american executive did not provide that leadership, it caved from the beginning. iran wanted to get an industrial structure with aul o aall of ale accouterments, we assented to that very early, several years ago, while secretary kerry was a senator and was having separate talks with them. we caved on that very important issue at the beginning. >> so the united states and this administration led all of these other lierdz o leaders of thesey important countries down the path to a deal that's worth less than nothing, right? >> i think that's right.
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>> wow. so now the deal is essentially done. if the senators who have declared their support for the pact, follow through on that. >> i think the leadership of the senate on the regio republican e should at the last minute now tell the administration that it has to submit this as a treaty and it is going to treat it as a treaty, it is going to get voted on as a treaty and if it doesn't get two-thirds of the senate it is not approved. let obama take it to the court if he wants to argue that. >> that's not going to happen. >> well, if everything that is tough is not going to happen, then we're going to end up with this worse than worthless agreement. and if you're not going to fight, you're going to lose. >> ambassador, great to see you. thank you for your time, pleasure. in yemen, suicide bombing and car bombing near the capital
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of sanaa has killed nearly two dozen people. first explosion took place during evening prayers then a car bomb was detonated, those who claimed responsibility earlier in the day, gunmen working with the international red cross, deadly bombing at a 39 in thailand. thai police say the fingerprints much a foreign man under arrest matched those found on bomb make equipment, killed seven and injured over 100. the man denies he's responsible. up next, the hearing for the police officers charged with freddy gray's death. the clerk at the stanoff for
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gray's death and this afternoon a state judge announced that separate trials will be held for each of the six officers. the charges range from assault and reckless endangerment, to more severe charges, including second degree murder. the judge refused to remove marilyn moseby from the case. one woman last started a program to offer kids a safe haven. kimberly halkett reports from washington, d.c. >> every day after school this is where children living in one of baltimore's most violent neighborhoods can come to escape. 17-year-old jarrell brown is one of them. >> makes me feel safer than just being out here you know because all the drugs and killings that
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be going around here. >> reporter: erica allston created what she calls a kid's safe zone to provide children refuge from this. last spring, peaceful demonstrations at times turned violent after a man was killed in police custody. it exposed plaguing so many u.s. cities where crime rates have spiked. high concentrations of unemployment, limited opportunities for climbing out of poverty. but instead of waiting for politicians to solve the city's problems, allston came up with her own solution. >> three weeks, we transform a vacant laundromat into a safe haven. >> she has no budget beyond donations so she's taken to social media for funding to keep her program going.
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jason nichols says this grass roots approach may hold the solution to solutions. to this . >> instead of reinvesting to bring hard work and all those values and keeping them in the community. and i think that, you know, it's all about giving back and that's what this woman is doing. >> i believe that the core to our problem and why our children are killing each other is because no one has valued my life. leek we can hashtag black lives matter all day every day. but unless we show them they really matter, do they really matter? >> she's determined to show the most disadvantaged children, they do. she says the hopelessness that prevails in so many working class neighborhoods all across the united states.
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kimberly halkett, al jazeera, baltimore. >> a lawyer for a 68-year-old man who has spent four decades in solitary confinement if you believe that says the prisoner should be released. albert woodfox spent long stretches in isolation. his lawyer argued for his release, maintains his innocence. his lawyers say he is ill and should not have to stand trial as a lower court found earlier this year. a county clerk in kentucky who refuses to issue marriage licenses to gay couples says she is not stepping down. tomorrow kim davis and her staff will have to stand for their actions in court. diane eastabrook is in the clerk's office in moorehead, kentucky. what is next ahead on the legal front for kim davis?
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>> tony, kim davis is asking the court to delay that opinion, so she can appeal. governor issued an injunction that required her to issue those marriage licenses. yesterday, kim davis has remained defiant. she issued a statement saying i was elected as the county clerk. i intend to continue to serve the people of the county but i cannot deny my conscience. kim davis remains defiant. tony. >> okay so a lot of people are wondering, we've asked this question a few times, why davis simply can't be fired. the other side is, where you are in rowan county, where is davis getting support for her position? >> it is a difficult process. she is an elected official so she would have to be impeached.
