tv News Al Jazeera September 3, 2015 9:00pm-10:01pm EDT
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>> not welcome. the moral human thing is to make clear - please don't come hungary's prime minister rolls up the welcome mat on thousands of refugees, blaming germany for the crisis. a father's heart ache. >> we flipped over. the wave were high. i took my wife and kids in my arms, i realized they were dead.
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a grief-stricken farmer describes losing his family on the high seas, after pictures of his dead son spark worldwide outrage. >> we expect the vice president and the next government elected will continue to implement reforms that we believe are in the best interests of the people of guatemala. guatemala's president steps down. and is promptly put behind bars, days before presidential elections. >> military justice. >> military authority - charges mean they can hold journalists for a period of time. >> the pentagon under fire for new rules good evening, i'm antonio mora, this is al jazeera america. we begin with a divide in europe
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over how to handle the refugee crisis. today leaders from the u.k., france and germany pledge to take on more refugees. many insist they should not be in europe at all, and mungry's prime minister called it a german problem. in libya, they are calling for help, because they say human traffickers are exploiting the conflict by smuggling in waves of syrians through egypt and sub-saharan refugees. meanwhile, scuffles broke out on train tracks west of budapest. as they try to force immigrants off a train into a refugee camp. andrew simmonds reports. >> reporter: it was a day that
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started with elation, refugees running through doors unexpectedly open. they thought they'd be bound for austria and germany, most with international tickets. cramming into carriages. the train travelled for no more than an hour, and an unscheduled stop at this station. where do you think you're going? >> they stop us here. >> refugees were convinced they'd been duped and the police would take them to a nearby refugee camp. some jumped on to the railway line. police moved in. this father and wife and child resisted, jumped on to the lines. they were pulled away. the family taken away. it enraged others. the situation turned from anger to subdued anxiety. there was a long stand off. refugees posting photos at windows, chanting occasionally "no police or camps." not for the first time, there was confusion, stress and sheer
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exhaustion. the police moved again. the people have been here for a stand off. now it appears to be ending. we are being forcibly ejected from the platform. we tried to stay here and board the train. the people are calling for us to get on the train or stay. as you can see, conceding there's nowhere we can stay here, because we are being forcibly removed from the platform. the standoff has not ended. police ensured the refugees were being kept away. eight hours after it started, 30 agreed to leave the train. guarded all the way by police. >> sit down, sit down. everybody. >> reporter: as they feared, the destination is understood to be the nearby refugee camp, but the vast majority remain in stuffy carriages, defiant but powerless. hungary's prime minister had a tough message for refugees thinking about travelling through the country to western europe - don't come. >> turkey is a safe country,
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serbia is a safe country. many countries are safe between europe and the balkans. it's better for your family, for the kids, for your family - to stay his comments came as the british prime minister faces increased pressure to soften his tough stance on the refugee crisis. simon mcgregor-wood has more from london. >> reporter: it was on every front page of every newspaper. a single photo that could change the national debate, and put david cameron's stance under real pressure. on thursday he said he was deeply moved. and that the u.k. was aware of its moral responsibilities, but signalled no immediately change in policy. >> there's not a solution to the policy about taking people. we need a comprehensive solution, a new government in libya. i would say the people most responsible for the scenes are bashar al-assad in syria, and the butchers of i.s.i.l., and the criminal gangs running the
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trade in people. and we have to be hard on them at the same time. >> reporter: it's not clear whether the blanket media cover age will lead to a change in public opinion. many people feel a tipping point has come. >> slowly the human side of the tragedy is coming through. i'm glad in a way. it means, i hope, that we can begin to tackle this as an existential human crisis now. britain has taken 5,000 refugees since 2011 although claiming it spends a billion a year in aid. the policy is under international criticism. >> great causes sometimes need iconic images. the image may really tell us nothing that we didn't know already. but if we already are beginning to feel worried, anxious, guilty, a heart-wrenching image
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like that can change something in the upper atmosphere of what i would call the national consciousness. i think this picture of a little dead child brought ashore has done that the british parliament reconvenes next week, it may be then that david cameron begins to understand that the political temperature is rising on the issue. they'll have to listen to the number of critical voices within the party, calling for a change in the policy david cameron says he'll keep the situation under review. what he does may depend on the level of political pressure, and cynics may say it may depend on whether politicians feel the attitude has changed meanwhile the stepfather of that little boy found dead on the beach in turkey is plan toing return to syria with --
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planning to return to syria with his two sons and wife. the coffins were loaded on to a van in turkey. he no longer wants to continue his refugee journey in europe, and recounted the horror of what happened when the boat capsized. >> translation: we went into the sea for four minutes. the captain saw the waves were so high he steered a boat, and we were hit immediately. we panicked -- he panicked, dive the into the sea and fled. i took over. the waves were so hard the boat flipped. i took my wife and kids in my arms. i realized they were death. >> images of the 2-year-old washing ashore was a painful image. germany directed an assertion that it was responsible for the refugee crisis. the french president francis hollande, he and angela merkel will propose a mandatory system.
