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tv   Weekend News  Al Jazeera  September 6, 2015 2:00pm-3:01pm EDT

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this is al jazeera. ♪ ♪ hello there, i am barbara serra, this is the news hour live from london. coming up in the next 60 minutes, thousands of refugees remain stuck between hungary and austria as they continue to make their way towards western europe. this as the pope calls on every european perish and religious community to take in at least one refugees family. saudi-led coalition forces carry out more air strikes on the yemeni capital sanaa. a hospital is damaged.
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guatemalans are voting for a new president in an election overshadowed by a corruption scandal. and in sport it's been another dominant day for lewis hamilton in the race for the formula one world title. while his closest rival went up in smoke at the italian grand prix, hamilton celebrated his seventh win of the season. ♪ ♪ the pope has called on every european parish and religious community to take in at least one refugee family. in this as thousands of people are continuing to make their way towards western europe. many are now at the border between hungary and austria. the austrian chancellor has said it's time to phase out extraordinary measures allowing the unimpeded flow of people. there are still thousands waiting for make that trip near the hungarian southern border with serbia. police are moving people in to a
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new transit camp. hungary says it will seal the crossing with a new hyphens in less than five days. for many, though, the trip sat last over as refugees arrived in germany by train and bus many were met with cheers and applause. joining us live now from munich is mohamed jamjoon, he's no in commune i can forgive me. he's in austria. what is the latest we are hear from the austrian government, mohamed? >> reporter: barbara that statement you mention aid moment ago is something being looked at closely by a lot of the refugees in austria right now. the austrian chancellor is saying it's time to end the extraordinary measures by extraordinary measures he's talking about the fact that the board here was opened, that over 12,000 refugees have come in the past couple of days, they have been here and gone onto germany. it is time to phase back toward normalcy. the question now is, does that
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mean that spot checks will once again be imposed on people entering austria and how that will affect the refugees that are trying to get in to the country. now, all day today we have been out here at the train station on the border with hundred gare, we have spoken to dozens of refugees, most of them from syria. they have told me that everyone though they are still very worried about what is going to come next. they have been extremely happy with the treatment that they have received from austrian officials, from austrian volunteers. they say that their kids are doing much better now. that they have seen a lot of charity towards them that they hadn't seen in the last few days in hungary. here is our report from earlier today. >> hello. >> reporter: having suffered so much, the welcome was unexpected. the hospitality at this, almost shocking. >> now, i am feeling like i get my freedom. >> reporter: just two days ago he was among hundreds of refugees locked in a tense standoff with riot police at the
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train station in hungary. >> today is the day. >> reporter: despite their demands, the refugees were ultimately rounded up and taken to a holding facility. released the next day he and his cousins walked 11 hours to make it to austria. now the man who fled his war-ravaged homeland of syria a month and a half ago is overwhelmed by the generosity on display. >> we get treatment, we get food. we get water. actually, i like i the people, i like the country. if my family is not front, i swear i stay here. that's from the last -- but my family in the whole lands that's why i am going. >> reporter: as medics provided care, volunteers distributed clothes to the cold and toys to the children. all these dozens of refugees here are waiting to get on this next train to vienna.
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everybody we have spoken with here today says that their treatment here in austria has been exceptional. that is has been so much better than the way they were treat ed in hundred gare. in fact, here even before they get on the train, there is another place where they can get water. austrian lawyer explained why he had to come here. telling me not just about how proud he is, but also how sad he feels. >> it's a great experience and sometimes i feel very small, especially when you see the little babies, yeah. i cannot understand that people are angry with little babies who freeze and stay at night in the cold and in rain. yeah. this is -- this goes over my understanding. >> reporter: on a day like today, kindness trumped hostility. officers were there to protect not persecute. as refugees were let onto trains instead of being forced off.
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desperation for at least a few merciful hours was left behind. >> and back live to mohamed, mohamed, as you know, a wrong the european governments it's been a huge debate about quotas and the whole idea of sort of making sure that the refugees are evenly split among european nations. but from the people that you have spoken to, do you get the sense that actually most of them have a very clear idea of which country then to end up in? i know that germany is obviously a favorite. but do you get the sense that they know where they want to go and not much is going to dissuade them? >> reporter: well, one of the things that we have zeina lot today is many of the refugees that we have spoken with throughout the day have said that because their treatment has been so exceptional here in austria, that some of them are reconsidering going to germany. most still said they want to end up ultimately in germany.
