tv News Al Jazeera September 4, 2015 10:30am-11:01am EDT
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want the particular shark that attacked him killed. he feels it gave him half a chance. he does want action. people he thinks deserve more protection than sharks. andrew thomas, al jazeera, australia. >> couples celebrate in rowen county, kentucky. the clerk's office for the first time in months is issuing marriage licenses with the clerk herself behind bars. saudi arabia's king makes a first trip to the u.s. since ascending to the throne. the iran nuclear deal and a billion dollar arms package on the deal for his meeting with president obama. and a new picture of the u.s. economy. employment fell in august, but schatz sparking concerns by some investors the fed will raise
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interest rates. >> happiness and validation for couples in rowen county, kentucky. a few hours ago the clerk's office began handing out marriage licenses and this couple was the first to receive one from a deputy clerk. while the clerk, kim davis, sits in jail. she defied a court order and refused to hand out licenses to anyone because of her religious beliefs. we're covering the action outside the clerk's office in morehead, kentucky. john, her deputies were busy processing paperwork all this morning for couples who had been waiting for licenses for months. i understood you met with the first gay couple to get a license in that county. what did they say? >> first gay couple to get a license since june. first gay couple ever i guess to get a license in this county.
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first through the doors this morning, it's james yates and william smith. they were, as soon as the doors opened, straight up to the front desk. we caught up with them receiving the paperwork and signing things for their marriage license. they were absolutely delighted, although i think a little bit confused as well, because of all the media attention. they've been to this office five times in the past, stephanie, seeking a license. today they got one. we caught up with just outside the office. as you'll see they're pretty pleased. take a look. >> how many times have you been here before to get a license? >> this is the sixth. >> how are you feeling this morning? >> happy. right now i just want to go hug my mom and dad. >> what does this mean for same-sex rights in this country? >> this means, at least for this area, civil rights are civil rights, and they're not subject to belief. >> james yates and william smith. we said to james, what do you want to do first and all? he said, i want to go and cuddle
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my mom, stephanie. that's exactly what he did. they had a group hug together, all three of them. >> a very different story, as you know, john, for kim davis. she's spent a night in jail. her husband there this morning. what did he say? >> well, the remarkable thing about kim davis, she was given two get out of jail free cards by the judge yesterday. on both occasions, she said, no, i don't want to. my conscience can't allow me in any way to allow my name to be linked to marriage licenses to same-sex couples in this county. joe davis, the husband, was here earlier this morning. we asked him how she was getting on, what she intends to do. this is what he had to say. >> they have illegally put my wife in jail. they're not going to let her out. she's not going to bow, i promise you that. can't bully me, my wife or my son. i taught my son how to stand up for what's right, what he believes in at any cost. >> and he also said he's very
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concerned about his wife's health. i think she has an illness for which she needs drugs. he's worried about that, stephanie. >> john, what is the mood like where you are? obviously we heard some people cheering when that gay couple came out of the clerk's office there. but i assume there are also people there supporting kim davis. >> oh, there really are. they were here first this morning. the people supporting kim davis came with banners and megaphones. right now there's a pastor screaming at those in support of same-sex marriage at the top of his voice, completely decrying their sexuality in the crudest terms. on the other side are the supporters of same-sex marriage, who are cheering hartley every time a couple comes out. so far i've seen two couples come out. they are cheering and shouting and slapping them on the back, shouting jesus loves me, jesus loves me. that's their line. as you can see, both sides,
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those on kim davis' side particularly vocal, not using crude language, but terms that were not broadcastable. on the other side, they're singing praises of jesus, saying jesus loves them as well as those decrying them. >> town of 22,000 people becoming a flashpoint in this ongoing debate over gay marriage. john, thank you. saudi arabia's kile salmon n is headed to the white house. at the top of their agenda is the iran nuclear deal. this week president obama shored up enough congressional support to assure the agreement stays intact. now he needs to deal with how it might affect the u.s.-saudi alliance. saudi arabia and iran are regional rivals. how have we seen the deal with iran already impact the