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it would include how refugees will be distributed among the nations. they are calling on countries to do more. francis hollande said europe must help these escaping persecution and war. >> translation: it is an ordeal, it's a tragedy of the refugee, an image goes around the world, eliciting motion. a child drowned because his family want to get to greece and europe. it's a tragedy. europe is a symbol of principles, values, and it obliges us to welcome those chased out, who seek rescue because they were persecuted. >> the european commission is revising his plans for quotas, and is suggesting housing. 106,000 migrants across e.u. nations unwilling to sit ideally by
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after the i.s.i.l. government said it would accept 50 refugees, the country's people are take matters into their own hands. a facebook campaign launched is urging the government to do more. and so far 16,000 people have joined. many offering homes as shelters, saying it's the least they can do. >> i got to thinking about the extra room, and it can make a difference in someone's life. if someone survives by staying with us for a short time. i didn't think there would be a chance to do anything, but offer our assistance. if that's the result of our aid. we'll stand by the system. iceland is increasing the refugee goata. columbia is asking the international criminal court about human rights abuses. they vf deported thousands of columbians, 10,000 fled, fleeing for their safety.
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thousands are camped out across a border. columbia's president said he's willing to meet with the president, to discuss border issues under certain conditions. >> we want the welfare of the venezuela people, the prosperity of venezuela people. we are sister nations, that's why it hurts so much. the government is distributing xenophobia and hatred. it is discriminatory many displaced columbians lived in venezuela for years, and forced to leave without possessions. columbia says the government is using them as scapegoats for the country's cry and struggling economy in malaysia, crews are searching the strait of malacca for those missing after a boat accident. 15 people were killed when a wooden boat capsized. 19 people have been rescued.
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the vessel was carrying indonesians working in malaysia analysis of the plane wreckage found in the indian ocean confirmed it is part of the missing malaysia airlines plane. officials are certain that the wing came from that plane. investigators from able to match serial numbers linking them to a spanish manufacturer that supplied part of the plane. officials hope the discovery will serve as a clue to find the rest of the aircraft and the 239 passengers and crew iran's supreme leader says there'll be no nuclear deal as the u.s. suspends sanctions against it. ayatollah khamenei said the sanctions must be lifted entirely, superintendenting them would under -- suspending them would undermine the agreement and prevent changes happening. and that it was up to iran's elected leaders to accept or reject the deal
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two journalist that work for "vice news" have been released from turkish prison. they were tain na custody, accused of -- taken into custody, accused of helping an armed organization. the translator is still heard. the pentagon is reconsidering new rules that could let u.s. forces capture and confine journalists during wore time. we have this report. >> reporter: last week an egyptian court sentenced three al jazeeran journalists to three years in prison. the idea that journalists can be convicted of aiding terrorists makes the law so alarming of the u.s. news organizations. a section supports the notions, saying while journalists are regarded as civilians, they may be deemed unprivileged belijerrens. >> this means military authorities can hold a
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journalist for an indefinite period of time, in commune cardio, and accused them, without having to provide proof of acting in a manner that they believe fits the category of a belligerent, which is not well defined. >> the pentagon said two pages from a manual are mischaracterised and the language does not apply to legitimate journalists. >> we are talking about an unprivileged belligerent. any civilian, not just a journalist who crosses the line and becomes an active combatant in war time. taking action, grabs a gun, fires a weapon, where they have taken aside and are in combat. the manual doesn't just refer to unprivileged belligerence, reporting that military operations can be similar to collecting intelligence. saying that journalists must act openly with permission of