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they feel because germany had the policy of opening up their borders, and they would take them in, because they believe there is more economic opportunity that should be their ultimate destination. but there has been some reconsideration going on today. the prevailing sentiment was one of just pure relief. even though so many of the people we saw today when we got here this morning they had slept outside, it was really cold. because they had gotten blankets, because they had gotten clothes they were donated toys for their children, food and water throughout the d, there were medical stations set up. there were so many officers here to help them, they were just so gratified for that. and they felt that finally they were seeing some opportunity that they were getting beyond the harassment they thought they had gotten the last w days and felt that finally the doors were opening to them and hoped that things would be better in the days to come. >> mohamed, thank you. as we are hearing from mohamed there, a lot of the refugees wants to end up in germany and thousands have start
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aheaflying that country rim the end point of their long and at times dangerous journey. from munich, here is rob reynolds. >> reporter: destination germany. another train refugees pulls in to munich's central station. men, well, and children tumble out. many have escaped the civil war in syria. en the youngest gets a warm welcome from a volunteer. the refugees appeared weary as they made their way under police escort to a reception area. we asked in arabic how they felt to be in germany? >> translator: thank god. we are in a country like germany. >> reporter: this woman said she made nearly all the journey on foot. >> i want to -- and i coming to germany to live because germany.
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[ inaudible ] >> and she said that her dream is to stay in germany and to get her end of the life in germany because germany is a land, a country of blessing -- and humanity. >> reporter: volunteers helped bridge the language barrier and shepherd the refugees through the station. >> translator: germany by itself can't do it all. we need all the help that we can get. every voice count. >> reporter: as the refugees took their first steps in a process that for most will ultimately lead to official refugees status, european politicians fretted over their next moves. germano visuals met to streamline rules for asylum and allocate funds for refugees shelters. austrian chancellor called for an emergency european union summit meeting. saying his country's decision to allow thousands of refugees to enter from hungary was only a temporary measure.
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but germans who turned up at the station seemed happy to see the refugees reach safety and glad that their country had thrown open its doors. >> translator: i have strong feelings about all of this. i reached out my hand to one of them and it just made me cry. >> reporter: germans are also helping out by donating he sensual items. german volunteers say so many people have come forward to offer clothing, toys, blankets and other items to the refugees that they have to turn away some donations because they just don't have room for them all. just weeks ago during the greek debt crisis, germany's policies were seen by many as harsh and unyielding. now the country at the heart of europe has shown the world its heart. >> and we can speak to rob live, he is still in munich for us. rob, it was very telling that line in your report where you say that actually they have had to turn some of the donations
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away because it's been such an amazing welcome from the people there in munich. but what about german authories, do you think -- are there any signs that there is strain overall of these arrivals? >> reporter: well, i think it's fair to say that there is some sign of strain on the local and on the federal level in germany. the interior ministry earlier today, barbara, issued a statement saying that despite the fact that germany and austria waved the e.u. rules that require would-be asylum seekers to apply for asylum in the very first ei country that they enter, those rules still apply. and the ministry spokesperson also said that germany's big willgness to help out should not be overstretched. on the local level here in bavaria, one of the largest states i germany, a
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spokesperson said that about 5,000 refugees had arrived today and bavaria, she said, cannot manage it alone. she called upon other gman states to help bear some of the burden. so this is not an easy thing to do to have thousands of people simply show up and then need all of the services to which they are, by law, entitled in this country. and under various international conventions. so it is going to be very interesting to see how, as the days wear on, and as some of those thousands of people that mohamed is seeing down at the border between hungary and austria, come north and as many more from macedonia and from greece come north to germany, how these first days of joy and welcome might be succeeded. we don't know yet. but i think it's going to be a
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very interesting and long-running drama to watch. >> it is absolutely. because, of course, the key issue here is the processing of all of those applications and i guess on behalf of the german government to see who, in their eyes, is a genuine asylum seeker and who, in their eyes, would be an economic migrant and what to do with them n i sign there of the start at least of this processing? >> reporter: well, i think that right now here in munich the priority is to get everybody off the trains, get them checked out medically, get them in to some kind of secure housing or shelter. there is a big sports facility that's not far from the central station and fire men have been leading groups of refugees there, presumably they are bedding down for the night there. but in berlin where we were earlier this week, we saw the long back up and delays, the
