tv News Al Jazeera September 3, 2015 2:00pm-3:01pm EDT
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london. >> watching now, live from london with me. david hoster, and this is what we're looking at for the next 60 minutes. the desperation of those trying to fit for the rights to continue their journey across europe and into germany. the father of the syrian child who drown off the coast talks about the turbulent high
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sea. the president facing corruption charges hours after he quit. >> international football, the latest on the u.s. flushing, and the latest in the twisted deflate-gate scandal. tom brady, coming up. europe continues to have an unprecedented problem as refugees travel across the cantnent. hungry scenes of chaos as the police rely to force hungry refugees off of a train taking them from budapest to the austrian border. >> reporter: it was a day
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that started with elation, refugees running through doors that suddenly, unaspectly opened. they thought they were going to be bound for aus industria or germany, most of them with international tickets. they crowded into carriages, but this train traveled for a little more than an hour. and then this unscheduled stop. the police thought they were going to take them to a refugee camp. some dropped onto the rail line. he resisted, all of the force that he could muster to pull the police away. it happened and enrained other refugees, and unfortunately, the family was taken away. it turned from anger to
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subdued, refugees posting notes on windows, chanting occasionally, no police, no camps. >> you will go on a train, and they bring us here, we don't need to stay. >> not for the first time in this crisis, there was confusion, stress and sheer qualification. then the police moved again. >> these people have been here for more than two hours in a standoff. and now it appears to be ending because we're being forcibly ejected from the platform. we tried to stay here, and these people are calling for us to get on the train or at least stay here, but as you can see, there's no way we can stay here, because we're being forcibly removed from the platform. >> reporter: but this standoff hasn't ended. the police ensured that the media was away from the
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refugees, and six buses apart, the refugees crammed into stuffy, overheated carriages, remained defiant but powerless. aljazeera, hungary. >> so at the station, andrew simmons, bringing us up-to-date with what's happening to those people that you saw at the station, to those desperate people. >> reporter: yeah, we're in the eight hour now, david. and the situation for these people is absolutely dire. now, we refer it a standoff. the standoff still goes on, and as i speak, let the camera give you some idea of what it must be like in there. the families there looking out. some of them look remarkably contained, considering the circumstances. now, the latest development is the 30 people in one of the six carriages have been ushered out.
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they have obviously been persuade the. they have come voluntarily with quite a large group of police surrounding them. in the underpass, down here, and they have come up the steps into a bus, which was eventually driven away. we understand, no one has confirmed this, but they remain in the centers in hungary, and they will be processed there. what happens after that is unsure, and what's going to happen with this train is very unclear. it's dark, there is not a lot of light around. the police are surrounding it, the mood of the people on there, sometimes they're shouting out "germany! germany! ♪ and sometimes, ♪ no camps and there are notes taped to the windows, calling for freedom.
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some of the people onboard are refusing food. water has been taken through, but they must be incredibly dehydrated. the emergency ambulance staff have treated a number of people during the day who have come out. the father and toddler you saw, those harrowing pictures that you saw in my reports, we have seen him come back, escorted back to this scene and taken back onto the train. we haven't seen the mother. but that may well have been some sort of gesture by the police to calm the situation. but the people on the train are quiet at the moment, but the situation is tense, david. >> andrew, the pictures were absolutely appalling as you remind us. i will never forget the sight of that man's teeth, sunk into his wife's denim jacket to try
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to prevent them from being separated. was to your impression that the hungarian authorities really didn't want anybody to see what was happening up the line? and they moved everybody out quietly? and it may have happened and gone away? >> it would seem that's the case, david. the people here feel cheated. many of them feared this would happen. when people kept asking me, when i was asked at the station early thursday morning, when people were so elated, are you sure this isn't a trap? it doesn't pass through your mind that human beings could be sort of trapped in this situation or led astray. it does seem everyone you speak to feels that there's something rather ugly about all of this.