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authorities, stating that governments may need to senn or work. the "new york times" in a led editorial argued that kind of language makes the work of journalists more dangerous, cumbersome and subject to censorship. >> it sends a terrible message to groups around the world that are abusing journalists. this is the pentagon's stance, to lower the bar for wages, sensing a green light to oppressive regimes and terrorist groups for acting aggressively in a manner against the press. >> the pentagon says the fears are misplaced and has a good record against the media. the committee sites two cases as undercutting that assertion. a pulitzer prize-winning photographer who was detained in iraq by marines in 2006, and
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held for two years, and an al jazeera cameraman, detained in 2001, by pakistani forces along the afghan pakistani border, while covering the u.s.-led offensive against the taliban, held for six years in guantanamo. the pentagon says it hears the criticism loud and clear. >> we have heard from significant number of journalists and organizations. who have expressed concern. we saw the editorial in the "new york times". it's fair to say that the folks that put this manual together, as they are every other aspect of this 1200 page manual, are open to concerns and criticisms, ideas for improvement. the law manual is meant as a guide to lawyers, who advise those in the field, and is not a legal document. if it needs to be clarified so
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it's not viewed as putting journalists at risk, it will be jamie mcintyre at the pentagon the state department issued a warning to u.s. citizens travelling to or living in turkey. it announced a voluntary evacuation of the u.s. consule due to ongoing military operations due to operations out of the air base. coming after four were killed after a p.k.k. bomb attack in the province, the attack occurred as police officers helped local forces put out fire at a school. officials allege the p.k.k. rebels started the fire accused and arrested. guatemala's president resigns. the latest chapter in the political corruption scandal that rocked the country. >> is disturbing record in el salvador. 30 people are murdered every day in
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former guatemala president is spending the night in gaol facing corruption charges. he appeared in court, hours after stepping down as president. investigators say he received millions in bribes from companies. daniel schweimler reports from guantanamo city on the unprecedented crisis. >> reporter: unprecedented in guatemala, throughout much of latin america. i think it's the speed with which he fell. tuesday morning he was president. his immunity was lifted on that day, the arrest warrant on the wednesday.
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he resigned wednesday night. thursday he was in court for a preliminary hearing, and as you said, he spent tonight in prison in guatemala city as a preventative measure, because the judge felt he may flee the country, there's some way to go in the hearing and full court case. there has been so much else going on in guatemala. the vice president was sworn in as interim president. he will serve until january, we have the matter of presidential elections held this sunday, when the successor to otto perez will be chosen. perhaps on sunday, in the second round towards the end of october. things moving very, very fast here in guatemala daniel schweimler reporting from guantanamo city the white house addressed the political crisis in guantanamo, expressing hope about the upcoming election this weekend. >> evidently you expect, not just the vice president, but the
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next government that is elected in the september election, will continue to implement the kind of reforms that we believe are in the interests of the people of guatemala. particularly when it comes to fighting corruption and impunity latin american organizations have some unfortunate injury, of leaders forced out of office. the president resigned in december, in 1992. before he could be impeached. he was accused of financial fraud, impeached and removed from office, august 1993. the president was impeached for physical and mental incapacity after serving for six months in office. in november 2000. peruvian president was impeached for weren't moral incapacity. in april 2005. the equadorian president was forced out by congress after
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six months of political conflict. joining us is ambassador who served in guatemala from 1996 to 1999 and is a senior advisor at i was struck by comments made by nobel peace prize winner who said she was concerned that molina may not go down without a fight and may have a shock strategy up his sleeve. are you worried tensions could grow? >> there'll be continued tensions until the case is put to bed. i was struck by the way molina resigned. he said he wouldn't flee, that he would face the music, take it to court, that he was sorry this that he'd submit himself to justice. i think he meant that.
