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tv   Weekend News  Al Jazeera  September 5, 2015 8:00pm-9:01pm EDT

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on this base. >> and america's war workers. >> it's human trafficking. >> watch these and other episodes online now at > this is al jazeera america. live from new york. i'm erica pitzi. here is look at the top stories. [ singing ] refugees in germany the return home is over. john kerry confronts his counterpart over concern that moscow is expanding syrian
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support of the government. and put in gaol for not giving marriage licences to same sex couples. for the first time. residents are allowed back home. plus, a deeper look at the strained relationship between america's labour union and politicians. we begin with what the urn is calling a defining moment for the european union. dozens of refugees welcomed into the country. the first group is in vienna
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overnight, most of them beginning the journey, on friday. they are greeted by groups welcoming the convoys. they receive food, water and medical supplies. thousands make it to their final destination in germany. crowds cheered as the refugees arrived. they expect 7,000 by the end of the day. at year's end they are anticipating 800,000 asylum seekers in the country. >> german chancellor angela merkel says her country will not limit the number of refugees it takes in, and calls for other e.u. members to be the same. rob reynolds is in munich with the latest. weary and happy, refugees arrive at the train staktion and steppd on to german soil. for thousands it represents the successful finish for harrowing journeys taking thousands. germans gather at the station to cheer and clap as refugees went
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through the processing center set up outside. there, they took the first steps of registering with german authorities and applying for asylum seekers. >> it's all running very smoothly, in an orderly manner. we had several meetings with the crisis management team. the bavaria government and the police and the aid organizations are merging this in an impressive way. >> german officials estimate that 800,000 refugees may arrive in the country before the end of the year. the refugees waited in line to register and to receive new clothing, water and food. some family sent aid. they spent many days facing hostility in hungary before moving on to germany. germany has generous benefits for refugees and laws for asylum seekers. the cost of absorbing the
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refugees may reach 10 billion euros this year. german chancellor angela merkel says germany can cope with the influx without raising taxes or running a deficit as the refugees begin to settle in, angela merkel's governing coalition will meet sunday. to discuss measures at streamlining rules, and freeing up funds for refugee shelters. >> those political actions lie ahead. for now, thousands of refugees are happy to have reached their long-sought after goal. a warm welcome in a peaceful land and joining me outside the capital of budapest is andrew simmonds, he is at one of the train stations where thousands of migrants are in the country. there's a lot going on, you're on the ground, what is happening. >> this is the station, 20km outside of budapest, downtown.
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and the situation here is pretty desperate. the people have been marching 20km. just take a look around here if we can, very carefully there. the child there, look at his face. you have a situation where people are just desperate to find a way out. they don't trust the police. they don't trust the government. they don't trust anybody apart from the odd hungarian helper. you see one there who assisted them, given them food on the march. they've been trying their best to get through. you can see the goodbye. a good natured hungarian. you can see the goodbyes from people over here. quite an atmosphere of gratitude to hungarian people like that. who helped them. this march was never destined to be successful. unlike friday, these refugees
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were not going to take buses to the austrian boarder. you can see the police hurrying them along. they have not stopped them getting on the train. they are hoping to get to an austrian border town, where they hope to get another train into austria. the border is closed. it doesn't seem hopeful for the people that they'll join the rest of the refugees who got through. so certainly it's very live scene there, it's very active, and you can see relief on people's faces that they cotton to the train. you are saying that when the train stops at the border, they won't necessarily know what the future holds? >> that's right. i mean so many times you see them - some elation, thinking they are getting somewhere, that they have made a break through, they are on a train. they have not been arrested, only to find a short time later
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everything goes wrong. this was the situation we saw the other day, where so many refugees have boarded a train which ended up stopped, unscheduled stop, and they were taken off. most of them going into a refugee center. now, on the road, they have been marching, release from the reception center. complete confusion, there's so many refugees heading to the border towns, no guaranteed of any sort of transport to vienna and the rest of it. >> all right. so we'll talk about, you know, what the tactics are here for the hungarian officials. they seem to be taking a hard line here. what are the latest plans to send the flow of refugees. >> there's wide-ranging refugees pass said, which will make it harder to get asylum in hungary, and also will enable the governments to order the army to
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protect the border, and it wasn't lodged before. not only that, it will criminalize the act of coming into the country, and set up boarder refugee points, where refugees will be taken past a razor wire fence, more than 2,000 miles along the border with serbia. and they'll fast-track asylum applications with new rules, making it virtually impossible for any refugee to get atile um here. they will turn anyone, who is not fleeing from a war zone, as an economic mying rant. and turn around and send them back into jush your. that will be on september 15th. not far away.