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lines of people waiting at so-called welcome centers to finish their registration, get all of their asylum applications in order and people were saying, well, we have been waiting for weeks now and it's -- the paper work is still not done. and we talked to officials of the social welfare and health agency who would not fecal but said they are simply overwhelmed. they are not budgeted for this. they don't have the staff for it. they have hired some temporary staff but then you have to have the trained staff take time off to train the temporary staff. so it's -- again, the word is strained. this is putting a strain on a lot of aspects of the system in germany. and we will see then if after this meeting on september 14th, of foreign ministers, the summit meeting of all the e.u., whether other countries are going to step forward and try to bear, i guess you could say, some of that
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strain and take a little of the pressure off of germany. >> absolutely. rob reynolds live for us in munich, rob, thanks. meanwhile the u.n.'s refugees agency has put a figure on the number of refugees who his have made the dangerous mediterranean sea cross sewing far this year. nearly 245,000 people have arrived in greece. italy has take then around 119,000 sea arrivals. no thousand 800 people are either dead or missing after attempting the dangerous crossing. u.n. refugees agency unhcr's spokeswomen melissa fleming explains how the refugees statistics are actually tallied. >> we work very closely with the coast guards and authorities in the front line countries, greece, italy, but also all the countries where refugees are arriving in europe, so get the figures on a daily basis, put them in to our statistic, unfortunately we have to add to our statistics that there are
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many, many deaths crossing the mediterranean, almost 2,600 so far this year, those deaths, unfortunately, show that it's extremely dangerous to cross. many unfortunately don't have a name. and people still maybe for that reason keep coming. we had one day last week where four theme thousand people arrived in greece on the greek island, these are islands used to receiving tourists and not 10s of thousands of refugees. so obviously the only way to move from the -- a greek island from the main land is if you have a registration document. and that's how we know how many people are coming, what nationality, they say they are and then we have the same procedure in the former yugoslav republic of macedonia. they need a transit document to move through the country, same in serbia and to a certain extent, also up until now in
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hungary. that's very -- why we are getting alla all the numbers. still lots more to come he on al jazeera news hour, including iraq airlift. the challenges of getting aid to the people of a city in entirely surrounded by isil. why nigeria's illegal minors say a government track down they wants their livelihoods. and in sport, andy will be here with details of another costly defeat for the dutch football team. ♪ right now people in guatemala are vote to go choose a new president. it's an election that's been overshadowed by a major corruption scandal. president otto perez molina stepped down this week and was arrested. many people are boycotting the contest as a result. david mercer joins us live now from guatemala city. so, david, from where you are, does it seem like a lot of people have boycotted the contest?
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what is the turn out like? >> reporter: well, we are about midway through the day of voting here in caught mall a at this particular voting station where we are right now, there has been a really steady stream of people comi through here. in fact, it's only noon and already more than 40% of the voters who are registered here have shown up to vote. so that's a pretty high turn out. it's a very high turn out, especially considering the changes, the political development over the past week, over the past couple of weeks hear in guatemala. there was talk -- there were a number of people protesting calling for the elects to be canceled or at least pushed back to allow some very needed electoral reforms to be pushed through congress. a lot of people were saying that they would society no or refuse to vote whatsoever as a form of protest against an election they say they are not ready for, the system is not ready for, and won't provide them with the kind of presidential candidates that are able to take them through this very tumultuous period. and provide government with a
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little bit more legitimacy. but what we are seeing here right now is people are coming out and people are want to go obviously exercise their democratic right and try to pick a new leader for the next four years. >> i mean, obviously, we saw thousands of people take to the streets to protest against corruption. i mean, they may have wanted a resignation of the then president, but it was in general sort of protest against the issue you of corruption. so just talk us through the candidates, obviously there hasn't been time for new names to emerge or have some emerged anyway? >> reporter: well, that's right. that's right. this is a very crowded field of presidential candidates we have here in quad mall a14 candidates to be exact. now, the leading three candidates includeandra torres, she's a former first lady and her campaign has been affected by not quite corruptio but being involved in