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i don't think that was window dressing. yes, there's a long way to go. and in guatemala having an arraignment and arrest. being imprisoned, is a long way from being incarcerated, unfortunately. in guatemala, often the case is people do not go to gaol for their crimes, they are not punished as we mentioned presidential elections are scheduled for sunday. some groups should be postponed. but the u.s. embassy said the elections should move over. under the circumstances, do you think that is a good idea? >> yes, i agree to that. that is right. it's important to maintain the institutionality, the constitutionally in guatemala. the elections have been scheduled for some time. interestingly. the national electoral commission does a good job at holding elections, elections there have been free and fair. there has not been presidential
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challenge in several years. over many administrations, as we found elsewhere in latin america. the press is a clean one, organised. that is important. what needs to be done, between the time the new president is elected, he or she needs to begin to start to strengthen institutions in guatemala, especially political institutions. >> is that one of the issues they have now. as you think democracy won the day. you look at the election and see most have been tainted by corruption allegations. the candidate that has been the front runner, his vice presidential has been persecuted and prosecuted for corruption. >> that's true. the accusations are out there. the running mate was tainted.
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i think the problem comes in, with the institutionality, once you postpone the election, and there's no clear way forward, sometimes the election is never scheduled, opening a pandora's box for all kinds of trouble. i think it's important that the elections take place as scheduled, contemplated, but the next step has to be civil society, people that manage to force others from office. they need to get together and insist on reforms. >> how likely is that. we listed a handful of faces where latin american presidents were forced to resign or impeached. what happened in guatemala is unusual, especially in a weak democracy. >> it is unprecedented, but a good sign. people took to the streets. not just the poor and disenfranchised, but the middle class as well. i was in guatemala and saw some of it. the people in the streets
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presented a cross sections of the country, and the people that vote. if that pressure is maintained, people demand to be heard. there can be reform. almost anywhere in the world it requires them to get reform going ambassador, appreciate you joining us tonight. thank you. >> thank you very much. >> the gun violence that we see in the u.s. pales in comparison with the staggering murder rate in el salvador. the small latin american country, barely more than 6 million, recorded 911 murders in america alone. that accounts to almost 30 murders every day. meanwhile a civilian group planted crosses to draw attention to more than 4,000 killed so far this year. to put that in perspective there were fewer than 1,000 murders in new york. los angeles and chicago were combined.
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far more people live in the cities. coming up, banned but still killing. the use of cluster bombs, weapons that can maim or slay anyone in their path after a conflict ends. driven from school by war. one of 13 million children in five middle eastern country are no longer getting an education. that number is expected to grow.