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this probably wouldn't happen here. it is a very long process and keep in mind this is a very conservative state. i was around all over moorehead today talking to neighbors, people around the state that know kim davis, many of those people back her. one of the people i talked to was a woman who used kim davis as as a babysitter. >> she has always taught her kids to do the right thing. she's always been like that. i do believe she's being true and honest in what she's saying and everything that she does. >> reporter: now some of the people i talked to said that they do support gay marriage but they say they support her for being true to her convictions. >> well, diane look, i guess there's one other question here but we don't have time for it. all right that's happening tomorrow and you'll be there to cover it for us.
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this is rowan county. diane eastabrook, in rowan county. thousands on greek shores, thousands rescued over the past day alone. we ask one eu politician, what happens now? plus making good on a promise of higher education. meet the california woman who has single hand hely sent thousands of from city kids to college.
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>> you know there was another grim reminder today of the tragic reality of europe's refugee crisis. at least 12 people drown when the boats they were on sank. they were making the journey from turkey to the greek islands. another boat carrying 2500 refugees landed at a port near athens. john siropolous has the story now. >> it's bringing a load of that size roughly every 18 to 24 hours. last night we also had the arrival of a separate ship with another 1700 arrivals from the eastern eag yeaaegean.
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this is the humanitarian work of fishing them out of the water, the coast guard in the last 24 hours have found more than a thousand people in the water at sea. brought them ashore and processed them and there are many more than that who actually succeed to reach the islands in their rubber dinghies. it is an enormous humanitarian as well as legal problem. what that is leading to, what i think we're seeing in hungary and also in greece is that there are political actions and repercussions. not all parties are willing to treat this as a matter of humanitarian assistance and international law. some are willing to play international politics with it.
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and we're likely to see that in this month's general election here in greece. >> john siropolous reporting for us. a member of the european parliament, mr. kirkope, thank you for your time. to what extent do you see this as a legitimate flight by people from conflict zones, be it in somalia, eritrea, whether it be in syria, and how much of this do you believe is about people who are being taken advantage of by people smugglers who are simply trying to get out of the country for maybe economic reasons? >> i think one of our problems of course is because people are -- there is no proper administration working at the first point at which these people arrive in europe it is very difficult to define the different categories into which they should be placed. everybody is just saying, all these refugees must be helped.
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but the truth of the matter is of course that under the u.n. convention back as far as 1951, the basis upon which asylum can be granted is limited to the very -- the most terrible cases of people who are in fear of their lives immediately or their freedoms. and olot of the people who are in -- who are arriving in europe right now are not in those categories. why are they there? how are they there? yes, there is a substantial amount of criminal activity going on. some people are having moneys removed if them and promises of a wonderful life for the future going to europe. these criminals have to be tackled wherever they are. whether they are back at the place where these people have come from or whether they are international criminals as we believe a lot of them are. >> but mr. kirkhope you wouldn't deny that there are thousands, literal thousands of --
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literally thousands of people who are seeking the shorgs of europe because they are leaving conflict zones? >> yes, but i have to make the point that there are quite a lot of countries in the world where the stability that is enjoyed in western europe and the stability in north america for instance is not being enjoyed by the people at the current time. but that is not quite the same as the basis upon which an individual or a family can claim asylum, legitimately. of course if in fact we opened our doors completely in europe we could not cope with the situation where people would prefer, i have no doubt they would prefer, to be able to join us in europe and to enjoy our economic and political stability. but that is just not -- it is not sensible. those that call for that, i think, are being quite irresponsible, particularly the politicians that do that.