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controversy. also manuel was the front runner until recently the leader of the official opposition, he's a millionaire businessman, but his party has been severely affected by a corruption scandal which is involving his running mate. that has allowed space for jimmy morales who is a tv presentser and comic to enter in to the freya cord to go some polls he's on top. his lack of political experience is drawing people to him. they say if he hasn't been in politics that means he couldn't have been corrupted by politics yet. but from the people we have been speaking to here over the past week or so, they say none of the leading candidates really provides them with any sort of concretelans this they want to hear on how they can exit through this political crisis. and establish the government and put more transparency in in to the process here in guatemala. although there is a big turn out, people are saying they don't have the options that they would like to take guatemala
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through the next four years, barbara. >> david mercer live for us in guatemala city, david, thank y you. saudi-led coalition has carried out more air strikes a zaun arm the republican guard and special forces headquarters were among the targets, they are told by forces loyal to the former president saleh. a hospital for women and children run by the u.n. children's agency uncief was damaged during the air strikes. earlier we spoke to the charity's head in yemen who said the widespread humanitarian crisis in the country needs to be addressed. >> reporter: the bomb is has escalated over the last few days, while the hospital itself has not been hit. what tends to happen is that the windows and doors of the structures nearby, any bomb sites are damaged. in a hospital that's obviously very serious, there islying
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grass and other issues of more importantly the staff in the hospital did not feel safe remaining in the hospital overnight. it's indicative of a much broader impact on civilian structure on, healthcare services, across the country. we estimate that 15 million yemenis need access to basic healthcare. and they are not getting it at the moment. sort of related challenge is the restriction on commercial imports coming in to the country. so the trade routes have become hampered by the conflict and so essential drugs, for example, are no longer flowing in as they did before in the private or public sector which has a huge amount a long side the other imported goods such as food and aways i can items which are no longer flowing in to the country as they had in the past. meanwhile, the bodies of five bahrain-y soldiers killed
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in yemen have been flown home. ♪ ♪ >> their coffins were carried boone an honor guard at the air base. they remember killed in a missile attack on friday in which 45 soldiers from the united arab emirates also died. they were part of the saudi-led coalition fighting yemen's houthi rebels. people living in the iraqi city of a keith a have been left traped with nowhere to go because of the continued fight in their region, they are not surviving on foot surprise they are being especially flown n al jazeera's zeina khodr has more now on how the conditions are getting worse. >> reporter: this is the only way to reach a keith a. the roads are too dangerous for iraqi military and civilian to his use, that is why that's why the government needs to airlift the surprise in to the town. this air base is the only
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lifeline. huh keith a is surrounded by isil fighters, many of its people have left because the armed group has repeatedly launched offensives to capture one of the last remaining population centers in anbar province that hasn't fallen to its forces. those still in the town are largely cut off from the rest of the country. weekly delivers of humanitarian aid helps them survive. >> translator: one sack of flour costs around $900, most of the time we sleep without eating because we can't afford to buy food. >> reporter: these people are poor. they prefer to stay in their homes than to join the millions of iraqis who have been displaced by war. life here, however, hasn't been easy. >> translator: we are thankful for the aid but there is a lack of electricity, we ask the government to help us. >> reporter: haditha has long been a target for isil. has surrounded by desert by it hasn't been easy defending this town. in one offensive, isil used 39
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suicide car bombings. >> translator: the enemy has tried to advance no to haditha and attacked it more than 100 times in the past year and a half. but isil has still not been able to enter and establish a foot hold in the region. >> reporter: the road is an important supply line, but it hasn't been vulnerable to attacks. it links the air base to one of iraq's most important structures. the haditha damn is the second largest in the country. that contributes at least 1/3 of iraq's electricity if i needs. it could also be used as a weapon of war if isil decides to open its gates and flood neighborhooding areas. when the area was at risk of fooling in september the u.s. expanded its air campaign against isil. since then u.s. assistance has been one of the main reasons isil hasn't been able to capture haditha and its damn. the area is also important to the u.s. because it's close to the air base where its military advisers are training sunni tribal fighters. u.s. air cover has so far allowed iraqi forces and local sunni fighter to hold haditha,
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but for now those ground troops are in no position to use the area as a staging ground to take on isil. the armed group controls most of anbar province. zeina khodr, al jazeera, baghdad. and still adhere on al jazeera, how morocco has become home to thousands people month have left their homes in subsaharan africa. grief in nepal. morning the protesters killed in a dispute over a constitutional reform. and in sport, find out who was feeling the force at the italian formula one grand prix.