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>> not car away. >> andrew simmonds at the train station outside the capital budape budapest. thank you for joining us. >> let's put the crisis into perspective. 340,000 refugees moved in, leaving northern africa, the middle east, fleeing the upheaval. many risking death, crossing the mediterranean to get to greece and italy. others are travelling thousands of miles to turkey and balkans in hopes of a better life in germany, france, britain, sweden and others. there are concerns that further russian intervention in the syrian civil war could make it worse for civilians. >> secretary of state john kerry called russian counterpart sergey lavrov about a russian build up of military support for the bashar al-assad regime. >> the u.s. secretary of state john kerry telephoned the russian foreign minister sergey lavrov, to express the united
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states concern with what it calls russia's enhanced military build up in syria. in recent days there has been what the u.s. sees worrisome activity, transport of housing units to syrian battlefield, as well as the fact that the they are having to transport an air traffic control to that syrian battlefield. if those reports are accurate, that this action by russia will, in fact, escalate the conflict inside syria, leading to a greater lose of innocent life and contribute to an increased flow of refugees and risk confrontation with the anti-i.s.i.l. coalition working inside of syria. as a result, john kerry pledging to call for further discussions with sergey lavrov, when the two will meet this month in new york city. where the two will hold a bilateral discussion on this, and other issues of concern,
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with regard to the u.s. russian relationship. the feeling is russia's activities are worry son, given that it appears to the gates that vladimir putin is expanding support for syrian president bashar al-assad, and the feeling is that this countered u.s. efforts to resolve the conflict that has been going tonne for many years. the concern is the actions are working against u.s. efforts to resolve the conflict diplomatically. >> saudi arabia's kink solman completed -- king toll man has completed day two of a visit to washington. the saudi foreign minister says his countery is satisfied with president obama's assurances. they met with president obama at the white house, three months after declining an invitation to attend a camp. the president assured them the deal with iran will contribute to security, stability in the
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middle east, and the side is focused on yemen, where a saudi-led coalition is bombing iranian backed houthi rebels. >> the region must achieve stability, essential for the prosperity of its people. >> we share sa a -- a concern with yemen. and the need to restore a government. that can relieve the situation saudi arabia is negotiating deals to buy american technology and weapons systems for the military. for more on u.s.-saudi relations, ambassador james jeffrey joins us from washington d.c., a fellow for the institute of policy and a u.n. ambassador for turkey and iraq. thank you for joining us. >> thank you for having me. >> as we talk now, refugees are making their way to austria from hungary.
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amnesty international made the point out of six gulf countries, including saudi arabia, zero offered resettlement places to syrian refugees. why do you think these countries are not stepping up to help. >> the specific region goes to the relationship in the region, the fact most refugees don't want to go to saudi arabia, they want to go to germany, where they are freed in a manner similar to german citizens, there's the underlying problems manifest in the its. russian military forces to syria and the refugee flow out the middle east. we are looking at a crisis of the middle east, and that is the background for two of the most important players in the region, saudi arabia, and the united states, to meet to talk about the big issues. isn't about whether saudi arabia would, for the first time history, take significant refugees, it's about how to deal with the underlying security
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problem, creating the refugee problem, and other difficulties from yemen, somali, afghanistan, to libya. >> let's talk about one of the big players there. talking about saudi arabia. king salman's visit to the white house. did it ease a seeming leg stained relationship between two nations? >> his boycott of the camp david summit indicated he was unhappy with the policy towards iran. the president has him on board, giving support to the iranian nuclear deal, in concern for which the joint communique, president obama's commitment, is to respond and contain iranian destabilizing acts throughout the region, which begins with syria, lebanon, iraq and elsewhere, they had a certain meeting of the minds, and that is good in this turbulent situation. >> let's talk about the iran nuclear deal. what accounts for saudi support
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now. they don't like the deal they can count votes. you don't normally bet against a winning hand. the bigger game in the middle east is not how many centrifuges iran has, the bigger game is how influential iran will be after the deal, with the diplomatic restage. iran is looking for the united states to counter iran across the region, and the question is open whether the united states means the communique points in that direction, but they are easy to right. it's hard to execute. >> why are the saudis supporting it? because they know to not support it will not achieve anything or defeat it. it will become a national
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agreement. those so the saudis live with reality. you talked about money. let's talk about the 1.5 billion agreement. some say it's meant to the smooth out techses. >> we have some $60 billion to $70 billion in support, training, logistics. in the pipeline at any time, it's the biggest purchaser of american weapons anywhere in the world. the weapons involved in the 1.5 billion deal are armaments for the standard aircraft they had for 30 years. there's no new or cutting edge technology of a significant nature going out to the saudis, it's not a big thing, it's not a bad thing, it's basically a minor thing, part of a package