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there is a limit to what one can do. i think we should contribute. we should contribute in our own different ways to try to deal with this situation. but it isn't just a question of how many people are granted asylum. it is a question of dealing with what is considerable level of pressure from migrantcy at the moment for a whole lot of different reasons. >> what comes out of the next big meeting i guess it's september 14th and how would you respond to any requirement coming out of that eu emergency meeting that essentially mandated quotas? >> well, i think that would be a big mistake. i think it would be a big mistake because, first of all, you're mandating quotas of total numbers of people who have not yet been defined as to what category they are. i am all for having a program in the worst cases where people legitimately should be able to
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claim asylum. i'm all in favor of that. something under the auspices not of the european union but i would suggest under the auspices of the united nations. we did it before, when the balkans had the problems. i then myself as minister in the oouu.k. was responsible for the balkan refugees. but what we are seeing now is a form of panic, a form of what you call dictate, that is not going to be acceptable to many of the countries but in most cases already contributing assistance of all kinds but simply cannot take on an arbitrary number of people who have not been precisely determined as to what their status is. >> mr. kirkhope appreciate your time. thank you so much. >> thank you very much.
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>> a democratic senator from maryland is the latest to announce support for iran nuclear deal and that means the president now has enough votes to ensure the agreement survives in congress. ali velshi was in iran while the agreement was being negotiated. >> tony, with barbara mikulski, president obama has 34 senators who publicly back him an the iran deal. but that doesn't necessarily mean there are enough votes to authorize the agreement. i.t. just means he's got enough -- it just means he's got enough votes to override his veto if congress tries to do so. the motion, the bill before congress is to not allow the deal. there isn't one to actually allow it. now in washington's convoluted politics these 34 senatorial votes are good enough for the president but it also potentially avoids an
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embarrassing situation. if the united states were to demand a renegotiation of the agreement as the other senators want, italy, china, and iran would balk. in exchange for a clear lifting of sanctions. other countries, including u.s. allies, might tell the u.s., you can go it alone with your sanctions if congress were to stand in the way of ratifying this deal. meanwhile, america might end up in the precarious position of maintaining sanctions on iran while the rest of the world ends up breaking them. for iran the deal means economic opportunity and renewed trade with the rest of the world and rejoining of the world banking system. this summer as you know i spent a couple of weeks in iran, and among the business people and government officials i talked to unanimous, lifting of sanctions
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will bring back prosperity to a country that has suffered from these sanctions for years. tonight, i have a lot more about this deal for the people of iran. tony. >> you can watch "ali velshi on target." tonight at 10:30. president obama will be the first sitting president to travel north of the arctic sickle. he visited the town of dillingham and showed off his dance moves. libby casey is in anchorage. getting to the dance moves in a memo. libby the region the president vistaed today was a lot of where america's wild caught fish, i guess that's how you say it, comes from. what is his message in going there?