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belod and deptemo tn thousand cs ack down on cro-bde cre.> ie tedeeme snding bzi ions mo stu i theor. d wt' been us t ott igh pfilevironmthe message n day. the group wants to remind people of the importance of the region in the global environment. 10s of thousands of demonstrators have march ed in southern nepal carrying the bodies of five people killed during earlier rallies. the protests broke out last month so far a new draft constitution which divides nepal in to seven states. ethnic minorities say they went get enough political or economic power. we have more now.
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>> reporter: the village in nepal's southern plains in in morning, a young man from the village had been shot dead. he was studying to be the first qualified engineer from his village. and his family had high hopes for him. >> translator: my son. [ inaudible ] in the 10th grade and then got in to engineering. i had hoped that he would be able to go and work in the government. we had taken loans to educate him, now our hope is gone. >> reporter: five young men died, and dozens were wounded when police opened fire on protesters in the city. they had been demonstrating against plans to restructure nepal as a federal state divide ed in to seven provinces, locals had called for a general strike. and police tried to redirect goods to the capital kathmandu it led to violent clashes. >> translator: how can the state treat us like this?
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>> reporter: shots were fired at this hospital on tuesday wounding many including health workers. nepal is in the process of writing a new constitution and one of the most controversial part is thousand draw up federal boundaries. the bodies of the five young men locals here have been parading the bodies of the five young men across the district as well as back to their villages for the final goodbyes, people here are emotional and angry. they say that the police used excessive force and the state has deliberately ignored their grievances and demands. in the same village, as the body of 24-year-old is taken to his house, neighbors can hardly contain his distraught mother. >> translator: my son. my life. what is my life without you? >> reporter: he had quit nepal's armed police force to go and work as a migrant worker.
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an lookers say it was the same force that shot him down. in the past week, the government had imposed a curfew here, it was lift today three hours for the funeral procession, but as the day wore on, more and more people started pouring onto the streets. 10s of thousands arrived on this river bank to witness the last rights. >> translator: we don't want any talks with the government. we want implementation of what has been agreed and we want constitutional amendment. we have elect go ahead politicians from 32 district, but nobody has come here for us. >> reporter: villagers from different religions, casts and communities have all arrived here in solidarity. and as the bodies are taken to be cremated, the crowds are in no mood to compromise. al jazeera, southern nepal. the nigerian government is planning to exploit its solid mineral resource to his offset the decline in global oil prices. but it says it's losing millions
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of dollars in refugees every year from illegal mining and now it wants the miners to pay tax on what they earn. a report now from the town in northern nigeria. >> reporter: he has been working the mines for 17 years. he dropped out of school because he says his parents couldn't afford the expenses. but soon he may have to look for another job because the authorities are planning to crack down on illegal mining. and he is not ra amused. >> translator: this is my life. i can't do anything else. if anyone wants to take this job away from me, he must give me a home,. [ inaudible ] and all the comforts of life. >> reporter: most of the gold prospecting may be small scale and crude, the turnover for people like him is huge. a good day can fetch hundreds of dollars and those are the dollars the government also
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wants. for a long time enforcement against illegal mining has been weak. but not anymore. now the authorities want him and hundreds like him to pay taxes on their earnings. >> if a mine. [ inaudible ] in the tacks. [ inaudible ] that will have the miners that are coming are given their own. [ inaudible ] >> reporter: the federal government which has rights over natural resources like gold said tight regulations are underway. gold processing units litter the northwest of nigeria. most are unlicensed. as such they hardly pay taxes but the biggest challenge before the government is to get the main mining company to his pay. but the miners say they are willing to pay taxes if the government could end corruption. >> we can pay more taxes and.