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but people have not threatened violence, and they're not the sort of people who would attack the police. it's really surprising that we're in this situation. and as far as the hungarian government is concerned, it insists that everyone needs to be regged. the position for many of these people is that they are registered refugees, but many don't trust the system, and don't trust anybody anymore, and least of all the police. they are hoping. and back in budapest where they are hearing radios, and hearing a lot of information passing through about what victor has been saying, which is hardline, and various positions trying to soften the situation and trying to give some freedom of movement to these people, there are hopes there, and so many
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demonstrations going on, but here the situation is desperate. these people are at the end of the line, literally. david. >> a disturbing and dirty situation in so many ways, thank you. talking of disturbing images, the one that you may remember having seen of the drown syrian boy washed up on the turkish beach where his father has been telling of the journey that led up to his family's deaths, he was one of the thousands of refugees trying to make it to the greek island and here's what he said. >> >> translator: we went into the see for four minutes, and the captain steered the boat so high, he panicked and i took over and started steering. the waves were so high and the boat flipped. i took my wife and my kids in my arms and realized they were all dead. >> .
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>> terrible images, and the british prime minister, david cameron, his point on the refugees has been criticized internationally and within his own party. simon mcgregor reports. >> reporter: it was on every front page of every newspaper. the single photo that could change the national debate and put david cameron's tough stance under real pressure. on thursday, he said that he was deeply moved by the picture. and the uk was aware of its responsibilities. >> there isn't a solution to this problem, we need a new comprehensive solution by dealing with libya and syria. i would say that the people most responsible for these terrible scenes, president assad in syria, and the butchers of isil and the criminal gangs that are running this terrible trade in people. and we have to be as tough on them at the same time. >> it's not clear whether the
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blanket media coverage will lead fin opinion, but people feel that a tipping point has come. >> slowly that human side to this tragedy is coming to us, and i'm glad in a way, because it means, i hope, that we can begin to tackle this as an existential human crisis now. >> britain has only taken 5,000 syrian refugees since 2011, though it claims that it spends over $1 billion a year in aid. it's policy is under international criticism. >> great causes sometimes need iconic images. the image may really tell us nothing that we didn't really know already. but if we're already beginning to feel worried, anxious, guilty, then a really heart wrenching image like that can change something in the upper atmosphere of what i call the
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national consciousness. and i think this picture of the little dead child being brought ashore has done that. >> reporter: the british parliament begins next week, and it may be then that it is rise on this issue. we have to listen to the creasing number of voices within his own party that are calling for change in the policy. david cameron said that he will keep the situation under review. what he does may depend on the level of political pressure, and the cynics may say that depends on whether elected politicians feel the british public attitude has really changed. aljazeera, london. >> now, the people keep on coming. this is the greek border. athens, more refugees, and many of them, one would assume coming from the island of lesbos, the greek island,
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making their way from afghanistan, pakistan, and these people looking like middle eastern nationals trying to find their own way up the line to perhaps hungary, perhaps on to germany. perhaps not. italy, 700 refugees arriving, here we see in the city of calliary. off the coast of libya on tuesday, the experts boarded the vehicle where a doctor removed the bodies of six people. >> molina was involved in a
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scam, the line, where reporters avoid paying customs duties in exchange for bribes. and he said that he would face with a clear conscience. the scandal ripped apart his country days before the elections. and now live from guatemala city, a reading off of that, it seemed rather confusing to me. he resigned, but apparently he can't officially resign until the parliament says yes, you can. give us the summary if you could. >> well, we have just heard that molina is the formal president, and as you say, there's a process. later wednesday, he resigned shortly after that, but then had to be escaped by the official committee, a new president, alejandro mold
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anado, the former vice president, will be chosen as the indirum president until january. and they say that it's corruption, after months and months of protest around the country. tens of thousands of people. and they're now celebrating and they will be voting in sunday's election, hoping for cleaner politics here. and glad to see mr. perez being tried in a court of law, but really, it is a confusing situation. they think that they know what's going on. and they say things are happening here in guatemala with thousands of people involved. exercising the political process. >> it's more confusing than certainly fascinating, daniel, thank you. coming up on the news hour, we have this:
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[ honking ] making a noise as they converge on paris asking the governor to help. and off to morocco, the young man hoping to win big in regional leaks, and in sports, it's a busy night that qualifies for euro 2016. italy, the netherlands, and naturally, we'll have the details on all of that, and a bonus as well. >> a former conglies refugee, he has never killed a civilian despite murders in 2002 and 2003. and he said that his intention was always to protect people. phillips has been listening to his testimony and has the
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latest from the court. >> reporter: we have the lawyers for the witnesses appearing later in this trial. and they painted a chilling picture of what the militia was doing in a province in eastern congo from 2002 to 2003. three spoke about the widespread rape of young girls if their teens, and spoke about how some victims were forced to dig their own graves while distraught family members looked o he spoke for 20 minutes in swahili and he said that he did not recognize this picture of him that the prosecution was putting forward, that he was a ruthless killer. far from it. he said that he was a disciplined soldier, and he led men under strict command into the province. this is what he had to say.