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the -- africa, reminiscent of the sail 'em witch crimes a judge found a county clerk guilty of contempt of court. kim davis refused to issue licences to same-sex couples, saying her faith would not allow it. the judge ordered gaol time until she agrees to follow the law. the office where she worked will issue marriage licences tomorrow investigation into a helicopter crash that killed a mar each, it was part of a training exercise when it made a hard landing. 11 marines were injured. an army helicopter went down in the wilderness, no injuries reported a south carolina posterior confirmed she'd seek the death penalty for dylann roof. dylann roof is charged killing nine people during an attack on the emanuel church on june 17th. the prosecutor scarlett wilson
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says the killings were the ultimate crime and calls for the ultimate penalty a report claims cluster munitio munitions were used in five countries, courtney kealy has more on the report. >> in southern yemen, civilians spoke about attacks. two children, one adult were killed. it hit us while the we were sleep ping. i can't walk. hands were burnt. >> we were together, and the rocket hit us. it exploded in the care human rights watch found evidence of ground-launched cluster munitions rockets. the most likely launch, saudi arabian territory as part of the campaign against houthi rebels. >> weapons were u.s. made m 26
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rockets. each of which contained 644 subammunitions according to a report from a coalition of humanitarian groups. cluster bombs were used in conflict. like yemen, sudan, syria and ukraine. >> cluster munitions were small bombs within bombs. when a cluster bomb exploded it releases smaller bombs raining down on areas as large as a football field. >> many fail to explode when they hit ground and become de facto land mines that explode if civilians touch them 94% of cluster bomb casualties are children. 40% children. they were used wisely in world war ii, and used around the world since. large concentrations of
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unexploded cluster bomblets remain. the international convention on cluster munitions that went into effect banded the cluster bombs. united states, russia, china, israel and iran have not joining us from geneva is the advocacy director of the arms division of human rights watch. good to have you with us, mary. i am sure it's discouraging when you see how cluster munitions are killing civilians, especially in syria and yemen and ukraine, libya and sudan, are you at all hopeful that progress is made under the treaty to ban the weapons? >> i'm not hopeful, i'm confident. we have 117 countries on board,
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and more countries are joining. slovakia, in july, and they have produced and exported and stockpiled cluster munitions. it's been recognised that the military utility in the weapons is far outweighed by the consequences of their use. >> knowing that cluster bombs and rockets kill civilians not only when they are dropped, but explode years later. killing children, why has it been hard to convince the big countries or weapons producers in the u.s., china and russia to stop making and exporting them? >> there has been progress there. there's a number of countries that formally produce and exported munition, and used them, that are part of the convention. and continue to work on china and russia, the united states, and israel, which is both used and produced cluster munitions in the past. >> what we see needs to happen
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is that we need to show that the treaty is working, and the treaty is the best response to use of these weapons, we want to see them embrace the international court. if they are upset about the victims occurring from the use of the weapons. the majority of people harmed are civilians, many of them are children. >> without those countries, russia, china and the u.s. on board. can they succeed. because it's the same thing with the land mine treaty. the u.s., china and russia have not joined either. >> exactly. it's still on hold. this treaty is five years old, that we follow, in the footsteps of the treaty, which is 15 years old, which has got a good number of states that joined. 162 nations, and over time the united states has committed to go longer export and produce
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them except in korea. >> right now the worst offender in syria. >> with the use of cluster bombs by the bashar al-assad regime, and at the end of the 2014 we found the islamic state was using it in the advance on kobane. in syria, all sorts of different weapons are being used and it has been going on since 2012. that's creating a huge legacy of unexploded ordinance which will be incredibly challenging to clear. >> it's happening in yemen as well. >> exactly. yemen is disturbing, because we see the use of it, four different types of munitions, airdropped. ground launch rackets and recorded civilian casualties from those. we are calling on all states to
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condemn the use. it's tricky, saudi arabia, and the other members of the coalition participating in the operation are not part of the treaty. neither is yemen. >> in ukraine, both sides were using them. >> yes, we documented use by the ukranian government forces and the opposition forced backed by russia. however, we have not recorded use since the ceasefire went into effect in february. >> mary from human rights watch, good to have your perspective on all this. thank you. >> thank you very much. >> conflicts on the eastern and north africa are having a huge impact on education. according to a report, the violence is preventing 13 million children in the region from going to school. of 9,000 schools in conflict zones damaged or destroyed, more than 700,000 syrian refugee children are unable to go to
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school. >> we are at one of the hundreds of makeshift refugee camps started across lebanon. lebanon has the third highest number of refugees in the world, and the highest number of refugees per capita. they are not only a huge inflex of syrians, but also there are thousands of palestinians from refugees who have been here for decades. as you can see, the children during a school day are not at school. instead they roam around the camps because there are not enough educational institutions or enough support services to provide education, some are forced to work at a young age. this child here is one of those. he works from 4 o'clock in the morning, until midday, and at the end of it he gets around