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that the saudis find mildly encouraging. >> ambassador james jeffrey out of washington d.c. thank you for your insight. >> thank you. >> presidential candidates are hitting the campaign trail. many are blitzing newhampshire and iowa, democrat bernie sanders in iowa campaigning statewide, gaining momentum in a poll showing him 7 points behind client clinton -- hillary clinton. she picked up an endorsement from a senator. her popularity is the lowest in 23 years, amidst the growing scandal over the use of a private email server. >> republican candidate chris christie was in new hampshire, he's doubling down on comments made. >> if federal express can track a package from the minute it
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leaves my house to the minute it gets to your house, then why is it that we can't track folks coming with visas. just two stark and subtle for the press to understand. then the reporting you see for the last week is government christy wants to treat im -- immigrants like they are patches. >> in a few minutes, a deeper looking at the political influence of labour unions. >> 300 supporters rallied outside of gaol where county clerk davis is health. demonstrate jors came from neighbouring states. she's been held for three days after refusing to issue marriage licences to gay couples. the judge that put the 49-year-old behind bars left him with no other choice. davis's husband told supporters they know they are making a
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sacrifice. >> i talked to her last night on the phone. she's happy. she said for everyone out here to hold their heads up high. she has her head up high. the only time to bow their heads is to pray to god. >> reporter: her husband said the government is trying to take away religious freedom. county clerks began to issue licences on friday. emotions are high. kim davis said they received death threats the relationship between labour unions and politicians has been an uneasy one. >> we view republican support, few labour groups support republicans. next on labour day weekend, a look at the changing political role of unions in america. later, an unbelievable case of child neglect. a starving toddler nursing on a dog.
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this weekend the nation is celebrating labour day, created to celebrate the social and economic achievement of american workers. tonight a deeper look at the
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state of organised labour, and how unions could effect the presidential election. we begin with this report from michael shure. >> labour day, the end of summer coinciding with what was once the traditional beginning of a presidential race. it has changed. so, too, has the role of labour and presidential politics. >> we are free unions and collective bargaining is lost. >> ronald regan launched a campaign with those words. a year later, he fired 11,000 striking air traffic controllers, he set the tone for a future relationship with organised labour. >> there has been a movement for decades on union rights and movement in general. brian maloney. >> few support labour groups. >> on top of that, union membership declined.
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according to the department of labour, membership among wage and salary was 21.9% in 1983. the number is 11.1%, down 9%. all of this has political candidates and watchers uncertain about the importance of union endorsement. democrats have not lost sight frt fact that the demographic changes played to their constituency. today they combined to 22.4% to union workers. >> thinking about the union, the common pace of labour may have been now. increasingly it's latino. minority, and non-male, and that's changing how candidates are approaching the labour constituency. >> a field of candidates with names bike jed bush, chris christie, jindal and scott walker who said he'd work to
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make every state as they did in wisconsin. unions have been valuable to democrats. >> particularly important in this election, because he has more sent rift candidates. pulling to the left by senator bernie sanders. and a lot of that push is coming from the union movement. >> thus far in the 2016 cycle. bernie sanders has been supported by the nurses union, and hillary clinton has the american federation of teachers. the candidate await the alcio. most coveted. >> it doesn't pay off strategically to issue an early endorsement. hillary clinton is still the most likely candidate. if the aflcio endorsed her, she'd have no incentive to push for policies or vocalise on policies favourable to the union
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movement. >> with that the candidates march in labour day parades seeking votes and awaiting endorsements, telling themselves it's the best option for the presidency and the job of forming a perfect union let's bring in two people familiar with the union's role in politics, joining us from chicago, a professor of labour and industrial relations at the university of illinois, and from washington d.c. the spokesman for the national right to work committee. thank you for joining us. this really it for you both here. what kind of political power to unions have, robert to you first. >> well, i think it's still substantial, while the overall percentage of members has fallen. union members turn out for elections. they are well educated on elections, and issues, and union members vote at a higher rate
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than non-union eligible people to vote. and in tight elections, in critical states like ohio, where there's a fair amount of union density in a nation that is divided, 50/50 on many issues, organised labour can be the difference to get across the finish line. i think they are punching above their weight, and because, quite frankly, they are very good turning out people to vote. >> stanley, do you agree especially when we know that union membership is down nearly 10%, since it was 30 years ago. yeah, i agree. i would add that the reason the primary reason that organised labour punches above its rate with political clout is it wields the power in many states, unlike private organizations to compel people that don't want to the join the organization, they
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reduce the fees as a condition of employment. the primary reason why it has a disproportionate impact on elections, despite a decline in ranks. >> we heard in the story a few minutes ago, a political reporter covering. few republicans supporting the labour movements. is that a fair assessment? if so, why? >> i think that a lot of republicans, officials, are offended by the fact that a big waiver pours millions of dollars, we would say well over a billion dollars per election cycle. into the campaign to assist the campaign's democratic candidates. but you can exaggerate the disagreement between the republicans and labour. in missouri, there's an effort to override veto had right to work by a democratic governor.