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>> i have never attacked civilians. i have always protected them. >> reporter: so what happens now in this trial? the court has adjourned until september 15th. and that's when we expect the first witnesses to appear. but all of the experts are warning that this trial could go on for years. half of the people in syria have been forced out of their homes by the war. the human rights has set out in detail what they're trying to escape from the province. people of all communities and victims of war crimes. fighters from isil in syria, trying to seize territories, and civilians have been caught up in it all.
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syria's own government accused of bombarding residential areas, including libya and damascus. some being killed because they're seen as a threat. and others jailed without charge and never reappearing. the london school of economics, you're syrian yourself, and as you watch this, clearly, if international politicians cannot find any solutions, you have to look at the people of syria themselves. the small communities. is there anything that they are doing that might give hope? >> of course, they're trying their best. when you zoom into what's happening on the ground, you find that people are doing a lot of talks and agreements, and they want to keep the infrastructure running, so
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across all of the front lines going, the water supply going. and you find lots of these talks, and there are so many obstacles in the way, because there's no overall solution, so that's what we hope now. campaigning [ unintelligible ]. >> we'll talk about that in more detail in just a moment. but let me ask you this. we have seen hundreds of thousands of syrians streaming out of your country. >> yes. >> why do some stay? >> some don't even have the choice. right now, there are half a million civilians trapped and bombarded daily by the regime. they can't even escape. and some people want to stay, like my father. he said i'm going to be the last person to leave syria, it's my country, and i'm staying here. so they can afford it.
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you have to be able to afford to stay in syria. >> it costs a lot of money to get out? >> it costs a lot of money to get out and to stay. it's extremely expensive, and the prices are heavily inflated. there's no water, and war economy is now driving the conflict. what we have seen in the last few days, the pictures, but there's far more going inside of the country. we cannot resolve it. but we have to go back to the core. >> i was interested to see you say that these labor organizing committees, which are doing their best to keep basic things going, et cetera, but they can be a catalyst toward persuading armed groups that fighting in those areas is the wrong thing to do. they can bringa, and how do you see that happening? >> because everyone has an interest in the basic services to run. especially if there's
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codependency. right now, there's an agreement between isis and the opposition to keep the water running from isis to aleppo. that sounds bizarre, and in return, the government provides for isis. and there are several things happening between the regime and the area. and there are a lot of these things happening. >> how do the politicals persuade these big beasts of fighting men to stop? >> because they all have interest in it. in having water, and electricity, so a lot of the commercial trucks keep going from syria to the south. and they have to go through the checkpoints so, you do that by agreement. but they're not bringing peace. they have to be aided from the outside, and they have to be monitored. and they have to have the desire at all levels. >> to get them in. >> of course. >> thank you very much. >> thank you.