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5 usd. that is a 12-year-old child telling me when he was home in syria, he was happy to go to school, learning english, but for three years he's been stuck here and unable not only to pursue his education, but forced to work. it's important to note that he is working. and there are hundreds of kids in beirut, forced to work on the street. some of them, drug smuggling. it's a bleak picture for the now, but for the future that report from a refugee camp in lebanon n.a.t.o. is moving ahead with a plan to protect member states. an organization opened a military outpost in lithuania. and the first post in five countries boarded russia. n.a.t.o. wanted to counter this. russia says the build up will
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increase tensions. >> what we do is offensive. it's proportionate. it's in response to what we have seen from russia, and comes to russia being responsible for aggressive actions in ukraine. >> each of the outposts will be staffed by 40 soldiers drawn from the u.s. and n.a.t.o. allies. accused of crimes against humanity. the african rebel leader dee nighing that he led troops in raping and murdering troops. these women were forced out of their villages. a report is under way to change the culture of fear around them. >> a teacher takes the state accord over claims it was
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>> "inside story" takes you beyond the headlines, beyond the quick cuts, beyond the sound bites. we're giving you a deeper dive into the stories that are making our world what it is. >> ray suarez hosts "inside story". only on al jazeera america. i congolese military leader bosco took the stand at the war crimes trial. accused of rape and massacre, he argued he was trying to restore peace. barnaby phillips reports his victims paint a different picture. >> we heard from lawyers of the victims, painting a chilling picture of what bosco's militia was doing in 2002 to 2003. they spoke about the widespread
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rape of young girls in their teens, and they responsible about how some victims were forced to dig their own graves before being buried alive, as distraught family members looked on. we heard from bosco himself. he spoke calmly for 20 minutes, and did not recognise this pictures of him. far from it. he said he was a disciplined soldiers, and he led men under strict command in the province. this is what he had to say. >> translation: as an officer i have always fought with people in uniform. i have never attacked civilians. on the other hand, your honours, i have always protected them.
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>> what happens now in this trial. the court adjourned until september 15th, when we expect the first witnesses to appear. all the experts warn that this trial goes on for years. >> barnaby phillips reporting from the hague. joining us is simon adams, executive director for the global center. with the responsibility to protect. crimes accrued of are horrific. this is a man whose has been a member of a number of armed groups. guilt aof massacres, rape, recruiting child soldiers, killing men, women and children. it's good that he's ended up in handcuffs in the hague. it's bringing attention to a conflict that does not get much attention, even though it has killed many in the world. what do you hope gets out of the
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trial? >> this is a deadly conflict. we don't know how many people have been killed. all estimates say somewhere in the vicinity of 3.5 billion. it's been going on for 20 years. groups emerged. going back to being rebels. he led a group. he made a peace deal with the government. in the army. he was responsible for protecting people that it would be praying upon. another armed group. he's on trial for a specific series of crimes perpetrated in the early part of this new century, and he hopes it gets on. >> do you think it will send a message. it's been limited actability. >> yes, accountability breaking
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the cycle is important. this is a man that is untouchable. seeing the group doing whatever they like, there would be no consequences. having them in the dark is important. the i.c.c. has had serious trouble getting av con despots arrested. the sudanese president remains out there, the fact that he travels internationally. he actually turned himself in. >> right, he is in china this week, which is shameful. on the case of bows coe, he -- bosco, he turned himself in, it's an amazing story in and of itself. why he would do so, there's speculation why that would be the case, certainly it's considered that there was a falling out. the choice was a shallow grave
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or turning himself. >> he turned himself in rwanda, and he helped the current government overthrew the hutu government. why didn't rwanda protect them. >> that's one of many questions. it's clear that the rwandans did not know that he was in. he went to the embassy. apparently they were surprised and amazed and had to check the yited. confirming that it was him. >> violence continues, is there hope of this stopping soon. we have made progress. not least of all because of prevention brigade. there's still much that needs to be done, accountability breaking the cycle will be crucial to ending the conflict simon adams the last witchcraft trial in
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the united states was hold in 1706 near the city of virginia beach, and the need of witches has been relegated to the world of fiction. off the radar, modern trials of women in ghana accused of witchcraft. we have this report. >> this settlement is known as cuckoo camp, a safe haven for women accused of being witches. >> for this woman, she has been here for three years. today her daughter came to visit. she says she left her home after she was blamed for her niece falling sick. >> and the crowd attacked me. i was sad. they came with sticks and other things, and the intention was to kill me, the chief stepped in to say i should not be killed she is one of the minority of women accepted back into a regular community. she is living with her brother and his family after 20 years of being in a camp.