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and the only reason it is likely to fail is a number of republicans, both chambers of the legislature voted against right to work, and are likely to do so the next time. it's not the case that they are monolithic opposition to u.n. special privileges by republican elected officials. >> some candidates looked after unions in their home states, how does that fair for the further of labour unions. >> regardless of whether it's a state governed by democrats or republicans, if the candidates political views, political issues such that they are against the interests of working people, there's going to be confrontations. labour shows a fair degree of bipartisanship in its support at state, county and municipal
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levels, as well as democrats, and, quite frankly, there's no legal compullion to join the unions, the reason they turn out for elections is they are educated on issues. they clearly can tell between the candidates. in terms of where they stand on economic issues like pensions, and wages and job security. so frankly, labour is looking for the strongest candidate, and they have a set of issues. it's a set of issues that support working people, and they really are the major institution in the united states that has the capacity to transform capitalism in the united states, into a more gall it airian enterprise. that's where the support will be. if it's a republican showing the sensitivity to the issue, that's where it's going to be. and labour will respond in defense against as democrat or a
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republican but how important is union support for the democrats here, robert. >> well, it's very important for the democratic party. what a lot of research has done is not only are union members likely to turn out to vote, but they are likely to turn out and the vote for ment democratic candidates. they make up a very important constituency base of the democratic party yip. so attacking organised labour is the way of reducing the voice of working people, and has the derivative impact of weakening the democratic party as it competes, statewide and in national elections. what labour does is critical. >> do you agree, stanley?
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>> well, yes. i definitely agree that the political mobilization efforts of organised labour have been important to the success of officials. they side with organised labour. the doctor said they could be compelled with fees to a union, and theion can use the money. the only way that is stopped is if the worker is ready to have a second objection to his money going into politics that he disagrees with, and the worker goes to court to stop this.
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that is a reason why organised labour was able to pour into politics. most of the 1.7 million was contributions to candidates, most spent on phone banks, get out the vote ties. salaries for officials doing politics part time and tul time. candidates ready to go along and get labour support are interested in ensuring that they stay friends with union officials. >> let's talk about income inequality, it's a hot topic to be talking about. how do labour unions factor into the concern of income inequality, especially when it
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relates to campaigns for the presidential candidates. >> well, well, my my research, there's no correlation, no mficorrelation whatsoever between more presence of organised labour and a reduction in income equality, states like new york and california, where there's compulsory unions, they have the most glaring number and equality of anywhere in the country, it's true that union officials talk about income inequality, and what a great job they do. the reality is where organised labour is strongest is the place where income equality is the worst. >> what do you think of that? >> i appreciate brother stanley
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referencing research, we take a look at that. but it shows a profound misunderstanding of the data, and it's been cleared for decades. there's a lot of different ways to look at it. there's a contributor to growing inequality has been the decline in union membership. some estimated tham within certain ranges, but it's clear that the lose of union membership has contributed to the bifuration in this country. >> and if you think about it, it makes a bit of sense. when you compare states that are states that stanley would like to see more of what he referred to as right to work, and bargaining states, and comparing hosts of economic life and dat
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a, everything else being controlled for in selected bargaining state, the worker, the family and the state itself does better on a host of economic outcomes. so if the united states wants to turn around this glaring income vibe and create something that looks more like the american dream, it will have to think hard about protecting institutions that present working people. that is going to be the american labour movement. so it's very important what organised labour does in the election, and how people think about labour real quick, a question. will we see the g.o.p. candidates court some unions. >> well, you know, john casey is an interesting case.