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>> now thousands of farers and more than 1500 tractors noisily battle their way to paris to fight the rising and falling prices. the country said that it will give 3 and a half billion dollars in aid and cancel debts for a year. jackie has more. >> it's milking time at this dairy farm in northern france. he has 150 cows, and he does most of the work himself with help from his family. but despite working from dawn to nightfall, he finds it increasingly hard to get by. >> i love my work, but the future looks dark. if you can't make a living from your work, your heart doesn't beat when you get up in the morning, it's unbearable. >> it's a familiar story for
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the farmers all over france, which is why they have rolled into paris on their trangers to protest the rising costs and falling prices for their products. many of the problems facing the farmers are global. but they say that all of the taxes and rules and regulations imposed by the french government are making it even more difficult for them to compete in the marketplace. and when farmers complain, the government listens. the agricultural lobby is powerful in france. politicians ignore it at their peril. >> we muss urgently respond to the problem of debt, the moratorium will be given to farmers, and this is on behalf of the banks and the state. he drove through the night to reach paris, and he said that the trip has been bell worth
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the effort. [ speaking french ] >> people are on the side of the road, and some people have come up to us to say, we support you, we understand you. don't give up. that fills me with joe joy. >> reporter: but the farmer's campaign doesn't stop here. they have other grievances, this time aimed at the european union. they want changes to farm quotas and regulations, and they will be taking those to brussels next week. jackie roland, aljazeera, paris. >> in kentucky, found in contempt of court for refusing to issue marriage licenses same-sex couples. she has refused to issue marriage licenses to any couple, gay or straight after the supreme court gave the green light to same-sex marriages, davis cited religious reasons, and hundreds
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of people were protested outside of the court while the case was being heard. while the polls open in just a few hours in morocco's regional election, the first since the central government gave its region autonomy. and reports from tangier, popularity of the ruling party. >> he's young and hoping to win the support of the poor. the party, the win will increase his chances to run the region, morocco's capital. this is his biggest political battle. >> people should care about these leaks. because it's a matter of your future. >> unemployed, they face many difficulties. and they want to change their
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daily lives. they need to vote. >> reporter: but winning the hearts and minds of moroccans will not be easy. france's main rival, the ruling justice and development says that it has for years championed the cause of those sidelined by the political elite. the party's leader is morocco's prime minister. his popularity has been on the rise over the last few years. >> since he came to power four years ago, we have been leading a coalition that has made improvements in the different sectors. >> reporter: he faces liberal, leftist and nationalist parties, all campaigning to win council seats. but for the time being, they need to convince the mostly unemployed youth that poverty and unemployment remain high in morocco. >> elections won't change
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anything. people like me will not benefit. even if you cast your vote, your voice will not make a change. >> reporter: no party is expected to win a majority. the party that comes first needs a coalition for local councils, but they believe the higher the timeout, the bigger it's chances to win. four years ago, it was thousands of people took to the streets across the kingdom, asking for political reforms. religious, conservative and justice party emerged as morocco's biggest political block, and now it's campaigning nationwide with one message. his party is confident that it will keep it's political gains and same power. he makes a stand against corruption.
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>> good to have you with us, and this is david foster, these are the global headlines. facing unprecedented humanitarian and political crises. as refugees try to reach the european shores, and a train heading off toward austria,. the father of a three-year-old syrian boy found drown on the beach. and his kurdish father said that shortly after the family's boat left turkey for the greek
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islands, it was hit by waves, and the captain swam off. in court facing corruption charges hours after he reassigned, molina was involved in a customs scam. avoid paying customs duties in exchange for bribes. european leaders trying to get agreement on the refugee crisis try to get agreement my thursday. resisting the idea of europe's crisis for refugee settlement. from berlin, rob reynolds reports many. >> france and german germany ad to take in asylum seekers, especially from syria.
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french president, francoise hollande spoke. >> i believe that today what exists is no longer enough. for all countries, i'm not going to name them, it would not be constructive for moral obligations, so we'll need to go further. >> reporter: hollande seemed to be referring toking hungary. the prime minister, victor orband, accused germany, which has been the place for asylum seekers, of causing problems. >> nobody would like to stay in hungary, but nobody would like to stay in hungriy, nor poland or estonia. all of them would like to go to
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germany. >> orband taunted the european leaders, saying that they were out of step with their citizens. >> the european leaders, the prime ministers, are trying to control the situation. >> reporter: german chancellor, angela merkel, said that germany needs to share it and refugees, and principles that human rights agreed to in international law. >> reporter: the world will decide how europe will be seen by the world. we're a community with values, and the geneva convention is part of this community that we can not wish away. >> hole andcited the photograph of a child laying drown onshore.