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>> being home with my family helped me. now that i am with my brother, if i am sick, he's there to see it. if i have problems, he is there. i'm happy here. >> the government is working to reintegrate more women into the communities, he's wound down one camp. there's five left. because it's cultural, it has been difficult to do away with it. what we do is use it as a means, working with community and civil society, and particularly working with the traditional leaders, to get them to appreciate and understand that it is totally wrong. it's a human rights violation. >> some of the camps have been around for more than 100 years. the idea that a woman can be a witch is deeply engrained.
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any woman can be accused, but it's often those that can't have children, elderly or outspoken. the government's plan is to close the rest if the camps. or transfer them into regular communities in the next five years. this person is afraid of returning home because the trauma that she went through. like all the women, she wants to be accepted. french form farmers -- farmers angry, rolling into paris, demanding concessions from the government. a trip to get a pair of glasses turned into a mob scene in roim for pope francis.
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now our global view segment, a look at how news outlets across the world are reacting to various events. in iran, the reports of nuclear deal is on the front page of the "tehran times." among them is an editorial comparing political wrangling to president lincoln's fight to confirm an amendment to abolish slavery "the times" of london
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secures david cameron's inaction on the refugee crisis. ta draws him in a car driven by angela merkel holding a sign. a refugee from guinea was found alive in that position in spain. the new zealand herald offers a cartoon, showing refugees huddling, fleeing from new zealand. one of the passengers says i'm grateful it's 2015. otherwise the government would be crunching the numbers a rare sight on the treats of paris. more than 1,000 protested plunging food prices. roland reports from the french capital. >> it's milking time. >> the owner has 15 cows.
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despite working from down until nightfall. he finds it difficult to get by. >> i love my work, the future looks dark. when you can't make a living from your work, and the heart doesn't beat, it's unbearable. >> reporter: it's a familiar story from formers over france. which is why they role into paris from their chapters, and falling prices. many of the problems facing the farmers are global. all the taxes, rules and regulations are making it even more difficult for them to compete on the marketplace. when formers complain, the government misses. politicians ignore it at their peril. >> we must urgently respond to
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the problem at the heart of the drama for many farmers. a hiatus of debt will be given to farmers, an increased effort on the bank and the state. they drove through paris, and said the trip has been worth the effort. >> people are on the side of the road, i plauding us taking photos. people come up saying we support you. it fills us with joy. >> but the farmers' campaign doesn't stop here. >> it's aimed at the european union, they want changes to farming quotas and e.u. regulations, and they'll take them to brussels next week. >> they call them crisp, the world's most overgrown sheep. it was discovered in the australian bush. a pair of hikers found him files
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from harm. the sheep's wool grew so long, making him appear four to five times his size. animal rescuers feared he would not climb in the heat. it was a record breaking 90 pounds in rome, the head of the church went to get a new pair of eyeglasses. the pope insisted on going to have his eyes checked at the shop. it lasted half an hour, on his way out he was met bay crowd, who mobbed the spiritual leader who headed back to the vatican 80% of south african's schools don't have libraries. one man is trying to foster a love of literature with an underground library.
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that's it for this edition of al jazeera america news. i'll see you again in an hour. "america tonight" is next. [ ♪ ] on "america tonight" - a killer in american hospitals. a bacteria that sickens patients, even kills them. >> i believe his immune system was so compromised he was open to every area possible. >> adam may an explains what mercer is,
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