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he acts differently to scott walker, suffering a defeat in ohio when he initially supported something like a right to work law or restriction on collective bargaining. john kassig may be someone that shows a sensitivity and centrist approach to labour, i don't imagine it coming from anyone else. >> stanley? >> i don't know for sure what the republicans will do. i can tell you the gallop pole in 2014 asked american voters, or american voters. specifically close to 70 or 80%. it's opposed to compulsory union. republican nominee has good sense. organised labour went through enormous efforts to defeat scott
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walker. after he first - after he - supported which essentially established right to work employees. it didn't succeed other governments weren't in support. if the republican nominee has good sense, they'll be in support of national right to work legislation. if it makes it unhappy here it is in debate. robert and stanley, thank you for joining me. >> thank you. >> thank you and coming up, the end is near in the trial of venezuela's opposition leader leopoldo lopez, accused of inciting violence that led to the death. that story next. >> plus a child neglect case in chile making headlines around the world. stay with us.
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the trial of gaoled opposition leader leopoldo lopez in venezuela entered the final stages on friday. he faces 10 years if found guilty of starting the riots. he blames pro-government forces. for the clashes the lengthy controversial and delayed of a leading opposition figure could come to on end. the defense stays there no proof
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that leopoldo lopez, a leading critic of the maduro government was a mover behind the violence that rocked venezuela, leaving 43 dead last year. >> translation: this trial is a manual on how to violate due process. the trial shows that leopoldo lopez is innocent. the evidence hinges on analysis of his speeches, and two deaths on the day he rallied protesters to march against the government. this video shot from the ball join of a shows a moment in which a 26-year-old carpenter was shot dead. the video put together by a team of journalists instead proves that violence erupt as a result of the death, not because of the
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march. >> translation: we showed that those that killed basil were government security forces and not protesters. but measures between anti-government protesters and security raged on after that day. with several soldiers wounded and killed. for two months the streets were barricaded and buses and public buildings destroyed. for some, lopez, gaoled at the time, is to blame. >> death was the spark that allowed outside observers to notice the injustice happening here. only god knows why he took him. i trust justice. >> the trial garnered international attention, wide condemnation from human rights groups. he's one of four political prisoners behind bars. but the venezuela government insists that leopoldo lopez was part of a u.s.-backed coup to
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topple the nicolas maduro government. he is a charismatic opposition leader. with president nicolas maduro's popularity at a low. few can foresee lopes face the the charges. request in chile, a case of child neglect is causing outrage around the world of officials rescued a starving 2-year-old boy found in a junkyard next dur to his home. neighbours say he was breastfeeding off a dog. the boy was taken to the hospital, diagnosed for malnutrition, and treated for skin infections and life. >> our dog was there, she's pregnant. the hungry board suckled on the dog for milk. everyone that is here were all parents, and if you saw what we
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saw from my position as a woman, as a mother, it was terrible. >> officials say the toddlers parents are not being charged because he was not physically abused. the child is currently under state custody while the case goes before family court fukushima nuclear plant meltdown forced thousands from their homes. next, home coming for many for the first time in more than four years, and later. despite criticism, japan's controversial whale hunting season has
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four years after the fukushima nuclear disaster residents are allowed to return home. in 2011, the fukushima nuclear plant suffered a series of melt downs after a massive earthquake and tsunami, several thousands were evacuated because of high levels of radiation. the majority of former residents do not know if they want to go back. >> translation: the situation now is like using the house as a camp out place. you can sleep here with utilities like electricity and water, but how do we buy groceries, for example. how do we live for an extended period of time?
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>> reporter: about 100,000 people in the surrounding area are unable to return to their homes, only 46% hope to return while it's game on in hong kong, where some of the world's top darts players have been competing in the biggest tournament the city has seen. organizers hope it can put hong kong on the professional dart circuit a world class line up led by 16-times world champions bill taylor, and a crowd that appreciates. at a specially constructed venue, the water front has been given over to a game not normally associated with east asia\. born out of a pub culture of fear and bravado, it's a reputation that is difficult to shake. balanced with the nerves of the players. hong kong has reason to cheer its own heroes.