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u.s.-saudi are relationship? >> good morning to you, stephanie. that's a great question. the deal has now been sealed, not only at the negotiating table in europe, but now with congress as the president has enough support in the senate to assure that congress cannot ultimately reject the deal. the saudis have said publicly they're on board, although you're absolutely right over the course of this negotiation there's been a great deal of anxiety, if not publicly, privately coming from the saudis. no secret there at all. you'll recall back in may the president during the negotiations between the preliminary agreement and final agreement that was reached in july invited leaders from the gulf cooperation council, the gcc, powers from the region, to camp david for a summit. the saudi king declined to come. many interpreted it as a snub. both sides interpreted it as a snub coming from the saudi king to president obama, and vice versa, because after all the saw dis are the than -- saudis are
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the preeminent power. now we have iran on the table. mischief, a saudi official, says coming from iran. now that they're turning the page on the -saudis, they want to know what the saudis and united states can do together to stop iran. they see money coming into iran's coffers after the sanctions are lifted. there's concern the money will be devoted to destabilizing actions. there's other items on the table, the situation in syria. well-known that the saudis want the president more forthright in confronting assad. now a mounting humanitarian crisis and mounting casualties as well. >> syria is where the relationship started to be strained. mike, i want to go back to sort of how the u.s. is addressing saudi concerns about its rival
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with iran. a lot of talk about giving the saudis a $1 billion arms package. what can you tell us about that? >> the saudis have had a history of big u.s.-made arms. they fly something like 80fa-18s. they've been talking about encouraging saudi arabia to move forward. there's training involved here. it also, of course, needs okay. this arms sale would need the okay by congress. that's not been a problem in the past. the administration, again, wants to see more integration among the gulf nations in confronting iran and other regional enemies. they speak specifically of a joint missile defense system. they think it could be worked a lot more efficiently and at a lot lower costs if these countries could simply learn how to work together. >> mike, thank you. i spoke earlier today with
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former u.s. ambassador to saudi arabia, james smith. he says riyadh will support the iran deal, as long as the u.s. can make sure it maintains a military edge over iran. >> the saudis have made a public statement in support of the nuclear deal. they wanted to make sure that the deal was enforceable. they wanted a commitment that the united states government would enforce it. i think they have that. the real issue is what happens next. that's what the conversation, i think, today is going to be about, is the united states going to step forward to support focusing on iran's strategy of destabilizing the region. what the saudis want is our commitment to a qualitative military edge for the gulf states over iran. that really is the crux of the conversation today. isis is the child of failed
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foreign policy on the part of both iran and saudi arabia. iran wanted instability. they have it in spades. saudi arabia to counter iran exported wha in their mind stability, because that tradition in saudi arabia calls for political stability. the unintended consequence of that investment is that they exported intolerance. >> smith says the new u.s. military package to saudi arabia will not change the relationship between washington and riyadh. as for iran, the country's parliament speaker is speaking there may be a practical way to free a jailed "washington post" reporter. he was arrested in tehran a year ago, tried on spying charges. so far no verdict has been announced. he could possibly be freed in exchange for 19 iranians
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imprisoned in the u.s. >> translator: there are practical ways, of course. for example, there is a number of iranians imprisoned for. one can come up with ways and solutions. i think your politicians know about those ways. >> he has american iranian citizenship. "the washington post" and obama administration has called for his release. the obama administration has not agreed to a prisoner exchange. the u.s. jobs report released this morning shows a mixed picture and sent stocks into the red. this is the last major piece of economic data before the fed decides whether to raise interest rates for the first time since 2006. patricia has been analyzing the numbers which do seem a bit confusing to us laypeople. >> there are a bit confusing,
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because it gives the fed enough ammunition to pull the trigger at its meeting in september and raise interest rates for the first time since 2006, but also gives the fed enough cover to hold off until later in the year, or even next year. so let's break down these numbers. the actual number of jobs created last month was 173,000. that was lower than expectations. below that crucial 200,000 threshold. so weakness there. but there were signs of strength as well in this report. first of all, the jobs figure foss the previous two months were revised upward. that was strong. take a look at the unemployment rate. it went down to 5.1%. that's a key level, because it's the level that the fed considers consistent with full employment. so that is very promising, if you will, for an interest rate hike sooner than later. but again, we also have more weakness. manufacturing jobs, we lost 17,000 manufacturing jobs last month. that's a negative. then we had another positive. that was average hourly wages.