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>> reporter: absolutely tony, we're talking about salmon for the most part. this is where 40% of america's fish comes from, the fish basket of america, bristol bay fishery. just last year president obama made this region off limits, a no go zone for oil and gas development. that was already temporarily in place but he made it more permanent. as he visited dillingham he talked about why it was important to put this region in a safety zone because of the importance of the fisheries. >> it represents not just a critical way of life that has to be preserved but it also represents one of the most important natural resources that the united states has. this is one of the reasons why we have shut off oil and gas exploration in this region. it is too fragile and it is -- [applause] >> reporter: too important for us to endanger it in any sort of
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way. >> this is where the biggest sockeye salmon run in the world takes place, also home to the endangered species like the north pacific right whale. the president was able to bust a move with some pt eupic eskimos. subsistence living off the land tony. >> elizabeth juslibby casey jusa move. good libby. first sitting president to get that far north. is this continuing the theme of the trip that being climate change? >> reporter: absolutely. he's going to a village called casavue in northeastern alaska. people are experiencing climate
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change especially when it comes to hunting and fishing. a lot of hunters go out onto the ice and as it thins, it becomes very dangerous to do so, whale and sale and polar bare and walrus. we just heard the president talking about how vital it was to protect the bristol bay area from oil exploration. but he green lighted the oil exploration in northeastern arctic, quite near cosaview. some people in the region he's going to support the move because they think it will help the economy and help with jobs but it is something the president will have to face as he travels to cosaview. as he goes around the country the theme is climate change, he talks about it everywhere he
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visits but the sense of dancing and getting to look at people working with fish, the president is really goin enjoying the experience, outside the washington beltway bubble. getting the experience firsthand. >> looks like he's having a good time. libby casey, reporting for us from anchorage, alaska. three men who killed a police officer, hunt focused on two mile perimeter where the shooting happened. charles gliniewicz was gunned down on patrol. police say while they're light on clues they are heavy on tips. >> all it takes is one tip or good lead to break a case wide open. we are vetting through those, hundreds of those coming in. >> police are reviewing surveillance video from where
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the officer was shot. for almost 30 years orel lee brown has helped elementary school kids go to college. now dozens of students have had a chance to get a higher education. lisa has the story. >> ora lee brown has made the same questions for decades. in 1987, ms. brown as the kids call her made a promise to a first grade class in oakland. if they beat expectations and graduated from high school she would pay for them to go to college. >> she saved my life. >> jeffrey tony was in that original class. today he's 33, works in construction, owns a clothing line and records music. >> ms. ora lee brown, my real life angel. >> he says it was her emotional support even morning her financial support that made a
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difference. >> ms. brown. >> when you grow up in inner cities you don't see anything positive that you can, you know, model yourself after. so she's telling you you can do this, you can do that, don't allow anyone tell you you can't. >> brown was herself born into poverty. she picked cotton in mississippi before moving to the bay area to attend college. a chance encounter in her neighborhood with a child begging for food during school hours haunted her. she impulsively adopted a first grade class offering them love, tutors and food and clothes if negatives. police. >> in life we can pay for these kids. we can either pay for them to get an education and we will have control or we can pay for them in prison and we have no control. >> but brown herself could barely pay. she was making $45,000 a year as
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a realtor but set aside $10,000 a year to fulfill her promise. adjusting to having less for hefs. >> onhefs -- herself. >> one thing i learned mainly for my mother is you learn to live with what you have. >> 12 years later, 19 of the 23 kids walked across the stage to claim their high school diplomas. >> so if you are thinking about ds and cs forget it. always strive to be the best. >> the most recent statistics from the oakland unified school district show less than 70% of students graduate from high school here. ms. brown says 82% of her students graduate from high school. in latasha hunter was the first student to get a college degree. hunter is now a manager at enterprise rental company in charge of 40 employees.