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[ inaudible ] because. [ inaudible ] we want the government to stop them to coming to nigeria for the mining and leave the nigerians only to enjoy its wealth. >> reporter: for now, that is not what the government wants to do. it wants to stop illegal mining and bring in investors with the capacity to generate revenue and jobs in the sector. which means more difficult times are likely ahead for small-time miners. mohamed idris, al jazeera nigeria. still ahead on the program we'll have all the sport, including could the defending u.s. open champion stay on course for another title win? and never mind sand castles, have a look at what the sand sculptors of san diego have been making.
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time to get all the sports news, here is address. >> i thank you so much, barbara. the netherlands are in real danger of mission out on qualification for next year's european football championships. they have just been beaten 3-0 by turkey. their heaviest competitive defeat since back in 1996. well, after finish being third at last year's world cup the dutch have endured an awful euroqualifying campaign on thursday they lost to iceland and this latest loss leaves them down in fourth place in group-a.
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the top two will qualify for the finals in france automatically. while the third placed team will go in to a playoff. as it is, though, the dutch are in fourth and will have to rely on turkey dropping points in their last two gauges if they are to stay in with a chance. earlier latvia were beating by the czech republic. the czech republic look in good shape for frantz, iceland are kickoff against kazakhstan. wales are on the brink of qualifying if their first major tournament since 1958. a win over israel would have guaranteed them a place in france, but they have been held to a nil-nil draw, but they could still go through in the next hour or so if belgium fail to beat cyprus. that game has just kicked on of. didier drogba has retired from international football but at 37 he's still scoring at club
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level. he scored for montreal in the mls. he put in a header against the chicago fire just before the half hour mark. scored again to equal eyes that leveled the match at 3-3. and then he completed his hat trick four minutes late we are that header. montreal winning 4-3. in tennis, serena williams is getting ready to take another step towards winning all four grand slam titles this year the world number one is playing madison kays at the u.s. open later. the early action in new york saw the defending men's champion taken to four sets by the career asian suffering a bit of an injury during this one as wome . lewis hamilton has tightened his grip on the formula one world title race, his seventh win of the season coming at the italian grand prix, his main concern coming after the race with officials investigating with his team had broken tire rules as sarah coates explains.
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>> reporter: a minute of silence before the race to remember former n1 driver justin wilson. the briton was killed in an indy car accident two weeks ago. while the dangers of motor sport are all too apparent, lewis hamilton and his mercedes team have made racing look easy. the defends champion starting from the front his 11th pole this season. kimmy rack then qualified second but his race was over before it even began, stalling on the line to put himself last. out in front, hamilton seemed to be doing all the right things. but his mercedes craw were increasingly worried about tire pressure. >> trap mode three. we need to pull a gap. pull a gap. don't ask questions just execute. >> reporter: a breach carrying a major time penalty. he was investigated after the race but stewards cleared him of
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any violation. not such a good day to teammate niko rosburg, though, his title hopes look to be going up in smoke as hamilton crossed the finish line with a 25-second lead to claim his 40th career victory. >> song garagcongratulations lel done. >> tremendous crowd here. i couldn't have done it without my team. i don't know if anyone can hear us this, team is just remarkable and what we have achieved together is so special. i am incredibly great of the do them. >> you now leads rosburg by 54 4 points with just seven races remaining. the rugby world cup gets underway in just under two weeks. australia have won their final warmup game beating the you feel s and a half. chicago. two-time world champions tough group against england and wales.
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they kickoff their campaign against finally on september the 23rd. this is the final try of the game. cricket australian all rounder shane watson has announced his retirement. he dropped his first test against england in july. ' injury has now ruled him out of the ongoing one-day series, that's all your sport right now. hands you back to barbara in london. did you. i i have a sport story. well sort of. competitors from all over the world are in the u.s. steal of san diego for the annual sand sculpting championship. 300 tons of sands are being excused by competitors from as far away as russia. and thal theme is the 2016 olympics. amazing sculptures and that is it for this news hour, do stay with us, we'll have more news in just a few minutes, thanks for watching. goodbye.
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sewer are europe's refugees crisis, austria warns it won't allow people to cross its territory for much longer. ♪ ♪ hello there, i am julie mcdonald, this is al jazeera live from london. also coming up. guyed mall ans are voting for i new president in an election overshadowed by a corruption scandal. these pictures show russian soldiers fighting in syria. we'll look at the evidence. while nigeria's illegal miners say a government


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