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when scott mckenzie teamed up, they reached the quarterfinals of a world cup competition earlier this year, making the dart world sit up and take notice. >> more are playing darts in hong kong. >> we are seeing more young players coming through, and their standard is improving. so we'll have more players at internation international competition in the future. >> it's hoped that if it is a success, hong kong will become an official leg in this world tour, that has stages in the middle east, australia and japan. international reach for a game that has moved beyond its beginnings. >> it may lack the standard. but the fans are world class. evidence the annual rugby sevens
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tournament that brings out devoted crowds, as much dedicated to partying as poring. >> a crowd made for darts. >> it's an amazing thing, starts. everyone has the same enjoyment, gets into the sport and loves it. >> if you have the fans, the sport takes care of itself. a rash of shark attacks down under. >> i wouldn't get in the water, absolutely not, no way. you could may be $10 million and i wouldn't go in the water. >> searching for a solution for the rising number of predators flocking to an australian coastline.
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japan resumes whale hunting. the so called research operation killed eight. they hope to take up to 51
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whales between now and october 1st. the international court of justice ruled that japan's whales in the antarctic has violated international conventions. japan continues in the northern coast and north-western pacific. john says japan has used the scientific provision as a front for commercial prahas. -- practicing. >> it's not for science. the purpose is to sell the meet and keep the industry arrive. the ships that catch it are the ones before commercial whaling was soft. there's not a scientist in the world outside of japan that believes you need to kill whales to find this stuff out. we have loads of scientific tools, thousands of peep are studying -- people are studying wheels without harming them, let alone killing them. there's no question it's not scientific. it's a scam. to stop it the japanese
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government grants it to themselves, they have to stop or another country has to take them to the world court in addition, norway and iceland hunt whales. the u.s. coast guard is asking for the public's help to rescue a blue whale off the coast of california. crews are trying to locate the whale entangled in a fishing net. a whale watching crew spotted it. rescuers attached a buoy, but lost site of it. in southern california a kayaker was hospitalized after being bitten by a shark. he was finishing and attacked by a hammer head. the shark circled the kayak. life cards helped the kayaker get back to shore
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sharks attacked 14 times between sydney and brisbane. attacks reignited a debate over whether culling sharks is the only way to make the waters safer. domes as -- andrew thomas as the debate on a morning, july 21st. 20 meters from shore, craig was mauled by a great white shark. sat on the surfboard with a shark trying to rip off his leg. >> i went whack, whack, whack. >> reporter: did it work. >> it worked. >> reporter: for 10 seconds. >> i reckon 10 seconds, yes. >> reporter: he lost so much blood he almost died. he spent all of august in hospital. full recovery could take years. as for going bang in the water? >> i'm not going back in the water. i'm not going in there unless i believe it's safe. over the past 12 months, a short stretch has seen 14 people
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attacked by sharks. who died. life is intimidating art. could bow that heavier rain washed nutry nts into the fear, another is that after a ban on hunting, more sharks are reaching maturity than before. what can be done to protect swimmers and surfers. on this coast the question provoked a list of debate. some say nothing, but the ocean is the shark's territory. people have to accept a degree of risk. >> i enjoyed the fact that the crowds come down, and getting, like, days where you can surf with a couple of mates. that would be unheard of once upon a time. >> many want firm action, even a cull through shooting sharks or
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netting which tracks or kills them. at a community meeting, the majority was in favour. >> the cull, the thought of taking out a lot of sharks can isolate the seven sharks that have been around for a while. you take out one or two, and they do it in other parts of the world as well. >> culls, controversial. when one began in australia last year, hundreds protested. great white numbers have grown in recent years, they are lower than they once were. >> i don't like the idea of a cull of an animal that has already been lowered to what are considered threatened levels of population size. >> craig says he wouldn't want the particular shark that attacked and killed. he feels that it gave him another chance. he does want action. people he thinks deserve more protection than sharks well chimpanzees have decent
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self-defence skills after a video emerged from a netherlands zoo. a drone was flown around the zoo to film it. the chimps had a different idea, as the drone went by, they climbed up and attacked it. you can see there. press researchers say it shows primates plan before this act finally, n.a.s.a. has announced never before seen images of the planet pluto are now available. images taken after its new horizon spacecraft passed around 78 hundred miles around the - above the surface of the dwarf planet. this animation made with images taken by new horizon shows the fly by and a lack ever craters, shown as the sun passes behinds it. it takes a full year to download all the images. thank you for joining us, i'm erica pitzi, i'll be back with
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another hour of the news at 11:00pm eastern, 8:00p.m. pacific. stay tuned for "america tonight" next. it's the city is down. i'd like the health to get better. >> i'm working, surviving without being to be street. >> deconstructing. >> we're giving individuals reasons not to commit this act. >> since april 22nd, took the opportunity to show the bad side. but the young people that i'm seeing they want a chance to turn that around.


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