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they rose eight cents to $25.09 an hour, that's a .3% bump, more than what many analysts were expecting. so again, stephanie, we have a bit of a mixed bag, but should put in the caveat that the august numbers tend to be notoriously unreliable, because when the bureau of labor statistics sends out surveys, a lot of people are on vacation, so they don't get much data back. >> you wonder if it could tip the balance one way or the other. patricia, thank you. considering his options -- >> the honest to god answer is i just don't know. >> why vice president joe biden isn't sure he wants to run for the top job in 2016.
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>> there's a line of police advancing toward the crowd here. >> ferguson: city under siege. >> it isn't easy to talk openly on this base. >> and america's war workers. >> it's human trafficking. >> watch these and other episodes online now at >> follow correspondent roxana saberi on a personal journey. >> this is the first time in 20 years i've been back to my mother's homeland. >> a special in-depth look at japan. the legacy of the atomic bomb. controversial american military bases.
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and the country's evolving identity. >> welcome back. crews investigate an oil spill near columbus, kentucky. a barge ruptured causing thousands of gallons of oil to spill into the river. no one was injured. it's not clear how long the river will be closed. police in california are searching for a gunman behind a deadly shooting at a college campus. three men were shot in a sacramento city college parking lot. one was pronounced dead at the scene. another was seriously hurt. the victims' identities have not been made public. the airman who was injured when he and two other americans helped tackle a heavily-armed gunman on a paris a born train is now in california.
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spencer stone arrived thursday night at travis air force base. sacramento plans to honor the three men with a parade on september 11th. in just over an hour, thousands of people are expected to attend funeral services for a texas sheriff's deputies killed at a gas station. darren goforth was ambushed from behind. robert ray reports from the memorial site for the fallen officer. >> a very sad and inspiring site where deputy goforth was murdered execution style. 15 bullets behind him at this gas station. this is the spot where he was killed. you can see the outpouring of love from all the people, balloons, flowers, special notes, "thank you for keeping our community safe. we will miss you." believe it or not, at just this little spot, $153,000 raised in the past week. you can see the volunteers here to raise donations for the family of the deputy who was murdered, deputy goforth.
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today at 11:00 a.m. central, deputy goforth will be laid to rest here. thousands of people expected. hundreds of police officers from around the country have made their way in. as you can see, the love and outpouring here at the site where he was murdered a week ago, just tremendous and heartbreaking. robert ray, al jazeera. >> and funeral services will be held monday for a police officer shot and killed in a chicago suburb. police now say they have what they're calling significant video in the shooting of lieutenant joseph glenowitz. police are still searching for the systems. three correctional officers are behind bars. they face multiple charges in the death of an inmate. john henry smith reports. >> sheriff lori smith was pretty harsh in her assessment of the three accused deputies, calling what those officers allegedly did violent and cowardly. >> i want to express my profound
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sorrow over the loss of mr. tyree. >> michael tyree was found dead at the santa clara county jail in san jose. at the time deputies reported finding tyree naked, covered incompetenexcrement. now three deputies face charges of murder, conspiracy, and assault in tyree's death. an autopsy shows the inmate died of internal bleeding from blunt-force trauma. >> the disappointment and disgust that i feel cannot be overstated. >> other inmates reportedly saw the three deputies enter tyree's cell. the deputies were there conducting a routine contraband search and make sure he took his medication. the inmates say they heard cries for help. then silence. it wasn't until the next morning that one of the deputies found tyree unresponsive on the floor. only then, investigators say, did the deputies admit they used force to restrain him.
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>> no relative, no friend, no anybody, wants to hear that their loved one dies as a result of a murder. so it's doubly traumatic for them. >> the attorney for michael tyree's family says he was only in jail on a probation violation stemming from a minor drug-related arrest. he had a history of mental illness, and was only scheduled to stay at the jail until bed space opened up at a substance abuse treatment facility. >> we will work as long as it takes, and as hard as we must, to examine our operations, and to make the necessary changes to prevent this type of horrific incident from repeating itself. >> family and friends of the deputies say the charges don't match the men they know, but the "san jose mercury news" says two competitive force complaints were filed against lubrin. there's also reports that an inmate currently treated at a
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hospital is accusing rodriguez of using excessive force. back to you. >> john henry smith, thank you. the justice department is imposing new requirements on federal law enforcement when it comes to cellphone surveillance. federal investigators will be required to get with a warrant before using one piece of cellphone tracking technology. the device is commonly known as stingrays, sweep up basic cellphone data by tricking phones into thinking the devices are cell towers. the new regulations also require officials to destroy data every day in an effort to protect privacy. a safe haven for schoolchildren. we visit the library that survived baltimore's violent protest. it's now a place of refuge for the city's most vulnerable.