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>> i'm speaking of the other victims who died who were never photographed. >> reporter: the french and german proposals will likely be discussed in greater detail when eu foreign ministers meet in luxembourg on friday and saturday. aljazeera, berlin. >> from germany to hungry to budapest, the refugee program called the nature of human rights. hungarian and helsinki committee. good to have you on the news, and first of all, tell us about the refugees that we saw off the train line. moved around on the stockholm trains, and what's going to happen now? what's your understanding of that? >> it's impossible to know
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let me ask you this, hungary is no stranger to refugee crises. let's go back to 1956. and there was not a single hungarian, in a refugee status who is trying to turn back. so what has changed in your country's national status? >> yes, unfortunately, hungary seems to have lost his historical memory. hungary was the first country to refuse the refugee status after the signing of the geneva convention. [ loud background noise ] very little solidarity with those refugees to flee syria,
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and free the similar conflicts. [ loud background noise ] the more than ever from syria and iraq, with the situation in afghanistan and so on. >> do you understand why some people are frightened by what they say about the masses that they see coming into their countries? is it understandable at all? >> obviously, understandable to some extent. hungary is a country with very limited experience with immigration.
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it seems to be so far away. most of them have never met a single refugee, a single migrant. it's very easy to create scapegoats from populations that you don't know. hungary has always been measured in recent polls. however, what we have been seeing in this crisis, which is a completely new experience for something political, of which i work, providing for refugees for many many years in this country, for solidarity. these people that you see behind me, they're refugees -- the state has in some way abandoned them, and with brave volunteers to provide assistance, and even medical help. this is a new phenomenon. and if i want to be an optimist, which i want to be,
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to show a way forward. >> and we wish you the very best of luck in your endeavors. talking to us from budapest. thanks. >> a doctor in napal has gone on a hunger strike for the sixth time. he trying to raise awareness of corruption in the medical system. >> reporter: there aren't a lot of people at the hospital in kathmandu, that's because the doctors are strike, and unless it's an emergency, the patients are told they will have to come back another day. 500 kilometers away. >> i came to do some tests, but i am told that the hospital is closed. i came here, but i can't get
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service. it cost me $16 to travel from my home. what kind of country is this? >> government hospitals across the country have halted services. he's a senior orthopedic surgeon, and he has been on hunger strike for 11 days, which he says is a fight for education. >> it's a prosecution -- found for the teachers record and as well as that of hospital facilities. doctors say that the practice is so rampant in some private medical colleges, that it's a decline in standards. >> reporter: they have 20 medical colleges, and the government has only three. each of them produces 100 to 150 doctors every year, and the students have to pay around
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$50,000. >> the government agreed, but so far, none of the agreements have been kept. after the last protest, under pressure, the government established a fact finding commission, which concluded that no more medical licenses should be given to medical colleges. but the government agreed to process the pending licenses of four medical colleges, all of which fail the government's own criteria. dr. casey, whose immunities are now weak after 11 days, say that he's not defeated.
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as dr. casey's health weakens, the government hopes that the they will finally make decisions on the healthcare system. >> there are more trees growing around the world than scientists thought. a great deal more in fact. over 3 trillion trees on earth. and that's about eight times previous estimates. and scientists took a look at the density of forists in 4,000 different places to reach the figure. in 300 years. joining us now, martin.
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a professor i suppose --. >> it's good news, because we're understanding how it works. is we didn't know how many trees there were with individual trees. and understanding it a little better. >> i don't suppose it makes of difference as to what's happening around us, but in what sense would it help us to manage the planet this way. >> how the forests work, and if you're a forest manager, which is trying to manage the trees, and you know how much you have, and how much in the future. >> we have been worried for a long time about the fact that the planet is getting gradually
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deforested, and is that a myth really then? >> it's certainly not a myth. if you imagine the planet without people, there would be a lot more forest. most of the land would be covered by forest. but the problem is we continue eat wood. so we cut down for agriculture, and the thing we understand now, the trees are the best thing for the atmosphere. so the more trees we have, the better for the planet. >> help me with this one. i was trying to work it out. if we are cutting down 10 billion more trees than we're planting every year, what about the trees that plant themselves? and i don't mean physically planting themselves, there's pollination, and is there still a deficit here? if we let the forests to themselves, there would not be the deficit, because you're
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correct, the trees regenerate. every year, the trees produce seed and resprout the following year. but the problem is we need the land to do something else with it. so deforestation, the definition means removing the forests and getting rid of it altogether. that's the biggest problem. >> well, martin, it looks like you're in the depths of the deepest rainforest. and we appreciate you being with us. more to come on the news hour. trying to help the refugees.