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>> i just want to make her proud because now i was the person, the first person to show that oh ms. brown your dreams have come, everything has processed through all the hard work and dedication. >> reporter: nearly 30 years after she made her original promise brown has now inspired and paid for 80 students to graduate from college. 17 more are currently enrolled. she does take donations. and there is financial aid. devon lyons is part of her newest class. even as a youngster he was worried about his family' famils ability to send him to college. >> she's a great teacher. it's life moments and it's like heart-stop-beating moment. >> reporter: there are frustrations. one of her original students was killed by a stray bullet but she
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focuses on the positives. >> it's been 27 years. i've never missed a payment for college. >> she make sure everything is all right. >> and her kids don't miss a chance to thank her. >> pay tuition got me fishing for knowledge man. >> al jazeera, oakland. >> access to education. why one new york school says a student with down syndrome can no longer keep going to school with his class. putting a face on the refugee crisis in europe. can
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>> a new york family is taking on their local school district. their son has down syndrome and they have applied a civil rights lawsuit. roxana saberi was there. roxana. >> tony, the policy of the school district has been to send students like aden to adjoining districts. >> aden coloren was supposed to start seventh grade today. >> i was hoping to walk him into middle school with friends and
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family and the entire community. >> instead, he went through a protest. >> i made a protest for aden because i think he should be in the school. >> the 12-year-old has down syndrome. last spring he graduated from elementary school. but the local district says it doesn't have middle schools or high schools with programs tailored for him. so they usually bus him to an adjoining school district. >> if aden went to another school district, no one would know him there. he would be just the student with down syndrome. everybody loves him here and acceptance him. >> all children with disabilities free appropriate education. >> it doesn't state with specifics where that public
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education has to be provided. so the law doesn't get into the particulars of which school district or which actual campus a child has to attend. >> but christian caloren, an attorney himself, says districts are required to let aden in. >> they can't discriminate on basis of disability and that's what's happening here. >> the milt school and school district office are both located here. we went inside to get a comment and were given a comment. that the school district can't comment on pending litigation and we were asked to leave. >> one of the board members, board of education members said you are kind of bullying your
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school district into educating your son. what are you -- >> i thought it was interesting. bullying. it's me and my family trying to change the culture of the school district. who's the bully here? >> now they're sending aden back to sixth grade for another year. >> we're going to continue the pressure. someone will have to listen somewhere down the line. >> a board of education told the teacher, aden's parents say the district keeps busing them out and there's about 43 of them now. >> roxana, thank you. for what's on the top of the hour john siegenthaler is here. >> hi tony, the iran nuclear deal, we know it has enough votes to pass congress but the rhetoric for those who oppose the deal remains strong. what implications would it have down the line?
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i'll talk to a member of the committee of foreign relations. a divisive figure in the national debate. kim davis is defying orders to comply with the u.s. supreme court ruling because of her personal and religious beliefs. so what does she believe and what will happen if she continues to violate the law? also tonight alaska. many believe it's ground zero in climate change, shrinking glaciers. melting snow. many years after exxon valdez, many feel it could happen again. >> see you then john. the army is opening its elite ranger program to all who care to apply. army officials say the standards for rangers course will remain the same for men and women. all of the armed services have been ordered to lift combat bans
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for women by 2016. it was 70 years ago today, september 2nd, 1945, that world war ii officially came to an end. for first time china is marking the date with a national celebration, a massive military parade will take place in beijing. about an hour from now 12,000 troops are set to march through tienanmen square, russian president vladimir putin and u.n. secretary-general ban ki-moon will be in attendance. to mark japan formal surrender, a victory of the allied forces in the pacific, world war ii vet ram bob dole spoke at the ceremony. >> i'm a proud world war ii veterans. there are 16,000 of us who
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served in world war ii. we're down to 850,000. if you think about world war ii, can you imagine what would have happened had we lost? >> bob dole, looking good. japan formally surrendered to allied forces aboard the u.s.s. missouri, 70 years ago. sometimes it takes only one image to awaken the world to a humanitarian crisis. it was a syrian toddler whose body washed up on a turkish shore. we leave you with that and some of the other disturbing details of the crisis. >> we need to aalleviate the unbearable crisis. we need to do more at european level. i have the impression because i feel glad, i think i'm very happy to be saved.
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>> europe is able to accept and welcome all these people so we just need the politicians to listen to their heart, you know act like human beings and open up the borders. >> freedom freedom freedom. >> we are not who lives here and there and there. >> what we need? what we want? >> imagine yourself in our place! imagine yourself in our place. we are human, we are human, we are educated. >> i think you cannot just stay at home and doing nothing, especially when they're in front of your door, they are hungry need some water, especially some things to wash themselves and
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>> hi everyone, this is al jazeera america. i'm john siegenthaler. nuclear deal. president obama secures the votes needed for the pact with iran. >> i support this deal with my eyes wide open, aware of its flaws as well as its potential. >> but is it the right path to peace? human toll. >> i will sleep in the streets. i just want to go out of here.
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