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>> vice president joe biden is speaking about whether he'll run for president. at abatlanta synagogue last night, he was asked about his decision-making process. >> the factor is can i do it? can my family undertake what is an arduous commitment that would i'd be proud to undertake under normal circumstances, but the honest to god answer is i just don't know. >> biden's says his decision will hinder on whether he has the emotional energy to run. his son beau died three months ago.
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biden ran for president unsuccessfully three times before. donald trump has fumbled on questions about foreign leaders in an interview with hugh hewitt. >> i'm looking for the next commander in chief to know who the players are without a scorecard, donald trump? >> by the time we get to office, they'll all be gone. i knew you were going to ask me. i'll hopefully find douglas mcarthur in the pact. i'll find whoever it is that i find. they're all changing. those are like history questions. do you know this one, do you know that one? >> i don't believe in gotcha questions. i'm not trying to quiz you on -- >> well, that's a gotcha question. >> trump did agree to support any other republican who gets the nomination. he signed an rnc pledge thursday that he will not run as an
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independent. our political correspondent michael scherr has more. >> donald trump signed a pledge that many had hoped he would. the pledge is not to stay in the race, run as a third-party candidate should he not win the nomination. the party is asking all candidates to sign the same pledge. he did it in typical trump fashion, holding a press conference, answers questions about this. it allows trump to say to the party, should he not get that nomination, should he want to get back in, he can say, hey, listen, somehow you let me down, so i'm going to break this pledge. it's not a law, written in stone anywhere. the other thing that's interesting, since that debate trump's numbers have stayed the same or gone up. he sees himself as a viable possibility for the nomination. because of that, this also serves the purpose for him to get other people, these other candidates, not to run against him as third-party candidates
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should he actually win the nomination. the trump saga around the trump side show continues. >> michael scherr reporting there. the rate of murders in baltimore has jumped by a third this year. the violence makes it hard for children to play safely outside. here's the story of one library aiming to offer one baltimore residents a refuge where they can grow up in peace. >> dorrell simmons has to walk through some of the most dangerous streets in america to reach a place where he finds safety and security, the library in west baltimore. >> somebody got shot over there the other day. like when there's shootings, that's why i stay here. i feel safer in here than out there. >> the leas library eighths at e corner of pennsylvania and north avenues, the epicenter of unrest back in april. that's when protests turned to riots after the death of freddie
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gray, killed after police allegedly gave him a rough ride in a van. rioters looted and destroyed dozens of businesses. the images broadcast around the world. ever since, violence has engulfed baltimore. june and july have been the most violent months in decades. the city recorded its 200th murder in august. >> i'm scared. sometimes, like, in certain neighborhoods i stand out. i don't like coming outside at night. i don't even go outside at night. it's not like a shooting will happen, but i just don't trust it. >> that sense of fear eases inside the library, where 11-year-old dorrell can play video games, eat a free lunch, and see other worlds open up before him. >> come on in.
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>> this is the branch manager. >> we see the real side of the community. we see the side that says, this library needs to remain in this neighborhood. this library is servicing young people, servicing adults, people who don't have jobs can come in and get on the computer and apply for jobs. >> you opened up the day after the riots. kids come in here and they're reading books as broken glass is all over the city, police are up and down the streets still. what do you think brought those kids back in here? >> i think at the end of the day they felt like this is a place that cares about them, puts them first. i think the community saw that, you know, this isn't just about being a library. this is about a safety haven. >> you can watch adam's full report during a special edition of "america" tonight at 10:00 p.m. eastern. thanks for watching. i'm stephanie sy.
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the news continues live from doha. this is al jazerra. ♪ ♪ hello welcome to the another news hour from al jazerra at our head quaffedders in dough hey, i am adrian fin dan. coming up in the next 60 minutes. hungry, thirsty and scared, chaotic scenes in hungary as riot police confront desperate refugees. the toddler whose picture has become the symbol of refugees suffering is buried alongside his mother and brother in the city they fled
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