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>> it's approaching that time on the news app. journalists have now been released from prison in turkey for being arrested as members of isil. news correspondents were arrested last week, and they have been filming fighting between security forces and youth members of the kurdish. he said that his intentions are just. and calling for his immediate release. before we say good evening, robin. >> reporter: hello there, the two-time problem quarterback, tom brady, has successfully had
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the ban lifted from the deflate-gate scandal. the judge from new york ruled the new england patriots star could not be suspended for underinflating be footballs. he will be allowed to play against the pittsburgh steelers in the season opening this week. the afc championship, the indianapolis -- finding that he probably deflated footballs on purpose, making it easier to catch. he said that he was at least generally aware of the inappropriate activities. and brady appealed the ban in june, but it was upheld by commissioner, goodell, and went to court on thursday. the nfl has appealed the
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decision, and whatever happens, brady will play against the steelers next week. on behalf of the league, he said we will appeal today's ruling in order for collective bargaining responsibility to protect the integrity of the game. and the fairness is paramount. and we will be pursuing the path to that end. the sportser reporter, from washington d.c., it's not just about whether the patriots did something wrong. but it's a procedural matter. is there something bigger to this whole story do you think? >> it's much bigger than just this one story. it's a question of discipline in the nfl and whether roger goodell overstepped his bounds as commissioner in issuing discipline. this is the third case in recent times where a judge or someone, an arbitrator has
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reduced or vacated a suspension that goodell issued. onrunning backs, and this is a major issue for goodell going forward. this could have an impact on his power going forward, depending on how the union reacts and how the players react. >> how much damage has this done for goodell and tom brady as a brand? >> i think that tom brady will be okay. he has taken a little bit of a reputation al. >> reporter: but it's largely from people who didn't like him. i thinker in goodell, it remains to be seen. and there are going to be questions about his authority and issuing discipline and handling it out the way he has. he sort of operated as judge, jury and executioner in the past. and i don't know if the players have criticized that.
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they have gotten mad at him for going above and beyond for what they believe is allowed under collective bargaining, and that could be a broader and much bigger dispute going forward. and again, especially because this is not the first time. we have seen it in previous cases in just the last six months or so. >> quickly, the chances of reclaiming the super bowl do you think? >> tom brady is their chance to retain the super bowl. and i don't think that if he had been suspended, he would have been black in plenty of time. but they get to start fresh with tom tom from day one. >> live from washington d.c., sports reporter for the huffington post. whitmeyer,
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[ unintelligible ] a 5-4 lead in the opening six, [ unintelligible ] going on to win 7-5 and 6-4. in the third round, pulled her way back from losing 6-0 to nina. back 10-12, winning this one 5-6, 6-4. -- in the third round. in action, later the french open champion, brinker, and [ unintelligible ] in this year's french open film, the third round [ unintelligible ]
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push for a place in the 2016 championships. leading the way, at the top -- iceland, against the netherlands. bangladesh. [ unintelligible ] 5 and 61s 61st, an impressive stretch. is lack comfortable -- 5-1 the final score. the next opponents will be the group leaders, thailand and bangkok next tuesday. on an even bigger score, south korea, the united arab
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emeritus, pressure candidate, accusing the government of election fraud. unsolicited -- members seeking their support. >> 111 years old, during those times it has had eight presidents, all of whom came from europe. but if there had been healthy leadership in the european community, fifa would not be in despair as it has been, and the european community should take responsible for this. for whoever becomes the new fifa president, there's more work to do for football in asia and africa than those in
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europe. it's not necessary to have a european president. >> as you've been hearing, germany has been taking in thousands of refugees over the last months. and it will set up a training camp for refugees which will not only provide football equipment. but provide food and german lessons. millions offer dollars from a champion football match. but in addition to that, the champions who walk out of germany and refugee children, on september 12th. >> robin, thank you very much, and may i add that if you happen to be interested in the game against australia. we'll get that later on. and good work, i hope. see you next time.
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>> welcome to europe, frustrations across hungary, and the president said that refugees should stay in turkey. we hear from the father of a syrian toddler, his death, a shock to europe. this is aljazeera, live from london. and also, coming up. thousands of farmers converge on paris, demanding the government does more to help them fightin
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